foryourlifefic-blog · 6 years
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I could use a time machine right about now
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foryourlifefic-blog · 6 years
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Plant and Page at Kezar Stadium in San Francisco, June 2, 1973.
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foryourlifefic-blog · 6 years
Chapter 6 (Part 2)
By the time everyone was seated Jimmy had already introduced me to a few henchmen.
Jimmy has kept me on his arm the whole time not letting me leave his sight while he did most of the socializing.
The rest of the band had made an effort to greet me which I appreciated. Robert had brought Adeline so I was happy that I had another girl to talk to.
“Are you as excited for the after party as I am?” She whispered in my ear.
She was seated to my left as Jimmy was to my right talking to some other people.
“Probably” I say “but this hasn’t been bad, I got to meet some interesting people and you know free drinks.” I say sipping the Jack Daniels that Jimmy had gotten me earlier.
“Cheers to that” she says taking a drink of her fruity drink that I’m not really sure what it was.
Jimmy seemed pretty occupied so I decided to endure in a conversation with her.
“So how did you and Robert meet?” I ask smirking at her.
She smiles “nothing too unusual, it was a couple months ago when they had a show here, and a couple of friends and I were able to get backstage. I don’t know me and Robert just really hit it off.”
“Awe that’s sweet” I say “so you’ve been seeing each other for a couple months?”
“On and off” she says “California is where they usually take The Starship during their off tour dates, and when they are here he usually gives me a call to come meet him at his hotel.”
“I see” I say admiring the flowy aqua dress that engulfed her body “so you’ve gotten to know the band pretty well.”
“Collectively.” She says “Jonsey always kinda wonders off somewhere and Jimmy kinda does too, he’s always on some kind of quest regarding something or another.” She whispers carfuly so that he doesn’t hear from beside me “but me and Robert do spend a lot of time with Bonzo, who is the sweetest warmest guy... except when he has too much to drink.”
“Yeah I’ve noticed that.” I say.
“What are you two birds talking about?” Robert asks reclaiming his seat next to Adeline after getting another drink from the bar.
“Oh just how we met.” She says flirtatiously setting a hand on his open chest.
“Oh that’s a lovely story” he says stroking her ribcage “did you tell her about how you flashed me while I was onstage?” He grins.
She laughs “nope, I hadn’t gotten to that part yet.” She says
“So that’s how you got backstage.” I say.
“Pretty much” she laughs.
“Sorry love” Jimmy rubs my shoulder “but, could you come up to the bar with me there’s someone else I want to introduce you too.”
“Yeah sure” I say realizing my drink needs refilled anyway.
I get up grabbing my glass as Jimmy sets a hand on the small of my back guiding me to the bar area.
I hand my glass to the bar tender asking for a refill on my Jack Danielle’s.
“Leila this is Mr. Finestra of Century Records. I was telling him about your band. He said he saw one of your acoustic sets at the Troubadour.” Jimmy says gesturing to the man in a mustache standing across from me.
“Oh yes, Mr Finestra I’m familiar with you and your label, I’ve actually heard good things about it.” I lie knowing that the company is in cahoots right now.
“Well that’s good to hear.” He says “but I wanted to tell you that I like you, your face, your voice, and your band is great! I really think we could put something bigger together. Do you guys have representation.”
“Not at the moment” I say “we just fired our last manager as we haven’t gotten much promotion out of him, we have mostly been setting up dates ourselves.” I say.
“Well I definitely have some connections for that.” He says “here’s my card.” He says slipping me a small white square. “Have your band give me a call, if your interested in joining our team.”
“Will do” I say taking the card from him “thank you.”
“Don’t mention it” He says “well talking has been lovely.” He says “but I must be getting back to my party, Jimmy always a pleasure, and Leila I look forward hearing from you.”
“Definitely” I say.
“Enjoy the rest of your evening.” Jimmy says shaking his hand.
“You as well” he says walking away.
I waited for him to sit down before I turned to Jimmy “look I appreciate you doing that, but I hear that guy is pretty shady and isn’t someone else trying to take over the company anyway?”
“Your not wrong” he says taking a sip of the drink that the bar tender just handed him “but that’s not why I introduced you.”
“Then what for?” I ask
“look Century records is going in a download spiral meaning their competition is looking to sweep up whatever they can of their businesses.”
“Yeah so?” I say.
“So” he smirks “if other companies hear that Century wants you they will try to get to you first. Labels like Columbia or Capital.” He says making me think about the shity company that we record with now “just make sure you get a manager so they don’t walk all over you, that’s why we are lucky to have G, or else Atlantic would be having us release only singles by now.”
“Yeah he takes very good care of you guys, our last manager wasn’t like that.” I say.
“Which is why you need another one. Trust me.” He says “after I finish introducing you to everyone and get your name out there calls will be pouring in asking about your representation.”
“I hope so” I say beginning to think of all the mistakes we have made in the past with producers and labels because of our sleazy manager.
“I know so darling.” He smirks.
Okay so I have been doing a lot of research about record labels at that time. Led Zeppelin was signed with Atlantic for 5 years before launching Swan Song records in 1974. So you will be seeing that unravel (maybe in a slightly different time setting for the sake of the story.) so if you guys have anything to add to that let me know. Also how do you feel about Jimmy and Cameron having history?😱 does it surprise you at all?😂 you will be hearing more about it in future chapters if it still confuses you. Until next time everyone!
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foryourlifefic-blog · 6 years
Chapter 6 (Part 1)
By the time I had finished getting ready it was about time for Jimmy to come pick me up.
I still has extra time so I decided to go to the kitchen to make a drink so I could get a little loose before the event even started.
“Look at you!” Matt hollers coming out of his room with Cameron.
“You look gorgeous!” She says “I love your dress.”
“Thank you” I blush.
The dress I was wearing was the color of champagne with a slit coming up along the side. There was also a deep V neck that was lined with lace.
I had done subtle makeup with a bold eyeliner and soft pink lips, my hair was curled at the ends which was the way it usually was anyway.
“It was a gift” I say “from my mom long ago, just now getting the chance to wear it.”
“Well she has beautiful taste” Cameron compliments.
“I’ll let her know” I say sipping the old fashioned that I had made “I haven’t seen you guys since this morning what have you done all day?”
“Oh you know” Matt says winking.
“Good god” I say “have you eaten food or anything?”
“Nope!” He says “which is exactly the mission we are on. That and to go back to Cameron’s apartment and get her some clothes to bring back here.”
“Moving in?” I ask.
“Not quiet” she laughs “we’ve only known each other a day, but we’ve had a lot of fun so I figure why not hang out another day.”
“Well you’re always welcome.” I say “we need a place with more rooms, this one only has 3 and there is 4 of us.”
“How did you and Kenny end up sharing the room together?” Cameron asks.
“We gambled and we lost” Matt says “plus these girls have way more crap than we do.”
“True” I huff.
“I might make Kenny move into another room though, now that your around.” Matt says seductively.
“Oh brother.” I roll my eyes “Well it’s not gonna be mine, my name is on the lease so I can kick all of you guys out.”
“You wouldn’t” Matt laughs.
“Try me” I say taking another sip of my drink.
“So what are your plans for tonight?” Cameron asks.
“Yeah why are you so dressed up?” Matt retorts.
“Well I have an important event to attend with a Mr. Jimmy Page.” I say.
“Your still seeing him?” Cameron asks.
“To my dismay... what can I say he insists.”
“Did you just meet him yesterday?” She asks.
“Last night” I reply.
“Oh man when I slept with him it was only once-“ Cameron begins but is cut off by Matt “what!”
“Yeah what?” I cough.
“Did I not mention that?” She says.
“Uh no” I say still surprised.
“It was years ago” she says “look they always come back to the same crowd when they are here, I was with my friends at the rainbow lounge and Led Zeppelin showed up. He saw me, he liked me, and asked me to his room.”
“Wait so... what!” I ask.
“We slept together and then the next morning we said our goodbyes... look all I’m saying is that your lucky he is still pursuing you, I mean that genuinely.”
“Well the event tonight is business... mostly.” I stutter.
“I bet he likes you” she smirks.
Meanwhile Matt was still dumbfound, Cameron realizes this and turns to him “your not mad baby are you?”
He gulps “I mean I guess not, free love and everything. I’m just a bit taken off guard.”
“Me too.” I say “and about him liking me we shall see, he asked me to be his girlfriend for the week but who the hell knows what that means.”
She raises her eyebrows “oh you know.”
“Do I though?” I chuckle.
Ding! we hear the doorbell.
“Oh shit I haven’t put on my shoes yet! Matt get the door!” I say running to my room to put my shoes on.
I was sitting on my bed when I heard him open the door “Jimmy! Always a pleasure!” Matt says and I hear them shake hands.
“You as well” Jimmy says in a soft spoken voice “is the lady of the hour ready?”
“Right here” I say stepping out of my room.
