foxygautier · 8 months
In the least parasocial way I can manage to say this...
Theo Solomon is significantly younger than the rest of the cast. He also stepped in to a major role years after almost all of the others, and had to take over that role from another very experienced practitioner. He is exceptionally talented and has done a great job across performing, interviews, and appearances, but I do wish that the rest of the cast were more mindful of this imbalance and worked to actively address this imbalance by allowing more space and maybe taking up...less space themselves occaisionally. I felt it in the (otherwise very enjoyable) high rollers ep and I'm hearing more about this now.
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foxygautier · 9 months
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mean and violence bros
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foxygautier · 9 months
I painted over my Halsin portrait with his hair down for science and
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oh my fucking god
somebody call me an ambulance
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foxygautier · 9 months
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her!!! 🥰
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foxygautier · 9 months
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what's the plan? 🫡
(check out my ko-fi for chibi commissions!! 🥰)
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foxygautier · 11 months
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I surely can't be the only one in this
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foxygautier · 11 months
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black cat activities 🐈‍⬛
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foxygautier · 1 year
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nimona in a nutshell
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foxygautier · 1 year
seeing everyone just mindlessly sign up for threads despite all the clear warning signs feels like I’m living in Sailor Moon or a magical girl anime episode where the Monster of the Day just set up shop over night and their product is literally draining your lifeforce for the Dark Kingdom but people keep going there
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foxygautier · 1 year
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foxygautier · 1 year
One thing I want to point out about nimona is that it captures tenderness in such a visceral way that I haven’t really seen in 3D animation before? Like the way the characters curl into each other and melt makes me go INSANE
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foxygautier · 1 year
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Alistairs voice line triggered for the first time mid battle after my wardens and Id like to imagine it was a sweet bonding moment for them 😌
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foxygautier · 1 year
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the chariot
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foxygautier · 1 year
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foxygautier · 1 year
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A promise 💍
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foxygautier · 1 year
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foxygautier · 1 year
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Birthday gift for @ykpuo 🌷
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