frankensteingirlsz · 8 hours
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lyn-z from msi performing in 2006 (x)
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frankensteingirlsz · 10 hours
Oh fun fact btw the Danny guy (Mr. Lyn-Z) is the same Danny who used to be in a relationship with Lindsey
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old msi fan (DaNnY/Mr.Lyn-Z) tricks another old msi fan (Xsteve righX) into thinking that VYT died
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frankensteingirlsz · 10 hours
day 1 of trying not to think about gay sex
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frankensteingirlsz · 10 hours
me when someone has an adams apple, bony fingers, veiny hands, uhhhh is stupid, is tall, uhhhh spiky hair, legal name is james, and uhhh has 2 kids:
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frankensteingirlsz · 10 hours
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frankensteingirlsz · 10 hours
Does anyone have a picture of like Jimmy Urine and Eminem with eachother... or like just anyone in MSI with Eminem. I remember seeing a picture of Eminem and Jimmy and if I can remember correctly it was from like 99-03. But anyways I don't know if I just made this image up or not and I'm too lazy to go through my stuff to see if I have it because I don't think I do on my current device...
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frankensteingirlsz · 11 hours
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old msi fan (DaNnY/Mr.Lyn-Z) tricks another old msi fan (Xsteve righX) into thinking that VYT died
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frankensteingirlsz · 12 hours
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mindless self indulgence performing in vancouver during 2006 (x)
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frankensteingirlsz · 12 hours
going back to working on my old abandoned msi project (an archive site).. sigh
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frankensteingirlsz · 13 hours
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msi + fans after a show in new york during 2012 (x)
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frankensteingirlsz · 13 hours
The most annoying types of MSI fans:
Thinks Jimmy is innocent/constantly defending him
Does this one even need to be explained? I think you know damn well that you’re wrong. People have been calling Jimmy a pedo and a creep since the year that MSI was born ….get over it
Edgelord 12 year old
Ok, I get it, saying slurs is funny but not if you’re doing it excessively ….MSI is not racist, you’re missing the point. Joking about doing coke and posting nudes on the internet all while you were born in 2011 is not cool either. Honestly I just hope you guys are safe because there has to be something going on at home for you to be acting that way
Constantly yapping about how MSI is problematic or about how they hate Jimmy
oh my god WE FUCKING GET IT ALRRADY !!!!!!!!4!!;!4 WE’ve BEEN THROUGH THIS. ABOUT A THOUSMAND TIMES NOW I THINK WE KNOW THIS. Like get this yhere’s this thing called shutting the fuck up. You should try it. Just listen to your music and zip your lips 😭😭
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POW! … motherfucker
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Do i give a damn
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i hate the internet goodbye forever 👎👎
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