fragouts-blog-blog · 9 years
Alphabetical angst
"Are you okay?"
"But you're bleeding!"
"Call an ambulance!"
"Don't do this!"
"Everything hurts..."
"Fuck you!"
"Get lost!"
"Have you had enough yet?"
"I can't get up."
"Just do it!"
"Keep breathing."
"Life isn't fair."
"Maybe you should sit down..."
"Never speak to me again."
"Oh no..."
"Put your hands up!"
"Quiet, they'll hear us!"
"Right...now which one is left and which one is right again?"
"So, you've remembered I'm here."
"Tell _______ I don't want to hear it!"
"Us? There was never any 'us.'"
"Very funny."
"Why would you do this?!"
"X marks the spot."
"You're hurting me."
"Zero. That's how many fucks I give."
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fragouts-blog-blog · 9 years
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The 36th icon in your folder is your muse’s reaction to meeting Satan
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fragouts-blog-blog · 9 years
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Using the new GIF function, search your faceclaim and post the first gif that shows up
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fragouts-blog-blog · 9 years
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                          ❝ —— jesus tap dancing christ. ❞                                                      art cred. ( x )
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fragouts-blog-blog · 9 years
If you read the rules and information of a rp page before interaction, can you reblog this, please? I want to see how many do.
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fragouts-blog-blog · 9 years
lemme suck dat peepee.
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         ❝ Jordan falls down the stairs or some bullshit and we all get shit on because          of it. Screw his injuries, we’ve all been fucked with mentally at this point. ❞
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          ❝ Yeah, that’s really something. Sooner or later this is gonna happen so we           may as well start planning for it -- man, it’s like the end of the world. ❞
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fragouts-blog-blog · 9 years
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ok, so !! i’ve been here for not even a month and i’m already at 100 followers – THAT IS A PRETTY BIG DEAL FOR ME considering how hard it usually takes me to get into a muse properly, but with james it’s a completely different story. i’m extremely grateful to those of you who follow me and just know that i really fuckin appreciate all of you !! down below you’ll see my follow forever, featuring a bunch of cool dudes whom of which i have the honor of following && i honestly get reallyyyy happy whenever i see you guys on my dash~ ♥♥♥
aluksandr | hoxrdan | sircasmus | therealweeaboo | danzgotnewz | oftrashcans | fragouts | asarcasticdefence | dernsurekootin | canadianesque
rxptorclaws | bvrnie | sxptic | markiiisms | cr1tikol | tvrney | purejudaism | avidaniisms | littleballofpower | flameesque | stxffybaby | eidetic187 | raylikerxses | cxllaredshirt | actualchickenjoe | russianprime | jusriggz | immortalprxme | yxbaecip | yuhbaysip | dexjistrash | ofdeceptiion | atomxcmari
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fragouts-blog-blog · 9 years
lemme suck dat peepee.
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             ❝ The fucking —- the video, damnit !! That’s what I’ve been trying              to say and you’ve been holding me up in here for like, four hours !! ❞
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            ❝ Oh yeah, its been four hours, alright. Four hours of you complaining             about a stupid banana -- if you want it so bad, just take it. ❞
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fragouts-blog-blog · 9 years
lemme suck dat peepee.
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              ❝ We’re all gonna be in there —- they’re gonna end up having an entire              fucking floor dedicated to our asses, we’ll be running everyone else out. ❞
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           ❝ Yeah the ‘fucked-over-by-Jordan’ floor, people would probably come up just            to point and laugh at us, ‘cause we got completely screwed over by him. All            ‘cause he tried to slide down a railing or something. ❞
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fragouts-blog-blog · 9 years
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fragouts-blog-blog · 9 years
my favorite part of the Christmas Special tbh
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fragouts-blog-blog · 9 years
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                I’m a loser, check out my cat !!                         —- It’s not even my cat.
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fragouts-blog-blog · 9 years
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The 19th icon in your folder is your muse’s reaction to finding a dead body in their basement
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fragouts-blog-blog · 9 years
Chicago sentence pack
“Where ya’ been?”
“Don’t sweat it, I can do it alone.” 
“Sugar, you are hot stuff. I woulda’ said anything to get a piece a’ that.” 
“You touch me again, I’ll put your lights out!” 
“With just one more brain, what a halfwit you’d be!” 
“That bastard! Yeah I killed him and I would kill him again!”
“I’d like to be a friend, if you let me.” 
“The truth? That’s a one way ticket to the death house.” 
“You mean just one thing to me — You call me when you got $5,000.” 
“I figure you’re a dirty liar, and I don’t waste my time on dirty liars.” 
“Are you kidding?” 
“Forget what you read in the papers, and forget what you heard on the radio, because I’m gonna tell you the truth. Not that the truth really matters, but I’m going to tell you it anyway.” 
“I started fooling around. And then I started screwing around… Which is fooling around, without dinner.” 
“Who says that murder’s not an art?” 
“I can’t go anywhere without hearing about that dumb tomato!” 
“Over my dead body.” 
“Here’s a little advice, direct from me to you: lay off the caramels.” 
“‘Alone’! You’re ‘alone’? You got two other women in bed with you!”
“Sure I’m sorry; sorry I got caught!” 
“What the hell do I care about pineapples?” 
“Oh, no, no, don’t worry about me. Gee, I only hope the fall didn’t hurt the baby.” 
“Button your fly.” 
“That question is completely out of line!” 
“I’m sick of everyone telling me what to do! You treating me like dirt!” 
“… I’m scared.” 
“No more questions!” 
“There ain’t no justice in the world! And there ain’t nothing you can do about it!” 
“People write some pretty interesting things when they think nobody’s lookin’.” 
“Well sure, I’m not a complete idiot.” 
“Look, all I know is what I was told.” 
“I want you to come home.” 
“What do you take me for?” 
“Just shut up and listen to me!” 
“I got a new life now. And one of the best things about it? It don’t include you!” 
“Let’s make the parties longer and the skirts shorter! Let’s all go to Hell! And the best part, they’re keeping it hot!”
(via the-write-ideas)
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fragouts-blog-blog · 9 years
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          ❝ Not gonna lie, that’s put a pretty vivid image in my head and it is one hundred           percent clear to me. Or better yet, I’ll end up in the hospital with him ‘cause of           how fucking humiliating it is having to be seen in public with him whilst he’s           climbing rails and shit. I’ll end up dying of embarrassment or something. ❞
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            ❝ Or if he came in with a fuck ton of bandages wrapped round his head             and shit. He’d probably try to like, channel his inner cat or something             —- he’s fucking insane, he’s gonna put himself in the hospital, for sure. ❞
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fragouts-blog-blog · 9 years
i am like a cat in the sense that i always need so much attention + affection but i also need u 2 leave me alone for like half the day
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fragouts-blog-blog · 9 years
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