forsberg-emma-blog · 11 years
When we walked in fields of golds || Death OS
When I opened my eyes, I knew right away everything was over. I had no more cuts on my body, no more pain and,most of all, the ship was not as hostile as it was before. No, it was shining clean, there was actors on stage at the very momment and the lodge, what a lodge, it had nothing to do with the lodge I had spent the night in. It was clean, it was causy, it was free from bodies and blood. I looked around, completly disabled. Even if my body needed no rest anymore, I needed to sit down. How did I died ? I could not remember any of it. Trying as hard as I could to remember, the only bits of memory I had implied me being chased, me runing away… me being a murderer. The simple tought of it instentaneously brought tears to my eyes and a great feeling of despair. As I sat there crying, I never noticed the young man that walked in, the play being over. As he put his hand on my shoulder, I jumped, being too used of being in danger all the time. I looked at him, sudenly calming down. ” So it was you that helped me all this time?” I asked reconizing him from some movies I have seen an eternity ago. He nodded and took my hand, inviting me to get up. ” I hoped you’d come and see me one day.” He said, smiling at me and guiding me out of the lodge. “I only wished for you to wait a little longer. What as shame that you had to get through all of this. At least I can tell you my name now. I am Ed. Ed Westwick. Then, finally leaving the room, everything became too bright for me to look. Without further notice, I was back in district 9, the man still holding my hand. I was back in nine, yes, but this was not the nine I had left some days ago, it was the nine of my childhood, the nine where I had no worries and no obligation. It was the nine were I stilk played in the fields and did not expected the world to be that cruel. My eyes filled with tears again when I saw my 5 year old self playjng with my brother Xavier and Jarel under the vigilent eye of my older brother Anton. We all seemed so happy, so careless. This was long before the world had tear all of us apart. Long before I had lost my best friend to the capitol. I then turned around and saw myself with my father at the clinic. I was observing while he was placing back someone’s dislocated shoulder. I remembered that time, it was my first day at the clinic. I also remembered that the sound it made when my dad placed back the shoulder almost made me pucked. I smiled, thinking at the good times I had with my dad. We turned around again and I was back home. It was last year christmass. All around the Christmass tree, ee were exanging gift and being happy. I steped in their direction in the hope I could join them and live in this dream forever, but I was stopped. An invisible was standing between them and me and as I banged on the wall and tried to push it in the hope of breaking it, sadness let its place to despaire, realizing there was no way I could see them again. I curled up against the wall, crying in my knees. How was this possible? How did I died and why did I, more than any one else, deserved to die. There was nothing I could to go back home now and that tought, that single, tought, was enough for me to break down. Ed passed his arms around my shoulder and help me to stand up again. ” I know that what you are feeling right now is terrible. But I promise you that one dsy you will see all of them again. Time passes way faster here that in the other world and soon enough you will hold them in your arms again. Now come, there is this one last thing I need to show you. And as I took his hand we both disspeared in the bright light. Suddenly feeling calm and serene, I knew I could wait for my loved ones forever. At least I was not alone anymore.
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forsberg-emma-blog · 11 years
“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.”
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forsberg-emma-blog · 11 years
I get out of the room, as silently as I can do, walking like a astronaut on the moon, because that's what you look like when you don't want to make sound. I finally reach the part of the curtain that is on my left, getting to peak on the other side of the curtain to make sure it is safe before going.
I'd rather not end up as a barbecue || Day 3 || Theater's lodge
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forsberg-emma-blog · 11 years
I take the chocolate box and tie it to my stuff as much as I can with the piece of bed sheet I took the day before. Two cold chills wash oven me as the wardrobe moves and the door open. I know the gost it a little sad for me to go, but he's nice enough to let me go.
"Thank you, I won't forget you. If I don't get out of here alive, I'll come and visit you!" 
I then get closer to the door, I open it a little more, just enough to look out of the room to see if the theater is empty of other tributes.
I'd rather not end up as a barbecue || Day 3 || Theater's lodge
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forsberg-emma-blog · 11 years
I'd rather not end up as a barbecue || Day 3 || Theater's lodge
I had the time to look at the fallen before falling asleep in my ghost's caring what would be called arms. It saddened me a lot to see that Mara and Darius were gone. At least they were able to remain as non murderer until the very end, but still, death like that should not happen because a game like this one, if you could call it a game, should not exist. I did not slept well that night. As much as the room felt cozy and safe, images of how they died kept coming back to me in my dreams, waking me up more than once during the night. 
I was scared for myself. I had been from the very beginning of the game, but seeing how they both were killed without pity from any of their executioner made me even more scared, because I knew the fallen and I knew some of the murderer. 
It is the sound of the falling parachute that woke me up that morning. What on earth?! I have not even been sponsored in the first place! "Thank you, whoever you are" I said out loud, taking a look at what was inside the parachute. "Thank you so much" I added, taking the stew out of the parachute. I could smell the smoke coming from downstairs, but I knew that I would not go very far without something in my stomach. I ate half of the stew, keeping the other part for later and took three good sips of the water. I was ready to go.
"Mister the ghost, thank you so much for keeping me safe last night. I think I should go now before the fire gets to us, could you help me unblock the door please?"
