Fox Shuika
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fox-shuika ¡ 3 years ago
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Pantano-Italia e narrativa al collasso. Tutti siamo immersi nel grande caos di questi giorni e il caos fa male a tutti. A noi… ma anche a loro. Credo che molti di voi abbiano già visto la video-intervista al prof. Tritto. Personalmente non concordo su alcuni punti, evidenziati non tanto dal professore quanto dall'intervistatore, ma si tratta comunque di un'ottima intervista. Dal complesso delle parole del prof. Tritto si possono trarre alcune conclusioni. La prima conclusione è questa: la Cina è stata usata come “laboratorio mondiale” per la produzione di armi biologiche. La Cina ha messo in campo la manodopera (di altissimo livello), gli statunitensi hanno messo sul piatto la competenza tecnica (Ralph Baric e il team-Fauci di ricerca sulle gain of functions) e gli investimenti (BalckRock, Vanguard, SSGA), i canadesi hanno fornito i virus patogeni per la bio-banca di Wuhan, senza contare gli inglesi, i tedeschi, gli olandesi, gli australiani… l'intero Occidente ha messo mano a Wuhan. Per questo motivo nessuno accuserà nessuno, è una sorta di “stallo alla messicana”. E’ qui che entrano in gioco i Manovratori. Essi conoscevano la situazione e sapevano perfettamente che nessuno avrebbe accusato nessuno. Nel caso in cui l'Occidente avesse accusato la Cina, la Cina avrebbe tirato fuori le prove del coinvolgimento occidentale. E viceversa. Sapevano che tutti i pupazzi avrebbero retto il gioco e che loro (almeno una parte di loro) avrebbero avuto le mani libere per implementare tutto il resto (società del controllo in primis). Esattamente come il virus può essere regolato tramite le sue varianti, così si sapeva fin dal principio che i vaccini avrebbero lavorato con un meccanismo “a tempo” (perché rispondono alla logica militare della copertura lungo un periodo di tempo limitato: quello dedicato alle operazioni sul campo… ovviamente in cambio di un continuo downgrade del sistema immunitario nativo). Chi gestisce il “tempo” e le caratteristiche delle varianti? E quello dei vaccini? I Manovratori, ovviamente. O meglio: le due fazioni di Manovratori che si stanno facendo la guerra. Essi fanno sempre così: controllano sia la scacchiera che i pezzi.
Ma torniamo a noi. Sì, perché i Manovratori vivono e lavorano ad un altro livello… Ormai è il disastro, sta venendo giù tutto e i piccoli burattinai devono offrire il capro espiatorio dei fantomatici “novax” a una popolazione stanca, delusa e confusa. L'odio verso qualcuno (in questo caso una categoria di persone arbitrariamente identificata dai media mainstream) è l'unico modo per tentare di bloccare la caduta delle tessere del domino. Nel frattempo in tanti stanno aprendo gli occhi, loro malgrado. Prendiamo ad esempio la categoria dei commercianti al dettaglio: vi ricordate quando, solo pochi mesi fa (era settembre), chiedevano di estendere l'obbligo della Carta Verde? “Dai, estendeteloh!1!!1”, “Ripartiamo in sicurezzah!!11!!”
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E niente… alla fine i burattinai l'hanno esteso veramente. E adesso che succede? Non vi piace più? Ah! Troppo tardi, mi sa.
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Altra narrazione che sta crollando come un muro di sabbia: hanno sospeso deriso, umiliato, minacciato e radiato centinaia di operatori sanitari in tutto il Paese, hanno allontanato e deriso insegnanti non vaccinati, hanno umiliato poliziotti e carabinieri colpevoli di rimanere fedeli ai dettàmi della Costituzione. E adesso? Adesso si lamentano perché gli ospedali sono al collasso, le scuole faranno fatica a riaprire e l'ordine pubblico è sempre meno garantito. Che dire… ottimo lavoro! E vogliamo parlare del Tamponificio-Italia? Se poco prima di Natale mandi in giro il messaggio che occorre tamponarsi tutti per evitare di ammazzare il nonno durante il cenone… beh, cosa credi che facciano quelle 30 milioni di persone che si abbeverano ogni sera ai putrescenti rigagnoli dei telegiornali? Si tamponeranno, ovviamente! E fioccheranno i positivi (per lo più asintomaci, ma comunque terrorizzati) e scatteranno le quarantene e… sarà il delirio! Ti diverti a creare il terrore? E’ facile… prova però poi a calmarlo, questo terrore. Una volta innescato, è tutto tuo! Non regge ormai più nemmeno la scusa della “colpa dei NoVax”. Quando tutti intorno a te sono positivi e sono tutti vaccinati (e non è vero che “stanno tutti bene”)… beh, qualche dubbio te lo poni!
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E che dire del fenomeno Galli? Ma cosa vogliamo dire… Praticamente la sua “cura domiciliare” è stata quella del fantomatico protocollo del Ministro Speranza ovvero: tachipirina e vigile attesa. La qual cura funziona talmente tanto bene che l'ha mandato in ospedale dove hanno risolto il papocchio con i monoclonali. Più chiaro di così…
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E vogliamo parlare della corsa alla Presidenza della Repubblica? Il motto che meglio rappresenta la situazione attuale è: “mantenere le (attuali) posizioni”. Questo è ciò che ordina la grande Finanza internazionale tramite il suo braccio armato in loco (leggi: PD, per mano dell'articolista Filippo Taddei).
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Vi ricordate la frase sibillina di Draghi a Mattarella, fatta filtrare apposta nei media mainstream? “Se resti tu resto anche io”. Draghi non accetterebbe il fatto di non essere eletto in prima chiama e di doversi battere contro un qualunque altro candidato. Un'onta troppo grande da sopportare e, naturalmente, una sconfessione del suo lavoro da parte del Parlamento. L'unico compromesso che – forse – potrebbe accettare, sarebbe quello del mantenimento (temporaneo) dello status quo (Mattarella presidente). Magari con la scusa dell'emergenza in corso… E’ l’unica carta - alternativa all’elezione a PdR - che rimane a Draghi. E’ l’unica carta che rimane ai partiti e a quel troiaio che chiamiamo “Parlamento”. E’ l’unica carta che rimane alle strutture sovranazionali che controllano il Paese. Tutto il resto sarebbe un salto nel vuoto…
Questo, in sintesi, è il “pantano Italia”: una palude di menzogne, ricatti, piccinerie e capri espiatori offerti sulla pubblica piazza solo per coprire l'osceno disastro in corso.
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fox-shuika ¡ 3 years ago
𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕, 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒄𝒖𝒑𝒄𝒂𝒌𝒆
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 : vi x fem!reader
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 : smut, fingering, oral, thigh grinding, slight dom/sub
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 : reader annoys Vi, who in return ignores her. reader takes it as a challenge to get the brawler to give her attention.
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 : 1.7K
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 : this is actually my first time writing a reader fic, so please forgive me if it isn’t great. but I did my best aha. I really just needed to get this fantasy out of my head, so here we are.
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fox-shuika ¡ 3 years ago
"Please" - Viktor x F! Childhood Friend Reader
Rating: Mature (For spicy sexy times at the end after I torture you with some angst)
Warning: Angst, Mentions of parental death, Explicit Sexual Content
Word Count: 11.3K
P.s. Excuse any spelling or grammar errors, it's late and I spent like 14 hours working on this today, so my eyes are tired, and this is long. That is all, enjoy!
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You’d met Viktor for the first time when you were 10, back in Zaun. You’d never really been that much of an outgoing child when it came to interacting with other kids, you were shy and introverted. That being said, it wasn’t like you didn’t have any friends, the area you grew up in was pretty close nit, all working class families, it wasn’t uncommon for parents to have get togethers, finding areas where the Zaun Grey wasn’t as thick, places where the sun actually managed to shine through more than it did in other parts of the city. It was during one of these get togethers that you’d seen him for the first time, at first, you’d seen him as reclusive, uninterested in interacting with anyone else, seemingly perfectly content with the contraptions he tinkered with; but the more you looked at him, the more often you would see him look up at the other kids, all playing loudly, having a good time in the sunshine. It took a lot of bravery on your part to approach him, you were hesitant about it, walking over slowly, your small hands crossed in front of you. It took him a moment to look up from his project at you, and when he did, he gave the slightest little startled jump, which in turn made you do the same. He just stared at you for a moment, it took a minute for you to realize he was probably waiting for you to announce why you had come over in the first place, hastily you managed to studder out a greeting, today you’re not super sure what you had actually said, but you remembered the smile he gave you afterward, any apprehension previously in his amber eyes melting away.
“Can I sit with you?” You’d asked quietly, still a little nervous he’d reject you. He looked puzzled by your question, but nodded nonetheless, to which you anxiously took a seat next to him, in a secluded part of the—you guessed it would be considered a park? —it was open and spacious and plenty of room for adults to sit and talk and kids to run around, so yeah, a park. It took a few moments before either of you decided to break the silence that had developed. Surprising you, it had been Viktor to speak first.
“I’m Viktor,” He’d stated plainly, extending his right hand toward you. You smiled at him and happily extended yours as well, turning in your seated position to face him properly.
“I’m (Y/n),” You chirped. That day had been the start of a friendship you would cherish. You remembered listening to him explain his inventions, how the cogs worked together to move motors and pedals and pullies. You’d had a hard time understanding it at first but watching him build had quickly become your favorite activity, watching the movement of his mind as he troubleshot issues that may pop up. He had a love for science, he’d been the one to spark your interest in it. You loved asking him how certain parts worked, the spark in his eyes when he’d tell you exactly what that piece did and why it did it.
You learned that he lived with a single mom, his dad died a few years prior after a particularly bad chem spill. His mom worked hard, but she was sick, you learned that he liked to build inventions for her, just little trinkets to make her smile, and he was really good at it. His mom was a sweet lady, frail but never stopped, never rested, thinking back on it, you figured she’s where Viktor learned his work ethic from. His mom was a sculptor, making some of the most beautiful sculptures you’d ever seen in your, at the time, very short life. You’d quickly attached yourself to Viktor’s hip, and he didn’t seem to mind. He became your best friend.
