for-writing-shit · 21 days
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cheer up, carlitos!!
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for-writing-shit · 24 days
Shut Up — js
AUTHOR: this one is for @jannikwpasta <3
“Y/N, drop it,” Jannik wasn’t planning on showing up to New York and immediately getting himself in a fight with his coach’s daughter. He wasn’t one to pick up fights with people but you, for some reason, always managed to get the worst out of him.
“Drop it? Okay. We’ll just tell him you started using drugs, that’s totally fine, Jannik,” you sighed and crossed your arms over your chest. Jannik rolled his eyes and started unpacking his bag. He was supposed to be on court in fifteen minutes.
“Yea sure,” he tries to end this nonsensical conversation. But you weren’t one to back away easily, well at least not with Jannik. The red head wasn’t facing you as he took his clothes from his bag.
“You can be such a dick, you know that?” You continued, staring at his back. You watched as he sighed and ignored you again.
“Anna probably would agree with me…” that was a low blow. Even for you. You watched as Jannik stopped in his tracks and stilled for a moment. He then proceeded to turn around and stare at you.
“Che cazzo hai detto?” (What the fuck did you just say?) he uttered staring you down. Anna was still a sensitive topic for him, having broken up around June.
“Now you can hear me? Fuck off,” you flipped him off and turned around to leave the room. But before you could even think about it, a hand got ahold of your wrist and pulled you back. You almost lost your balance and held onto Jannik’s arms.
“Chi cazzo ti pensi di essere, uh? Solo perché Darren è tuo padre non vuol dire che non ti—“ (who the fuck do you think you are, uh? Just cause Darren is your dad it doesn’t mean that I can’t—) Jannik stopped himself mid sentence and clenched his jaw. You were now the one tilting your head to the side and raising your eyebrows, inciting him to continue.
“Nono, finish what you were saying. C’mon,” you glared at him. His curls fell messily over his forehead and his green eyes had never looked darker. You two had always had a rocky relationship but lately it had become worse.
“Or are you too scared? That I’ll tell my dad? Is that so? You’re scared big ol’ Darren will—“
“Stai zitta o ti azzittisco io,” (shut up or I’ll make you) he mumbled through gritted teeth. You gripped his arms even harder, almost hoping to leave him with marks.
“Oh yea? Think you would be able? You? Do you even know how to?” You mocked him. Jannik swiftly let go of your wrist and pushed you up against the wall, his hand finding place around your neck. Not choking you but simply tilting your head back and forcing you to look up at him. Your breath hitched in your throat and goosebumps covered your skin. His tongue swiped across his bottom lip as he studied your face.
“Vediamo se con qualcosa in bocca impari a stare zitta…” (let’s see if with something in your mouth you’ll learn how to shut up)
It took you an embarrassingly little time to get undressed and find yourself on top of him. Jannik’s fingers skillfully stripped you of your underwear and bra. His mouth was everywhere and anywhere: below your ear, on yours, on your neck, between your breasts. And all you could do was moan as silently as possible and mentally begging him to give you more.
“Che c’è? Non parli più? Come pensavo…” (what is it? You don’t have anything to say anymore? As I thought…) Jannik teased you as he guided your hips on top of his. You mewled in his ear, biting your lip. It felt good. Too good. It felt too good to be fucking him out of everyone.
“Guardati: ti sta piacendo, non è vero? Dimmi cosa vuoi,” (look at yourself: you like this, don’t you? Tell me what you want) he muttered against your parted lips. You tried to stay silent, but then his fingers dug in your hips and the pain mixed with the pleasure.
“Fuck me… Harder,” you mumbled out, your head hiding in the crook of his neck.
“Sapevo che ti piaceva più forte,” (I knew it you liked it harder)
It didn’t take him much to flip the two of you around. He pulled you back so that your hips stayed up and before you could say anything he pushed inside. You gasped for air, the feeling making your fists clench. Jannik chuckled and started off immediately harder but slower. You furrowed your brows and arched your back, hoping to feel more of him.
“Mi piace quando stai zitta, anzi, mi piace quando non riesci a parlare perché ti piace come ti sto scopando,” (I like it when you are quiet, in fact, I like it when you can’t even speak because you love the way I am fucking you) Jannik grunted as he watched his cock disappear in your folds. You whined, wanting to talk back but only able to talk through syllables and moans.
“Fuck… Please,” you could feel yourself teetering over the edge. Jannik bit his bottom lip and leaned forward, his face now resting next yours as his thrusts got deeper.
“Dimmi che ti piace o non ti faccio venire,” (tell me you like it or I won’t let you cum) he mumbled with a sick smirk. You rolled your eyes annoyed and tried to swallow your pride.
“Say it,” he muttered again, this time going harder and making you yelp.
“I like it! I love it, Jan, please…” you whined and felt your legs ready to give out. The Italian bit your shoulder as he made it his mission to make you come undone before him. Your moans rolled off your tongue uncontrollably and you fisted the sheets of his bed afraid of falling.
“Cazzo,” Jannik cursed as he felt you clench around him, pushed over the top. He followed right after, gripping your hips and probably leaving marks. The two of you collapsed on the bed right after, your face still pressed on the sheets. Jannik looked at you with his usual shit eating grin.
“Allora? Lo so fare o no?” (So? Do I know how to do it or not?)
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for-writing-shit · 28 days
risking it all.  ( tom branson x reader )
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gif belongs to me
The party was lively when you sneaked out, your shoulders slouching in relaxation a little as you slipped off your heels, making your way quietly to the front door. After stepping into your heels, you headed to the garage where you found Tom polishing the car. Your father and his associate would be travelling to town in the morning, and Tom always went over the car with the utmost precision and care.
You tapped your knuckles on the wooden door and he looked over his shoulder, lips parting when he saw you standing in your formal dress. You smiled softly at his reaction as he placed the cloth on the hood of the car as he approached you.
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for-writing-shit · 2 months
I don’t hate you anymore — JS
warnings: none
for @jannikwpasta and @ithinkimokeei that are currently going through it
“You left at 4am? Are you crazy? What did he say?” Nyla and Carlos are staring at me bewildered. I press my lips together and show them my phone. The two of them read the chat attentively and I try to ignoring their disapproving looks.
“«Please Y/N, don’t leave me like this. Talk to me» Girl, you need help. The man is clearly begging you to stay and what do you do? You sneak out of his house in the middle of the night? You are crazy!” Nyla scolds me and I sigh. I knew they wouldn’t get me. Mostly because I don’t even get myself. One day I am laying on his couch with him, the next one I am ignoring his texts.
“I mean, do you like him?” Carlos asks intrigued. I don’t know why I am telling him all about this considering we have just started hanging out more. But I feel like I can trust him.
“I— I don’t hate him, I guess,” I say and hear Nyla scoff.
“You don’t hate him? Girl, you are down bad for him, just admit it!” She calls me out but I shake my head. It’s not true. Just because I don’t hate him, it doesn’t automatically mean that I am in love with him. Yes, I like how he fucks me but it doesn’t mean anything more than that. He just had to go and complicate everything, didn’t he?
“Then leave him alone. If you don’t like him, then just cut ties with him,” Carlos says plainly. I furrow my brows because it makes sense but it doesn’t feel… right? I know I said I would stop talking to him but that was before he confessed his feelings to me. Now everything feels different and overwhelming.
"We could be friends…” I hazard saying.
“«tell me you’re okay at least, please,» «y/n, I’m sorry if I did something wrong. Please, text me back» Y/N, you are one dumb woman if you think he would ever be your friend,” Nyla reads the following texts out loud and I can’t help but cringe. Yea, that’s not possible. I haven’t seen Jannik since that day I showed up in tears on his doorstep and we acted weirdly. It has been a week. A week of no contact, of no texting back, of not seeing each other. It feels normal and odd at the same time.
“You like him and once you will realize it I hope it won’t be too late,” Nyla adds before handing me back my phone.
Do I like him? Do I like Jannik? The same Jannik I swore I hated? The same Jannik who pissed me the fuck off? The same Jannik I couldn’t stand months ago? What changed? And how did that happen?
Carlos’ birthday rolls around quickly and I know that I will have to face him. I tried to skip it but the childish pout on the Spaniard’s face convinced me to come, although it will lead to me seeing him. Nevertheless, I am still surprised when I spot Jannik by the pool. He is talking to some of our shared friends and he seems very engaged in the conversation. I stop and stare at him for a moment. He has a red solo cup in his hand but I doubt it had anything other than water in it. His lips are curved into a tiny smile as Andrew talks. He is wearing a white t-shirt and beige cargo pants. His red curls are shorter than I remembered but he still looks good.
More time than I thought passes by because at some point he looks away from Andrew and finds me, probably having felt observed. I gulp when our eyes meet. A chill rolls down my spine but I ignore it and I simply walk away and into the house.
Jannik is the past. I am not ready for whatever that was and it’s best keeping things how they were. I hate him, he hates me. That’s it.
“You made it!” A drunk Carlos wraps an arm around my neck and leads me into his kitchen. It’s barely eleven in the evening and he’s already pouring me a third shot of tequila.
“Y/N!” Nyla and Andrew come to join us and I giggle when Carlos almost knocks down the bottle of tequila. His house is crammed with people and I wonder how he is going to clean all of this up by tomorrow night when his parents come back home.
“If you chug down a glass of water afterwards you won’t feel the bad taste,” I tell the group who is making disgusted faces right after taking a shot of straight vodka. Not our best idea.
“Jannik was just telling me that! It’s crazy,” Andrew says chuckling and grabbing a beer from the fridge. I freeze for a moment and I sigh, trying to shake that weird feeling off me. I know Nyla is staring at me but I won’t give her the joy of seeing me feel any kind of emotion when his name is mentioned. I am so normal about him.
“Did someone call my name?” Fuck.
Jannik stands on the threshold, arms crossed over his chest and a stupid smirk on his lips which drops the moment he sees me amongst our friends. Yea, exactly, totally normal.
“Anna stopped trying to win you back? Well, that was fast,” Andrew says laughing. I try not to show any emotion but my eyes immediately flicker back to Jannik who looks away. So I was not entirely wrong for suspecting the genuineness of their relationship.
“I say you guys should get back together, you looked cute together,” Andrew continues. The tension grows thicker as none of us says anything. Jannik stares at his shoes and I stare at him. I am not listening to this conversation, not now, not ever. I am not interested, I don’t care.
I walk past Jannik and into the living room where there is the majority of the guests. Why do these things always happen at some party? I should stop showing up to them for a while, maybe I will stop seeing him everywhere. It feels weird to see him after such a long time and my stomach dropped when those words left Andrew’s mouth.
“Y/N, can we talk?” I suddenly hear speak from behind me. I don’t even need to turn around to know who’s talking.
“There’s nothing to discuss, Jannik,” I cut to the point. I don’t want to spend the night talking to him. Talking got us nowhere.
