for-the-king-x · 2 years
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Hey y’all !! It’s been a while. I was swept up in life and admittedly experienced loss of muse and writer’s block for a bit there. I’d love to get back writing now, though. Give this a like and lemme know you’re still with me!
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for-the-king-x · 2 years
Aemond carded his fingers through Aegon’s wavey hair. He tugged, though not so hard as to drag Aegon off of him. “Gods fuck, you are such a talented little slut aren’t you. You work that tongue and throat, I sometimes wonder if I should pay you for it.” He taunted softly.
He groaned at the loss of Aegon’s mouth, almost ordering him to continue. But beofre he could Aegon kissed him, making him stumble. He might be taller than his older brother, but he was lanky where Aegon was firm. He tasted his own cock on Aegon’s tongue and broke away to instead kiss at Aegon’s jaw and neck. He nipped and licked until Aegon’s skin was wet and bruised.
“I find delight in your torture because you take it so well. You make it look like art, like beauty.” Aemond smirked. He tossed Aegon back onto the bed and then climbed atop him. “I prefer to take my time, you know that, brother.” He growled.
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He was damned, truly. Aemond's words frustrated and aroused him in equal measure. But he could oblige a bit of foreplay. The elder grinned as he fell back against the pillows. And as soon as he was near enough, he wrapped his legs around Aemond's slim waist. And his lips worried at the pale skin of his neck, love bites and little kisses. No marks, though, he couldn't claim what wasn't his.
"You just want to hear me beg." He said slyly, "I shan't give you that satisfaction."
A vague challenge. Even now, in the throes of lust as they were, he could not resist goading his brother.
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[Selective] Trouser Trouble [Aemond]
Open to: Helaena, Aegon
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"I need you. Now." The Prince said firmly.
It felt like his blood was on fire and his cock would erupt from his breeches through its own will.
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for-the-king-x · 2 years
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for-the-king-x · 2 years
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continued from here x @damselledove
Young. Not unwise. Sansa had inherited their father's level head. Robb liked to think he had as well. Though at the moment, he felt a fool for grappling with forces beyond his control.
He had been pacing but finally he came to a still, shaking his head.
"You're not ready...And Geoffrey is..." He dare not speak what words came to mind. "I'll speak with father. We can undo this."
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for-the-king-x · 2 years
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Bethany Antonia as BAELA TARGARYEN HOUSE OF THE DRAGON- 1.10: The Black Queen
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for-the-king-x · 2 years
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So, the war of fire and blood began.
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for-the-king-x · 2 years
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Yes, this child was born for me. Viserys had her so that he could give the girl to me. And I now realize I was born to meet you, Rhaenyra.
He was selfish. Daemon did nothing in halves. There were no shades of grey. There was no compromise. He would not meet in the middle. Such was his unyielding love for the ruby of his desire: Rhaenyra. She was his, there was no debating this. It was childish of him, perhaps. Such the little brother for him to covet what Viserys held most dear. But he could not help it. What drew them together was molecular. The force of atoms was between them. It was a science no one in the realm understood. Let the maesterstryto explain what attracted him to her. Maybe then Viserys could rest, assured there was some means to separate them should he see fit. Thankfully he had not tried. Not in earnest. Were he ever to separate from Rhaenyra, the world would surely meet a firey end.
The king had fought the thought of them for so long. He’d cursed his brother for ever desiring Rhaenyra. He had written Daemon off as instead being hungry for the throne. Maybe Viserys hoped Daemon would tire of her. He had had so many play things he had loved and thrown away. And at a certain point, Daemon had convinced himself that he was not good enough for her. Those years with Laena had been peaceful, surrounded by melancholy though they may have been. He missed rhaenyra but there was no conflict of morals within him any more. He loved Laena, too. She was his ocean pearl. She cooled him off, she was his peace. You couldn’t compare water and fire. Each was deep with mystery. Both were powerful. Each element occupied equal place in his heart. He prayed the gods watched over his brave girl.
Often he ruminated about the both of them. As he lay in the bed he shared with Rhaenyra, he had roused first. The sun would not rise for some time. He spent a quiet moment watching her in the dark, asleep, pure admiration in his violet eyes. He did eventually rise, drifting to the window to meet the breeze as it blew in from the sea around Dragonstone. This life was as close to perfect as he could imagine. There was one thing that could better it....He looked over his shoulder at Rhaenyra’s sleeping form. He could admit to himself, at least, that perhaps he still wanted the crown. His love outshone his ambition. He had had his chance to kill the girl, afterall. The thought left as quickly as it had come.