3 years later is when Viktor got accepted into his first science academy in Zaun, you watched him excel, thrive, and watched as his skills as an inventor truly bloomed. You were also at a science academy at the time, though not the same one as your skillset lied less with engineering and more with the chemical side of things.
You had fond memories of sneaking into Viktor’s dorm late at night, climbing through one of the windows, you probably should have told him when you were going to do this because you swear you nearly gave him a heart attack the first couple of times. You remembered sitting on the floor of his room, doing homework together, which often times lead to you just lying on his floor hopelessly staring at a page in your textbook as you pretended to read it or the tenth time.
Viktor’s mother died when the two of you were 17, you remembered it vividly. Her illness had gotten worse over the last few months before she died, she couldn’t work anymore, bedridden most of the time. Viktor was entering inventor’s contests so he could help support her, he’d stay up all night and day working through ideas, you had to watch as he ran himself ragged, exhausted all hours of the day but never once letting up. You’d tried to get him take a break, just rest for a moment, you begged, but he’d brush you off, saying he was fine, he needed to keep working. It was during that time that the two of you had your first real fight, arguing over his health, it was the first of several, but this one was the one that stung the most in your memory. You remember when his mom finally passed, you both knew it was coming. Part of you felt guilty for being relieved when it happened, because yes, it was awful , you hated seeing Viktor break, he was always so composed, so in control of himself and when that composure shattered, you felt yourself shatter with it, but that had also been the first time you’d really seen him sleep in months, as you lay next to him in his dorm, keeping him close, holding him together the best you could, afraid if you let go of him for even a moment, he’d crumble.
You’d been accepted to study at the Academy of Piltover when you were 20, you still remember your excitement when you got the letter. You and Viktor had celebrated and probably drank way too much wine. That was the night you feel you really looked at Viktor, like really looked at him, the sharpness of his cheekbones, the piercing amber of his eyes, he’d grown to be much taller than you, which he used to tease you endlessly considering until he hit his growth spirt you two had always been about the same height, you realized that night that the boy you used to know had turned into a man, and he was beautiful. Had you been more drunk, you may have made a move on him, but thankfully you had the sense not to test that line.
Viktor had been approached by Heimerdinger not two days later, the Yordle had seen Viktor’s work and was inspired by it, he invited the young inventor to study at the academy, not that he needed to be invited, you were certain he would have been receiving an acceptance letter only days later. It was the start of a new journey, a new adventure. You’d be leaving Zaun together, going to Piltover for who knows how long.
When Viktor was 22, he met Jayce and you had to admit, you weren’t exactly thrilled about Viktor’s befriending of the fellow inventor, he’d seemed arrogant and egotistical, you refused to admit that maybe some of your dislike for him was based in jealousy too, jealous that Viktor gave him so much attention, attention to a man who had literally been arrested for illegal arcane research. Your distaste of Jayce passed quickly though, once you’d actually met him for the first time, you learned he shared Viktor’s passion, his love for discovery, his passion for inventing; looking at them now, you’ve found they make quite the good pair, even if they fail to see eye to eye on quite a lot. Over this time, your feelings for Viktor only grew, so much that you didn’t know if you could contain it anymore, each touch, every glance, every smile, they sent shivers down your spine and made your chest feel tight. You wouldn’t be able to put a name to this feeling until several years later, when Viktor was fighting against the clock, his own mortality hanging in front of him, taunting him as he worked himself nearly to death. It reminded you of when he was a teenager, working to support his mother, running himself into the ground with every research paper, every project digging his grave deeper and deeper. It was as you watched him slowly kill himself that you finally put a name to the feeling, you were in love with him.
Through the hexcore, through hextech, and through his sheer spiteful stubbornness, he survived, but he was a different man than he was before, he was older, wiser, had seen the horrors the world had to offer, while the changes he’d made to his own body left scars, the emotional ones were even deeper, and you can see that some of them still bleed sometimes. So here you were, in Piltover, at one of the most prestigious academies Runeterra had to offer, still hopelessly in love with the man you’ve called your best friend for so many years.
Currently you occupied Viktor’s lab chair, knees pulled up to your chest as you watched him and Jayce brainstorm in front of a blackboard. Their backs were turned to you, you watched Viktor specifically, his shoulders were slumped, mahogany hair slightly messier than it normally would be, he was tired, he’d just gotten back to PIltover from two weeks in Zaun, working on some independent research at his lab, now he was back, and you were certain he hadn’t found much time to sleep while there or on the way back. Though, even when he was exhausted, you still couldn’t help but say he was beautiful, the late afternoon sunlight spilling through the window giving his normally dark hair a golden aura, almost like he had a halo, the sharp features of his face, his lean body, his long legs all standing clear before you. You could practically see the cogs turning in his head, ideas flowing freely, his hand gliding the chalk over the blackboard in calm easy strokes as he wrote out equation after equation, you could watch this man work for hours, just to see the light in his eyes when he made a breakthrough. He and Jayce were talking, their voices barely audible to you, really just a steady hum. At one point, Jayce must have said something intriguing as Viktor’s hand stopped writing, his hesitation was only momentary before it began again, but it was also a strange stutter. You had no idea what Jayce might have said, but whatever it was, it amused him to a great deal to see Viktor’s reaction.
At some point Jayce was the one to leave to go get more coffee, after all what was a scientist without a crippling caffein addiction? You continued to dutifully watch Viktor as his hand scribbled across the board, equations that you only half understood, honestly you were more concerned with watching how he moved. “Aren’t you supposed to be studying?” Viktor’s voice broke your haze, he’d never even turned to look at you, instead his hand just simply paused, chalk resting against the blackboard.
You thought for a moment on how to answer. “I am,” You settled on. It wasn’t a lie, you were studying something, just not the pages of the open research paper in front of you, you weren’t even really sure what it was about anymore.
“You’ve been reading for quite a while; would you like to regale me on the focus of that paper?” Viktor asked, finally turning toward you, his expression amused, he knew you wouldn’t be able to tell him a damn thing about this paper because he knew you hadn’t been reading it. Viktor always knew when you were lying, like he could hear it on your voice, there had never been a time in your life when you could really lie to him, honestly you were surprised you’d managed to keep your feelings for him a secret for so long, figuring you would have accidentally let that cat out of the bag a long time ago.
“Why spoil a good read?” You retorted as Viktor began to approach you slowly. “When you could just read it yourself.” Your fingers grazed across the top of the paper, Viktor’s eyes following their movement.
He hummed, like he as thinking about something. “And then I could recount what I’d read back to you, like always.” He gave you a catty smile, leaning forward on his cane ever so slightly.
You pointed your pen at him sharply, “Not always,” You defended yourself. “And of course, mustn’t forget to compare notes.” You could swear the chuckle Viktor gave lit up the room, you could feel your chest tighten, his smile making an all too present feeling of affection further prominent.
“Of course,” Viktor finally added, an amused lilt to his voice. “Compare notes.” It was at this time you’d both heard the cough from the front of the room, turning in your seat to see Jayce standing, a tray of coffees in his hand. The look on his face was highly amused, and something else that you couldn’t quite place, but in your peripheral, you noticed Viktor bristle before beginning to make his way back to the chalkboard, silent. You didn’t see Jayce approach you until he was holding a cup of coffee in front of your face, the steam blurring your vision of Viktor.
“Coffee for the ever so studious lady?” Jayce asked, finishing the question off with a wink. You took the coffee gratefully, the warmth spreading through your fingers. Jayce handed an identical cup to Viktor whose expression was, for the first time, unreadable to you.
He could feel your gaze on him, boring into him, his skin was on fire from the weight of it. He focused on his task, cautiously and carefully writing out every number and symbol in each equation, but how was he supposed to focus with those eyes on him? Why were you watching so intently? Maybe you were reading the equations, trying to decipher them, you’d always been inquisitive that way.
You’d originally come into the lab saying you thought it would be a quiet place to read some papers, you were working on a new research project and needed the upmost focus. Well, you didn’t seem very focused on that paper right now. Viktor took a deep breath, pushing the thoughts out of his mind, he had work to do, he wanted this theory done by the end of the week.
“You’re thinking loudly.” Jayce remarked to him. “If you want to keep your feelings such a secret you should do less of that.”
“I beg your pardon?” Viktor stammered out; his hand halted its pattern for just a moment before he regained his composure. The look Jayce gave him showed his amusement, like a child who had won a silly game.
“You know most of the students on campus think you two are dating? Heard some boys talking about it, one of them wanted to ask (y/n) out, his friends reminded him, and I quote, ‘Obviously she’s already dating that guy Viktor’.” Jayce’s voice was low, ensuring the only person who could hear him was his partner, who externally displayed absolutely no indication of the distress he was currently experiencing internally. “If everyone already thinks you’re together I don’t know what’s so hard about asking her out.”
Viktor was silent for a beat. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” It was the weakest excuse he’d ever come up with.
“For a genius you’d think you’d be better at lying.”
“(y/n) Is a childhood friend, I’ve known her for over 20 years, we’re just close.” Viktor argued in a hissed tone so you couldn’t hear him.
“mhmm,” Jayce mocked. “Last time I check, you’re not supposed to look at your friends so longingly that you could be confused for a character in a Jane Austin novel.”
“I do not—”
“Listen, Viktor,” Jayce started, his voice turning from mocking to gentle. “As someone who has been in love, I’ve seen the way you look at her.” Jayce paused, seemingly like he was debating whether or not he wanted to continue this particular thought, he sighed before he continued. “And…I’ve also seen how she looks at you.” Viktor’s hand paused again, he thought about turning to look at you, but he didn’t want you to know you were the focus of the conversation. Jayce’s voice broke him of these thoughts.
“Welp! I’m going to go get more coffee!” He shouted abruptly before sending a look toward Viktor and walking toward the door. Viktor took a deep breath to stabilize himself, he felt ridiculous for letting Jayce get under his skin in such a way.
“Aren’t you supposed to be studying?” He asked, feigned confidence dripping from his voice.
