foxtrotsambablue · 6 years
Haven't been on tumblr in ages and this is what I come back to
Y’all ever think about how Midsummer Night’s Dream had a guy named Nick Bottom who got cursed to have the head of an ass and we all just rolled with that?
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foxtrotsambablue · 6 years
men in greek mythology? scoundrels. just terrible. woeful social skills. murderers. kidnappers. violent misogynists. most of them… never described as handsome so we have to assume they were ugly. 
narcissus? unproblematic. beacon of transformative self love. king of the swerve. gay icon. couldn’t recognize his reflection but neither can my dog, we aren’t holding that against him.
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foxtrotsambablue · 6 years
‪New Concept: We take live action movies and turn them animated — allowing for more art styles, more animation jobs, a way to break through the misconception that animation is for kids, we all get more cartoons, and ultimately replace the unwanted ‘animation-to-live-action’ genre‬
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foxtrotsambablue · 6 years
Roy Harper: Name a way to be nice to people.
Jason Todd: Not murdering them.
Roy : Setting the bar really low, but I’ll allow it.
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foxtrotsambablue · 6 years
Dark Fairytales Seven?
JD walks with a smile on his face through dark, dangerous forests where nothing touches him because he is so bright. It would be like trying to grab a small star. He stops to watch animals, and they look at him with twitching noses and do not immediately run. Red Riding Hood was taken advantage of by the wolf - JD is Red Riding Hood, but he is too sweet to try eating.
Chris walks through the dark forests, the absolute worst places, and nothing dares touch him for the opposite reason - if something tries to grab him, eat him, use him, his darkness will consume them.
Vin walks in the dark forests as one of them. He wanders far off the paths, barely notices that there are paths, and he can be a creature of the darkness if he needs to be. More importantly, he is every bit as dangerous as the creatures that live there are. He is not worth trying to take down - he’s far too dangerous. And it doesn’t hurt that he has more than once actively gone after the worst things out there, the ones that hunt the smaller creatures who just want to live in safety.
Ezra walks through the dark places as one of them. In a different sense, though - the dark things with teeth think he is one of them. They think he’s Fae, he’s so good at using things unsaid and letting people believe things he didn’t say and saying the things that make normal people do what he wants. They think he has great power that can be brought to bear against them if they step too far out of line, or at least that his revenge will be swift and terrible. (They are right about one of those things, but it doesn’t really matter which.)
Nathan walks through the dark forests because he has earned his passage - he helps people where he can, and people others may not consider ‘people’, but he still helps them. And no one touches him except to nudge him in one direction or another because if they do, who knows who will seek revenge. Who knows if anyone will help them when they need it. Nathan will, of course, but if you’re not the biggest baddest thing in the jungle, you rely on the mercy of others to survive, and jeopardizing that is suicide.
Buck is not dissimilar from JD - he is more light than dark, but he gets free passage because he has made more friends than he has enemies, and that buys him protection (the dumber things that live in the dark forests don’t realize that he’s not just safe because he’s nice, a Friend, but because he’s also a force to be reckoned with in his own right. Friend or not, he is Not to be messed with).
Josiah has lived in the forest so long that at times he finds himself thinking of himself as one of them, even though he doesn’t look like he belongs, doesn’t pass as a dark creature even from the corner of your eye. He write down the things he’s learned about the creatures and world of darkness, and only time will tell if he’ll be allowed to leave with it if he ever finishes the book he is writing.
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foxtrotsambablue · 6 years
Genuinely curious what weird shit people who have never met Ezra think he’s done, courtesy of Maude’s stories.
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foxtrotsambablue · 6 years
What if Ezra was the one to hire the Seven to protect Four Corners, after they all return from the Seminole village more or less intact, because this place is Unacceptable and Appalling and Nathan we need you to stay alive and you’re apparently attached to this… hellhole, for whatever reason. He’s been in bad towns, like really bad towns. This isn’t one of them. It’s down on its luck, like he is at the moment. It’s got more problems than it has things going for it, really, and there are only a handful of people who are really prepared to stick it out, everyone else seems to be thinking about where they move after the town is gone. But Ezra’s got a thing for underdogs. You can get the best odds on them, after all, even if it is a long shot. He also… finds he might be starting to like these people?? He definitely wants to prove Chris wrong - he can be depended on, no matter what he or anyone else thinks. (Ezra maintains the opinions of others don’t matter. Except when they do.)