His eyes begin to widen as he gives me a soft hug his hands reaching down my waist.
“You look breath taking” He says into my ears causing me to blush.
“And you as well” I say gushing over his silver suit jacket and green button up. He had his Zoso sign pinned to his collar so everyone could see it.
“Where’s this from?” I ask stroking my thumb over the gold pin.
“I had it hand made.” He smirks “shall we.”
“Yes” I say grabbing my purse from the table beside me.
“Alright don’t have too much fun you two.” Matt says walking us out.
Jimmy laughs “it’s not that kind of party, but who knows about later in the evening.”
“Don’t wanna know.” Matt laughs. “Keep in touch Lil!”
“Oh I will” I say looking back at him as Cameron came and put her arms around him.
“Make good choices!” She yelled
“Okay!” I laugh at them acting like my parents as Jimmy opened the car door for me.
“Thank you sir!” I say slipping in.
“Not a problem” he says closing the door then getting in on the other side.
He told the driver the directions then closed the gap between him and us.
“So did you figure out what you were dealing with this morning?” I ask him.
“Just about” Jimmy says “we have all these producers trying to give us an unfair cut, and our label is trying to make us release singles which I absolutely will not do.”
“Is that because the radio will shorten the songs and you get held down while trying to make an album.” I say.
“Exactly!” He says “someone who finally understands.”
I laugh “Well I know a few things about that.”
“There’s just a lot of bastards out there trying to milk the industry, meanwhile we are doing a majority of the work. I’m strongly considering creating my own label.” He says.
“You should do it” I say “and let my band use your platform as well, I hate those people as much as you do.”
He laughs “that’s the dream”
“Tell me about it. Mark my words we would be a lot bigger if we hadn’t signed on to these sour deals.”
“I believe you my dear.” He says “I don’t know why people have such a problem with rock bands wanting to dabble in acoustic music, it’s only the balled version after all.”
“Are you talking about Led Zeppelin III?” I chuckle.
“The media’s response to it was just ridiculous.” He says.
“I agree, especially since we do a lot of balled tracks as well, Led Zeppelin III is actually my favorite album.”
“Really?” He asks.
“Oh yeah it’s totally underrated.” I say “but that’s just my opinion.”
“Tell me why is it your favorite?” He asks.
“Well it’s the complete package.” I say “it has the acoustic balled tracks but it also just has songs that rock you know? Out on the Tiles is amazing and Tangerine and That’s the Way are just fucking lovely and relaxing and just uplifting. Then there’s Since I’ve Been Loving You and let me tell you Jimmy every time I hear that song... it feels like I’m fucking melting.”
He smirks “How do you mean love?”
“I mean it’s definitely one of my favorites, just your solos-when you play it’s like I can hear you speaking to me... I listened to it on LSD once and holy shit it was like I was feeling brand new feelings. I can’t really describe it, the song is-just truly magical.”
“I really don’t know what to say to that.” He says “except thank you, I don’t think I have ever heard it described that way.”
“Well everyone is different, and your welcome.” I smile.
The car came to a stop and I knew we had arrived.
Once we had gotten out of the car Jimmy tipped the driver and bid him farewell.
“Wait don’t you need to tell him when to pick us up again?” He shakes his head “no, because a limo is going to take the rest of the band out to Rodney’s after this. Can’t be subjugated too long.”
“God forbid Led Zeppelin show restraint.” I chuckle.
“Carful darling” He says opening the door for me “more smart remarks like that and I’ll have you over my knee.”
I laugh it off slightly surprised he would say something like that, considering he usually has a kind exterior.
He put his around my waist and growled in my ear “You look like a gypsy tonight darling, I want nothing more than to eat you up.”
I became weak in the knees thankful that his arms were around me keeping me up.
“And eat me you shall.” I whisper in his ear as we entered the premises.
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foryourlifefic-blog · 6 years
Chapter 5
Ring ring ring I heard the phone from my bathroom as I had just stepped out of the shower.
“Can someone get that?” I yell into the living room hoping someone would pick it up.
“Got it!” Kenny said as he was probably the only one unoccupied between Matt and his new girlfriend and Jen.
When we had arrived home we decided to not say anything about it to her much to Kenny’s dismay.
He was still mad about the situation but I wanted her to bring it up in her own, even though she’s acting like nothing happened.
“It’s for you!” I hear Kenny yell.
I smirk knowing exactly who it was.
“Okay wait a minute!” I yell slipping on my black robe and taking my hair out of its towel.
“It’s Jimmy” Kenny mouths handing me the phone.
“I know” I mouth back taking it from him.
“Hello” I say waving Kenny away.
He goes back to the tv grabbing the beer that was beside him.
“Leila darling” I hear Jimmy on the other line. “How’s everything going?”
“Amazing actually” I say in a flirty tone “I just got out of shower, I was waiting for your call.”
“I’m sorry it took me so long love, I was in a bit of a jam. Are you still able to attend the event tonight?”
I begin rolling the chord in my fingers “that depends, do I get something out of it?”
He snickers “oh indeed love, it will definitely be worth your wild.”
“Good” I say “then I can go.”
“Excellent!” He says “I’ll have the car come pick you up in say-“ he pauses “does 7:30 sound reasonable?”
I look at the clock seeing it was just after 5. “It definitely does.” I respond.
“I can’t wait Lil.” He says in a hushed tone.
“One last thing.” I say.
“Yes?” He asks.
“How formal is this thing?” I ask.
“Pretty formal... do you need me to send something or-“
I cut him off “no I’ve got something, I just wanted to be sure. Didn’t want to be over dressed or anything.”
“Oh you couldn’t possibly be with these people.” He says “this is about as formal as it gets. Think of it as a cocktail party slash dinner, taking place with some very important people.”
“Gosh this sounds intense, why are you bringing me again? I mean this just sounds really prestigious and I’m just... not that.” I say.
I’m not gonna lie, I do come from a decent amount of money. But the life style I currently live isn’t all that glamorous.
I share an apartment with 3 other people even though it’s pretty sizable. I do dress in designer only onstage though and you wouldn’t catch me dead buying drugstore makeup. I just don’t think I have off the prestigious vibe.
“Well there’s gonna be a lot of important people there... and who knows with your looks and with your voice. You might come across something worth your while.” He says.
“Are you serious?” I laugh “and why are you doing this for me?”
“So many questions love” he laughs “look we can discuss it more when I pick you up.”
“Okay fine.” I say “thanks Jimmy.”
“Don’t mention it... I’ll see you soon.” He says.
“See you soon” I respond “goodbye.”
“Bye love” He says.
I put the phone down more excited to go to this event then I was before.
I went back to my bathroom and begin drying my hair.
“Hey so what are you doing tonight?” Kenny wobbles up to the door hinge and puts his hands in his hair.
“Mr. Page took it upon himself to bring me to this Led Zeppelin dinner tonight. Apparently there’s gonna be a lot of important producers and promoters.”
“Are you just gonna be his date? Why is he taking you?” He asks.
“You bring up an interesting question Kenny D” I say calling him by his nickname. “Jimmy I guess wants me to meet some people for connection purposes.”
“No shit really?” He asks excitedly.
I nod turning off the hair dryer and setting it down.
“Then why can’t the rest of us go?” He asks.
“I mean that would make sense, but I think Jimmy is trying to be sensible about it. If we all went I just think it would be too much. And besides I think he has alterer motives.”
“Like inside your pants?” He asks.
“Yeah” I say beginning to get my hair tools out from the sink “which is weird because he already scored last night.”
“Maybe he likes you”
I shrug “he wants me to I guess be his girlfriend for the week, which I’m not complaining. I just don’t have time to wait around for him cause obviously we have to get started on some more songs, but maybe this is his way of trying to help me get some stuff done.”
“Or maybe he actually thinks your talented and wants to show you off.” He says.
“You know for a guy, you’re awfully hopeful.” I laugh.
“And I loath myself everyday for it” He says then begins to laughs “why do you always get so weird when guys start to like you?”
“I’m not being weird.” I says begging to form curls with my iron “I just find it hard to believe... especially with someone like him.”
“Oh come on you are his complete fantasy.” He says “compared to the people he meets on the road, sure they are probably hot but I bet you they have the personality of a cracker.”
I laugh “so what?”
“He probably likes you cause he can relate to you more. For instance your both in a band.” He says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world “plus your an attractive women or girl or whatever, you kinda look like him though other than the big blue eyes.”
“I have noticed that” I say thinking about our conversations from the previous night, then I shrug my shoulders “oh well.”
“And your a good female singer with a killer range and a whiskey voice, doesn’t happen often.”
“Thanks Kenny” I smirk “now don’t you have something better to do?”
“Not really” He says “I need a girlfriend.”
“You really do.” I say “take Jen or someone out to the bars and go fucking meet some people.”
“Maybe” He says.
“Jimmy did say you could come to the after party, even though I have no idea where it is.”
