fourandtwohalves · 12 years
The Trials of Going to Temple
Temple, had really been to anything aside from the services of my deity up until now so I wasn't sure what to expect.
We didn't know allot about this new temple of Mystra seeing as how we had only been in town for nigh a day, so we decided to gather information and supplies.
Leander and I took to the streets while Flicker and Asglyn gathered things we might require if we are to take on the old man's request.
Finding some information about the Purple Dragon Knights investigating the temple of Mystra from a city guard, but apparently they didn't uncover anything.
Next we took to the temple of Sylvanis, it was nice, calm and serene. Sitting next to an druid in a open air sanctum filled with grass, Leander stood awkwardly at the edge not wanting to ruin the grass.
Talking to the druid only confirmed our suspicions as well as finding out the temple of Mystra had a big city attitude. Somewhat hostile but not violent, and very closed off from the other clergy.
"Booooooooring get to the exciting stuff...Like when we rolled around in the grass. Damn that was some mighty fine grass."
Yes I rolled in the grass, of my own will... It looked comfy.
We all met up at the Virtuous Narwhal Inn that evening and shared what we found, before heading out to the temple of Mystra to attend their midnight service.
Upon approaching I felt unease, Raul was tugging at my mind telling me to hide myself. Getting Flicker to disguise me, others decided it would be good if we all took alternate identities.
"Your so oblivious sometimes..."
The service was going smoothly and we confirmed the flashing lights were nothing more than a display for their sermon. Though wanting to find more information Leander created a distraction, while flicker made Asglyn and I invisible before joining the distraction.
We checked out the two side doors only to find them locked and the big middle doors would have been too heavy to move let alone not be seen.
Feeling unaccomplished we returned outside, the others soon to follow. We didn't get much information and decided to check back tomorrow during the day. ~~~~~
The next day after breakfast I got Flicker to disguise me again before she took of to take care of some things while we investigated the church again. Asglyn and Leander felt confident they didn't need disguises and wanted us to be truthful but I couldn't take that risk.
While at the church we found out some information about a three day service that would be happening in the next few days waiting long enough to gather enough members to join.
Bringing that information back to Flicker, she greeted us and drug us out to an open area on the side of town to enjoy a picnic and fly her strange contraption i believe she called a "Kite".
"I wanted to chase after it and tear it to shreds after the third day of that..."
Yes, we did fly the kite for quite a few days until the trial ~~~~~
'Those worthy of Mystra's knowledge...' something something, it gained us entry to the inner chambers of the church and thats what mattered most.
I had to find what was in here...
Not being allowed to wear our belongings, we reluctantly locked them up in individual chests in the dormitory we were staying in with three others. each day we had to attended a service and perform daily rituals
Keeping to my own, I relaxed on my bed or in meditating, Flicker and Leander went about checking the other rooms attached to the main chamber while Asglyn puttered around.
On the last day they brought us into the last chamber to where they presented us with this mystical black orb
Something began to try and push into my mind but I fended it off, the others didn't look so much as if they had succeeded in this though so I played along and followed what they were doing. "Those who are unworthy, collect your things and proceed downstairs..." As soon as we entered into the next room to collect our things it seemed everyone else had collected their minds by then quickly acting we gathered our things and locked the three others who were still compelled into the room. It didn't take the cleric and guards long to figure out we were no longer compelled as the room plunged into darkness but thanks to Raul, he guided me. I narrowly escaped the end of our scuffle and began tending to wounds. Flicker and Leander freed the compelled and bound them together so they couldn't do something stupid, but could come with us.
I slipped into the guards rooms and found a dungeon map laid out with various things on top of a chest which I noted in my journal, collecting the dice to bring with me and dragging a long locked box out that I was unable to open. Flicker aided me with such, not that there was anything aside from what I found in the other boxes in the guards room we proceed down into the dungeons "Sorry I was sleeping, are you done yammering yet?"
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fourandtwohalves · 12 years
I never would have believed I would have ended up here.   Hah. Every minion I could have wanted.  Of course, not as bright as I'd want them, but what more can you expect of zombies.  They do what they're told.  I never did though. If I'd just... Well, nevermind.  I wouldn't be here, and then where would I be?  I don't want to think about it.  I can find it.  I know the trail is here somewhere.  I just have to....dig deeper. I must have looked in every slough, cemetery and cannibalistic village this side of the Moonsea.  I have to be getting closer.  I guess it's about time to let this lot loose, and move on.  Into the swamp next.  I wonder if the rumors are true?  The ruins would be the perfect place.
