four-m00n5-blog · 5 years
Twitch has become what it is now, thanks to the streamers, the content they generate, and the communities we build and develop. We want to be able to continue doing what we love, and today I’ll tell about article 13
Article 13 is part of a copyright directive proposed by the European Union, which will be voted on shortly. If it is adopted in its current form, this will entail enormous consequences and serious restrictions on the ability to create, distribute and consume content — not only on Twitch, but also on the Internet as a whole.
On March 25, Article 13 received a positive decision, but voting in the European Parliament was not the final step, since the proposals must be finally approved by the European Council, which was appointed on April 9. The European Council said it would approve this measure, but it will take two years to implement it.
Freedom of speech and information itself may be at risk. Do you sometimes like to watch movie reviews or games? Video retrospective or something like that? maybe stream your favorite game or meme? Thanks to this Article 13, you can tritely say goodbye to these Internet activities. Everything will be closed on the bolt of iron censorship. Despite the seemingly positive aspiration, its implementation is terrible and clumsy, and the directive needs to be drafted.
Despite the fact that the countries of our region de Jure are outside the European Union, the adoption of the Directorate will directly affect the spectators from abroad and the whole content of Europe, which we looked either used. The introduction of such laws on the territory of the CIS after taking a similar directive in Europe - the issue of time. And in the best domestic traditions, imitation will be thoughtless, and the directive is even more dragon and insane in their spatial influential.
One should not think that this concerns only Europeans, this concerns all of us. Total gaming community. Including our GoHa.Ru, our common home. They are trying to strangle us with an insane law on the isolation of the Internet, now this ignorant directive has been added to it with the savage Article 13. You should not stand aside and think that everything will work out by itself. Only an active position and perseverance in the protection of the natural right to freedom of speech and information will help us not to turn into censorship of weak-willed slaves.
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