“No, not after what happened last time. I don’t have good luck with the groupie girls.” He sighs
“Kenny I think your forgetting that your fucking drum player... start acting like it.” I say “those girls would pay more attention to you if you showed some style and I don’t know showed some dominance.”
“Easy for you to say, your a girl.” He huffs.
“Yeah I know!” I snap “and I know what girls like.”
“Whatever.” He says.
“Look we will talk about this later I have to finish getting ready.” I ask.
“Fine.” Kenny says going back to the couch.
“Thanks!” I yell finishing up my hair.
Just 1 part to the chapter tonight guys! Please feel free to message me, I would love to chat! New chapter tomorrow night!
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foryourlifefic-blog · 6 years
Chapter 4 (Part 2)
“Passed out in his room I suppose.” Jonsey says “when I arrived he was asleep on the floor.”
“Yes he’s very hungover, as I’m sure the rest of us are.” I add.
“Why the bloody hell are you all up so early!” Jimmy huffs beginning to join us.
“It’s noon Jim” Jonsey says.
Jimmy pulls me up from the sofa so he can sit down and set me on his lap.
I grin at his hastiness and begin to lay my head on his chest.
“Am I the only one who didn’t couple up?” Jonsey says.
“Well you and Kenny.” I point at him but he just continues to groan.
By this point Robert and Adeline were all over each other as well as Matt and Cameron.
“May I have some of your coffee?” Jimmy whispers into my ear.
“Sure” I say grabbing it off the table and giving to him.
He sips it lightly then begins to reach up and kiss around my jaw and neck.
“I think it’s time to go back to the room” he hums in my ear.
I shake my head “you need to eat something first.”
“Not necessarily” he says.
“Well we have to get that strength of yours up.” I tease as I grab him a piece of toast.
He stares at me as he munches some of it then goes on to place the rest of it down on the table beside us.
I get off his lap and grab his hand leading him down the hallway to his room, similar to what the other couples were doing.
“What do you mean we have to switch companies again?” Jimmy asked into the phone.
He had received a call from Peter Grant soon after our morning sex, with some unfortunate news.
“There is no where else! No where that will meet our standers! I just don’t understand why he is selling now.”
I was starting to get confused as to what he was talking about so I decided to slip out of bed and put on my clothes from last night.
“No...No...” he says “no we aren’t doing that. That’s out of the question... because it is.”
Jimmy continued to argue on the phone. I took this as an opportunity to rally up my band mates so we could go home and get our shit together.
I gently closed the door and tiptoed outside to see Kenny alone on the sofa.
“Woah” he says “ready for another party already?”
“Haha” I laugh sarcastically “where’s Matt and Jen? We all should get going don’t want to overstay our welcome”
“Well Jen already went back to the apartment.”
“Seriously?” I ask putting a hand on my hip “did you talk to her?”
“Kind of” he says “not about that though, she hasn’t said anything about it so I didn’t either.”
“Pussy” I mutter “okay well where’s Matt? We need to catch a cab or something.”
“Might wanna check his room.” Kenny begins to slur as he already started drinking again.
“Fine” I whisper “which room is he in?”
“Third one on the left.” He points down the hallway.
“Thank you” I say turning on my toes and walking down the hallway.
When I find the room I immediately start banging on the door.
“Matt get your stuff together! We’re leaving!” I continued to bang.
He finally opened the door “okay, okay I’m coming” he says wiping his eyes.
He was in a pair of boxers with his hair all tousled. I saw a naked Cameron in the bed behind him.
“Get your stuff babe!” He says behind him “we are going to the apartment!”
After hearing that I pulled his arm and shut the door behind him.
“She’s coming?” I whisper.
“Is there a problem?” He asks “jealous?” He raises his eyebrow.
“No” I roll my eyes “look, I think she’s really nice and everything, but I thought we all agreed that when we got back we would all focus on the next record!” I say.
“Shhhh” he sushes me “and we are, but I really like her Leila, she won’t get in the way.”
“Well just remember you and Kenny share a room together so you better figure it out.” I say.
“I guarantee by our next album we can buy a place that has four rooms in it.” He says.
“Mhmmm” I say walking away.
I went back to the living area to discover Kenny still by himself reading a magazine.
“Hey” I say knocking on the wall to get his attention “I’m gonna tell Jimmy goodbye, then get all my stuff. You should do the same.” I point at him.
“Okay” He says flipping a page, obviously not paying attention.
I strolled down to Jimmy’s room pulling my skirt down and smoothing my hair to appear more presentable.
When I reached the door I knocked on it three times.
Jimmy opened the door with a towel around his waist.
As soon as he saw me smiled and pulled me in his room instantly giving me a wet kiss.
“Love, I was beginning to wonder where you were.” He said in between kisses.
“I was gathering my band mates, we should get going.” I moan.
He stops kissing me and pulls away “whatever for?”
I take his hand putting it up to my face and begin to kiss his wrists “I don’t wanna over stay my welcome.”
“You could never.” He says “besides we are here the rest of the week, and I wouldn’t mind having someone to come back too in the evening time.” He says
“And you want that someone to be me?” I ask.
“Yes. I admire you love, and I want you here with me for the rest of the trip.” He says stroking my jaw.
“I am flattered Mr. Page, however” I whisper in his ear “I have much more important things to do than warm somebody’s bed.”
“Surely you don’t think that’s all I mean.” He whispers in my ear.
I look up at him and smirk “surely you would like to explain yourself.”
“Well we are here for five more days” he says stroking my hair. “And there’s this dinner tonight... I was kinda hopping you would be my date.” He says running his lips along my jaw.
“Hmm tempting.” I say “what is this dinner for?”
“Oh there’s this business deal that has to be set in, its all quiet boring. Having you there would definitely make it more exciting.” He says.
“Is it just the rest of the band?” I ask.
“Yes” He says “unfortunately the rest of your band mates won’t be able to make it, but they are welcome to the after party at Rodney’s.”
“I’m not complaining I need a break from them anyway.” I giggle to myself.
“What do you say?” He asks.
“Consider me there.” I bite his lip “I really must be going though, but” I say grabbing a pen and writing on the notepad on the night stand “here’s my number, you can call me when the plans are finalized.”
He nods “will do, its a little formal so-“
I interrupt him “I’ve got it covered” I say thinking of a very specific dress in the back of my closet that I’ve been waiting to wear.
He kisses me “I can’t wait love, and like I said I hope you will be accompanying me hear tonight.” He says gesturing to his room.
“We shall see” I say beginning to go to the door.
He chuckles “see you tonight love.” He waves.
“Goodbye Mr. Page.” I smirk
Hmmm so it looks like Mr. Page has a tempting offer🤔
To those of you who are just now joining the story welcome! I hope you are enjoying it!
Always welcome to comments, questions, and criticisms so feel free to message me! And I will be posting again soon!
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foryourlifefic-blog · 6 years
Chapter 4 (Part 1)
I woke up to the light from the window shinning into my eyes.
I turned over and looked at Jimmy who was still asleep. His eyelashes fluttered slightly when the lights hit his face but they remained closed.
We had spent the rest of the night talking. We talked about our lives, how we got into to music, past relationships we have been in, as well as Jimmy’s current relationship...
I will still naked from us sleeping together, so I carefully got out of bed and retrieved my robe from the floor as I didn’t have any other clothing.
I closed the door gently behind me as I carefully walked down the hallway to wear the living area was.
When I arrived there I immediately saw John sitting on the velvet furniture sipping tea, whilst reading the newspaper while Bonzo was passed out on the floor.
When Jonsey saw me he immediately set down his paper.
“I’m sorry” I say quietly “I didn’t mean to disturb you I just wanted some coffee.”
He smiles “no need to apologize, I actually just arrived.”
There was an assortment of tea, coffee, fruit, and pastries on the table in front of us that must have been delivered by room service.
I poured myself a hot cup of coffee before I asked “what happened to you last night?”
He shrugged “saw an old friend I met years back, and we ended up staying out all night.”
“Was this a female friend?” I ask sipping my coffee.
“It was a male if you must know, he was in the managing business for years. We just spent a lot of time catching up then I slept in his guest room.”
“Why did you do that?” I ask.
He shrugs “sometimes it’s nice to get away from all the craziness. He just offered so I accepted.”
“I see” I say drinking more of my coffee.
“Would you like any cream or sugar? There’s some over there.” He says pointing to the table beside us.
“No” I say “I like it black.”
He raises his eyebrow “looks like the night ended up being eventful?”
“Eventful in deed” I say crossing my legs.
“Mhmm” he puts his fingers over his lips. “And who’s room was it that you came out of?”
“Why does it matter?” I ask.
“I just wanna see if my prediction was right.” He smirks.
“Well it was Jimmys if you must know.” I say.
“I knew it” he laughs “and you slept together didn’t you.”
“Well duh” I say “I’m in a band for a living, not a ministry.”
