Another Harry Styles fic rec blog
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forharrywriters · 1 year ago
It's been a while... but I was in the mood for some cute fluff so here's a cute short read with a panicked soon to be dad Harry
Okay but wouldn’t it be maybe a little cute to see Harry freaking shit when Y/N goes into labor? -> <-
stop this is so cute <3
Harry has been so great throughout this entire pregnancy. He had been waiting on his wife hand and foot, making sure she has everything she needs. She was spoiled, to put it in short. She had gotten pretty used to it, too. Except for when the doctor told her she needed to start doing things on her own to get exercise, and said that it was good for the baby.
Harry didn't like that much, and watched her struggle to do a lot of things. One of them being her trying to grab something from the cupboard, which is nearly impossible with her stomach being in the way.
Harry thought it was cute though. He didn't know how cute she had looked waddling around trying to do things on her own until after that point. She was like a little penguin.
"My little penguin," Harry would call her, and she would scoff. He thought it was funny the way she would blush whenever he called her that.
He was most excited to be a dad, but he hated watching her struggle with the pains that it came with. He'd run his fingers up and down her back for relief until she fell asleep every night and would rub her feet, too. There had been many scares that her water broke, and the look on his face every time was priceless. His face would be white as a ghost, scared shitless as he ran through the house trying to gather things up to go to the hospital.
But he was prepared this time. He made a baby bag to go that sat in the closet so when the time came, he wasn't scrambling to find everything.
Harry slept close next to her, arms wrapped around her belly as his face snuggled deeply into her back. Soft snores left the both of them, the night lulling them into the next day--or at least, in the middle of the night.
Y/N felt a trickle down her leg, and a sharp pain in her stomach in the middle of the night. She hissed out, eyes slowly opening as she suddenly felt the need to use the restroom, but before she could get up--she had already soaked the bed.
"Babe..." She whispered with a groan as she pushed herself off the bed slowly. Harry mumbled, rolling over to the other side of the bed slowly, "Babe...I think I messed the bed again,"
"Mmm." Harry grumbled, burying his face into the pillow as he tried to wake himself up enough to stand up. After a few moments, he slowly crawled out of the bed. " "mma get new sheets..." He rasped sleepily.
"Sorry, baby," She rubbed her eye as she made her way into the bathroom. She could hear Harry start to strip the bed off, but when there was a silence--it had become apparent that they both realized. Her eyes shot open wide, running out of the bathroom to the hallway where Harry stood there with the wet sheets in his hands, eyes just as wide.
"Did your...." Harry's voice cracked as his hands shakily set the sheets down. She looked down at her stomach, cramps started to set in as she held it slowly, giving him a confirming nod.
"Fuck, it's happening. It's happening. It's happening." Harry said over and over again to himself as he disappeared from her view. She took in a deep breath as she couldn't waste time, she had to get downstairs so she could be by the door when Harry was ready to go.
"Fuck, where is the diapers? The onesies?" Harry shook out as he dug through the bag, his eyes becoming wet with stress. He tried to breathe in deep, but he could barely catch his breath. Once he found all the things, he shoved them into the bag before slipping on his shoes and running down the stairs.
"Y'okay?" He sped past her, dropping the bag at the door, "Gotta get my keys--my keys, fuck--"
"Baby, it's okay. We are okay. Just slow down--"
"I--I can't find my keys! Babe, where are my keys?!" Harry ran his fingers through his hair, grabbing at the roots as he searched through the kitchen, and entry way.
"I--I can't--"
"Harry!" She laughed out, waddling her way towards him before grabbing his shoulders to make him stop, "I have the keys, okay? Take a deep breath. The hospital is a ten minute drive. We are gonna make it, okay?"
"Baby..." Harry's voice cracked as tears streamed down his cheeks, grabbing at her arms as he gulped thickly, "I'm so scared... I'm so nervous...None of the parenting books prepared me for this, I don't know what to do--what if he doesn't like me? Or what if--"
She shut him up with a deep kiss, and felt his body ease at the sudden intimacy. He cupped her cheeks, sniffling as he pecked her lips several times before pulling away.
" going to love you, Harry. You're going to be an amazing father, okay? I know how much you love him and I can't wait for us to meet him, but...right's just not the time."
Harry sniffled, using the pads of his fingers to wipe his tears before nodding quickly.
"You're right," He sighed, taking the car keys from her, "Let's go have a baby then, yeah?"
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forharrywriters · 2 years ago
A little cute something of Harry being a very cute and sweet boyfriend 💗💗
I Just Called To Say I Love You
Prompt: You don’t like talking on the phone, but Harry always calls you instead of texting. Harry later admits it’s because he just wants to hear your voice.
A/N: I may be a lil rusty so don’t judge me…I just wanted to write a cute ’n cliche lil something to post on here…I’m in my soft girlie era. Hopefully, there’s more to come soon. Hope u enjoy, love y’all🫶🏾
You hated talking on the phone. Anytime you had to take a phone call, whether it be in your personal life or at work, you had to give yourself a mini pep-talk to make it through. Of all methods of communication, you highly preferred to send an email or text message as opposed to taking phone calls. Phone calls that at times, could be long and drawn out. In your eyes, the only upside to talking on the phone was that you could visibly express your disinterest as opposed to talking to someone in person and keeping your disinterest internal.
However, while you hated talking on the phone, there was a small handful of people who had a free pass to call. You even went as far as to make a separate ringtone for them so that you could differentiate their welcome call from the unwelcome ones. 
One of the people you designated as a welcomed caller was your boyfriend Harry. And boy did he take his phone call free-pass seriously.
Because his work at times took him away from home and you, Harry was diligent at calling you up when he couldn’t be with you physically. But even when he wasn’t away for work he always made it a point to call you and just check in. And Harry wasn’t overbearing with it and just dialed your number at any chance. It was almost as if he could sense when a conversation with you was needed. Whether it be because you were on the verge of losing it and not feeling the greatest, or because you were feeling great and needed to share that great energy with someone else. And it worked the same way with you. When he needed to vent or share some of the good vibes in his life you were more than willing to call or pick up.
Sometimes though, the calls would have no rhyme or reason to them. Like today, you weren’t having the best day, but you weren’t having the worst day either. You were just getting through the day until it was time to drop everything and go home. Towards the middle of the day, your phone lights up with Harry’s photo and sounds off with the ringtone you’d set just for him. Instead of mentally preparing yourself for the phone conversation ahead, you readily put in your earbuds and pick up the call.
“Helloooo” Harry sings, dragging out the ‘o’ for as long as he possibly could.
“Helloooo to you too” You quietly laugh, mimicking his greeting. “How can I be of assistance to you today?”
“No assistance needed, I just wanted to hear your voice.” Harry sappily replies. You could practically hear his dopey smile through the phone as he spoke. But at the end of the day, that’s all Harry wanted whenever he picked up the phone to call you. He just wanted to hear your voice.
“Well, I hope I don’t disappoint.” You whisper, the seemingly permanent smile that had been on your face since picking up the phone only widened.
“You could never disappoint me, love.” Harry definitively responds. Which only made you smile even harder and solidify an ache in your cheeks in a little while.
For the next 15 or so minutes you and Harry manage to cover a range of topics that somehow come together to form a coherent and flowing conversation. In this time, not only were you fighting to hold your giggles in you were also playing the role of lookout just in case your boss decided to randomly appear when you were supposed to be working. It was a common pattern for your happiness to summon him and ruin everything. But that was a conversation for another time.
Unfortunately for you though, you had to get back to work. Which meant that the little happiness bubble that you were in with Harry had to be popped.
“Well, I’m gonna let you go now, don’t wanna keep you from your work” Harry states when you two have a lull in the conversation, not wanting to steal any more of your time.
“No, keep me from it! Please?!” You jokingly plead, not wanting your happiness bubble to pop quite yet. 
“How about this, you make it through the last couple of hours there and then come over to my place and I’ll cook you some of the best dinner you’ve ever had.” Harry barters.
“You may just have yourself a deal, Mr.Styles.” You agree, looking forward to the end of the workday even more now that you had plans with your boyfriend.
“Well, I’m glad to hear it.” He hums, already thinking up a menu just for you. “Oh! Also, guess what.” Harry adds.
“What?” You curiously ask, wanting to hear the news.
“I love you.” He simply replies with the utmost sincerity. “That’s the main reason why I called you. To hear your voice, and to tell you that I love you.”
“I love you too. And I’ll see you later.” By the time you hung up, you were a smiling maniac and a complete puddle of yourself at your desk. But on the plus side, you were ready to power through the next couple of hours at your desk.
While you weren’t big on phone calls if there was one that you were always going to answer. It was Harry’s.
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forharrywriters · 2 years ago
I love this series and appreciate it as a Latina, the outfit is super cute, it reminds me of a Bratz outfit. But anywho I love seeing him all flustered over yn's outfit, that was cute
The Cutest F****** Thing
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just some fluff with latina!reader and harry (one of my personal fave couples tbh). enjoy!
Harry Styles x Latina!Reader
"What do you think, bubbie? Do I look okay?"
Harry looked up from his phone, his cheeks flaming when he heard your nickname for him. He'd never been with anyone so verbally affectionate before until he met you, but he was finding that he didn't mind it one bit. He loved it, even.
When he tried to respond, his throat went dry, his words getting caught up and jumbled there. You were still facing yourself in the mirror propped against your bedroom wall, but when Harry had failed to say anything, you turned around to face where he was lying across your bed.
"You look lovely," he finally managed to say, but even he could tell he sounded awkward.
You grinned at his bashfulness while playfully putting your hands on your hips. "Are you speechless at the mere sight of me?"
One of the first things Harry had loved about you was how easily you diffused the tension in him, how you instantly made him feel comfortable no matter what. He still felt a little sheepish that you managed to render him speechless. Harry wasn't a dick, but he could admit that he normally didn't get this nervous around girls, but even after a couple dates he still felt like the ground was unsteady beneath him whenever he was around you.
But he also had a feeling that you liked how flustered he got. "I am. You look incredible in red."
Now it was your turn to blush, your cheeks matching your red leather jacket. You walked over to where Harry had yet to move from his comfortable position on your bed. When you straddled his waist, his hands were quick to find your thighs.
"Would you say I look inc—red—ible?" you asked, wiggling your eyebrows at him.
Harry grinned immediately. He never thought he would meet someone who was dorky as he was, yet you gave him a healthy run for his money. And he absolutely adored it. "You are just the cutest fucking thing, you know that?"
His hands began to creep up your denim skirt, and when he gave you a look, you were leaning down to kiss him. Your hands reached for the long, silky strands of his hair, twirling them around your fingers. You and Harry hadn't been together for very long, but you were crazy about each other. He was just so sweet and so tender and unlike anyone you'd ever met before. You just clicked, and you were so happy together, you hoped you never stopped feeling giddy around him.
Which was why you couldn't help but get lost in him.
Harry's hands sent fire licking down your spine as he continued to pull kiss after kiss from your lips. He took your bottom lip between his own, sucking on it like there was nothing else he'd rather be doing. And when he had his hands on you and yours were in his hair and scratching his scalp to make him hum with pleasure, there was no place you would rather have been either.
