here's the last pokemon of 2024, a little anorith.
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another creature i made for a friend, this time it's the longing scolipede
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today was the inauguration of my art exhibit in Porto!
it's called "Manual Ilustrado da Afeição" - it means 'illustrated manual of affection'. it's half deconstruction half guide on how to perform certain caring gestures like holding hands. in time i will post them here.
the concept only really extends to the new 4 pieces, but it's complemented by a lot of my previous work that can work in that context as well.
i got my hotel paid for by the organization and i met so many of my artist peers (we all sell at this gallery), people i've only had online contact with before, for the first time in like 4 years. all in all it was a magical day and i had a blast.
if you happen to visit Porto during february, be sure to visit the "Cor Própria" gallery :)))
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so i made a bunch of pokemon illustrations as gifts for friends, here's another one of those: mr. magcargo!
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here is my art vs artist of 2024. lotsa fuckin colors!!!!!!! whoda thunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there's a couple pieces here that i havent posted in here yet, but soon i will.
t'was an okay year. had a couple crises, but i'm proud of the work i ended up putting out. had a couple stand out moments. looking forward for the future :^)
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little spinarak for @razehider birthday
ive recently started experimenting with mixing my illustration with photomontage and this little guy was my first attempt.
the photo for the background is razehider's who i knew wouldn't mind if i stole and edited it for his own birthday present :^)
from then on i've started using copyright free pictures tho.
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'saudação ao sol', 2024
or, 'sun salutation'
this year i celebrated one full year of consistent yoga practice, so i drew something about it. i wanted to represent what it means to me - a physical outlet where i'm encouraged to improve myself and my health.
i'm not spiritual in the slightest, and there's a lot of vague 'mysticism' that comes with the practice, but i've always just did my own thing and enjoyed it my own way. it's done wonders for my back and mobility in general, and im very thankful for it.
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"amor/amar", 2024 or, "to love"
this is the LGP (portuguese sign language - 'língua gestual portuguesa') sign for the word 'love' or for the verb 'to love'.
there is a store/gallery space that i routinely work with (Águas Furtadas) who asked me if i wanted to illustrate something related to the national LGP day, on November, and i accepted with great pleasure.
i contacted the APS, which is one of the oldest deaf people associations in portugal, and asked them if they could review my sketches, along with a couple other questions. they were extremely helpful and interested! i don't know LGP and their help was crucial into making this as legible as possible for deaf people, which was one of my goals.
30% of the proceeds for all the sales of this illustration during the month of November reverted to them.
i think this was one of the most fulfilling things i worked during this last year, and i learned a fair bit about deaf culture. i would like to learn LGP properly in the future, and do more work related to signed language.
#illustration#artists on tumblr#digital art#portugal#sign language#lgp#lingua gestual portuguesa#deafawareness
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'democracia e liberdade II' (2024)
or, 'democracy and freedom'
second of two entries for an art contest organized by the Aljube Museum, a former political prison turned museum.
instagram | my website
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'democracia e liberdade I' (2024) or, 'democracy and freedom' one of my two entries for an art contest organized by the Aljube Museum, a former political prison turned museum.
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I am jailed in the art booth and the only way to save me is to buy my entire stock of prints (i am never getting out) please help
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i had some tote bags and t-shirts made for my coming art market!! i'm really excited about those! they turned out really good!!!
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'aflorisiaco III', 2024
instagram | my website
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'aflorisiaco II', 2024 instagram | my website
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man. i won't bore you with the details, but the last few months i've been going through a really really bad art identity crisis, seasoned with some impostor syndrome to boot. i remade this last piece and the ones about to follow, like, 4 times. i couldn't feel confident in any of my decisions.
i think i'm over the worst of it, and it feels good to be posting in my art account again. more to come
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'aflorisíaco I', 2024
instagram | my website
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trying to shrug off some late-stage creative block/burnout by drawing the pokemon....... this is my current crystal team featuring MEATBALL the geodude, SODA the poliwag, COTTON the hoppip and FRY the cyndaquil
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