Happy birthday to this wonderful man ❤️
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Happy Birthday, Matthew Gray Gubler! (*9.3.1980)
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Seasons - Spencer Reid x OC - Chapter 6
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A/N - slight jump in time from the last chp.
Chapter 6
Summer 2010
 “I know I am but summer in your heart, and not the full four seasons of the year” - Edna St. Vincent Millay.
 Quantico, Virginia - BAU Head Quarters
 The sun had rolled in in mid-Spring and seemingly grown hotter with each passing day. DC was full of commuters with hand fans, ice creams, cold bottles of water. Anything to make the heat slightly more bearable. 
 One day Spencer woke up and winter and spring seemed to have passed him by in the blink of an eye. Summer was rolling around and he could feel the sweat gathering on his skin, causing his shirt to stick to him. He pushed his sleeves further up his arms and wiped his brow as the heat in the confined elevator started becoming too much. He’d already run from the metro station and he was out of breath and sticky with sweat. He was already late because his train had been delayed and he hated being late. 
 Four months had passed and Spencer had thought about his night with Lennox on every single one of the 126 days it had been since he left New York. Sometimes the cons of having an eidetic memory outweighed the pros. 
 He’d managed to memorise the way her skin felt under his fingertips and sometimes if he closed his eyes he could imagine he was still touching her. He could still smell her perfume and her shampoo; he could still taste the whiskey on her lips. He wished to forget, longed to, but he couldn’t banish her from his thoughts. 
 His team knew something had happened in New York. Since returning home Spencer’s demeanour had changed. He’d been distant, lost in his thoughts. On several occasions he’d been thinking about her, lost in the memories only to be snapped back around because someone had been trying to talk to him. He’d been miss quoting statistics or sometimes not even being able to recall one at all. He had no idea why one woman had affected him so much. But she had. Sometimes there wasn’t an answer for these things. Sometimes there were no facts or figures to explain human behaviour. 
 All he knew was he missed her. And he didn’t know how long this feeling would last.
 Eventually the elevator came to a stop and the doors slid open. Spencer launched himself out of the small box and across the bullpen. He tripped on the stairs as he frantically dashed to the meeting room where his colleagues would be waiting for him.
 ‘Oh god I’m so sorry...trains...’ He was panting as he made it to the room. 
 The rest of the team weren’t sat around the round table like he’d expected to find them. They were stood around someone. Hotch’s eyes met his. The sea of agents parted. He saw the back of her head and he knew who it was already. He felt his heart skip a beat and he froze on the spot as she slowly turned around and their eyes met. 
 His brain ceased to function as he stared at her, everyone else in the room seemingly vanishing. So many questions fought for dominance in Spencer’s mind that he couldn’t focus enough to get any of them to leave his lips. Hotch stepped forward although Spencer didn’t see him do so.
 ‘Reid, you remember Detective Doherty?’ 
 Remember her? How could he ever forget her? He was just having a hard time trying to slot her into this facet of his life. Being so smart and retaining so much information in his brain, Spencer had taught himself how to file all his knowledge and memories in his brain at a young age. He imagined his brain as some super organised filing system. Everything and everyone had their own place. And in Spencer’s brain, Lennox made no sense in the context of the BAU in Virginia. It didn’t help matters that she was somehow more beautiful than he remembered, that wasn’t helping his brain make sense of this.
 ‘Reid?’ Hotch spoke again when he saw the blank expression spread across the Doctors face. An expression he rarely saw on the young man. 
 ‘Yes.’ Reid finally spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. ‘Lennox.’
 ‘Dr Reid.’ She nodded her head at him, her voice almost as quiet as Spencer’s. She knew this would be weird, she knew it would come as a shock to him. She’d thought about it at great lengths. But they hadn’t exchanged numbers, she’d had no way to warn him of her arrival.
 ‘I was just telling the rest of the team, who arrived on time, that Doherty is officially the newest member of our team.’
 Surely Spencer hadn’t heard him correctly. He lost his words again, staring at Lennox, a slight confusion knitted on his brows.
 ‘Reid?’ Hotch clicked his fingers to try and get his attention. ‘What is wrong with you today? Did you hear me?’
 Yes. He heard him loud and clear. 
 ‘You...you’re...’ he stuttered, not being able to find the words.
 ‘Yeah.’ Lennox shrugged. ‘I’m one of you now.’
 How? When? Why? Spencer’s mind was working faster than usual. He felt his temples pulsing, this was too much for him to comprehend. The woman that he’d had a one night stand with in New York, the woman he hadn’t stopped thinking about for 126 days, was stood in their meeting room telling him she was his new co-worker. 
 ‘Right well, as I was saying before you got here, we’ve been called to Texas. Details on the plane. Wheels up in twenty.’ Hotch left the room followed by JJ, Prentiss and Rossi. Morgan looked between Lennox and Spencer as they just stared at each other.
 ‘You get that kid?’ He patted Spencer on the back startling the younger man.
 ‘Yeah. Texas. Plane. Wheels up.’ Spencer croaked. 
 Lennox exhaled and forced herself to move. She knew this would be awkward but she didn’t realise how much. She picked up her bag and headed passed Spencer and Morgan to the door.
 ‘Welcome to the BAU Doherty.’ Morgan smiled to her as she passed. She gave him a small nod as she left the room. 
 Lennox never had any intention of ending up at the BAU. The day after the FBI left New York she’d thrown Hotch’s card the trash. But all day it felt like it was staring at her, taunting her. 
 So she kept the card. It had taken a long time for her to call, mostly because she wasn’t sure she should. Part of it was due to her loyalty to the NYPD, after her families long running service. Part of it was because the Butcher was still out there somewhere, biding his time. Waiting for the best moment to strike again.
 And Lennox wanted, no she needed, to be the one to take him down.
 But she wasn’t happy at the NYPD and she hadn’t been long before she was kidnapped and Max’s death. She’d always wanted more for herself but the legacy had to be kept alive through her.
 One day she finally had enough.
 She’d pulled the card out of her draw and she’d called Hotch. He’d been surprised to hear from her, but glad nonetheless. She’d thought he would have changed his mind by the time she called but he hadn’t. And the rest she supposed, was history. 
 She still thought about Spencer from time to time. Ok, so she thought about him more often than that, more often than she would care to admit. It had been more years than she could count since the last time a man left an impression on her like this. But she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him. 
 And maybe that was part of the reason she’d called Hotch. Maybe Spencer had been part of her decision to make this move, although she’d never admit that out loud. 
 She’d felt guilty for her night spent with him for a little while after, feeling like in some way she’d been unfaithful to Max. But she’d realised he’d want her to be happy. And she hadn’t been happy for a long time. The closest she had came was that night with Spencer. 
 She knew it couldn’t happen again though, not now they worked together. There was all kind of rules against that. But being around him would be enough. She just wanted to know him, to have him in her life. It would be enough. At least she hoped it would.
Somewhere Over Central America - BAU Jet
 Hotch and JJ briefed them on the case. The agents were all thankful for the AC on the jet, but knew the temperature would rise even more at their destination. They were dealing with a series of a home invasions and families being murdered in Dallas. The victims were all wealthy, Caucasian families with two children. The early suspect profile made them believe their unsub had a fractured childhood, probably a juvie record and had most likely escalated to murder from simple home invasions. 
 After the briefing they all split to up to go over case files on the jet. Reid was distracted. How he could he not be? A part of him still couldn’t quite place her in this aspect of his life. She was on the jet with them. She was working a case with them. She was being called Agent instead of Detective. Spencer was usually in complete control of his brain, but one look at Lennox and his impressive IQ was slashed to that of a mere mortal. A mortal with feelings and urges. He didn’t care for it.
 He tried to focus on the case file in front of him, trying to start building a mental geographical profile for where the families were attacked ready to put it on a map when they arrived at the Dallas PD. But her presence was weighing heavily on him. She was sat across the aisle a few rows down the jet from him with Hotch, JJ and Rossi. Every now and again he’d glance up at her. Morgan had noticed this but he didn’t want to say anything. Not in front of everyone. 
 He was sat opposite the doctor with Prentiss on his right. Once Prentiss excused herself to get coffee, Morgan got up too and slid into the empty sit next to Reid. Reid didn’t even seem to notice.
 He was staring down at a page of notes which Morgan knew he wasn’t reading because in the time Reid had been looking at it he would have been able to read those words hundreds of times, if not thousands. 
 Morgan nudged Reid with his shoulder, startling the younger man a little. He looked up from the file and at Morgan in confusion.
 ‘Hey.’ Reid swallowed. ‘Where’d you come from?’
 Morgan couldn’t help but chuckle. He turned his body in the chair so he was facing Reid.
 ‘What’s going on with you man?’
 ‘What do you mean?’ Reid’s brow furrowed.
 ‘You and Doherty.’ Morgan’s voice was quiet so no one else would hear. ‘Something happened in New York kid, you can’t keep trying to pawn me off with excuses.’
 Since they’d come back from New York Morgan had tried several times to ask Reid what had gone on between him and Lennox but Reid would always change the subject or conveniently someone would walk in the room and end the conversation. Morgan knew something had happened, he wasn’t an idiot. He’d seen the faint outline of fresh hickeys on Lennox’s neck when she and Reid arrived at the crime scene that day. He’d noticed Reid was still in the same clothes he had been in the day before. He’d sensed the tension between them. It didn’t take a profiler to spot these things.
 ‘I don’t know what you think happened Morgan, but I can tell you nothing did.’ Reid couldn’t believe he was lying to one of his closest friends. But he couldn’t stand anyone to know. He felt like an idiot. He’d meant to be working a case but instead he’d been sleeping with the lead detective. And now she was part of their team and he was going to have to see her every day. He didn’t want anyone to find out, although he was sure Morgan knew he was lying.
 ‘Alright if you say so kid.’ Morgan wasn’t buying it but he didn’t want to push him on it. He hoped when Spencer was ready to talk about it he would come to him. ‘So you have no problem working with her then?’
 ‘No, I have no reason to.’ Spencer was quick to answer.
 ‘Great, because she’ll be accompanying you to the station.’ Morgan got up from the chair knowing Spencer’s eyes would be bulging.
 ‘What? I thought you were? Hotch said she was going to the morgue with Rossi?’ Spencer was panicking. He could hear it in his own voice.
 ‘Yeah, but I kinda fancy the trip.’ Morgan smirked at Reid over his shoulder and then he walked away down the jet. 
Dallas, Texas - Dallas PD
 Lennox was working on setting out the time line of the murders on one board while Spencer worked the geographical profile on a map next to her. They hadn’t said a word to each other. As soon as the lead detective on the case, detective Savage left the room they had been shrouded by silence. Awkward silence. Palpable silence. Deafening silence. 
 Lennox put up the photos of the victims on the board in order of which they were killed. The parents were all in their mid to late forties and all had two children. The first family, the Michaels, a six year girl and ten year old boy. The Richardson’s had twin boys who were nine. And the most recent victims had a girl who was eleven and a boy who was five. The only common factor was the number of children, wealth and race. But it was certainly enough to draw a connection. 
 Reid worked out what he assumed to be the unsub’s comfort zone by the crime scene locations. The air in the room was thick. Lennox wanted to say something to him. She needed the air to be clear if they were going to be working together. She finished off the timeline board and cleared her throat, making Reid look up at her.
 ‘Finished?’ He asked her, his voice lacking its usual bounce.
 ‘Yeah.’ She nodded stiffly. ‘Look Spencer, if I could have given you a heads up about my transfer I would have. I never meant to blind side you.’
 ‘I know.’ He nodded and swallowed. Why did Lennox always find herself mesmerised by the way his Adam’s apple moved when he did that. ‘I’m sorry I’ve been a bit off today. It was just such a shock seeing you. I never thought I’d see you again, least of all at my place of work.’ He played with his hands awkwardly, suddenly overwhelmed with the sensation he didn’t know what to do with them. What did he normally do with his hands?
 ‘Can we get passed this?’ Lennox stepped a little closer to him, clearly not realising Spencer’s inability to act normal. 
 What do I normally do with my damn hands?
 ‘What uhm...what do you mean?’ He swallowed again, harder than before. The closer she got the bigger the lump that formed in his throat. God she was so beautiful, Spencer didn’t think that was fair.
 ‘I mean, are we going to be able to work together? It was just one night yeah? We can be professional right?’ She stopped moving, leaving enough distance between them because she wasn’t sure she could trust herself being too close to him. She wanted to be close to him, more so than anything. She wanted him to take her in his arms and never let her go. There was something about the way she felt when she looked into his eyes, safe maybe? She wanted Spencer to be the one to make all her demons vanish. But she knew he couldn’t, not now they were colleagues.
 ‘Yeah of course.’ Spencer stuffed his hands in his pockets now. Was that something he normally did? He couldn’t for the life of him remember. What use was an eidetic memory if it stopped working in the presence of a beautiful woman? Maybe he was more human than he thought. ‘I just need to adjust is all. You can understand what a surprise it was for me to see you again.’