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fourandtwohalves · 12 years
Out of the Forest, and Into the Fire
Last night, it finally caught up to us. The wretched, evil spider that lurked deep down in that horrible, dark cave. After days of nearly sleepless travel. But we’re safe now… I hope. Weylyn isn’t so quick to trust this strange group, but he knows we owe them a debt. So we’re travelling with them… to who knows where. The gnome lady speaks so fast, I can’t keep up. It’s been some time now since we last travelled with anyone. It feels nice, safe… I slept soundly for the first time in days, and I think even Weylyn managed to sleep. He at least didn’t complain much when I told him I wanted to follow the nice Elven lady who calls herself Flicker (sometimes, anyway). She uses an odd kind of magic, that she casts by saying funny strings of words. Fire, too… but it’s different. It’s not an angry fire, it’s proud, protective. There’s Leander, a man with Elven blood, who Flicker seems to know well. He’s very quiet, but strong. I saw him nearly cleave the great spider in two! Then there’s a curious human, who says he’s a writer… though I can’t imagine anyone who would write for a living… it’s so tedious and boring! Weylyn says he smells of hin, and he sure likes to stare at the moon, so I don’t know. I think I’ll wake up early tomorrow and take Weylyn hunting, he’s been ever so eager, especially since the spider is gone… I’m glad to be rid of that feeling, of constantly being hunted…
Today was a very scary day. We left the safety of the forest… oh, and an Orc almost chopped me to pieces. He wanted to eat me for dinner, I’m sure of it! Flicker wanted to stop at a place called Mouth O’ Gargoyles, which turned out to be a poor village overrun by nasty Orcs. The whole place smelled of suffering and fire. Angry fire that had burned away everything. Flicker and Leander wanted to aid the village, so I did my best to help . Weylyn was brave, and fought the Orcs head on while I clung to his back. But the Orcs must have thought I looked tastiest, ‘cause they kept attacking me… I got hurt really bad, but the writer named Wallace healed me. I think Weylyn is grateful, but he’s too proud to show it, and won’t admit he can’t protect me by himself. We managed to defeat the Orcs, and save a little gnome centaur. I mean, the tallest merchant I’ve ever seen! He made a strange hollow rock that he called his “shop” appear out of thin air, and it was filled with all sorts of extraordinary, magical stuff. We gave him the shiny things we found in the village, that the Orcs had collected. The centaur gave each of us a bunch more of the shiny round things. They’re just like the ones I was given a while ago by a nice travelling merchant family, who said I should give them to someone if I ever need help. Later that night we left the forest… the sky is so empty now. I held a seed from my pouch tight in my hand, and it made me feel better. Tired from the long day, I hardly noticed when we entered a town called Immersea. Weylyn woke me when we got to a place called an Inn. It seems it’s where people like to sleep when they’re travelling away from home. We went inside, and after asking for a place to stay and ensuring that Weylyn wasn’t going to make a mess, we went up to our rooms. Everyone seemed to have a hard time deciding where to sleep. I just hopped up onto one of the funny square branches going across the top of Flicker’s room, and hung my hammock to sleep. Weylyn curled up on the floor below me. Everything here is made of wood, or metal. But the wood feels happy… knowing it’s protecting people from harm, just as it does in the forest. I need to wash the blood off my hands and back, it’s starting to itch… but I’m oh so tired…
Wheloon is so full of people, and lots of fun! Yesterday we left the unfriendly town of Immersea, travelling along a big lake called Wyvernwater, though we didn’t see any wyverns. Flicker seemed a little disappointed. During the trip, Wallace told everyone about how there’s a scary wolf spirit trapped inside him. It explains why he acts so weird sometimes, and smells like hin. Also, he’s not a writer. I knew nobody would want to do something like that all the time. Though he does still seem to do a lot of writing… his fingers must really hurt! Leander told us about a nasty man he’s trying to find that did bad things to his sister… I feel sorry for him, he seems so sad and angry. I guess that’s why he’s so quiet most of the time. I told everyone as much as I could about the spiders… how I found a strange ring at the bottom of a dark cave full of dead things, and how I ran away with the ring once a big monster appeared. It screamed when I wore it, and attracted the giant spider that night in the forest. I haven’t worn it since. No-one seems to know what it is, except that it makes me move a little quicker when I wear it, but I’m not gonna… just in case it brings the spiders back. We got to Wheloon last night and stayed at an Inn run by the gnome lady Rafa’s sister. She doesn’t seem to like us very much. But that’s okay, ‘cause I made some new friends today! We went to something called a market. It had lots of people, shops, food, candy and things. On the way though, I was surprised by a boy who pulled me down an ally. He took me to his friends, who all wanted to play “Hide n’ Seek”, but I didn’t know what it was, so he taught me how to play. He told me his name was Godwin, and we hid behind a tree in his yard. I think we mighta cheated though, ‘cause while we were hiding, Godwin’s mother called us in for lunch. There was lots of delicious fruit, and something called a sandwich. Tyvora, Godwin’s mother, told me about the greenhouse and flower shop she runs in the market. After lunch I gave my sandwich to Weylyn, though he was only interested in the meat. The group found me again, although Flicker was dressed all funny. I said goodbye to Godwin and we headed back to the market. We stopped at a candy store and Flicker gave me a sweet maple leaf candy. It was so tasty! They melted on my tongue, I almost couldn’t stop eating them. After, we visited Tyvora’s flower shop. It was really beautiful, and there were so many kinds of plants. She gave me some of a plant I recognized from home, which she called Hands of Ilmater. My mother used to use it if I got a cut or scrape, and Tyvora said it helps stop bleeding. All the plants and flowers were so happy there, I can’t wait to go back to learn more about them!
