forbiddenraider · 1 year
now i’m thinking about how men are like “hmm. i don’t get it” in regards to Barbie and how women spend their whole lives listening to men’s stories and learning how to relate to them abstractly because they’re not made for them. now the roles are reversed and instead of men being willing to find themselves in a story about women and motherhood and daughterhood, they shut down because they’re not forced to empathize the way women are.
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forbiddenraider · 2 years
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WLW GIF MEME: ↳ [4/9] tv characters ► brittany s. pierce (glee)
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forbiddenraider · 2 years
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forbiddenraider · 2 years
“are you okay” no bro i constantly feel like i am too much but simultaneously not enough
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forbiddenraider · 2 years
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Can't think of a greater gift!
I made this on twitter 2 years ago, enjoy xD
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forbiddenraider · 2 years
for adora's birthday, here's some mini rewritten scenes!
adora - they're trying to kill you! they see you as a threat!
catra - can't you tell them to stop?!
adora - oh, why didn't i think of that before? i could just tell them to stop! silly me! no, i can't tell them to stop! even if i could, i wouldn't!
catra - uh, good thing i didn't ask you to protect me.
adora - riiight, i suppose you have a plan?
catra - obviously!
adora - and that is what? there's only one way out, and it's forward. so, unless you plan on being eaten alive, i suggest you be quiet and follow me.
catra - you always have to be the hero, don't you?!
adora - it's called trying to help. you should try it sometime.
catra - you never helped me! not in any way that would get you on shadow weaver's bad side!
adora - wait- okay, so, you were mad at me for trying to protect you, now you're mad that i never protected you?
catra - you-
adora - you know what? i don't have time for this. i have actual friends that need my help. step aside.
catra - yes, i keep having these horrible visions of a brunette, who thinks she's better than everyone, barging into my room all day. oh, wait.
adora - ... you know what? *pushes her off the bed*
catra - OW! what the hell was-
adora - will you grow up?! i saved your life knowing damn good and well i didn't have to! and trust me, if you keep acting like this, i will drop you off on the nearest planet and leave! i don't care if it's barren, i don't care if you survive! so, make your choice and own it, catra!
bow - are you petting the thing that's trying to kill us?
adora, curtly - says the one who called her cute earlier.
bow - ... *steps back* point taken, sorry.
catra - i'm sorry. i got angry. it's something i'm working on.
adora - wow, another apology! impressive. and trust me, anger is not your only problem.
catra - will you just-
adora - and the one thing you haven't hurt or destroyed, and it's a foreign alien creature. hurtful, catra. so hurtful.
catra - a town that hates princesses? should i buy property here?
adora - *glaring daggers at her*
catra - *sweats* i-i mean-
adora - watch it.
adora - how are we supposed to fight our own friends?
catra - tch, it never stopped you before.
adora - *growls, throws dirt in catra's eyes*
catra - *yelps*
adora - there, now i can think.
catra - shadow weaver is sacrificing you! why can't you see that?!
adora - STOP! stop talking down to me, stop hovering around me- just back off! i don't need to explain myself to you. we're NOT FRIENDS! ( if you know, you know )
catra - ...
catra - why are you like this?! why do you always have to sacrifice everything for everyone else?
adora - ... "the world would still be standing if you had never come through that portal in the first place."
catra - what?
adora - don't remember? lemme jog your memory. *punches her in the face*
catra - NGH! *falls onto the ground*
adora - don't act like you know me. don't act like you care about me. just leave. that's what you're good at. and if i ever see you again, i'll finish what you started.
bow - adora?
adora - *looks behind her*
glimmer and bow - *walking up to her, forming a group hug around her*
adora - it's over... they're all gone...
glimmer - good riddance.
bow - what do you say to a bit of rest?
adora - please.
glimmer and bow - *laugh*
happy birthday, my starling.
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you are strong.
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you are beautiful.
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you are brave.
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for so long, you have suffered.
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at the hands of your mother.
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at the hands of your sister.
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even at the hands of your friends.
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though i know you're not real, i hope you're okay.
happy birthday, my starlight.
you deserved so much more.
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forbiddenraider · 2 years
Okay listen, because nothing was ever going to prepare me for this, but when I first came out*, I had no idea what a profound effect that was going to have on other people.
I thought I was braced for the bad stuff, how some people’s fear about what your simple existence means can dampen, darken, and corrode your joy, your sense of safety. I wasn’t prepared for the scale of that, but that’s not what this post is about.
I had no fucking clue that my existence as a queer person taking up space could mean so much joy and relief for others. And I was utterly unprepared for how that has only increased as I’ve aged, and as the world has become more connected. Eventually, a young trans man explained it to me, saying that seeing me just… living, 30 years older than him, brought him hope, a model for the future, that there was a future, for the first time. Several others chimed in to say the same and I felt airless for a dizzying second. I hadn’t been able to really understand, until that point, why various younger queer folk would thank me on Twitter, call me and others like me icons. We’d shrug: We’re just… being, we’d say. Exactly, they’d reply.
I thought that things were easier for young, queer folk now. That they have more access to information and vocabulary and acceptance than we did, growing up. Hell, I might never have worked out my gender stuff if younger folk weren’t out there being loud about their pronouns, breaking down microlabels, and sharing their feelings about their existence.
And that’s also true, but being visibly queer, and over 30, and it not being a tragedy? That gives people enormous hope. That’s a landmark to reach, a future to picture yourself in. My life is nowhere near perfect, but it exists.
And heavens, it’s good to know that these proliferating silver hairs and wrinkles are beautiful signs for those who long for the decades’ stretch between now and then.
(*still not quite realising that it’s something you do again and again, and sometimes additionally, if - like me - you find yourself going “oh, and this thing too”)
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forbiddenraider · 2 years
She is drop dead gorgeous. 🌹❤
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I am in love.
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forbiddenraider · 2 years
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i really do. love you. yeah? yeah. then shut up and do something about it.
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forbiddenraider · 2 years
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just another white lady and her damn sword,
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forbiddenraider · 2 years
Aloy, meeting literally any tribe :
"Not to be that girl but someone gotta tell you that your ancestral traditions suck ass"
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forbiddenraider · 2 years
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Had fun with the panel composition on this one.
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forbiddenraider · 2 years
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another life
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forbiddenraider · 2 years
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Horizon Forbidden West - scenery [23/?]
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forbiddenraider · 2 years
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forbiddenraider · 2 years
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"Korra and Asami (are) almost. . . Spirits themselves, their bodies pasing through each other" with the vines and other objects providing an allegory for humans and Spirits no longer baring boundaries between each other and learning to coexist and cohabitate."(Rachel Roberts: Note Editor for Patterns in Time Anthology)
Happy Korrasami Day!
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forbiddenraider · 2 years
Hello everyone,
I found an article explaining how ADHD appears in girls/women. So I wanted to share it. According to this article:
ADHD symptoms can vary widely, but young girls with the disorder tend to be more inattentive and distracted than hyperactive and impulsive. Research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that boys ages 3 to 7 are more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than girls.
That's because teachers and parents are more likely to recognize classroom behaviors and refer young boys for testing, said J. Russell Ramsay, director of the Adult ADHD Treatment and Research Program and a professor of clinical psychology in psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania.
The link to this article will be below in case you all would like to read it.
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