He does the hiring of the Seven discretely though, through an intermediary, and no one knows it’s him. (They find out eventually though, probably through an accidental sighting in a dark alley of money changing hands that’s wildly misinterpreted. They’re flabbergasted when they realize what the situation actually is, and oddly delighted and Ezra is So Embarrassed. They start teasing him by calling him Boss. He claims to hate it. So does Chris. Neither of them actually mind. They also badger him for a raise and he has been deprived of his ability to complain about getting a dollar a day to be ‘generally abused’ and they take shameless advantage of this.)
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foxtrotsambablue · 6 years
If they stand behind you, give them protection.
If they stand beside you, give them respect.
If they stand if front of you, watch their back. And if they stand against you, show them no mercy.
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foxtrotsambablue · 6 years
Dream assassin
A girl I liked convinced me to stab a man, so I did. Felt guilty for a bit, then promptly forgot about it and walked around with the murder weapon for a couple of hours, going about my business, walking my dog. Eventually I was cornered by a plainclothes police officer who asked me why I had a bloody knife; I told him I was looking after it for my bogan cousin. He said, “You’re under arrest,” and I was like,, “No, I’m not, watch this,” and then I woke up.
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foxtrotsambablue · 6 years
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Some of the first park rangers in America, weren’t rangers at all. They were Buffalo Soldiers – African Americans who served in the U.S. Army after the Civil War. They got their famous nickname from Cheyenne warriors, who likened their dark curly hair to that of buffalo hides. From 1899 to 1904, they were among the first people to work in Yosemite, Yellowstone and Sequoia national parks – more than 10 years before the creation of the National Park Service. These dedicated men protected wildlife from poaching, put out wildfires, built trails, roads, buildings and other infrastructure, and forged a proud legacy in our nation’s history. Photo of Sequoia National Park by Nathan Close (www.sharetheexperience.org).
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foxtrotsambablue · 6 years
I was sleeping on that one
talking to a friend about their new oc like
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foxtrotsambablue · 6 years
My Depression: What do you have to live for?
Me, full of self-love and ready for this shit:
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foxtrotsambablue · 6 years
reblog if you know a beautiful pisces
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foxtrotsambablue · 6 years
My Experience With the Signs
Aries: Always really energetic and emotional, and they always seem to have anger issues. (4) 2/10
Taurus: So sweet, but self-indulgent, high sex drive, would often get emotionally detached. (2) 7.5/10
Gemini: Self contradictory, very annoying most of the time, but cool and smart the rest of the time. Fluctuating emotions. (4) 4/10
Cancer: Can either be very sweet or a total cunt, there is no in between. (3) 5/10
Leo: They are all so very sweet to me, I love them a lot, BUT they can also be bitchy. (3) 7/10
Virgo: Most of my friends are Virgos. They are that bitch, and they care a lot about a lot of things, but they won’t let it show a lot of the time. (5) 9/10
Libra: Very emotional and emotionally manipulative, I’ve been cheated on by so many Libras, but the one I have right now is the sweetest and most amazing baby. Usually pretty smart, very flirty. (6) 5/10
Scorpio: Kind of scary when you first meet them, but they are often very sweet and emotional at heart. Don’t break their hearts, they’ll never forgive you. (4) 6/10
Sagittarius: A lot of my friends are also Sagittarians, they are the coolest people you’ll ever meet and are pretty fearless. They are ride or dies, and I love them. (5) 9.5/10
Capricorn: The exact opposite of what most people think Capricorns are. They’re usually very funny and cool people and they like to have fun. They can get serious and nervous, but it doesn’t stop them a lot of the time. (4) 8/10
Aquarius: The best sign. They are all without a doubt, the chillest people on Earth. They are pretty generous. Most of the ones I’ve met have some artistic talent like drawing or writing or even just being really good at hair dressing. Very funny and smart. (7) 10/10
Pisces: Fish piss babies. They’re really cool at first, but once I got to know them, they turned out to be really sensitive little snitches. Literally all of them have snitched on me for the smallest shit. Very annoying, but still kinda cool? They usually have good style. BUT, my uncle is the best Pisces on Earth. (4) 2/10
note: the numbers in parenthesis are how many people of each sign i’ve met. no two people were exactly alike because astrology doesn’t effect every single part of a person and everyone has a different chart. 