 ‘Yeah I get it.’ She gave him a soft smile. ‘Does uhm...’ she looked over her shoulder to make sure no one was around. ‘Does anyone know about what happened between us?’ Her voice was low, scared almost.
 ‘No.’ Spencer shook his head. ‘I think Morgan has his suspicions but I’ve denied it. And I haven’t told anyone else.’
 ‘Ok good.’ She breathed a sigh of relief. ‘The last thing I need is gossip going around about me already.’
 ‘Yeah.’ Spencer nodded, his hands feeling unnatural in his pockets. ‘So we’re good?’
 ‘Of course we are.’ Lennox laughed lightly and it was like music to Spencer ears. 
 He wanted her. He hadn’t stopped wanting her for 126 days and he was sure he never would. But he had to forget about the idea of it ever happening again. If something were to happen and Hotch found out they could both lose their jobs. But why did that make it hotter for Spencer? He wasn’t a dangerous man, he didn’t live life on the edge, not by any means. So why was the idea of a secret a fling so appealing to him all of a sudden? God this woman drove him crazy. 
 They stared at each other for several long minutes after that, not realising they were both having the same kind of illicit thoughts. They were eventually snapped back around when Hotch and JJ entered the room.
 ‘How’s it going in here?’ Hotch walked over to the boards trying to ignore the tension in the room. 
 ‘I think we’re all done.’ Lennox said when Spencer clearly couldn’t find his voice.
 ‘Good. I think we’re ready to give the profile.’ Hotch headed back out the room and Lennox followed him. 
 JJ caught Spencer’s eye and smiled at him. She gave the doctor a subtle wink which made him turn all kinds of shades of red. She laughed to herself as she left the room. 
Tags - @stunudo @veroinnumera @cynbx
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Seasons - Spencer Reid x OC - Chapter 5
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Chapter 5
Brooklyn, New York - Unknown Location
He wrapped the bodies in tarps and tossed them into the trunk of his truck. He slammed the trunk closed and got in the driver’s seat. He grabbed the bottle of Jack from the passenger seat and took a swig as he started the engine. He blamed Detective Doherty for this. One day he’d finished what he started with her. One day he’d get her again and he would take great pleasure in watching the life leave her eyes as she died at his hands. Almost as great a pleasure as he did when he shot her husband. She’d made it personal. No one got away from him. 
‘Hope you like the presents Doherty.’ He grinned to himself in the rear view mirror. ‘Two more bodies for your files.’ He took another sip of the Jack and then he peeled out of the driveway.
Brooklyn, New York - Lennox Doherty’s Apartment 
As the elevator doors opened they sprung apart from each other panting. Spencer could taste the whiskey on her tongue and he bet he tasted the same. She pulled him by his tie out of the elevator and Spencer felt light headed again. He didn’t know who had kissed who, he didn’t know who had leaned in first. One minute he’d been looking into her eyes and the next their lips were attacking the others. 
She pulled him to her apartment and unlocked the door. She pulled him inside and kicked the door closed with her foot. Their lips found each other’s again quickly and Spencer let his bag slip off his shoulder and fall to the floor. He put his hands on her hips and she wrapped her arms around his neck, playing with the back of his hair. 
She started moving them towards the bedroom, manoeuvring through the piles of boxes. She’d moved here a few months ago after she decided she could no longer be in the home she’d shared with Max. It was too hard. But with her busy work schedule she hadn’t had a chance to unpack much.
She started loosening his tie as they entered her bedroom. She got it loose enough and broke the kiss to pull it over his head. She ran her hands down his sides and hooked her fingers under his sweater vest, pulling that over his head too. 
‘Lennox hang on a second.’ Spencer panted. ‘Is this a good idea?’ 
She smirked at him and took a few steps backward. She shrugged her coat off and started unbuttoning her shirt.
‘No.’ she smiled. ‘But that’s why it’s so fun.’ She slowly undid the buttons and shrugged that off her shoulders too. She wore a black lacy bra and her skin was pale and delicate underneath. She watched Spencer’s eyes graze over her torso. She knew why.
‘You don’t want me now, do you?’ She put her hands on her hips. 
‘What? I didn’t say that.’ Spencer came closer to her.
‘Your face said it all.’ She rolled her lip between her teeth. Spencer reached out his hand and ever so lightly brushed his fingertips over the scars on her stomach. 
‘Did he…the unsub…’
‘Yes Spencer. He did this to me.’ 
Reid caressed the raised sections of skin. The scars varied in size and shape and covered most of her stomach. They were also on her hips, thighs, the tops of her arms and there was one on her chest, just above her left bra cup.
She looked scared for a moment, it was clear she’d never let anyone see them before. He let his hand wander up her side until he found her face and he cupped her chin.
‘You’re still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.’ He brought her face closer and kissed again, all his previous reservations melting away. In the same kiss, Lennox’s insecurities melted away too. By showing Reid her scars she had overcome a hurdle. The only other people who had seen them were the doctors and nurses at the hospital when she was rescued. She felt a surge of power. She felt strangely liberated for showing someone and not having them cower away.
She moved her hands over his torso and started working the buttons on his shirt. She got them undone and Spencer tossed it aside. He gently laid her back to the bed and climbed on top of her. She could feel he was hard, and see he was straining against his trousers. The look in his eyes was almost animal. It had been a long time since anyone had looked at her like that. It had been a long time since anyone had called her beautiful. 
She was rolling her hips up to meet his, making him moan into her mouth. The kiss deepened. Their clothes became fewer until they were both naked. As Spencer’s lips made their way down Lennox’s neck and onto her chest she looked up to the ceiling, a momentary sadness washing over her.
Forgive me Max. I just need one night.
Brooklyn Heights, New York - Montague Street
He laid the presents out on the side of the road, swigging the whiskey as he looked down on them. He wished he could hang around and see the look on Detective Doherty’s face when she found them. It made him smile. He downed the last of the Jack and tossed the bottle to the side of the road. He wondered where Lennox was now, what she was doing. God he wished he could be the one to call her and tell her about the gifts he’d left. 
He parted ways with Chloe and Amelia and jumped back in his truck. It had been a fun run but it was time to go into hiding. He was sure he could find something to pass the time. Imagining the look on Lennox’s face when she found the bodies would only keep him amused for so long.
Brooklyn, New York - Lennox Doherty’s Apartment
The ringing startled her awake, but she was used to that. She often got woken up by her phone ringing when she was on a case. Her head hurt a little from the previous night’s drinking as she rolled over and grabbed the phone from the bedside table. 
‘Doherty.’ She tried to make her voice less croaky but failed.
‘It’s Lent. We need you.’ Lent explained the details and then Lennox hung up. She sat up and swung her legs out of the bed.
‘What’s happened?’ Spencer’s voice was croaky and riddled with sleep.
‘They’ve found two bodies downtown. Just like I expected.’ 
Brooklyn Heights, New York - Montague Street
Lennox was up, dressed and ready to go within ten minutes. She and Spencer jumped into his SUV as hers was still at Hank’s and sped to the crime scene with his flashing beacons on. They didn’t even think about what it would look like the two of them turning up together, their minds on other things.
Last night had been incredible. Certainly one of the best of Spencer’s life. But he knew it was only a one night thing. He’d be going back to Virginia soon and she’d be staying here. He wanted more, but he was ok with that one incredible night. It would be a memory that would last forever. Even if he didn’t have an eidetic memory.
He drove as fast as he could, weaving in and out of vehicles. New York traffic was hell, he was glad he didn’t live here. 
He’d barely pulled the car to a stop when Lennox jumped out. Hotch, Rossi and Morgan were already there with Detective Lent and Doc. She ducked under the crime scene tape. The five men looked up at her, seeing Spencer trailing behind her. Morgan’s eyebrow shot up.
‘Didn’t know you got a call Reid.’ The older agent had a playful smirk on his lips. Spencer’s face immediately broke out into a deep blush. 
‘Arriving with Detective Doherty too.’ Rossi smirked also, looking between them. 
Lennox felt her cheeks burning under their glares. Despite the fact it was close to freezing out she felt hot. She could practically feel the marks from the hickeys she was sure Spencer had left on her neck. She hoped he hadn’t. She hadn’t had time to check. 
‘We were having coffee.’ Lennox spoke up, not believing her own words.
‘At six am?’ Morgan smirked at her.
‘Yes. Sure. Why not?’ She shook her head. ‘Have you ID’d the bodies Doc?’ She turned her attention to the aging coroner who was struggling to hide his own smirk.
‘Yeah, your guy left their purses in plain sight, just like with all the other bodies.’ Doc told her.
‘Chloe Barnes, twenty three.’ Hotch pointed to the body on the left that was covered up to her chin with a sheet, Doc’s doing not the unsubs. 
‘Let me guess,’ Doherty turned to the other body next to her. ‘Amelia Sanderson?’ 
‘That’s the one.’
‘Goddamit.’ Lennox groaned. ‘I knew this was going to happen!’
‘He dumped these bodies early, our presence panicked him. He might have messed up, he might have left evidence.’ Morgan tried to calm her.
‘No he wouldn’t. He’s too careful. This isn’t him panicking. This is a message.’ She exhaled.
‘What kind of message?’ Reid dared to speak up.
‘He’s saying, look what I can do.’
‘Actually,’ Rossi stepped forward. ‘I think he’s saying goodbye.’ He gently pulled back the sheet covering Amelia Sanderson’s body. On her torso in blood was a message.
Goodbye for now LD.
‘Son of bitch!’ Lennox yelled. ‘My initials. He’s making this personal.’ Of course it had been personal already but they didn’t need to know that.
‘We might be able to get a print from the blood. Crime scene units are on their way.’ Lent spoke now.
‘Oh come on Matt you know this guy as well as I do. We both know there won’t be any prints.’ She turned around and started walking away.
‘Where are you going?’ Lent called after her.
‘Back to the precinct.’
‘Uhm Lennox?’ Reid tentatively spoke up.
‘What Reid?’ She spun back around, anger seeping through her pores.
‘I drove you here.’ He gave a small shrug. She rolled her eyes and huffed a little.
‘Well come on then, what are you waiting for?’ She spat at him. 
Spencer gave his team a brief shrug before he followed her, scurrying to his car like a scared kid. Morgan laughed to himself. The kid definitely had a crush. 
Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn PD
‘So kid,’ Morgan sidled up to Reid a little while later at PD. ‘You gonna tell me what happened last night?’ 
Reid looked up from the file he was reading, his eyes wide as he stared at Morgan perched on the edge of the table he was sat at.
‘Last night?’ Reid pulled a face. ‘Last night I went back to the hotel, read over some case files and then there was this Star Trek marathon on TV.’ His words were convincing. His tone wasn’t. He never had been good at lying.
‘Don’t lie to me Reid, we both know you and Doherty didn’t meet for coffee this morning.’
‘I don’t know what you’re implying.’ Reid felt himself getting hot under Morgan’s scrutiny. 
‘Kid, be honest with me. We’re friends right? What happened with you and Doherty?’
‘I uhm…we…’
‘Everyone gather around.’ Hotch walked into the meeting room where Reid and Morgan were, motioning for the others to follow him. Saved by the bell Reid thought. He knew he couldn’t lie to Morgan. Now he’d just have to avoid him until this whole thing blew over.
‘The ME confirmed cause of death as strangulation for both victims. They died within an hour of one another.’ Hotch addressed everyone.
‘Crime scene units didn’t find any evidence at the scene and there was nothing on the bodies. I think we’ve hit a brick wall.’ Lent sighed. 
‘I’m not sure there’s a lot left for us to do.’ Hotch sounded as defeated as Lennox felt.
She knew they weren’t going to catch this guy. The feds had given up again. 
She sighed and pulled the collar of her shirt closer to the bare skin of her neck. She’d caught a glimpse of her reflection earlier and seen the light marks Reid had sucked into her skin the previous night. She knew the others must have seen them too. She was so stupid. She couldn’t believe she’d let this happen. 
She couldn’t stop herself when she glanced over at Reid. He was already looking at her. 
His eyes had been trained on the small marks he’d left behind on her neck. Once he was gone that would be her only reminder of him and it wouldn’t be long before they faded and he was just a distant memory.
When their eyes met he felt his cheeks getting hot under her gaze and he felt the blush creeping in. 
This is it then. It was over. Over before it ever had a chance to begin.
He was going to miss her. He was going to miss her so much. 
Life was so unfair to him.
Lennox was packing away the case files on the Brooklyn Butcher once more, wondering how long he’d be gone for this time. The FBI we’re heading back to Quantico, now he’d gone underground again there wasn’t anything else they could do.
There was a knock at her door as she was putting the lid back on the last top box.
‘Come in.’ she called. The door opened and Hotch stepped inside.
‘I’m sorry we couldn’t have been more help.’ He looked deflated, she knew that feeling.
‘It’s ok, there was nothing more you could have done.’ Lennox stretched her back, rolled her neck. Her time in that damn cell had wreaked havoc on her joints. 
Hotch stepped closer and handed her his card.
‘When this unsub resurfaces I want you to call me personally.’
She took the card gratefully.
‘Thank you Agent Hotchner. And thank your team for me.’
