freddie--fagbear · 11 hours
Our fandom forbearers did NOT suffer through Anne Rice, strikethrough, and other bullshit for fucking ACOTAR and Harry Potter fans to fucking ruin it for all of us by selling fanfiction. I am not losing novel length yaoi epics because some of you don't know how to act in fannish spaces and yes I do blame the booktokification of fanfic but I also blame those of you that treat fandom like content to consume and not a community to engage with.
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freddie--fagbear · 11 hours
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freddie--fagbear · 11 hours
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Pride month vest project, a patch a day #29: Wheat But Not Bread, Fruit But Not Wine
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freddie--fagbear · 11 hours
everything is a transgender allegory except being transgender which is about being alive
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freddie--fagbear · 11 hours
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I have made you a chart. A very simple chart.
People say "You have to draw the line somewhere, and Biden has crossed it-" and my response is "Trump has crossed way more lines than Biden".
These categories are based off of actual policy enacted by both of these men while they were in office.
If the ONLY LINE YOU CARE ABOUT is line 12, you have an incredible amount of privilege, AND YOU DO NOT CARE ABOUT PALESTINIANS. You obviously have nothing to fear from a Trump presidency, and you do not give a fuck if a ceasefire actually occurs. You are obviously fine if your queer, disabled, and marginalized loved ones are hurt. You clearly don't care about the status of American democracy, which Trump has openly stated he plans to destroy on day 1 he is in office.
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freddie--fagbear · 12 hours
its actually going to be just another dan tour but this time he needs to take phil along so he doesnt dye the whole fucking house green again
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freddie--fagbear · 12 hours
in a medieval groupchat nobody would make fun of your typo they would just assume that its a new spelling youre going with and roll with it
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freddie--fagbear · 12 hours
The amount of time one loses in prison haunts me. You get exiled from society for 10, 20 years... Think how much changes in that time, think about the technology and culture, and then imagine being in a monotonous hellhole, essentially a plantation if youre in the south, with little contact with the outside world. Um. When I say I want my children and grandchildren to be unable to imagine the existence of such places, I mean it
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freddie--fagbear · 12 hours
There these seemingly contradictory societal double binds that are used to enforce conformity.
Example: A Lesbian is told that "everyone is actually bi" while a bisexual woman is told to "pick a side". Seems contradictory but really they just want us to be straight lmao.
Another one: A woman who does not perform womanhood to society's standard is not a real woman vs. You can never change the gender you were born with. One is butchphobic/anti gnc women, the other is transphobic. Clearly both enforce transmisogyny.
The insidious thing is that these double binds also foster inter community division. Its easy to hear one side of these, for example: "everyone is a little bi" and assume that means bisexuality is more accepted. But on the other side bisexual people are getting the same shit.
None of these are contradictory when you realize that bigots simply don't want lgbtq+ to exist at all.
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freddie--fagbear · 12 hours
listen i’m not saying the vampire won’t still get the job but the interview is NOT going well
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freddie--fagbear · 12 hours
since it’s pride month. reminder that queer people having a healthy sex life is normal. queer people can have kinks. lesbians can express attraction to women without being gross or predatory. gay men aren’t scary. trans people are valid no matter where they are in their transition. asexual and aromantic people are included in our community too. non-binary people don’t owe you an explanation. bisexuals don’t have to “pick a side”.
we all have different experiences but we should all try our best to make each other feel welcome.
and the A has never stood for ally. hope this helps.
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freddie--fagbear · 12 hours
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my offline partner looking over my shoulder: "Two women in water :D"
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freddie--fagbear · 13 hours
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this is getting me so bad
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freddie--fagbear · 13 hours
Jim Everett-puralia Meenamatta refusing to show in court stating he doesn't recognise any Australian court.....iconic
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freddie--fagbear · 14 hours
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freddie--fagbear · 14 hours
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freddie--fagbear · 14 hours
The best thing you can do for yourself and your mental health on the internet is to immediately block any acquaintance who gets weird and obsessive about other people. If it's your actual friend and you can gently detach them from their hateblogging, awesome, but friend - if you see someone that you're only vaguely connected to or just come across on the dash digging through a person's archive for ancient posts or participating in the noxious bullshit that is "callout posts?"
Block 'em. Seriously.
That kind of shit isn't healthy.
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