It was an odd feeling stirring in your gut right now. You watched as Viktor conversed with the three women in front of him, they listened intently to his words, but you couldn’t help but notice they seemed to be paying close attention to more than just his words and you saw several of their gazes subtly rake over his body. You didn’t blame them, Viktor wore a suit very well, and you meant VERY well, it hugged him in all the correct places, the tan waist coat he wore accentuating his thin waist and broad shoulders, his sleeves were rolled halfway up his arms, on hand resting comfortably inside his pocket, the other holding onto his cane. You swore, it was just a rod of metal but in his hands, it may as well have been sinful, the way his fingers wrapped around it loosely, occasionally stroking the glossy finish of the handle. If there was one thing you loved about Viktor, it was his hands, dexterous and nimble, seeing them work on projects expertly, buried to the wrist in engines and mechanical parts…and that damned glove! It did dangerous things to you, why was he allowed to make such simple things so hot? Despite all of this, you wouldn’t necessarily call the feeling you were experiencing right now jealousy as you watched the women, no, you knew they were no real threat, Viktor wasn’t one for romance, you knew this, he was devoted to science and progress, his one true love being his lab. Of course, you knew he wasn’t some innocent duckling, he’d had his own casual trysts, so had you. Maybe that’s where the feeling came from, confident that none of those women would ever have a chance of stealing his heart, but the very real possibility that one of them may occupy his bed that night put a sour taste in your mouth.
You came to this event to support Viktor and Jayce, it was a debut for a new Hextech innovation, something that the two men haven’t done in several years following their short falling out after everything with the Hexcore and their difference in views, but they’d reconciled quickly. But the more you watched those women stare at Viktor like he was a meal to be devoured the more you wished you’d stayed in your room at the academy, made some lie like you weren’t feeling well and couldn’t make it. Of course, you knew that would have never worked, Viktor would have insisted he stay with you, and that would mean he wouldn’t be here, which even though you knew that wouldn’t bother him very much, it would bother you. You wanted him here, getting the recognition he deserved for his work with Hextech, not entertaining you alone in your room because you couldn’t stomach the view of women flirting with him.
“Penny for your thoughts?” A glass of champaign was being held out in front of you, the family hand holding it leading up to a very familiar face. Jayce’s smile was kind, warm and inviting. You gave a quiet thankyou before accepting the drink, the coldness of the champaign flute chilling your fingertips. “So, there’s a pack of wild hyenas circling your boyfriend.” Jayce directed toward the group of women gathered around Viktor. “I kind of feel bad for him, we should probably rescue him.” You laughed at that.
“He’s a big boy, I’m sure he can handle a few stray girls.” You remarked, but the sourness in your stomach only grew. Your emotions must have showed on your face because Jayce’s next words got your attention.
“He won’t be taking any of them home,” You simply looked up at him questioningly. “He’s got his sights set…elsewhere.”
You cleared your throat. “Why would I care? Like I said, Viktor’s a grown man, he can make his own decisions.” The lie that you didn’t care was bitter on your tongue. The look that Jayce gave you seemed both amused and exasperated.
“I’m just saying, the second you were to walk over there, Viktor wouldn’t even serve those women a passing glance.” With that Jayce tinked his glass against yours before throwing you a wink and turning to return to the group of people journalists waiting to talk to him.
You took another glance at Viktor, noticing the way the brows were slightly furrowed, his grip on his cane had tightened slightly, his back was straighter and his he held his shoulders a little firmer. One of the women had moved from just talking to him to resting a hand on his arm, tilting her head just slightly. You felt a sense of protectiveness wash over you, women flirting with Viktor was fine, but these women were clearly beginning to push their luck. With a wave of sudden confidence, you began your trek to the group, your hands were stiff and shoulders tight, you’re sure your expression is anything but friendly but right now you didn’t care. Viktor’s eyes found yours before you’d even made it halfway there and you saw his expression soften, his shoulders loosen once you reached him, wrapping an arm loosely around his middle and pressing yourself close to him, his own hand coming to rest on your shoulder gingerly. You could feel every single point of contact, the heat of his fingertips against your skin, the heat emanating from where your bodies were pressed together, the softness of his clothing on your skin, his breath on your cheek when he looked down to greet you, you felt your heart beat faster, your blood run hot, breathing got harder and you swore your knees were getting wobbly under your weight. This wasn’t the first time you stood so close to Viktor, hell you’ve been closer to him, but the sensation of his fingers ever so gently grazing the skin of your shoulder was making your mind fuzzy. You craned your neck to look up at him, meeting his eyes.
“Having fun?” You asked smoothly. You saw the woman who had been touching him pull her hand back. None of them directly glared at you but you could tell they weren’t pleased with you interrupting their seduction attempt. Good.
“Quite,” Viktor started, a smile finding its way onto his lips. “Though I must say, I am quite tired, I think I might retire for the evening.” At this the group of women all said their farewells and dispersed amongst the crowds. You remained in your position at Viktor’s side, not that he seemed to mind. “As always you seem to have impeccable timing, (y/n).”
You huffed out a laugh. “You seemed like you could use a rescue.” You finally, and hesitantly, separated yourself from your place under Viktor’s arm. “Care to allow me to accompany you back to the lab?”
You hated when he did this. Four days, it had been four days and Viktor hadn’t left the lab once. You hadn’t seen him in that time, but you could guess what you’d see if you were to enter the lab right now, you’d see a heavily exhausted and strung out on copious amounts of caffein scientist, bent over a project that has occupied every single one of his thoughts for the entire four days, he’d had dark circles under his eyes and his hair would be a ridiculous, though somehow still very attractive, mess from the combination of a lack of brushing it and the numerous times he’s probably tangled his own hands into it in frustration. He’d pace, he’d spend hours talking to the damned contraption like it would respond, he’d be shaky from the sheer levels of caffein in his veins, enough to throw him to the edge of heart attack should he ingest anymore. You were willing to bet he’d averaged maybe ten hours of sleep in the entire four days combined and probably hadn’t eaten much in that time either. You’d seen this plenty of times, seen his downward spiral into obsession plenty of times, and every single time you felt it chipping away at you. You remembered watching him do this when he was sick, when he was dying, fighting against the clock to get something, anything out of his research. He was a desperate man on the edge of a mental break down and all you could do was watch him fall.
You couldn’t sleep. You never could when you knew Viktor was like this, you were filled with anxiety and worry and frustration over the fact that he knew full well that this was bad for him and yet he kept doing it anyway! You tossed and turned in your bed a few more times before finally throwing the comforter off of yourself and leaving your bedroom. You and Viktor didn’t argue often, but when you did, it was almost always over his lack of interest in taking care of himself. Usually, you would go into the lab, argue a little bit over why keeping himself from going into a caffein induced coma was a bad idea and then he’d usually back down, tell you you were right and agree to go to bed, usually your bed considering you didn’t trust him to not just go back to the lab once you’d retreated to your room. You’d expected this encounter to go much the same way.
The doors to the lab were closed, light emanating from underneath indicating Viktor’s unsurprising presence. Gingerly you pushed open the doors, the room was dark with the exception of the corner of blue light from Viktor’s desk, his silhouette easy to make out in the shine. He was exactly how you’d expected to see him, exhausted, strung out, frustrated. You made sure to shut the door with force, trying to get Viktor’s attention, but he simply ignored the noise. You sighed; it was one of those nights. You approached cautiously; hands crossed over your chest. You crossed the room to stand in Viktor’s peripheral, you knew he could see you; he was just choosing to ignore you. You felt the flames of frustration ignite in your chest, furrowing your brow as you finally spoke.
“Viktor.” Nothing, he simply continued working. “Viktor!” You raised your voice this time. Finally, his hands stopped, though he didn’t turn to look at you. “Do you have any idea how long it’s been?”
Viktor was quiet for a moment, his hands once again resuming their task. “Four days and seven hours.” He responded. “What is your point, (y/n)?” His voice as snappy, frustrated like it always was when he’s been awake this long.
“For you to stop this for tonight and come to bed.” You’d done this enough times, he knew he’d be going to your bed, not his own.
“I am very close to a stopping point (y/n), just a few more hours.”
“Yeah, and then a few more hours is going to turn into a few more days and we’re going to be right back here again.” You stood your ground, you needed to be firm. He still hadn’t turned to look at you, why hadn’t he looked at you yet? “You know how this goes Viktor.”
“I know how you want it to go.” He snapped. Something was different, and you couldn’t for the life of you place what it was.
“Why is it so hard for you to acknowledge that this will all still be here in the morning?” You gestured to the project sitting in front of him.
“Why is it so hard for you to leave me to my own devices?” He retorted.
“Because it’s going to make you sick.”
“My health is none of your concern, (y/n).” You knew better than to let his words get to you, he was talking out of frustration, it wasn’t actually directed at you, just empty words. But this was taking longer than usual. Viktor was stubborn, but he was never this stubborn with you, with Jayce maybe, but not with you. You sighed, you needed to approach this differently.
“Viktor,” You were nearly whispering, your voice low and gentle, just loud enough for him to hear. You got close enough to place a gentle hand on his shoulder, feeling him tense underneath it. “I almost lost you once already,” He tensed again. “Please don’t make us go through that again, this will be here in the morning.” You were pleading and you knew it, and so did he if the harsh swallow you saw him take was anything to go by. You thought you had him.
He was quiet for a long moment, as if collecting his thoughts, before he proceeded to continue working, his expression blank and unreadable. “Are your emotions supposed to mean something?” You swore you could actually feel the sharp edge of those words pierce you. He’s argued with you, he’s raised his voice at you, he’s been frustrated with you, but never, ever, had he ever said something like that. You tried hard not to let them hurt you, tell yourself it was just his frustration talking, but with the emotions crawling up your throat you knew that was a fruitless endeavor. You waited for just a moment, to see if he would turn to look at you, see if he would get that same sorrowful look in his eyes he did every time he lost his temper with you after so many sleepless nights, but his gaze stayed locked in front of him, and his expression never changed.
You pulled your hand from him, taking a breath before formulating your response. “No,” you said, ice in your voice. “Apparently not.” You wanted to scream at him, tell him how dare he say something like that to you, but instead, you simply turned, making your way from the lab, letting the door close heavily behind you.
The walk back to your room was a blur, literally and figuratively as you couldn’t find it in yourself to keep the tears at bay, and if you slammed your bedroom door behind you that was your business. You leaned against your closed door, bringing your hands to rest above your head, taking deep breaths, hoping enough oxygen intake to quell the burn of pain in your chest. You felt yourself slide down the door, hitting the floor with a thud before curling in on yourself, the tears came hard, and they came fast. By the time they’d finished you were exhausted, but you didn’t sleep that night.
