fortescalice-blog · 9 years
She didn’t break her silence, instead watching Frank as he looked around. “I’m offended that you even have to ask,” she grumbled after a moment, nudging his arm fondly. “Of course I will. Are we going anywhere in particular, or should I be surprised?”
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Frank paused. “Will you come with me, after breakfast? I need to talk to you.” He picked up a slice of toast that he didn’t really want and glanced around the Great Hall. He couldn’t see Milo, but he wanted to talk to him too.
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fortescalice-blog · 9 years
“..oh. Well. It’s definitely better than a Poor, isn’t it? And it’s still a passing grade, and History of Magic is a hard subject. An Acceptable is still a good grade to get.”
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“Yeah…I just got an Acceptable on this History of Magic exam.”
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fortescalice-blog · 9 years
Alice glanced at him, raising an eyebrow in silent question, before sliding the tray of toast closer to him.
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Frank leaned on the table, hand on his forehead, tugging at the hair that fell onto it. “I just… can you pass the toast?”
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fortescalice-blog · 9 years
“..are you alright?”
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“Okay, don’t be a wimp, it’s just a test grade…”
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fortescalice-blog · 9 years
“I’ve been struggling with that for nearly seven whole years,” she retorted, breathing out an over-dramatic sigh as she flipped to the page. “Remus, I’m making progress with. Peter, too. It’s Black and Potter that manage to drive everyone up the bloody walls.”
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“Page 240″, she informed the Gryffindor, waiting patiently for her to catch up. Hestia laughed, blushing as she turned back to her book. “And that is what makes you my favorite Gryffindor. Now if you can only teach those damn boys how to be as nice as you and not so annoying.” 
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fortescalice-blog · 9 years
“You know, I think you’ve misunderstood how to flatter someone for the last six years.”
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“No, really - exhausted and stressed out suits you.” 
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fortescalice-blog · 9 years
Alice couldn’t shift the slight frown on her face as she watched him, confused about why he wouldn’t even look at her. It was rare, - usually she’d get a smile, or a silly grin, at the very least; something to re-assure her that he was actually okay.
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“Right. Of course.”
“I’m always jittery.” Frank smiled, but didn’t look at her. He wasn’t sure what to do. He couldn’t stop thinking of that dream.
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fortescalice-blog · 9 years
“Because people look for any excuse to deem anything out of the social norm as weird,” Alice began, setting her own books on the table as she took a seat. “What they don’t realise,” she continued, absent-mindedly flipping through her Transfiguration book to find what page she was supposed to be reading, “is that the weird people are the most interesting people. Example A, -” She lifted a finger, before pointing it at Hestia with a grin.
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“Of course, it’s not like I was saving it for anyone.” Clearing her stuff out of the way, she patted the seat beside her and gave Alice more room. “It’s just different you know? I’m not used to doing what society deems as normal, I always talk to myself but people just tend to look at you funny if you do so in public.” She tried to explain, even though with Alice it wasn’t necessary.
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fortescalice-blog · 9 years
“..are you sure? You’ve been jittery all morning.”
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“I’m fine. I mean- I-.”
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fortescalice-blog · 9 years
“Only about ten seconds,” Alice replied, turning her confused expression into a warm smile. “Don’t worry, you’ve done nothing to embarrass yourself.” The Gryffindor gestured to the set beside her, giving Hestia a hopeful look. “Mind if I sit? I may be able to help with whatever you’re struggling with.”
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“I can’t believe I’ve been reading this page for nearly fifteen minutes and I still don’t know what I’m trying to understand.” Hestia whispered to herself, trying for the umpteenth time to make sense before giving up and sighing to herself. She looked up at the figure who stood in front of her, a hint of alarm in her eyes, “Have you been standing there long?”
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fortescalice-blog · 9 years
“And yet, you insisted on bringing him along, anyway.”
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“He’s very small and slippery and this place is very big.”
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fortescalice-blog · 9 years
“Outside the library? Ted, don’t say such blasphemous things. You’ll give every studious person a bad rep between stacks of books. At that rate, tutoring may be your way to go. That, or a good friend that would actually be willing to stick by your side.”
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“Great Idea, though I don’t think I could convince many to stick around that long. Maybe payment in tutoring would work. Or figuring out some way to study outside of the library. What a concept there.”
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fortescalice-blog · 9 years
“Get up, you git. You’re on my Potions book!”
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“Just five more minutes.”
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fortescalice-blog · 9 years
“I’ll take your word for it. Generally I’ve had someone around to wake me up if I’ve started dozing in there, though. You should invest in a guard.”
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“Right, so there’s a possibility that if you find yourself in the library reading late at night you could be sleeping there the rest of the night. Make sure to bring a pillow if you plan on being there past eight.”
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fortescalice-blog · 9 years
“You’ve lost him again?”
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“Have you seen a toad about?”
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fortescalice-blog · 9 years
“What’s to feel silly about? Home is home, Meadowes. You’re allowed to miss it.”
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“I can’t believe I’m a 6th year and I still get homesick. I feel so silly.”
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fortescalice-blog · 9 years
“That would depend on the favour, wouldn’t it?”
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“If I asked you for a favour, would you comply?”
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