‘If you ever decide you need a change in vocation, call me as well.’ He told her. ‘My team could always use people like you.’
Lennox gave him a half-smile, slipping back behind her desk.
‘As much as I appreciate that, this is where I’m supposed to be.’ She slid his card in her top drawer.
‘I respect that. But if you ever change your mind, the offers there.’ He nodded. ‘Goodbye detective.’
‘Goodbye Agent.’ 
Hotch took his leave but seconds later there was another knock on her half open door. He didn’t wait for her to answer, he pushed the door open and cautiously walked in.
‘You should really consider taking him up on that offer.’ Spencer stuffed his hands nervously in his pockets. 
Lennox stood but she stayed behind her desk. She worried what she might do if she was too close to him. Probably throw herself into his arms.
‘Like I said, this is where I’m supposed to be. At least while this guy is still out there.’
‘That’s a shame.’
‘Why do you care Dr Reid?’ She folded her arms and narrowed her eyes. 
Spencer removed his hands from his pockets and dared to come a little closer, now just the desk separating them.
‘Because,’ He gnawed on his bottom lip. Lennox thought back to last night getting to kiss those lips. ‘Last night I got to see a different side to you, a side I don’t think you show a lot of people. You briefly let me into your world, into your fortress you’ve been carefully building since your husband passed. And I liked the person I saw, I liked her a lot actually. I was kind of hoping to get to know her better.’ He shrugged sadly. 
Lennox unfolded her arms and they fell to her sides limply.
‘Spencer,’ she breathed, maybe the first time she’d called him by his first name. ‘I granted you temporary access to the fortress, but no one gains permanent residence. I’m afraid that’s a side of myself that I keep to myself. Regardless if I was to come to the BAU, things would still be this way.’ She wasn’t sure that was true but she was trying to make things easier on Spencer. If he believed there wasn’t ever a chance for them it might be easier on him having to leave her here.
‘Maybe. Maybe not.’ He shrugged again. ‘I guess we’ll never have a chance to find out.’ He chewed his lip. He was sadder than he should have been at the thought of saying goodbye to Lennox. It had been one night, just a bit of fun. But Spencer always did fall easily. There wasn’t a long line of girls interested in him so when he found one that was he wanted to keep them close. But he couldn’t. He and Lennox were destined only to be one night. He would remember it forever. 
‘It was a pleasure to meet you Dr Spencer Reid.’ She gave him a slightly sad smile. She was going to miss him. She didn’t know why. 
Spencer moved back towards the door but his eyes were locked on hers.
‘No Detective Lennox Doherty,’ he reached the door. ‘The pleasure was all mine.’ 
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I’m okay
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Yes! I caught up just in time. xoxo
Hope you’re enjoying it! 😘
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Seasons - Spencer Reid x OC - Chapter 4
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A/N - Lennox’s secrets are revealed...
Chapter 4
Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn PD
‘Garcia,’ Morgan leant forward on the desk closer to the phone.
 ‘How my I assist you chocolate thunder?’ 
 Morgan rolled his eyes as a small smirk played on his lips.
 ‘Baby girl, I need you to narrow down that list of DUI’s. Look for anyone who’s had a relative die and had an inheritance left to them.’ 
 ‘You’re wish is my command. This may take a moment, I’ll hit you back.’ She chirruped and then hung up.
 Lennox and the other agents returned from the crime scene just as the phone line went dead. They gave Morgan a curious look so he filled them in.
 ‘This guy must have some kind of money to be able to afford to rent these properties. But we figured an unsub of this calibre won’t be able to hold down a job, not with the amount of time he spends with his victims. And even in the times he goes quiet, I don’t think he has it in him to work a 9 to 5.’ 
 ‘So you’re thinking he must have been left some kind of inheritance.’ Lennox nodded taking a seat at the table.
 ‘I can’t see how else he’d be affording it.’ Morgan shrugged.
 The other agents joined the table and eagerly awaited Garcia’s call.
The technical analyst called back twenty minutes later and Morgan put her on speaker.
 ‘Talk to me baby girl.’
 ‘I narrowed down your list like you asked but I’m still left with forty five names.’ Her voice filled the room. The agents and detectives looked between each other.
 ‘Get rid of any that were left inheritance by a mother. This unsub has serious mommy issues, he wouldn’t take money from her.’ Lent who was stood in the corner of the room with his arms folded over his chest spoke.
 There was the sound of fingers flying across a keyboard.
 ‘That leaves twenty eight names.’ Garcia filled them.
 ‘Take off fathers too. If the unsub was abused by his mother chances are the father wasn’t in the picture and if he was he probably covered it up. We’re probably looking for someone left money by a grandparent.’ Hotch added.
 ‘Okey dokey.’ Garcia tapped away at the keyboard for a moment before she spoke again. ‘Three names.’
 ‘Send the info to us.’ Morgan told her.
 ‘On its way to your tablets as we speak. Garcia out.’ 
 All the agents, minus Reid, got out their tablets while the technophobic doctor and the detectives stood behind looking over their shoulders. 
 ‘Roger Laten, thirty nine. Left inheritance when his grandfather passed in 2007.’ Morgan began with the first name, a round, balding man with glasses. ‘Not him, says here he works a full time job.’ 
 They all flicked to the next name.
 ‘Kenneth Liu was left a large sum of money by his grandfather in 2008. He doesn’t work but he’s only twenty six, meaning he would have only been twenty when the first victim was taken. We profiled him to be older.’ Prentiss reeled off.
 ‘Ok lastly we have Jason Downy, thirty five. His grandmother left him money when she passed in 2007. He doesn’t have a full time job but he works construction jobs on and off, gets paid under the table by the looks of things.’ Hotch scrutinised the photo of Jason. He was average looking, dark hair and small eyes. 
 ‘I think we should speak with him.’ Lennox spoke up. ‘He fits the profile.’
 ‘Good idea.’ Hotch agreed. 
 Just as Hotch stood up, slipping his tablet in his bag the door flew open. 
 ‘Guys!’ JJ suddenly rushed into the room, garnering all the eyes in the room. ‘You have to come see this.’ 
 Lennox and the agents rushed after her towards the meeting room. On the big screen TV on one of the walls a press conference was playing. The man holding it? Pete Jones.
 ‘Yesterday my girlfriend of three years Amelia Sanderson didn’t come home from work. Today a detective and two FBI agents disguising themselves as consultants turned up at my house to question me. After discovering their true identity I found out that they believe that the Brooklyn Butcher took Amelia. The NYPD have been keeping a serial killer quiet from us. And the feds are in on it. They said if the son of bitch doing this knows they’re investigating him he’ll stop killing again which will make him harder to catch. I say good! I say if he’s not killing that’s a good thing! Because of the NYPD and the FBI, my girlfriend is missing and she’s probably never coming home.’ At that point Pete Jones burst into tears and had to be ushered away from the microphone. Hotch grunted and switched off the TV.
 ‘He probably just got his girlfriend killed.’ Lennox sighed heavily. ‘That’s it, it’s over. It’s only a matter of time before he drops her body and stops killing again.’ She fled the room, frustration running through her veins. 
 Brooklyn, New York - Unknown Location
 ‘Yesterday my girlfriend of three years Amelia Sanderson didn’t come home from work. Today a detective and two FBI agents disguising themselves as consultants turned up at my house to question me. After discovering their true identity I found out that they believe that the Brooklyn Butcher took Amelia. The NYPD have been keeping a serial killer quiet from us. And the feds are in on it. They said if the son of bitch doing this knows they’re investigating him he’ll stop killing again which will make him harder to catch. I say good! I say if he’s not killing that’s a good thing! Because of the NYPD and the FBI, my girlfriend is missing and she’s probably never coming home.’
 He watched the man break down into tears. He clenched his fist and shut off the tiny TV before he threw something at it. Lennox Doherty was at it again. She’d tried to hide the FBI involvement because she knew what would happen if he found out. 
 He was clenching his jaw as he stomped heavily down the corridor to their cells. He opened the first girl, Chloe’s, unlocked her restraints and pulled her from her cell by her hair. She screamed but he ignored her. He didn’t mind disposing of her so much. Chloe’s time here was almost up anyway, she only had a few more days. But Amelia, she’d only just gotten here. He wasn’t going to be able to have his fun with her.
 No bother. He would get rid of them and then he would hide out for a while. He loved to torture. He loved to kill. But he didn’t need to do it. He could wait until it was safe again. 
 He held Chloe by her hair and crouched down in front of Amelia’s cell. He put his hand on the Plexiglas and she backed away from it seeing his face grimacing at her.
 ‘I’ll be back for you.’ He spoke knowing she couldn’t hear him. ‘You have Detective Doherty to thank for a quick death.’
Brooklyn Heights, New York - Jason Downy’s House
 ‘Jason Downy? I’m Detective Lent and this agents Hotchner and Rossi with the FBI. Mind if we come in?’ Matthew showed Downy his credentials as did Hotch and Rossi as Downy frowned at them.
 He was a big guy, at least six foot four and broad. He used his stature to block the doorway.
 ‘FBI? What do you want?’ He folded his arms over his chest with a scowl.
 ‘We have some questions for you Mr Downy. Can we come in?’ Hotch spoke.
 ‘Why don’t you tell me what this is about first?’ 
 He didn’t look guilty. He didn’t look as though he had anything to hide. At first blush neither Rossi or Hotch thought this was their unsub. 
 ‘We’re investigating the Brooklyn Butcher and we’d like to ask you some questions.’ Hotch got straight to the point. He wanted to gauge the guy’s reaction at the mention of the Butcher. His facial expression didn’t change much, his scowl only grew.
 ‘I don’t see what that has to do with me.’ He straightened his back, making himself even taller, looming over them. 
 ‘We’re profilers Mr Downy.’ Hotch was going for the honest approach. ‘And we profiled that the Butcher is a male in his thirties, who can’t hold down a full time job. He’s had several DUI’s and he was left a substantial amount of money by a relative when they passed away. Sound familiar?’ 
 ‘You think I’m the Butcher?’ He scoffed. 
 ‘We want to rule you out.’ Lent spoke again.
 ‘We just want to take a look around Mr Downy.’ Rossi added.
 ‘Don’t you need a warrant for that?’
 ‘If you have nothing to hide, it shouldn’t be a problem.’ Hotch shrugged. It was a favourite tactic with cops and agents when no warrant was available. If he said no, he looked guilty and it would be easier for them to obtain a warrant. If he wanted to look innocent he would let them in and they would hope to find something incriminating. 
 Downy looked between the three law enforcement officials in front of him sceptically. Clearly he didn’t want to let them in his home. Maybe if it was just the cops he wouldn’t. But the fact he had FBI on his doorstep made him waver.
 ‘Fine.’ Downy huffed a little so they knew he wasn’t happy about this. ‘I have nothing to hide.’ He finally stepped aside and allowed Lent, Hotch and Rossi access. 
 The three of them stepped inside. Lent took the ground floor while Rossi took the upstairs.
 ‘Do you mind of our tech at Quantico accesses your computer?’ Hotch asked him, his phone already in hand with Garcia’s number at the ready.
 ‘My computer? Really?’
 ‘If you have nothing to hide...’
 ‘Fine.’ He huffed again. 
 Hotch pressed call and seconds later Garcia’s voice chirped down the line.
 ‘You’re through to galactic tech analyst Penelope Garcia. How can I amaze and outstand you today?’ 
 ‘Garcia I’m going to give you an IP address, I need to you to see what you can find.’ 
 ‘Lay it on me big boss.’ 
 Hotch told her the IP address and she assured him she’d be in touch soon and the line went dead. 
Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn PD
 Reid awkwardly watched the closed door of Lennox’s office, playing with his hands. The lights were off. She wasn’t there. 
 He sighed, his shoulders slumping. He didn’t know why but he wanted to make sure she was ok. It was obvious this case was effecting her and he felt as though it was his duty to check on her. 
 He continued staring at the dark office until he was startled by a voice behind him.
 ‘I think she’s left for the day.’
 Reid spun around so fast he almost lost his footing. Carlo Sanchez half-smiled at him.
 ‘What? Who?’ Reid didn’t even believe his own words. 
 Carlo chuckled and patted Reid on the shoulder.
 ‘She’s a heart breaker. Everyone falls for the beauty of Lennox Doherty.’ He spoke in a thick Spanish accent. Reid felt himself blushing.
 ‘I just wanted to check on her. She seemed...shaken after we visited the crime scene.’ 
 ‘She has many secrets.’ Carlo shrugged. ‘But I saw her taking a hand full of case files with her when she left which means she isn’t going home.’ He stepped a little closer to Reid and lowered his voice. ‘She’ll be at Hank’s, a bar downtown.’
 Reid chewed his bottom lip. 
 ‘She won’t want me going after her.’ 
 ‘Maybe. Maybe not. But now you know where to find her if you want to.’ He shrugged again. ‘But if you do go after, you didn’t hear about her secret hideout from me.’ Carlo gave Reid a wink and then he strolled off. 
 Reid continued chewing on his lip as he looked back at Lennox’s office. He wanted to go after her. He desperately wanted to make sure she was ok. But he also knew it wasn’t his place. 
