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footfag4232 · 1 month ago
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be a good boy and worship your master
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footfag4232 · 1 month ago
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I am here to rape you subhuman faggots, who will be next to bow and clean my feet. Pathetic! Give yourself the pleasure of serving me your Master. You are a worthless subhuman and are a piece of shit good for cleaning my toilet with your mouth. You fucking faggots join my slave pen, are you ready to be raped hard?
Blind tributes are a plus.
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footfag4232 · 1 month ago
Do as I say
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footfag4232 · 1 month ago
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footfag4232 · 1 month ago
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footfag4232 · 1 month ago
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footfag4232 · 1 month ago
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footfag4232 · 1 month ago
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footfag4232 · 1 month ago
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do you faggot duties 🧎🏻‍♂️
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footfag4232 · 1 month ago
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It's hard at first, but you'll grow to accept the truth.
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footfag4232 · 1 month ago
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Your master had left his job to focus on gaming and using you. His income from renting you to other guys can easily cover his expenses. You've been rented to worship feet, clean houses, and be used sexualy. Sometimes you see him only once a week and as much as you like to serve other alphas, you crave to be used personally by him.
Today he decided to keep you for himself. You woke up and prepared his breakfast before serving it to him. He didn't want to go to the gym but he still needed practice so he taped you to a pole and started using you like punching bag. Your whole body was beaten and you get some kicks too.
After he finished he let you taped for some time before freeing you and ordering you to bow before him.
"You ready to worship master's feet fag? Been a while since you worthless piece of shit licked my foot."
"I'd love nothing more master. I beg for your permission master."
"First you have to thank me for using you earlier today. Then I want you to sit and watch my godly feet as I play. I want you to appreciate the feet you owe everything to, the feet that gave you a purpose fag."
You did as he said and watched his feet. His wide meaty soles and sexy toes resting on the coffee table showing more masculinity than you. Your dick was straining against it's cage and leaking.
After an hour of watching him wiggling his toes he ordered you to start sniffing his feet. You did as he completely ignored you. That was followed with an order to worship his feet. You started licking his feet passionately while you rubbed your face against his soles. You moved on to suck his toes and after some time he started stomping your face signaling you to stop.
"That's all you get for now. Go get ready my guy is on his way to take you for a couple of days. You better serve him well he'll pay me good."
"As you wish master."
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footfag4232 · 1 month ago
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He found the faggot during gay shame last month. He and His buddies went fag harassing and bullying, had a great time. This one faggot actually got off on it, begged for more. So He went back and found it and told it that it was going to bring Him to his place for some private humiliation. The fag knew it might get beaten or even killed but it's dick ruled it's brain like all faggots and the combination of the guys good looks and his aggressive fag bullying found it brining Him back to it's apartment. As soon as they got into the apartment He knocked the fag to the floor and kicked Him over to the foot of the couch. He took off His sneakers and put His sweaty stinking socked feet on the fags face and told it to sniff and that He was going to use it's face as hisy foot massager. He eventually fell asleep with His socked feet on the fags face until morning. In the morning He made the fag put hisy sneakers back on for Him, spit in it's face and said, I know where you live faggot, you can expect to see Me again. Then He left. After that He came over to the fag's place whenever He felt like it, no call, no text, and would watch TV or be on his phone using the fag's face as His footstool. Then He started making it pay for it. He would choke it with His sweaty socked foot and fuck it's mouth until it gagged and kick it in the balls to keep it in line, to let it know that He could do whatever He wanted to it anytime. So the fag became His sock sniffing footstool face...and was made to paid Him for the honor. A proper life for a homo, at the beckon call of a Straight Man for whatever he wants, no matter how degrading or humiliating. Sniff pig.
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footfag4232 · 1 month ago
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Alpha Nick’s teen alpha feet.
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footfag4232 · 1 month ago
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"Good morning."
"Is it a good morning, it Saturday I should be at bed not in the office doing extra work."
"Well at least it's just the two of us in the office."
"Lucky me."
Sam is your coworker, he always bullied you at work, and you never stood up for yourself. You enjoyed it especially when it is in front of other coworkers or boss. He is the tall charismatic guy your female coworkers had a crush on. Little did they all know you also did. Another secret was your foot fetish, you've never told anyone or did anything about it, but you fantasized about Sam's size 13 feet and daydreamed about them all the time.
You both started working and he made himself comfortable as he rested his feet on the desk facing you. This made you hard and less focused on your job. An hour in, he was asking you to get him stuff, prepare his breakfast, and clean his dishes. You complied with all his demands with a smile and a node. Halfway through you've barley finished any of your tasks, as his feet were taking all your focus.
"Go get me the stapler from that desk... Heyy buddy I'm talking to you."
He suddenly removed his feet from the desk and you realized what happened.
"Where you looking at my feet?"
"No... what? Did you need anything from me..."
"You freak were looking at my feet. Just when I thought you can't steep any lower."
"Why are you saying that? What do you mean?"
"Cut that bullshit off. I know you're faggot, look at how you'd anything to please me. But a foot faggot, you're so pathetic aren't you."
"No... let's just get back to work... we have to finish everything by today."
"That wasn't a question fag. Come to my side and kneel before me. Now."
You were never this scared in your life, you felt pathetic and worthless, but your dick was just getting harder than ever. You did what he ordered you to without thinking much of it.
"Yeah that's right fag. No need to lie to yourself anymore. I've had a fag in high-school and one in college, I know how to treat you well fag. Now, here's how things will work from now on, every single day you'll finish all my tasks before yours. I don't care how much overtime you work for yours. You'll address me as "Boss" even in front off our coworkers. Now I'll give you my feet to worship, but don't think you'll get them often. I might leave you my socks every now and then if you're a good fag. Now beg for my feet."