He laughs again “well he really enjoyed your performance last night, we all did.”
“Thank you very much” I say “actually he had me play a song for him on the guitar, before well... you know” I wink.
“Oh my” he says.
I suddenly hear Bonzos booming voice from below me and Jonsey, on the floor.
“And were you in the nude for this little performance.” He asks.
“Yes I was” I say.
Bonzo begins to howl in laughter as he stands up“that’s an old fantasy of Pagey’s! I can’t believe you agreed to it.”
I shrug my shoulders “no big deal, not like I had any other clothes.”
“Isn’t that a fantasy of Percy’s too?” Jonsey asks.
“Oh definitely” Bonzo begins wiping his eyes.
“Okay I don’t get why this whole thing is such a big deal!” I say irritated.
“Do you know who Joni Mitchell or Joan Baez is?” John asked.
“Of course I do” I say “you did a cover of Joan’s song on your first album.”
“Babe I’m gonna leave you?” He asks.
“Right” I say “and everybody knows Joni Mitchell, but continue.”
“For some reason Pagey and Percy have this fantasy of one them doing what you did last night, but I guess you fit the mold.” Bonzo said.
“I guess so” I say “well the song I sang a little bit of earlier so I figured he just wanted to hear the rest, but he was a little forceful about it.” I say.
“Exactly” Jonesy says.
Bonzo coughs “well as funny as that was I think I’m gonna head off to my room and pass out, I’m bloody hungover.”
“You do that” I say looking up at him as he begins to walk down the hallway.
“Good luck Bonzo!” Jonesy says.
“Don’t need it!” I hear him yell back.
After me and Jonsey stopped laughing I grabbed an orange and started sucking on it while he continued to read his paper.
“Ou part animals!” Kenny hollers coming and hopping on the couch next to Jonsey’s.
“You know it” I say putting down the orange slice.
“Long night?” He asks grabbing a piece of toast.
“You have no idea.” I say rolling my eyes.
As he ate his toast I slowly began remembering details from the party.
“So what ended up happening to that girl you brought up?” I ask.
“Oh god” he says “you’ll never guess what happened.”
“Jen?” I ask.
“How did you know?” He says.
“I saw Jen and her when I was headed back here with Jimmy, but I don’t really know what happened.” I say.
“Well I thought me and her were having a really good time and then all the sudden I was talking to one of the roadies and boom she was gone!” He starts “only about 20 minutes later so I see her and Jen making out on a pool chair.”
I laugh “I saw a little more than that if you know what I mean.”
“Does Jen hate me? Or like what the hell do you think she was doing?” He asks.
“That’s what I was telling Jimmy that I never seen her do that before.”
“Wait what’s going on?” Jonsey asks.
“So our bass player, Jen we call her. Was hooking up with a chick that was supposed to be Kenny’s.” I say.
“Has she ever even hooked up with a girl before?” Kenny asked.
“I don’t think so” I say “maybe she was just trying to be funny.”
“Or maybe she’s a lesbian.” Jonsey says.
“No” I say “I’ve never seen her show any interest in girls. I’m telling you Kenny she was just messing with you.”
“Whatever” He huffs.
“Good morning lovely’s!” I hear Robert chime from behind me.
I look back and see him and Adeline strolling down the hallway both in robes.
“Good morning!” I say back fluttering my hand.
“What are we talking about?” He asks sitting down on the chair next to me setting Adeline on his lap.
“Oh just how fucking Jen hooked up with this chick that was supposed to be mine last night.” Kenny says.
Robert points to him “I saw that.”
“God this sucks for me!” He moans.
“Well if it makes you feel any better when they were done Jen make her leave.” Adeline says.
“Yeah I know, she slept in my room afterwords.” Kenny says.
“Good thing they didn’t fuck in it” Robert says.
“No that was up at the pool.” Kenny says.
“What else is new?” Adeline asks grabbing a strawberry “hows Jimmy?” She asks me.
“Very sleepy.” I say.
“You wore him out did you?” Robert asks.
“Apparently.” I say.
“Thank god I’m starving!”
I turn to see Matt and his exotic chick from last night prancing down the hall being all giggly and cuddly.
“Here come the love bugs.” Says Adeline.
“Yeah what’s with that?” I say “I thought she would be gone by now.”
“You would think that wouldn’t you, but their room is bloody next to ours we woke up to them banging each other.” Robert says.
“Really?” I laugh quietly as they begin to sit down next to me.
Matt sits down first, pulling her down by her hands right next to him before wrapping their arms around each other.
“And how was your night Matt?” I ask tilting my head.
He looks at me and breaths heavily “really good.” He says deeply.
“Oh and I’m sorry I haven’t formerly introduced myself! I’m Leila, one of Matt’s band mates.” I say to her.
“Oh he has told me all about you guys! Your the lead singer of course! I saw you guys preform at the whiskey about a year ago! And my name is Cameron if I didn’t say that already.” She says charmingly.
“Well it’s always nice to be recognized.” I say.
“Where’s ole Bonzo at?” Robert asks.
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foryourlifefic-blog · 6 years
Chapter 3 (Part 3)
Warning Adult Content
He hands me the guitar and slips off my robe with slight force before sitting us both back on the bed
“Play” He gestures with his hands.
I could already feel myself getting turned on by this sensual setting. His hands were placed on my naked thighs as I placed the guitar to cover up the rest of my body before I began strumming the chords.
“And be my mistake
Then turn out the light
He bought me those jeans
The ones you like
I don't want to hug
I just want to sleep
The smell of your hair
Reminds me of his feet.”
His hands started moving up my legs to my waist where he squeezed my hips.
“So, don't wait outside my hotel room
Just wait till I give you a sign
'Cause I get lonesome sometimes
Save all the jokes you're going to make
Whilst I see how much drink I can take
Then be my mistake”
By this point his fingers were lightly touching my face and playing with my hair while I tried to lean in closer to him.
“I shouldn't have called
'Cause we shouldn't speak
I do make you hard
But she makes you weak”
He begin kissing around my forehead and down my neck as I sang the last verse.
So, don't wait outside my hotel room
Just wait till I give you a sign
'Cause I get lonesome sometimes
Save all the jokes you're going to make
Whilst I see how much drink I can take
Then be my mistake”
When I strung the last chords of the song he immediately took the guitar out of my hands and threw it to the side before deeply kissing me.
I sat up to reach him even better so we were both on our knees on the center of his bed.
I began unbuttoning his shirt unraveling his smooth pale skin. He wrapped his arms around me, bringing me closer into his chest.
“Hmmmm” he hums as he tickles his fingers down my stomach.
When he began to reach my pelvis I let out a soft moan hinting that I wanted more.
As he wriggled his fingers around I began kissing down his neck and chest gently biting him in between.
He threw his head back and moaned “yes, yes, yes, Leila.” He rolled his tongue.
I giggled and went up to kiss his lips again.
He gently laid me down on the bed unbuttoning his pants and kissing down my chest.
I could see him leaving slobber on my stomach and chest before he kissed me again spitting into my mouth.
He suddenly became much more intense and aggressive removing the rest of his clothing and inserting himself in me.
I threw my head back in a frenzy as I wasn’t expecting him to do this so fast.
He began pulling my hair and sucking on my neck as he thrusted in to me causing my moans to become louder and louder.
We stayed like that for a while until he finally came, I was soon after him running my nails through his back causing him to cringe.
He kissed me for a little while afterwords and when he finally pulled out he laid on the side of the bed pulling the sheets over our bodies.
“I could use that cigarette now” he says beginning to look off into space.
Sorry guys I know this chapter had a lot of parts but, I was determined to post all of it.
The sing is “Be my Mistake” by the 1975 (again) just imagine a girl singing it.
Everyone has been super nice and I’m really great full for all the feed back I’m getting! Should be posting again soon!
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foryourlifefic-blog · 6 years
Chapter 3 (Part 2)
We passed the lounge chairs where people were begging to hook up with each other.
I stopped in my foot steps when I spotted a very specific someone making out with Kenny’s blonde chick.
“Jen?” I ask, Jimmy stopping along with me.
She had one hand on the girls breast and one In between her legs as she stopped and slurred “yes?”
“I thought you were with Kenny?” I say to the pixie cut blonde.
She just shrugs her shoulders and I begin laughing “Jen stole Kenny’s chick! Now that priceless.”
“Come on love” Jimmy says grabbing me as I continue laughing.
Jens cheeks began to get red when she saw me pointing and laughing at her making out with Kenny’s girl as we stood by the elevator.
“Jen was gonna fuck a girl!” I laugh.
“That’s enough love.” Jimmy says getting me inside the elevator.
We rode down one floor as Jimmy tried to keep my shivering body cold with his touch.
I rub my temples “I can’t believe that” I say “that’s hilarious! It’s like me hooking up with one of your ex girlfriends.”
“Now that I wouldn’t mind” Jimmy says.
“But still” I say “I’ve never seen Jen do that before.”