 He had no idea what to do.
 Brooklyn Heights, New York - Jason Downy’s House
Rossi and Lent reconvened a little while later in Downy’s kitchen after turning his house and life upside down.
 ‘I don’t think this is our unsub.’ Rossi sighed.
 ‘Me either. For a start, if he was holding a woman hostage, he wouldn’t be at home. He especially wouldn’t be this calm.’ Lent agreed, echoing Rossi’s frustration. This was the first lead they’d had in so long and it seemed to be another dead end.
 Just then Hotch joined them, slipping his phone into his pocket.
 ‘He definitely isn’t our unsub.’ Hotch ran his fingers through his hair. ‘Garcia combed every inch of his laptop and all she could find was an extensive porn collection. Male on male pornography.’
 ‘Well hang on.’ Lent turned to him. ‘If he’s gay that could explain the hatred for women.’
 ‘No, I don’t think so. I think the torture of women is what gets him off. Our unsub has be a heterosexual male.’ Hotch was stumped. He hated being stumped.
 ‘Are you done tearing my life apart now?’ Downy came through to the kitchen.
 ‘Yes. Sorry to have disturbed you.’ Lent gave him an apologetic smile. 
 The detective and the two agents left Downy’s home feeling significantly deflated. They’d hit a brick wall. Maybe it was time to admit that this unsub was smarter than them. 
Brooklyn, New York - Hank’s Saloon, Downtown
 She raised the tumbler to her lips and took a sip from it. The liquid burnt as it pulsed down her throat and into her stomach. A good kind of burn though; one she so sorely needed after a day like today. Days like today that were becoming all too frequent in her world. 
 She rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck. The feds were going to leave soon, she just knew it. This was exactly what happened last time she involved them. She thought it was going to be different this time. She’d taken so many precautions. But she knew him well enough by now to know that any minute Amelia’s body was going to show up and any other women he might be holding and then that would be it. Maybe he’d go quiet for a few months, maybe longer. But Lennox already knew and probably had for a while that she was never going to catch this guy. And that killed her to know.
 Hank’s was fairly quiet tonight and she sat in a lone booth over the back going over case files. She was on her third whiskey, on the rocks like her father drank. 
 She heard the door open but she didn’t look up from her drink. She felt them come closer, until they were stood right next to her. She didn’t know who to expect but when she looked up and her eyes met his hazel ones, she was shocked. He was the last person she expected to see here.
 ‘Sanchez said I’d probably find you here.’ Reid lowered himself into the seat opposite her in the booth.
 ‘Get ya a drink?’ The bar tender came over. Reid looked sheepish for a minute, not sure what to order. Lennox rolled her eyes.
 ‘He’ll have what I’m having. I’ll have another too.’ She told the bar tender and he gave her a small nod before going back to the bar and returning swiftly with their whiskies. Lennox closed the file she’d been looking over and watched Dr Reid. 
 He was looking at the liquid in the glass that was handed to him. He didn’t mind whiskey, but it always reminded him of Gideon, his old mentor who had left the BAU some years ago now.
Reid still missed him. 
 ‘What are you doing here Dr Reid?’ Lennox sighed as she spoke. Her blazer was tossed aside next to her and she’d undone a few buttons on her shirt making her look less official. Her long hair had been pulled out of its ponytail and hung around her face.
 ‘I wanted to make sure you were ok.’
 ‘And why wouldn’t I be ok?’ She raised an eyebrow at him as she sipped her drink. 
 ‘I saw how you were at the crime scene. I’m a profiler, I’m trained to pick up on these things. This case is personal to you.’ 
 ‘They’re all personal to me.’ 
 ‘This one especially.’ Reid was scrutinising her. 
 Lennox’s facial expression didn’t give anything away. It didn’t change even in the slightest. Reid had never come across someone harder to profile. If they hadn’t gone to the crime scene he never would have figured it out.
 ‘Ok, fine.’ She sighed, looking as though the last thing in the world she wanted to do was talk about this. But there was something about Reid that made her want to spill her guts. She wanted to cut open all her old wounds and bleed for him. ‘I was young when I made detective and everyone thought it was because of who my dad was. No one gave me the credit I deserved. I worked hard for that position, really fucking hard. But no one saw that. The Butcher was my first big case when I made detective. I’ve always thought it was my chance to prove myself. And while he’s still out there, until he’s caught, I feel like no one will take me seriously.’ 
 ‘There’s more to it than that.’ He reached into his messenger bag and pulled out a file that he laid on the table. ‘Why did you lie to us? About Leona Harrison?’
 ‘Firstly I didn’t lie. You never asked. I merely omitted the truth.’ She shrugged. ‘And secondly, I didn’t think it was pertinent.’
 ‘You’re Leona Harrison.’ He stated it so bluntly he thought it would catch off her guard. It didn’t. Her facial expression didn’t change.
 ‘You got me.’ She shrugged again sipping her whiskey.
 Reid hadn’t expected her to give it up that easily. He’d come here ready to lay out the facts, the reasons why he knew. He was ready to counter any argument she had to the contrary. He was a little taken aback by her honesty. 
 ‘That’s why this case is so personal to you. You were a victim.’
 ‘I hate that word.’ She grumbled a little. ‘Victim. It makes it sound like I’m weak and vulnerable.’ 
 ‘What would you prefer?’ 
 She looked up at him, her eye contact stronger than he’d gotten from her so far. He held her steady gaze and waited for her to speak.
 ‘Survivor. I am a survivor.’ 
 He had to give her credit for her strength. He’d seen many a survivor over the years and usually they were a mess. Even years after the fact they usually struggled to get their lives back on track. But not Lennox. He admired her for that. 
 ‘You doctored police reports.’ 
 ‘Yes.’ She agreed. ‘It was Lent’s idea to bring you in. I was against it. After I was rescued I spent weeks having to recount the story of what happened to me. Everyone I worked with looked at me with pity in their eyes. I’d never been taken seriously before and now I was being looked at like a victim. I wasn’t going through that again. Everything I remember of what happened to me is in that file, not a word of a lie, nothing held back. I never saw his face, I never did understand why he kept his identity hidden when he planned on killing me. He had no defining features, no discernible accent. I told my superiors the only way I was signing off to FBI involvement is if we changed my name in the report. They were reluctant at first but at the end of the day, catching this SOB was their main priority. So they allowed it.’ She sipped her drink casually. They both knew it was a federal offence to doctor police reports but you wouldn’t know it by Lennox’s demeanour. 
 ‘Lennox, how long were you held captive?’ He opened the file on the table.
 Looking at her own photograph in the file made her feel sick. She didn’t even recognise herself. Her skin was pallid, dark circles around her eyes. Her face was black and blue and her lip was split. Her hair was stringing and lifeless.
 ‘Twenty four days.’ She didn’t take her eyes off the photograph as she spoke. Reid felt a little bad all of a sudden. He closed the folder but she still stared down to where the picture had been. ‘How did you find out?’
 ‘Our technical analyst Garcia found some discrepancies when she was digging into the backgrounds of the victims. And I joined the dots.’ He closed the file knowing it was bothering her. ‘One of the cops that was killed when you were rescued, Maxwell. He was your husband.’ 
 ‘And what makes you think that?’ She wasn’t denying it, she was challenging him.
 ‘You might not have noticed it but your voice wavered when you spun me the lie about him.
Only ever so slightly, but I’m trained to pick up on these things. And the pictures in your office only go to cement that as your father, grandfather and great father were all Harvey and you’re Doherty. You lost your husband and you shut down. You’re lonely but you’d rather be lonely than let someone close to you again because you think it’ll end badly like it did with your husband. I could tell your marriage ended long enough ago for you to remove your ring from your left hand but not long enough for you to remove it entirely. I assumed by the fact you haven’t removed it at all that you weren’t divorced.’
 ‘Well done Dr Reid. You are good. Tell me, what else does the brilliant doctor see when he looks at me?’ She was still challenging him. He didn’t want to rise to it, he didn’t want to profile her. But he couldn’t help it. He’d been profiling her since the first time he’d seen her. So he decided to play her game. 
 ‘Several siblings, probably a lot of rivalry. You were the only one that made it on the force though and your dad had never been prouder which is why you stayed and didn’t follow your own dream. You have your guards up around men because you of what happened to your husband. You’re strong willed and stubborn, but I don’t think that’s because of what happened to him or you. I think you’ve always been that way.’ 
 ‘Looks like you know your stuff doctor.’ She wasn’t going to outright confirm or deny anything he’d said. She wasn’t going to make it easy on him. 
 ‘You know I should tell Hotch about what happened to you.’ He still hadn’t taken a sip from his drink.
 ‘You should.’ She agreed. ‘But you won’t.’ She had a slight smirk on her lips but only a hint.
 ‘How do you know that?’ He raised an inquisitive eyebrow at her. 
 ‘Because you aren’t the only one good at profiling.’ 
 ‘Go on then, profile me.’ He leant closer. ‘I dare you.’ 
 ‘You’re an only child, close to your mother; probably raised by her. Your dad walked out when you were young I think. You were always smart but after he left you threw yourself into your studies even more so. Anything to numb the pain, anything for a distraction. The FBI was your first proper job and it’s the only thing you’ve ever really known. Your life revolves around facts and figures and unsubs and dead bodies. You don’t know how to talk to people really, only profile them. You’re uncomfortable around people, women especially. You’re a loner, like to keep to yourself. You’ve probably got a cat. You’re a germaphobe, I’ve seen your face when people go to touch you. You’re lonely but you don’t know how not to be.’ She sipped her whiskey, a slight smile on her lips as she saw the look on Reid’s face.
 ‘I don’t own a cat.’ He rolled his eyes. ‘I hate cats.’
 Lennox laughed and Reid thought it was one of the most magical sounds he’d ever heard.
 ‘I also think you’ve been through some stuff. I think you know the pain of being a victim. I think that’s why you came to talk to me rather than telling your team.’
 Reid finally lifted the glass to his lips and took a hefty swig. He was going to need it if the conversation was going this way.
 ‘A few years ago on a case I was taken hostage by an unsub. He had multiple personalities. One of his personalities tortured me. The other was kind and would injected me with dilaudid to help the pain.’ His eyes flickered with some kind of emotion as he took another sip.
 ‘That’s not the whole story.’
 ‘No it isn’t.’ Reid sighed a little. ‘I got addicted to it. Could have lost my job. I’m clean now though, going on a year and a half.’ He finished the whiskey. He really wasn’t much of a drinker but he’d forgotten how much he enjoyed the feeling of his senses dulling. That’s what he’d liked so much about the dilaudid. It allowed him to get out of his own head which sometimes he really needed. His head was a messy place to be. Reid often found himself scared of his own mind. The drugs helped. So did whiskey.
 ‘I’m sorry about your husband. And about what happened to you.’ He spoke again, breaking the silence that had descended around them. He stood up, slinging his messenger bag over his shoulder. ‘I should go, it’s late.’
 ‘Ok.’ Lennox nodded but she didn’t move. 
 Reid nodded too and awkwardly walked towards the door. He didn’t get far before he turned back around. 
 ‘Oh Detective?’
 ‘Yes doctor?’ 
 ‘I won’t tell the team about you. I don’t think it’ll help anyway.’ 
 Lennox stood up now and made her way closer to Reid, making him swallow. She watched the way his Adam’s apple moved again. She came really close to him and she felt him tense a little when she put her hand on his shoulder. He was much taller than her, she liked that.
 ‘That’s very kind of you Dr Reid.’ Her voice was low and Reid felt a little lightheaded because of it and the whiskey. 
 ‘Uhm...thanks.’ He didn’t know what to say. ‘And uhm...you can call me Spencer you know.’
 ‘I like Dr Reid.’ Her lip turned up at the corner a little. 
The next few seconds seemed to slow down almost to a halt. The two of them stared at each other, Lennox’s hand still on his shoulder. He could smell her perfume, it was sweet and he enjoyed it a lot. Her hand was warm on his shoulder even through his sweater vest. He could feel his palms sweating. He chewed on his lip nervously. Those few seconds felt like hours. Awkward, tense hours in which Reid didn’t know what to with himself. He was glad when she finally spoke again.
 ‘Can I get a ride? I’ve drunk too much to drive.’
Reid found himself nodding although he knew he probably shouldn’t be driving either. 
 He walked to the door and pushed it open, holding it for her to go first. She gave a smile in thanks. She braced herself against the biting winter weather outside. The snow had stopped in early January and now it was rolling into February it was just bitterly cold. The air was thick but it had nothing to do with the weather and everything to do with the way Spencer was watching her as they headed to his car. 
 It might have been the whiskey talking but she wanted him. She hadn’t been with anyone since Max died and she was lonely. She didn’t want a relationship, it was far too soon for that but she wanted someone to want her. And she knew Spencer did. She wanted someone to look at her hungrily and kiss her with so much passion she forgot her own name. She wanted to feel close to someone. She wanted to feel close to Spencer.
 They didn’t talk a lot on the drive to Lennox’s apartment, only her giving directions. He pulled up in front of her building and shut the engine off. She was surprised when he unbuckled his seat belt and opened the car door.