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foxtrotsambablue · 6 years
pretty words that remind me of the signs
Aries: Ebullience {English} (n.)- bubbling enthusiam
Taurus: Komorebi {Japanese} (n.)- sunlight filtering through trees
Gemini: Epiphany {English} (n.)- a moment of sudden revelation
Cancer: Dulcet {English} (adj.)- sweet & soothing
Leo: Naz {Urdu} (n.)- the pride you feel from being loved
Virgo: Sonder {English} (n.)- the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own
Libra: Redamancy {English} (n.)- an act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full
Scorpio: Commuovere {Italian} (v.)- to move someone to tears
Sagittarius: Cafuné {Portuguese} (n.)- the act of tenderly running one’s fingers through someone’s hair
Capricorn: Orenda {Iroquoian} (n.)- a mystical force present in all people that empowers them to affect the world, or to effect change in their own lives
Aquarius: Meraki {Greek} (v.)- to do something with soul, creativity, or love; when you leave a piece of yourself in your work
Pisces: Petrichor {English} (n.)- the pleasant smell after it rains
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foxtrotsambablue · 6 years
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Studio Ghibli Zodiac Edition 
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foxtrotsambablue · 6 years
Crystals for the Signs
Aries: carnelian to increase confidence and energy, bloodstone for courage and determination, hematite for protection and strength, diamond to help with passion and endurance
Taurus: rose quartz for sensuality and romance, tiger’s eye for grounding, practicality, and protection, emerald for loyalty and materialism, tourmaline for manifesting wealth and proper values
Gemini: celestite or blue lace agate to improve communication and self-expression, citrine for optimism and fun, opal for adaptation and change, any form of agate to improve observation and analysis
Cancer: moonstone to enhance intuition and imagination, petalite to decrease moodiness and sensitivity, rose quartz for love, empathy, and healing, ocean jasper for relaxation and comfort Leo: sunstone for self-confidence and pride, amber for bravery and positivity, rhodochrosite to channel into compassion and loyalty, ruby to maintain a healthy ego and heart, tiger’s eye for leadership and encouragement
Virgo: spirit quartz for grounding and spiritual growth, moss agate to increase productivity and maintain a healthy well-being, howlite to decrease anxiety and restlessness, peridot to alleviate critical behaviors against themselves and others
Libra: opal to increase self-love and appeal, jade for balance and diplomacy, yellow aventurine to help make decisions and remain logical, topaz for creativity and kindness
Scorpio: obsidian for protection, citrine for magnetism and charm, malachite for overcoming transformations and change, apache tears for power and manifestation
Sagittarius: turquoise for honesty and understanding, sodalite for self-discovery and trust, lapis lazuli to enhance intuition, clarity, and morality, blue goldstone to combat over-indulgence 
Capricorn: jet to protect and provide structure, smokey quartz for grounding and getting organized, garnet for strength and ambition, ruby to take accountability and remain disciplined in troubling times
Aquarius: amethyst to enhance the intuition, labradorite for manifesting ideas and getting creative, aquamarine to influence cooperation, abalone shell for compassion and humanitarianism
Pisces: angelite for spirituality and connecting to the higher self, fluorite to balance fantasy with reality, sugilite to protect vulnerable emotions, chalcedony to provide peace and healing
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