“Perché non mi hai mai risposto? Pensavo avessimo deciso di provarci insieme… Ma tu sei scomparsa prima ancora che potessi svegliarmi,” (why you never replied? I thought we decided we were going to try together… but you were gone before I could even wake up) he speaks and my throat closes up. I walk outside because last thing I want is to fight in a crowded room where I can’t even hear my own thoughts. Jannik follows me and suddenly it feels like we are back in that garden when he confessed his feelings to me.
“I think I got confused in the process of all this. You are you and I am me, Jannik,”
“Che cazzo significa, Y/N? Non ha senso!” (What the fuck does that mean? It doesn’t make any sense!) he bursts out angrily and I feel my head exploding with a million thoughts.
“Listen I—“
“No, ora mi ascolti tu. Non so che cosa ti sia successo, non so perché ti rimanga così difficile aprirti con me e mi dispiace. Ma non ce la faccio più, Y/N. Un giorno mi vuoi e mi preghi di toccarti, il giorno dopo ti ingelosisci della mia ex ma dopo sparisci quando ti dico che provo qualcosa per te. Poi però torni da me piangendo e mi chiedi di abbracciarti perché stai soffrendo e lo faccio, lo faccio perché farei di tutto per te, anche fingere di odiarti per averti vicina. Ma il giorno dopo scappi e mi ignori. Non ce la faccio. Mi vuoi ma poi mi odi. Mi odi ma poi mi vuoi,” (no, you listen to me now. I don’t know what happened to you, I don’t know why it is so hard for you to open up to me and I am sorry. But I can’t do this anymore. One day you want me and you beg me to touch you, the next day you get jealous for my ex and then you leave when I say I have feelings for you. But then you come back crying and asking me to hold you because you are in pain and I agree, I agree because I would do anything for you, even pretend to hate you to have you close. But the following day you run away and ignore me. I can’t do this. You want me but the you hate me. You hate me but then you want me,) he spits out quickly. His cheeks are flushed for the anger and he’s gesticulating a lot. I stare at him almost in disbelief. What am I doing? What is this? Jannik stares at me and I can see the tiredness all over his face. He’s tired of this, of us, of me being uncertain, of coming back just to leave again.
“Dimmi che non provi niente per me e me ne andrò. Ti giuro che ti lascio in pace, però ho bisogno che tu mi dica che tutto quello che è successo tra noi non ha significato niente per te. Dimmelo,” (tell me you don’t feel anything for me and I will leave. I promise you I will leave you in peace, but I need you to tell me that everything that happened between us meant nothing to you. Say it to me,) Jannik is suddenly too close and I can’t breathe. I can’t think. Is that what it feels like to have feelings for him? Nono. I hate Jannik, no? I stay quiet and stare at him, into his green eyes. The same eyes that were looking at me lovingly that day on his couch. He has a point I am not ready to prove.
“Jan…” I choke on my own words. He sighs and looks down at the grass. When have I become so emotionally unavailable? Blocked?
“Voglio te, Y/N. Voglio stare con te e non poterti avere mi distrugge. Ma forse non è lo stesso per te. Forse non impazzisci ogni volta che ti tocco, forse non ti senti debole quando ti dico che sei l’unica per me, forse non ti importa se sto con un’altra, se penso ad un’altra, forse non ti piaccio proprio…” (i want you. I want to be with you and not being able to have you breaks me. But maybe it’s not the same for you. Maybe you don’t melt every time I touch you, maybe you don’t go weak when I tell you you are the only one for me, maybe you don’t care if I am with another girl, if I think about another girl, maybe you don’t even like me…) he mumbles trying to get ahold of my hand. I let him because I feel weak under his gaze. All of the sudden I am back at his place and I am kissing him and he’s holding me close. I am meeting his mom and she’s being extremely nice to me. I am in his shower and he’s telling me he wants me. He intertwines our fingers and brings my hand to his lips to kiss the back of it.
“I— I just… You confuse me, Jan. I say I hate you but then you look at me like that and I feel like the most gorgeous girl ever. You make me feel things I don’t want to feel, not for you. I don’t know when I started convincing myself I would have to hate you but it stuck with me. I tell everyone I despise you but then when you are around I feel weak, I want to kiss you and slap you at the same time. I want to fuck you and have you telling me I am the only one for you. But I can’t bring myself to stay. I am so scared of this, it’s stupid,” I confess. His eyes soften and he presses another kiss to my hand.
“We’ll figure this out together. Whenever you feel scared just tell me, I’ll be there to remind you that this is real and that I am not going anywhere. If you need space, I’ll give it to you. If you need a friend, I’ll be one for you. If you need a fuck, I will—“
“I got it!” I cut him off when I feel my cheeks grow redder. He chuckles and pulls me closer, my hands find place at the back of his neck and his on my hips. I don’t know what I am doing. My head tells me to run away, escape, hide. But my heart feels at peace when he smiles at me. Maybe I should just put down my walls, I should give it a try, I should give him a chance, the guy I say I hate but I secretly like.
“Prometti di non scappare domani mattina?” (Promise not to run away tomorrow morning?) he asks and I giggle. He’s not wrong for doubting me. His nose brushes against mine and I grin.
“I don’t know, is your mom coming over tomorrow?” I thread my fingers through his short hair and he chuckles.
“No, domani mattina sei tutta mia,” (no, you’re all mine tomorrow morning) and with that he kisses me and I forget I was ever scared.
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for-writing-shit · 2 months
Lucky Ones / Chapter 2: dumb and dumber
Jannik Sinner x Tennis Player!Reader
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summary: Y/N and Jannik come together at the 2024 Australian Open for the first time after what happened at the 2023 Wimbledon.
wc: 3.2k
genre: slow burn; fluff, angst & smut!
warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, NSFW; makeout, dry humping and unprotected sex (be smart)!
note: hi! finally Jannik joined us! i don't think there's a champions' dinner for the ao but now there is lol i don't have much things to say about this chapter, just enjoy it! xx
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 The 2024 Australian Open Champions’ Dinner
“Today is about you, stop frowning, okay? People are already waiting for some ugly picture of yours to use in their magazines and you’re giving them what they want!” Maggie, your manager who you’ve been working with since you became a pro player, whispers at you. 
She’s not so wrong, you won your 4th Grand Slam two days ago and the dinner is partly about your win. But it’s also about the other players like Amelia Kelce and Daniil Medvedev, who showed up in women’s and men’s finals, but most importantly Jannik Sinner, who won his 1st Grand Slam yesterday.
“I’m not frowning, I’m just observing people.” you say,“ Have you seen Walsh’s dress?” 
Although your judgemental eyes are still on Emma, you can see how Maggie’s expression changes when her eyes find the young girl’s dress. “Oh Gosh- Isn’t she 19? She looks 50 in that dress!” she says, covering her mount in case anyone would understand that WTA’s No. 1 player is gossiping about the people.
“Who let her wear this definitely hates her.” you say with a giggle. “Absolutely disas-” she cuts you off when the young player waves at you with a grin. “Change the topic, change the topic! She’s coming over here!”
“Y/N, hi!” Emma says, her eyes go between you and Maggie. “Oh my- Both of you look amazing! I’m so in love with this outfit!” she points at Maggie’s black jumpsuit. 
“Oh- Thank you! You also look wonderful! Right, Y/N?” Maggie looks at you with begging eyes. “Definitely wonderful!” you say.
“Maroon is your color!” Maggie says and you nod with the fakest smile ever. “Absolutely!” you nod.
You’re going to burn in hell. 
“Erm, well, thank you!” she replies with a suspicious smile. “I wanted to congratulate you on your win! You’re incredible, really! I need to go now, but we’ll catch up later, yeah?” 
Oh, you’re really going to burn in hell!
“Yeah, sure! Thank you!” you say and turn over to Maggie after making sure that Emma is not nearby. “What the fuck was that? ‘Right, Y/N?’? You should be the one who communicates, not me!” you say sarcastically. 
She rolls her eyes and pinches your arm. “Shut up!” 
“Okay, mom!” you reply, glancing over your side when you notice someone, well, your actual mother. “Oh, mom! You’re finally back! What kept you so long next to Mr. Juanki?” you ask with a mischievous smile, which also makes Maggie laugh. 
“We were talking about tennis, honey, your and Carlos’ performances. What else can we do?” she challenges you, clearly ignoring your teasing. “Nothing.” you shrug your shoulders, trying to cover your smirk. 
“Ahem, girls, I need to make some phone calls but I’ll be right back.” Maddie speaks, looking between you and your mother while pointing at her phone. You nod and open your mouth but she adds before you can, “Y/N, smile! I want no frowning or ‘thinking face’, whatever you call it. Just smile!”
You can’t help but roll your eyes, it’s going to be a long night. 
Not so long after, Maggie comes back with the lustrous redhead. You’ve tried to ignore him all night long but you have no chance to run away now, not when you have to pose as men’s and women’s winners.
“There she is,” Maggie says with her beautiful smile as if she didn’t know where you were. “Jannik, this is Y/N, you must have heard about her.” 
He greets you with a smile, you haven’t seen him so closely for so long that you can’t help but find yourself admiring his face. He doesn’t look so different, with the same red hair, it might be a little longer and more curly but still the same. His green eyes are more tired, well, that’s a look of a winner as you can say but they’re still as shiny as you remember. And his smile, you’re not sure if he’s smiling sincerely, maybe he’s not happy to see you and he was also trying to ignore you but even if he’s faking, he manages to give you butterflies.
“And Y/N, this is our lovely Italian boy, Jannik!” Maggie giggles and looks at you, “There will be a little photoshoot of you two with your trophies but before that, chit-chat a bit, and get to know each other, yeah?” 
Before you can say anything, your mother giggles and speaks. “Don’t worry, Mag. I’m sure they already know each other pretty well.” 
The 2023 Wimbledon Champions’ Dinner
“Y/N!” you glance over your shoulder when you hear the familiar Italian accent, which engages your attention from Maria Garcia’s speech about her Wimbledon journey. 
“Matteo!” you greet him with a tight hug, you love that man.
Matteo Ricci, who’s also a pro tennis player like almost everyone in the room and your training partner, both on the court and at the gym. You’ve been in each others’ lives since last year, and you can’t tell you liked him at the beginning but now, you can’t think of a life without him. 
You only notice the redhead when he pulls away from your hug. Jannik Sinner, you know that he played in the semi-final against Novak Djokovic, whom you were there for, two days ago. The match lasted 3 sets but his performance can’t be underestimated. 
“I want you to meet my friend Jannik,” Matteo casually puts his arm around the redhead’s shoulder and adds, “Jannik, this is Y/N, you must have heard about her. She’s beating everyone’s ass around here, including me!” he laughs.
“Well, obviously couldn’t beat hers!” you giggle and point at Garcia with your thumb, which makes them laugh. “It’s so nice to meet you, Jannik.” you shake his hand, it’s much warmer than what you expected from his look, well, his pale skin makes him look like he’s freezing so who could blame you?