"We're gonna be late, bubba," you said when you were finally able to catch your breath. Harry had moved onto your neck, and you felt like you had to stop him when you felt him bite down a little too hard. "We're supposed to meet your friends."
"It's okay if we're a little late," he said, his lips forming the words against your skin.
You pulled him back then, holding his hair firmly in your grip when he pouted and tried to kiss you again. It was hard to resist him when he looked like that—hair tousled, mouth red and smeared with lip gloss, eyes covered in a lusty glaze and devouring every inch of skin not totally covered up. On principle, you tried not to give into him, though it wasn't easy. This time, however, you managed to stand your ground.
"We can't be late. I don't want to make a bad impression."
Harry frowned for an entirely different reason, then. "Do you think my friends won't like you?"
You shrugged, but Harry could tell it was more than that. You weren't an overly confident person, but you were sure of yourself, something Harry had come to admire about you. He didn't think meeting some of his close friends would make you nervous, but apparently it did.
Harry kissed your forehead, holding your chin between his fingers so you would look him in the eye. "They're gonna love you, I promise."
"How can you be sure?" you asked, letting you little seeds of doubt rise to the surface.
You didn't like to compare yourself to Harry's previous girlfriends, but sometimes it was hard when everything he did was open to public perception. And the truth was you were rather different, not quite fitting the bill of his normal type. That part didn't bother you, you knew what Harry felt for you was genuine, but sometimes you got in your head about how others viewed your relationship.
"Because they'll take one look at the way I look at you, and they'll know how perfect you are for me," Harry said simply, like he had no doubt in his mind that that was what would happen. "If anything, I'm sure they're worried about making sure you like them. I've talked you up quite a bit, you know."
His confidence filled you with warmth and caused you to surge forward to kiss him again, but not long enough to be flipped around so that he was on top of you. But you made sure your appreciation and gratitude was felt as you kissed him, your fingers delicately tracing the planes of his cheekbone.
"Does that mean you won't be nervous to meet my family?" you asked him, speaking softly against his cheek as you peppered it with kisses until he couldn't help but grin.
"Fuck no. My stomach drops just thinking about it," he said, though it only sounded like he was partly joking.
You giggled, kissing his cheek a couple more times before standing up and straightening your skirt. Once your clothes were tugged into the correct spots again, you offered Harry your hand. He took it, standing up to hold you in the circle of his arms so you had to look up at him.
For his talk of nerves, he didn't actually feel nervous, he realized. Harry was excited by the prospect of meeting your family, of taking that step of being that much closer to you. He knew things were moving a little fast, but he wasn't scared by it. Right then, all he was certain of was that he wanted to dive head first into any challenge as long as you were by his side, and he wanted his and your closest friends and family to know it.
Harry looked at you intensely, his gaze sending a flutter to your stomach. You didn't know what it meant, but you figured you could wait to ask until after you met his friends. They'd been waiting long enough, you thought.
"We should go," you murmured, tracing the side of his face with your index finger.
"I know," Harry said, but he didn't even make an effort to move. "Promise we'll end up right back here when we get back?"
You smiled, smoothing his hair back as you did so. "I thought you were going back to your hotel."
In the grand scheme of things, you hadn't been together for very long. No matter how strongly you felt about each other, both of you tried to take things slow. Or tried to make a show of it, anyway before letting a date turn into spending the night or spending the night turning into two or three.
"I like your place better. It's cozier."
You rolled your eyes, but you didn't say anything to object to him staying the night. Instead you tugged him by the hand toward the door. "I think you're just scared to show me how messy you really are all by yourself."
"I happen to be the tidiest twenty-two year old you'll ever meet," Harry said as he shrugged into his coat, a gray one with black stripes. "I just like sleeping somewhere that feels lived in."
Your eyes softened a little at his confession. You knew he didn't love living out of a suitcase and in hotel rooms. Every time he came to visit you, you suggested staying at his hotel so he could make it to whatever meeting or event he had to get to the next morning with ease, but he always politely declined. You lived in a hovel compared to what Harry was probably used to, yet every time he was there it felt natural, like he was your roommate instead of the one you actually lived with. But that was everything about being with Harry. It all just felt so right.
"Can't argue with that, can I?" you said, looping your arm through his. As you stepped out of your apartment and locked up, you asked, "Do I have permission to ask about embarrassing childhood stories if I feel awkward?"
Harry shook his head with a grin spreading across his face. Not because he cared if you asked about what he was like growing up, but because you were He kissed the top of your head, taking in the scent of your shampoo before pulling back. "You can ask whatever you want, whenever you want."
Your eyes lit up immediately. "That's bold of you."
"I've got nothing to hide," he said with a wink. "I'll tell you anything you want to know on the walk over right now. I've got nothing to hide."
Harry expected you to respond in kind, but you didn't. He wasn't sure if you were playing with him or not, but he looked down at you with raised brows anyway. "Do you have something to hide?"
Your grin was sly yet playful. Reaching up on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek and whispered in his ear, "You'll just have to wait and see, won't you bubba?"
His stomach flipped with excitement at the mere thought of having a future with you, but he tried to play it as cool as you were. Harry normally could play it cool but he was quickly finding out that he couldn't be anything else but a giddy dork around you.
"Yeah, I guess I will," he said, more than happy to wait.
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forharrywriters · 2 years ago
I haven't been active since March 😵‍💫 I didn't realize it's been that long but I was busy with school so hopefully now that I'm off for the summer, we can go back to regular scheduled programming here
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forharrywriters · 2 years ago
OH MY GOD THE ANGST AND DRAMA IN ALL THIS! And what a cliff hanger to leave it on, this was all super great. I so enjoyed the dressing room scene and the scene after it, I think I'm really living for the drama
You Are The One That I Want
Summary: after cheating on her fiancé with her co-star Y/n has a big decision to make just before opening night. this picks up right where part 1 leaves off so please read it first!
Warnings: swearing, smut, toxic relationships, cheating. If any of those are triggering to you please don’t read! Your mental health comes first and I’ve got plenty of other fics you can read :) Not proof read so lmk if there are typos!!!! Tumblr hates me so the very end line might not be there 😤
WC: 3.5k
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“Hi Roman” Y/n fakes a smile while pulling up the strap of her bra up her shoulder while she carefully buttons her thin shirt up and uneasily sits back to have a conversation with her fiancé. “Where are you? I thought you were at the theater.” Y/n glances back at Harry who was sitting with a slight smirk on his face while staying quiet so he could listen in to the conversation. She slaps his thigh, mouthing over at him to stop. She was already nervous enough to talk to her fiancé after she did what she did but Harry’s silent teasing is only making her more nervous. 
“I went out to dinner with some of the cast.” She makes up a quick lie- which wasn’t a complete lie… she is just sugar coating it so she didn’t seem so guilty. She knows what she did is bad- trust her, she really really knows it is bad… but it feels good, it is fun being with someone new, feeling someone new, doing new things. Y/n also knows that she hasn’t  been the best to Roman recently. They haven’t been getting along and she hasn’t said the kindest words, but he hasn’t been the best either, he’s said some harsh words. “You went to dinner?” 
“Yeah, just a few members of the cast. Nothing big, we just wanted to celebrate since opening night is soon.” Suddenly lying came easy to her. With her costar sitting next to her, hyper aware of every sound he makes while he tries to steady his breathing and buttons his pants back up. “I’m at the theater right now.” 
“It’s just some crew and my co-star. Nothing big! I’m dropping off a few crew members and then I’ll be there to meet you.” They say their goodbyes before she clicks the big red button to end the call and slaps her phone on the leather seats. “Never again.” 
There is something in her eyes that tells Harry this won’t be the last time it happens. And he is well aware that he isn’t a good man for seducing a woman soon to be married, but it takes two to tango and he wanted to dance again. 
Days have passed since the dinner. Y/n can’t help but walk on eggshells around Roman, her job is putting on an act but she slips in real situations. She’s never been a good liar, if she’s confronted with something she has to own up to it, acting was only an on stage occurrence for her and she couldn’t risk it with Roman. 
He was easy to pick up on her odd moods and was rather sensitive to put the blame on himself when she wasn’t anything but happy- it wasn’t because he felt he wasn’t a good partner though, it’s because he wanted a reason to make her feel wrong for experiencing any emotion but happiness. He was a narcissist of some sorts. 
Their relationship was never a healthy one. Sure, Y/n seems like a dick but Roman had a way of manipulating her without even using words. And now she’s resenting Roman for not just the childlike fits and toxic ways, but for not being Harry. Harry was the type she said she hated when growing up. She never wanted an arrogant man who had too much confidence, she thought she wanted a gentle man, the underdog, but she craved the winner, the man who teases her fiancé, and forgot about him the second he got any ounce of success. 
But as quickly as they were together the eggshells she’s been walking on begin to crack. 
Any noise Roman made irritated y/n, any song he sang, any noise he made, anything and everything annoyed her. 
“Just one fucking second, Roman! I literally need one second without your voice and I’d be okay!” y/n yells toward her fiancé while slamming the door behind her. She needed a getaway but it wasn’t like she could skip town when she was constantly rehearsing for the biggest break of her career. “Why don’t you just go to the theater?! Since you’re so happy to leave me everyday.” She sarcastically laughs at him, if only he knew why she was so happy. 
Y/n wanted to feel more guilty about cheating than she really did. She wanted to say she felt like such a horrible fiance, cried over the mistakes she's made, beat herself up over how selfish and stupid she's been, but she hasn't. The only crying she's been doing is the sobs that come out of her mouth when Harry bends her over his vanity in his tiny dressing room after rehearsals, her leather pants still on while he's sweating off the black eyeliner, pushing Danny's preppy look off that he has to wear for the ending scene. 
Harry made her feel better than Roman ever could. She had to tell Roman anytime she wanted the smallest touch, pull dirty talk out of him, but Harry knows everything. He knows how to touch her, how to make her feel good, how to get her dripping with just one look, how to make her thighs shake with only five words. 
With that she grabs her bag and calls a cab before running off to the theater. Hopefully Harry would be there, pacing the floor and whispering his lines like he usually does every time she has a late night theater run. Other than fucking her until her knees give out hes also been great at listening to her rant about Roman, and tonight she was fine with either. 
She opens the heavy, metal door, sighing and walking to her dressing room to drop her bag, grabbing her paper script that has gotten messed up after weeks and weeks of sweaty palms gripping it. Y/n steps out onto the black stage, studying all the marks that cover the floor from years of performing. 
“Hey.” Y/n looks up, met with Harry's piercing green eyes. 
Sighing, She gives him a lazy response. “Hi.” 
He pats the edge of the stage next to him, he sits with his legs dangling off, facing all the chairs that would soon be filled on opening night. “What's wrong?” Y/n plops next to him and starts to debate on telling him about all of her relationship problems, as if she hasn't told him enough already. “Me and Roman are still fighting.” Harry nods while giving her a sympathetic smile, as much as he hated that she wasn't doing well, he always got a little excited when she started ranting to him because he knew in a matter of time he would be deep inside of her. 