You avoided the lab like the plague for the rest of the week, you didn’t have the energy nor the mental strength to see him yet. You cursed yourself, feeling so weak for letting some words get to you so badly, letting them burrow so deep under your skin and tearing your insides. You guessed what hurt more was the fact that not once did he come to check on you, make sure you were okay after your fight, if anything it seemed like he was avoiding you too. You had just begun to think, maybe he’d actually returned your feelings, maybe he loved you the way you loved him, but now any of those hopes had died in your chest. He’d always be more devoted to his work and there was nothing you could do about that, your feelings only served to cut you deeper and deeper the longer they were there.
You did the only thing you could think of to keep your mind off Viktor, and that was work. You pored yourself into your research papers, taught classes, graded papers for Heimerdinger, anything to keep your mind busy and hands moving. You did as much as you could from your bedroom, it was the safest place. Jayce had come to visit you a few times, as had Mel, they knew something was wrong, though through the conversations you’d had with them, they didn’t seem to know what. It seems Viktor was keeping his mouth shut on the topic just as much as you were.
There was a gentle knock on your door while you were grading papers, pulling your focus away from them. “Come in.” you heard the door open and the sound of an elegant stride, you listened for the sound of a cane and when you didn’t hear one, you let your shoulders relax. You turned to greet your guest, seeing Mel standing in your doorway, beautiful as ever.
“Are you busy?” She asked before stepping further inside and closing the door behind her. You set down your pen and pushed the papers out of your way.
“Not particularly, what’s up?” You watched as she moved closer, making to lean against your desk and stand by your side.
“Just checking on you, you’ve been scarce.” Her voice was kind, soft and gentle, like she was speaking to a frightened child.
“I’m fine Mel.” The lie was bitter. “Just…taking a vacation.” Mel eyed the paperwork on your desk.
“Sure seems like it,” She remarked before turning to face you more clearly. “I understand that whatever is going on between you and Viktor right now is personal, and none of my business,” She started, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. “But I’d like you to know that I do have some experience when it comes to trials of the heart, Jayce and I have had our differences between us as well.”
You let out a humorless chuckle. “Viktor and I aren’t together like you and Jayce.” You said painfully, as much as you still wished you were.
“Could have fooled me,” Mel smiled sadly. “Last time I checked, a simple fight with a friend didn’t make one hide themselves away in their bedroom and bury themselves in their work.”
“What I may feel,” You started. “And what Viktor may feel, are two very differing emotions.” You felt the tears well in your eyes again, you took a deep breath, crying was not what you wanted to do right now.
“I beg to differ.” Mel actually choked out a laugh, her eyes finding yours. Her expression softened again. “What happened?” You gazed up at the woman standing above you, feeling a tear fall against your skin.
Tearfully you recounted the night you and Viktor argued, the memory was as fresh in your mind as it had been that night. You hadn’t noticed when Mel had moved from leaning on your desk, to leaning against the armrest of your chair, leaning her head against her hand as she listened intently to your story. “And I feel so incredibly stupid,” You started once your story ended. “That just a few words were able to hurt so bad.”
“(y/n), it is ALWAYS okay to feel hurt, when someone hurts you.” Mel said after patiently listening to you. “And as someone who has dealt with this very thing many times with the man I love, I’m going to tell you that no matter how smart Viktor is, no matter how educated he is…men are idiots sometimes.” You let out a little laugh at that, feeling Mel’s fingers under your chin, drawing your gaze back up to her own. “I know exactly what you need.”
“And what’s that?” You asked, feeling some of the heaviness of your heart has lifted.
“There is a point that needs to be made, and I intend to help you make it.” Mel stood, smoothing out her dress before extending her hand to you. She pulled you from your seat and lead you toward the door.
“And what point is that?” You asked confused as Mel quite literally dragged you out of your bedroom.
“You’ll see.”
“I really don’t know about this Mel.” You said as you gazed at yourself in the mirror. The dress seemed unfamiliar on you, well of course it did, because it wasn’t yours, it was Mel’s. It was form fitting, revealing, the sleeves hung low on your shoulders, the neckline just low enough to accentuate the curve of your breasts, the bodice was tight, solid with two oval shaped cut outs under your breasts showing off the skin of your sternum. The draping skirt reached the floor, a long slit running up your right leg, showing off copious amounts of your skin, the (Color of your choice) color of the dress accentuating your (y/s/c) skin tone. The back of the dress was plunging, reaching just below your waist, you felt incredibly exposed in it, but also, you felt incredibly sexy. While part of you wanted to take the dress off, the other part didn’t want to stop staring at your own reflection in it.
“You look beautiful, (y/n).” Mel came to stand behind you in the mirror. “There won’t be a man there able to keep his eyes off of you.”
“And Viktor?” You asked incredulously.
Mel was quiet for a moment. “Oh, I doubt he’ll be there, you know how he is, work work work all the time and all that.”
You should have known Mel was lying. It was a gala in honor of Hextech’s innovations, of course Viktor was going to be here! Stupidly attractive and tempting as always. Any confidence you had felt when you walked into the ball room was quickly swallowed at the sight of him, standing there next to Jayce, a glass of wine in his gloved hand, a form fitting navy blue dress shirt underneath a pearl-colored waistcoat, a matching tie tucked underneath it. Seeing him, standing there talking to his partner, had taken your breath, you felt your chest clench painfully. You steeled yourself, you weren’t going to let him affect you like this, you weren’t going to let him have that kind of hold over your heart like that, not anymore. Keeping your feelings for him was only going to hurt you, of this you were all too sure, so Mel was right, you did have a point to make, a point to make to yourself that this was the end. You were going to free yourself, one way or another, and if that meant going home with the first man who asked you to dance, well that’s how it had to be.
Your steps turned from timid and shy to confident as you took stock of the room, many of the men here were handsome, would do well enough for a night of distraction. It didn’t take long until you were approached, he was tall, and his shoulders were broad. He wore a clearly hand tailored suit that fit him snuggly, his face was handsome and clean shaven, his dark hair held in place with pomade. He extended a hand to you, which you eagerly accepted. He led you through the room, into the crowd of dancing people as he placed a large hand low on your back, pulling you close to him as he led you around the room. You were confident in your ability to dance in a ballroom setting, and you knew with this dress on you looked good doing it, you hadn’t missed the several pairs of eyes glued to your form as you let this stranger lead you through a dance you’d practiced countless times, though there was a particular set of eyes you actively chose to miss. You didn’t know if Viktor was looking at you, and you told yourself you didn’t care if he was, didn’t care if he saw the way this man clutched you, didn’t care if he saw how he glided his open palm along the underside of your bare leg as he dipped you, didn’t care if he saw just how dangerously close you let this man get to kissing you, but always managed to keep him just far enough away. You ignored the way this man’s touch burned your skin in all the wrong ways, how the shiver down your spine wasn’t from him, but from the deep longing for another, how your chest was so tight at the thought of him seeing you with someone else and not caring than another man was touching you the way you wanted him to so badly.
All it took was one glance. One look was all that was needed for the dam to break, the heat of Viktor’s gaze on you so hot you don’t even think molten magma could sear your skin so wonderfully. His movements toward you were deliberate, calculated as he approached, and with every step you felt your breath get shallower and shallower. Your head was swimming by the time he reached you, the man you were dancing with bringing you to halt when he noticed Viktor’s presence. Viktor’s voice was calm and steady, as was his appearance, but his eyes, his pupils were dilated and even as he directed his words toward the man with you, his eyes didn’t leave yours, not even once.
“My apologies,” He started, leaning his weight on his cane, the perfect depiction of beauty like he always was. “But may I have a moment with the lovely young lady?” You’d expected your dance partner to argue, to tell him to piss off, but instead, he simply stepped away, leaving you at Viktor’s mercy, because you always were, at his mercy that is.
The first touch of his fingers against your skin sent shockwaves through your spine, every single pleasure receptor in your body lighting up like a tree on Christmas. He ghosted his fingers from your elbow down your arm, finally taking your hand in his. You couldn’t hold his eye contact anymore, instead deciding to focus you attention on the pear-colored tie around his neck, anything to keep from meeting his eyes again for fear that they’d make you do something you’d regret later. You closed your eyes when he stepped closer, trying to keep your heart from crawling its way up your throat. The feeling of his breath against your ear as he spoke was like someone had thrown a bucket of ice water over you, Viktor invaded every single one of your senses and the most painfully blissful way. “Come with me,” He’d whispered so delicately against your skin, pausing for a moment before adding a single, “Please.” And that one word certainly did sound like a plea, like if you refused, he would shatter, and part of you wanted to, wanted to break him the same way he’d broken you, but instead, you found yourself allowing him to lead you through the crowds of people, never letting you stray too far with his hand gripping yours tightly.
He led you away from the ballroom, out the doors and into the cool night air of Piltover. It was quiet, the music from the gala deafened by the thick walls. For a moment the two of you let the silence linger, let it wash over you, cascading both of you in a blanket of your own design. You wanted to speak, to demand to know what he thought he was doing, demand to know why he hasn’t bothered to even try to see you over the past week, beg him to take you in his arms, hug you tight until you forget why you were ever mad in the first place, the way he was so good at doing just that, but you couldn’t seem to find your voice, instead you were stuck staring at the man you had been hopelessly in love with for over a decade, choking on the pain in your throat as you let your emotions abuse you. His voice cut through your haze, pulling you back to reality so quickly you nearly lost your balance.
“I’m sorry.” Words so simple yet so capable of breaking you in two. “In my avoidance of the truth I pushed you away farther than I’d meant to.” It was the slight waiver in his voice that made you meet his eyes again.
“Why didn’t you come sooner?” You somehow managed to choke out against the cotton in your throat. You saw him give a slight flinch before he let out a humorless chuckle.
“If my memory serves,” he started, the teasing tone the same one you loved so much. “I was not the only one practicing avoidance.” You wanted to argue, but he was right, and you knew it. Instead, you just squeezed his hand a little tighter.
“What do you mean ‘further than you’d meant to’? Why push me away at all?” You felt your frustration rise to the surface, but you tried your hardest to keep your expression as calm as possible. If the way he cast his gaze down to the floor and away from your own was any indication, you weren’t very successful.