~Asglyn Moonflower
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fourandtwohalves · 12 years
As always, I'm glad to hear from you.  I have been well, and Flicker enjoys your gift to her immensely. Unfortunately, we received the parcel while in the middle of the King's Forest, so she was unable to fully appreciate the kite. She is anxious to try it out however. Isn't she always excited though? And for the umpteenth time, there is nothing going on between Flicker and I. We're just friends. I'm sorry, but your desire for grandchildren has to wait. Kelemvor has work for me to do! (I jest, of course. Flicker is a sweet girl, but we simply don't see each other that way. Even if I did, I doubt she'd have much patience for me. It's a wonder she's still around!)
My apologies for such a delay in my response. Things have been hectic lately. So much has happened in the last few days, I barely know where to start.
For one thing, I have two... well, I suppose three, more companions now... Can you imagine? Since leaving Kelemvor and the army, not a soul has rallied to my cause. Even Flicker is only tangentially interested in my goal. She still just wants to play all the time. I suppose my new companions aren't exactly searching for Veinlash either. Each of them have their own desires. They're an... ah, interesting bunch. Not in a negative way, I assure you. They're genuine people. Just... not the sort you'd run into every day.
The first, I met with Flicker as we entered an inn of sorts. He was the only patron aside from us... which isn't terribly surprising. Recall that we were in King's Forest... what sort of inn is in the middle of the forest? But I'm rambling. After watching us intently for a while, I decided to confront the man, to decide if he was a threat or not. He revealed himself as a writer of sorts... chronicling adventurers, though not as a bard. A scholar of some sort. His name is Wallice. He appears to have some skill in magical healing as evidenced in our fight with the giant spider... but I'm getting ahead of myself. Wallice has some secrets which he kindly revealed to us. I'm unsure if he would appreciate me spreading the word of his... let's say, condition. Rest assured, he means no harm, and is working closely with his goddess, Salune.
The second (and third) companion, we met via some distressing circumstance. As we made camp for the night (the inn... blew up. I'm still unclear on the details.), Flicker and I awoke to the sound of terrified screaming. Without a moment of hesitation, Flicker bolted off towards the panicked cries. Wallice and I trailed behind, as I had to alert him of the happenings and strap on my armor. Blasted plate mail takes so long to equip. You'd think after years of wearing the suit, I'd be accustomed to equipping it quicker.
When we arrived at the scene, we found... spiders. A swarm of smaller ones, chasing Flicker and what appeared to be a young girl riding atop a blink dog, of all things. And another spider... much... much larger than the rest loomed towards me. With the combined efforts of my blade, Flicker's magic, and the magic of the small girl, the spider was gravely wounded. Wallice cured our wounds with a word to his goddess. The young girl... she spoke barely a word of common at first, but Flicker's talent for languages managed to get her to cooperate with the rest of us. Her name is Asglyn... and she seems like such a wild, innocent child. Apologies, I shouldn't call her a child. She is a halfling, from what I can tell. But her demeanor is near childlike... but she's got her "big brother" protecting her. Note the quotations... Asglyn seems to have deep ties with her blink dog companion. His name is Weylyn. He is incredibly protective of her... which I can admire.