“I’m sorry.” He leans closer to her his lips moving closer to her before he kisses her. He shoves his tongue in her mouth, already sighing out in satisfaction before he feels her pull away. Her lips hover his while her features round,her chin starting to quiver. “I- i can't do this.” 
“Why not? I thought you wanted me?” Harry gently pecks her lips, trying to draw her back in, forgetting her problems and letting her engulf herself in him. “I want you but… but-” 
“But you need him.” 
She softly sobs, letting him kiss her lips. “I need to want him, Harry. He's my fiance.” 
Harry sighs, rubbing his dry eyes before leaning back on his hands. “I know. I know more than you, it seems. But every time you get a glimpse of my cock you forget all about him. So what is this?” he gestures between them before slapping his hand back down. “You’re just using me as a fuck because your husband doesnt know how?” She shakes her head, scrambling to her feet while Harry jumps up and walks backstage toward the dressing rooms. “No, Harry.” 
“Then what?! Because every night we see each other you go back and forth. I'm not willing to even be civil with you if you want to play these mind games, Y/n. It’s not fair to me.”
“I’m- I’m not trying to play mind games! I'm just confused. I've only been with Roman and I'm just so confused! He's my safety net, he’s easy, I'm already with him, our parents expect us to get married in a few months, I can't back out now because of this!” Harry shakes his head, gathering his bag together, throwing his stuff in before he slams his dressing room door closed behind him. 
“It’s that outlandish to be with me?! He's your safety net but you come cry about him to me every night?! I can't do this. You've made your choice with those words and it's obviously not me, Y/n” he spits her name out like it was the most poisonous venom coating his tongue. 
She frantically runs after him, swinging the door open and running over to him where he shoves his bag in the car, closing the back door before opening the driver's seat door, ready to climb in. “stop! No. I choose you, okay? I just need time! I need time, Harry. This has all happened so fast. Before I met you I thought I settled for Roman but now everything is completely different and I feel like my life has been flipped upside down!” She cradles his jaw in her hands. “I just need time but I choose you.” 
“You're willing to really leave him?” 
“Yes. Once the show is over I’ll be done with him, for good. I chose you.” 
“Really?” Y/n nods once again, desperate to make him see that he is the one she wants. “Really. I promise. Me and him are over. After the show I’m calling the engagement mom, I’ll tell our family, we will go our separate ways. I promise, Harry. I’m serious. I want you.” His head bows, his jaw going soft in her hands. “I know I come off as an asshole but I do have feelings. I really do want this. I really like you. And honestly, it kinda of fucking hurts my feelings that you chose that douche bag over me. Especially after you told me what he did when he found out you got the part but he didn’t… what a fucking asshole.” Harry shakes his head, letting out a sigh but it’s cut off with Y/n pressing her lips to his, her hand falling to his neck, softly cupping the sensitive skin. 
“So we’re going to do this?” Harry asks, brushing her hair back while pressing another kiss to her lips. “Yeah,” 
“After the show?” 
“After the show.” 
It was opening night. 
The crowd was growing and growing and would continue until every seat was eventually packed and no one else was welcomed to watch the show. There were people outside waiting for the end of the show to get a glimpse of the cast and maybe an autograph or a photo. 
“Holy shit. I don’t know if I can do this.” Y/n softly laughs, peeking at the full crowd moment before her and Harry are set to step on stage. “No, you’ve got this. It’s a fucking rush so try to remember what you can.” He grabs her face, pressing his lips only hers before getting in position and waiting for the curtain to rise. 
“That was fucking amazing!” Y/n cheers while stripping out of her sandy costume, lazily peeling the shiny black bodysuit off of herself, kicking the heels off while Harry pushes his jock danny costume down, slipping his pink cock out of his baggy pants while plants rushed kisses over y/n shoulder while leaning her over the vanity. He pushes her legs apart with his knee and slips his cock inside of her. “We’ve got to be quick” Harry softly laughs, growing a smirk on his Devilishly handsome face. 
He slides in and out of her tight pussy as quick as his hips allow, breathlessly trying to get them to cum. “You did so good tonight, love. I’ve been hard since the drive-in scene. I hope no one noticed.” He breathlessly chuckles into her ear, his breath splaying over the sensitive skin of her neck, it washes over her like a heat flash but leaves sooner than she would ever want. 
Harry pushes into her so deep the mirror balancing on top of the vanity starts to rattle. He pulls his hand from Y/n's hip, placing it onto the vanity covered in open make up powders and lipstick stains. They both start laughing, but once the banging noise stops their laughs die down. 
Their worried glances catch each other in the mirror, making eye contact while the banging from the other side of the door continues. 
Y/n's voice shakily calls, “what is it?” 
“It's Roman. Let me in.” 
The pair's eyes grow wide but Harry's hips never still or slow, his cock still drilling into her plushy walls, hitting stops that make them feel all warm and fuzzy. “Uh- I’m trying to get all of this m-make up off.” she tries to sound nonchalant, as if her co-star isnt fucking her inches away from her fiance.
Harry’s hand comes to slap around her mouth the second he feels her cunt spasm around his thick cock, knowing soon she's going to be whimpering and falling apart around him. “Can I come in?” Her eyes roll back into her head and she tries her best not to make any noise. “Hello?” Roman says again, growing impatient for an answer. Harry’s eyes grow heavy with lust, his hips snapping uncontrollably while he cums. 
“No! I'm almost out!” 
Harry grows a large smirk, pulling out of her. “You better get dressed and make it quick.” He steps out of the dressing room, but not without shooting her a wink, then greeting Roman and disappearing off to his own dressing room to change into his clothes so he can leave the theater. 
Y/n thought Roman would at least bring a flower, congratulate her on finally accomplishing what she has dreamt since she was a little girl, but he was hot on her tail the moment he saw Harry exit her dressing room. She started scrubbing her face with makeup wipes (that were sure to irritate her skin later), fixing her hair, and pulling her panties back up before Roman had a second to burst into the tiny room. 
Y/n tries to talk to fans, sharing the excitement with them while she snaps selfies and signs the playbills they shove out at her, Harry just a few feet ahead of her doing the same, except he doesn't have Roman in his ear lecturing him. 
“Why was he in your room while you were changing, Y/n?” 
“We had to get our makeup and wigs off! They do that for us so they just shoved us both in my dressing room.” she grumbles out her made up excuse, then apologizes to the young girl behind the metal barricade and snaps a photo with her. “He still had his makeup on.” She huffs, shooting him a warning look. “Roman, stop. I just finished opening night and I'm trying to sign playbills. Dont ruin this for me by starting a fight.” Roman softly laughs. “I'm not the one starting a fight. Now why was he in your dressing room?” 
The anger bubbles up inside of her until she can't control it. Her hands angrily push over her hair. She knows in times like this it's best to take a deep breath, and be mindful of your emotions, but after years and years of putting up with all of his mind games and manipulating she can't control it. Y/n is finally happy in a relationship (even if it is behind her fiance's back) and she's not going to let Roman ruin the start of it for her. 
“Because we're fucking! Maybe if you waited ten seconds longer to start banging on the door you wouldn't have seen him leave my dressing room and this whole fight wouldn't have started!” She yells at him over the screaming fans, catching Harry's attention who is only a foot away, in the middle of autographing a hoodie for a fan.  
After Y/n’s outburst on opening night she's been staying with Harry. She had a feeling nothing good would come out of going back to the apartment her and roman share. The fight would be blown out of purporting and would get taken way too far. 
“C’mon, love. We've got to get to the theater.” Harry mumbles on Y/n's lips while she plants kisses on his, her arms wrapped around his neck while his arm holding her waist tight to him. “We can be a little late, they might be focused on the rest of the cast.” Harry laughs at her lame attempt of getting him to stay back with her. “Were the stars, baby honey. We have to look the best.” She sighs, pulling away from him and throwing her bag over her shoulder. “Whatever, I guess let's leave.” Harry laughs once more, pulling her into his side and pressing a light kiss on the side of her head. 
“We’ve got to get pretty so we can perform on broadway.” He hums while opening the door to his penthouse, closing the door behind them and beginning their walk to the theater. “Well, you've got to get pretty, anyway. I was just born this gorgeous.” Harry softly jokes and Y/n scrunches her nose at his teasing, flipping him off. 
“Oh, I'm just joking, baby honey. You're too beautiful for this world. He presses another sloppy kiss on her cheek and they are off.” 
Y/n and Harry were pretty nervous for the rest of the cast and crews reaction to her and Harry's affair. They didnt know how her relationship was behind the scene and definitely had no place to judge since she knows the industry secrets, girls sleep with directors and guys sleep with married women with three kids just for a mediocre part on a tv series only to end up having three lines the whole season, her case was completely different. She wasn't gaining anything by being with Harry, in fact she was losing a lot. Losing roman wasn't anything she was necessarily upset about in any way. She was happy she got to end that chapter in her life and start a chapter she was happy writing, spending it with someone she loves and someone who loves her exactly the same. But she knew her family would be disappointed with her, she would lose touch with everyone in Roman’s family that she did have a good relationship with. She's also losing a high school sweetheart, which he wasn't good to her and after years of it she wasn't good to him either, but she's losing the dream of marrying a high school sweetheart, but it was worth it to live a happy life that she's wanted. 
It seems like everything is falling into place. She finally got her dream role on broadway, working along with people she would have great friendships with for the rest of her life, along with her lover, she's making memories she will never forget, and she's getting her big start to what seems to be a wonderful acting career since the critic reviews are in for her opening night performance as Sandy Olsson and they have all been nothing short of positive. 
“Do you think they are going to hate us? They probably think i fucked you for the role.” Harry rolls his eyes, “They can fuck off,” he flicks his cigarette onto the concrete behind the building before stomping it out. “Because after all you got the part and everyone loves you as sandy.” She gives him a soft smile, stepping into the door that leads backstage while Harry holds it open. “You're right. Thank you, H.” 
They step into Harry’s dressing room, sitting in the director chairs so they can start the process of getting their hair and makeup done. 
“What a fucking rush. Another sold out night on broadway!” Y/n cheers while flopping on Harry's bed, her hair a mess from being pushed under so many different wigs and her skin red from so many different products. He smiles, kissing the top of her head. “You did so good, baby honey. I loved watching you from backstage.”
“You did so good, H! You didn't miss a beat! You got a standing ovation!” Harry cracks a smile, shaking his head. “Oh, so did you. And I couldn't have done this without you, you're the only thing getting me through this. No one talks about how stressful it is.” Y/n leans in for a kiss, her hand pushing into his hair while her tongue slips past his strawberry lips. Harry's hand come up to hold hers, tangling their fingers together
“Why is your engagement ring on?”
Hiiii! Please like, reblog, and leave feedback :) no taglist bc tumblr hates me and keeps glitching and won’t add the last line so I hope it’s fixed now!
“Why is your engagement ring back on?”
@harrysddtittys @hopeyoustaythenight @harrysdimple05 @damnasstyles @waitingroomharry
@swiftmendeshoran @harrysfolklore @msolbesg @thismaydestroyme @stallrry @ayeshathestyles @michellekstyles @lhharrylilpumpkin @kissmyaxe140 @buckymydarlingangel @cherrycolas-things @luvonstyles @puckshitbitch
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forharrywriters · 2 years ago
This was such a cute little catch up and it's so exciting to see what they've been up to, and apparently it's a new baby!!