“Maybe she’s just experimenting.” He says as the elevator dings.
“Probably” I shrug my shoulders as we step out of the elevator.
Jimmy lead me down the long hallway with all the rooms, His was apparently at the very end.
“Are you feeling alright love?”
I nod.
“See it wasn’t bad, probably fun in-fact.” He says unlocking the door.
I nod again “I definitely was very aware of everything going on around me. It was interesting.”
He smiles “that’s the idea. Would you ever do it again?”
“Maybe, as long as I have someone I trust around.”
He puts his hand on the small of my back and leads me into the room “good cause because it’s really good before sex.”
“Oh please.” I roll my eyes.
He chuckles deeply and removes his coat from my shoulders.
“Thank you” I say looking up at him “and thank you for taking care of me tonight, you were very enjoyable to be around.”
“Like wise” He smirks, then looks at me closer “your eyes are so beautiful and doughy, I feel like I’m looking at a doll.”
I laugh “I get that a lot. The doughy part not the doll part.” I add.
He grabs my hands and leads me into the bathroom.
It was the master suit so there was a shower and a bathtub in the corner.
“May I?” He asks gesturing towards the straps of my tank top.
I nod “if you would like.”
He takes the straps and pulls them down towards my waist. He takes a second just looking at me and my chest.
I begin to cover myself up starting to feel uncomfortable.
“Don’t do that love.” He says grabbing my wrists.
“Well how else am I going to get you to stop looking.” I say.
“Why don’t you want me to look at you?” He says.
“I don’t really know” I stutter.
He slowly goes down onto his knees and unbuttons my skirt “well I like you, and you like me. It couldn’t me more right.”
I shake my head “I never said I liked you.”
“Don’t do this to me.” He says letting the skirt drop down to my platform heels.
He sweeps his hand up my leg as he stands back up.
“Just admit it darling.” He brushes his hand up my sides “you want me.”
“I want to take a shower.” I whisper in his ear.
He sighs and goes to turn on the shower as I finish taking off the tank top.
“There’s also a bath love, I could join you if you want.”
“I’m okay by myself.” I slur still a little drunk from earlier “what I would like is maybe a robe.”
He begins staring at me again as the only thing I had on was heals.
I put my hands on my hips and stick my leg out looking up at him. I could feel how attracted he was towards me, but I wanted nothing more in that moment than to warm up.
“If that’s what you want.” He bites his lip.
I kiss his bottom lip hard sucking on it till his hands find his way to my waist and then I stop.
“That’s all I want.” I whisper.
“As you wish” he says leaving the bathroom to go retrieve a robe from his closet.
By the time he comes back I’m already in the shower washing my hair, feeling my goosebumps begin to fade.
I hear him hang the robe up then shut the door behind him. I smirk to myself knowing the fun I was about to have with him after the shower.
I avoided washing my face to keep on what little makeup I had left. I damped my hair and make sure my body was clean and soft by the time I got out.
I slipped the robe on and tied it loosely enough to where cleavage was showing.
I peeked out of the door to see him laying on the bed with a bottle of Jack Daniels in hand.
He looked so sexy in his silk button up shirt and flared slacks. The only thing I could focus on the whole night was his chest hairs.
I came out of the room and plopped down on the bed in front of him.
“Enjoy the shower love?” He asks.
His eyes were on a Capricorn astrology book while his back was on the head board.
“I did very much.” I say “are you a Capricorn?” I ask.
He nods with a smirk on his face “Are you into astrology?”
“Very much” I say stealing his drink “I’m a Virgo.”
“Really?” He sits up “Virgo’s and Capricorn’s are actually very compatible with one another. Apparently they communicate well.”
I take a sip of his drink “I’m aware” I smirk “apparently the sex between them is mind blowing too... Tell me Jimmy do you consider yourself a dominate lover?”
He seems taken off guard by my question considering I have been playing hard to get, for a majority of the night.
“For the most part” he says taking back the drink “but I’m passionate as well.”
“I figured that” I say “Virgo’s can be quite submissive though” I continue “we like someone to give it to us rough.”
I could feel my robe begging to become looser as more of my chest was beginning to become exposed.
“Well that’s how Capricorn’s like it.” He says taking a drink.
“So were on the same page then?” I say.
“If you mean that we would have really good sex, then yes.” He says.
I laugh “and that we are compatible.”
“Of course, of course.” He nods.
I steal back his drink and take a big swig.
“I admit to liking you Mr. Page. I’ve been trying to fight it all night but it’s just no use.”
He frowns “why are you trying to fight it?”
“Cause your trouble.” I take another drink “you and this band, and this lifestyle, are all trouble. I should know I’m around it a lot.”
“Well then you would know that things get hard sometimes, and those things occur out of stress. Wouldn’t that be right?”
“I guess” I say “which is why it’s not a good idea to get too attached to someone.”
“What’s the point in life if you don’t have someone to share it with?”
“Where did you learn that line?” I laugh.
He sighs.
“I’m not an idiot.” I say “I know you’ve got someone at home and so does the rest of the band. But this is what you do. This is your life.”
“My life is this band, my life is my relationships.” He says.
“Do you love her?” I ask.
He rubs his temples “what does that have to do with anything.”
I shrug “I guess nothing at the moment... do you have any cigarettes?”
He nods and points to a table by the door. I get off the bed and go to light myself one before offering one to him.
“I’m alright” he says.
I come back to the bed and blow the smoke out to the side. He stares at me as I do so.
“I want you to finish that song you were playing earlier.” He says.
I point to my chest “The one that Adeline was taking about.”
“Yes” He says between his teeth “and I want you to play it on this guitar.” He gets up to grab one of his acoustics that was on a stand in the corner “and I want you to have that robe off.”
I shudder at his sudden haste, excited to see his dominance start to appear.
“Your lucky Matt taught me the chords to this song.” I say taking a final puff of the cigarette and putting it out in the ash tray next the bed.
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foryourlifefic-blog · 6 years
Chapter 3 (Part 1)
Don’t worry love, if anything happens I’ll take good care of you.” Jimmy whispers in my ear.
I was staring at a flat mirror on the coffee table that had 4 white lines on it.
“I don’t know” I say “I barley even smoke joints.”
“It’s definitely worth it.” Robert says doing a line of his own with a dollar bill “it’s a euphoric feeling, it makes everything so exciting.”
“Yeah if there’s any drug to do, it’s this one.” Adeline points messing with her nose as she had done a line prior to Robert.
I sigh “will it make me sick?”
“It shouldn’t” Jimmy says “we only get the best. Here watch how I do it.”
He grabs the mirror and the rolled up dollar bill and takes a quick sweep of the white line with his nose.
“See no big deal.” He says messaging his nose.
“If you say so” I look at him then back at the mirror “I just don’t know!” I groan.
“What’s going on over here?” Bonzo says wobbling over to us.
“Doing some lines” Robert says “you want one?”
“Hell yeah!” He says grabbing Robert’s mirror tray immediately taking a hit.
He grunts a little bit and immediately starts rubbing his nose.
“Where is Jen at?” I ask changing the subject.
“I honestly don’t know” he sniffs “last I saw she was headed up to the roof with some roadies and your band mates, I’ll be joining them right after another line.” He says sniffing the last line on Roberts tray.
“Oh up to the pool? That sounds fun!” I look back at Jimmy “you wanna go?”
“If you insist then sure” he nods “but not till you try one” he says handing me the tray.
“Fine” I roll my eyes, grabbing the dollar bill.
“Just inhale it” Jimmy says.
I hesitantly sniff it immediately feeling it scratch up my nose.
“There I did it” I cringe.
“Good girl” he says in my ear, his breath ticking my neck.
“Good job” Robert claps mockingly.
“OW” Adeline whistles.
I laugh “let’s just see how it goes.”
“Alright everyone, let’s head up to the roof” Robert saying getting up begging to stretch out.
“I’m ready to swim!” Bonzo howls taking off his shirt.
“Alrighty then” Adeline laughs.
I get off of Jimmys lap and he takes my hand guiding me and the rest of the group to the elevators.
As we go up Jimmy had his arms around me stroking my shoulder. I was already feeling very comfortable with him and it felt like I had known him a lot longer than a day.
As his fingers stroked up to my shoulder and down to my elbow I couldn’t help but focus on how it felt.
The calluses on his fingers slightly scratched my skin, while the pressure he put on my arm was relaxing me in a way I couldn’t describe.
I suddenly became very aware of my surroundings. From Jimmys touch to the dust floating around the elevator. I was getting very anxious to get to the top, a feeling I rarely felt. The cocaine started to fuck with my head.
Ding! I heard the elevator as we arrived to the top. When the doors opened I immediately ran out of Jimmys arms into the crowd of people.
I almost ran into the pool, but stopped myself on the edge.
“Woah” Jimmy says going to grab me “starting to feel it love?”
I nod my eyes widening “aren’t you?”
