Fosterson Week
231 posts
One week of pure Jane/Thor love. Following #fostersonweek and #fostersonweek2019
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
fostersonweek · 3 years ago
Mod Molly is semi-alive and IN CRISIS because of those bts photos so uhhhh i am NOT opposed but I make no guarantees as to my level of participation
Sooo will we be having a fosterson week this year?
So, Mod Jordan went back to grad school and is DYING because ADHD sucks ass.
@the-irish-mayhem, are you still around? Want to attempt to organize something with me?
I am feeling inspired after those bts photos from Love and Thunder.
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fostersonweek · 3 years ago
Sooo will we be having a fosterson week this year?
So, Mod Jordan went back to grad school and is DYING because ADHD sucks ass.
@the-irish-mayhem, are you still around? Want to attempt to organize something with me?
I am feeling inspired after those bts photos from Love and Thunder.
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fostersonweek · 5 years ago
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Fosterson Week Day 4: Tropes
+ Bonus:
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fostersonweek · 5 years ago
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wallpaper | HQ
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fostersonweek · 5 years ago
One of the mods shows up 15 minutes late with Starbucks. This week has been insane, BUT never fear! The stuff WILL get posed. This is for Fosterson Week Day 5: Throwback Thorsday. We’re fudging the timeline a little bit–imagine that the Thor movie took place around the same time/a bit after the first Iron Man movie in 2008. More of a sketch, a collection of moments than a true fic. (but there is something resembling plot here)
Loki never sends the Destroyer to Midgard.
Read on AO3.
destiny, disrupted
Here is a truth: Loki loves Thor.
Here is another truth: Loki also hates Thor.
Here is the most relevant truth: Loki loves his mother and respects her counsel above all others.
At the end of the day, this is what matters most. Odin sleeps on, Frigga advises her son how to rule, and Loki (mostly) listens.
Thor remains on Midgard. Mjolnir lays dormant in the desert, the magic patient and steadfast. The Destroyer remains in the Vault where it belongs, and the Warriors Three grudgingly accept Thor’s banishment; after all, Loki seems to be (mostly) listening to Frigga, and they are loyal to the throne. Heimdall watches carefully.
The realms continue to turn, Yggdrasil’s branches trembling in the galactic ballet.
Something is drawing near–but not yet.
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fostersonweek · 5 years ago
Thor collapsed onto the bed next to Jane and made a soft groan into the pillow.  Jane had already set down her book when she had heard him enter, and now reached over to stroke his hair.
“Was this a bad one?” Jane asked.
“Unh,” Thor grunted, before rolling over. “Giant alien war robots in Florida.  Not that dangerous, but strong enough to hurt.  It’ll be more annoying tracking down who sent them.”
“Your arm!” Jane said, taking in the rapidly darkening skin.
“It’s just a bruise,” Thor replied.  “The medical team already checked it.  I will just be sore for a few days until it heals.”
Jane sighed, and rummaged in the nightstand until she came up with a big jar.  As soon as she opened the lid, Thor sat up abruptly.
“That’s Eir’s salve recipe!” he said abruptly.  “How did you get that?”
“I do talk to Sif when she stops here in the course of her duties,” Jane said.  “You just have bad timing.  She left this with me for you - said Heimdall sends his regards.”
Thor pulled his shirt off, revealing the nasty bruise in its entirety, before sitting down and holding his arm out.  Jane promptly started rubbing in the salve, and Thor gave a massive sigh of relief.
Once the whole bruise had been treated, Thor lay back down and pulled the covers over himself.
“Will you let me hold you?” he asked softly.
“Of course.”
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fostersonweek · 5 years ago
the universe in your hand
For the free day of Fosterson Week 2019, a proposal scene all because of a ring idea I saw a while back!
Read on AO3
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fostersonweek · 5 years ago
Fosterson Day 2: Outside POV (Headcanons/Meta)
What does everyone in Thor and Jane’s lives think of their relationship? Here’s some headcanons and analysis. Featuring Team Jane, notable Asgardians, and a few Avengers and supporting cast circa pre-AoU.
…predictably, this got long. There wound up being a lot of people.
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fostersonweek · 5 years ago
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@fostersonweek Day 7: Finale
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fostersonweek · 5 years ago
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FOSTERSON WEEK DAY 6 - Speculation
The Mighty Thor - “You are a brave woman, Jane Foster.”
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fostersonweek · 5 years ago
To everyone who participated in Fosterson Week 2019,
Thank you all for making this last week an amazing experience! We absolutely adore all the amazing content that was produced for this week, and we appreciate everyone for following this blog and the tag to show the creators some love!
We will continue to reblog late submissions as long as they are tagged #fostersonweek and/or #fostersonweek2019, or tag us in the post so that we don’t miss it!
Thank you again for another amazing Fosterson Week! This fandom always astounds us with the love and dedication to this ship and these characters.
-Mods Molly and Jordan
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fostersonweek · 5 years ago
The Tower
Fosterson Week 2019 > Day 5 (Pre-Ragnarok) Let’s go back to a happier time and get Thor and Jane moving into Avengers Tower.
Fosterson Fic List
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fostersonweek · 5 years ago
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FOSTERSON WEEK DAY 5 - Throwback Thorsday 
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fostersonweek · 5 years ago
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@fostersonweek Day 5: Throwback Thorsday
One of my favorite scenes of them - the first time they connected with each other! :)
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fostersonweek · 5 years ago
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Top gif by @runakvaed (I can’t find it in tumblr’s add a gif function to give automatic credit, I’m sorry.)
Fosterson Week Day 1: Missing Scene
Ever since I realized the scene in the top gif from the Dark World trailer wasn’t in the movie, I’ve wanted to see this scene so badly. (That gif is all we have of that scene, the rest are various BTS pics and gifs I found.) That still hasn’t changed, since it hasn’t been released in any deleted scene collections since the movie came out. I’m guessing it was probably deleted for pacing reasons, because if Thor has time to change into Earth clothes and then back for a romantic scene you lose a lot of tension. That doesn’t stop me from wanting to see it though! There’s precious few Fosterson scenes and I treasure every single one, so the fact that there’s another kiss scene sitting around somewhere in Marvel’s vault that they haven’t shown us is very frustrating.
It looks like this scene would probably be a sort of mirror to the romantic scene on Asgard where Thor explains the Convergence to Jane and they kiss- something where Thor and Jane stop to talk strategy for the fight against Malekith and wind up having another moment. Only this time instead of Jane being in Thor’s world and home, he’s in hers. There’s even the parallel of Jane having worn Asgardian clothes for the scene on Asgard and Thor wearing Midgardian clothes here.
Whatever the context for this scene is, I’m keeping my fingers crossed it’s included in the Infinity Saga box set!
Side note: it looks like Jane has some sort of futhark decoration in her house? That’s pretty interesting, I wonder what the story is there. And what it says!
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fostersonweek · 5 years ago
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Sealed with a Kiss; Huge Guy, Tiny Girl
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fostersonweek · 5 years ago
I believe that I’ve gotten all the reblogs for Fosterson Week posts thus far, but please let me know if I’ve missed any! You can send your posts to @cockyacromion, as Mod Jordan is available basically 24/7 right now. She does run on EST, but hit her up between the hours of 8am and 11pm, and you’re golden.
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