“That is…a difficult question to answer and is not one that should be answered here, I’m afraid.” He met your eyes again and you decided enough was enough.
“No.” you said, your grip on his hand growing tighter as you pulled him closer, your chest nearly touching his now. “’Not the time’ is a bullshit excuse and you know it Viktor. I’m tired of not knowing what you’re thinking, tired of trying to guess what the fuck is happening inside your head.” You stood your ground firm, you weren’t letting him get away, you weren’t going to crumble under his gaze, as much as you felt your knees want to give out from under you.
Viktor seemed like he was waying his options, eventually you saw the look of submission in his features. “At least,” He started, he seemed anxious. “At least let us go somewhere not quite so…exposed.”
The two of you made your way back to the main section of the academy, making your way up to Viktor’s quarters, they resided just down the hall from the lab. You let him guide you through the doorway, closing the door behind you. It hadn’t been that long since you’d been in Viktor’s room, but it felt like it had been an eternity all the same. It still looked like it always did, the bedroom of a scientist, research papers littered most surfaces, spare parts covered his desk and unfinished inventions on the floor around it. His bed was made though, you knew Viktor always made the bed, without fail every morning, or at least every morning that he actually slept in it. Every one of your senses was overwhelmed with Viktor, lulling you into a sense of peace you’ve been missing for far too long.
“This is about as private as it gets, Viktor.” You said gesturing to the room around you, expecting him to finally start talking to you and telling you what went on inside that iron lock safe that was his brain.
He looked around for a moment before walking over to the other side of the room. “Would you like some tea?” He asked plainly, placing a kettle of water on a hot plate you’re almost certain he was not allowed to have outside of the lab.
“You’re avoiding.”
“I know.” His ready admission of the fact threw you for a bit of a loop, you hadn’t expected him to concede quite so fast. “I’m preparing myself.”
“For what?” You stared at him for a long moment, waiting to see if he would meet your eyes.
“Your reaction.”
“You really think I’ll react that poorly?”
“Yes.” That one word had managed to hit you hard. It made anxiety rise in your chest, made you concerned for what he was about to say. Had he discovered your feelings? Had he tried to separate himself from you because of it? When you spoke again, you knew you were speaking too quickly, you let your anxiety leak into your voice.
“Viktor, I am your best friend,” You stammered out. “There is nothing you could confess to me that I would be so upset about.”
Viktor seemed to steel himself, taking a deep breath, still yet to meet your eyes. “Even if I told you the reason, I said what I did was because I couldn’t handle the idea of sharing a bed with you,” You felt your heart begin to crack, this was it. This was the moment you’d been dreading. He had discovered your feelings. “Because I knew if I did, I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off of you.” You swore your heart jumped up into your throat when you heard that. That sentence hung in the air for a long moment, you let it wash over you, feeling the way it made your body react, feeling the heat in your veins, the knot in your abdomen, the blissful tightness in your chest. When you spoke, you were impressed with your voice’s clarity.
“Is that all?” For the first time in so long, you could actually see the cogs turning in Viktor’s head, he finally looked at you, his eyes basically screaming ‘what the fuck do you mean, is that all?’ You found yourself smiling, finding all of the puzzle pieces finally clicking together.
“I beg your pardon?” Viktor asked, his confusion very clear on his sharp features, his high cheekbones, his amber eyes, his neatly styled hair, and his lips that you were fairly certain you’d be tasting here shortly. Is this what it felt like to be in control of the situation because you didn’t entirely mind it.
“Say it again.”
“Why?” Always with the questions, wasn’t he?
“Because I’ve changed my response, now say it again.”
The look on Viktor’s face shifted from concerned confusion, to the look he got when he was solving an equation, analyzing all of its parts, weighing them individually and then piecing them all together to find an answer. He slowly started to approach you, you didn’t miss the way his eyes fell to your dress, to the cut outs under your breasts, to the generous slit starting at your hip, he looked you up and down like you were a meal to be had…you supposed you were. “I couldn’t share a bed with you because,” He was so close to you, you could feel his breath on your lips as he spoke. He didn’t touch you yet, like he was clinging to what was left of his self-restraint, grasping at a precarious string that was seconds away from snapping. His eyes snapped to yours and the heat in them made you forget how to breathe. “I would have had you flat on the bed, begging for me the second we crossed that threshold.” You felt the smirk on your lips, you stood up on your toes, just barely ghosting your lips against his, bringing your fingertips to his chest to balance yourself.
“Promises, promises.” You whispered.
Your back hit the door hard, but you couldn’t feel a thing except the feeling on his lips crashing into yours. His hands were on you in a second, hiking your exposed leg up to hook onto his hip. You’d imaged what kissing Viktor would be like many times, and you could very confidently say that none of those fantasies did the real sensation justice. He kissed you like a man starved of oxygen and you were the only source, his tongue finding yours and demanding your attention. He tasted like coffee and lust, and it was making your mind fuzzy, you couldn’t get your thoughts in the right order, all you knew was that you desperately wanted to touch. Your fingers went for his waistcoat, attempting to pop the buttons open, but your hands were very quickly snatched away from their task by one of his own, he pinned your wrists above your head with one hand, the other coming down to hold you in place by your thigh hooked around his hip, roughly grinding his hips into you, forcing a strangled moan from your lips. You tried to roll your hips against his again, but he had you pinned, making it clear he was controlling the pace of this interaction. The back of your head hit the door when your lips finally disconnected, though his quickly found themselves attached to your throat, sucking hard against your rapid pulse, a whine finding its way out between your panting. Another roll of his hips had you straining against his grip, searching for any kind of friction against your heated core. He kissed down your neck, licking and sucking the entire way down until he reached the crux of your neck and shoulder, he nipped at your skin before trailing his lips down your chest to the low cut of your dress, a dress you would have very much preferred to be on the floor at this currently instance. Viktor sucked dark bruises onto the tops of your breasts, once again rolling his hips into yours and making you keen, you felt his smile against your skin.
“Do you have any idea,” he said between intermittent kisses and nips to your skin. “What it was like to watch that man put his hands on you.” Viktor scraped his nails against the underside of your thigh, like he was trying to remove the memory of the other man’s touch.
You smiled. “With this kind of reaction,” You had to stop to gasp at another roll of Viktor’s hips. “I’d gladly do it again.”
The growl that come from Viktor’s throat was close to making you cum right there against the door, and the rough thrust he forced against your clothed cunt wasn’t helping as it forced another moan from you. You wanted more so badly, wanted to touch him, wanted him inside you right now, you weren’t sure how much more of this blissful torture you could take.
You never thought you’d be one to beg, but here you were, letting a breathless ‘please’ escape your lips. You felt Viktor’s smile as he kissed up your neck and to the underside of your jaw, nipping at the skin there. “Viktor, please.” You repeated.
“Please what my dear?” he was playing coy, savoring having you in such a compromising position, but right now you couldn’t find it in yourself to be annoyed at that, you just wanted to feel him.
“Anything!” You practically screamed as he ground his hips hard into you again. “Anything, just something more, please.” His lips found yours again in a life shattering kiss, the taste of his tongue against yours was quickly becoming your new addiction. The kiss ended far too quickly as he stepped away from you, you slumped against the door, your hands slowly lowering as you caught your breath. Before you could ask what he was doing, Viktor took a seat on his bed, leaning back on one elbow, the other draped over his torso, looking totally relaxed despite the very clear bulge in his trousers.
His eyes were catlike as he opened his mouth to speak, I mischievous smile finding its way onto his kiss swollen lips. “Take it off.” He ordered and you felt the shiver down your spine. Slowly you began the process of pealing the dress you wore from your heated skin, slowly letting the sleaves glide down your arms, dragging the bodice down your torso. The dress didn’t allow space for a bra, and at this current moment, you were so grateful for that. Viktor’s gaze snapped to your chest once it was exposed, admiring the view he never thought he’d get to enjoy. You saw his fingers flex against his stomach, he was just barely keeping himself in check, you wondered how far you could push him. You dragged the dress down your thighs, exposing your matching-colored underwear. Finally, the dress fell to the floor, and you stepped out of it, hooking your thumbs into the waistband of your underwear before Viktor’s “Wait.” Stopped you. “I’ll worry about those.” He said, his voice low in his throat. “Come here.” You did as you were told, moving to stand between his legs, you raised your hands to rest on his shoulders as his grasped your hips, bringing you closer and pressing his lips against the skin of your stomach, kissing his way up to your chest, his hands trailing up your bare sides to reach your breasts, grazing a thumb over one of your nipples, drawing a pleased hum from you as you leaned your head back, letting him touch you as he pleased.
“What do you want?” He asked as his kisses found their way to the swell of your breasts, his hands moving to your back to pull you closer. You thought about the question, well as much as you could under his ministrations, and found your answer rather quickly. Your hands slipped from his shoulders to the buttons of his waistcoat.
“You in fewer clothes.” You said followed by a gasp as he dragged his tongue over your nipple. You felt his toothy grin against your skin as he gave you a playful nip. He pulled his lips away from you to speak.
“Lay on the bed.” He ordered, pulling his hands from your body, and leaning back on both elbows so he could watch as you climbed onto the mattress, laying back against the pillows. Once you were settled, he sat up, crawling onto the bed after you, positioning himself between your spread thighs. You sat up, your fingers finding his buttons again, this time he let you pop them open, one by one, your fingers grazing his skin under his dress shirt. He shrugged the garment off and tossed it to join your dress on the floor. Your hands went to his belt but once again he stopped you. He held your wrists with on hand, the other coming up to undo his tie from around his neck, ripping it from its place and proceeding to wrap the fabric around your wrists, tight, but loose enough that you could escape if you really wanted to…You didn’t. He gently pushed on the center of your chest, forcing you to lay back down, he took your now bound wrists and placed them above your head, his eyes met yours.
