foxes-motherfuckers · 5 years
FBI: we are going to take Nathaniel away and put him in the witness protection program
The Foxes:
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foxes-motherfuckers · 5 years
Wait I love this someone do this
au where instead of being really short andrew is really tall
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foxes-motherfuckers · 5 years
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foxes-motherfuckers · 5 years
sometimes i think about andrew waking up one morning and shuffling through his and neil’s apartment, wrapped up in the fluffy comforter from their bed, all rumpled clothes and messy bed head and sleepy eyes. it’s cold in the apartment, due to the light drizzle of rain pattering against the windows
he finds neil in the kitchen making two cups of fresh coffee. neil has his back turned, head bowed in concentration as he puts the right amount of sugar in andrew’s coffee. he’s wearing a thin t-shirt and sweat pants hung low on his hips and neil, despite how cold it is, just looks so warm
andrew comes up behind him, quietly alerting neil to his presence by intentionally stepping on the loose creaky floorboard by the refrigerator so not to startle neil. neil leans towards him, an unconscious action like two magnets attracted to each other, and andrew wraps his arms around neil’s waist, letting neil hold him up
neil supports his weight with ease when andrew leans against him, resting his cheek between neil’s shoulder blades. neil twines his fingers with andrew’s and they stand like that for several minutes, listening to the rain and enjoying each other’s quiet company
and andrew was right, neil is very warm
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foxes-motherfuckers · 5 years
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foxes-motherfuckers · 5 years
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“Remember this feeling. This is the moment you stop being the rabbit.”
Hi, I’m Queenie, I managed to create a 1.5 GB gif and make my computer cry
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foxes-motherfuckers · 5 years
Spot on, daaaamn
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I embarked the aftg pain train again and wow, knowing what happens doesn’t make it hurt less, but this time I’m coping with fanarts I guess
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foxes-motherfuckers · 5 years
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I embarked the aftg pain train again and wow, knowing what happens doesn’t make it hurt less, but this time I’m coping with fanarts I guess
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foxes-motherfuckers · 5 years
All the foxes are gay and full of rage so obviously they’re all gamers. Anyway:
Nicky and Aaron are absolutely the people who talk like 13 year olds on xbox live
“Okay well actually I let you win bc I didnt want to see you cry like a little baby haha and also my dad owns microsoft so he can have your account banned and I’ll send my brother over to kick your ass oH AND ANOTHER THI-”
Kevin plays minecraft on survival mode and gets blown up by a creeper one (1) time and immediately turns keep inventory on and goes peaceful
They all have a mc realm they play on and they all build their houses really far away from one another and never reveal coords bc otherwise everyone just gets griefed all the time
Someone figures out where you live? Time to pack up your shit and get the fuck out of there!
Neil takes his house building very seriously and hes extremely good at it
Cottagecore andreil cottagecore andreil cottagecore andreil cottagecore andreil cottagecore andreil cottagecore andreil
They live in a cottage together it’s very nice
It got blown up one time and Neil straight up didnt play for like 2 months
Dan and Matt just have a fucking dirt house but they have like an entire chest full of diamonds bc they just strip mine at y11 all the time
Nicky goes from village to village just stealing all their crops
Kevin tries teaching wymack how to play and all you can see in chat is
[coach fell from a high place]
[coach fell from a high place]
[coach was blown up by a creeper]
[coach was killed by a skeleton]
[coach fell from a high place]
[coach was killed by allison]
[allison] L
[allison] learn the Craft old man
Andrew uses the wrong tools on purpose just to piss off kevin
Andrew: uses a stone shovel to mine diamond
Kevin, tears in his eyes: andrew.. please..
Also Andrew steals other peoples livestock so like Renee logs on one day and is like “where’d my fucking chickens go” and Andrew just >:3
Nicky’s a twitch streamer
“Hey Aaron, chats calling you a little shitboy”
Someone donates like $50 and asks nicky to kill andrew except literally no one knows where Andrews cottage is and also Andrew is like really hard to kill
Nicky’s like “hey Andrew come to spawn” “why” “I just wanna….. show you something.. also come with no armor on… just because haha”
Andrew goes to spawn with no armor on
[nicky was killed by andrew]
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foxes-motherfuckers · 5 years
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He’s beauty he’s grace, wake him up early for practice and he’ll stab you in the face
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foxes-motherfuckers · 5 years
andrew: *shows interest in exy*
kevin @ god: are u seeing this shit
god: fucking unbelievable
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foxes-motherfuckers · 5 years
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The long game
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foxes-motherfuckers · 5 years
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foxes-motherfuckers · 5 years
why you cannot no homo the goldfinch
(a little long but bear wth me)
when i read tgf i pictured it with the type of dust, shadows, and mildewy, antique nylon light used in the film the assassination of jessie james by the coward robert ford. it needs more sensitive mood lighting imo. but i feel we may get that as trailers often misrepresent to appeal to the general audience. it also needs not to be no homoed (as the entirety of the main character’s journey is colored by his internalized homophobia because of his latent gay feelings).
