forthelovee · 9 years
Please don’t treat any girl like this again.
(via thelastmessagereceived)
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forthelovee · 9 years
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forthelovee · 9 years
I Miss You.
“While my brain knows that you are many state lines away...my heart is still trying to find a way around that logic. My brain says you are now a part of my past, while my heart still envisions you in my future. Distance has not changed how I will always feel for you. My heart will continue working for you.
I miss you terribly.”
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forthelovee · 9 years
True love will always find its way back but whether the other love is still waiting is the question.
- The Diary of the Broken Girl (via thediaryofthebrokengirl)
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forthelovee · 9 years
it’s a wierd being broken up; i got so used to missing him and now i miss him but in a different way. it’s hard because you know the future plans you made will never actually happen; in 3 months i wont be waiting at the airport for him. it’s also weird breaking out of habit every time i turn on my computer, i check skype right away to see if he is online…
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forthelovee · 9 years
Not my boyfriend anymore but..
As i lay in bed, i think about how tonight was the last time seeing you for at least a year. You're going back to San Diego on Monday, and soon to be deployed. I sat in your car for so long wanting to say something to you but words just weren't coming out of my mouth. You're not one to have a serious conversation and i thought maybe we could have one this time, but you just can't. I did get some questions answered, it just sucks. I am in love with you, and as easy as it is for you to block all the feelings out, its not easy for me. I don't know what to do. I love you, I am in love with you. 
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forthelovee · 9 years
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three years ago, yet i’m still haunted by his words
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forthelovee · 9 years
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forthelovee · 9 years
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forthelovee · 9 years
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forthelovee · 9 years
Break up...
I’m still upset, of course. This weekend, I am home from school..all I wanted to do after we broke up was come home and hug my parents, especially my mom. And mother knows best, she made me some sweet tea and laid in bed with me until 3am and just listened and gave me the best advice she ever could. The hardest part has been explaining to everyone on what happened and I hate when I get the response “I really thought he was the one, you two were in love and perfect for each other!” It hurts hearing that because..that’s exactly what I thought as well. We were all wrong. I guess I was blinded? By what? I don’t know. But I do know I love him, and I don’t wanna get my hopes up by thinking that maybe one day we will meet again, and maybe then things will workout and we’ll have our happy ending. There has been times that I tell myself that but…I stop myself, I will most likely be setting myself up for disappointment..I just don’t want to move on, I try to see myself with someone else but it’s hard! It’s the hardest thing ever. And every time I see a funny picture or video on Facebook..or listen to a good song, just seeing or listening to anything I know him and I will both enjoy..it makes me sad..because I just wanna share that with him but I know I can’t. When something funny or amazing happens in my life, I wanna shred it with him. There’s no one else I want to share these things with. And it fucking sucks. Losing the love of my life because of distance truly fucking sucks. What do I do now? Just say bye? I don't know, I don't even think we had a proper goodbye or anything, but I don't really want that closure but I can't be friends with him. Ramiro J. Lara, I love you, so much. I don't know if this decision was hard for you..but it's been the hardest thing for me..accepting it and trying to move on...
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forthelovee · 9 years
“the distance blows” “i feel different”
one of the worst feelings is knowing that the man you're in love with is not in love with you anymore. falling out of love.
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forthelovee · 9 years
Update on my love life..
So..Ramiro changed his profile picture, it used to be one of us..he doesn't say "I love you" or "I miss you" anymore. He's not...he's not the same way he used to be towards me. I don't want to give up on us, but I feel like he's giving up, but I have to show him that I want this and I want us to work out..even when we are 2000 miles away from each other. The distance sucks, but I know we can make it work. It all started the second week we has underway, one night I got a phone call from him..the next thing you know, a few days later, he stops emailing back..and he stops replying to my messages on facebook, and he doesn't even try to call me again. I don't if he's going through a phase or if he really wants to end this..I ask him what's going on..and he doesn't even reply..he read my message but I still haven't heard from him and I know that he's been online since reading that message. I'm so frustrated, annoyed, and really upset. I'm mentally preparing myself for anything that could possibly happen, but..when you find the one, you don't give up on them.
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forthelovee · 9 years
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Just Tired
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forthelovee · 9 years
The fact that I woke up crying, is not okay :( I don't know what to think.....
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forthelovee · 9 years
It can truly kill you.
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forthelovee · 9 years
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