frecklbun · 3 years
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frecklbun · 3 years
Never stop looking.
Why can’t someone love me? Am I that hard to love? Do my imperfections scare you? You know damn well that I know you’re out there, waiting for me. I can see your creamy, hazel eyes when I shut my own. They haunt dreams and pierce hearts as I shuffle along the cold sidewalk, crisp autumn leaves swirling round my ankles. I know you know. Know what? Know that I care so deeply about finding you, I’d lose myself, give myself up in order to do so. I know you can feel me like I feel you. It's like, were so near yet so far. Where are you in this small, small world we all scuttle about on like ants? Where are you? I want you. I need somewhere to put my love- some ashtray to snub out this flame and hold me tight as my eyes smoulder, dripping wet with relief. Cradle me. Cradle me like you’d cradle your new-born. I’m here for you now and I will be here for you in another million years. So let’s search far and wide until we find the other half of our souls staring back at us. You. Me. Us.
Never stop looking.
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frecklbun · 3 years
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frecklbun · 3 years
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Hey there. I’m new here. I know nobody’s gonna read this so I’m basically talking to myself. Oh well. No change there then. I’m Freckl and my favourite food is probably cake frosting. I could legitimately eat a bowl of cake frosting it’s that good. It has to be a pretty colour, though. Pastel pink, white, cream, Easter yellow etc etc. I also like fries and potato-based stuff. Pasta, cheese, you get the picture. I live in the English countryside (got there b4 cottagecore was in btw- lol) but want to move to the big city. I plan on making one original post a day, at least, on here. Other than that I’m really just made this account to make friends and look at photos/artwork you just can’t find on Instagram nowadays! My aesthetic is all over the place, but I’m sure you’ll relate to what I post. We’re all pretty mixed up here anyways, right? Get in touch if you wanna chat. I’m always here, drifting through reality. Surfing on the fog. Sending big bear huggles your way <33..
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