“You too, Y/N, you played amazing that day. Your slices were-” Matteo adds, “Unbelievable!”
“Thank you guys,” you blush, making eye contact with the guy who’s also blushing even though you’re not sure why. “They weren’t good enough to save me though, but your drop shots, I can’t believe how good they are!” 
“He did save amazing points with them.” Matteo agrees.
Jannik smiles and shakes his head, “I mean, they weren’t good enough to save me, no?”
Oh god…
You don’t realise your mother is coming over to you until she calls out your name. “Y/N, Matteo… And Jannik Sinner! Wow, what a beautiful view for me! What are you talking about… And why are you holding hands?” she asks curiously as he takes place next to you, looking between you and Jannik with a smile.
Were you shaking hands all this time? Really?
You immediately cross your arms and give him an apologising smile, then look at your mother. “Just tennis, you know, Jannik’s drop shots against Djokovic.” 
“Oh, they were fantastic! You showed an outstanding performance there, dear, I’m already so curious about what you’re going to do here next year.” she states and puts her hand over your shoulder, you notice that his face gets even redder with your mother’s compliments. He loves compliments so much as you understand. “But now I unfortunately need to take my daughter. It was really nice to see you two!” 
“We’ll catch up later, yeah?” you pout as you look at your friend, he nods at you before you glance over to the redhead again. “Arrivederci, Sinner.” you wink at him.
Okay, you might hope not to see him again after that stupid wink. But he goes along with you and smirks, “Arrivederci, Y/L/N.”
You leave their side but the smile on your face doesn’t leave you for a while, which, of course, catches your mother’s attention. “He’s a cute guy, isn’t he?” she asks. You murmur an ‘yeah’. 
Of course, he’s a cute guy. He has a pretty face, green eyes, and beautiful red curly hair, also he plays incredible tennis. 
You’re sure you’re not the only person who acts this stupidly when they meet him, or you just hope so. 
“Stupid heels!” you say under your breath as you take off your heels, you’ve never felt your feet hurt like they do now. You grip the long skirt of your yellow satin Givenchy dress with the same hand you’re holding your heels and your handbag as you walk out of the ballroom with a bottle of champagne, which you’re probably not allowed to take. 
After spending hours with many people you don’t know, you feel like your social battery is about to die, and leaving early wouldn’t hurt anyone since all their attention was on the winners, Carlos Alcaraz and Maria Garcia. You were supposed to leave with your mother but she decided to dump you at the last minute for someone else, so you’re going to your hotel room all alone now. 
“Jannik! Hi!” you make your way to the Italian, he’s leaning over a wall as he’s looking at his phone. He looks over you when he hears your voice, he gives you that warm smile again. “Y/N, I thought you left.” 
“I’m leaving now,” you grin and lift the bottle to catch his attention. “And I might need company if you’re interested.” 
You’re not sure if the glances and smiles you’ve exchanged all night long were enough for him to trust you, but please say yes!
“Oh, your mother?” he looks around.
Well, that wasn’t what you were expecting. “She left me for a friend.” you shrug your shoulders and lift your brows. “So, are you in or not?”
“Sure,” he giggles, “I’ll be your company.” 
“So, you and Matteo are just friends?” Jannik asks. 
Both of you are lying on your back on your queen-sized bed after some glasses of champagne and looking at the mirror on the ceiling. You’re still in your dress but your hair looks so messy, also your makeup is a bit ruined. Jannik, on the other hand, still looks the same, he took off his black blazer and unbuttoned one or two buttons on his shirt, his hair is much messier but it still looks good when you consider the amount of time he ran his hands among his curly locks. 
“Yeah, we met when I first moved to Madrid.” you nod, “People think we’re fucking or something but he’s like a brother to me, you know, also he’s not my type.” 
“No?” he challenges, you can see that he shifts on his side and puts his hand under his chin, he’s directly looking at you now. “No.”
“Then what’s your type?” Are you sober enough to fake or is he drunk enough to forget, that’s what you think.
“I don’t know, just not someone like him.” you lean back on your elbows.
“Someone like Carlos?” you laugh at first but then see he’s serious. “He’s not so different from Matteo, is he? Both of them are brunettes.” 
“Blondes then.” he lifts a brow.
“Nah, but redheads are good.” you hold your breath. “Must be difficult to find in Madrid.” he smirks.
“I have a unique taste.” you reply as you wink at him. You can see that he’s pretty much enjoying it now. “What else?” 
“I love curls, they’re so nice.” You wrap one of his curls that is messily falling over his forehead around your finger and murmur, “Also green eyes.” 
“I think I know someone who matches your taste.” he states, his green eyes directly looking into yours. You are afraid he can read your mind with how he looks at you. “Yeah? Does he play tennis?”
“Yeah,” his eyes make their way to your lips, “And he wants to kiss you now.”
“He can kiss me.” you whisper, your breath hitches in your throat when his face gets closer to yours. You don’t know if you’re going to regret this later, but at the moment, as his relatively big hand cups your cheek and his soft lips finally meet yours, you let yourself to his warm touch and fruity taste left behind the champagne. 
That’s the future Y/N’s problem.
You move your body closer to him without breaking the kiss, your hands go up his shoulders as he helps you straddle him, and your dress rides up over your bare things. The hand on your cheek dives into your hair and the other hand caresses your thigh as you deepen the kiss.
You hum when you feel him hardening under you, softly rolling your hips as you try to get some friction. 
You keep grinding on his pants covered hard-on until you can't stop grunting each other's mouths and the feeling between your legs gets more uncomfortable, the thong underneath you is sticky in the most disgusting way and you're pretty sure even his pants get sticky by your dripping cunt.
“Amore,” he whimpers into your mouth, his eyes are still closed from the kiss.  “I need to feel you, please.”
“I want to ride you.” you start kissing his jaw to his neck as much as his button-up lets you. “Do whatever you want, but I need to feel you before I cum in my pants.” he says desperately, his darkened green eyes finally meeting yours after a long time. 
You immediately get off him and take your dress, and so does he, and crawl over him like you never left. You make your way up as you give some kisses to his abs to his chest, to his neck, and eventually to his lips which got some color from the kiss and your lipstick. 
You break the kiss and sit back on his thighs, your palms resting on his lower abs as you look into his eyes and speak. “Can I touch you?”
“Yes,” he says at once, even if he doesn’t want to admit it, he’s dying to feel your touch since your handshake earlier that night. “Please, Y/N…”
You spread the precum oozing out of his tip to his shaft and pump him a few times before slowly sinking down, his big hands grip your waist as you take your time as if you’re going to leave him just like that. 
You let out a ‘Fuck’ under your breath when you completely sink down and rest your forehead on his broad shoulder as you look where your bodies meet, “You feel so good,” Jannik murmurs as you start moving your lower body, “So so good.”
You push him back by his chest and grip down his shoulders as you start bouncing until you find a rhythm, which doesn’t take you so long. Moans and whimpers fly in the air with your every move, he pulls you closer and closer as you take both of you closer and closer to your releases. 
When he notices that your movements are halting and your knees getting weaker, he pulls you into a kiss and starts thrusting up into you when you’re chest-to-chest with him. Of course, you couldn’t keep up with the kiss so much and start breathing and whimpering into each others’ open mouths.
You let yourself melt into his warm body when you come down from your orgasm, you let him keep you in his arms and hug you, kiss your forehead, and other cute stuff like you thought he would do. 
After a long time, you feel like you’re complete. 
But apparently, your feelings were wrong because when you woke up in the morning, you were all alone like none of these things ever happened.
You wished that they never happened.
Back to The 2024 Australian Open Champions’ Dinner
After your photos are taken with your trophies and you did whatever you needed to do as winners, you walk away from the Italian as fast as you can for certain reasons. You’ve already put up with him much better than you thought you would and you don’t think that you have any more faking left in you.
“Y/N, can we talk, please?” you hear Jannik’s voice behind you but you don’t pay heed to him and keep walking. You feel relieved when you see Matteo, who’s coming over to you, but your happiness doesn’t last long when he speaks. “I was about to go to our Carota boy’s side, come on!”
Is he fucking joking?!
“No… Ricci, no, please! You know I can’t-” but he gives you a side eye, which gently means ‘Do I care?’ in his language. 
And he puts his strong arm around your shoulder and takes you to Jannik’s side, who is talking with a blonde woman- Wait, why is he talking with Andrea? Or the better question, what is Andrea doing here? She couldn’t even get to the second round.
Your mind stays busy while Matteo and Jannik greet each other in Italian and say some things you don’t pay attention to. “Y/N! It has been a while!” Andrea takes you back to reality.
“Hi, Andrea.” You force another smile and try not to roll your eyes as you speak, “Well, it might be because you don’t last more than one or two rounds to play against me anymore.” 
You can’t help but actually smile this time when you hear Matteo’s laugh and see her face fall. Maybe it wasn’t too bad to join him. But you know you can only speak like that because neither your mother nor Maggie is around, otherwise, they wouldn’t let you speak like that.
Especially not against her.
“So funny.” she says, you can hear how annoyed she is with your presence. “Anyways, congratulations. This is your first win here, right?” she asks with a smirk. 
“Thank you and yes, erm, ‘She should take advantage of my absence.’ was what you said to the media, right? I did what you said.” you smile and add, “Why are you here though? This is the Champions’ Dinner, you couldn't even pass the round one.”
She nuzzles up and puts her head on Jannik's shoulder, “I'm here for my boyfriend's first Grand Slam, Y/N, not for you.” 
“What?” The word leaves your mouth out of your control, now you understand why he's been so silent next to her. Your eyes look at his green ones with disappointment but you can't show your feelings now. “I mean, wow! I'm happy for you Jannik- Also, Andrea. I'm happy for you too.”
They don't believe you, but you don’t judge them because you don't believe yourself too. 
After a few minutes of listening to the Italian men, you feel like you can't take the sickening scene in front of you and leave their side with another fake smile, leaving Matteo behind you but he finds you not so long after. 
“What was that?” he asks, you know that he’s not asking to judge you. He's the only person you believe that doesn't judge you and you're so grateful for that. 
“I already can't put up with the dumb, and now she has her dumber. I stayed there longer than I should have.” you defend yourself. 
Matteo puts his hand on your back and pulls you closer, you put your head on his shoulder as you keep walking. “I thought I was the dumb.” he says to make you smile.
“Yeah, but I forgot that she existed,” you whisper and look up at him from the corner of your eyes as you smile, “You’ll always be my dumb though, don’t worry about it.”