 ‘Where are you going?’ She frowned undoing her own seat belt. 
 ‘I’m walking you to your door, there’s a serial killer out there remember?’
 She smiled and didn’t argue. She let Spencer walk her to her building and inside the lobby. 
 ‘How do you feel about coming up for a night cap?’ 
 Spencer swallowed. He felt very good about that. Too good. He knew it was a bad idea. He wanted this woman like he’d never wanted another person before in his life. But he knew giving into the urges was wrong. This was supposed to be professional. But despite himself he started nodding.
 Lennox led him to the elevator and pressed the call button. It dinged and when the doors opened they stepped inside. As the elevator doors closed they were staring at each other. Lennox edged closer to him.
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I can’t hear except for… my heart feels like it’s gonna come out-
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Season - Spencer Reid x OC - Chapter 3
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Seasons - Chapter 3
Queens, New York - Amelia Sanderson’s Home
 Two days passed without much of anything happening. The FBI kept a low profile and helped sort through the files and get a solid profile on their unsub. They’d been to various homes of various victims and asked the same questions of the families of the women that they were asked when their loved ones first disappeared. 
 Until the third day. Amelia Sanderson, a twenty seven year old banking exec didn’t come home from work. She was brunette, athletic and a workaholic. She drove the BQE home from work each night. The unsub had taken his next target.
 ‘Mr Jones, I’m Detective Doherty with the NYPD.’ Lennox stated in her routine way. ‘I hope you don’t mind I have some consultants looking in on the case. This is Aaron Hotchner and Dr Spencer Reid.’ She motioned to the two ‘consultants’ behind her. 
 Hotch shook the hand of Sanderson’s boyfriend and Reid just gave him a small wave. He wasn’t much for skin on skin contact, too many germs and diseases were passed that way.
 ‘Thank you for coming. Please call me Pete.’ Pete led the three of them to the living room of the home he shared with his long term girlfriend Amelia. He took a seat in one of the armchairs and Lennox in another while Hotch took the couch and Reid stayed stood. He started letting his eyes graze around the room hoping to get a better idea of their missing women from the items her home held. It was amazing what you could tell about a person by their belongings if your mind was analytical enough to connect the right dots. And Reid’s mind was more than analytical enough.
 ‘Pete, how long has Amelia been missing?’ Lennox leant forward in her chair and watched the grief stricken man. His eyes were blood shot and heavy giving away his lack of sleep.
 ‘Since last night. She called me when she left the office telling me she’d be home soon. After a few hours passed I got worried. I called her several times but her phone wasn’t ringing, it just cut out. I called her parents, her friends and her boss but no one had seen her. I called the cops but they told me it was too early to register her as a missing person and that I should try and sleep. How the hell could I sleep when my girlfriends missing?’ A small tear rolled down his cheek. ‘When I couldn’t get hold of her this morning I called the cops again and then you showed up.’
 Reid reached out and stroked his finger gently along a framed photograph on the mantle.
 ‘She was athletic?’ He spoke up and all eyes turned to look at what he’d found. A photograph of Amelia in running gear proudly showing off a medal.
 ‘She ran the New York marathon last year.’ Pete sniffed. Reid nodded and turned back around. Pete’s eyes stayed on the young doctor. Lennox knew what he was looking at, what was so noticeable through his tight clothing. Lennox had to speak and try and get the man’s attention off Reid. For a so called genius, he wasn’t seeming all that smart to her.
 ‘Pete, we need to know-’
 ‘Is that a gun?’ Pete stood up from the arm chair pointing at the bulge at Reid’s lower back. Lennox sighed and ran her fingers through her dark hair. Reid turned back to look at him, at a loss for words. He looked to Hotch and then to Lennox to get him out of this.
 ‘Mr Jones I think that-’ Hotch began but Pete wasn’t listening.
 ‘Why would consultants carry weapons?’ He was scrutinising Reid and the genius felt his IQ practically slash in half under his steady gaze.
 ‘Well uhm...you see...’
 ‘They aren’t consultants are they?’ He turned back to Lennox who had now stood up too. She couldn’t lie to him. She just hoped she could convince him to keep quiet about this.
 ‘In a way.’ She shrugged. ‘They’re agents with the FBI’s behavioural analysis unit.’
 ‘FBI?’ His voice raises several octaves and everyone saw the fear on his face. ‘Why are the FBI in my house asking me about my missing girlfriend?’ He directed his question at Lennox. She knew she was going to have to be honest, this man wasn’t going to buy a lie.
 ‘Well you see, I called them into help on a case...’ she trailed off because the look on Pete’s face told her he already knew what she was going to say.
 ‘The Butcher? You think he has Amelia?’ His voice was still raised as more tears escaped his eyes.
 ‘She fits his victim type.’ Hotch spoke up from his place on the couch.
 ‘I thought he’d stopped killing? I thought he’d gone away?’
 ‘We tried to keep it quiet Mr Jones. If he thinks we’re getting close he stops and if he stops then we’ll never catch him.’ Lennox spoke softly, trying to calm him.
 ‘You’re trying to keep a serial killer quiet? Do you hear yourself?’ His raised his voice again. ‘When we knew he was around Amelia always avoided that route, she only started using the expressway again recently. If you’d not kept this quiet she might still be alive!’
 ‘Mr Jones,’ Hotch stood now and crossed the room to the man. ‘We don’t believe your partner is dead. This unsub keeps his victims for exactly thirty days, we have time to find her.’
 ‘And how many others did you find?’ He snarled and fell back to the chair. Lennox came over to him and crouched in front of him.
 ‘Mr Jones, I am so sorry this has happened to you. But we couldn’t risk him retreating again or he could go undetected for years.’
 ‘So you let him keep killing instead? And you don’t warn people that he’s still out there.’ 
 ‘We need to keep this low-key Mr Jones. We can’t have people finding out we’re here investigating him.’ Hotch tried to reason with him.
 ‘Bullshit!’ Pete spat. ‘People are going to keep dying unless they know he’s still a threat! Get out of my house! Get out right now!’
 Lennox, Hotch and Reid exchanged a look. There wasn’t a lot they could do. They just had to hope he wouldn’t go blabbing about this. Something told Lennox he would though. 
 She reached into her pocket and pulled out her card.
 ‘Mr Jones, if you decide you would like to talk to me please feel free to contact me.’ She tried to hand him the card but he refused to take it.
 ‘Get out.’ He spat. ‘It’s your fault she’s gone.’
 Lennox sighed and put the card on the table. She motioned Reid and Hotch towards the door and led the way. She stepped outside, the two agents following behind. Hotch gave Reid a sidelong glance.
 ‘You know for a genius,’ he spoke with a twinge of annoyance to his voice. ‘You can be really dumb sometimes.’
Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn Queens Expressway
 ‘Talk to me baby girl.’ Morgan put the phone on speaker and Rossi and Prentiss gathered close. ‘You’re on speaker though so behave.’
 ‘Or what?’ Garcia’s voice came down the phone line, heavy with flirtation. ‘You’ll spank me?’
 Morgan laughed with a roll of his eyes.
‘How’s the cold case search coming?’
 ‘Well my beautiful chocolate badass, my search yielded at least a hundred unsolved homicides matching your victim profile in New York five years and previous.’
 ‘But?’ Prentiss spoke, knowing there was always a but with Garcia.
 ‘Who’s are we talking sugar?’ Garcia had a smirk to her voice. ‘Derick’s thick and juicy butt or Reid’s little skinny behind?’
 Prentiss couldn’t help but laugh.
 ‘Garcia behave.’ Rossi spoke up.
 ‘Sorry sir, we can talk about yours if you-’
 ‘Garcia.’ Rossi’s voice was half impatient but half amused.
 ‘Ok, Ok. So after I cut down the ones with little to no torture and any that didn’t involve some level of strangulation I ended up with five names going back another year prior to the first known vic. Levels of torture aren’t quite as severe as in all the known victims and he didn’t keep them as long, some only a few days. They were all within our age range but not all brunettes. Also there’s no connection to the BQE in any of these cases.’
 ‘Garcia, how long of a gap is there between when the last unknown victim was discovered and the first one we know of?’ Prentiss asked her, hearing their tech analyst tap a few buttons on her keyboard.
 ‘Thirty two days.’ 
 ‘Lennox’s theory about him going to jail for a brief stint could be right. Thanks sugar.’
 ‘Goodbye darling profilers. Stay safe.’ Garcia hung up.
 ‘The first five are practices. He doesn’t keep them as long as he doesn’t torture them as bad. He gets picked up for a misdemeanour, spends thirty days in prison in which he underwent, at least in his eyes, bad treatment. He comes out and takes the first known victim and keeps her for the symbolic thirty days.’ Morgan addressed Prentiss and Rossi.
 ‘What’s the significance of this area?’ Rossi looked around where they stood, the area surrounding them was where their victims had been snatched from. 
 ‘What if he had multiple DUI’s? A small prison stretch, usually a thirty day licence ban.’ Prentiss mused. ‘What if he was picked up on or around the BQE?’
 ‘By a brunette female cop I bet.’ Rossi added. Morgan pulled his phone from his pocket again and hit redial.
 ‘You’re through to the BAU’s technical fairy Penelope Garcia. Speak for the information you seek.’ 
 ‘Garcia I need a list of people arrested for a second or third DUI five years ago. I only need names of people who were arrested by female cops.’ 
 ‘I’m all over it sugar plum.’
 ‘Did Doherty ever work traffic? She fits his victim profile.’ Rossi mused.
 ‘I already looked into that and sadly no she didn’t.’ Garcia huffed slightly.
 ‘You looked into her?’ Morgan smirked.
 ‘Only brief history. I like to make sure my babies are safe.’
 The three profilers laughed a little at the protective nature of their tech goddess.
 ‘Thanks Garcia.’ Prentiss said with a roll of her eyes.
 ‘Mwah! Garcia out.’ Garcia made a kissy noise down the phone and hung up.
 ‘Let’s get back to PD and tell the others our theory.’ Rossi told them and they headed to their SUV.
Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn PD
 Morgan relayed their new theory to Lennox and the team back at PD and a few hours later an email arrived from Garcia with the list Morgan had requested. The list contained just under two hundred names which they laid out on Lennox’s desk. 
 ‘I guarantee one of these men is our unsub.’ Morgan said staring down at the names.
‘The problem is, which one is he?’ Lennox shrugged.
 ‘We can narrow it down to anyone thirty to forty.’ Hotch told them, distributing the pieces of paper and handing them out for people to comb through.
 ‘We could probably narrow it down further to people arrested on or around the BQE.’ Lennox added.
 ‘Good. You guys start narrowing it down by age. When you’re done give your findings to Reid and he’ll start on a geographical profile based on where they were arrested.’
  There were nods of agreement at Hotch’s words. Lennox took her list to her desk, JJ and Prentiss sat with theirs on the other side of her desk and the others went to the meeting room. Reid hung in the office too a little awkward with nothing to do until someone finished their list. 
 He let his eyes flick around the room trying to learn more about Lennox by her surroundings. Every now and again Lennox felt his gaze fall on her. She didn’t look up, she tried to work through it but it was making her feel a little uncomfortable. But Reid couldn’t help himself. 
 He took in the profile of her face. Although she tried to come across stony and standoffish her soft features made it hard for her to look anything but angelic. Reid was completely taken with her and it was bothering him. He didn’t often get this way. But there was something about her, something he couldn’t put his finger on. But he couldn’t act upon it so it didn’t matter. He just had to try and get on with things until the case was over and they left. And then he’d never have to worry about it because he was sure their paths would never cross again.
 Lennox finished her list quickly and stood up to bring it to Reid. He raised an eyebrow at her.
‘That was fast.’ 
 ‘You’re not the only one who’s a fast reader, Dr Reid.’ She handed him over her list and their hands briefly touched. 
 Normally Reid would immediately be digging in his bag for some antibacterial gel after touching someone like that but he couldn’t move. Her hand was soft and warm. Their eyes met and he was sure she had felt it too. The spark. The ignition of something inside. She looked a little startled. 
 Prentiss looked up from her list briefly to see Lennox and Reid staring at each other, frozen to the spot. It didn’t take a profiler to see the heat between them. She nudged JJ in the arm and the blonde looked at her. Prentiss pointed over JJ’s shoulder. JJ turned to see what Prentiss was looking at and a smile came to her lips. 
 Reid was one of JJ’s closest friends, he was even god father to her son Henry. In all the years she’d known him she could only remember maybe one other time he had looked at someone like that. Lila Archer, the Hollywood actress Reid had a brief fling with while on a case a few years ago. She could see the signs clearly by the way he was looking at her. He liked Lennox. She thought Lennox probably liked him too. She thought it was sweet. 
 ‘Hey Reid!’ Prentiss spoke up, snapping the young doctor out of his stare off with a small jump.
 ‘Huh?’ He looked startled and confused.
 ‘The Geographic’s aren’t going to profile themselves.’ Prentiss smirked at him. Reid felt himself turning a hundred shades of red so he turned his back on the three women to face the map on the wall.