The four of us together, along with a yellow-clad gnome named Rafa and a large... machine man... travel towards Wheloon, to find Rafa's sister's inn. Along the way, and against my better judgement and towards Flicker's reckless insistance, we headed to The Mouth o' Gargoyles. It looks nearly how it sounds. It was a small village, with gargoyle statues atop the wall surrounding it. As we approached, we noticed pillars of smoke... black smoke... Wallice, Asglyn, and Weylyn could smell the scent of burning bodies. Soon after, Flicker and I could as well.
An orc raiding party. How many of them have I dealt with before? And each time, I cannot fathom their reasoning. Why would anyone, anything, murder innocents, desecrate the bodies, and steal their belongings. What sick pleasure does it bring to them, what challenge? It burns in my blood and makes me sick. We arrived near too late. Flicker snuck in ahead of us, and began distracting them with her illusions. The rest arrived soon after to dispatch of the brutes. Most of them seemed more like minions, barely withstanding our assault. Weylyn seemed enthusiastic to attack, Asglyn more reluctant. However, they held their own. Asglyn appears to be able to control nature and alter her appearance... it seems she could have druidic powers. Wallice.. behaved a bit erratically, which he later explained was caused by his condition. However, he kept us alive, which I am grateful for. A couple of the orcs seemed a bit stronger and more intelligent, brandishing better weaponry and armor. One actually wounded me severely, unexpectedly hamstringing me. We managed to subdue the lot of them. A few met their untimely deaths, but a couple were simply unconscious. We bound them with rope and manacles...
The rest of the party searched for survivors. However, I couldn't sit idly after the bloodbath...
Corpses. Burning corpses. Piles of dead, defiled bodies.
I gave them all proper burial, and prayed to Kelemvor to receive their souls. May they rest better in the afterlife. It fills me with shame to admit, the temptation to burn the bodies of the orcs in similar fashion as them was great. However, I buried them as well.
Survivors. Flicker and Wallice discovered a.. centaur, I suppose? He claimed to be a merchant... and wanted to buy the wares of the deceased villagers. I couldn't, in good conscience, let them simply take the victim's belongings... but they managed to convince me that it was either selling to the merchant to put to good use, rather than bury them and let graverobbers have their way...
The rest of our trip to Wheloon went without much incident. After we arrived though, is a different matter... but I suppose I'll tell you about it another time. Looking back, this letter has gone on rather long. My apologies again, father. So much has happened and I suppose I got wrapped up in telling you. I get the feeling much grander things are in store for Flicker and I, and our new companions. I suppose will give me something to write about in our correspondence.
I look forward to hearing back from you. Magnus says hello. Flicker waves enthusiastically. Send my greetings to Merron. Visit Mother and Fionna for me.
Take care of yourself.
- Leander
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fourandtwohalves · 12 years
Adventure Starting
Three weeks ago is when it began, my reason to start this journal, my fear that was making its way through my mind like a brain rotting disease. I had to get out I needed to leave, if not they would find me. Dreams, a premonition of sorts... pain and fear... a elf? Or was it human? I couldn't tell... They could save me! I had to hide! But where?! I left my enclave, with me the wishes of my mentor Sinara, a white cloak with  druidic markings, a crystal ball, and my journal. Not a whole lot but it would do for now. I made my way down the Vilhon Reach, I had no real idea where I was going. Coming into the port of Hlondeth I traveled by caravan to Ormath and then off to the north eventually finding myself in Cormyr.
Visions of a forest, a mint green house with pink trim? And orange and purple... curtains? Entering the King's Forest I made my way to this odd establishment. "The Pretty Unicorn" the sign outside read. "Are you seriously going to that gaudy inn?" Raul mocked. I entered, finding a very large copper man in a pink apron standing behind the bar cleaning a glass, he greeted me kindly and I made my way over to a table and sat down to rest my aching legs. For after what seemed like a couple hours, I looked up from my journal to hear someone enter the inn. A paladin, in his shiny armor (seemed to take good care of it), followed by an elven woman... wait... an elf... It took me a moment to remember where I had seen her. The dream! I started jotting things down in my journal, not really paying attention to how creepy I must have come off, my eyes had locked onto them since they entered. Raul made some comment which I pushed aside not really paying attention. One day I'll kill you for that... They sat down at a table and talked for a couple minutes, glancing back at me. The paladin got up and moved to another table moments before the elf walked over to my table and asked me what I was doing
"I'm a writer!" A writer? What the heck do I seriously look like a writer? I seemed to be able to pass it off somehow. But while I was worrying about if they were buying it I caught smell of something horrid. A gnome darted from the back room... "We should eat it, catch it before it gets out the door!" Raul hissed.