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tag list: @rvblos @jannikwpasta @pastry-cult @coralsaladexpert
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for-writing-shit · 3 months
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In his short life, Jannik has learned the subtleties that all great observers have. And somehow, he'll always manage to use those skills on you. word count: 1.9k words - genuinely so glad someone asked for another part. had a lot of fun with this 🙏🏾 warnings: mentions of prayer/spirituality, kissing, sickeningly sweet domesticity
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The day before a big match is always the most nervewracking. Excitement, combined with the everpresent fear of failure, finally settles into the pit of an athlete's stomach and waits to be cracked open like an oyster or left to fester as the pearls within those creatures do. And for you, it's no different.
So, to alleviate your very obvious unease, Jannik decided to take it upon himself, on his day off, to practice with you. Having already secured his place in the semi-final, he had decided one less day of rest would be worth it if he could help out the woman he loved.
Practice went well, by all definitions of the word. In fact, it went really well. However, Jannik's praises and your temporary feeling of contentment could not negate the fact you just might buckle underneath the pressure of the match.
The emotions showed at the end of practice when you crouched down with your forehead on the handle of your racket and prayed - aloud - out of Jannik's earshot, of course. You'd never been super big on outward displays of faith like that; you preferred a more reserved, intimate relationship with spirituality. But desperate times call for desperate measures and you had squeezed your eyes tight and prayed as hard as you could. And once you were done, you dusted yourself off, packed your racket bag, and trotted out of the facilities with your boyfriend. You tried to think nothing of it, so Jannik wouldn't notice. But he does. He always does.
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Turning the shower off, you wrapped the towel tightly around yourself and opened the door exiting the bathroom. Steam and hot air billowed out around you, casting the light every which way. You looked down, hugging your torso; water drips from your elbows, and you let out a quiet sigh.
"From where I am, you look like an angelo dal cielo, dearest," Jannik says, leaning against an adjacent doorway. You turn away and smile. An angle from heaven. How classy. The Italian's charms will never cease to make you blush, no matter how long you've been together. "Why thank you, Jannik," you say, walking over to your bags. You quickly found your nightclothes - one of Jannik's old t-shirts and a pair of spanx - and promptly threw them on.
"You played so well today, amore," Jannik said from behind you, wrapping his hands around your waist. You smile down at your bag. "Really now? Well, I guess I did have an amazing practice partner," you say with a smirk.
"You guess?!?" Jannik pulls away, and you turn around to see the Italian dramatically gaping at you. He faints onto your shared hotel bed with a hand on his forehead. Straight out of the opera. You roll your eyes. "Get up, you bum. We need to brush our teeth." The two of you make your way to the bathroom sink and go through the motions of a usual night. Bumping hips while brushing. Moisturizing each other's faces. Making gargling mouthwash a competition. You don't realize it, not yet, that Jannik is distracting you from the whirlwind of thoughts he knows is in your mind. And future you is already thankful.
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You pad your way around the room, turning out the lights and straightening things. Jannik sits in bed rereading David Foster Wallace's String Theory for the hundredth time. He leans closer to the lamp on the nightstand. "You already wear glasses, baby. Don't hurt your eyes anymore," you call out from across the room. Jannik huffs and puts the book down. He knows I'm right, and he can't admit it. Such a man. While making your rounds, you glimpse tomorrow's outfit in the closet, and you almost forget yourself and shudder. Instead, you just close the doors and slip into bed.
Jannik notices you're not as chatty as usual. On a typical night, you'd be talking to him about your day, the funny things you saw on social media, weird texts from your siblings. But it's not a typical night, and Jannik understands.
"You are thinking about tomorrow's match, aren't you," Jannik says, looking at the ceiling. He still hasn't turned off the lamp, so the warm lighting casts half his face in shadow. You reach over and run your hand through his curls. "What makes you say that, Jan?"
"Oh, I don't know. How quiet you were at dinner—the constant sighing and staring into the distance, the praying." He says the last phrase with a sidelong glance, and you close your eyes and breathe. The jig is up. You sink into the bed and look away from him.
"Jan, do you ever get that feeling of 'I'm going to screw everything up once I get out there' before a big match? Because I sure as hell do," you whisper to him. The covers are pulled up to your chin. You're hiding. You're actually ashamed of a feeling so natural. And you aren't sure what upsets you more; the shame or the feeling itself.
Jannik mulls over your question. "No," he says flatly. You sit up straight. Jannik rises to lean on his elbow so he can look you in the eye. "For me, it's always the thought of 'the worst I can do is embarrass myself in front of millions of people.' And honestly, I think that might be worse."
You smile at him. "I think it might be the same," you whisper back at him. You huff, thinking of what to say.
"It's just... I've played countless finals and hope to play countless more, and you've invested so much time, energy, love into me and-"
"You know you can do it, but you still feel like, um, how do I put this, merda?" You've thrown your hands over your face. "Yes. Merda's the word."
Jannik smiles and pulls you into him.
"Well, I can't get rid of the feeling for you, but I can tell you one thing; you are one hell of a tennis player, and that other girl, your opponent, has nothing on you. Not your passion, not your personality, not even your attitude. None of it." He squeezes you with every compliment. A few tears prick your eyes. "So, I want you to throw away all of your doubts and worries. Win or lose, there is nothing you can do to get rid of me now. But you are not going to lose. I can feel it." His hands are on your face, forcing you to look into his dark eyes. You place your hands on his wrists and nod your head. "Okay, Jannik."
"Good," Jannik says with a small smile. And with that, he seals his words into your mind, body, and soul with a kiss on your forehead.
Jannik finally turns off the lamp, and the two of you settle into bed. There's a beat where you both just listen to the sounds of the night. The other's breathing. Cars still rushing by. The ticking of the clock on the wall.
"What did you pray about," Jannik says, breaking the silence. There was never much of it in your relationship, and Jannik knew he should probably revel in the quiet, but he needed to know one last thing before he went to sleep.
"None of your business, dork," you say, snuggling into your pillow.
"Ouch," Jannik says, putting his hand on his heart. You snort a laugh and close your eyes.
"I prayed that all your training wouldn't go to waste and that I'd win tomorrow so I can prove to myself that I am indeed that confident woman I thought...think I am. I'm usually pretty "go with the flow" but I guess someone finally got to me, you know? But overall, it was for guidance and strength."
Something in Jannik's chest tightened. Your tone and the way you described what you were feeling reminded him of himself. He leaned over and kissed your neck.
"You know what Italians call people like you?" You shake your head.
"il preoccupata. Pensatore eccessivo. The worrier. The overthinker. But to be completely honest, I think you are more of il filiosofa - the philosopher. You carefully study everything around you and try to put a name to it. And this time, you couldn't. Your, erm, what's it called when you test something over and over to see if it works?"
"Routine analysis?"
"Yes, that. Your routine analysis," Jan emphasized the phrase you just taught him. "You couldn't check the boxes, and that upset you. But dearest, you are not a robot. Feel as you feel, and don't try to explain it away. It's what makes you human; what makes you, you."
Your bottom lip began to quiver. "Oh, dispiace amore mio. I didn't mean to make you cry. Forget everything I just said.
"No, I-I'm not sad, Jan. It's quite the opposite. You're just s-so right," you blubber into his chest. "And I'm so lucky to have you."
Jannik dips down to kiss you. "Get some sleep, amore. You have a big day ahead of you." You're not sure if it was Jannik's words or all the stress leaving your body (probably both, to be frank), but you had the best night's sleep you've had in weeks.
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You beamed up at the cheering crowd. It was next to impossible for you to contain your joy as you walked to the next to shake hands with your opponent. The look on her face was...kind. It was filled with a certain security that is hard to describe.
The two of you shook hands and gave each other a quick hug. "You deserve it," she says as both of you walk to the umpire. Another smile spread across your face. "Oh, stop it."
"No, really. You fought like hell," she says with a laugh. You follow suit, finally feeling the pit in your stomach be filled like a pothole in a parking lot. After hands were shaken and you waved your racket at every person in the stadium, you decided it was time to find Jannik.
You zipped your racket bag shut and weaved in and out of the people setting up cameras and ramps for the trophy presentation. Your trophy. Finally making it to the court entrance, you bounded up flights of stairs and traversed the corridors to your team box, where Jannik awaited you.
He spots you first. He always does. Jannik makes a few quick strides, scoops you up in his arms, and spins you around. You laugh into the air and place your hands on his shoulders to brace yourself.
"I knew you could do it tesoro," Jannik whispers in your ear, bringing you back down to earth. "I know, I know. Should've listened to you earlier," you say looking down at your feet, a bit embarrassed at all your worrying just for everything to turn out okay. He laughs and wraps a long arm around your shoulders.
"You'll be here for the award ceremony, right?" The answer is quite obvious, but you ask the question anyway.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world amore," he said, smiling down at you.
"Front row," you ask sarcastically as you shuffle towards the exit.
"Where else would I be, honey," Jannik smirks. You grin back at him. "Well, I'll see you down there then." And you turn to walk down the stairs.
"Oh, wait," Jannik calls after you.
"Yes, dear?"
"Ti amo bambina," Jannik says, leaning down the stairs to look you in the eye. Your heart tightens a bit.
"Anch'io ti amo, Jannik," you answer softly, closing the gap between the two of you and laying a light kiss on Jannik's lips.
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author's note: as an athlete, those unshakeable feelings of imposter syndrome sneak up on you lol. even for the most laid back of us, me included. I remember this one time I got knocked out of high jump and really beat myself about it (I shouldn't have, I'd just run the 400m five minutes before and my legs were mush) but I cried for like three minutes and moved on to my next event. c'est la vie.
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for-writing-shit · 3 months
NNINAAA!! give me making out with glasses jannik and MY LIFE IS YOURSSS
making out with glasses!jannik (blurb)
warnings: making out (it gets a little suggestive)
notes: YES YES YES literally giggling and kicking my feet as i write this
it started like all the other times: he came back from training tired as ever, just wanting to wash all of his thoughts away from his mind.
just a small peck on his lips was enough to make him all flustered and needy, your lips on his made him shiver and moan in your mouth. “someone’s needy, huh?” you giggled as he blushed softly at your words.
“i just… need you.” he whispered. and it was so cute: his curls falling perfectly on his face, cheeks all red and his glasses were almost slipping off his nose. with a fast movement he put them in place.
“like this?” you asked with an innocent tone, making your way towards his lips. instinctively he parted his lips as an answer to your action, welcoming your tongue in his mouth. his hands gripping firmly your hips, squeezing your flesh as his life depended on it.
he let a small whimper out of his mouth as he felt your body move upon his, finding you on his lap straddling him. the noises he was making were so cute you giggled in the kiss, as he hummed against your lips.
you interrupted the kiss, searching for air, and you noticed that his glasses were falling off his nose. “should we take these off?” you smiled at him taking them in your hands. he nodded eagerly as he pushed your body against his chest, wanting to feel you as close as possible to him.
you placed them on the couch and said “these make you look so hot, baby.” you complimented him and he immediately blushed, looking away to not meet your gaze. you chuckled at his embarrassment, finding it cute.
