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the people who responded “joe” and “biden” are operating a higher level than anyone else. they can see the matrix
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the worst part about cardio is the laundry
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but this pain hurts so comfortably
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favorite thing ever is leaving this gif in Ao3 comment sections
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because A: a shocking amount of people don't know abt the 'img src=' trick to add images into comment sections, and B: well over half of the authors seem to really enjoy the sentiment
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We need to start mixing meaningless, completely indecipherable terms into DNI lists. Keep them guessing.
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"goddess" "matriarchy" "female wisdom" girl your civic rights
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Whenever I see Jews on my dash arguing about interpretations of the Talmud I just chuckle and I'm like...Nothing's changed. Nothing has changed in over 3,000 years. We're still the same Jews. Our clothes, hairstyles, slang may be a bit more modern, but we're still the same Jews. And I love us.
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11K notes · View notes
You should be starting a recipe book. I don't give a shit if you're only 20-years-old. The modern web is rotting away bit by bit before our very eyes. You have no idea when that indie mom blog is going down or when Pinterest will remove that recipe. Copy it down in a notebook, physically or digitally. Save it somewhere only you can remove it. Trust me, looking for a recipe only to find out it's been wiped off the internet is so fucking sad. I've learned my lesson one too many times.
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What keeps you going as an occultist when times are tough motivation wise?
My first answer is that I kinda don't.
I mean it's more complex than that. I have certain responsibilities now that I have to take care of. And I don't even mean like, oh I have to leave daily offerings.
It's more like, if I don't leave sufficient offerings, spirits come mess with me when I sleep. I don't have the assistance of allies when I want to do fun stuff I actually enjoy, like divination for friends. And you can't just say, whoops, I'm here for the first time in seven months with a serving of baked pasta because I want to have fun with tarot again. They're not toys and they don't operate like vending machines.
So it's like any relationship, and I mean my relationship with my path as a whole - there's a minimum of responsibility and maintenance. I don't want to be a fair-weather friend to my own witchcraft.
And then there's an aspect of need as well - even if I don't feel really motivated to cast a spell, if I need the effect, then it's just a chore I'm responsible for. I don't always feel motivated to clean the dishes, but I do, because I want to be a responsible person.
In a large sense, witchcraft is just a part of my life now, and it's not something I can set down and forget about.
But all of that aside, if I don't feel motivated to do something extra - like educate myself on a certain topic, practice a certain skill, or do above-and-beyond activities - then I don't. I'm not in it for spiritual grind culture. I have other fun, interesting stuff to spend time on, and sometimes I'm excited and motivated to do other enriching things that aren't witchcraft. So I do them instead.
I think it might be helpful to examine the urge to want to practice despite lack of motivation. Cultivating skill and power is IMO difficult and takes a lot of hard work. But if that's your aim, then I think that falls under the purview of discipline, not motivation.
If it's just a general sense that in order to be a real/good witch you've got to be doing lots of stuff all the time, without any real concrete goals you're working towards, I think maybe pushing through without motivation will just lead to eventual burnout.
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Deer and jackdaws.
The birds feed on ticks from the deer, and also assist in removing velvet from growing antlers.
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Terribly charmed by this pleasant little rectangle
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