Forest for the Trees
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forest · 9 years ago
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Tenderin pystytysporukka ja ensimmäinen hirsisatsi saapui tontille tänään iltapäivällä. Muutamaa tuntia myöhemmin ensimmäisen kerroksen seinät olivatkin jo pystyssä. Sujuisipa kaikki rakennuksella tätä tahtia…
The first round of logs for the garage and the assemblers arrived today in the afternoon. A few hours later the ground floor walls were more or less erected.
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forest · 10 years ago
Hitler kuulee Vapaavuoren Fennovoima-päätöksestä.
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forest · 14 years ago
Puhdas ehkä, mutta myös aika mitäänsanomaton.
Erik Spiekermann:
Nokia’s typeface goes from strong to bland.
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forest · 14 years ago
AIR, like the cross-platform widget toolkits and application frameworks that came before it, is the gray mystery meat of client-side software. It gets the job done, but it’s hard to stomach. For anyone who used a computer in the 1990s, AIR probably brings back scarring memories of Java apps: slow, ugly, inconsistent, awkward.
Suomalaiselle riittää, kun avaa Sampopankin verkkopankin.
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forest · 15 years ago
> President Goodluck Jonathan has directed that Nigeria withdraws from international competition for two years to enable the country to put its house in order.
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forest · 15 years ago
Change your settings so that when you reply to a note, the note you're replying to is included below what you write (this is called quoting).
Seth Godin has his own definition of "quoting". (via [Vesa](
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forest · 15 years ago
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> If I only had one finger on each hand, I'd leave out unnecessary letters too! Hyperbole and a Half: The Alot is Better Than You at Everything
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forest · 15 years ago
Don't miss the [blog post]( about the rationale behind the plugin.
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forest · 15 years ago
Bet Against the American Dream Also [available as an mp3 file]( Don't miss the [score sheet](
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forest · 15 years ago
The only thing Apple owes Adobe is decade of torturous knuckle dragging. Let’s see if Flash is still around in 2020. Maybe Steve Jobs will accommodate Adobe by throwing in a version of Flash with iPhone OS 14 as payback for Adobe sticking it out like a trouper.
Five Tremendous Apple vs. Adobe Flash Myths
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forest · 15 years ago
> I’m a principled person. Apple’s offended my principles. Consequently, I’ve decided to abandon iPhone development. I won’t work in this ask-permission environment any longer. A bold move, especially considering the following: > Mobile Orchard is — well, was — how I earned a living. Teaching iPhone dev classes, plus a little from advertisers and our holiday bundle, provided enough income for me to keep my kids and wife warm, clothed and fed. So I need a new source of income. This week's Apple news are definitely tearing me apart.
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forest · 15 years ago
Why the hell not.
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forest · 15 years ago
Meanwhile, lots of social media types are talking about brands and branding as if these were new and hip things. They’re not. They’re heavy and old. We need to move on, folks. Think of something human instead. When a friend came back from SXSW recently, we talked about how, at the show, it was “social every fucking thing there is.” The term SEFTTI was thus coined.
Brands are boring
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forest · 15 years ago
Jim Hoskins dissects AdLib, the Javascript library Apple uses in its iPad-optimized version of the iPhone reference library (you [need to be using an iPad or the iPad emulator to see the correct version]( This is presumably the iPad equivalent of [PastryKit](, Apple's UI Javascript library for iPhone. > After extracting the JavaScript and de-minifying it, my suspicions were confirmed. Apple was manually reading the touch events, calculating the inertia of the scrolling, and manually drawing the scroll bars. It was incredible that it worked so smoothly in the browser.
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forest · 15 years ago
[H]ave you ever paid a company to fix a service you already pay for? You will.
Khoi Vinh on AT&T's plans to sell $100 miniature cell towers to its customers to improve its reception.
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forest · 15 years ago
The king wisely had the computer scientist beheaded, and they all lived happily ever after.
EE versus CS
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forest · 15 years ago
Gregg Pollack shares the inside scoop of what happened with Rails Envy (hint: no drama).
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