“Keep these here or I’ll stop.” He promised, and with how he’d been all night, you knew he meant it. You nodded as his hands grazed your arms all the way back to your chest, where he spent just a moment kneading into your breasts, grazing his thumbs over your nipples, drawing small gasps and keens from your lips, before he continued his path down. His fingers hooked into the waistband of your underwear and pulled, you lifted your hips to help him pull the clothing down your thighs, tossing it to join the rest of your clothes. For a moment he just admired you, looked at you spread out for him, just for him, and the fact that you were letting him touch you this way, a way he’d only dreamed of for so long. He leaned down to lay between your legs, sucking dark bruises onto your inner thighs as he grazed over your wet folds with the knuckles of his hand, barely touching you but managing to ignite the molten heat in your core hotter and hotter with every touch. “Tell me,” he said against the skin of your thigh, every kiss inching closer and closer to where you wanted him. “Have you thought of this before? Gotten this wet for me before?” You nodded, the nip he gave against your thigh making your jump. “Use your words, (y/n).”
Your voice came out raspy and breathless. “Yes, so many times,” He kissed right next to your core. “Every time I pretend to study in the lab, I just sit imagining what it would be like to be doing this instead.” You confessed. He paused, his eyes snapping up to yours, his pupils dilated, the hunger in his eyes you can only assume matching your own. He gave no warning before dragging his tongue up from your entrance to your clit, and you felt all of the air leave your body. “Fuck!” you gasped.
“Such vulgar language,” He chuckled against your cunt, the air making you twitch. “So unladylike.” He attached his lips to your clit, sucking hard before moving back to lapping between your folds, tasting you the way, he’d been craving for so many years. You couldn’t stop the string of moans leaving your lips if you’d tried, the feeling of his tongue against you driving you to places you’d only dreamed about. You tried to buck your hips into his mouth, but he had a hand firm on your stomach, holding you down flat against the bed as he continued to torture you sweetly. His other hand found its way to your entrance, two fingers breaching you quickly, forcing you to suck air, only for it to be punched back out of your lungs but another rough suck to your clit. He pumped his long fingers in and out of you, scissoring them as he went, curling them up to hit the most amazing spot, your orgasm was approaching quickly as he fucked you with his fingers and assaulted your clit with his sinfully beautiful mouth. You weren’t sure what you were babbling, all you recognized was Viktor’s name every other word. You were almost there, and he knew it, doubling his onslaught on you, and with one last rough suck to your clit you tumbled over the edge, you’re pretty sure you screamed but everything was such a haze. He worked you through your orgasm until you were twitchy and oversensitive. Once he pulled his fingers out of you, he kissed his way up your stomach, up your chest before finding your lips again, pushing his tongue into your mouth. He reached up and pulled his tie from your wrists, to which you immediately buried your hands in his hair, effectively ruining the neat styling he’d had for the gala. You dragged your hands from his hair, down his neck and to the buttons of his shirt, popping them open on by one until you were dragging the garment down his arms, throwing it to the floor. Your fingers found his belt next, ripping it from his waist, hearing it clatter to the ground, but far too busy undoing his pants and pushing them down and over his hips to care. He helped you with this, pulling them off with his underwear and tossing them to join the mess on the floor. You took the moment to stare, admiring his fair skin, the solid steel of his right leg, hot against where it grazed the inner thigh of one of your legs as he sat between them, his heavy cock hard between his legs. If it were any other night, you’d push him down onto the bed and force it down your throat, but that could wait until the morning, right now you were far too worked up to not have it inside of you.
You leaned up, dragging your palms up his chest to wrap around his neck, pulling him down to connect your lips. This kiss wasn’t as desperate as the others, it was gentle, loving, memorizing the feel of the other’s lips, tongues only grazing. Where he’d been teasing all night long, this time Viktor wasted no time pushing the head of his cock into your tight heat, sighing as you surrounded him, hands coming up to frame your face as your gasp broke the kiss. He moaned when he was finally fully seated inside of you, you thrust your hips up to test, feeling him slip just a little bit further into you, drawing a gasp from him. You dragged your nails down his back at the first roll of his hips, not really pulling back, just rolling deeper into you. His head fell to rest against your neck, his lips attaching to your pulse as he pulled back, guiding himself back into you in one fluid motion, pulling a broken moan from you.
What started out slow quickly ramped up in speed as he went from a gentle rolling of his hips to thrusting into you hard enough to inch you up the bed, the keen that it ripped from your throat was silent, you voice strained from your screaming earlier, which it suddenly struck you that someone had to have heard you, but that thought was very quickly dashed from your mind with another rough thrust. Viktor lifted his head from your neck, holding himself up with his arms as he met your gaze. You leaned up, cradling his jaw, kissing him as he continued to thrust into you. You couldn’t keep your lips attached to his for long, both of you far too busy with moans and gasps as your hips came together over and over and over again until you could once again feel the telltale signs of your encroaching climax. You were chanting his name in hushed gasps as he moaned against your lips. It didn’t take long for the feeling of him inside you to push you over, he pressed his body close to yours as your wrapped yourself around him, back arching as you came, pressing your lips just under his ear as you tightened around him, drawing a deep groan from him. He gripped your hips, pulling you as close as possible before cumming inside of you, you could feel him empty into you, the feeling sparking something dangerous in you, a craving for more.
Viktor was gentle when he pulled out of you, panting against your sweat slicked skin before collapsing to the other side of the bed. The room was filled with only the sound of your collective breaths for a long while, before you exhaled a laugh, drawing the attention of the man lying next to you. You gazed up at the ceiling as you spoke.
“I will bet you any amount of money that Jayce and Mel planned this would happen.” You said, recounting the events of the last few days. Viktor reached down and grasped your hand, bringing it to his lips and placing a kiss on the back of it.
“We should send them a gift basket.” He joked. You laughed as you curled around him, laying your head on his chest as his fingers ghosted against your bare back.
“We can worry about that in the morning.” You started as you kissed his chest, beginning your decent down his sternum, feeling him begin to harden again. “Right now, there are more important things.”
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fox-shuika ¡ 5 years ago
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No more melted tomblerones or mising skulls, yyeann!
This is my basic process for pretty much everything I draw. The key is understanding the shape of the garment you’re trying to draw and the shape of the body part you’re putting it on.
Drawing the body first forces you to make the shoe, hat, or clothes fit that body. With practice you’ll be able to skip some steps. This method works the same no matter the perspective or pose. It just relies on your knowledge of what a hat looks like from above, or what the bottom of a shoe looks like. When in doubt, just google refs. Don’t necessarily need the exact angle you’re trying to draw. Look at different pics to give you an idea of how it works in 3d.
Shoes are always a bit tricky because feet are a stupid ass shape.
It might help if you think of hats as a cylinder fitted to the person’s head to help you get the perspective right before you push in detail. note: heads aren’t circles. they’re kind of egg shaped if you look at them from the top.
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fox-shuika ¡ 5 years ago
📚Witchy Books 📚
Good day, lil’ Witches and Warlocks! With this little list I would like to share with you some PDF books I have been using. I hope it will be useful for someone. 
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The Common Book of Witchcraft and Wicca by The Ancestors
A Wiccan Bible by A. J. Drew
A Witch’s Notebook by Silver Ravenwolf 
A Witch’s Bible : The complete witches’ handbook by Janet and Stewart Farrar
Beginner Guide to the Basics of Witchcraft by Ashe. G.
Celtic Magic by D.J. Conway
Charms, Spells and Herbs by Esteban Portela
The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft &Wicca  by Rosemary Ellen Guiley
Grimoire of a Kitchen Witch by Rachel Patterson
Wicca: A guide for the solitary practitioner  by Scott Cunningham
The Green Witch by  Arin Murphy-Hiscock
The Inner Temple of Witchcraft by Christopher Penczak
The Way of the Green Witch by  Arin Murphy-Hiscock
The Way of the Hedge Witch  by  Arin Murphy-Hiscock
The Witch’s Book of Self-Care by Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Th Spiral Dance by Starhawk
Wicca Book of Spells and Witchcraft for Beginners by Arin Chamberlains
Wicca for Beginners by Lisa Chamberlain
Wicca for One: The path of Solitary Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland
Witchcraft Step by Step 
Witchcraft Today  by Gerald B. Gardner
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fox-shuika ¡ 5 years ago
Just call me
Queen of suppressing my own feelings until they disappear but they never really do and they transform into obsession and I can't stop thinking about him but it's OK since he will never know
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fox-shuika ¡ 5 years ago
witchy/magical series ask meme for witchblr
just in on ‘things i see other people do on tumblr that i want to do myself’, witchy ask memes in the form of witchy/magical series. just send em to the ask box and i’ll answer ‘em. feel free to reblog and do with your own followers.
The Craft: What magical paths do you predominantly follow?
Winx Club: How has your practice evolved since you first started out? 
Hocus Pocus: Are there any stereotypical ‘witch things’ that you’ve caught yourself doing?
W.I.T.C.H.: Is there an element you really connect with?
Charmed: Does witchcraft, voodoo, hoodoo, brujerĂ­a or other forms of magical practice run in your family?
Ojamajo Doremi: Are you a solitary witch or do you practice in a coven?
Sabrina the Teenage Witch: What’s the most ridiculous spell online that you actually attempted thinking it would work?
Hocus Pocus: Are there any stereotypical ‘witch things’ that you’ve caught yourself doing?
The Nightmare Before Christmas: What are your favorite pagan holidays and why?
Harry Potter: Do you have any favorite magical tools for spellcasting?
Stardust: What is your go-to form of divination?
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Have you ever successfully astral traveled/projected and how did the experience go?
Spirited Away: Have you ever dabbled in fae work, spirit work, or both?
The Secret World of Arietty: Do you have any house fae stories?
Dorohedoro: Have you ever worked with the dead in any form?
The VVitch: When non-witches/practitioners find out you practice witchcraft, what are their usual reactions?
The Love Witch: Have you ever tried a love attraction spell?
Bewitched: Have you ever tried your hand at glamour magic and if so, how did it work?
Sailor Moon: What are your favorite celestial bodies?
Madoka Magica: Are there any spells that you’ve cast that you now regret?
Kiki’s Delivery Service: Have you ever worked in a metaphysical shop?
Halloweentown: If you lived in a world where magic is practiced by everyone, what would your picture-esque life be like?
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fox-shuika ¡ 5 years ago
Emoji spell to bring more peace & wholesome things into your life
Like to charge
Reblog to cast
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fox-shuika ¡ 5 years ago
Surprise Guests
Post to help out when you have a surprise guest on Obey me! The list will be edited from time to time since I still haven’t figured out how all of the characters like to be touched.