“Well I’m noticing the way your eyelashes flutter when you smile, and the soft feeling of your skin.” His face moves closer to mine his hands on my elbows “and I very much would like to see the rest of you” he looks down at my body.
I push him away “your very naughty Mr. Page.”
“Not at all darling” he begins stroking my face “well maybe just a little.” He smirks.
“Mhmmm” I say grabbing his wrist.
“Come to my room with me.” He begs.
“The parties not over yet.” I frown.
The rest of the party were either lounging on the pool furniture or slipping into their underwear to go swimming.
A man with a beard and a Zeppelin t-shirt came and tapped on Jimmys shoulder.
When he turned around to greet him, I took it as an opportunity to go find some more fun.
I looked around seeing half naked girls in the pool with cheering guys. The couples were towards the lounge furniture where I spotted Kenny and his blonde girl cuddling up on a chair.
“How’s it going?” I shout.
Kenny glares at me “I can hear you just fine, no need to yell.”
“Sorry!” I shout again and then begin to giggle “I just did my first line.”
“Of coke?” He asks.
“Yes!” I say jumping up and down.
“How do you feel?” He asks.
“Amazing” I say spinning around.
“Who got you coke?” Asked the girl.
“Jimmy” I say pointing back over to the pool.
“Jimmy Page?” She asks excitedly “are you with him?”
I laugh “not quite, but he’s trying to get me up to his room.”
“I’m so jealous!” She says “your so lucky!”
“Hey just remember who got you up here.” Kenny says.
She rolls her eyes “whatever.”
“Where’s Matt And Jen at?” I ask.
“No idea hun, why don’t you make some new friends.” He says sarcastically sipping his drink.
“I have” I say beginning to go look for them “and it’s fucking Led Zeppelin.”
As I looked for the rest of my band to see how they were doing I ran into Bonzo.
“What are you doing running around by yourself?” He asks.
“Just exploring” I say.
“Is Pagey looking for you?”
I smirk “probably.”
“I like you, I hope you stick around.” He slurs.
“Well thank you” I laugh “but I don’t know what the future holds.”
He runs his chin “in fact I like you so much, that- “ he suddenly picks me up and puts me over his shoulder.
“What are you doing?” I scream unable to control my laughter.
He ignored my question and kept stomping around straight towards the pool.
“Wait! St-“ I begin but am unable to finish as he throws me in the pool.
The water was freezing and I was blinded by the time I came up to the surface.
I kept my eyes closed as I begin feeling around for the pools edge.
“Ouch” said a girl when I accidentally grabbed her boob.
“Oh sorry” I say rubbing my eyes “not cool Bonzo.” I mutter.
All I heard was his laughter as I slowly got myself out of the pool. My skirt was begging to droop down, and the straps of my tank top were down my shoulders.
After I rubbed my eyes for the second time a saw tall figure with ebony hair shaking its head at me.
“Enjoying yourself love?” Jimmy asked.
“Not really” I frown the effects of the drug now wearing off “I’m freezing” I shiver.
He takes his coat jacket off and wraps it around me “would you like to go take a hot shower?”
I nod “yes please”
He put his hands on my shivering shoulders and guided me to the elevators.
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foryourlifefic-blog · 6 years
Chapter 2 (Part 2)
When the rest of the party eventually found their way up, Jimmy had already given me a tour of their suit.
It was a beautiful place with a chandelier, velvet furniture, a massive pool on the roof, and an extreme amount of rooms. I could only imagine what all of this would cost.
The elevator door kept opening up with more and more people. There were lots of guys coming up which I could only assume were roadies. Some of them had girls in their arms while others just had bottles of alcohol.
I recognized some Whiskey regulars that made their way up, as well as some irregulars. This party was going to be bigger than I thought.
After Jen and Bonzo came up I eventually saw Kenny with a short blond girl he must have met outside.
Matt had his arms around an exotic looking girl with curly black hair and olive skin.
Robert was the last to arrive with Richard on one side and a cute chick with dirty blonde fringe bangs on the other.
“Glad to see you finally made it up, I thought you got mauled out there.” Jimmy smirks.
“Haha” Robert says sarcastically grabbing the girls hand and coming over towards us as Richard went to go grab a bottle of alcohol from the bar.
Me and Jimmy were in the lounging area. He was sitting on the velvet couch while I was in his lap.
“Pagey this is Adeline” Robert says “the bird I’ve been telling you about.”
“Oh yes” Jimmy says “I remember, well I’m Jimmy and this here is Leila.”
“Nice to meet you both” she says sitting down with Robert on a separate couch.
“Like wise” I say taking a drink of some whiskey that Jimmy had gotten me earlier.
Adeline looked over at me “I’m sorry, but I feel like I know you from somewhere.”
I look up “um I don’t think so.” I say trying not to be rude.
“No I definitely do” she says snapping her fingers “oh wait!” She says “your in that band, oh what is it called!”
“The Desirables” Robert says for her.
“Yes!” She points at him “I saw you guys at the Whiskey about a year ago! I loved it! I remembered you played this beautiful acoustic piece! But it was so sad.” She sighs.
“Well thank you!” I say “always nice to be recognized. We actually just got back from touring Europe and were lucky enough to run into Led Zeppelin.”
“Oh are you guys old friends?” She asks looking at Robert.
“No we actually just met them today.” Jimmy says “we saw them play at the Whiskey a couple hours ago and invited them up here.”
“Oh so the rest of the band is here then?” She asks.
“Yeah” I say “they are around here somewhere.”
“Well its an honor” she says “I need to get my hands on one of your records.”
“I can get you one.” I smile.
“Would you?” She asks. “I just loved that one you played at the Whiskey that one night. Do you know what song I am talking about?”
“So a year ago, we would have been on our second record. Let’s see a sad song... could it have been Be My Mistake?”
“I think so!” She says “there was a lyric I remember about being lonesome.”
“And don’t wait outside my hotel room” I begin to sing “just wait till I give you a sign, cause I get lonesome sometimes.”
“Yes!” she squeals clapping her hands “I swear you had me in tears by the end.”
“That was beautiful love” Robert says “I really like those lyrics.”
“Well I try” I laugh almost embarrassed “but thank you very much.”
“I agree” Jimmy says grabbing the back of my neck “very enticing... sexy.” He whispers causing me to shiver.
“I would like to hear the whole song” Robert says taking a drink.
“Maybe you will sometime” I wink at Robert.
Just then an older women approaches us, more Jimmy and whispers in his ear.
“Yeah let’s actually get a couple.” He says. She nods and walks away.
“I see we are starting the party already.” Robert says squeezing Adeline’s thigh.
“What’s happening?” I ask.
“Cocaine love” Jimmy says “that was our supplier, she brings it when we want it.”
“Convenient.” I say “truth be told I have never tried that.”
Songs for this chapter
“Be my Mistake” by the 1975
Things are progressing though especially betweeen Jimmy and Liela. Feel free to message me with comments, criticism, and questions. Thanks everyone!
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foryourlifefic-blog · 6 years
Chaper 2 (Part 1)
The Hyatt House
Read the sign of the hotel as we all pulled up to it.
Ron leant me a fur coat for protection against the cold, and I couldn’t help but feel like royalty as we had all shared drinks in their limousine.
When we got out I grabbed Jimmy’s arm for balance, as I could already feel the alcohol hitting me.
Mr. Richard Cole, the famous tour manager had gotten out before us along with some other husky men to keep people out of the way so we could get into the hotel.
The rest of Led Zeppelin and my band mates were behind us as we exited the limo. It was a surreal experience walking into the hotel with Jimmy Page while a line of teenage girls stood outside, hoping to do the same.
“Come on stay over there now!” I could hear Richard yell in a thick accent up ahead.
“Is this every night?” I whisper in Jimmy’s ear gesturing towards the girls.
“Well more like every other night.” he looks towards them and laughs “but hell tonight must be one of those nights” he says with a hint of cockiness.
“I guess so” I remark “so what floor are you guys on?” I ask him as we approach the door.
“Well the very top one of course” he says opening it for me “there is a lovely pool on the roof as well, so having the top floor only makes sense.”
“I see” I say stepping in “and thank you”
“My pleasure” he says putting his hand on the small of my back.
I could be hear talking and laughter from the clump of people behind us, they were all pretty hammered similar to Jimmy and I.
Richard and his helpers were the last ones in as they had to fend off crowds of super fans and teenage girls.
“What’s it like to always have that many chicks available to you?” I can hear Matt slur from behind me.
Robert is quick to answer “well it’s not much different from anything else, you want it, you go get it. That’s just how it is around here.”
“Well that must be nice” Kenny says “I wish girls were like that with us”
“Oh lord” I say rolling my eyes causing Jimmy to chuckle into my neck as we were still arm in arm.
“Tell you what” Robert snaps his fingers “why don’t the two of you go out there and pick out a couple of birds, you can bring them up to our floor and do with them what you will.”