Happy Valentine’s day, baby
summary: Finally writing about single dad harrryyyy!!! a catch up on where their relationship is now, how Loralie and Milo are doing, and a few surprises. 
warnings: long hair harry making a comeback *smirk*, swearing, smut, spitting 👀, bad relationship with a parent…should be it? If the header is ugly it’s bc I made it myself so plz spare my feelings also not proofread so lmk if there is typos!!!
wc: 2.1k
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Strawberry lemonade fills Y/n’s senses while the sun shines a warm light on her despite the chill of February. “A Valentine’s day picnic was a better idea in my head.” Harry announces with a sigh, rubbing his palms up and down his fiancé’s arms to warm her up even though she is wrapped in a thick sweater. “Well, it’s still nice to have some alone time with you.” Harry’s chin drops in a nod, “beside the little one” His hands smooth over her bump while she relaxes her head in his lap. “But we’ll never get free time once she’s out so better with her still in there than none at all.”  
Keep reading
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forharrywriters · 2 years ago
Aw I love this!!! The beginning is so cute with Harry being shy and then how in love they are especially when she first gets to his house 🤍🤍
tears of love
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summary - a whole bunch of tears and a whole bunch of love for the album of the year grammy winner
warnings: swearing, tears, shyness?!, slight media hate mention
word count: +3.6k
pairing: new-boyfriend!harry x reader
The night before the Grammys, Harry had never been more stressed.
He had tried everything to get himself to sleep, but no amount of lavender spray or chamomile tea could get his eyes to close. 
He knew he needed a good night's sleep if he wanted to survive the next day, but not even a soothing bubble bath helped him settle down. So he resorted to the one person he knew would help him fall asleep, but he had been too shy to contact at first. 
His phone rang as he waited for you to pick up, his bitten nails a clear sign that he was stressed with both not being able to sleep and calling you. 
“Hi lovie. I’m not keeping you from anything am I?” He asked, not wanting to ruin your nighttime routine.
“Hi lovie. I’m not keeping you from anything am I?” He asked, not wanting to ruin your nighttime routine.
“No, no. Not at all. Wouldn’t even matter if you were anyways.” 
Harry smiled and laid back on his bed, running a hand over his forehead and back through his hair. He pictured you in a similar position, laying in your own bed across the city. He wished you could be laying beside him instead, but your relationship was only recently new and it was too soon to be sleeping over. 
There had been too many people coming and going in Harry’s life that it took him a little longer than most people to become comfortable, and safe, around the people he was dating. He was beginning to think you may be the exception though. There weren't many nights he wasn’t thinking of having you next to him always. He craved the intimacy of falling asleep with you and then waking up in the morning with you still wrapped around him. 
For now, he would have to deal with the fact you were across town and would see you in a matter of hours to get ready for the Grammys.
“Thank you.” Harry said quietly, more for himself than you.
“I forgot to tell you earlier, but my mum says have fun tomorrow.” You said.
“I wish she could be there with us all. I wish my own mum could be there, y’know?” Harry sadly chuckled, wishing more than anything he could spend more time with his loved ones and ones who love him.
“I have no doubt she has subscribed to Paramount plus especially to watch the Grammys, lovie.” That much you knew. Harry chuckled and nodded because he knew you were right. His mum was his biggest supporter, as any mum should be, and he was lucky to have a mum like her.
“I know.”
“She’s so proud of you, H.” You made sure he was reminded.
“I’m more proud of her.”
“Give yourself a little credit. You’ve not always had it easy either. The way the media harrasses you, I would have given up years ago.” 
“I wouldn’t have let you give up, just like you don’t let me.”
“You didn’t know me way back when, H.” You chuckled over the phone and Harry’s heart beamed like sunshine at the sound. There was no better sound for him now. Not even awards calling his name. 
“I wish I did. I wish I could have met you sooner.” He replied honestly, moving one hand onto his chest and over his heart where it stopped. If he pressed hard enough he could feel you there, where his heart was beating a little extra rapidly for you. No one had ever made him or his heart feel the way you do and his biggest regret in life was not having found you and that feeling years ago. Now you existed in his life, it made all the other moments seem insignificant to the ones you were now creating together. 
“Don’t think about it like we’ve wasted time, lovie. Think about it like we needed to break and fix our own hearts, to become stronger, before we could find the strength to begin again with each other. I think my heart is stronger for you than anyone else because of all the heartbreak it took to find you.”
Late night conversations with you were not a rarity, but it wasn’t common for you both to be so ‘heart-on-sleeve’ with each other. You were only 3 months into your relationship, having spoken for a couple months before that too, but both of you clearly felt something more than just a simple attraction for one another. Harry didn’t want to call it love, because he knew the consequences of falling in love too quickly, but he was scared that’s just what his feeling for you was. Little did he know you felt exactly the same way.
“I…” Harry had to stop himself short, “I think my heart is stronger for you too.” 
Harry looked up at his white ceiling, running a hand over his stubble beard that he would have to shave in the morning. Then he looked over to the other side of the bed. The neat side of the bed, where the sheet was still tucked into the mattress. He ran his hand over the expanse of the vacant bed and swallowed back a tearful lump at the back of this throat.
“I miss you.” Harry said softly. 
What he really meant to say was; I need you here. I love you.
You were quiet for a moment, making Harry think he said the wrong thing, but it was only because you were trying not to cry. Your heart hurt over the thought of it taking so much courage for Harry to be so open with his words. His feelings had often been so vulnerable to the crazed media and ex-partners, but with you he had never felt so safe. His feelings had never felt more protected and accepted. You knew what his words really meant and he could tell what you meant when you whispered the words back too. “I miss you too.” 
I love you too. 
Harry had gotten a good seven hours of sleep.
You had gotten a few more, since Harry had stayed on the phone to tell you stories of his life to lull you to sleep. Something about knowing you were peacefully sleeping made Harry fall asleep so easily. He knew you would be able to help, even if you didn’t realise it.
It was now only an hour before Harry had to head off to the Grammy red carpet venue. It was so hectic in his house, where he was hosting pre-drinks and the getting ready antics. Harry Lambert was busy ironing all of Harry’s outfits for the 15th time and Anthony would not stop taking photos. Jeff was busy social networking with Harry’s friends and family, whilst Harry was busy checking his phone for text messages off you.
Y/N: I’m here xx
Harry smiled, leaving his phone on top of his kitchen counter before jogging to his front door in excitement. He was dressed in a rainbow patterned jumpsuit and white boots, his hair styled so perfectly. He looked so fun and young, representing the younger generation of artists this evening.
He opened his front door and smiled so brightly when he saw you standing at the front door looking so pretty. Your hands were cradling a box of cupcakes, a bunch of flowers and a heart-shaped balloon. All of the gifts were lovely, but nothing could put a bigger smile on his face than you.
“Baby…” He pouted when he saw you, cupping his hands over his cheeks as his mouth gaped in shock.
“Surprise! Happy Grammy day!” You giggled excitedly, laughing at his initial shock and love-heart eyes on you.
“You didn’t have to do any of this.” He put his hands over his heart, itching to just have you in his arms now. 
He moved forward to take the cakes and flowers off of you, placing his other hand on your waist to tug you closer to him. He softly laughed as he desperately pulled you closer and titled his head down to kiss you. He didn’t wait a single second to kiss you senseless, giving you more than just a sweet peck. Your hand not holding the balloon snaked up to around his neck and held him close, making his lips crush over yours again and again. 
He tasted like a winner already with your cherry soaked lips on his.
You pulled away flustered, cheeks blushing and lips wanting so much more. You licked your lips to conceal Harry’s taste with you and Harry’s beady eyes watched every movement like he would be tested on it later.  
“Y’look amazing.” Harry spoke quietly, just wanting his words to be heard by your ears. 
“Thank you.” You blushed, not knowing how else to respond. “Did you forget a t-shirt?” You joked, snaking your hand down from around his neck and over his chest. His skin reacted by giving him a chill of goosebumps and a sense of pride rushed over you for being able to make him react in such a way.
“Just thought I’d get my tits out for you, baby.” He joked in return.
“And your millions of fans.” You patted his chest right over his heart he had been touching before.
“No. Just for you.” Harry reiterated, needing you to understand, like most things, he did this for you. He knew how much you loved it when he embraced his own masculinity and showcased who he truly was with his clothing, so when it came to choosing outfits for events he always kept you in mind and what you thought might be a good option. It seemed he had chosen well with the way your eyes had dilated upon taking him all in. 
Harry couldn’t help but lean in to kiss you one more time, turning into two, three and four. You smiled into the end two, making it harder for Harry to kiss your soft lips but he made do anyway. He couldn’t get enough of you, not even caring that he now had lipstick on and around his own lips.
“Are you coming in?” Harry asked, always making sure you were comfortable with everything before making you actually do it.
“I need the loo, so yes please.” You nodded. Harry took your spare hand in his and he walked you through the front door, shutting it with his foot behind him. 
He could tell you were nervous by the slight tremor in the hand he was holding, but he gave you a soft squeeze to let you know you were alright. He realised it was daunting to be in a room with a group of people you barely knew, apart from Harry Lambert and Jeff, so he made sure to stick close by. 
All Harry ever talked about to his friends was his undying adoration for you, but the majority of them had yet to meet you because Harry enjoyed keeping you just his for as long as possible. Your relationship wasn’t public, but even if it was your social media were private so the fans wouldn’t get a hold of anything anyways. Harry’s friends knew he had someone romantic in his life, because his smile hadn’t been so bright in years. 
They were all excited to meet the person responsible for the rebirth of Harry’s happiness. 
“Y/N!” Harry Lambert shouted across the room, putting down his iron and walking over to you with open arms. You would’ve done the same, but Harry kept a grounding hold on your hand, which you were very thankful for, and so you let Harry Lambert reach you before hugging him the best you could. 
“Hi!” You laughed as Harry Lambert hugged you.
“Oh you look incredible, darling!” He gasped as your outfit, similar to the way your Harry had. 
“Thank you.” You, once again, blushed.
“Harry is very lucky.” 
“I know.” Your Harry spoke up, pulling you back into his side with a tug of your hand. You smiled as he kissed the top of your head, feeling the butterflies all over. Your nerves were already calming just by having him close by like this.
“I need pictures of you two later, okay?” Harry Lambert warned you, knowing that you would both try and get out of it.
Once he had walked away, Harry walked you into the kitchen some more and dumped the cakes and flowers on the obscenely large kitchen counter. A chorus of hellos sounded as you both walked in the room and made yourselves present.
Harry took his time introducing you to every person, getting you to hug them as you did so. Everyone was so kind and lovely, complimenting you on your beauty and your outfit and your ability to bring out the best in Harry. You began to feel a little tearful towards the end of greeting people and after you were done you told Harry you were going to the toilet.
He didn’t think twice about it, until you still hadn’t come back after ten minutes. Yes, women stereotypically take longer than men in the toilet but ten minutes was quite long for you. So he went in search of you, seeing as you had to leave in five minutes anyways.