“ti prego…” he murmured softly with a pleading voice, looking up at you with glassy eyes. he was irresistible.
he let his head fall back as you attacked his neck gently, leaving soft marks and traces of saliva behind. he grunted feeling your hand starting palming his through his pants, and bucked his hips to feel you as close as possible.
“calm down.” you hummed on his skin. “non ci riesco.” he managed to say between heavy breaths, eyes wide as never before.
and just like that he was at your mercy.
tag list: @pretty-hate-machineee @xoxolovlies
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for-writing-shit · 3 months
had a divine vision of jannik taking his shirt off at some point during a match but forgetting about the scratch marks left recently on his back by reader 😶
warnings: a bit suggestive
the match had been going on for almost three hours now and it never seemed to end. the heat of madrid was unbearable, so annoying that you wanted to tear your skin off. but you couldn’t. you were sitting in jannik’s box and you had been watching him the whole time, and even if the match was being so long, he didn’t seem to care.
but what he seemed to care about was the heat, it was ruining him. during a break he rushed to his bench and began rummaging inside his bag looking for a clean t-shirt to exchange with the one he was wearing. when he found it he smiled to himself, quickly getting off the one he had on and taking a towel from the bench to wipe the sweat off his torso.
suddenly all the cameras were on him, or rather, on his back, projecting the image onto the large screen above the spectators. you hadn't paid much attention to it until you heard giggles coming from behind you and, with a confused look, you looked at the image on the screen.
your boyfriend’s back was full of red marks and nail scratches. you cheeks turned red just at the thought of the night before, when you decided to give him the necessary strength to face his final, letting him fuck you until you couldn’t even breathe, marking his skin as he slipped in and out of you.
the flashbacks of the night before disconnected you from reality and you were brought back on earth when you heard vagno’s voice “you two had fun last night, huh? that’s why he’s playing so well.” he chuckled.
the crowd was going crazy, everyone was pointing and giggling at the image on the screen, still fixed on jannik’s back. he didn’t seem to care at all, he almost didn’t even notice.
when the match was over you were waiting him in the hall and as he came towards you with a smile on his lips he said “what was all that laughing about before?” after leaving a peck on your lips.
“it was about you back…” you hesitated, waiting for his answer. “my back? what about my ba-.” he was clueless, but as soon as he was reminded by your words he fell silent, chuckling to himself.
“that’s not funny!” you exclaimed. “even vagno noticed it, jannik! and he laughed too!” “i bet he wanted to be there with us.” he winked playfully at you, enjoying your reaction. “jannik!” you hit his shoulder, taking your face in your hands from embarrassment.
“don’t worry, baby. i’ll make it up to you.” he whispered in your ear as you walked out of the building. “gonna mark you up real good, so i won’t be the only one with scratches on his back…” his words were like honey, and you melt under his touch as he caressed your back slowly.
tag list: @xoxolovlies @pretty-hate-machineee @gogz-ee @yungbludz @rublito @2manytabsopen
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for-writing-shit · 3 months
beg me — js
warnings: smut, nsfw content
“I want to hear you beg,” I mumble in his ear but he doesn’t need much convincing as he starts mumbling nonsense in his mother tongue.
“Per favore,” (please)
“Toccami, per favore,” (touch me, please)
“Non ce la faccio più,” (I can’t take it anymore)
And he’s at my mercy, staring at me with his big glassy green eyes, messy red curls adorning his face and rosy cheeks that make his freckles stand out even more. He’s sitting there, in his black boxers. His training kit on the floor and itching hands trying to touch me.
“I don’t know, maybe you don’t deserve to cum,” I tease him because I can, because I know this is his most vulnerable moment in our sex life and I get off on it. He shakes his head and sighs annoyed and frustrated.
“Per favore, guardami,” (please, look at me) and I know he does not want to look at him him, he wants me to look at him. His hard on so visible through his black boxers that it’s funny.
“It’s not my fault,” I lie. I know what got him here but it’s more entertaining to see him huff and scoff because I am purposefully neglecting him.
“Sì, continuavi a strusciarti su di me…” (yes, you kept grinding against me) he’s not wrong, but does it mean I will give in? Of course not. I trail my hand up his thigh, my nails caressing the pale skin. He hisses.
“Per favore, amore… Toccami,” (please love… touch me) he mumbles with the softest and whiniest tone ever. He looks so cute at my mercy. He would take anything I am willing to give him and it’s endearing, it makes me feel powerful.
“Where?” I insist watching as he rolls his eyes at my fake innocence. I like playing this little game because it riles him up.
“Se non—“ (if you don’t—)
“Are you threatening me, Mr Sinner?” I mock him. He clenches his jaw and mumbles something under his breath. I sit back on my heels, retracting my hand from his thigh.
“Go on then, touch yourself for me and if you are good enough, I’ll give you a present,” I do not know where all of this comes from but I see something switch in his gaze. He is not annoyed anymore, he’s intrigued. We have never masturbated in front of each other but the idea is very appealing to me.
Jannik is quick at pulling down the waistband of his boxers and there I see it: his hard on. I smirk proud of myself.
“It must hurt,” I make fun of him again. I know he likes it when I am a little mean to him, he is so used to being praised that a little meanness does not hurt him, on the contrary, it makes him horny.
“Go on, Jan,” I insist as I see him stall. Jannik gulps as he wraps his hand around his cock. His hand is much bigger than mine and it doesn’t look that smaller compared to his length. I look up at him and he’s staring at me.
“What are you thinking about?” I ask curious. There is not much to think about considering I am sitting half naked in front of him. He chuckles and starts off slowly.
“A quella volta a Miami. Quando mi hai legato al letto… Sei stata proprio una stronza, ma mi hai fatto impazzire,” (about that time in Miami. When you tied me to the bed frame… You were such a bitch but it drove me crazy) he mumbles with a smile. It was right after winning the title and the spirits were very high. I do not know what came over me that night but I was in charge. I tied him to the bed and made him beg for it. It was weird considering that we do not usually have sex like that. But it was refreshing.
“Oh yea? Would you like it if I did it again? If I tied you up real nice? What else?” I ask smiling mischievously. He nods frenetically and his hand picks up the pace. Why is the sight of him jerking himself off so appealing to me?
“Ti metti sopra di me e mi scopi fino a farmi venire dentro…” (You get on top of me and fuck me until I cum inside) he mumbles with no filter. I am shocked. This is not the Jannik I am used to but I like it. His cheeks get even redder. Does he have a breeding kink? The goody two shoes he has always been with everyone is now gone. I like this side of him: unfiltered and real.
“Yea? You’d like that? Watch me take it?” I tease him more and he nods, his head tilting back as his hand moves faster. The tip of his cock disappears in his hand as he jerks himself off. This is hot. I wish I could take a video and rewatch it when he is away.
“Sì, sì… Continua,” (yes, yes… keep going) he mumbles out and gulps. He’s close. I stop his hand by the wrist. He whines and glares at me.
I look at him with a devilish smirk before spitting on his tip. “Thought you needed a hand…”
Jannik stares at me bewildered. His hand resuming its movements while he keeps looking at me. I giggle amused with his fucked out face.
“Porca troia,” (fucking hell)
“Ti prego,” (please)
“Sono stato bravo?” (Have I been good?) he asks as finishes on his lower stomach. I lick my lips and nod, lean in and pecking his mouth. He looks so handsome it makes me want to ruin him even more. My finger touches his stomach, picking up a little bit of his release and I tap my digit on his lips waiting for him to part them, which he does. He can be such a good boy.
“So good, baby…” and he smiles proud of himself.
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for-writing-shit · 3 months
Future- Jannik sinner
|Warnings: none
|Summary: What if your boyfriend is unexpectedly good with children?
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You didn’t know your boyfriend was good with children, and to be honest, you were also surprised.
You two were at a friend’s night out and one of your best friends had a 3 years old daughter: she was a beautiful little baby who only wanted to play; she was running around the house, not caring about her mother who was scolding her .While you were talking to your friends,one of your best friends touches your shoulder and points her finger towards you boyfriend,who was playing with the baby entertaining her with a tennis ball:he really can’t stop thinking about tennis,can’t he?
You knew that your boy was a really sweet and caring person,especially with children,and while you were watching them,you felt a sensation of calmness,which was strange and it was something that you never felt before,almost like a sense of security.
He was the kind of boyfriend that would support you and make you feel secure about yourself.
In that moment you imagined yourselves as parents,of maybe a beautiful and lively baby girl:
you knew that he would've been the greatest daddy and wouldn’t let you down ever.
“Is it normal that I want to be a mother now?”you ask,almost blaming yourself for the question.
“Omg i would love to see a mini version of you with red hair”
It was time to go,but someone didn’t really wanted to get off your man,hugging him and begging him to stay.Your boyfriend couldn’t stop himself from laughing,but a smile of pure happiness appears on your face.
“You have to let Jannik go!”Says the her mom,fully ashamed of what was appening,even if she didn’t have to: you had obtained one of the countless certainties that your boyfriend had shown you he had.Could you ever ask for something better?
 Finally the baby lets your boyfriend go and she waves at you two while  opening the front door.
“E comunque,sono gelosa” 
( And just to be honest,i’m jealous)
You say ironically and your man starts to laugh.
“Oh, veramente?”
(Oh really?)
“Hai visto il modo in cui ti guardava?E’ follemente innamorata di te”
(Did you see the way she looked at you? She’s completely in love with you)
“Di sicuro ho un certo fascino”
(I certainly have a certain charm)
He says boasting ironically,you roll your eyes through the sky.
"Oh,per favore”
(Oh please)
While he was driving, you noticed him giggling:,It must have been something good, so you asked him.
“Cosa c’e’ di così divertente?” 
(What’s so funny?)
“Stavo solo immaginando  di poter magari avere una casa di famiglia in qualche posto speciale,avere duo o tre figli e magari giocare con loro ad ogni ora del giorno.Magari tu potresti portarli ai miei incontri facendoli appassionare al tennis,chissà.”
(I was just imagining maybe having a family home somewhere special, having two or three kids and maybe playing with them every hour of the day.Maybe you could bring them to my meetings and make them passionate about tennis, who knows)
“Quindi io ci sono in questa tua immaginazione”
(So I'm in this imagination of yours)
 You say,and you can’t help but to smile:it seems like today the universe is on your side.
“Se non sei tu la madre dei miei figli chi vuoi che sia?”
(If you're not the mother of my future children,who do you think will be?)
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for-writing-shit · 3 months
Jealousy Jealousy
Jannik Sinner x F!Reader
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summary: Two idiots in love yet they are too blind the see what they actually feel for each other.
wc: 2.7k
genre: enemies to lovers (kinda)
warnings: swearing
note: ahem, that's my first fic about Jannik so i hope you'll like it! let me know about what you think xx
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You take a deep breath and let out a relatively loud ‘Fuck’ as you spin around in the tight bathroom of the hotel room. 