Rhaenyra’s touch blew in like a gentle gale, he turned his head and offered a small smile.
“Forgive me my restless mind. Sometimes watching is the only thing that calms me.”
He encircled her as she folded into him, made room for her at the windowsill. He could have believed they were the only two souls in the entire world in this moment. The kiss she dealt was his universe. The central point of his very being. Such a struggle it was to drag himself away. Daemon drew Rhaenyra in nearer, resting his forehead upon hers.
He spoke with a comfortable drawl, his eyes closed, “What exactly do you have in mind?”
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Someone picked up the sun and pinned it to the sky again, but every day it hangs a little lower than the day before. It’s like a negligent parent who only knows one half of who you are. It never sees how its absence changes people. How different we are in the dark.Not everyone gets a true ending. There are two types of endings because most people give up at the part of the story where things are the worst, where the situation feels hopeless. But that’s when hope is needed most. only those who persevere can find their true ending. Hope.It’s like a drop of honey, a field of tulips blooming in the springtime. It’s a fresh rain, a whispered promise, a cloudless sky, the perfect punctuation mark at the end of a sentence. And it’s the only thing in the world keeping her afloat.Happy endings can be caught, but they are difficult to hold on to. They are dreams that want to escape the night. They are treasure with wings. They are wild, feral, reckless things that need to be constantly chased, or they will certainly run away.  Rhaenyra had woken once the sun’s rays danced against her skin instead of the marble floor of their chambers. Like a young girl reaching for their teddy bear, her manicured eyebrows furrowed slightly as she reached out for the body of the man who was to be her homeland. The remnants of his body lingered in the air and the silk of their sheets, Jewel toned eyes opened in a fluttering whisper of sun spun gold lashes and body languidly raising to take stock of the room. The woman with a halo of blonde hair behind her had some idea were he was before her bare feet kissed the ground in the serene silence. She had chosen not to slide on her slippers in hopes that it would keep away the time to be out of the safety of the arms of the man she loved. Gold shimmered no matter what, but few people could make darkness glitter the way he did.She knew better than to think that she could surprise the roguish prince even in the early light. The window had a figure leaning out of it. in the pure glory of a night tunic hanging from his frame. her husband was perfect all of him. His entire body.Proportionally. Symmetrically. He was absurdly, mathematically perfect. It doesn’t even make sense that a person could look like him. And he’d chosen to be hers. He smelled of magic and heartbreak, and something about the combination made her think that despite what he claimed, he wanted to be her hero. She remembered her first impression of him, tall, roughly handsome, and dangerous, like poison dressed up in an attractive bottle.She remembered thinking falling for him would be like falling in love with darkness, but now she imagined he was more like a starry night: the constellations were always there, constant, magnificent guides against the ever-present black. He was a mess of gold hair, sea-salt green eyes, and bitten lips, beautiful in a way only broken things could be.He looked like a freshly woken storm, or a beautiful nightmare come to life so he could personally haunt her. With a gentle giggle, she held her back up by the cold stone of the walls. Ivory fingers running elegantly against his skin in small smoothing circles. He looked like a freshly woken storm, or a beautiful nightmare come to life so he could personally haunt her. “I should have known that i have seen you leaning out the window, Daemon, but I must admit that I would have enjoyed spending a few more hours in the expanse of your arms instead of watching you brood against the castle.” the heir teased with a mischevious upturn to her smile.There was a certain lovesick vulnerability between them outside of prying eyes and ears. Her body longed for him. The final distance closing by the warmth of her night gowned body against his sturdy chest and solider. A contented long labored sigh parted her lips. In a slight dip, the blonde reached to The targaryen girl was kissing her husband like the world is rolling right off a cliff, like she’s trying to hang on and she’s decided to hold on to Daemon, like she’s starving for life and love and she’s never known it could ever feel this good to be close to someone. Like it’s the first time she’s ever felt anything but hunger and she doesn’t know how to pace himself, doesn’t know how to eat in small bites, doesn’t know how to do anything anything anything in moderation. His mouth was crashing against hers. He tasted like exquisite nightmares and stolen dreams, like the wings of fallen angels, and bottles of fresh moonlight.It’s the kind of kiss that inspires stars to climb into the sky and light up the world.It was the sort of kiss she could have lived in. The sort of kiss worth dying for. “Might I interest you in a different sort of way to pass the time?”
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for-the-king-x · 2 years
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who i gotta pay to get a daemon x laena thread !?!