He went straight upstairs to his bedroom, knowing you would’ve chosen his bathroom rather than the downstairs one out of familiarity. He knocked on the door softly before opening it slowly. When he made it inside, he softly shut the door behind him to notice you weren’t in the bedroom. He rounded the corner to the bathroom and that’s when he saw you standing at the bathroom mirror with a tissue, drying away the tears that had clearly been running stray. 
“Baby… What happened?” Harry cooed, walking in the room and urging you to face him by cupping your cheeks delicately. 
You looked to the ceiling, trying to keep the next round of tears at bay, before shrugging your shoulders at Harry with a sad chuckle. “I don’t know what came over me! Just feeling a lot of emotions right now. Proud of you but then just feeling so loved and accepted by your friends.. It’s.. I.. Just, it’s a lot!” You laughed at how silly it sounded now you were trying to explain how you felt.
“Oh you emotional softie. You’re going to be a right water fountain today, aren’t you?” He rhetorically asked, but you nodded with a laugh regardless. 
“I can’t control it!” You exclaimed, your eyes watering over again. Harry chuckled at you, eyes crinkling and dimples showing from smiling so hard. “I’m not even sad. If anything I’m too happy!” 
“Well that’s a good thing, hmm?” 
“Yes, it is. Sorry!” You apologised for crying, feeling silly. “This is so embarrassing.” 
“Cry all you want, baby. It’s your day as much as it is mine. Any wins are yours to celebrate too.”
“Oh fuck off, you’re making me cry again…” You whined and Harry laughed along with your tears, before helping you reset your makeup in time to leave. 
You were backstage at the Grammys, in a room large enough to house all of Harry’s friends and family he had brought with him. 
Since you two weren’t publicly official, you decided it best if you stayed in the back room whilst Jeff, Kid and Tyler sat at the table with Harry. 
You had cried so much already from Harry winning best pop vocal album and his performance was just absolutely perfect. Someone had even had to bring another box of tissues for you, since you’d finished the first one you had been given. 
Anthony Pham had been taking photos of all the backstage fun and reactions, since Harry had asked to be kept updated on everything. Especially all of your reactions and enthusiasm. You had recorded yourself dancing and singing to his performance, ready to show him later.
“Oh my god, it’s the album of the year category.” Someone screamed and you pulled yourself away from the conversation you were having with Sarah to watch the screen.
You were already sitting on the sofa, but the next few moments of your life would be grateful for that.
The fans of the artists lined up on the stage, ready to give their respective artists the Grammy. Harry’s fan was an older woman and you aspired to be her when you were older. You couldn’t wait for the day you were 70 years old and still attending a Harry Styles concert with a feather boa. The woman was so cute and she reminded you of your grandma. Harry loved interacting with old people, so you were sure he would find her and hug her no matter the outcome of the award.
Trevor Noah stood centre stage and held the card in his hand. Everyone was on the edge of their seats waiting to hear the reveal for the biggest and most prestigious category the Grammys offered. 
“And the Grammy for album of the year goes to…” Trevor said.
He opened the envelope and paused for dramatic effect. 
You sat on the edge of the sofa, your leg bouncing anxiously. You clasped your hands together and stared at the screen so you didn’t miss a single moment. 
You were confused when Trevor didn’t announce the winner and instead moved over the fan of Harry. People in the room around you started to gasp lightly, catching on to what might be. Then the woman shakily held onto Trevor as she said the name.
“H-Harry Styles.” She said before screaming in congratulations. 
Your head fell into your hands as you sobbed. You had never cried so hard before, but this was an emotion worthy moment. Your sobs were heavy and loud, but they were silenced by the roar of cheers and laughter in the room. You were too buried in your hands to see, but everyone was up and screaming for Harry, running around the room. Sarah and Mitch had collapsed on one another in happiness. 
Someone came and hugged you from where you were hunched over. “He did it, Y/N, he did it!” They screamed excitedly and you couldn’t help but just cry and cry. You had never felt pride like this. 
Your emotions were so strong for someone who you’d only gotten to know for a mere five months. You were overwhelmed by how you felt for Harry in that moment, feeling nothing but… love.
Taking your face out of your hands you sat up and watched him with blurry eyes on the screen with his award. He himself looked really tearful and shaky with adrenaline. You just couldn’t put into words how you felt in that moment. 
The next five minutes were a complete blur. From Harry accepting the award from the woman, to Harry’s speech with Tyler and Kid. After they walked offstage you started crying all over again the minute someone said; “Harry is a three time Grammy winner!” 
You had no idea what you were going to say to him when you saw him, even if you saw him again tonight. No doubt he would be swept up in interviews, photos and parties. No matter, because you would have the rest of forever to express how proud you were of him. 
Anthony was busy snapping photos and you reminded yourself to have a look at them later, when you could actually see past your blurry eyes. 
As you started blowing your nose on a new tissue the uproar in the room started again and you shot your head around to see what was going on, only to see your boyfriend walk into the room with his Grammy held high. He cheered as his eyes watered, people patting him and ruffling his hair. Sarah gave him a tight hug and he kept on thanking her, no doubt because she had much of a part in the album as Harry did. 
You kept back, wanting Harry to get treated with the love from his closest friends and family first. You kept crying, picking out new tissues from the box every twenty seconds from how quickly you were using them. You definitely knew you looked a state, shoulders shaking from crying and clapping your hands in cheer. 
Harry’s eyes kept on you as he hugged the last few people, not turning his head away for one moment. You shook your head as you warned him not to come close, because he would only make the crying worse. You held out your hand to keep him at bay, walking backwards as he walked forwards. Harry was quicker than you, though, and used the arm not holding his Grammy to pick you up at the waist and give you a twirl. He spun you around, before safely landing you back down. 
You laughed out a sob when you finally got to look up at him close. A strand of his hair had fallen down over his forehead, but you made no effort to move it back into place. 
Cupping his cheeks with your shaky hands you licked your lips to wipe away the salty tears. His own tears were now silently falling, his eyes intensely focusing on you. His thumb was stroking soothing lines into your back and all you could think about was how he made you feel.
“Harry… I..” You started, hiccuping in between words.
Harry nodded encouragingly, “It’s okay. You can say it.” His eyebrows frowned as he anticipated what you’d say next.
“I.. I love you.” You said with a smile. 
Harry smiled nodding. He knew that’s what you wanted to say, because luckily he felt exactly the same way about you.
“I fucking love you, Y/N L/N.” And his lips were on yours for the rest of the night. And the rest of forever.
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forharrywriters · 2 years ago
Another Grammy one shot!! And it's a little spicy!! This was really good though and fun
And the Winner Is...
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“And the winner is…Harry Styles!”
Harry chuckles as he pulls you further down the leather seat of the limo, grinning as he noses under your jaw. “M’always a winner with you, Angel.”
Your lashes flutter, hands squeezing along his upper arms as you settle back against the door. “And would you like to know what you’ve won?”
He hums, fingers brushing down the curve of your neck. “Tell me.”
Your response is to slide your legs a bit further apart, subtly welcoming him in as he stills and glances down at the hemline of your dress as it travels up your lap.
You watch the way his pupils nearly triple in size. Watch his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows thickly. Watch the clench in his jaw as his nails begin to scratch down your hip. 
“Go ahead,” you whisper as his lips part with wonder. “Collect your prize.”
His eyes snap up, catching yours and forcing you to suck in a sharp breath. “All right then,” he agrees softly, hand coming out to guide your dress further along your stomach. “Well…I’d like to thank my wonderful girlfriend for this fantastic honor.”
Your lips pull back in a smirk at his teasing speech, but you can’t find a response in time before his touch becomes a bit too distracting.
“I’d like to thank her right leg…” he continues, a bit more salaciously as he smooths his palm across your inner thigh, guiding it even further to the side. “…and her left leg. For always being so…welcoming.”
You swallow a whine as you watch him move to the floor of the car and onto his knees, determined features glued to your cunt.
“I’d like to thank those pretty nails…” he muses, now reaching up to slide his fingers along the material of your underwear. “…for always painting such pretty pictures down my back.”
You watch the silk slip down your legs before it’s discarded carelessly somewhere behind him.
“I’d like to thank that pretty little neck…” His voice drops to a needy purr as he loops his arm around your waist to angle you up. “…for always feeling so good in my hands.”
He dips down to ghost his mouth just above your hip and your head drops back, unable to support itself any longer.
“I’d especially like to thank my two best friends…” he adds just as his other hand comes up to tug on the neckline of your dress until your chest is revealed. “…for always being there for me.”
You’d laugh if he wasn’t already groping your tit in his palm, tweaking your nipple between his fingers as you’re forced to gasp. 
“I’d also like to thank my favorite thing in the entire fucking world…” he hums, eyes flicking up for just a moment as his other hand finds your clit. You feel his thumb pressing into you before he’s dragging it down, making you squirm. “…for always being so fucking sweet. And inviting. And showing me just how badly I need it.”
And he’s so close. He’s so fucking close to giving you what you want. You can almost taste it, and you wish that he and his ego weren’t on such a power trip right now after winning that damn Grammy, because maybe then…he’d actually give you what you want.
Instead, he pauses. Nose and lips and hands and tongue only inches away.
He looks up. Grins at you like he’s the happiest goddamn man in the world. His smile bigger than when he was on the stage accepting the award. 
And your heart leaps.
“Couldn't have done it without you,” he finishes, winking before he finally concedes and drags his tongue along your cunt.
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Short but sweet, thank you so much for asking! Congratulations Harry! You deserve the world💞
~ Full Masterlist
~ Other Harry Blurbs
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forharrywriters · 2 years ago
You all are gonna have to let me know about all the Grammy fics
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forharrywriters · 2 years ago
THIS IS PERFECTION!! I'm not the biggest fan of bad bunny but I was dancing along to his performance but as a latina, I was thinking how I would've tried to get Harry up and dancing so this was perfect and just what I need, plus he's so cute just spinning her. And the ending!! We all know we're so proud of him so I'm very excited to see it
latina!y/n for Grammy blurb eso bc benito is nominated!!
it always feels weird to mention other celebrities in fics, but i just know y/n would be the life of the party at the grammys. enjoy!
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Harry was nervous about this year's Grammys, of course he was.
But trust his fiance to steal the show from him completely.
You were buzzing in a way you never had before. This year, you got to sit at a table with Harry and his team at the Grammys, but not only that, you had prime seating next to Adele, Lizzo, and Taylor Swift, and Beyonce. You promised yourself you would be on your best behavior, that you wouldn't make a fool out of yourself or Harry. There were going to be cameras everywhere, you didn't need that kind of media attention.
But the second tequila touched your lips and Bad Bunny appeared onstage, it was over.
"Get up and dance with me!"
It was only the first minute of the performance, but Y/n was on her feet and pulling Harry up with her. Both of them knew that Harry was on the shy side, and that he would've been more inclined to dance after a couple of drinks, so Y/n wouldn't have minded if he stayed sitting down. But to her surprise, he stood up.
She jumped up and down and squealed, and Harry could only smile at her in return as she began to dance to the opening performance. He swayed a little and clapped along, keeping his eyes on Y/n the whole time.