In less than 30 minutes you must be out of this hotel room and find your best friend, Charlotte, whose wedding you’re getting ready for but this damn dress is not helping you out at all!
“Are you good there?” you roll your eyes with the diacritical voice coming from the other side of the door, reminding you of the existence of the red-haired guy you somehow became a partner for the wedding. 
Unfortunately, something dropped beneath Charlotte and Nico’s radar while pairing you two: Neither you nor Jannik can put up with each other’s presence. 
You can’t tell whether they did this on purpose or not, but either way, you’re in no position to question it today. All you have to do is try not to jump down each other’s throats for the sake of your friends’ happiness. 
“Y/N?” he calls out your name, you can’t help but roll your eyes again and ignore him. You wipe your sweaty hands off your dress and try to fasten the lace on the back of your dress one more time, you can feel your freshly made wavy hair slightly sticking to your nape as you rush and him calling out to you.
“Okay, I’m coming in!” he shouts and opens the door without wasting any second. “Sinner!” you scream as you turn your front to his way, “Get out! Why are you looking at me!” you point to the door. You look at him with wide eyes open, which is not so different from how he looks at you. “Oh my god, I could have been naked!”
“I-I’m sorry! I just- You have been here for hours and when you didn’t answer back I thought you died…” he speaks in a rush, his hands moving as fast as the words running out of his pale lips as his freckled face gets warmer. “How positive you are!” you mock him with an eye roll. “Well, since you know that I’m alive, you can leave. I’m trying to get ready.”
“Do you need help…” his long finger points at your dress. “...With the dress?” he asks monotonously after checking the watch on his right wrist. 
You feel nervous with his question and knit your brows, gazing over your floral dress quickly. “Why did you just say that? Does it look bad? Why would I need your help?” you ask your questions one after the other before giving him a chance to answer. You can see his face get redder with shame as if it’s possible. 
“No, no! It looks gor- good! It looks good!” he shakes his head and continues, “I meant the back of your dress, I saw your back, do you need help with it?” he explains, scratching the back of his neck as he runs his green eyes away from yours.
You have two options at this point: Tell him to fuck off for being so nice or just accept his offer for being so nice. 
However much you want to choose the first option, he’s the only one here with you and you don’t have so much time left to finish getting ready.
“Okay,” you say, allowing him to get inside as you turn your back to him in front of the big bathroom mirror. “You need to make a cute bow, it should be tight but not so much.” 
He closely steps behind you and takes the thin laces in his big hands, you push your hair over your right shoulder to give him space. You hold your breath as you feel the warmth of his knuckles brushing your lower back, you know you shouldn’t feel like this but his touch gives you goosebumps. 
“I’m glad you’re not dead.” Jannik whispers and pulls you away from your thoughts. “Why?” you ask, your eyes find his eyes in the mirror, “I thought you’d be happy.” 
He smirks at your words and says, “People would think I did it, no?” You laugh in the sleeve, which causes him to sigh and return to the dress after quite a short moment observing you. 
Even though you try to ignore it, you feel a weird tension between you. Of course, there’s always tension between you two, but normally it’s something like hateful gazes or mocking words. You never saw him blush with your words or he never saw you laugh at his jokes, you only laughed at him.
‘He’s just tolerating.’ you think while finding yourself admiring his tall figure through the mirror. His copper hair is messy and curly as always, you wonder if he ever tried to learn how to take care of them, well, he probably didn’t.
“Is that good?” he asks, stepping back so that you can check yourself. “Yes,” you say shyly, “Thank you.” 
He smiles and leaves you alone in the bathroom again, you continue getting ready: make some final touches to your hair and face, apply your perfume, and send a text to Charlotte. 
When you step out of the bathroom you see Jannik sitting on the bed- Oh, by the way, somehow you only have one bed for the two of you. Isn’t it so ironic? However, that’s another day’s story!
Jannik lifts his head from his phone and looks at you when he hears the clatter of your heels on the floor. “I’m ready.” you say, walking inside the room with a tiny handbag on your wrist. “We can leave.”
“Oh, wait!” he sits up and grabs something from behind, making his way to you. “I need some help with that.” He shows the black necktie and stands in front of you all 6’2, waiting silently for you to do it for him. 
You put your handbag aside and take the tie from his hands with a sigh, lifting your arms to reach his neck. “You’re 21 and don’t know how to tie a necktie? But it makes sense since Gucci does everything for you.” you say scornfully, trying to keep your eyes on the tie as you try to ignore how close your faces are because of your heels. 
“I’m 22.” he responds with a smirk and adds, “And didn’t you need my help to make a bow for your dress?” 
You roll your eyes as he laughs, slightly tighten the tie, and look at him with a fake smile. “Sinner?” you say. 
“Sì.” he replies, keeping the smirk on his thin lips. 
“If you don’t drop that stupid smirk on your lips I’ll fucking choke you with this tie, sì?” you say as you look directly into his shiny green eyes, your hands resting on his broad chest. You smile when he nods and licks his lower lip before biting his smile back. “You have weird fantasies.” he replies.
“Shut up.” you say shortly, you’ll probably need to get your eyes checked after rolling them so many times because of this Italian. “Sì, signora.” he replies with a chuckle. 
“Good boy,” you can’t help but gaze over his lips as you give his chest a pet before grabbing your handbag and making your way to the door. “You’re all done, let’s go.”
You smile and slightly shake your head, wishing that the makeup on your face didn’t give any hint of the warmness and redness capturing your face during this stupid moment.
“She’s Chiara, by the way.” You turn your gaze to Jasmine, the other bridesmaid aka your friend, who’s sipping her champagne and looking in the direction you were looking at: The pool which is away from the crowd where a tall, blonde girl and your lovely Italian friend talk- actually, no, they don’t talk, she just laughs at everything comes out of his stupid mouth as if he’s the funniest person ever, which you know has no side to be the truth. 
“Who?” you pout and try to play dumb as you take your glass from the high table that you lean over. “The girl you’ve been killing with your eyes.” she chuckles.
“I wasn’t!” you protest.
You were.
“I was just observing,” you say, shrugging your shoulders and adding. “Somebody should warn the poor girl about his boring ass.” 
“Actually,” Jasmine starts, “They look cute, don’t they? Obviously, she’s enjoying a lot-” you cut her words with a chuckle, “She’s enjoying a lot!” you state. Both of you look at each other and start laughing when you hear her loud laughter again. “They’d make a cute couple.” she adds and joins the group of people dancing and singing for the bride and groom, leaving you there standing on your own.
You continue watching them blankly for a while with the idea she left in your mind. You’re not sure why but the thought of them being a couple makes you uncomfortable; maybe it’s because you’ve spent the day observing people - him - while he found a girl or it’s just her laughs that makes you uncomfortable.
The second option sounds more reasonable since there’s no reason for you to be jealous of him- Jealousy? Wait, who said that? Why would you be jealous of him?!
“So,” a thick voice takes you back to reality. You realise a brunette guy with wavy hair is standing next to you with all his charm, his hand is under his chin as he shows his bright smile with no shame and mimics you. “What are we looking at?” 
“U-uh nothing? Just the dancing people, I guess.” you say with a shy smile. Why is everyone asking about what are you looking at today?! 
“Okay.” he says with a chuckle. You remember him from somewhere, at least his face looks familiar. His name was something like Joe, maybe Jaoa? Joel, John, Jo- 
“I’m Josh.” he says, he probably understands the blank expression on your face. “I’m a friend of Nico’s.” 
Yes, and you probably remember him from one of these tennis tournaments. 
“Y/N.” you say with a smile, “A friend of Charlotte’s.”
“I know,” he says, “I couldn’t take my eyes off you, you look wonderful today.” you feel the warmth all over your face, and you shake your head in disbelief as you chuckle, whispering a ‘thank you’. And that is the moment your eyes meet with a pair of green eyes. 
His eyes are on you, he’s watching you with an unpleasant expression on his face. 
“...What do you say?” Josh asks, your gaze turns back to him and his beautiful blue eyes again. “To what?” you ask, slightly feeling embarrassed for not listening to him. “To a dance?” he asks with a grin. 
You look over at Jannik one last time and grab the hand Josh holds for you.
You smile at him and reply, “Yeah, I’d love to!”
Now it’s his turn to watch you. 
“I'll be right back.” Josh presses a soft kiss to your cheek and goes to his friend’s side. 
You’ve danced for three, maybe four songs and you can feel the sharp pain rising from your feet to your ankle caused by the high heels that you’re suffering yourself with. You slosh down a glass of champagne that you find on the table to ease the pain a bit. 
Even though during the first song your eyes tried to find the Italian, after that, you forgot about him. You only focused on Josh, he told you about himself and his friendship with Nico. As you thought he was a tennis player too and had a chance to play with Jannik in Halle, you thought that’s probably why Jannik gave you those death stares, perhaps they were not even for you but for Josh. 
Who knows. 
You look around for Jannik and you hate yourself for this. Why do you keep looking for him or thinking about him today? His ugly hair, stupid smile, monotone voice, long fing- No, NO! You shouldn’t be thinking about him, why would you think about him like that when you could just simply ignore and continue to hate him? 
Also, he’s probably sucking that blonde girl's face right now- 
“Ciao!” you hear his voice behind you, Jannik, he’s right behind you. 
“Let’s dance!” he says with a dirty smirk. What? “What?!” you squeal but before you acknowledge anything he takes your hand and takes you to the dance floor. “Come on, I love this song!” 
He has no idea about this song.
“Sinner, I really don’t want to dance, I’m tired.” you grunt but don’t try to get away from his grasp because you know that if you did, he would let you go, and for some reason, you don’t want him to. You want to feel his hands on you, at least a little more while both of you are still tipsy.
Until both of you remember to hate each other. 
He places his hands on your lower back and pulls you closer to himself as you loosely wrap your arms around his neck. You could swear you feel all his body pressing over your body, you could feel his warmness on you. 
You just notice how messy his curls have gotten. He doesn’t have his black blazer on, his tie is loosened and his white button-up is unbuttoned just enough to give you a view of his sharp collarbones. He looks breathtaking.
“Why don’t you dance with Claire?” you finally ask, trying to avoid eye contact with him. “Chiara?” he corrects you with a smirk and continues when you nod to him with your head. “Why? Are you jealous?” 
“Me? Jealous of you?” You make a face and roll your eyes with his question. “You’re drunker than I thought you were.”
“I’m not drunk.” he objects. 
“Well, then that’s worse! You’re out of your mind if you think that with a sober mind!” you say and add as you try not to cringe, “No but seriously why don’t you dance with her? You guys looked so good together.” 
They didn’t.
“It wouldn’t be nice to dance with her while I have someone else in my mind, no?” he asks with a pout. 
“But it’s nice to dance with me while you have someone else in your mind? You’re being weird.” you say, trying your best not to show your disappointment. Who was he thinking and why do you feel the thing you felt when you saw him with her? Why is he doing this to you? 
