foxbennett · 3 years
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FOX BENNETT - wanted plots & connections
MUSIC TEACHER. he’s the teacher to you char’s kid(s) [elementary school] or he tutors them in music.
HELPING HANDS. people who helped his parents before he came home (they have alzhiemers)
HIGH SCHOOL FRIENDS. Closer friends in high school. He was neither popular nor geeky. He was kinda well loved by people but not remarkable.
OLD FLAME. Girl he dated in high school and broke up with a few months before graduation. He then moved to LA after that.
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foxbennett · 3 years
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THE MOODYS Episode 202
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foxbennett · 3 years
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THE MOODYS Episode 207
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foxbennett · 3 years
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“I’m sorry that you’re going through a hard time, and that you clearly want to sleep with your mother.”
THE MOODYS Episode 206
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foxbennett · 3 years
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#snowy dan moody
THE MOODYS Episode 201
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foxbennett · 3 years
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“Can you keep a secret?”
THE MOODYS Episode 205
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foxbennett · 3 years
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françois arnaud in schitt’s creek 3x10
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foxbennett · 3 years
Aurelia had never seen anyone as nervous as the man in front of her, but maybe she was reading the situation wrong and this was simply how Fox Bennett tended to be. It was easy to see that maybe he had no idea how attractive he was, or how the way he tripped over his words made him a little more adorable. Truthfully, she didn’t know much about the man at all. Not anything more than what his father had talked to her about or the things she had seen him do all summer long just to earn a space in town again. And then there was  “Fox. Relax, you’re not being called to the principal’s office.” She shook her head, but let a soft smile stretch on her lips. “It’s good news, actually.” Aurelia let him wait it out as she took a sip from her tea cup before holding it against her lap once more. “The elementary school has an open spot and I talked to the hiring supervisor there,” Meaning that she put in a good word for him, but really she did it for his father. “They saw how much you did for the community these past two months and would love for you to fill their music teacher position. You start at the end of this month. All the teachers are prepping their classes and there are a couple of meetings the week before that you should go to. That is, if you still want the position.” She looked down at the little bags of tea, wondering if he was going to have one since it might help calm him down a bit. 
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He winced and then said through one squinted eye, “Kinda feels like it.” His nose crinkled and he blew out a sigh, willing himself to calm down. He tried to remember if he was ever good at this sort of thing? Usually the band was there, Dallas was there to handle the business end of contracts and everything else. He had less nerves when he was in the production business - people knew who he was, his reputation in that very niche market, this was something else entirely. He felt like an animal that escaped the zoo, then was dressed in fancy clothes and stuffed into a dinner party. Surely everyone here knows I am an antelope? Can’t they see how my hooves don’t hold the silverware? At her news, Fox was stunned. Sure, he had hoped for this - but he never realized... he wondered... did she know. “I’d... I’d love it. I love teaching kids about music. They remind me of me when I was that young and they light up...” He was rambling again. He cleared his throat. “My, uh, my dad isn’t well. I don’t want you... well, I don’t know what you know about me. I’ve been clean for six years now. But, I have that past. A lot of my record was expunged because I did the community service and the rehab. I just... I don’t want you offer me this and then it come back to bite you later.” He was now absentmindedly closing and opening the lid of the tea box with his thumb, only realized the nervous tick he stopped talking and then moved to actually select one and carefully put the box back. Do not knock over the kettle, do not knock over the kettle.
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foxbennett · 3 years
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THE MOODYS Episode 203
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foxbennett · 3 years
Queens Park, The Rhodes Residence
Status: Open @asteriastarters
The memorial at the garden’s was beautiful, but the truth was, no amount of fancy flowers or I’m sorry for you loss would bring him back. Malcolm was gone. She nodded as people came up to speak to her, but her mind was elsewhere. She was simply existing these days, not living. She didn’t eat or sleep much. When she did, she dreamt awful things. She didn’t even remember getting dressed that morning. One of the girls must have picked out her suit. She knew she needed to be stronger for her kids, but Leanne wasn’t sure how be without Malcolm. More than half of her life was intertwined with his and now he was gone.. His things surrounded the house, a constant reminder that he was never coming back. He was the level headed one, the better parent. God, she longed to hear his voice, for him to tell how to make it through this. It felt like someone had reached in and ripped out part of her soul. The nightmares, the panic attacks, the inconsolable sobs, anger, numbness. She couldn’t breathe. The pain was suffocating.   She was ready to just lay down and die with him, but the thought of her kids pulled her back each time. They were suffering and she was powerless to stop it. Olivia blamed herself, Ashton was traumatized from seeing Malcolm’s body on the beach and Maggie hadn’t gotten to say goodbye.. That was the hardest part of all this, seeing them hurt and not eign able to take it away. The second hardest part was finding the strength to go on when she didn’t want to. She couldn’t understand why Malcolm was taken from them. Had their family not been through enough? 