She was just so happy, like this music lived in her soul. Harry knew Y/n loved his music, but he also understood the pride his love was feeling as she listened to the music she grew up hearing in her native tongue. And honestly, it was quite magical to watch. And infectious too. So much so that she garnered the attention of some of the backup dancers that were moving through the crowd. They took over for Harry, who had been holding Y/n's hands and spinning her around every now and again.
Harry could hardly contain his smile as he admired Y/n. She was stunning in her red gown, even more so as she moved in perfect time with the music. This night was about him, and nerves had gripped him all day, but none of that mattered to him at that moment, not when her smile was so big it lit her from within.
From that moment on, there was hardly a moment when Y/n was sitting down. If someone was performing, she was up and dancing alongside Lizzo or Taylor, who were more than happy to match her energy.
Harry didn't mind that when people stopped by his table, they ended up having a conversation and sharing a drink with Y/n. In fact, he was happy to see his love so outgoing in public when she was usually so shy around such well-known faces.
Just a few months ago she was practically hiding behind his arm as he introduced her to Chris Pine, and now she was dancing with Doja Cat as Queen Latifah and Missy Elliott performed. Y/n had become the life of the party, yet few people knew who she was.
"She's absolutely lovely."
"She's a doll, Harry."
"I just ran into the nicest young woman, and she said she was with you!"
"Promise me you're coming to the after party."
Compliment after compliment after compliment, and Harry fielded each one proudly. So often Y/n got insecure about what the public thought of her, but she had completely enchanted every single person in the room tonight. It was better than any award Harry was up for tonight.
And then, of course, was the moment when Bad Bunny actually came over to their table at the commercial break, which of course was when Y/n went quiet. Harry shot her an amused look when she gripped his hand tightly and let him lead the conversation, especially when she was the one who spoke Spanish.
"And I saw you from the stage. I should've hired you to be one of my dancers," he said.
Y/n blushed and gripped Harry's hand even harder. "I...I'm just a huge fan. Of—Of your music, and what you've done for the Latinx community...I—"
She gushed to her favorite artist in a rush of Spanish that Harry managed to follow, that same beautiful smile on her face. Not an ounce of jealousy coursed through him, even as Bad Bunny smiled at his love in return. She was still holding his hand, and he knew what it was like to be moved by music, to get to express admiration for someone he'd been a fan of for a long time.
When Bad Bunny eventually left, Y/n loosed out a long breath. Harry leaned over and kissed her temple. "You did great, lovie."
"I think I just blacked out," she admitted, eyes wide with disbelief.
Harry grinned and kissed her again, pulling her chair closer to his. "I'll tell you all about it at the next commercial break.
It was the end of the night, the last award was about to be called. Once again, your hand was in Harry's, only this time he was gripping yours just as hard as you held his. His breaths were shaky as he waited for the winner to be announced. Harry was as humble as they came, and you knew he would be proud of whoever won the award, but you also knew how much pressure he put on himself. He wanted this, badly, and you wanted it for him.
Muttering prayer after prayer under your breath, you watched the stage, hardly blinking the entire time. When Trevor Noah looked down at the card, then walked over to the line of fans behind him, toward one in particular, you knew.
"Bubba, it's you. You—"
"H—Harry—Harry Styles."
The room erupted, but Harry curled in on himself, hiding his face in his hands. You were there in a heartbeat, resting a hand on his back and whispering softly in his ear. "You did it, bubba. I'm so proud of you. I love you. Now get up there. You deserve it."
Harry finally emerged, and you could tell he was close to crying. You hugged and kissed him briefly, then stepped out of the way to let Kid and Tyler embrace him. Lizzo was screaming and jumping beside you, turning her phone toward you to capture your reaction.
As Harry walked up to the stage and headed straight to the older woman who was his "biggest fan," you immediately had a thought. "Anne. Anne should be here."
You grabbed Harry's phone because it was closest to you and unlocked it, pulling up his mother's contact. The first ring barely went through before the FaceTime call connected. Harry's family was all together to celebrate, but you quickly hushed them as you turned the camera toward the stage.
The moment Harry began talking, you teared up. Harry was so sweet and so clearly awestruck that he couldn't find the words to properly express himself. But he deserved this, more than he thought he did. Harry worked so hard, created something so honest and endearing that you had no doubts that he would win (would you have minded if Beyonce or Bad Bunny won? No, but this was well deserved).
"And, uh, to my best friend, the love of my life, I love you. Thank you for making me the happiest man in the world and allowing me to create music that reflects that. This is for you."
"If you don't go meet your man backstage right now," Lizzo muttered to you, to which Anne muttered her approval from Harry's phone.
Laughing, you quickly dabbed your tears away and rushed off to where you saw Harry disappear moments ago.
Harry was shaking hands and receiving claps on the back from people backstage. He was smiling, but in a dumbstruck kind of way. He still couldn't quite believe he'd won the award for Album of the Year.
He'd stopped to talk to someone as he handed the Grammy back to a crew member (the real one with his name on it would come in a few days) when Kid tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. Kid nodded down the hall, and Harry followed his friend's gaze to where a woman in red was standing, her hands clasped together and searching. Searching for him.
Harry went over to her immediately, collapsing in her arms. Y/n held onto him fiercely, one hand cupping the back of his head while the other rubbed up and down his back. The force of everything that just happened crashed into him, and almost as if she knew, his love held him that much tighter, kissing the top of his head over and over again.
"I think I just blacked out up there," he said against her, not quite ready to face the rest of the world just yet.
Y/n tipped his head up and kissed him hard and quick. There was a look in her eye that had Harry blushing; it was the look she gave him whenever she wanted to pull him into the closest room with a lock and be alone for a while. But all she did was rub her thumb against his cheekbone affectionately. "I'll tell you all about it later."
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forharrywriters · 2 years ago
Insanely proud of Harry!! Album of the year!!
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forharrywriters · 2 years ago
I adore this bc they are so cute and sweet!! Genuinely making me want a boyfriend now 🤍🤍
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summary - you have an obsession with harry’s hoodie collection
warnings: swearing, it’s just pure fluff and i don’t think anyone is surprised
word count: +1.5k
pairing: uni!harry x uni!reader
Labitule; a hiding place or a place of safety and comfort.
Ever since you and Harry had become official you could not get enough of each other.
Everyone knew that you two were close beforehand, always watching movies in each others rooms or going on walks together, but now it was much more frequent and cuter. Now, you could share more of each other. 
Or maybe in your case steal Harry’s hoodie collection.
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forharrywriters · 2 years ago
Definitely take a look at the warnings before starting this one, take care of yourselves first and foremost 🤍
But I think the ending was so inspiring and I thought the idea of them being teachers and having their classes collaborate was very cute. The ending was perfect though and ended on a good note 🤍
love me tomorrow
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summary - you and Harry are high-school teachers and he loves you. the only issue is; you’re a married woman
warnings: domestic abuse/violence - both emotional and physical, swearing, it’s very much a hurt/comfort piece. this is pretty heavy going and i need you all to know that abuse isn’t okay, and i hope that you reach out to people if you need to. if you ever need a simple friend, for literally whatever reason, i’m always here! xx
pairing: teacher!harry x teacher!reader
word count: +13.8k
Life had been good to you. For the most part.
Life had given you a wholesome family who supported your every choice - even the drastic ones like choosing to live in Namibia for a year. Life had given you an incredible education, leading you on to a fulfilling life of educating the new generations. Life had given you so much love. Life had given you a healthy body and mind which you’d always cherished, up until recently.
Finding ‘the one’ in your life isn’t supposed to be an easy road, but you were challenged with the hardest of them all.
Rodger Cassidy. 
The name of the man who has made life feel meaningless and you feel worthless.
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forharrywriters · 2 years ago
I wasn't sure what to expect bc I've never seen the program, but I love how sneaky YN is. Loved seeing how she was beside Harry the whole time, and all the guests were so fun
the midnight game show
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summary - you and harry partake in the midnight gameshow with michael mcintyre
warnings: swearing, based off these
word count: +2.2k
pairing: husband!harry x reader
The screen was in black and white and some text appeared on the screen saying it was 1 A.M.
A small row of houses was being filmed, somewhere in the rural ends of London. There were very few street lights and even fewer people. There were a few people starting to file on screen, however, and that was Michael McIntyre and his TV crew.
The camera zoomed in on his face, but it was clear Michael wasn’t exactly sure where it was pointing in the dark as his eyes never focused in one place.
“Now this might be our biggest gameshow yet. It’ll be great for the views.”
He walked up the stairs that lead to a front door, the crew all stood behind him waiting for him to enter. The camera focused on him again as he held the microphone up to whisper-talk.
“I’ve been given the key by Y/N and been informed they have a creaky few stairs at the bottom of the staircase.”
The screen then showed some black and white scenes of the street and the security cameras on the house itself, that would no doubt be funny to watch back tomorrow morning.
“Now, let’s go and wake up Harry Styles.”
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forharrywriters · 2 years ago
I was definitely in the mood for something really sweet like this 🤍 what's really neat to see, for me at least is YN being inexperienced in relationships and Harry being patient and understanding with it
A/N: some college!harry content for you guys! it's not the fic i talked about earlier, but i hope you'll like it either way!
SUMMARY: Harry has been relentless to get you to date him. At a frat party you finally have a conversation that overturns everything.
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The party at the Sigma Tau house is full on raging, Harry is sat on the old, worn down couch on the back porch, watching an intense beerpong game when one of the freshmen appear next to him.
“H? You said you wanted me to let you know when she’s here,” the boy leans down, so Harry can hear his words over the beaming music. He nods. “Well, she just arrived with her roommate.”
“Thank you, Pete,” Harry nods and dismisses the boy, who disappears right away. Harry grabs his beer and downs the rest of it before rising from the couch.
“Where you going? I thought we are up next,” Mitch calls after him when he sees Harry rounding the couch to leave.
“Something came up,” Harry nods towards the house and Mitch already knows what that means.
“Ah, more like someone,” he smirks, swinging his arm around Sarah, who is sitting right next to him.
“Give me a break, not everyone has been in a happy relationship since the first day of college,” Harry snorts before leaving his friend behind.
Your roommate, Gina hands you a drink as you’re curiously eyeing the people around you. It’s your first party since the start of the new school year, you couldn’t go to the semester opening party a few weeks ago, because you arrived back to campus a few days after everyone, dealing with some family stuff back at home.
“Cheers to the hottest bitches on campus,” Gina grins, bumping her red cup against yours.
“Who would that be?” you chuckle, taking a sip from the drink, realizing just how strong it is, the vodka is already burning your throat.
“You and me in these hot outfits, you silly!” she winks at you before downing half of her drink right away, even though you know it’s just as strong as yours.
“There’s my baby!”
A six foot two mass of muscles shows up right behind Gina, locking her in his arms from behind, pressing a kiss to her cheek. She melts into Jaxon’s embrace with a lovesick look on her face.
“Hi babe, sorry we’re a bit late. Y/N didn’t want to come.”
“Hey! I didn’t even protest this time!” you scoff, making Gina laugh.
“Okay, it’s true, but I didn’t want Jax to know we were late because I had a mental breakdown about what to wear.”