 ‘Sure. Ok. Profile.’ He muttered under his breath making Prentiss laugh. 
 Lennox also felt her cheeks burning so she quickly excused herself from the room. The ring caught her eye again as if to remind her. As if she could ever forget.
Brooklyn, New York - Unknown Location
 Amelia woke up and tried to stretch her limbs only to be met by the feeling of cold hard concrete. She tried to sit up and could only just manage to do so in the small space. She looked down to see she’d been stripped of her clothes and was only in her underwear. Her ankles were chained to one of the walls. The only wall that wasn’t concrete was made of what appeared to be a thick sheet of Plexiglas. She crawled to it and her eyes met another woman’s opposite behind another layer of Plexiglas.
 ‘Where am I?’ She spoke, her voice low and croaky. The other woman shook her head with a small shrug. Sound proof. Amelia screamed regardless, her heart beat racing. 
 ‘Let me out of here!’ She screamed as her tears started falling. She knew it was no use. She knew no one would hear her.
 She also knew she was going to die. 
Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn PD
 They hadn’t managed to narrow down the list of names a whole lot; they still had a least a hundred names in front of them. 
 The FBI agents along with Doherty and Lent sat around the table in the meeting room with the piles of names and photographs littered across the surface in front of them.
 ‘There must be another way to narrow this down.’ Morgan ran his hand over his close shaven head, his tattooed bicep flexing as he did so.
 ‘Let’s go over this again, we must be missing the something.’ Hotch agreed. 
 ‘How did your officers find his location last year, when they found the woman alive?’ Reid spoke up, looking between the two detectives. The look Doherty gave Lent wasn’t lost on him. He frowned a little as he watched them, it was like they were silently communicating with one another. Now wasn’t the time for him to bring it up though.
 ‘Harrison?’ Lent looked back at Reid.
 ‘Yeah.’ Reid leant on the table.
 ‘Cops were called out to a nearby building for a drug raid. Meth lab.’ Lennox began. ‘When they were clearing out the suspect’s one of the cops that didn’t make it, Ludwig, she noticed blood in the alleyway between the meth lab and another building.’
 ‘Quite a lot of blood.’ Lent added. The agents listened in silence.
 ‘They hadn’t noted any of the guys they’d arrested had been bleeding so they decided to check out the building next door. It was locked but there was more blood on the door so they kicked it down. They found the basement and that’s where they found the victim and the unsub.’ Lennox finished.
 ‘And he started shooting?’
 ‘Immediately.’ Doherty nodded. ‘He killed the three cops and injured another four. Somewhere in the gun fire he got away.’
 ‘What did you find out about the building?’ Prentiss asked the detectives.
 ‘It had been rented out on a rolling monthly basis for some time to someone called Jerry Maltsoma. It was an alias, it didn’t lead anywhere. We put a flag on the name so that he ever tried to rent another property under that name we’d be alerted but so far he hasn’t. He’s too smart.’ Lent sighed.
 ‘What kind of building was it?’ Hotch raised an eyebrow.
 ‘See for yourself.’ Lent got up and raised one of the boxes until he found the file he was looking for and slid it across the table to Hotch.
 It was an old brick structure with its windows boarded it up. It was larger than a house but smaller than a warehouse. It looked as though it had seen better days.
 ‘It was a small meat packing plant years ago. It’s been abandoned since the unsub left. I can take you there if you like, I don’t think it’s changed.’ Lennox offered.
 ‘Good idea. Reid, Prentiss, Rossi go with Detective Doherty.’ Hotch instructed. 
 Reid, Prentiss, Rossi and Doherty stood from the table. Lent did also. Reid saw him tap Doherty on the shoulder and pull her to one side. They spoke so quietly he couldn’t hear them.
 ‘Are you sure this is a good idea? I can go.’ Lent whispered to her.
 ‘Its fine Matt, I can handle it.’
 ‘You don’t have to put on a brave face for me Len. We’re friends right? Don’t lie to me.’
 Reid saw her place her hand on his shoulder and give him a soft smile before she whispered to him again.
 ‘Thanks Matt, I appreciate it. But I’ve got this.’ She forced a smile and turned back to the agents.
 ‘Right, ready to go?’ She asked them but she didn’t wait for an answer as she was already heading to the door. 
Bedford-Stuyvesant, New York - The Butchers Former Hideout
 Lennox led the way to the side of the building when they pulled up in the dilapidated looking neighbourhood.
 ‘This is where they first saw the blood.’ She pointed to a patch on the floor. ‘So they came around here.’ She led them back around to the front of the building to a metal door. There was an imprint on the door from where the cops had kicked it open.
 She pushed open the door and took a deep breath. She never thought she’d come back here, despite her nightmares making her feel as though she was back here every night.
 She switched on her flashlight as did the agents as they followed her inside. She led them silently down three flights of stairs until they reached the basement. 
 Reid was behind her and he was sure he could see the hairs on the back of her neck standing up. This place was pretty creepy but he felt like it was more than that.
 They reached the bottom of the stairs and she led them along a long, damp corridor until she pushed open another door. She switched off her flashlight and flicked the light switch. The fluorescent strip lights hummed as they sprung to life. 
 The agents blinked a few times to adjust to the light although it wasn’t all that bright, but it was a lot more so than their flashlights. 
 The room was large and sparse with a leaking pipe in the corner. It had high ceilings and bare walls. Lennox turned to look at them. Reid saw something in her eyes he hadn’t seen before, fear maybe? He wondered if Emily or Rossi had seen it too.
 ‘Everything we found down here was taken into evidence but I have images on my phone of how it looked when the cops raided.’
 ‘You weren’t in on the raid?’ Emily asked, pocketing her flashlight.
 ‘No, like I said before the cops were originally in the area to bust a drug den, I work homicide.’ She was looking down at her phone. Reid knew that was because she was lying. ‘Here we go.’ She came closer to the agents so they could see her phone. 
 ‘Right here was a large metal table that held his torture implements.’ She showed them the first photo before flicking to another. ‘There was a large chair here that the girls were tied to while he hurt them. There was a large blood pool under the chair too. Apart from that the room was mostly as it is. Bare. There was some soundproof mats lining the walls and ceiling but way down here I don’t think it was necessary. No one was going to hear them scream.’ 
 ‘There’s been overlap in some of his victims, correct? How does he keep them all compliant?’ Rossi frowned.
 ‘Follow me.’ Lennox put her phone away and walked passed them towards the door. They all flicked their flashlights back on as they followed her further down the corridor. 
 At the end of the long, dark hallway was three small holes in the wall, two on the left and one on the right. They couldn’t have been higher than three foot or wider than two. Each hole was covered by a Plexiglas door with a padlock holding it shut. 
 ‘Soundproof.’ Lennox knocked on one of the glass doors. ‘So the girls could see each other but not speak to each other. Presumably.’ She shrugged and walked back passed them down the corridor. Emily and Rossi looked each other, then they looked at Reid. They’d all noticed the way she’d been acting slightly on edge, they were trained to notice these things.
 ‘Do you think there’s something she’s not telling us?’ Emily whispered. 
 ‘I think she’s definitely hiding something.’ Rossi spike in equally as hushed tones. 
 Reid kept quiet. He was pretty sure he knew what she was hiding but he didn’t want to say as much in front of his colleagues. 
 He’d figured out Lennox’s story. He just wasn’t sure if she’d open up to him about it. 
Tags - @stunudo @veroinnumera @cynbx
7 notes · View notes
Seasons - Spencer Reid x OC - Chapter 2
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A/N - thanks to everyone who read the first chapter! Here’s a little more for you :) Let me know if you would like to be tagged.
Seasons - Chapter 2
Somewhere over the East Coast - BAU Jet
‘Garcia?’ Hotch frowned at the laptop situated on the table on the jet as the tech analyst’s image froze for a second. The agents watched and waited until she started moving again, animatedly as always.
 ‘My lovelies can you hear me? I think we’re having a slight technical glitch!’ Her voice chirruped through the tinny laptop speakers.
 ‘Technical glitch? I didn’t think you knew of such things baby girl.’ Morgan chuckled, moving into view.
 ‘Oh my beautiful chocolate man, such things do not exist in my world. But you should consider springing for a better Wi-Fi plan for that fancy pants jet.’ She winked.
 ‘Garcia please?’ Hotch spoke again.
 ‘Sorry boss, what can I do for you?’
 ‘JJ has sent you a list of victims’ names, I need to know everything you can find on them. And I mean everything.’
 ‘Given a little time I can tell you what they had for breakfast and if they were polka dot or stripes kinda gals. Tech kitten out.’ She smiled and then her image disappeared from the screen. Hotch closed the laptop and looked over the faces of his team members.
 ‘It says here there was a sole surviving victim?’ Reid looked up from the case file he’d been reading. Hotch opened his tablet and frowned a little, he’d scanned the notes, he hadn’t picked up on that.
 ‘Yeah her name was Leona Harrison.’ JJ nodded.
 ‘How did she escape? We’ll need to talk to her.’ Rossi spoke up in his deep, thick voice.
 ‘Cops found the unsub’s location and raided the place. They found one dead woman, Anita Callahan and Harrison who was barely alive. There was a shootout, some cops didn’t make it but somehow the unsub got away.’ JJ sighed. ‘As for talking to her, I’m afraid that’s not possible.’
 ‘It says she didn’t make it?’ Reid ran his fingers over the words on the page while the others followed along on their tablets. Reid was a technophobe. He had an ancient phone and preferred to have copies of case files rather than reading them on a tablet.
 ‘She passed away in hospital a few days after she was rescued from injuries sustained from the unsub.’ JJ told them all sadly.
 Hotch locked his tablet and looked at his team. 
 ‘When we land, Morgan and Reid I want you to go to the ME’s office and find out what you can on our latest victim.’ 
 ‘Roger.’ Morgan spoke up and Reid just nodded.
 ‘Rossi I need you to go to the home of the first victim. Find out what you can about her. Prentiss go to the home of the latest victim.’
 ‘Got it.’ Prentiss nodded.
 ‘All over it.’ Rossi agreed.
 ‘JJ and I will meet with Detective Doherty at the station. We’ll meet there later for a briefing.’ 
 The agents all nodded in agreement and went back to looking over files in preparation for their new case.
Brooklyn, New York - Unknown Location
 Her screams penetrated the air around them. He didn’t care if she screamed, no one would hear her. He’d gone to great lengths to make sure no one would hear them.
 The room was a little cold and smelt like mildew. The girl strapped to the chair felt goosebumps rising on her skin and a shiver pass down her spine. Her body was clad only in now dirty underwear, she’d been wearing them for three weeks since the day she’d woken up in a tiny cell stripped to her bra and panties. The cell was barely big enough to sit up in let alone stand and her body ached. But the ache was the least of her worries. There had been one other woman in a cell adjacent to hers but they couldn’t communicate as the cells were sound proof. The other woman had since gone and she knew what that meant. The other woman was dead. And she would be next.
 She screamed, tears streaming down her battered face.
 ‘Please!’ She croaked, not recognising her own voice. ‘Please let me go!’
 He didn’t look at her. He didn’t speak. He didn’t even acknowledge her pleas. She didn’t think he would. He never had done. She knew what was coming but she had by no means resigned herself to her fate.
 Every day for the past twenty two days she had been removed from her cell for a various period of time, brought to this room and tortured. The torture varied but it was always excruciating. She would be thrown back in her cell afterwards crying and in so much pain. Always wondering why this psychopath was doing this to her. Why her? What had she done to deserve this? Was her boyfriend looking for her? Were her parents? When was she going to die?
 He picked the implement up from the steel table with gloved hands and that’s when he finally turned to face her. The knife caught the single lightbulb hanging over head and glistened. She screamed. It didn’t help. He advanced. And all she could do was cry. 
Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn PD
 The knock at her door startled her a little, not that you would be able to tell by her unwavering composure. She shook it off and cleared her throat.
 ‘Yes?’ She called from where she sat. The door opened on her colleague and one of the only other people to know about the feds presence, Detective Matthew Lent.
 ‘The uhm...consultants are here for you.’ He told her. She nodded and motioned her hand to send them in. She stood from her chair and smoothed down her powder blue shirt. Matthew disappeared and then a male and female agent entered her office.
 ‘Please, close the door.’ She came around to the other side of her desk.
 ‘Detective Doherty?’ The woman stepped forward. She was blonde with large blue eyes and a friendly smile. ‘I’m Agent Jennifer Jareau, this is unit chief Aaron Hotchner.’ She introduced them.
 ‘Thank you for coming.’ She shook Agent Jareau’s hand and then Hotch’s. ‘Lennox Doherty.’
 ‘Our other agents are already at work.’ Hotch informed her as he started looking around the room.
 ‘Brilliant.’ Lennox nodded. She followed Hotch’s gaze as did JJ. There were boxes piled up in one corner of the room and on the other side were two boards covered in photographs and hand written notes relating to the case.
 ‘Wow you’re prepared.’ JJ motioned towards the boards.
 ‘I’ve been chasing this guy for five years.’ Lennox simply told them. Hotch went over closer to the boards and started scrutinising them.