Everyone ran out of the inn just in time to see plums of colorful smoke pour from every oriface of the building. The five of us set up camp outside the inn after, Rafa, the gnome, explained that this was a common occurrence. The large man, who turned out to be a sentient construct of all things with a obsession for his pink apron, went out to bring back some rabbits and birds. Afterwards, sleeping arrangements were set up and I was the first to be on watch. Gazing at the moon from beneath the trees, Raul grumbling in discontent. Sitting there admiring the night life, my mind slipped from me as I began to think about the dream again, snapping out of it when a sudden movement from inside the camp brought me to full alert. The elven woman had bolted into the forest and the paladin was about to follow but as I soon found out I had completely tranced out the blood curdling scream, he had decided to don his armor. I was torn to bolt off after the elf, she was my only lead, and if someone was dying I might be able to save them. On the other hand I had no idea what I was getting into so I helped the paladin into his armor, the two seemed to be traveling together and wouldn't split up that easily, and he and I set off into the forest. We arrived on scene to find this massive spider biting into the elven woman, though as it would seem my eyes deceived me. The paladin rushed in swinging his mighty sword, everything was happening so fast, it was all I could do to channel some of my magic into the paladin to reduce the pain of his wounds. There was some rustling in the trees to the right of the spider, as I couldn't see what was going on I climbed onto a nearby fallen tree to find a blink dog with a halfling perched atop. The spider quickly fell and I offered my healing services to those in need. The druid completely ignored my existence but Raul wasn't going to let that slide. As I dawned my new most embarrassing moment in my life and began hitting on the blink dog. "Hahaha you deserved the looks you got..." From there we headed back to camp, the druid seemingly growing an attachment to the elf, and we all agreed to escort the gnome and his construct to Wheloon. Introductions were made, we all became somewhat comfortable in the presence of each other. Flicker the elf, Leander the paladin, Asglyn the druid and Weylyn, her companion. We traveled a bit making a slight detour into a village once known as the Mouth 'O Gargoyles, no longer standing as we arrived after some orcs just finished pillaging the place. We slew who was left and saved a traveling merchant, centaur, gnome, thing... "More food if you ask me..." Carrying on we stopped by Immersea, and seeing as I was a follower of Salune they granted us entrance. That night I pulled Flicker to the side and we went for a walk... "And you spilled your guts to her..." Yes, I explained the entire situation, my dream, I was seeking her help after all. She agreed under circumstance that I tell the rest of the group. Although she wasn't the type to really care about something like this, she wasn't going to let a god take advantage of someone so young and if I stuck with her she wouldn't let me die. With that relief I went to the open sanctuary that night and prayed to my goddess, though with no answer, I talked to a few of the elders, before heading back to the inn. That night I had the dream again... but different... We arose the next morning, Flicker had bought us some massive fish and I stopped by the library, and after getting some help from Flicker, was able to get some books researched to find some answers about Salune and Raul.
Continuing our journey to Wheloon we stopped for lunch, which I took the opportunity to lay out my situation to everyone. They seemed quite accepting of which brought me a wave of relief. I also found out a few things about the rest of them, Asglyn took a screaming ring from a dark, dark cave. Leander's quest to kill a necromancer. Flicker's... Flicker...ness I really don't know what she's up to. We traveled to Wheloon that evening, and stayed at Roanna's inn, The Virtuous Narwaal. "Such a marvelous woman..." Only after we were promised a room by her younger sister Rafa. We had gone to the market in the morning for breakfast, and Asglyn was pulled off down an alleyway, but the rest of the party didn't seem too worried. We later met up with her and checked out a strange request by a questionable old man. Seems the temple of Mystra has been up to something strange. Guess we will find out. "Uuuuugh why?!"
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fourandtwohalves · 12 years
Talking to myself.
Gods above and below. It's been an entire month since I was forced into this worm of a human's body as a prison.  He's weak, self-conscious, and compassionate for others. It disgusts me.  But I don't intend to stay here.  As soon as I find away to get a body to myself I will. 
This human "oracle" walked into this gaudy inn early this morning.  He seems to think this is where She wants him to go.  She gave him visions. She wants him to save the innocents. Hrmpf. So here we sit at this grubby little table, surrounded by tapestries that make me want to puke rainbows.  The barkeep is some kind of construct it would seem. And.... we stare at the door.... and stare some more.  