“I’m dancing with her.” he says. He looks at your face, trying to read your expression but you look at him so blankly as if you don’t want to believe him- Well, you don’t. “Oh mio-” he signs, “You’re so blind to see it, aren’t you? It’s you, Y/N, it has always been you!”
“No,” You stop swinging with him and shake your head in disbelief. “It’s- This is not funny, Jannik.” you say with a straight face. 
“I’m serious, I like you so much and I can’t pretend as if I don’t, not anymore.” he says, you can feel his fingers tighten their grip around your sides, not to hurt you but more like to make sure you’re not slipping away from his fingers.
“No, you don’t!” you raise your voice without noticing but thankfully everyone is on its business to care about you. 
“Why don’t you want to trust me?” Italian asks desperately. “Why would I trust your words when I know that you don’t like me at all? You hated me all the time we knew each other but you suddenly realised that you liked me when you saw me with Josh? Is that it?” you say without caring about the fact that your voice is cracking. 
“Let me show you, per favore…” he tries again, “How would you-” and his pale yet warm lips press over yours, cutting you up with an unexpected kiss. You feel one of his hands quickly find your chin, and you let yourself relax under his touch. 
Maybe he was serious about what he said.
And maybe you weren’t hating him either.
“Can you stop kicking me?!” Jannik groans from your back, you can tell that his face is probably buried in the pillow by his hoarse voice. “Then stop spreading your long, hairy legs towards my area!” you say in a huff.
“Your area?” he says, you can hear the sarcasm in his voice.
“Yes, my area! Now go to sleep and stop rubbing your legs to mine- SINNER FUCK OFF! YOU'RE SO DISGUSTING!”
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for-writing-shit · 3 months
can you do thigh riding with jannik 👉👈
thigh riding (blurb) - jannik sinner
warnings: suggestive / dirty talking
notes: i’m a literal slut for this man so thank u for requesting this one🙂‍↕️
it has been a long day. training didn’t go well as expected, your coach kept screaming in your hear underlining every mistake that you made, you spent hours under the hot sun just trying to get the ball on the other side of the net without succeeding. it was tiring.
days like this were common in your life, days in which you felt the half of the energy you usually had, and you didn’t know exactly why and it drove you mad.
but fortunately you had jannik that was always by your side, encouraging you to do your best. and was of course always there whenever you came home tired as ever from an intense training day.
“hi, baby.” he said in a sweet tone, seeing you coming towards him to flop right next to his body on the couch. you nodded at him, too tired even to speak. “how was training?” he took a strand of your hair in his fingers, twirling it.
“just… bad.” you sighed closing your eyes and letting your head fall backwards onto the cushions. “why’s that?” he asked in a concerned voice, his eyes fixed onto yours. “it was just exhausting, you know… i couldn’t get one ball on the other side of the net.” you huffed, almost getting angry again just at the thought of it.
“i’m sorry, babe.” he placed a hand on your naked thigh, stroking it. you felt hot all of a sudden. “is there anything i can do for you?” he sounded so innocent he made you smile, but maybe there was one thing…
you chuckled shyly to yourself, hiding your gaze from his but he was following your eyes. “what is it?” he smiled too, taking your chin with a two fingers and forcing you to lock eyes with him.
your cheeks were definitely turning red and you could feel his hand strarting to get real close to your heat, he was doing it on purpose at this point.
“maybe you just have to relax.” his tone was serious as he stared at your lips intensely. “don’t you think?” his fingers were tracing random patterns on your skin and you were sure he noticed your sudden body heat change. you felt like you were burning underneath his touch.
before you could even think about an answer, he lifted your body up from his side, positing you on his lap, so you were straddling his thigh. it was almost instinctive for you to start move upon him, feeling his muscle tense beneath your body and his hands found place on you hips, guiding your movements and keeping you in place.
“mhhh…” he nodded, looking up at you. “do you like that, baby?” he asked in a quiet voice caressing your burning cheek “y-yes…”
unconsciously you started picking up your pace, moving faster on him and hearing him groaning in your ear. “you’re doing great.” he praised you in a whisper.
your hands found place on his shoulders, squeezing the flesh in your fingers and feeling his body tensing. it was an ecstatic feeling. “j-jannik…” you moaned his name in a muffled voice, trying to compose yourself, but you just couldn’t.
“i’m right here.” his hands on your waist were driving you crazy, as well as your movements on his thigh, grinding on him eagerly. he sensed your were almost reaching your climax and he started whispering sweet nothings in your ear as you rested you head in the crook of his neck.
“just let go.” he said stroking your back, hugging you. with one last movement you came, staining your shorts and you immediately pulled him closer to you, your head still on his shoulder, too embarrassed to look up at him. “t-thank you…”
he placed a sweet kiss on your head, whispering “anything for you, baby.”
tag list: @rublito @yungbludz @gogz-ee @xoxolovlies @pretty-hate-machineee @2manytabsopen @carlosalcarazlefttoe @heyitsconysstuff @ithinkimokeei
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for-writing-shit · 3 months
stay ready (what a life)- CA, JS
|Warnings: none
|Summary:Be strong and forget about him!Is this so hard for you?
Maybe it's impossible to get over your past relationship, or maybe you just need to find someone that'll make you fall in love again.This should work, right?
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You remain shocked as you read an article about your ex boyfriend with his new girlfriend.You almost want to cry,it’s only been three months since your breakup, and you were still devastated.
I mean,you didn’t really got over your ex relationship and in the moment where you were finally healing, you catch up this fucking article.
Jannik Sinner and bla,bla,bla..
You weren’t just jealous, you were also disappointed: he literally hid you for a half of a year because of his “privacy”and now?Photos and revealing facts about his new relationship?
You couldn’t stand it, but you also couldn’t say or do anything, your relationship is over and you have to go over it. Wish it was so easy, though.
You already messaged your girlfriends, of course.
-Mia: He’s a loser, who cares?
-Evelyn: He’s not a loser, he’s a dick
-Ava:Every loser is a dick
-Mia:period girl
Thank god your friends were there to help you out,but maybe he wasn’t really a dick, and not even a loser.
He’s actually one of the most responsible people you’ve ever met. He never treated you without respect, of course, but he could at least keep it a secret to let you suffer less and heal.
But now you have to get away with it.
You: girls don’t be so hard on him,please
Ava: …
Evelyn: We lost her again..
I think that after this,you’ll have to pay your girls to support you.
Ava:and to be honest, i never trusted him
You: Wait why?
Ava:He’s too much of a gentleman
Evelyn: I agree.
But unfortunately, that wasn’t the only bad news for today:
You had to go to the Roland Garros,where of course your ex boyfriend would play.
You are  famous too, you’re a fucking italian-spanish hot girl in her early 20’s and you had to go there, even if you wanted to die just to think about it. But you’re going to be a responsible person,right? Of course you are, or you hope so.
Ava: We are going to be with you for the whole journey and we’re going to have so much fun,don’t worry about him
Mia: Maybe you could get a new tennis rich boyfriend, who knows?
You:I don’t think I'm healed for another tennis player in my life, seriously.
Evelyn: That would be fun, though.
You wish you could do like in the movies where the main character fucks around with everyone just to get revenge on your ex boyfriend, but unfortunately you’re not the kind of person that your friends want you to be.
Oh my god that Anna girl looks really pretty, but most importantly, he seems to be in love,really in love.
You thought that you were always going to be together, what a stupid baby.How could you ever have fooled yourself like this?
All the memories started to flood your mind, you looked like you were about to cry, but as soon as a tear falls on your cheek, you remind yourself again:
You've cried too much, it's time to move on. But the real question is this: will you be able to do it?
-Author’s note
This is the first part of a long (i hope so) fanfiction, and if you trust me, you’ll be satisfied🤭
Thank you always for the support!💗
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for-writing-shit · 3 months
stay ready (what a life) -CA, JS
|warnings: none
|Summary: Be strong and forget about him!Is this so hard for you?
Maybe it's impossible to get over your past relationship, or maybe you just need to find someone that'll make you fall in love again.This should work, right?
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Your next week is really going to test your patience and most importantly, your self control, but at the end of the day this is what life really is, and this really sucks.
After this ‘Roland Garros’ week, you don’t want anything to do with tennis again, even if he comes back (really improbable) but you don’t care about this,it’s better for you to leave the past behind.
You decided as well not to check the news about tennis or any kind of gossip on the internet, to reduce your pain, of course.The only good thing is that you’re finally going to Paris,the city of love, even if you’re not in love, but that’s fine, right? You have to convince yourself so.
By the way, you should think about packing your suitcase, or at least to get moving.
We don’t want to make the holiday worse than it already is.
Actually you start to think that the holiday is not that bad,the flight to Paris was great,and you were starting to chat with a lot of other celebrities, until you see Mia running towards you on her heels, almost bumping into someone to reach you,she pulls you by the arm and starts screaming softly.
“What happened?”
“You wouldn’t guess who i saw, thank god he didn’t recognise me”
You had a few ideas who this person would be,but you were denying it to yourself.
“Who is it?” You ask, almost not wanting to know who this is.
“Your ex-carrot boy”
Your heart almost skips a beat, but you also want to laugh at his brand new nickname.But you also want to cry and to leave, but you’re a grown woman and you can absolutely handle it by yourself.
“Is he with someone?” You hope for a negative answer, of course.
“Thank God no, or you would probably see me having a fight right now.
But look at the bright side, tonight there’s this cute party before Roland Garros starts and guess what? You’re coming with us wearing your sexiest and tightest dress you’ve ever worn.Sounds good? You’ll have to act as an independent woman as well.”
You weren’t that kind of person and you didn’t want to look immature, but you know what? Who says I can't wear a dress on a party night? Absolutely no one, so that’s your final decision
Of course you weren’t going to act slutty, God no, but at least you were going to look good.
Right now,of course, you’ll have to avoid him in the hallways or in any part of the hotel he would be in, it would be awkward and embarrassing, more for you probably than for him.
“By the way, other tennis players are going to stay here,Isn’t it great?”
“I wouldn’t say great, but it’s kinda interesting actually”
“If you want, i can do recherche about the most rich tennis player”
“Please don’t do that”
As you were talking to your friend, she gasps quietly and whispers ad “oh God” to you,almost wanting to hide.You’re even scared to turn around now.
“Oh god,what now?”
“Carrot boy talking to miss Anna a few meters from us”
You feel anxious, you don’t even want to make eye contact with him, it would probably be more dangerous than a freaking bomb.You might also want to throw yourself from the sixth floor as well.
“You just said that she wasn’t with him!”
“I might have told you a bullshit to make you feel more confident”
You whispere a “Fuck you” to your friend, who in this journey isn’t that much of a help for you.
And that’s all, you just turn around and here it is, you're not blonde like her, you don’t have blue eyes like her and you’re not even good at tennis like her.