 ‘He clearly has a type.’ He looked over the twenty small photographs of the unsub’s victims.
 ‘Yeah. All between the ages of twenty and thirty. All brunette, all fairly athletic, in shape. They were all very career focused women.’
 ‘Any theories as to why he keeps them for thirty days?’ JJ leant on the edge of Lennox’s desk.
 ‘Kind of. My assumption is that maybe he spent a small amount of time in prison or a psych ward, thirty days of torture. Maybe it has some symbolism for him. Although I lean more towards prison.’
 ‘Why so?’ Hotch looked away from the board to Lennox.
 ‘Well,’ she sighed a little. ‘He doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who would need to spend time in a psych ward. He’s never exhibited any behaviour that would suggest he was mentally unstable. I believe this is a man that hates women. I believe he is cool, calm and calculated. He can go months without killing if he has to. He doesn’t need to kill. He enjoys it. He takes his time, he plans every last detail. He probably had a bad relationship with his own mother, maybe she left; maybe she beat him. Maybe an ex, but he definitely doesn’t hold women in high regard due to something that happened to him in his past. If he did spend thirty days in prison, maybe it was a female guard. He’s never sexually assaulted any of his victims and I believe that to be not because he’s impotent but because he hates women so much he can’t bring himself to be intimate with them. He’s probably in his thirties to forties, well-educated but probably a loner. He slides under the radar. People don’t even notice him. He has a rouse to get them to pull over, the one surviving victim said something ran out in front of her car. I believe he planned that. All his victims were found with taser marks on their backs, it could be part of the torture but I think it’s more likely that’s how he stuns them once they get out of the car. His dumping patterns suggest he moves around a lot, we haven’t been able to get much from the Geographic’s. He dumps bodies all over Brooklyn. It’s like once he’s done with his torture he doesn’t care where they end up. He just likes getting us to run around the city after him.’ She paused to take a breath realising she’d been rambling. She got like this when she spoke about this guy. He got under her skin, she felt hot all of a sudden like someone had just turned up the heat. Hotch and JJ’s eyes were on her and that didn’t help. They eyed her up for a moment or two before briefly looking at each other and then back at her.
 ‘You’ve already profiled the unsub?’ JJ raised an eyebrow at her.
‘I don’t know if I’d call it profile.’ Lennox shrugged feeling suddenly shy. Here she was ranting and raving and, yes, profiling the guy when she had the best profilers in the world stood in front her. She felt stupid.
‘I would.’ Hotch stepped a little closer to her, his facial expression illegible but she would come to realise it always was. ‘And from the files you sent over I would say you are right on the mark.’
Lennox rolled her bottom lip between her teeth.
‘I was a criminal psychology major and after I joined the PD I took evening classes in behavioural science. I always wanted to be a profiler.’ She shrugged, turning away from Hotch’s intimidating gaze. ‘I’ve also read all of Agent Rossi’s books and been to several of his lectures.’
‘I’m impressed.’ Hotch nodded to himself.
‘What made you become a detective?’ JJ asked her, ever personable. She liked getting to know people, even if it was people she wouldn’t speak to again when the case was over.
‘The legacy.’ She smiled a little sadly turning around and motioning to the three framed photographs on the wall behind her desk of three men in their police academy uniforms. ‘My dad, grandfather and great grandfather were all detectives at this very PD. I never really had a choice to do anything else.’
Hotch thought after that profile she’d just delivered that she was wasted here. She was the kind of mind he needed on his team. He’d have to keep an eye on her.
‘Anyway,’ Lennox spoke again. ‘Do you want to start looking over my files until your team gets here?’ she motioned to the boxes. Hotch nodded and stepped towards them.
‘Can you tell me who else is aware we are here? I’d like to brief them on the importance of keeping our presence low-key.’ JJ spoke to Lennox.
‘Of course Agent Jareau, follow me.’ Lennox led her towards the door leaving Hotch to start on the boxes.
Brooklyn, New York – Medical Examiner’s Office
 ‘Wow, this unsub really did a number on her.’ Derick Morgan looked down at the body of the unsub’s latest victim, Melody Franks, on the steel table.
‘She was almost entirely eviscerated.’ Reid stared at the scar the coroner had stitched across her abdomen.
‘She would have bled to death.’ The coroner, an elderly man that simply told them to call him Doc came over with the victim’s chart. ‘If she hadn’t been strangled first.’
‘Is that how all the victim’s died?’ Reid looked up from the woman’s cold dead body to Doc. He nodded.
‘Manual asphyxia. He strangled them with his bare hands. It wasn’t quick. Judging by the marks on her neck I would say he strangled her four or five times, brought her to the brink of death only to stop right before she lost too much air.’ Doc flicked through his notes. ‘This guy’s real sadistic. She had a broken arm in two places, a fractured skull, and shattered optical bone amongst dozens of other minor injuries.’ There was nothing minor about this woman’s injuries but some were more minor than others.
‘She’s young.’ Morgan sighed.
‘Twenty three.’ Doc confirmed.
‘That’s no life.’ Morgan shook his head.
‘What else did you find?’ Reid stood up straight after being bent over the body to his full height. Doc looked down at his notes.
‘She had ligature marks on her wrists and ankles, no defensive wounds. Her stomach was almost completely empty, he was damn near starving her as well.’
‘Is that consistent with the other victim’s?’ Reid clutched the strap of his messenger bag as spoke.
‘Every last one of them.’
‘Even the first?’ Morgan confirmed.
‘Even the first.’ Doc closed his file.
‘That sounds too clean, too controlled to be a first kill. Most first kills are messy, it takes some time for them to figure out their groove.’ Morgan mused, more to himself.
‘There must be other bodies we don’t know about.’ Reid agreed. ‘Thanks Doc.’
The two agents headed to the door and exited the morgue. Reid rubbed his arms with his hands trying to warm up. Morgan already had his cell in his hand and it was ringing.
‘Queen of all that is technological. How can I be of assistance your handsome-ness?’ Penelope Garcia’s infectious voice bounced around the empty corridor as Morgan put the phone on speaker.
‘Hey baby girl, I need you to look into unsolved murders in Brooklyn from five years ago or longer. Young, female vics with signs of torture. Let me know anything you can come up with.’
‘For you my darling I will put it to the top of my pile.’ She flirted, Reid could hear it in her voice. She and Morgan always flirted, Reid didn’t get what was going on there. But then again Reid never did really get things like that. He was intelligent, a genius really, with an IQ of 187, an eidetic memory and he could read 20,000 words per minute. He could speak multiple languages but one of those languages was not the language of love. He could profile anyone in a matter of minutes of meeting them but personal affairs were not in his realm of knowledge.
‘Thank you my tech goddess.’ Morgan smirked as he spoke.
‘Toodles my hunk of burning of love.’ She hung up and Reid just stared at Morgan as they headed down the corridor.
‘What?’ Morgan asked, feeling the younger man’s gaze on the side of his face.
‘I don’t get it.’ Reid shook his head. Morgan reached out and squeezed Reid’s shoulder.
‘You can’t have everything kid. Imagine being as smart as you and being a lothario, the women wouldn’t stand a chance.’ Morgan chuckled as he picked up his pace. Reid pouted a little. He didn’t want to be a lothario. But being able to talk to a woman might make a nice change.
Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn PD
 Hotch spent the next few hours going through files after files on their unsub. All the files we’re extremely well organised, He was becoming more and more impressed by Detective Doherty. JJ briefed the few insiders and started helping him go through the files while Lennox was on hand to answer any questions they had.
 It was late by the time the other agents made it to PD. Lennox gathered them all in a meeting room along with the other ‘insiders’ as her office was too small to accommodate everyone. Introductions were made by JJ.
 ‘Everyone this is Detective Lennox Doherty. Detective this is the rest of our team, SSA’s Derick Morgan, Emily Prentiss and David Rossi.’ 
 Lennox stood forward and one by one shook their hands, feeling oddly star struck when she shook Rossi’s hand. Rossi was one of the reasons she’d wanted to be a profiler, she never thought she’d actually meet him. 
 ‘Where’s Reid?’ Hotch asked with his trademark frown.
 ‘Little boy’s room.’ Morgan smirked. 
 ‘These are the only other people that know about the FBI involvement. This is Detective Matthew Lent, Detective Carlo Sanchez and PD’s Bruno Carter and Brian Flannigan.’ Lennox introduced the other cops in the room. 
 Suddenly the door flew open and a gangling man with long hair practically careened into the room. Morgan sighed heavily.
 ‘Reid, firearm! We had this conversation in the car!’
 Reid looked down to his very noticeable weapon on his hip. He blushed a little, unstrapping his holster and moving it to a more discreet location so it was hidden under his sweater vest.
 ‘Sorry.’ He shrugged.
 ‘Lennox Doherty, this is our resident genius Dr Spencer Reid.’ Morgan said the word genius as though he didn’t quite believe it at that moment in time. 
 Lennox stepped closer to the young man. Their eyes met, her blue ones and his deep hazel ones. She felt a sudden shiver pass up her spine.
 ‘Genius?’ Detective Lent spoke up thankfully because Lennox found herself at a loss for words. Reid tore his eyes away from the woman.
 ‘Well I don’t know about genius.’ He shrugged. ‘I mean I do have an IQ of 187, an eidetic memory and I can read 20,000 words per minute...’ he trailed off feeling all the eyes in the room on him. ‘Ok so I’m a genius.’ He swallowed and Lennox watched as his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down under the sensitive flesh of his neck. She couldn’t quite get over how beautiful his eyes were, how beautiful his whole face was. She would have been less surprised hearing he was a male model than a doctor. Lennox didn’t find herself very often getting lost in someone’s looks, in fact she never did. But looking at Spencer Reid her throat felt dry and her palms sweaty. She tried to ignore it. She had to ignore it.
 ‘...so the fact you are FBI stays inside these four walls.’
 She tuned back into the conversation as Lent was speaking with the agents JJ hadn’t already briefed. She took a few deep breaths and her eyes followed Reid as he walked over to the far wall and started inspecting the pictures that hung there. The Brooklyn PD’s wall of fallen heroes. Under the photographs of their lost officers was a wall decal that read ‘Fidelis ad Mortem’.
 ‘Fidelis ad mortem.’ Reid spoke to himself but Lennox heard him.
 ‘Uhm yeah it means-’
 ‘Faithful unto death.’ Reid cut her off. 
 ‘Did he not mention all the languages he speaks?’ JJ laughed a little. Lennox looked over her shoulder at the blonde woman before looking back at Reid as he went over the photographs. 
 The final photo on the wall was a chiselled cop with dark hair and features. Reid thought his eyes looked warm, friendly. 
 ‘Maxwell Doherty, 1978 - 2013.’ He spoke out loud. He suddenly turned to look at Lennox, his facial expression curious. ‘A relation?’
 Lennox swallowed, feeling his profiler eyes all over her. She was glad for her poker face right now.
 ‘Nope.’ She shook her head. ‘There’s a lot of Irish-American’s around Brooklyn. Doherty’s a common last name.’ She shrugged turning away from Reid. Reid rolled his bottom lip between his teeth. She didn’t give a lot away, she was hard to read even for a seasoned profiler but he swore he saw a brief flicker of something in her eyes. Hurt maybe? A secret? 
 ‘I recognise those names.’ Hotch pointed at the end three photographs, Max Doherty included.
 ‘The three of them were three of the cops who found the Butcher’s hideout last year. The son of bitch killed them.’ Lent informed them. The room was silent for a moment as they remembered those they lost that day. Maxwell Doherty. Evan Schapiro. Megan Ludwig.
 Lennox was the one to finally break the silence. 
‘Right well it’s late so why don’t we call it a day and pick up again tomorrow?’ She addressed the room, clapping her hands together. The rest of the room made noises of agreement and one by one they left the meeting room. Lennox dragged herself down to her office where the boards were now covered back up. She slumped into her chair and ran her hands over her face. 
 The door was open so he tentatively knocked on the door frame. She took her hands away from her face and looked up, straight into his hazel eyes.
 ‘Not going home?’ Reid half-smiled at her.
 ‘Not just yet.’ She shook her head before rolling her shoulders and clicking her neck. He saw the brief swell of pain spread to her eyes.
 ‘Everything ok?’ He nervously stepped further into the room, taking in all the details of her office. She kept it dark and the temperature down. 
 ‘Are you trying to profile me Dr Reid?’ She folded her arms across her chest as she watched his eyes move about the room. He was trying to size her up.
 ‘I don’t need to try and profile you.’ He looked back at her with a slight smirk.
 ‘I suppose a genius such as yourself doesn’t have to try at much.’ She hadn’t meant that as harshly as it came out but Reid didn’t seem to mind, he just shrugged.
 ‘Are they family?’ He pointed at the photographs on the wall behind her desk.
 ‘My dad, grandfather and great grandfather.’
 ‘They must be proud.’ He stopped a few feet from her desk.
 ‘I guess they would be if they’d lived to see my making Detective.’ She unfolded her arms. ‘What is it you want Dr Reid?’ She stood up now, not liking that he was towering over her even though he was nowhere near her.