“No shit, really?” Kenny asks.
“My treat” Robert laughs then looks at the clock above the front desk of the lobby “I am actually expecting some one right about now, so I’m gonna go out there with you guys.” He says
“Well then let’s go!” Matt says with a little to much enthusiasm.
Him and Kenny basically run down the lobby steps pushing each other to the front door, while Robert casually walks behind them.
Percy, I can get your bird! It’s crazy out there!” Richards yells following him out the door, but Robert just ignores him.
They push both the doors open and I can hear screaming from outside. I can see Kenny and Matt freeze in their foot steps. Robert just casually greets everyone, while Richard fends off peoples wondering hands. The whole sight was pretty comical.
“And then there were 4” Jen said awkwardly.
“Not to worry little one” Bonzo says wrapping his arm around her head “I’ll take good care of you”
“Thanks” she huffs in the nape his arm.
He laughs “looks like Pagey and your ole friend Lil have already made good company.”
“What do you mean?” I ask causing Jimmy to sharply look at me.
“Well you just seem comfortable is all” He howls “Pagey likes you.”
I can feel Jimmys body immediately tense but then he tries to play it off “thanks for the narration Bonzo.”
“So you do like me?” I ask looking towards him smiling a mischievous smile.
Jen and Bonzo immediately start laughing obnoxiously pissing Jimmy off.
He looks from me to them, then to me again “come with with me” he grunts grabbing my arm leading me to the elevators.
By this time Bonzo and Jen’s laughing has caused me to giggle as well, which is what I did as I waved to them goodbye barley able to contain myself.
Once we got in the elevator the laughing had died down and I began to apologize to him.
“Hey I’m sorry about that, I didn’t mean to- huh” I gasped as he grabbed my waist and put his lips on mine.
I about fell from the surprise, but Jimmy caught me and pushed me against the elevator wall.
“I really am sor-“ He cut me off by putting his finger on my lips.
“Shhh” he says pushing my bottom lip down with his finger.
I just stare at him, still in shock over what happened even though I was definitely okay with it.
“No need to apologize love, he’s right I do like you.”
“But why?” I blurt out, immediately regretting saying it after.
“Because your a beautiful girl, with a beautiful voice, who I admire. You’ve got something special.” He says.
I point to my chest “really? Me?”
He laughs and bites his lip “yes you”
“Huh” I say unable to comprehend the things he was saying to me. “Well Mr. Page you have deemed me speechless.” I say continuing to look closer into his eyes.
He moves closer to my face “Hardly love, the only question is, are you interested in me as well?”
“What if I say yes?” I ask biting my lip.
“Well I would ask for you to stay the night with me in my hotel room. I would definitely show you a good time.” He smirks.
“And no?” I ask raising my eyebrow.
“Well that wouldn’t be very fun would it.” He says.
“Hmmm... let me weigh out my options.” I whisper as the elevator approaches the top floor.
I move away from him and enter into the master Led Zeppelin suit.
I look back at Jimmy who says “I will have you Ms. Rose.”
“And I will have a look around here.” I wink.
I accidentally run into a rather large man with some quiet messed up hair.
“Oh I’m sorry” I say embarrassed “I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
“Not a problem girl” he says in a thick accent. “Pagey is this one with you?” He asks.
I can hear Jimmy begin to approach the conversation. “Yes G she is, her and her band played at the Whiskey tonight. We just brought them back to have a good time.”
“I see” He says “I didn’t catch your name love.”
“It’s Leila” I say extending my hand “it’s nice to meet you.”
“And you as well” he says “well don’t let me get into your guys way, I’m about to retire anyway I have some business that needs attending to in the morning.” He says.
“What business?” Jimmy asks crossing him arms.
“Nothing to worry your pretty little head about.”
“G” He says annoyed.
“Oh cool your panties Pagey, there was just a problem with... well the record company seems to be... and part of my French little one, fucking us over.” He enunciates.
“What do you mean.” Jimmy asks.
“There not giving you 25%” He says.
“What?” Jimmy says anger beginning to touch his voice “that’s what we signed for!”
“Yes well it looks like there was a mixup with the ceo. Don’t worry about it Jim, I’ll figure it out.” He says beginning to go to go down a hallway into what I can only assume to be his room.
“Do I need to attend that meeting?” Jimmy asks.
“No” he says looking back at Jimmy “I told you, I’ve got it.”
“Just keep me up updated” Jimmy says rubbing his temples.
“Will do” He says continuing to walk down the hallway.
“Who was that?” I ask “he never introduced himself.”
“That was our tour manager, Peter Grant. He never feels the need to introduce himself.” Jimmy chuckles.
“Oh that makes sense.” I say.
Yeah, and I apologize about that. For some reason we are having trouble with record labels. The one we just switched to apparently isn’t paying us what we agreed on.”
“Oh that’s annoying.” I say.
“Yeah it his.” He smiles “but enough about that. Now let’s see if there’s something here for us to have some fun with.”
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foryourlifefic-blog · 6 years
Chapter 1 (Part 2)
“I can’t believe this!” I say running my hands though my long dark brown hair.
“Well believe it babies” He says pouting his lips together. “Now get your shit together so I can bring them in!” He runs to go get them from the backstage door.
“Everyone be cool!” Kenny hollers.
“Yeah especially you Matt.” I say looking back at him and smoothing out my outfit.
He hops off the couch “Hey I’m calm, I’m collected.”
“Everybody meet Led Zeppelin.” Ron gestures as they walk into the room.
“OH MY GOD!” Matt squeals falling to his knees on the floor in front of the one and only Jimmy Page.
“Jimmy, uh I mean Mr. Page. I worship you man, you play like a God!” Matt says.
“So much for being calm and collected” I snort.
The members of Led Zeppelin all laugh at my comment.
Jimmy looks down at Matt as he begins to stand up “I appreciate it. And what was your name?”
“Matt!” He said reaching out his hand “I’m Matt Stacey! And this is Jen Johnson who’s our base player, Kenny Jace on drums and our lead singer Leila Rose... but we call her Lil.” Matt says pointing at everyone.
“Pleased to meet you all” Robert says bowing in our direction. “I especially enjoyed your vocal performance” Robert said coming up and kissing my hand.
I blushed “yeah right! That’s a little hard to believe coming from the number one rock band on the charts right now!”
“Hardly love” Robert says.
“Yeah we’ve only been number one about 2 times this year!” Mr. Bonham says horsily.
“Well you poor things” Jen says going over to the band. “I’m Jen, as Matt already announced.” She laughs.
“It’s nice to meet you as well love” Robert says going over to her and shaking her hand.
“We’ve established that Jen” Matt says.
“Not a problem” Robert says.
“Well aren’t you gonna introduce us?” Mr. Bonham laughs obnoxiously.
“Not necessary” Kenny booms “we know exactly who you guys are!”
“Oh but I insist” Robert recoils “this is my friend John Henry Bonham” He says in a high pitched tone “but we just call him Bonzo. This shy one in the corner is our very own John Paul Jones.” He laughs “And lastly we have the James Patrick Page, who’s kind of a big deal if you didn’t know.”
His comment made Jimmy chuckle in his hand.
“And I am of course Robert, but you can call me Percy if you would like.”
“Why Percy?” Matt asks laughing,
Robert looks over at him and gestures his hands “it’s just a nick name I’ve acquired over the years.” He smirks.
“I’m not even gonna ask” Jen says.
“Good choice love.” He asks begging to pull out a cigarette from his jeans.
“So did you guys enjoy the show?” I anxiously ask.
“Very much!” Jimmy finally chimes in.
“The mechanics were magnificent!” He looks over at me “I especially loved the sound of your voice. What was your name again love?” He asks kissing my hand causing my knees to become wobbly.
“Thank you” I say timidly “and um... Leila.”
“Leila” He says rolling his tongue trying the name on for size.
“Yes LEILAAAAA” Bonzo booms in Jimmys ear causing him to roll his eyes.
“I got it Bonzo thanks.” Jimmy says.
“Awe give Jimmy and the bird a break Bonzo.” Jonesy says patting his shoulder. “And while it was very nice to meet you all, I must me going I promised a friend up north that I would be meeting with him.”
“Typical Jonsey, escaping just as things are getting interesting.” Robert says.
Jonsey ignores Roberts comment and shakes each of our hands as he says “it really was a terrific show, I hope to be hearing more from you soon.”
“Oh believe me we are working on it!” I say as he shakes my hand last.
“Good girl” he grins “well I’m on my way! Tell G not to go searching the town for me again.”
“Well what did you expect us to do? We couldn’t find you for a while the last time!” Robert says taking a puff of his cigarette.
“I can look after myself.” Jonsey says shaking Ron’s hand before leaving.
“So where are you guys staying, if you don’t mind me asking?” Robert says flicking the buds of his cigarette in a near by ashtray.
“This is actually where we are from!” Matt say “so we will probably just go home.”