“It’s alright, baby. I know how it goes with you,” Jax chuckles, kissing the top of her head sweetly. They are disgustingly love, have been dating for almost a year now and you just know they will be together even when you graduate. You’re happy for your friend, but you already know she’ll disappear with her boyfriend and leave you alone at the party, as always.
“I know what you’re thinking,” Gina says looking at you with narrowed eyes, slightly swaying in Jaxon’s arms.
“Mm, are you a mind reader?” you hum into your cup, taking another tiny sip.
“You think I’ll disappear with Jax and abandon you.” She gazes over your shoulder, a tiny smirk tugging on her lips before looking back at you. “I will disappear, but you won’t be abandoned.”
“What are you—“
“Hey princess,” a familiar voice speaks up behind you and when you turn around you’re met with none other than Harry Styles. Your heart skips a beat and you can feel your cheeks heating up and Harry enjoys it way more than he probably should, but he just loves getting you all nervous and flustered.
“Harry, hi,” you breathe out, looking at your grinning friend. She planned it. She made a pact with Harry to keep you company while she sneaks away with her boyfriend.
On one hand it’s sweet, but on the other, she knows how you feel about Harry. She knows you have a crush on him, but you’re also trying to keep him away from you. When you met him through Jaxon last year it seemed like your crush was mutual, that Harry seemed to like you too, yet you still shut the door right into his face when he tried to shoot his shot, several times since then.
Harry is in a frat, he’s popular and could date any girl on campus. Why would he want to be with you? You’re not the kind of girl frat boys date, you only go to a handful of parties throughout the year, you’re more focused on your studies, you’re never the girl guys notice upon first sight. Gina is.
At first you thought it’s just a game for Harry, you kind of still do. He probably just wants you to be another punch on his belt, a story he can laugh about with his frat friends, but you thought he would have already given up. Yet, he is still right here, grinning down at you, when he could be hitting on any girls at the party.
“Harry volunteered to keep you company so you don’t have to third wheel us, how nice of him!” Gina sighs dreamily and you give her a hard look. “I’ll find you later, okay? Don’t leave alone,” she says before grabbing Jaxon’s hand and pulling him upstairs to lock themselves up in his room for a while. They always do this.
Sighing you turn to look at Harry, who is standing so close to you, you can smell his cologne and see every little freckle on his face. He is annoyingly handsome, even with that stupid grin on his face and you hate him for it.
“You don’t have to babysit me, I’ll be fine on my own.”
“I’m not babysitting you, just eager to spend time with you,” he corrects you. “Because I like being with you, princess.”
That damn nickname. He’s been calling you princess since day one and for a long time you didn’t know why. One time you had a particularly bad day and ran into Harry. He could sense your distress and talked you into taking a walk with him, he listened to you rage about everything that went wrong that day and he bought you an ice-cream. It was incredibly sweet of him and that day you felt like you fell for him a bit and the wall you were trying to pull up between the two of you was falling down.
You asked him why he calls you princess that day.
“Because you act like a princess, in a good way. You’re nice to everyone, always know what to say and you’re as smart as I imagine a princess to be,” he told you with a smirk as he walked you back to your dorm.
“So it’s not because you think I’m spoiled?” you chuckled.
“You? Spoiled? Y/N, I saw you yearn after the last chocolate pudding in the cafeteria only to then give it to Gina because she was on her period and wanted something sweet. A spoiled princess would have never done that,” he said and your jaw almost dropped to the floor that he noticed it and also remembered it.
“So you pass on the chance to flirt with other girls just to keep me company?” you ask, lifting your cup to your lips, taking another sip, but you frown at the strength of it.
“You don’t like your drink?” he asks, ignoring your question.
“It’s a bit too strong. Gina made it.”
“Oh, I see. Gina is one hell of a mixer,” he chuckles. “Let me make you another one.”
He doesn’t even wait for your answer, already steps to the counter to do so while carrying on with the conversation.
“So, when are we going on a date, Y/N?” he asks so shamelessly, so easily while your heart is about to burst out of your chest at his question.
“Aren’t you tired of it, Harry?” you sigh, hoping to hide your true reaction to his words. He stops and gives you a sidelook before finishing up your drink and turning to face you fully.
“Aren’t you tired of rejecting me, Y/N?” he simply asks.
Sighing you fold your arms on your chest, not sure what to do or say. He confuses you. Or more like your feelings for him and his obvious interest in you. As you stand in the kitchen you could spot at least four girls eyeing him with dreamy looks in their eyes as they watch Harry, who is only looking at you. You’re not used to anyone flirting with you this openly, showing you interest and going after you no matter what. The attention alone would be unusual to you, but receiving it from Harry is just the cherry on top.
Harry can see the gears turning in your head and he drops the humorous act as he hands you your new drink and places his hand to your upper arm.
“Why don’t we have a talk somewhere more private?” he asks and your eyes widen at the thought of being alone with him. “Just to talk, Y/N. I promise. Do you trust me?”
“I do,” you nod and actually mean it.
He moves his hand to your lower back and ushers you out of the kitchen and right to the stairs leading to the second floor where the bedrooms are. You move past some couples making out in the hallway until you reach Harry’s room. He opens the door for you and you step inside, earning the first glimpse of his private space for the very first time.
It’s cleaner than you expected, his double bed is neatly made, the messiest spot in the room is his desk that’s packed with textbooks and notes, his backpack sitting on the chair. He has a guitar in the corner and an oldschool vinyl player too on top of a sidetable, a collection of records stacked next to it.
You don’t want to pry too much, so you just awkwardly stop in the middle of the room and turn to face Harry.
“So, let’s talk, princess.”
“Okay,” you breathe out, taking a sip from your new drink. It obviously has a lot less alcohol in it, mixed with something sweet and savory.
“Why do you keep running from me?” he asks bluntly, gesturing towards his bed to invite you to sit on the edge with him.
“I’m not running from you,” you reply, but you don’t sound convincing at all.
“Yes you are, since the first time we met,” he says, but he doesn’t seem to be hurt, he even grins at you as you fumble with your cup in your hands. “It’s alright, I like a little challenge,” he adds. “But… I feel like there’s more behind it. Did I do something you didn’t like?”
“No! No, you didn’t do… you didn’t do anything,” you say, not wanting him to get the wrong idea. He has been nothing but respectful and nice towards you.
“Okay, then what is it? If you don’t like me, just say so and I’ll be out of your hair. I wouldn’t want to bother you.”
You were not ready to have a conversation like this, but he kind of cornered you. You also haven’t really had a talk like this yet and your anxiety is rising with each passing moment.
“I like you,” you admit quietly, avoiding to look at him. Harry’s smile stretches from ear to ear.
“Great, because I like you too. A lot. Now that we have discussed it, why don’t you want to date me?”
“The question should be: Why do you want to date me?” you turn it around.
“Because I like you. I thought we were already over this,” he chuckles, tilting his head slightly. Sighing you place your cup to the nearest surface before sitting back next to him, looking for the right words.
“But I’m not… I’m not really the girls you usually hang out with.”
“What do you mean? I hang out with you and Gina.”
“The girls, Harry. The girls who are downstairs right now, probably waiting for you to go down so they can shoot their shot with you.”
“Y/N, for a princess, you are very stereotypical,” he smirks. “But I’ll let it slide for you this one time,” he teases you chuckling. “I don’t hang out with those girls. Most of them just want to hook up with someone from the frat to get into our little circle. There are guys who like that, but I don’t. I’m not really into hooking up with a different person every other week. I’m more like the kind who dates the sweet girl he met through a friend, even though she makes him work for it,” he says grinning and your heart is right about to jump out of your ribcage from just the way he is looking at you.
Reaching over he gently takes your hand in his and gives it a squeeze, then he keeps running his thumb back and forth over your knuckles.
“I want to date. And I want to date you. So now that this is off the table too, do you have anything else you want to talk about?”
“I’m… I haven’t… I haven’t really dated anyone yet,” you admit, feeling the heat crawl up through your neck to your face. You’ve never actually said it out loud, because you feel ashamed. Second year of college and you haven’t even been on a date, it’s ridiculous, though it’s not like you chose things to turn out this way. The boys you like in high school never liked you back, you went to prom with just your group of friends and time just flew by without you ever actually being in a relationship.
Harry stares back at you for what feels like forever, his hand still holding yours between the two of you on the mattress. That little evil voice in the back of your mind is telling you that he’ll call you a loser and ask you to leave his room, but it never happens.
“Then I would love to be the first one you date,” he finally speaks up. “I promise you I’ll treat you like a princess,” he smiles warmly at you and it takes your breath away.
Chewing on your bottom lip you’re at a loss of words. What should you say? You’ve never been in a situation like this and your lack of experience is now louder than ever before.
“Don’t overthink it, Y/N. We can do this slow, just a couple dates, nothing to stress about,” he softly says as if he could read your mind.
“You don’t mind it that I would need… time?”
“We have plenty of that,” he smiles back at you. “And you are worth all the time, Y/N.”
It’s like you can finally breathe after a long time, relief washes over you and a sense of safety and trust wraps around you as you look at him. He brings your hand to his lips and kisses your knuckles, your skin buzzes where his lips touch you.
“Why don’t we go back down? And just so you know, I don’t expect anything from you, just want to spend time with you.”
The two of you leave his room and join the party downstairs, as if nothing really happened, Harry keeps staying close to you, but he is not trying to touch you in any way that would give away that something is happening between you and him. You stand outside by the beerpong table and watch the game, Harry standing right next to you. Looking up at him you take a moment to admire his face, his chiseled jawline, the bridge of his nose, his curly eyelashes. Your heart is pitter-pattering when you think about the fact that this guy likes and wants you.
Before you could overthink it, you slip your hand into his and lace your fingers together. Harry peeks down at you, a hint of surprise playing in his green irises, but he squeezes your hand and gifts you with a tiny, barely noticeable smile before turning back to the game.
Jaxon is the designated driver that night and when Gina decides it’s time to return to the dorm sometime around two am, Harry walks you to the car and his words ring in your ears that he doesn’t expect anything from you.
But you actually want to show him, that you want him and that you’re thankful for his patience with you.
So when you reach the car and you turn to face him, you act before you could stop yourself. Pushing closer to him you tiptoe and press your lips against him. Once again, you catch him by surprise, but after a moment he recovers and curls an arm around your waist, pulling you closer while his other hand cups your face, taking control over the kiss.
It’s not too passionate, he is definitely holding back, but it still curls your toes as his lips move against yours. He pulls back even though you both crave more, but he wants to keep his word and move slow to give you time to adjust.
“First date. Tomorrow. I’ll pick you up at five,” he says before pecking your lips shortly.
“Okay,” you nod out of breath.
He stands by the curb as Jaxon drives away and you watch him in the mirror until he disappears from your view. You’re smiling like an idiot and just moments later you get a text message. Pulling your phone out of your pocket you can’t help but smile dreamily seeing the message.