 ‘Statistically New York’s homicide rate is the lowest it’s ever been.’ Reid told her, as if she wouldn’t already know a fact like that about a city where she was a detective. ‘Even with this unsub roaming the streets.’
 ‘Is that supposed to make me feel better?’ She folded her arms again and raised an eyebrow at the young doctor. He shrugged. Talking statistics and quoting facts was the only way he knew of trying to cheer someone up.
 ‘I’m just saying you shouldn’t beat yourself up over the fact he’s still out there. The number of serial killings that go unsolved is-’
 ‘Dr Reid,’ she cut him off before he could spout another statistic. ‘With all due respect facts and figures aren’t going to make me feel any better about the fact this guy has gone without capture for five years. On my watch.’
 ‘I was only trying to help.’
 ‘Why? You don’t know me. Why do you want to help?’
 He could tell her back was up. She glared at him and he felt a knot in his stomach. She was incredibly beautiful, something that kept taking him off guard.
 ‘I thought that’s what we were here for. To help.’
 ‘To help catch the unsub yes. Not to help me through whatever it is you think I need with help with.’ She unfolded her arms and sat back down. ‘Now if you don’t mind I have some paperwork I need to finish.’
 Reid nodded, feeling uncomfortable all of a sudden. He hadn’t meant to offend her, nothing of the sort. He’d just felt drawn to her for some reason. He knew she had a story to tell and he thought maybe he could be the one she told it to. It had been stupid really. 
 He adjusted his messenger bag, the new position of his weapon digging into his lower back.
‘Sorry to have disturbed you.’ He spoke quietly. She didn’t look up from her desk. ‘See you tomorrow Detective.’ He sighed a little and turned to exit the room. 
 Lennox looked up as he was leaving. His long hair grazed the tops of his shoulders, his tight sweater vest creating a visible bulge where his firearm sat. She watched him go without saying a word. She wasn’t always so hostile, not always. Only on the very rare occasion she met a man who made her feel the way Reid was making her feel. Giddy, as though she were a teenager with a high school crush. She couldn’t work with feelings like that. She didn’t approve of them. She scalded herself as she looked down at the ring on her right hand. She twirled it around her finger a few times feeling guilty. She knew she needed to keep herself distanced from the devilishly handsome and somewhat gawky Dr Reid. 
 It had been a year. Why the hell did she still feel so guilty when she met an attractive man?
 Tags - @stunudo @veroinnumera @cynbx
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When I think I can’t love him anymore this dork goes and does this 😂❤️
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Okay but why are you wearing a full on clown costume
$5 says he showed up in it this day and it has nothing to do with the episode
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Seasons - Spencer Reid x OC - Chapter 1
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A/N - this is my first ever Criminal Minds fics, so please be gentle with me! Let me know if you would like to be tagged x
Seasons - Chapter 1
“We cannot stop the winter or the summer from coming. We cannot stop the spring or the fall or make them other than they are. They are gifts from the universe that we cannot refuse. But we can choose what we will contribute to life when each arrives.” - Gary Zukav. 
Winter 2009
Brooklyn, New York - Unknown Location
‘Don’t worry, this won’t hurt a bit.’ He grinned menacingly at the woman strapped to the chair in front of him. She tried to scream but the noise was muffled behind the thick tape across her mouth. She pulled at her restraints to no avail. She wriggled in the chair, reclining as far away from her captor as she could. 
He laughed manically and she could smell the alcohol on his breath. She always could.
Twenty four days ago she was heading home from work when something had run out in front of her car. She’d swerved, she’d pulled over and gotten out of her car to check it out. 
She smelt the alcohol on his breath before she felt the taser in her back. 
For twenty four days he’d subjected her to all kinds of torture. Burns. Cuts. Beatings. Electric shocks. Her body was slowly giving up. She didn’t know how much more of this she could take.
He turned his back on her momentarily and when he turned back she saw the blade glistening in his hand.
‘Hold still,’ he moved closer to her. ‘The more you struggle, the more this will hurt.’ He advanced but slowly so, he always took his time. He got off on it, he enjoyed watching the fear and the pain in her eyes. 
She knew she wasn’t the first. She was sure she wouldn’t be the last. 
As he got closer, the blade mere millimetres above her sternum, a sound made him freeze.
A loud crash followed by a voice and a blinding light.
‘NYPD, put the weapon down!’ The voice echoed around the room, bouncing off the sparse walls and high ceiling.
The man didn’t hesitate. He dropped the knife on the floor and in one swift move spun around, grabbing the concealed weapon from his waistband and began shooting towards the cops.
She winced hearing the cries of pain. They returned fire but if they weren’t careful she could get hit so they couldn’t open fire as much as they would have liked to. He got off more rounds.
‘Drop the weapon!’ One of the cops called.
‘Never! You’ll never take me alive!’ 
The scene around her became blurry. Her eyes fluttered open and shut, her brain falling in and out of consciousness. The pain which she’d endured for the past twenty four days caught up with her. The world around her slipped away.
The last thing she remembered hearing was one of the cops yelling, ‘quick! He’s trying to make a break for it!’
Winter 2010
“In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer” - Albert Camus. 
Quantico, Virginia - BAU Head Quarters
The snow had rolled in about two months ago and although it hasn’t snowed in days, remnants of ice still peppered the side walks. Scarfs, gloves and hats had been almost mandatory in leaving the house. Blustery winds were the new normal. 
The case had landed on the media liaisons desk just this morning. When she saw what it contained she wished it had gotten to her sooner. Flipping through the pages and getting the gist, she called an emergency meeting of the FBI’s behavioural analysis unit. Stat. Pronto. Now. 
Agent Jennifer Jareau, the BAU’s media liaison waited for the team to gather impatiently tapping the heel of her shoe on the carpeted meeting room floor. They were all in attendance minus one, it wasn’t like him to be late. 
She checked her watch again as she exhaled a breath. The other agents sat around the table sensing JJ’s frustration at his time keeping. They could tell this was going to be a bad case, not that any of them were ever good cases but they could tell by JJ’s face this would be worse than usual. And they were after all, a room full of profilers.
A few more minutes passed before he came barrelling into the room, all gangling limbs and long hair. He was panting a little as he arrived, straightening up his sweater vest.
‘Trains were…and then I tried a cab and…traffic…sorry.’ His words spewed out in a bumbled mess, a crimson blush staining his cheeks as he took the last empty seat at the table, setting his messenger bag down on the floor. 
‘Nice of you to join us Dr Reid.’ Agent David Rossi who was sat on his left gave him an amused smile which made Dr Reid’s blush deepen. He didn’t reply, JJ didn’t give him a chance.
‘The media is calling him the Brooklyn Butcher.’ JJ spoke up and all the agents eyes were on her. She clicked a button on the remote in her hand and images of dead bodies started flooding the big screen TV. ‘He’s responsible for abducting and killing at least twenty women over the course of the last five years. He abducts his victims from around the Brooklyn Queens Expressway area, spends thirty days torturing them before finally strangling them and leaving their dead bodies somewhere in Brooklyn. His dumping patterns are sporadic, all over the borough.’
‘Twenty women?’ Unit chief Aaron Hotchner piped up with his signature frown on his face. ‘And we’re just getting the call?’
‘FBI have investigated before, just not the BAU. But this unsub realised they were on to him and he went quiet, for months. Looking at the files he’s done that a few times, just disappears, bodies stop showing up. And as soon as the NYPD think he’s gone he starts dropping bodies again like some sick game. His latest victim is Melody Franks. She was found this morning.’ JJ clicked the remote again and the young woman’s crime scene picture popped up on the screen.
‘So he doesn’t have a compulsion to kill? At least not one that has to be sated perpetually.’ Dr Spencer Reid spoke now, his blush finally faded from his cheeks. ‘He can control his urges. He’d rather stop killing than risk getting caught.’
‘Any sexual assault in the torturing process?’ Agent Emily Prentiss blew her dark bangs out of her eyes as she spoke.
‘None.’ JJ shook her head. ‘He beats them profusely, with anything he can get his hands on, blunt force objects, knifes, lighters but none of his victims have ever been sexually assaulted.’
‘How nice of him.’ Derek Morgan rolled his eyes. ‘Probably means he’s impotent. The act of torturing is his foreplay and murder is his climax.’ 
‘We need to make sure we handle this right, we need to keep our presence low-key. If he knows we’re there he’ll most likely go quiet again.’ Hotch told the team. 
‘We’ve been asked to be as discreet as possible about coming. I can keep the media away and our involvement will be on a need to know basis.’ 
Hotch nodded at JJ’s words before pushing himself up from his chair.
‘Wheels up in thirty.’ He told the team as he was half way out the door. 
Brooklyn, New York - Brooklyn PD
‘Thank you Agent Jareau. I’ll have a quiet space set up for you and your team when you arrive. Only a handful of people know you’re coming, we’ll be sure to keep it discreet.’ Detective Doherty with the NYPD sat on the edge of her desk with the door to her office closed so no one would over hear her phone conversation. 
She’d been on this case since the first body dropped nearly five years ago. She knew this killer inside and out. She knew she had to keep the FBI’s presence off the radar. Even from some of her team.
‘We’re just about to take off so we’ll be there  shortly.’ The friendly voice of Agent Jareau carried down the phone line.
‘I’ve told most of the team we have consulants coming. I haven’t mentioned it has anything to do with the Butcher, I haven’t told them any more than you’re visiting. If you’re team can keep their fire arms and badges out of plain sight it would really help.’
‘I’ll pass the message on. See you soon Detective.’
‘See you.’ The Detective hung up her desk phone, stretching her aching back as she did so. She didn’t know how long the pain would last, she’d all but gotten used to it by now. 
She rounded her desk and sat down in the large leather chair behind a stack of paper work for open cases. They weren’t her priority right now. Her priority was the son of bitch kidnapping women and making her city terrified. The serial killer that had eluded her for five years; the man she held a personal vendetta against. 
She pushed herself back up and closed the blinds on her office windows so the cops in the bullpen couldn’t look in on her. There were stacks of boxes in the corner of the room, each one dedicated to this man, or unsub as Agent Jareau had referred to him as on an earlier phone call. She ran her finger over the side of the boxes in an absent mind. She hadn’t wanted to call in the FBI, not after last time. And not given the fact she couldn’t tell them the whole story. She went back over to her desk and pulled the small silver key out of her pocket before unlocking her desk drawers. She opened the bottom drawer and found the file under a stack of other papers. Everyone here knew what had happened to her but she would keep it from the feds if she could. They didn’t need to know, she didn’t think it was pertinent to the case. They might not see it that way but what they didn’t know couldn’t hurt them. 
She took the file out and opened it on top of her desk. A lump formed in her throat as she looked over the few pages of notes and photographs. It didn’t feel real still, even a year down the line. It felt like a dream, a really terrible dream. She felt her eyes mist over with tears and she mentally scalded herself, slamming the file shut. She needed to pull herself together before the FBI got here. She knew these were the best profilers in the world and any little tick could give her away.
But she’d always had an amazing poker face. 
Tags - @stunudo @veroinnumera @cynbx
19 notes · View notes
My poor baby, I wish he could see himself as the beautiful human he is, inside and out ❤️
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Matthew Gray Gubler: I’ve never in a million years considered myself heart-throbby. In my mind, I feel like the way I looked when I was 12. Which was sort of a very, uh, chubby and awkward, androgynous—I looked basically like a beautiful, uh, young girl. [Laughs] Actually, I looked like Meg Ryan. I looked like a middle-aged young woman in the body of a fat 12-year-old. So that’s kind of how I always see myself. And it’s impossible to take yourself seriously when that’s your own mental image. ————————————————— Source: http://www.details.com/blogs/daily-details/2015/02/matthew-gray-gubler-criminal-interview.html?mbid=social_twitter
406 notes · View notes
Angry, shirtless MGG is so hot 😍
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“… No.No.No.No.”
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Seasons - A Spencer Reid and OC Fanfiction
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A little summary of something I’ve been working on. Would anyone be interested in reading this?
“We cannot stop the winter or the summer from coming. We cannot stop the spring or the fall or make them other than they are. They are gifts from the universe that we cannot refuse. But we can choose what we will contribute to life when each arrives.” - Gary Zukav.
Spencer Reid is lonely. He’d never admit as much to anyone, but books and statistics only brought him so much enjoyment in life. He wanted someone to share it with. He wanted someone to ease the dark, painful nights and share the bright days with.
When he meets beautiful yet mysterious detective Lennox Doherty he believes she is what he’s been searching for his whole life.
But Lennox has a troubled past and letting people in isn’t something she does lightly.
Can Reid break through her walls and be the happy ending she’s always secretly dreamed of?
Follow them as the seasons change and as people they grow. But will the grow apart or will they learn to grow together?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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Would anyone be interested in reading this as Reid x OC because that’s how I’ve originally written it. Or is Reid x reader more popular?
I may or may not be writing a Reid x Reader fic that I may or may not post on here at some point…
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12 notes · View notes
I want Shemar to come back so we can more cute moments like this ❤️❤️❤️
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6K notes · View notes
MGG is such a silly human
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