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forsberg-emma-blog · 11 years
Status Update
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Company: All by myseeeelf
Injuries: Cuts on both arms, on the cheak and on her forehead
- A Staff - A bleach bottle full of water - Broken Glases - A pill bottle full of chlorine detergent 
Location: The man's lodge in the Teater 
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forsberg-emma-blog · 11 years
I smile, extremely grateful that the ghost decided to help me. I curl up on the couch and reach for the chocolate box. Now that the ghost decided to help me with the door, I saw no reason to be scared of him anymore and took one of the chocolate out of the box, thank the ghost for his help and ate the chocolate.
No News, Good News. || Deck B || Day 2
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forsberg-emma-blog · 11 years
Looking at the time, I decide that before eating those divine chocolate, I would lock myself in before. I look around, trying to find something to barricade the door and suddenly decide to ask the ghost himself for help. "Hey, thank you for the wine and chocolate, but I'd have another small request for you. If I am not asking for too much, is there a key to that door so I could lock it?" 
I then wait a little, to see if a key is going to appear, still searching for that brilliant barricade idea.
No News, Good News. || Deck B || Day 2
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forsberg-emma-blog · 11 years
I take place in the couch, more than happy not to feel like the sky might fall for once. I look at the wine pouring itself and I am not even surprised, the first lodge had me prepared for this kind of demonstration in a more unpleasant way. I hesitate for a moment, still not sure if I really should drink from the glass and eat the chocolate. What if? 
But that voice keeps telling me it is okay to drink and I try to whip off the doubts, taking the glass in my hand. I than cheers for the ghost that offered me a drink a take a small sip. 
No News, Good News. || Deck B || Day 2
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forsberg-emma-blog · 11 years
This room felt so much better than the last one. At least, nobody was screaming at me this time, well for now. I walk around the room, suddenly noticing the chocolate box and the wine. That wasn't there before.  I think to myself. Or was it? I can't be completly sure about it. One thing I am sure of is that I am hungry. I had not eaten a thing since I left the capitol and my stomach, by the sight of the chocolat box, suddenly awoke.
I took one step in the chocolate box direction. Looking at it a little too intensly, I could not decide myself wether I should, or not, eat the chocolate.
No News, Good News. || Deck B || Day 2
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forsberg-emma-blog · 11 years
I get out of the tunnel coughing and picking the cobwebs out of my hair and arms. I would definitly have to clean the miror cuts soon, but at least I was out of that crazy singer's lodge. Awing in deception when I realised I was indeed in another lodge, I decided to be carefull what I would touch to this time. I did not wanted to be attacked by the ghost of the man from that lodge. 
I take a good look at the room, paying more attention that I should to the pictures and the shelfs, looking at what objects that man would have wanted in his lodge.
No News, Good News. || Deck B || Day 2
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forsberg-emma-blog · 11 years
I find a trap. Thinking about my options, I figure it is probably my only way out. Promising myself that if I have to be ib there for too long I head back in the other room and try to open the damn door.
I stop hitting on the doorknob. The music has stop and as I try to open the door, I realise I’ve locked myself in even more. There’s no more music and I look around worried. This can’t be over? There has to be something else coming up after. I take a deep breath and try not...
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forsberg-emma-blog · 11 years
I stop hitting on the doorknob. The music has stop and as I try to open the door, I realise I’ve locked myself in even more. There’s no more music and I look around worried. This can’t be over? There has to be something else coming up after. I take a deep breath and try not to panic. Looking around, I wonder if there is another door hidden somewhere, looking behind the costume rack and all around the room. It could even be an hole, I don’t really care, as long as I can get out of the room.
No News, Good News || Deck B
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forsberg-emma-blog · 11 years
The music starts to play again, paralysing me each time it stats to play again. " stop or I'll scrap your pictures" I declare as I cant move. I then proceed to try to break the door knob with my staff everytime I can move and arguing with the ghost so she would let me go when I can't hit.
I jump on the side as the vase explose, still getting a shard of glass to hurt my arm. I guess the ghost is mad at me and I freak out. Backing up and protecting my face from the costume, I try to find the door.
Then, I get really upset at the ghost. “Ahhh comon ! Stop this...
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forsberg-emma-blog · 11 years
I jump on the side as the vase explose, still getting a shard of glass to hurt my arm. I guess the ghost is mad at me and I freak out. Backing up and protecting my face from the costume, I try to find the door.
Then, I get really upset at the ghost. “Ahhh comon ! Stop this is really childish ! I loved your song!”
And than I turn around really heading for the door.
The song is hypnotic. I suddenly can’t move, to stunned by the beauty of the song. Once it stops, I can move again and the trance is over. But then, something really odd happens. As I step in the record player’s direction, it starts to play again and once again I can’t move....
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forsberg-emma-blog · 11 years
The song is hypnotic. I suddenly can't move, to stunned by the beauty of the song. Once it stops, I can move again and the trance is over. But then, something really odd happens. As I step in the record player's direction, it starts to play again and once again I can't move. It's not a move, it's something else, scarier, that I can't understand.
Once the music stops again, I try the fast as I can to stop the record player.
No News, Good News || Deck C || Day 2
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forsberg-emma-blog · 11 years
I carefully look at the girl in her costumes. Who is that girl? I don't remember seeing her anywhere before. Maybe she was a Capitol celebrity or something... I carefully look at all of the costumes. They were pretty, so colorful... It was a shame they where stuck in that boat with nearly dead people for ever.
I then notice the old record player and look at it, trying to figure out how it was suppose to work. I had never seen one before and it's a great surprise to me when I accidentally drop the needle of the record player on the record. 
No News, Good News || Deck C || Day 2
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