feelings, one could easily argue, that he is incapable of coming to terms with because it would “change” him from the way his mother “saw him/knew him”. this is a fear all queer children often erroneously have but frequently grow out of knowing we have always been the same person. theo, however, is stunted and cannot grow out of this feeling of disingenuosness towards his mother because of her traumatic death and his desperate pathological desire to stop time in the exact place before his mother died - i.e. his fixation/dependence on The Goldfinch.
in fact, the only character that gets theo to toe the line of experiencing and living his dormant gay/bi (up to interpretation) identity is boris. this is represented obviously by their sexual and emotional relationship as teenagers, theo’s self-admitted love for boris, and even more poignantly by boris “stealing” the goldfinch in the narrative. BORIS launches the goldfinch out of that place of terrified stagnant preservation that it loiters in with theo, and catapults it into the future – LITERALLY, the book time jumps 8 years to follow what boris did.
boris is the most important influence in theo’s life, on par with maybe only hobie (whose deceased PARTNER gave a RING to theo to return, presumably, to the man he loved and who boris easily assumes was his romantic partner), and mrs barbour the stand-in mother figure who theo has a difficult mixture of genuine and faux-projected love for. mrs barbour, whose daughter he agrees to lovelessly marry in a puppy-like need to please her. mrs barbour symbolizes the deceased mother theo does not want to “disappoint” with his true self (and so he reverts, throwing his whole life at her feet to feel an inkling of that motherly love again).
but it is boris, again, who appears like a freudian slip on the streets of new york, peering through hobie’s clouded rain-smudged windows at the other antiqued being within: Theo, who has intentionally museum-ed himself within the shop amongst other objects preserved in an almost mummified, formaldehyde-dipped state, a testament to their former worth, the singular thing which brings them any value in the current day. this is how theo sees himself.
boris, nervously (NERVOUSLY, he is terrified of theo’s potential reaction!) reveals he stole the goldfinch, aka let theo’s secret out of the bag per se. he says, i’m here! in the present time! you have to acknowledge this! clearing the dust that has settled around theo’s soul, and anxious of the fallout of doing so - like an explorer entering a sacred tomb. Hobie’s shop is akin to Miss Havisham’s archaic house in Great Expectations, and the Goldfinch is theo’s Dorian-esque grave. he hoards it preciously to preserve his past but guards it with equal paranoia should anyone ever see how gruesomely he has outgrown that boy walking alongside his mother, how shamefully (as per his internalized homophobia). boris who is “never afraid” visibly squirms trying to admit to theo he stole the painting, and also something else worth noting, is HORRIFIED at the idea of stepping into the antique shop.
this is narratively important because the shop is theo’s macabre mausoleum. it is where theo, with a soul-morbid purpose imo, learned the holy preservation of old objects, a place where new things cannot exist, a place where he lies to Hobie to keep up the costume of an innocent schoolboy, a place where his stores drugs that deplete his mind of every day remembrances, a place where all his obsessions with Pippa take place to recreate the intrigue of their initial meeting (if you notice, the one time we travel with theo and pippa “outside” the shop, on their date, the magic theo feels with her shrivels and dies, like a preserved corpse being exposed to modern air). boris is terrified of the shop, because he subconciously knows he may DIE if he enters, he is literally afraid in the book that Theo will isolate and kill him if he enters (for stealing the painting)! but we as readers know he fears this place because he cannot and does not exist in theo’s idealized past.
to boris’ surprise, but not ours as we have been privvy to theo’s feelings the entire book, he is immune to the shop! he enters and nothing happens, he does not die, and is soon quite visibly overjoyed and elated to see who but– Popper! not only does this symbolize Boris as perhaps the most formative person in theo’s life, but also that theo sees Las Vegas (and all that happened there) as a worthy “past” to enshrine alongside theo’s childhood with his mother. the only modern bookmark in theo’s museum-like life. however this past with Boris has a potential future of which the latter with his mother has none. that’s HUGE!! and Boris knows it. boris’ reunion with Popper is one of the few moments of unbridled joy in the whole book.
Theo’s love of Boris thawed his desperate icy-dead clutch on the past, melted it even in the desert heat, and Boris’ theft of the Goldfinch (Theo’s soul, heart, truest self, dormant homosexuality), is what ultimately frees Theo.
the book may not be about being queer, but the queerness of several of its central characters crucially inform the entire narrarative. and that’s that on that.
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foxes-motherfuckers · 5 years
wymack telling neil not to fuck up at kathy’s interview:
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foxes-motherfuckers · 5 years
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my last words are gonna be “let allison reynolds and the other foxhole girls be big and muscular”
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foxes-motherfuckers · 6 years
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The truth is revealed
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