Note: if there is a Star ⭐️ , it means you will get the shiny response instead of the hearts(because I still need to figure it out)
Mammon: (when he gives you a high five) high five- rub his head - ⭐️tap his left shoulder (your right). (When he doesn’t give you a high five) rub head - rub his right shoulder (your left) - tap his right shoulder (your right) (what I do is specifically tap his red cape thing)
Lucifer: (when he gives you a high five) high five - tap his hand(the one placed on his chest) - tap his left shoulder (your right) (When he doesn’t give you a high five) rub his right shoulder (your left) - rub his left shoulder (your right) - tap his right shoulder (your left)
Leviathan: (when he gives you a high five) high five - rub his head - rub his right shoulder (your left) (When he doesn’t give you a high five) ⭐️rub his left shoulder (your right) - ⭐️ rub head, tap or rub his right shoulder (your left), rub chest - don’t know (don’t tap his right shoulder (your left))
Satan: (when he gives you a high five) high five - tap his left shoulder (your right) - tap his right shoulder (your left) (When he doesn’t give you a high five) ⭐️tap or rub his right shoulder (your left), tap or rub his left shoulder (your right), don’t rub his head - ⭐️ Tap chest, ignore him
Asmodeus: (when he gives you a high five) high five - rub head - rub his left shoulder (your right) (When he doesn’t give you a high five) rub his head - tap his left shoulder (your right) - rub his right shoulder (your left)
Beelzebub: (when he gives you a high five) high five - tap his right shoulder (your left) - don’t know (don’t rub his head nor tap his left shoulder (your right)) (When he doesn’t give you a high five) don’t know
Belphegor: (when he gives you a high five) high five - rub his head - ⭐️Tap his left shoulder (your right) (don’t rub his right shoulder (your left)) (When he doesn’t give you a high five) don’t know
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I hope this will help you, if there is something that doesn’t make sense or if you know any info that may be missing please tell me that way I can fix it!
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fox-shuika ¡ 5 years ago
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Mysterious Messenger v2.0 is released!
After spending many months taking in the suggestions of my beta testers and improving the program, it is finally ready for version 2.0. Version 2.0 cleans up much of the original features and adds several new ones, such as accessibility features and a History screen.
If you’re interested in trying out the program, you can pick it up at It does not come with the images and sound files – if you would like to request those for personal use, you can join the Mysterious Messenger Discord server and request them from me. Is this a mod for Mystic Messenger? No. It is a standalone engine created from scratch in Ren’Py. It contains all of the features of Mystic Messenger, such as phone calls, emails, chatrooms, text messages, and routes that play out in real-time. What can I do with this program? You can use Mysterious Messenger to create mock chatrooms, calls, etc for fanfics, as presents to friends, or fan routes. It is not for commercial use and is intended primarily as a learning tool as the code is open-source and available for aspiring game developers to modify and learn from.
Your program is so cool! How can I support this? If you like what I’m doing and want to support my work, consider donating a coffee through Ko-fi. I work on this in my spare time while at school, and your support helps me work on Mysterious Messenger as well as my own personal programming projects.
Some additional information on the program under the cut.
Keep reading
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fox-shuika ¡ 5 years ago
Jk in the morning 💦
Other audios here
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fox-shuika ¡ 5 years ago
bts scenario: they give you a hickey
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i hope you guys like this scenario! i love hickeys so much tbh, anyways enjoy! xx
→ masterlist → commissions & donations
jin: jin would press feather light kisses to the skin of your chin and neck before finally finding the perfect place to leave his mark. he would softly kiss the spot before latching onto the skin and sucking. “jinnn,” you would moan at the feeling. “yes baby?” he would smirk knowing exactly what he was doing to you. wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him closer, he would continue his ministrations until he felt you were thoroughly marked. 
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yoongi: “f-fuck,” you would moan at the feeling of yoongi’s soft lips sucking onto the skin under your ear, a growl would escape from yoongi’s mouth as he sucked harder and harder. your fingers curled around the bed sheets under you as he moved to mark a different spot. “so pretty baby, you look so pretty covered in my marks,” another harsh suck, “all mine,” his words made a shiver run down your spine as you moaned again. 
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hoseok: it would start out as simple kisses all over your face and neck before it became more, his tongue would run flat over the base of your neck and a gasp was caught in your throat. “hobiiiii,” you would whine, and he took that as a sign to continue. his lips softly parted on the skin beneath your chin as he began to lightly suck. a groan left your lips and his sucking continued, sure to leave a dark hickey that would show everyone you were his. 
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namjoon: as his lips moved from the spot beneath your ear to your collarbones, you knew you were in for a long night. “moan for me,” he would say as he sucked harshly on your collarbones. “n-namjoon,” at your moan he bit down on the spot he was sucking and made you gasp, “you know that’s not what you call me right now baby,” he growled. “daddy,” you corrected and moaned under his touch as he moved to another spot to leave a mark. 
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jimin: “chim chim,” you teased as you straddled his lap. “yes baby?” his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer, lips just centimeters apart. “i love you,” you whispered before connecting your lips. jimin quickly began to kiss back as he pulled you closer. as jimin pulled away, his lips began to trail down your face and onto your neck before harshly sucking onto the skin. you groaned and pushed your hips against his, to which he just sucked harder. “that’s right baby,” another hickey, “moan for me.”
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taehyung: it started as playful kisses and nips as you and taehyung were cuddled on the couch. taehyung had been down a little harder on accident, and when you let out a moan he smirked, “kinky huh?” he teased. you smacked the back of his head and blushed. “i’m kidding baby,” his voice dropped an octave, “do you want me to mark you?” you gasped and nodded frantically. his lips latched onto the soft skin of your neck before sucking and leaving a gorgeous mark, just like his baby. 
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jungkook: soft sheets could be felt under the skin of your hands as jungkook ravaged your body. jungkook’s lips could be felt everywhere, on your face, stomach, thighs and as of currently, on your neck. “shit,” your fingers wrapped in his hair as you pulled his body closer, desperately craving more of his touch. jungkook growled before attaching his lips to the skin above your breast, harshly biting and sucking, marking you as his. 
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fox-shuika ¡ 5 years ago
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fox-shuika ¡ 5 years ago
Questions for Tarot Reading
Sometimes it is very difficult to come up with questions for tarot readings on the spot, whether you are giving the reading to yourself or if you are getting it done by another. Here is a small guide to hopefully help you with better wording your questions.
What shouldn’t you ask?
A good place to start is with what you probably should avoid. This does change reader to reader so this is not always true, but some typical things are:
Avoid Yes/No questions, these may be fine for pendulum readings but they are very difficult for tarot reading which gives you more details than a simple yes or no. Limiting yourself to yes/no questions can make the reading more difficult to interpret and even in my case when I get yes/no questions I am sometimes left baffled at what the card could mean.
Avoid questions that dig into another’s life. This could vary between readers, though such questions can be rather rude such as asking how two other people’s relationship is going or asking about a person’s secret life like “what is K keeping from me?”. these are generally avoided because well, they are rude and can make readers uncomfortable. Instead try to reword these questions such as “How could I improve my relationship with K, i feel like we are distant?” It is much more proper and involves you showing more appropriate interest in this person’s life
 Try not to ask outrageous questions. This should be a bit obvious but asking a tarot reader “how will the world end” or “when will WW3 happen” etc may seem funny but again, it is a bit rude. It is very mocking to us, try to ask questions we can actual try to answer. 
Don’t ask about your own death or when/how you will die. Though this is not agreed on by every reader, I know myself and many are uncomfortable with this question and will not answer for numerous reasons, including that we don’t want to scare or panic someone.
Health and Medical Advice. many tarot readers are not comfortable answering questions about your health or the health of others. We are not doctors or medical professionals, go and ask these questions to someone with knowledge in the subject, not us
Mental Health/Illness questions. Many tarot readers will not answer these questions because again, we are not professionals. Please seek professional help about your mental illnesses.
Always ask the tarot reader what questions they are not comfortable answering. This varies so much between person to person, so if they are doing free readings or event readers, check their FAQ if they have one or ask them what questions they are uncomfortable in asking. They will appreciate your courtesy and it can also ensure you don’t end up asking things that they won’t want to answer.
How can I come up with good Questions to ask?
This is a bit more difficult than what you can’t ask for it, again varies person to person. But as a general list of suggestions, here are some common questions that many don’t mind answering and can be nice for you too:
How will my week/month/year go? Simple but good for a general overall reading
How can I improve my relationship with _____? Not too nosy into the other person’s life and also gives you some information you can work with
How will my schoolwork/career go this month/term? 
I feel distant from _____ how can we best approach this problem?
What should I focus on this month?
What is holding me back? What can I do to improve myself?
What energies are around me today/this week/month?
What should I be more aware of in my life?
What is something i have been blind to recently?
I want to improve my ____, how can I approach this?
What are some good things coming my way?
What are some bad things coming my way?
There are many other questions you can ask but these ones above are some good general ones to start with.
When asking questions, try to make them about you rather than others. This is because you are the one getting the reading, not the other person. Plus, again some tarot readers may have personal preferences not to answer questions relating to another person’s life without their permission.
Remember not all tarot readers will do the same things! Always ask, if they don’t mention it in their FAQ if they are comfortable answering the following:
Love/Romantic Readings: I know other tarot readers who will not answer questions related to whether your crush likes you or how another person’s relationship is going. It makes some people uncomfortable due to lack of consent in some forms of these.
Communicating with Spirits or the Dead: not all tarot readers work with spirits so they may not wish to try to communicate with them
Questions about the Deceased or Death: again, some people are really uncomfortable with these types of questions
Deities: not all tarot readers are willing to communicate with your deity for you or see how your deity feels, especially when they are not connected to that deity or have a very different religious standing. Please respect that
Past Life Readings: not all tarot readers believe in past lives so not all will be willing to do a past life reading
Spreads: Not all tarot readers if they are offering you free readings will be using spreads. Spreads take time and a lot more energy 
Entity Communication: these would include communication with fae, merfolk, dragons, angels, demons, guides/guardians, and many other things. Not all tarot readers are willing to interact with these entities for you, especially if they are inexperienced with them or uncomfortable.
Revenge Readings: these would include questions related to how you can get someone back for something they did, if they will get punished for it, etc. Again, many readers may not be comfortable with these types of readings due to how aggressive and the wish of harm to come onto another can put people off.