“Nonsense! You should come stay with us as the Hyatt House... or the Riot House” Robert smirks at Jimmy who smirks back, then gives a quick glance in my direction which I barley catch. “Besides we love having new company over there! We have a floor to ourselves.”
“Why do you call it the Riot House?” Jen asks.
“Because love!” He says grabbing her hand “things can get rowdy down there.”
“I mean if you would have us, we would love to!” Kenny says.
“Yeah definitely” Matt adds in as Jen nods.
“It’s settled then!” Robert claps his hands together “and Jimmy and Bonzo your okay with it right?”
“I don’t see why not?” Bonzo slurs as he has found his way to our stock of Jack Daniels in the mini fridge.
“Jimmy?” Robert asks.
“I’m definitely alright with it.” Jimmy say moving in closer to me “what do you say love?”
As much as I wanted to I was just extremely tired from touring these last couple months and was afraid I wasn’t going to be that much fun.
“Umm I don’t really know” I say unsurely.
“Awe don’t say that love” Jimmy says in my ear “I was hoping to get to know you better.”
I look up at him and blush unable to comprehend that this rock god was trying to get me to come back to his hotel with him.
“I just don’t think I’ll be much fun.” I say looking to the floor.
I could feel everyone’s eyes on us as Jimmy lifted my chin “what makes you say that?”
“It’s just been a long couple of months touring and such, and we just got home. So I’m just not feeling very energized I guess.”
“Well we do have some things to spruce you right up.” His eyes sparkled as he looked in mine “only if your into it?”
I gulped at a loss for words as this man who has been my idol for years, was suggesting such things.
“Come on Lil! When are you ever gonna get the chance to do something like this again?” Matt said.
“Yeah Lil!” Kenny, Jen, and even Bonzo said howling in laughter.
“Alright fine!” I say looking at Jimmy “I’ll go”
There’s going to be multiple parts to chapters because of the word count exceptions.
Songs in order of appearance:
“Medicine” by Harry Styles (not yet released)
“Addictions” by Lucy Dacus (check out Night Shift as well)
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foryourlifefic-blog · 6 years
Chapter 1 (Part 1)
I could hear the mans voice booming from back stage.
I looked over at Matt, who nodded his head.
Kenny came up and squeezed my hand while Jen just slapped my back.
“FOR ONE NIGHT AND ONE NIGHT ONLY” the announcer shouted.
I began walking onto the stage.
The crown began cheering as I took the mic while the other members of the band took their place.
“1,2,3,4” I screeched as our first number began.
“Here to take my medicine, take my medicine
Treat me like a gentleman
Give me that adrenaline, that adrenaline
Think I’m gonna stick with you
Here to take my medicine, take my medicine
Rest it on your fingertips
Up to your mouth, feeling it out
Feeling it out”
I leaned my head back as Matt came in with the riff. I heard Kenny and Jen in the back keeping a steady beat which pleased me.
“I had a few, got drunk on you and now I’m wasted
And when I sleep I’m gonna dream of how you...
If you go out tonight, I’m going out ‘cause I know you’re persuasive
You got that something, I got me an appetite; now I can taste it”
The lights began flashing on stage as I danced around it, banging on Kenny’s drum set then, waving my fingers at Matt as he played the solo.
“We're getting dizzy, oh, we're getting dizzy, oh
La la la la la
You get me dizzy, oh, you get me dizzy, oh”
The beat of the drums slowed down as well as my moving around the stage.
The audience began cheering once again as I spoke in an out of breath tone into the mic.
“Hello everyone” they all cheered again as I put my finger to my lips to quiet them down.
“Thank you for your warm invitation for us to come out here tonight.” I began walking across the stage my platform heels clicking on the pavement.
“I don’t know if any of you know this, but the Whiskey a Go Go was our first ever gig. And being back here tonight after our second tour is bringing back some found memories.”
I began scoping out the audience. The joint was crowded, more than usual. There were a lot of unfamiliar faces that I couldn’t see clearly cause of the lights.
We had just gotten off a plane before this gig so didn’t have a chance to see who was in the crowd before we started preforming.
I looked back at Kenny who had his drum sticks held above his head.
“This next record, is a very special one. To me anyway, I wrote it at a time when I was going through some things, some things I’m glad are over with in my life.” I raised my eyebrow.
The crown cheered as I announced “this song is called... Addictions!” I shouted as Kenny began hitting his drum sticks together.
Sweat was dripping down my chest by the time the gig was over. The band was rowdy on our way back to the dressing room.
Matt pushed the door open, and we all went in and crashed on the couch.
“I think that was one of our best” Jen said.
“Really?” Kenny asked looking over at her.
“You don’t think so?” She asked.
He shrugged his shoulders “I don’t know, that one we had in Paris at the beginning of the tour is still the best in my mind.”
“No way” chimes in Matt “the best one was definitely Amsterdam.”
“What are you talking about?” Jen screeched “we were so sloppy at that one.”
“Maybe but we rocked the hardest” he said crossing his arms and leaning his head back.
“What do you think Lil?” Jen asked me.
I closed my eyes as I spoke “I think you all need to shut your mouths and let me rest for once.”
Me, Matt, Kenny, and Jen had formed our band a little over 3 years ago. We had 2 records out and we toured some of America last year, while we had just finished touring Europe.
“Why don’t you tell us how you really feel.” Kenny said sarcastically.
“Oh lighten up Kenny” Matt said “we just played a great show, let’s enjoy the moment.”
Matt played lead guitar, while Kenny was on drums, and Jen was on base. I was the lead singer in all of this and scratching up my vocal chords every night had me worn out.
The music we played was classified as rock. Although we do play a lot of acoustic records, we like to make it more exciting through costume and attitude.
We had sad songs, sexy songs, and songs that plain just didn’t make any sense. But it hasn’t stopped us from gaining a following over the years.
Just as everyone had settled down there was a loud knock on the door, causing me to jump.
“I’ll get it” I growled throwing the door open “look we don’t give out any fucking...” I stopped when I saw who was behind the door.
“Oh hey Ron” I said embarrassed “I’m sorry I thought it was someone from the crowd.”
Ron was a promoter who we have known forever. He was the one who introduced us, and he always has the best taste in bands.
He laughed “Yeah we don’t let people back here anymore unless they have clearance from the band.”
“Oh shit” I put my hand on my head “sorry dude I’m just super exhausted, I don’t even know what day it is.”
“Forget about it!” he said in a thick Italian accent. He raises his eyebrows “I have great news.”
I looked back at the band then to him “what news?”
“Guess who watched your set, and wants to come back here to meet you guys?” He asks
“The pope” Matt yells mocking his accent.
“The president” Jen chimes in.
“A lot of chicks” Kenny says beginning to open a bottle of Jack Daniels from the mini fridge.
“No, no, and yes” he says pointing at Kenny “but that’s not who I’m taking about.”
I roll my eyes and shake his arms “then who?!”
He gives me a side grin “I’ll give you guys a hint. John Bonham, John Paul Johns...”
I begin jumping up and down in excitement as he continues.
“Jimmy Page” He says.
“Are you shitting me?!” Matt howls.
“And Robert Plant” Ron finishes.
“OH MY GOD” I begin crying “I’M GONMA DIE, I’M GONNA DIE!”
“They were in the crowd?!” Asks Jen.
Ron smiles “Yes! Their in town all week with some fellow promoters. They are working on a very exciting project. Anyway they just got here yesterday. Apparently this is their favorite place to come get some insight on new bands, and the sweet California culture.” He says raising up his arms.
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foryourlifefic-blog · 6 years
Welcome to my fic!
First of all I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to read, my chapters can get pretty lengthy! So if you stay with me I thank you in advance!
Second I have been a Led Zeppelin fan for a number of years now and this isn’t my first fic, but it’s very important to me that it does justice to how amazing they are so if you see any inaccuracies let me know!
And third this fic is called “For Your Life” after one of my favorite Zep songs. It takes place in 1973 and yes it is Jimmy inspired.
Can we just take a minute?
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So yeah that’s pretty much what he is gonna look like.
As for a plot summary:
Leila Rose is a self proclaimed singer in and acoustic style band called “The Desirables.” Upon playing a gig at The Whiskey one night they get recognized by a very special band (whatever band could that be?) as her and Jimmy get along nicely it is clear that Led Zeppelin is having problems with their label and producers therefore leading to the creation of “Swan Song Records.” Of course her and her band are having there own problems as well. It’s a busy story that will keep you on your toes making you laugh, cry, and know that it truly means to experience life with Led Zeppelin at one of their peaks. I introduce you guys to “For Your Life.”
When adult content is present in the chapter I will give you a warning as the beginning of the chapter.
Another Disclaimer:
Some of the songs in Leila’s band will be from other bands or artists that I will mention at the end of chapters.
Again thank you and I hope everyone enjoys!
First chapter will be up soon!
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