Following the service at the gardens, Cars lined the streets bear the Rhodes house. Some were walking two or three blocks up to stop in and pay their respects. The kitchen was overflowing with casserole dishes and deserts. Katie and Maggie had done a wonderful job with it all but Leanne was too numb to convey that. Her head ached from all the crying. “I want to thank you all again the love and support you’ve shown me and my family through all of this. Losing Malcom..” She couldn’t even finish without breaking down. Thankfully, someone passed her a tissue.  “I know that we’re all suffering. I do believe In the words of our mayor, we’ll get through this together. Just like we have in the past.  Asteria is more than just a small town, we’re a family. And family holds each other up when we’re down. Thank you for holding me up. I’m sorry.. I need a minute.. Please, help yourselves..” She darted out into the hall, holding onto the wall for support.
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The Bennett’s had been staples to Asteria for a long time. Hank, Fox’s father, was well known for a number of charity work organizations and his mother had been a lifelong staple at the middle school for art. She had been one hell of a baker - her cobbler was famous. Hank had been more of a staple than Caroline, but needless to say, even with their failing memories, they remembered Leanna and her family. They knew Malcom. So it fell onto Fox to get them there. He was lucky, they were both doing well today. Fox, however, had not been in town since is was eighteen and left it for LA. He stepped away into the hallway, trying to find some peace in the awkward grief that was happening inside. He also managed to nab a plate of the cake and was sitting on the stairs when he was confronted with Leanne herself. 
Swallowing, he shook his head. He was caught red handed. “I’m the wake... ditcher. I’m really just the irresponsible kid who left two parents to maybe wreck the wake so I don’t have to explain I’m the chaperone. I, uh, made off with some cake to avoid...” Fox jerked his head to wake that was happening. He offered her a grimace. “Kinda a lot in there. But the cake is good, here you should have a bite,” Fox moved over on the stairs and gestured to her to sit next to him and take the plate. “I don’t really know how to do this, so I have two options - weird oversharing or bad jokes. My therapist thinks I’m normal though,” Fox laughed weakly at his own bad joke.
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foxbennett · 3 years
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#snowy dan moody
THE MOODYS Episode 201
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foxbennett · 3 years
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“Can you keep a secret?”
THE MOODYS Episode 205
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foxbennett · 3 years
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THE MOODYS Episode 205
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foxbennett · 3 years
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françois arnaud in schitt’s creek 3x10
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foxbennett · 3 years
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The man who was Thursday (2016)
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foxbennett · 3 years
closed starter for @mar-horowitz​
Fox was back for his third plate of brisket. He wasn’t even pretending like he wasn’t going to be judged. He knew he would be. He held up a finger. “This one is actually for my parents, don’t look at me like that Mara.” He cracked a smile at her. He’d been in town for the summer helping his parents as he transitioned to being here more full time, and seeing Mara was like a semi familiar face. They gone to school together, and while Fox had been rather unremarkable outside of music, he remembered Mara. Okay, well, the yearbook helped but he did recognize her face well enough after seeing her a few times at the restaurant. “Or do. I mean, I’ve been a little trampy - hitting up all the food vendors here.”
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foxbennett · 3 years
closed starter for @colettawilkes​​
Fox was... full. After about five years of sobriety, he was the king of good food. One of the joys left in life. What he found about the world post-recovery was that it tended to really suck compared to the high that he used to chase. Comparison was a thief of joy, truly. So instead of comparing idealized, chemically altered memories, he compared foods. He compared this moment to the last, and he kept to his own business. He was walking around with some sort of brisket on a plate, nodding as he was looked at a little weird. “It really helps. I’ve eaten just about everything at this shindig, and woof, let me tell you. Tasty. But what I’ve been missing in LA is definitely smoked meats. I have the meat sweats.”
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