Please always remember that tarot readers will be doing the absolute best to give you a clear, accurate reading. But, take readings with a grain of salt, things change all the time, so the reading may not always be 100% accurate. Don’t attack the reader for this, for they are trying their hardest to give you a good reading. Things aren’t always accurate, though we all try to be as accurate as possible to give you good advice. Sometimes the reading may seem like one thing will happen but something else happens, we readers make mistakes too. We are human. And the future is ever changing. Just remember that a reading you are given is never carved in stone.
I hope this has been helpful to you all and has aided you in understanding what questions to ask when getting a reading done. Have a wonderful day all of you!
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fox-shuika ¡ 5 years ago
✨Cosmic Witchcraft Masterpost✨
A collection of original content from myself and other Cosmic Witches relating to Cosmic Witchcraft.
Planetary Associations
Planets & Intent
Planets & Lunar Phases
Planetary Pairs
Planetary Octaves
Baneful Aspects of the Cosmos
The Aid of the Planets
Planetary Composition & Correspondences
Celestial Body Correspondences
Celestial Music
Celestial Bodies & Animals
Common Asteroid & Minor Planet Associations
Lunar Phase Associations
Lunar Phases - Explained
Lunar Phase One Word Cheat Sheet
Lunar Phase Herbs & Crystals
The Moon in Zodiac Signs
Moon Phases & Elements
Supermoon Activities
Micromoon Magick
Solar & Lunar Eclipse Magick
Planetary Botanical Blends
Planetary Fruit & Vegetable Blends
Zodiac Botanical Blends
Zodiac Essential Oil Blends
Planetary Essential Oil Blends (infographic)
Planets & Colors
Planets & Minerals/Crystals
Planets & Metals
Planets & Numerology
Planets & Types of Divination
Planets & Days of the Week
Planets & Elements
Planets & Zodiac Signs
Planets as Meteorological Phenomena
Planetary Tarot Card Correspondences
Common Witch Types & Their Planets
Planets & Pokemon Types
Star Magick
Constellation Correspondences
Behenian Fixed Stars
Royal Stars
Behenian Fixed Star Sigils
Stellar Death
Draconids Meteor Shower Magick
Orionids Meteor Shower Magick
Taurids Meteor Shower Magick
Leonids Meteor Shower Magick
Geminids Meteor Shower Magick
Supermoon (in Aries)
Supermoon (in Taurus)
Common Witch Types & Their Planets
Reasons Behind Saturn’s Correspondences
Dream Key
Supermoon Spell Jar
Moonbeam Ward
Mercurian Intellect Spell
Martian Independence Spell
Venusian Self-Love Spell
Jupiter Success Spell
Saturn Banishing Ritual
Saturn Vortex Spell
Neptunian Clairvoyance (spell)
Plutonian Crisis Curse
“Shooting Star” Hex
Dark Matter Invisibility Spell
Supernova Ruination (curse)
Spacial Rend (curse)
Death Reborn Revolution (curse)
Quasar Banishing Spell
Shooting Star Wish Spell
Motivation Star Jar (by @astro-craft)
Phoenix Cluster Rebirth Spell (by @phaesphore)
Full Moon Reflection Jar Spell (by @phaesphore)
Planetary Aspect Sleep Sachet (by @phaesphore)
New Moon Banishing Ritual (by @phaesphore)
Hercules Cluster Jar Spell (by @phaesphore)
Saturnian Spell Jar (by @phaesphore)
Balance of Gemini Spell (by @nerdywitchmomma)
Cosmic Witchcraft 101 (by @phaesphore)
Where to Start?
Tips for Beginners
How to Write Stellar Spells
Blue Moon Magick
Lunar Magick
Eclipse Magick
Black Moon Magick
Mercurial Magick
Venusian Magick
Martian Magick
Jovian Magick
Saturnian Magick
Uranian Magick
Neptunian Magick
Plutonian Magick
Asteroid Belt Magick
What is a “Cosmic Witch?”
Cosmic Witchcraft 101
Types of Cosmic Witches
What planet do you connect with most?
Planet Worship & Astrolatry
Actions as Offerings
Tasks for the Cosmic Witch
Cosmic Altar & Room Ideas
Top 10 Items for the Cosmic Witch
Cosmic Witchcraft - In the Shadows
Book of Cosmos
Astral Travel
Enchanting Items with Cosmic Energy
Planet Invocation
Channeling Cosmic Energy
Spell Timing With Planetary Hours
Planetary Aspects & Orbs
Spiral Meditation
Black Hole Grounding
Neptunian Sea Magick
Uranian Weather Magick
Plutonian Death Magick
Cosmic Magick Terminology
Astronomy Terminology (from
Black Hole Jar
Black Hole Decoy
Nebula Jar
Star Jar
Solar Jar
Celestial Warding
Celestial Roll-On Perfume
Celestial Gem Elixir
Planetary Shower Disk
Planetary Bath Salts
Uranian Coffee Scrub
Solar Herbal Salve
Starlight Charm
Star Oil
Stardust Powder
Stardust Powder Variants
Baneful Stardust Powder
Star Potion
Star Water
Planetary Powders
Planetary Charm Jars
Moon Potion
Moon Water
Uses for Moon Water
Moon Water & Lunar Phases
The Full Moon on a Cloudy Night
How to Celebrate the Full Moon
How to Celebrate the New Moon
Lunar Eclipse Water
Solar Eclipse Water
Black Moon Water (by @nightkunoichi)
Planetary Tarot Spread
New Moon Reflection Tarot Spread
Stellar Divination
Constellation Runes
Celestial Sigils (by @ofcloudsandstars)
updated on 4-4-2019
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fox-shuika ¡ 5 years ago
Tarot cheat sheet
Major Arcana
The Fool-Beginnings, Risks The Magician- Actions, manifestations The High Priestess- Hidden knowledge, Secrets The Empress- Resources, Abundance The Emperor- Boundaries, Order The Heirophant- Education, Lessons, Unity The Lovers- Love, decisions The Chariot- Progress, determination Strength- Managing situations, endurance The Hermit- Searching, analysis The Wheel of Fortune- Fate, Luck Justice- Decisions, Balance The Hanged Man- Waiting, sacrifice Death- Transformation, Rebirth Temperance- Negotiation, common ground The Devil-Restrictions, Indulgence The Tower-Unexpected failure, breakdowns The Star- Hope and guidance The Moon- Anxiety and deep emotions The Sun- Growth, Recovery Judgement- The past, second chances The World- Success, completion
Minor Arcana
Cups- Water Element, “I feel”- How emotions rule over and work within the meanings of the cards.
Ace- Love, Beginnings Two- Partnerships Three- Celebration Four- Boredom, longing Five- Loss, sadness Six- Peace, reconciliation Seven- confusion, possibilities Eight- Departure, leaving behind Nine- A wish coming true, contentment Ten- Happiness, family Page- Opportunities, Chances Knights- Emotional and dreamy influence Queen- Intelligent and intuitive influence King- Charismatic and Wise influence
Pentacles- Earth Element, “I have”- How possessions rule over and work within the meanings of the cards.
Ace- Money, success, beginnings Two- Decisions, balancing finances Three- Showing talents, chances Four- Stability, hiding Five- Financial loss, chasing Six- Generosity, supporting Seven- Potential with work Eight- Money coming, building success Nine- Comfort, success Ten- Inheritance, something lost Page- An offer Knight- A dependable influence Queen- A genorous influence King- A prosperous influence
Swords- Air Element, “I think”- How thoughts rule over and work within the  meanings of the cards.
Ace-  Success Two- Stalemate Three- Heartbreak Four- Rest, overwhelmed Five- Conflict Six- Leaving conflict behind Seven- Theft of positivity Eight- Restriction Nine- Anxiety Ten- Endings Page- Intelligence, alertness Knight- A opposing influence Queen- An independent influence King- A strong willed influence
Wands- Fire Element, “I desire”- How desires rule over and work within the meanings of the cards.
Ace- News, beginnings, fertility Two- Making plans Three- Travel Four- Freedom, rest Five- Stong opinions, fights Six- Victory Seven- Work, effort Eight- News, attack Nine- Stress, suspicion, strength Ten- Burdened, work Page- A message, understanding Knight- A motivational influence Queen- A creative influence King- An expressive influence
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fox-shuika ¡ 5 years ago
SWORDS - intellect, mind, thoughts, academia, communication
PAGE | mental energy, curiosity, new mental adventure ÂŽ* | overenthusiasm leading to rushed/poor planning KNIGHT | ambition, action, the power of an idea ÂŽ | no direction, unpredictability, scattered energy QUEEN | sharp-witted woman, complex, independent ÂŽ | cruel, single-minded focus, cold-hearted, clever KING | power, wielding truth as authority, calm intellect ÂŽ | manipulative, using intelligence for selfish aims ACE | potential for immense power and success ÂŽ | using incredible power for evil, brutality, chaos II | stalemate, crossroads, no clear choice ÂŽ | lesser of two evils, both choices end in suffering III | suffering and heartbreak from loneliness and betrayal ÂŽ | recovery, forgiveness, moving on IV | rest, contemplation, pause to look within ÂŽ | pushing too hard without taking a pause to reflect; burning out V | victory at all cost, stepping on toes ÂŽ | exhaustion, ready for a conflict to end VI | journey far from home, initiated by past sorrows; leaving a painful place ÂŽ | difficulty leaving behind emotional baggage and pain VII | pressure to be dishonest/deceptive to succeed in your ambition ÂŽ | desire to reform, become honest, turn a new leaf VIII | feeling helpless, self-victimizing thoughts ÂŽ | recognizing your self-victimizing beliefs are holding you back IX | anxiety, negative thoughts, nightmares ÂŽ | overreacting, spiraling into negativity, illogical X | betrayal, defeat; unavoidable, swift disaster ÂŽ | revival, understanding that this suffering helps you grow
*ÂŽ = reverse card meaning*ÂŽ = reverse card meaning
Tarot Cheat Sheet #1 - Major Arcana
Tarot Cheat Sheet #2 - Wands
Tarot Cheat Sheet #3 - Cups
Tarot Cheat Sheet #4 - Swords
Tarot Cheat Sheet #5 - Pentacles
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