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for-the-king-x · 2 years
[ HAIR ] — sender gently tucks a loose lock of receiver’s hair behind their ear (Kiko to Aegon)
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He flinched on reflex. A small jump, a tensing of his fists. Gods, he was truly pathetic. Of course she hadn't made to strike him. Kiko was many things but cruel was not one of them. Truth be told, she was not extremely familiar to him. He had only recently begun trying to win her favor. In a desperate way, he threw gift after gift at her as if that would forge a makeshift bond. Because he so desperately wanted to feel close to someone. He did not so much mind her being dutybound to pay attention to him.
He had slunk into flea bottom feeling sorry for himself. First and foremost, he wanted to see her, had paid handsomely to get her all to himself. And now here they were in a private chamber. Here she was surprising Aegon with such a tender touch. Something about it laid bare the vulnerability in his soul. Embarrassment washed over him, anger soon came to his defense.
He snatched her had away, held it from near him. He meant to be menacing, though he looked on the verge of tears. "What are you doing?"
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for-the-king-x · 2 years
[ BLANKET ] — sender puts a warm blanket over receiver’s shoulders (Leah to Aemond)
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The simple thoughtfulness of a blanket. Leah's gentle nature continued to astound Aemond. A simple gesture perhaps to others, to him, a testament of her devotion. It was always the little things that endeared her to him. He felt a pang of guilt immediately. He had left her for too long, gotten too caught up in his other dealings. He had been watching the fire but had strayed too far into his own mind to realize it was dying out. Now the logs were but embers, glowing faintly in the hearth. The cold had crept in, Aemond had not noticed until the soft warmth of the blanket encircled his shoulders.
"My love..." He sought her out in the near dark, arms encircling her waist to pull her into his lap. He smiled, nuzzling against her cheek, "I should be the one tending to you like this. Did you miss me, dove?"
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for-the-king-x · 2 years
[ BLANKET ] — sender puts a warm blanket over receiver’s shoulders // for robb ??
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♛ Robb was sat alone in the empty hall. The space allowed him to think. He looked often to the chair his father had occupied as warden of the north, petitioning his spirit to give him council.
Her steps were soundless, she had taken him by surprise. Or perhaps, his mind was so busy, he had not taken notice to what went on around him. Whatever the case, he was glad of her presence now. In the cold and the dark, solace could be found in the company of another. Robb, finally broken of his distracted musings, smiled up at Alysanne. In truth, he was relieved to have something to take him out of his head. Though, he did not know her well. They had a common enemy in the Lannisters and the young wolf needed the support of House Kersey to secure the north. They would be married. Most likely before this conflict reached its bloodiest.
He was so bold as to taken gentle hold of her hand, a press of his cold fingers into her soft palm.
"There's room for two my lady....if sleep alludes you as well."
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for-the-king-x · 2 years
╰┈➤ STARTER PROMPTS : assorted fluffy action prompts !
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[ EMBRACE ] — sender embraces receiver [ HUG ] — receiver embraces sender
[ SIDE ] — sender side - hugs receiver [ HALF ] — receiver side - hugs sender
[ SHOULDER ] — sender gives receiver a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder [ HAND ] — receiver gives sender a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder
[ BLANKET ] — sender puts a warm blanket over receiver’s shoulders [ DRAPE ] — receiver puts a warm blanket over sender’s shoulders
[ HAIR ] — sender gently tucks a loose lock of receiver’s hair behind their ear [ TUCK ] — receiver gently tucks a loose lock of sender’s hair behind their ear
[ BRUSH ] — sender brushes receiver’s hair [ BRUSHED ] — receiver brushes sender’s hair
[ COOK ] — sender makes a home - cooked meal for receiver [ DINE ] — receiver makes a home - cooked meal for sender
[ MUG ] — sender presents receiver with a warm mug of ( tea / coffee / cocoa / specify drink ) they’ve made for receiver [ CUP ] — receiver presents sendee with a warm mug of ( tea / coffee / cocoa / specify drink ) they’ve made for receiver
[ FIX ] — sender straightens an article of receiver’s clothes [ ADJUST ] — receiver straightens an article of sender’s clothes
[ NOTE ] — sender writes a sweet note for receiver and leaves it for them ( specify note & where it is left ! ) [ WRITE ] — receiver writes a sweet note for receiver and leaves it for them
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for-the-king-x · 2 years
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continued from here x @solstice-muse-collective
“There’s nothing left to do but make your peace with the gods and pray you see another day.”