You feel almost disgusted by yourself and all of that independent girl vibes that you had before, you see it disappear right in front of you.
Maybe he deserves someone like her and not like you,she’s prettier and maybe she’s even sweeter than you.
You remember some of the words that he told you when you were together.
He always told you that you were beautiful, that you were perfect for him and even that he could imagine starting a family with you.And that’s what you get now?You really believed in those words, you couldn’t see yourself with anyone but him, but it appears to be that he forgot you only 2 months after his ‘most important relationship ever’ and that made you sick.
You didn’t break up because of any cheating or arguments, you just broke up because he was busy and didn't have the time to be in a relationship.
Yes, you had your life and you were busy as well but you thought that anything could ever destroy your relationship, but apparently, you were wrong and now you’re suffering for it.
You just wish that everything could come back to a few months ago and avoid everything that happened after,but you can’t.
He probably even noticed that you are here and what would happen if you met him? You can’t avoid him forever, of course.
Now there are three options: 
Talk and clarify with him
Don’t go out of your room and avoid him forever
Go to that fucking party and let him see how you’re living your best life without him
The first option is clearly the best one, the only problem is that you don’t have the courage to go talk to him, and the second one is way dramatic and impossible, so the only one practicable and not boring is the third one.
You might enjoy yourself at that party tonight and maybe you could find a distraction, who knows?
-Author's note
Trust the process and wait because the next chapter is FIRE.💓
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for-writing-shit · 3 months
stay ready (what a life) -CA ,JS
|Warnings: suspense
|Summary:Be strong and forget about him!Is this so hard for you?
Maybe it's impossible to get over your past relationship, or maybe you just need to find someone that'll make you fall in love again.This should work, right?
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The next morning, you wake up with a renewed sense of determination. Today is about preparing for the party tonight, and that means finding the perfect dress. Mia, Ava, and Evelyn have already planned a shopping spree, and you can’t help but feel excited. There’s something invigorating about the idea of exploring Parisian boutiques with your best friends.
The anticipation for tonight’s party is building. Mia's plan for you to wear the sexiest, tightest dress you’ve ever owned is more than just a ploy to distract you from your ex; it’s a way for you to reclaim your confidence. As you step into the sleek black dress, you can’t help but feel a spark of excitement. Maybe tonight is about more than just avoidance, perhaps it’s about rediscovery.
Ava, Mia, and Evelyn are there for moral support, doling out compliments and helping you with the final touches. You arrive at the party venue, a chic rooftop bar with panoramic views of Paris, and your nerves start to ease. The city's twinkling lights and the hum of lively conversation serve as a welcome distraction.
As you mingle, you start to relax and even enjoy yourself. You notice several tennis players in the crowd, but you focus on your friends and the fun you’re having. A waiter passes by with a tray of champagne flutes, and you grab one, taking a sip to steady your nerves.
Suddenly, you hear a familiar voice. You turn and see Carlos Alcaraz, one of the rising stars of tennis, talking to a group of people near the bar.
 He’s laughing, exuding a magnetic energy that draws people in. You remember your brief encounters with him at various tennis events—always friendly, always respectful.
Evelyn notices your gaze. “Why don’t you go say hi? He’s always been nice to you.”
You hesitate, but Mia gives you a gentle push. “Go on. It’ll be good for you.”
It feels a little wrong, he's probably the toughest player your ex ever encountered in his matches, and now you’re about to talk with him. Taking a deep breath, you walk over to Carlos. As you approach, he looks up and smiles warmly.
“Hey! Long time no see,” he says, genuinely pleased to see you.
“Hey, Carlos. How have you been?” you reply, grateful for his friendly demeanor.
You fall into easy conversation, catching up on his recent matches and the latest tennis gossip. He doesn’t bring up your ex, for which you’re thankful. Instead, he focuses on making you laugh and feel comfortable.
As the night progresses, you find yourself enjoying Carlos’s company more and more. He’s attentive and charming, a perfect distraction from the anxiety you’ve been feeling.   
“Wanna dance?” he asks amused.
“I’ve never been so good at dancing, to be honest”
“Neither me, but who cares?”
On the dance floor, you feel a sense of liberation. The music pulses through you, and for the first time in weeks, you feel lighthearted and carefree. Carlos spins you around, and you can’t help but laugh. It feels good to have fun again, to feel alive.
Just as you’re starting to think the night couldn’t get any better, you catch sight of your ex across the room. He’s standing with Anna, talking and laughing, but he definitely notices you having fun. For a moment, your heart sinks, but then Carlos pulls you back into the dance, and you remind yourself of your resolve to move on.
Carlos must sense your momentary distraction because he leans in and whispers, “Don’t let him ruin your night. You deserve to have fun.”
You nod, grateful for his support. As the song ends, Carlos keeps you close, and you realize he’s been a wonderful friend tonight. Maybe there’s more to explore here, but for now, you’re just happy to have someone who cares.
The party continues, and you find yourself surrounded by laughter and good company. You might not be completely over your ex, but tonight you’ve taken a significant step forward. With friends like Mia, Ava, Evelyn, and now Carlos, you know you’re not alone in this journey.
As the night winds down, Carlos walks you back to your friends. “Thanks for tonight,” you say, genuinely appreciative.
“Anytime,” he replies with a wink. “See you around?”
“Definitely,” you respond, feeling a newfound sense of hope.
With that, you head back to your hotel room, a smile playing on your lips. Is Carlos maybe the one that can save you? 
Tomorrow may bring new challenges, but tonight, you’ve proven to yourself that you can move forward. And that’s what matters most. But then you hear knocking at your door…
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for-writing-shit · 3 months
stay ready (what a life) -CA,JS
|Summary: Be strong and forget about him!Is this so hard for you? Is this so hard for you?
Maybe it's impossible to get over your past relationship, or maybe you just need to find someone that'll make you fall in love again.This should work, right?
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The knocking at your door makes you incredibly nervous, and you don’t even know why.
Is it because of the time? It’s kinda late and you don’t think there are any of your girlies out there.
There isn’t even a peephole on this door, so you can’t do anything else but to open that damn thing
As soon as you open it, you feel reassured:
Carlos at your door,in a white t-shirt and black shorts, smiling at you.
“I couldn’t sleep and I thought that maybe you’re a late night person, and it feels like I was right.Did i disturb you?”
You smile, your heart fluttering at the sight of Carlos. “No, you didn’t disturb me. I’m definitely a night owl.”
He grins, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Great! I know this amazing spot on the roof with the best view of Paris. Wanna come with me?”
Your curiosity piqued, you nod. “Sure, why not?”
Arriving on the roof, the beautiful view of Paris made you fall in love even more with this city:
the city of love,they say.
And thinking that just a few days before you were crying yourself to sleep, this is more than a stepforward.
“Why did you bring me here?”
“I thought that someone beautiful as you needed to see this”
You chuckle, and you can’t do anything but think that he’s a good suitor.
“Thank you for tonight,really”
“I just know what’s going on between you and Jannik and I want to help you.I mean,he’s a good man and a great friend on court but how could he break up with you?”
“Oh we just broke up because of the distance,you know, i have to work and i have to travel a lot and he’s busy with the tournaments, we decided what was best for us”
“But I think it wasn’t the best for you,right?”
His words made you think on how you didn’t want to leave him and that he was the one that actually took off your relationship.
You take a deep breath, trying to steady your emotions. Carlos’s concern feels genuine, and for a moment, you allow yourself to be vulnerable.
“Honestly, it wasn’t what I wanted. I thought we could make it work despite the distance. But he said it was too much, that he couldn’t handle the constant separation.” You pause, the memories flooding back. “Seeing him with Anna now,it just hurts. It feels like everything we had meant nothing.”
Carlos nods, his eyes full of empathy. “I get that. Breakups are never easy, especially when it feels like the other person moved on so quickly. But you shouldn’t doubt your worth. He might have been overwhelmed by his career, but that doesn’t reflect on you.”
For all these months spent crying on Jannik, you didn’t realize that there were other people waiting for you and helping you to go through your pain.You thought that Carlos (before meeting him) was a bit childish and that your ex was the only best choice for you.
You thought of yourself as a stupid person,but now you’re healing and that’s what matters.
“Why didn’t I meet you before?”
“Let’s just say that before I was a little stupid. Trust me,it’s better that you’ve met me now”
The night continues and you talk a lot about everything, he tries his best to make you laugh and to have a good time with you.
He leans against the railing, gazing out at the city lights. “Paris has a way of making you reflect on things, doesn’t it? All these beautiful sights, it makes you realize there’s so much more out there.”
His words make you smile, you really hope it’s the person he’s proving to be and you really hope he might be the one to make you move on.
You soon go back to your rooms and as soon as you close the door, you can't help but smile and act like a teenager in love.
“Good morning!See you at breakfast in 20?”
That’s the message you woke up with, and you couldn’t be more happy.
“Sure!” you reply faster than ever at this message and you start to get ready.Wimbledon is near and he probably needs to train today, but spending 15 more minutes with him won’t hurt anybody, right?
As soon as you go down the elevator,,you start looking for him in the breakfast room.
You find him on his phone,ripping his eyes,your eyes meet with his and a smile appears on his face.
And stupidly,you hug him.With your height you were right under his chin, he doesn’t think twice and hugs you back.
“Are you ready for today’s training?” you ask him to start the conversation.
“Always”he replies ironically,putting a hand behind your back, almost to accompany you to a free table.
“What are you going to do while I train today?”
“Probably going to boutiques here in Paris with the girls,we’re trying to have fun”
“Have fun”He says with a smile,but he continues.
“I was hoping that maybe,in the late afternoon,you could come to training, maybe I'll introduce you to someone”
“I’d love that” You didn’t see tennis trainings in a really long time,maybe it was time to feel that sensation again.
Mia-Ready for spending all our money on shopping?😍
You get this message and you have to leave the table.
“See you later then”He says with a huge smile on his face.
You reply with a smile.Even if you’re happy to go out with your girls you really wanted to stay with Carlos, and this feels so weird.
Does this feel like this because it’s wrong?
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for-writing-shit · 3 months
jan finding ways to be touching you
hes always trying to be touching you in one way or another
even before you guys are even dating he does it, he's comparing hand sizes with you, laughing at how small yours are compared to his. but he's purposely leaving them pressed against each other until his fingers absentmindedly close around yours
when you guys do start dating he's still seeking it out subtly instead of just asking.
he's constantly pretending he's cold just to find an excuse to wrap you up in his big arms and have you squished against his chest as you guys snuggle into a warm blanket.
when you go out, he'll always be holding your hand, or have an arm wrapped around you. just to keep you "safe"
he's always tying your shoelaces for you. even though you are fully capable of doing it yourself, he loves dropping to his knees to tie knots (not double knotted though because he wants to tie them again), just so that you will give him silly little headpats when he begins to stand again.
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