fragilelittleviolet · 7 years
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september 7th, 2005 – the corpse bride premieres ( @fragilelittleviolet // @amongsttheunliving // @corpse-daughter-terra // @missingapulse // @agutknecht // @jonathanbittern )
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fragilelittleviolet · 7 years
she's honestly the best person there could ever be. she's so kind and so understanding, and sometimes she gets too emotional but we're not going to worry about it. i look up to her so much.
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“That’s the sweetest thing, thank you so much I love you little brother!”
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fragilelittleviolet · 7 years
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“i went because i had the opportunity to dress up, even though i hate crowds and parties. unfortunately, if you want one, you have to deal with the other.” she really did love fancy dresses and the like, but she didn’t like socialising. “and if all auradon parties are like this, i don’t see myself attending more anytime soon.”
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“Oh I would hope not.” she said, shaking her head. “I always knew things were a little strange around here, but I never expected so many crisis.” she replied biting down on her lip. 
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fragilelittleviolet · 7 years
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gabriel nodded slowly, making sure not to interrupt her. when he saw the tears, however, he rushed over and hovered a little. “no, no, don’t cry, hold on –” he took out a clean handkerchief from his pocket and offered it to her. “family never love you because they have to. they just do.”
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Violet took the handkerchief from him and nodded thankfully before dabbing the tears away from her eyes. “I know and I feel silly for even thinking so but.. It just seems that everyone who I give my heart to only uses it for their own gain. I try hard to stay optimistic but sometimes I wonder if I ever will find someone who turly cares about me for me.” she admitted. “I’m sorry I don’t mean to pour my heart I just..I needed to get this off my chest.” she confessed. 
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fragilelittleviolet · 7 years
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fragilelittleviolet · 7 years
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gabriel tilted his head to one side, as if trying to figure violet out. “what do you mean?” he asked. “i mean, i know what you mean, but why would you feel lonely?”
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“Oh, It’s silly really.” she said, with a half smile. “I know there are people who care about me, my parents my brother, my friends but sometimes I wonder if that’s only because they have to. sometimes I wonder if I’m nothing more than someone who’s meant to be used by everyone i meet.” It had certainly felt that way and at this point tears were beginning to well up in her eyes.  
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fragilelittleviolet · 7 years
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gabriel shook his head. “no, no, it’s fine! if you’re a nerd, then so am i,” he said with a light laugh. “i used to spend all this time there, just constantly reading.”
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She smiled softly at his reassurance. “Sometimes I feel like books make me feel less.. lonely.” she confessed, looking down at her hands sheepishly.
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fragilelittleviolet · 7 years
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“yeah, barely a week before that whole ursula situation,” she said, closing her book on her fingers so she would remember which page she was up to. “i haven’t sought anyone out, really. i’ve just been keeping to myself.”
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“Oh yes, I’ve heard.” she said, nodding seriously. “I didn’t go to the dance.” she confessed. “You know I’ve never liked big fancy parties much.” It was one of the curses of being an introvert. Unfortunately coming from old money she was plagued with them. 
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fragilelittleviolet · 7 years
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“well, it wasn’t really my collection. it was everyone’s. i guess you could call my room a library in itself, but it would be only a hundredth of what the main library was like,” he said. “technically it’s my father’s library, but it’s for everyone in the castle.”
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The very idea had clearly fascinated Violet. “That sounds amazing!” she replied in aew. It was funny how something so simple could amuse her. “I must sound like such a nerd.” she replied, blushing. 
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fragilelittleviolet · 7 years
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“at least living here i don’t have to climb any ladders to get to books. you know those ladders you can attach to shelves and they slide along them? i always forgot to secure them, so i ended up swinging around all the time,” he said.
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Violet had pictured the image and had to giggle a little at the idea. “I suppose that is one way of looking at.” she replied with a nod. “You must have had a pretty large collection if it required you to use a ladder.” she observed. 
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fragilelittleviolet · 7 years
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ithaca recognised the voice immediately, and she looked up, placing her finger between the book’s pages. “evening,” she said, shifting over as an invitation for the other to sit down. she wasn’t one for company, but the van dorts were friends. “i haven’t seen you in a while.”
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Violet took the invitation and sat down beside her.  “It has been hasn’t it?” she asked, a soft laugh escaping her lips. “Did you get here recently?” she asked. 
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fragilelittleviolet · 7 years
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She smiled over at her friend, flattered by the comment. “Thank you.” She paused before asking. “Do you think I’m too..fragile?’ she asked. That was the word he used wasn’t it? Fragile? 
@fragilelittleviolet said:  ❝ one of the things that makes me who i am is the loyalty i have to people i hold close to my heart. ❞
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laz gave a small smile. “i know it is. it’s a good thing, vi. being loyal and all … it’s good. don’t ever change.”
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fragilelittleviolet · 7 years
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fragilelittleviolet · 7 years
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Violet hadn’t been sleeping well lately. There had been too much on her mind recently. Instead she had decided to go to the one place that brought her ease, the library. She didn’t expect anyone else to be there though. “I’m sorry I wasn’t aware that-” she stopped once she recognized who the other was. “Oh Ithaca, hello!” she said, smiling warmly at her. 
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ithaca preferred the library when it was the middle of the night and most people weren’t around. she had her own little corner that she tucked herself into where the lighting was dim and she could read to her heart’s content. most of the time, people didn’t bother her. that was what she counted on, but as soon as she heard the sound of footsteps, she hoped that it was just the librarian and muttered, “can’t i be gloomy and alone in peace?”
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fragilelittleviolet · 7 years
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The brunette’s eyes seemed to widen as she glanced down at all the books. “They’re incredible.” she said, taking one gently into her hand. “I know what you mean, I have a lovely one at home myself.” she confessed. 
@fragilelittleviolet asked “where did you find all of this?”
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“my room!” gabriel said proudly, gesturing to the books surrounding him. “i brought some of my books from home with me. i couldn’t take my whole library, though…”
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fragilelittleviolet · 7 years
Terra returned her smile. “It’s good to see you too, and I’ve been okay. I’ve just been worried sick about my sister, but what’s new?” She giggled and shook her head slightly. “What about you? Anything new?”
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Violet could certinly relate to that. “I unfortunately know the feeling.. My brother got himself into some trouble. And it’s all my fault.” she admitted, swallowing hard. 
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fragilelittleviolet · 7 years
“what? what are you going to do?” - Terra
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Nicole hello hun!!! I’m so excited for these to interact you don’t even know lol!! You can find the starter for these two lovely children right here!! 
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