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frances83 · 2 years ago
“oh they’re not taking away chronological dashboard, well everything’s okay then” they also said in the post they’re making reblogs collapsed (like comments on twitter) so you won’t see the full conversation in a post. they also won’t get rid of tumblr live despite it being an annoying and cancerous data-miner that isn’t legal in much of the world. they won’t even let you opt out of tumblr live for more than seven days. they implemented a terrible photo viewer that mimics tiktok and makes it so you can’t zoom in on images. they took away the ability to view prev tags. they’re making it so you have to sign in with your email to view almost any thing on tumblr. they’ve already made it so you have to sign in to send asks, even on anon. they’re slowly phasing out custom blog themes.
the things that make tumblr at all usable and favored by us– the older web blog features, the anonymity– that is still being taken away. it HAS been being taken away for some time now. i am urging you people to reveiwbomb the tumblr app. force them to acknowledge that users do not like these changes.
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frances83 · 4 years ago
hey y’all I just found the sloppiest, wettest sounding bass patch I’ve ever heard. here you go 
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frances83 · 4 years ago
i love haikyuu so much. bc it’s just. so cute. i love how many characters there are and all of the useless, trivial information we have abt all of the characters. like how iwaizumi used to collect cicadas, only to let them go bc he said he’d feel bad if he kept them. how yamaguchi likes “long fries that have gone soft and floppy”. how kunimi likes salted caramel. how akaashi wrings his hands. how kuroo just happens to get top grades and slips all these scientific words into casual conversation. kenma’s username on everything is “applepi”. it’s just so cute. i love the character interactions, like when bokuto is looking out of the window in his pyjamas and he says “i’m glad it’s fukurodani who i could play my last match with” and akaashi is like “are u dying bokuto?” and bokuto says “what? i’m going to live until i’m 130″. and when shimizu holds suga’s hands when he’s visibly stressed and suga instantly goes red and swirly and he’s like “pls wait!!!!!! we can’t get married yet!!!!!”. and when kuroo and bokuto knowingly smile at each other and hug after nekoma are eliminated from nationals. when kenma smiles and thanks kuroo for getting him into volleyball and kuroo is like “… … … … … huh… …? … … W-WAIT…” and he covers his face and starts laughing and it’s rly cute. nobody is bad. kyoutani is really scary and only listens to iwaizumi, but only bc iwaizumi beat him at arm wrestling. a cunning, deceitful character like daishou has a rly pretty gf he tries to impress, and when they watch volleyball matches together he gets bashful bc he feels like he’s being a huge volleyball nerd but she calls him cool. i just don’t understand how a series is this cute. they’re all so cute. moniwa is so cute. goshiki is so cute. oikawa teaches volleyball to children on mondays. don’t even get me started on yachi
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frances83 · 4 years ago
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Pls what have I gotten myself into……
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I’m still processing and recovering
get ready cause i’m going to spam jjk memes these days….
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frances83 · 4 years ago
Attention all fic writers!
I have put together a working doc with all the things I've picked up from Brit-Picking over the years and some tidbits of British culture that are important to get right when setting your fics in the UK.
If you follow the link you'll be able to read and feel free to also comment on the doc
- let me know if I've got something wrong or said something that strongly does not apply to another part of the UK
- let me know if you'd like to add something to it - let's collab and get your knowledge in there too :)
- let me know if you'd like more info on any part or would like me to include some other part I haven't thought about
Hope this can be helpful!
[ Sections currently include: - Vocab differences - Britishisms & Phrases - Cultural differences & quirks - Alcohol & Pubs - TEA (and a note on coffee) - Regional / Class Accents - The Weather & Small Talk ]
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frances83 · 4 years ago
Poker Face Fan Animatic - Fight for me Since I’m really hooked with this story, and the chapter that we deck meiko to the pulp…
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frances83 · 4 years ago
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frances83 · 4 years ago
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frances83 · 4 years ago
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frances83 · 4 years ago
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frances83 · 4 years ago
There's a problematic ship trending on tumblr, and for once it's an actual freaking boat
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frances83 · 4 years ago
sir, that’s my emotional support 400m cargo ship blocking the Suez Canal holding up $9bn of goods every day
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frances83 · 4 years ago
People are asking whether the pilot of the Ever Given will still have a job after this, but honestly, I’d be surprised if the owner of the Ever Given will still have a job after this. When this is over, Evergreen Marine is going to get sued by every shipping insurance company on the planet. Like, I’m not even exaggerating for effect here: I mean every single one.
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frances83 · 4 years ago
Really appreciate the foreshadowing we got with the sea shanty tiktok trend earlier this season, really ties in the modern use of the Cape route, 10/10
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frances83 · 4 years ago
i want to be your unfinished business in the afterlife, you know that right?
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frances83 · 4 years ago
favorite video essays:
Why the Shining is terrifying
Why Perfect Blue is Terrifying
The VVitch explained
What makes a movie scary?
Decolonizing Games
Everything ACTUALLY wrong with Silent Hill 2: Revelation
The naked Lady that changed the rules of art
Rogue One vs Star Wars: the fault in our Star Wars
Sandra Bullock & the White Savior trope
Why the costumes in Little Women did NOT deserve an oscar
Why the music in the live action disney remakes is worse than you thought
Coco’s feel-good oppression
Disney Princess: reality through fantasy
Pan’s Labyrinth: the disobedient fairytale
The mythology of Princess Mononoke
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frances83 · 4 years ago
i hit 1.1k liked posts,,,, what am i doing with my life
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