HARRY: Can’t wait to treat you like a princess. See you tomorrow! xx
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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forharrywriters · 2 years ago
A NEW BABY!!! I loved being able to see all these different stages of the pregnancy, every step of the way really even getting glimpses into how it was with their other babies. But this is very much pure and sweet, although I just remembered there's smut
The Birth of Quinn Styles
Summary: a little journey through Y/n surprise pregnancy. Racer!harry
warnings: not proof read. smut, fingering if you squint, oral (f receiving) if you squint, p in v, pregnancy sex, swearing, obviously mentions of pregnancy, obviously mentions of birth, mentions of vasectomy?? that should be it. lots of fluff :)
wc: 8.4k
It’s not totally impossible…right? 
It was almost a full year ago, once Poppy turned one they decided that she would be their last baby, go out with a bang since she was their first and last girl.
 It’s been almost a year, so he’s just letting his mind run out of control… right? 
There is no way. 
He’s just being dramatic… 
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forharrywriters · 2 years ago
This is such a dream on different levels but so cute how it worked out and his gesture at the end :)
A/N: week 2 of fanficmas yeah!! this was the first fic i wrote, some good ol' college!harry to get you all cozy hehe
SUMMARY: You decided to spend two more days at the dorm before heading home to have some peace and work on your assignments. However you didn't expect them to turn the heating off once everyone left. No worries, the hot guy living next door is ready to keep you warm.
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This fic is part of ❄️ FANFICmas 2022 ❄️ Read more about fanficmas here!
You thought staying two extra days in the dorm before going home for the holidays would be a great idea. Have some quiet and peace for yourself, finish some assignments so you don’t stress about them during Christmas. Theoretically, it was a fantastic idea.
In reality? The worst one you’ve ever had.
You didn’t think they would turn down the heating the moment the dorm empties out. Well, it’s a logical thing to do, but it never occurred to you and you only realized it when the temperature started dropping significantly after the last wave of students left in the morning. You went out to run errands and you could feel the change when you arrived back. The hallways were chillier and your room started to feel like a cave. At first you just sucked it up, put on a hoodie, wrapped yourself in a blanket and got down to business. Your uncle always said you can decide whether you’re cold or not, so you kept thinking about hot things to keep your mind off of how freezing it was starting to get.
Hot tea.
Hot chocolate.
A tub of hot water.
Freshly baked, hot cookies.
The hot guy next door.
Wait, what? How did you end up thinking about Harry?
As you sit on your bed with your textbooks surrounding you, an all too familiar voice makes your ears perk up. You’d recognize it anywhere and it never fails to make your heart pitter-patter, but now you’re surprised to hear it since you thought you were the last one left in the building.
Well, you were wrong.
You hear Harry Styles striding down the hallway, singing Jingle Bells without a care. You get out of bed before you could think and throw your door open, catching him by surprise judging from the little jump he does as he turns around.
“Y/N? You’re still here?”
“I was just about to ask the same question from you,” you chuckle, stepping out into the hallway, but your smile soon turns into shock when you see him sporting shorts and just a shirt. “How have you not turned into ice wearing that?”
Chuckling he looks down at himself.
“I have a heater of my own. I could turn my room into a sauna,” he jokes and you can’t help a stupid laugh that slips out of your mouth.
You always lose your cool around him, he’s been your ultimate college crush since you moved in at the beginning of the semester and you usually end up making a fool of yourself in front of him. Whether it’s talking gibberish or dripping eggs when he walks into the kitchen, he has seen you at your worst in these two months you’ve been living next to each other.
“You’re not going home for winter break?” he asks, striking up a conversation and you pray you don’t embarrass yourself this time.
“Oh, I am, but only late tomorrow. Wanted some alone time before going home to the family, study and stuff, you know…”
“Clever,” he nods with a smile.
“What about you?”
“I’m leaving tomorrow too, I was supposed to go home today, but my flight got cancelled.”
“That sucks, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” he shrugs. “You’re sitting in your cold room all by yourself?”
“Well, not everyone has their own fireplace,” you snort out a laugh, but it sounded funnier in your head for sure.
“Come over to mine,” he offers and you have to fight yourself not to let your mouth hang open.
You’ve hung out before, ran into each other at parties and while your crush is deeply rooted at this point, you two aren’t exactly the closest friends, you haven’t been in his room before, haven’t even hugged him so entering into his private space is the most intimate you’d ever get with him.
“Um, I don’t want to bother—“
“Y/N, you’re not bothering, I’m just playing video games.”
“B-But still…”
“You’d rather freeze to death in your room than to be around me? I have to say I’m a little hurt.” With a hand over his heart he gives you a disappointed look, though you can tell he’s just teasing you.
“You really don’t mind?”
“I wouldn’t have invited you over if I did. Come on, bring all your stuff.”
And so you end up moving over to Harry’s room that feels like paradise. The temperature is perfect, you can get rid of your hoodie as you settle on top of his bed while he sits by his desk with his PC, some kind of action game paused on the screen.
His room is oddly tidy for a college boy. The bed was made even before you appeared, there are no dirty clothes on the floor, only in the hamper in the corner, his bookshelf is crowded, but it seems to have a system in it that probably only he knows.
“Is it warm enough?” he asks, settling at his computer.
“Yeah, thanks,” you nod, feeling a bit out of place, but the warmth feels nice.
“Cool,” he nods before turning back to his game and unpausing it.
For the first hour you just coexist in peace. It takes you some time to focus on studying with Harry being so close and also being in Harry’s room, but the feeling wears down and you can finally work efficiently while he keeps himself busy with his game. But then he stops playing and becomes more interested in whatever you are doing.
“You haven’t finished this sheet yet?” he asks, holding up the statistics task sheet you’ve been putting off for over a month now.
“No,” you sigh in defeat. “I’m not really good at statistics.”
“Want me to help? I’m in Dr. Thomson’s Thursday class, but we went over the same thing too.”
“It’s my homework, I don’t want to bore you with it.”
“It’s fine, I actually liked these tasks.”
So then the evening turns into tutoring, Harry sits on the bed beside you, explaining you how to solve the tasks and even shows a better method you understand way more than what you were taught. After that, he just sticks to studying with you, though it slowly turns into anything and everything but studying. He clearly loses interest in helping you, but he doesn’t seem to want to leave you alone and your focus breaks too. Of course you’d rather hang out with Harry than write a paper on Switzerland’s economy!
You’re having a blast. Both of you. It’s the first time hanging out one-on-one, but it’s going better than you imagined. You haven’t made a fool out of yourself, even cracked some jokes that made him laugh, though he is surely the funnier one. He is telling you all kinds of crazy stories from before college and also asks you about your high school years.
“Mm, this was great, though I did not get as much done as I planned to,” you chuckle, taking a look at your stack of textbooks.
“But we had a good time and that’s all that matters,” he grins at you, hugging his pillow.
“Alright. I’ll get out of your hair,” you move to pack your things and return to your room, but then he speaks up.
“What are you doing?”
“Going back to my room.”
“You didn’t think I would let you sleep in the cold, did you?”
“What, you want me to sleep here?” you raise your eyebrows at him.
“Sure. There’s plenty of space for us. You’re sleeping here tonight,” he simply states.
About twenty minutes later, you’re sitting on the edge of his bed in your pajamas, waiting for him to return from his shower.
You’re really about to sleep in the same bed as Harry Styles. Hopefully you won’t kick him in the groin or say something stupid in your dreams or drool on him or—“
“You look worried,” he comments as he walks in, dropping his used clothes into his hamper. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah, everything is fine. Totally awesome and perfect!”
God, you are so awkward!
“Okay,” he smiles to himself. “Take whatever side you want. It’s not a king sized bed, but it’s fine for two people for one night.”
You gulp at the thought of Harry spending the night here with another girl, jealousy bubbles in your chest.
“At least Niall and I survived the time he got locked out of his room,” he adds with a chuckle and you exhale in relief.
You end up taking the inner side of the bed and you lie on your side as he makes himself comfortable on the outer side. It’s really not too spacious, but at least it’s warm and smells like Harry.
“Thanks for… letting me crash here,” you whisper into the silence. Harry turns to you with a tiny, but charming smile.
“I’m glad it’s you I have to share my warmth with,” he cheekily says and heat rushes into your cheeks right away. “Good night, Y/N.”
“Good night, Harry.”
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You knew you’d end up tangled together. It was inevitable in such a small space. But still, your heart starts racing when you wake up and find yourself cuddling Harry, who has his arms around you as well. He’s warm and soft, definitely meant to be cuddled in your humble opinion.
He stirs in his sleep and your heart jumps when his eyes flutter open. He doesn’t move away, in fact, he pulls you closer as he exhales lazily.
“Good morning,” he mumbles groggily.
“Mornin’,” you breathe out, feeling like a giddy little girl.
 “I hope you weren’t cold,” he chuckles softly and you feel his chest vibrating underneath your cheek.
“No. I felt nice and warm.”
“Alright,” he smiles. “When is your flight?”
“Five thirty. What about yours?”
“Six. Want to share an Uber to the airport?”
“Sure,” you nod.
You spend most of your time left together. You grab a late breakfast, then hang out in his room and not just because his room is the only place in the building that hasn’t turned into a freezer. It feels natural to be around each other.
Then you share a ride to the airport, grab coffee and then wait together until it’s time for you to go to your gate.
“Well, have a great time at home,” he smiles at you.
“You too. Thanks for… everything,” you chuckle softly. “I’ll see you after the break and...”
Don’t forget about me, you want to say, but you bite it back.
There’s something hanging between the two of you, something unsaid and you fear you’ll have to leave without changing that.
“Okay, I’ll… go,” you mumble, grabbing your suitcase, but before you could walk away, Harry pulls you back.
“When we come back, do you want to… Do you want to go out? With me?”
You can’t stop your mouth from hanging open this time, his question came as a total shock.
“Honestly, I’ve been crushing on you for a while, but every time we spoke you seemed so frightened and ran away, so I took it as a sign,” he admits with a nervous chuckle. “But I think last night was nice, I liked hanging out with you and there’s a chance you feel the same way, so I thought I would… shoot my shot.”
You open your mouth, but then close it as his words sink in. He thought you didn’t like him. Because you ran away from him. But that was because you were into him. What a mess.
“Yes,” is all that comes out of your mouth at last.
“Yes as in…?”
“Yes, I want to go out with you,” you elaborate chuckling. “And I only ran away because I really liked you and I was too nervous.”
You watch his face light up before he nods.
“Great! I mean, not that you were too nervous,” he grins. “So then… Date. When we come back.”
“Yeah,” you nod, mirroring his widening smile. “I have to… I have to go now.”
“Alright. See you… next year then,” he chuckles and leaning closer he kisses the corner of your mouth before you part ways.
After that, you’re basically glued to your phone, nonstop talking to Harry throughout winter break and you’ve never wanted to return to school so badly before. You text, call and send pictures to each other continuously and you can’t even remember the times when it wasn’t like this.
When you return to campus in January, your excitement is kicking high, though on the day of your arrival, Harry’s responses come way less often than they used to, but you’re not trying to see too much into it.
As you’re unpacking your suitcase there’s a knock on your door and when you open it, your heart skips not just one, but probably several beats when you see him standing in the hallway with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.
“Don’t you feel cold in here? I think you should come over to my room.”
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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