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what the fuck body I didn't say you could make Both my knees hurt I don't have two knee braces
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tomorrow is my birthday, and for the first time in a while it doesn’t feel like it’s my birthday. it’s a very weird feeling; i hate it.
i’ve always loved my birthday. its a way for me to celebrate myself and do something fun or nice for myself. i’ve already celebrated it and i’ll have a nice dinner tomorrow with my wife, but i just can’t help but feel so blah about it.
but i definitely know im entering my saturn returns interlude era and i have good things going for me.
i only hope for the best and further growth and the search for peace, love and kindness in this coming year for myself.
happy early birthday to me🥳💕🎀✨
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Charles Bukowski, "assault," from What Matters Most is How Well You Walk through the Fire
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I come on tumblr to talk to myself publicly
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Too mentally ill to be “normal,” too good at faking functionality for people to take my issues seriously.
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