It was routine to him: fighting. A bloody battle was a day just like any other. Daemon could not say he enjoyed it. His words were weary, spoken by a man who was simply resigned to the violence in his life. In those times he craved peace, he thought back to the days he had spent in Pentose with his brave girl. He missed her. Now, even though he had what he had always wanted in some respects, he still missed her. 
Daemon stood, placing a gentle hand on Visenya’s shoulder. 
“If I have but one success in this lifetime, it will be that you never see the displeasure of battle.” Then, teasingly, he pinched the apple of her cheek, “You’d probably cry.”
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for-the-king-x · 2 years
“What? Your going to throw me on the bed and have your way with me?” He questioned his brother as his brother moved closer to him. Aegon was curious about a few things, one what he brother was up to and just how far his brother was willing to go.
Aegon decided to reach out and took a hold of his shirt. “Depends, what are you planning on doing with me?” He said a grin on his face, excited for what is to come.
Aemond laughed wryly, quipping back, “No, I’m not you.”
Then he looked down at his Aegon’s hand, fisted in the material of his doublet. A cute gesture but he would only admit this to himself.
“But you’ve already said yes.”
Their eyes were the same: violet hues tinted with mischief. Enough with the pretenses. There was no mystery in his words but if things were not clear enough, Aemond would spell it out with his tongue. He kissed Aegon, rough and all at once. And by instinct he had wrapped his arms around his brother, pulling their bodies flush. With the same hold, through stumbling steps, Aemond edged them toward the bed, falling onto the sheets atop the other.
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for-the-king-x · 2 years
Daemon's thoughts on hearing Aegon ran away to be a whore in a brothel and then Aemond's finding him and dragging him back to court with the Greens?
How did Viserys' kids get so fucked up? I blame Alicent.
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for-the-king-x · 2 years
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Myella longed for respect. She didn’t mind that she wouldn’t be beloved by lords and ladies and the common folk like her kin, but just to be treated with any sort of decency would be enough. Sure, she wasn’t turned out to the streets and was given love and care by her uncle, she still found herself being treated as a child by him. A child he had no purpose for given her illegitimacy and reputation. A reputation that only proceeded her because of her parentage. Myella wondered if she looked different, things would be as well. If she had the signature white Targaryen hair and pale skin then it would be easier for others to accept her. But, she had her mother’s face, meaning people would always see her as a foreigner. Someone who doesn’t belong.
When Aegon moved from behind her, she felt like she could breath easier now they were distanced. Myella released her bow arm and relaxed a bit as she faced her cousin. “I wouldn’t want anything more than to train and be a warrior, though I doubt Ser Criston or your brother would be flocking to teach me.”
“ Aemond and Ser Criston could only teach you how to fight as a knight does....That form would not suit you, would not be what is most practical.”
What one lacked in strength, often they made up for in speed. He could see it in Myella’s form, even. Lithe, petite thing she was. And he dreamt up a fantasy of her fighting. Her adversary could not touch her because he could not catch her. She would dodge and weave and sneak in close for the kill, a clean cut to the throat. And in her hands were daggers. But to accomplish all this, she may need to shirk her honor. Aegon knew well that honor did not win fights. Honor did not rule kingdoms. You had to be clever and deadly. Though, these things were not synonymous with evil. They were raised on the tale of the benevolent thief. They were thought lessons on moral gray areas before they even realized. 
He had been in his mind that whole time, thinking, finally present in the present. Finally, he gave her a testing look, crossing his arms.
“They would only teach you how to die like a night....Doesn’t that frighten you?”
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for-the-king-x · 2 years
Aegon did not know why his brother like to make his life hell. All he wanted to do was sleep after a night out but he should realise that never happens in this family.
His eyes stayed on his brother as spoke, his eye brow raised as he wondered what his brother meant by all of that. His body shivered slightly at the touch. “What? You’ve come to me for pleasure? There is a whole Kingdom of girls wanting to fuck you. I’m sure they can show you plenty.”
Aegon still took his brothers hand and pulled himself up from the floor. “So what is it you want?
Yes, what did he want? He’d forgotten why he had come. Right, his mother had asked him. To do what? Drag Aegon out of his drunken stupor. It seems he had accomplished as much. He was standing, at least. So, that should suffice. His task should be considered complete. And what now? He had no real idea what mess he was talking himself into but he did not stop. Vaguely...he was having fun.
“I told you: I came for you. The attention of some low born lady is not what I crave.” Only half a lie. Truly, he had not intended to come for this but...there was something about the situation he could not resist. He closed in on Aegon, close enough to smell the wine still on his breath. And he whispered into his ear in high valaryian, “Will you deny me?”
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