It's been hours, but someone has just walked through the door. A paladin, well that's just great.  That's all I need, more holy law abiders, especially one so obnoxious to have his holy symbol plastered all over his armor. Paladin of Kelemvor, I think.  I don't know who that elf woman is, perhaps just a retainer.  She's dressed in rather dark rich clothes though, she seems to walk with a noble air.  And of course, this idiot just sits here staring at them...
"You know her, don't you, worm?"
"Shut up, Raul."
Of course they are going to come over here if you stare them down...what's... what's that smell? Smoke? no. Too acrid.  
"Oh look at that, a yellow gnome. We should eat it, catch it before it gets out the door!"
I should have seen it coming.  This is where it starts.  She's taking a hand in his life, and still steering me into learning some noble lesson.
As we chased the gnome out of the inn, the whole thing flooded colorful smoke. Color...I haven't seen these colors in a long time, pinks and purples, yellows and oranges.  It smelled awful though.  The gnome, garbed in bright yellow is clearly not as inventive as she'd have us think.  Rafa, she called herself.  Though she did make a sentient construct.  That's my kind of crazy, I'd have dozens. It would be glorious.  They would do my bidding.
This construct seems to know what's expected, he wandered off and brought back rabbits and birds.  The gnome set up camp and made space for all three that were in the inn.  She then made a delicious smelling stew out of the rabbit meat.  After this, the weak one and the strangers decided to establish a watch.  As if a forest is dangerous.  The weak one stays awake to stare at the moon.  The moon that looks back at me with disdain.
"Someone is dying in the woods you dolt. Stop your day dreaming, can't you hear that agonized screaming?  Can't  you run any faster? That's the sound of the freshest meat."
I couldn't believe he didn't hear the screaming.  It could have woken the dead.  Once he saw the others running, he followed and we entered the clearing to see a monstrously huge spider.  There was something being hunted by the spider, but it turned it's attention to the Lady, as she ran in without a thought.  And, as deserved got bitten.  Though it seems she has a gift with deception and beguiling. 
The Paladin joins us and starts to bring the holy wrath of his deity down upon this mindless spider.  Humans can be so destructive. My weak prison channeled some of Her power, to bring relief to the pain around him.  He relies on the grace of some unseen power that he believes has his best interest at heart.  
All of a sudden, a halfling on a blink dog runs toward the great spider.  A Halfling. On a blink dog.  I thought I'd seen it all, but this one's new.  She brought some acid into her hand and threw it forth to down the giant spider.
I knew then what she was.  A druid and her companion.  The only one I've seen in weeks who could become worthy of the nature she lives in.
The strangers brought the two back to the camp.  The halfling climbed a tree to sleep, and the dog lay beneath it, awake and watchful.  They don't trust these strangers.  They have good instinct.
I could tell you all about how we traveled through the forest, how the party decided to apprehend an orc raiding party they found, how we stopped in the Immersea and my dim-witted container decided to spill his guts to the Lady-that-isn't-a-Lady-at-all, and at her suggestion gave some information of me to the others.  But it bored me. When we got to Wheloon however, things became less boring.  Though not any less pleasing.  
Upon arriving in Wheloon, we proceeded to the inn where the yellow gnome had requested the party take her. The gnome's sister, Roanna, is quite the likable lady. Her snide sarcasm, and intolerance of other beings makes her and I nearly kin.  She offered the party a place to stay while here, but only because Rafa had already promised this.
The next day something quite distasteful happened. The party happened upon an old man who asked them to help.  Wanted someone to investigate the new temple to Mystra that is in the town. He believes they are fouling the name of his goddess.  So, I will have to endure the company of the others even longer as they set out on this meaningless errand.
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fourandtwohalves · 12 years
Cormyr, 1372 DR.
Cormyr is a land in need of adventurers.  Following the death of it's beloved king, the nobility withdrew their support.  Now evil humanoids are roaming the land, and pillaging the defenseless villages.  
If someone were to challenge it's enemies, Cormyr would be able to settle back into being a country of fine food and people, a booming trade, and a few curious tales.
As it happens, there are some adventurers who have just happened upon each other in the King's Forest.  After their unique meeting, and a brave combat they begin travel to the city of Wheloon on a simple quest.
They pass through the Mouth O' Gargoyles, make short work of a raiding party, and briefly stop in Immersea, but soon reach their destination.
Now that they have arrived, it seems they won't be going separate ways just yet.  Flicker the impulsive beguiler, Asglyn the shy druid of the forest, Leander the just and lawful paladin, and Wallace the possessed oracle have more of a role to play in Cormyr than they yet know.
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