You bowed down and begged as he laughed.
"Please boss let me worship your feet. Please boss let be your fag. Please boss humiliate me. I beg you boss. I'm nothing but a lowlife faggot boss. I beg you boss make me your property."
"Pathetic, here lick my shoes clean."
His shoes were so dirty and smelly but that didn't stop you. You licked them both as hard as you can to make sure they're clean.
"Good fag, look at you taking your nutrients, maybe I should let you pass by my place and clean all my footwear. My college fag loved that."
You were so glad to hear that compliment, you made more effort in licking.
"That's enough shoes. Now take it off, I have a surprise for you."
You took his shoes off and he had no socks on, a stinky smell hit the whole office and made you almost faint. He laughed and pushed his foot on your face.
"Yeah I know you like that fag. Now you better clean them, you don't have much time. I texted my friends and they'll come and get me. I still have some tasks be sure to complete them then spend the whole night doing yours."
You didn't miss a second and attacked his feet, they were sweaty and big, his toes were perfect and his soles were soft.
"Well I guess that's it fag they're here, I have to go now."
"But boss I just started with your feet please give me some time."
He struck his foot against your face making you lose your balance and fall.
"A pathetic fag like you gets the opportunity to taste my feet and now you want more time, while fags would die to see my bare feet. I don't think you'll ever see my feet again faggot, and as a punishment I'll have your paycheck this month."
You knelt as he got his shoes on to leave and begged for forgiveness.
"I'm sorry boss. You're right. You always are, a faggot like me is lucky to be able to be kneel before you. I beg for your forgiveness boss."
"Yeah know your worth fag. For now, no foot duties to you. Let's see how good of a fag you are first."
"Yes boss. Thank you boss."
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footfag4232 · 1 month ago
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Waiting on your other buddies to arrive, your best college friend turns to you and asks,”So rumor has it you have a foot fetish.” You start to turn red and are hesitant to answer cause of being caught off guard. He continues,”I heard it from your roommate Shaun who caught you staring at foot pics and I’ve seen you eyeing my feet off and on, just didn’t think anything of it. So is it true?”  
You gulp and quietly answer,”Yes.” 
Your friend slips off his Sperries and crosses one huge bare foot over his knee and asks,”So if I just pressed my big feet in your face, you’d like that?”  Not answering quickly enough, you watch him quickly lift his bare feet up, swing them over the middle console, and press both bare soles against your face.  You instantly smell their slight odor from being inside his leather shoes as you let him rub the bottoms all over your face. Getting glimpses of him grinning from under his feet, he says,”Like my feet rubbed in your face?” Your friend doesn’t wait for you to answer and continues,”Yah you do. I used to do this to my little cousin growing up, always gave me a power trip, but haven’t see him in years. You wanna take his place?”  
You nod your face yes into his soles as he smothers you with them. 
“How do they smell?” 
“Hot. The smellier the better,” you respond and breathe in deeply. You feel his toes begin to rub and press against your nostrils. 
You hear him chuckle some and say,”Oh I’ll get my feet super smelly for yah… make you pass out from the stink of them. You like licking feet too?” 
You don’t answer verbally but begin jutting your tongue between one set of bare toes. You see him grin as he drops his other barefoot down to your stomach. You continue licking his toes and the bottom of you his bare foot when you feel his other toes press into your hardon. You groan some and hear him snicker as he pushes his other toes into your balls, flexing them against them. “Kiss my foot peasant,” he orders.  You do a few times and see the other guys coming back to the car. You both compose yourselves, your preppy friend slipping on his boat shoes again, before he says to you,”Yah that felt good. Might have to get Shaun to join in, you can be our foot slave while we are chilling out. Get all four feet rubbed in your face, you’ll think you died and went to foot heaven. How’d that be?”  
“I’d love that,” you reply and see your other friends approach the car. 
“Master sir,” your friend grins at you.  
“Yes master,” you reply back feeling relieved your best friend was totally into this. 
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footfag4232 · 1 month ago
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footfag4232 · 1 month ago
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“I’m coming home now. Boy in hand. He thinks it’s cute that you’re cucking yourself out. He’s certain you won’t be my boyfriend after tonight. Be there in 20.”
Connor, your 6’3”, muscular boyfriend, strolls through the door. You stare at his Nike sneakers and mismatched mid calf socks as he enters the room. Your eyes scan up his huge calves and toward his Vineyard Vines shorts and t-shirt. Finally, your gaze reaches his face. He looks so perfect with his backwards MAGA hat and a smirk that spreads across his visage. He holds the door open for the adorable twink behind him. He’s 5’9” and blonde with just enough muscle. He certainly passes for straight, and you can immediately tell why your oh so confident and masculine boyfriend picked him up. The boy shoots you a smile while a small laugh escapes his lips. Neither of them addresses you.
Connor makes his way to the couch, finding the two beers you had left for him and his new friend. He sits down on the couch as his friend crawls on top of his lap and begins to makeout with him. As he slowly raises his feet on to the coffee table, you crawl over to where Connor’s size 13 shoes are resting. You lean into the left shoe and pull off the sneaker. You bring it to your nose, taking several big inhales. You look up as you do so and see Connor’s hands rubbing his new friend’s ass as they continue to make out. He pulls away for a second and tells the boy to watch you. You continue to sniff as his new friend laughs and returns to taking Connor’s tongue down his throat. You take off the right shoe and take a few more sniffs as you watch Connor’s socked toes begin to wiggle. You put both sneakers down right in front of you, the smell wafting up to your nose. You pull each of Connor’s socks off and unleash his glorious feet. You hear him subtly moan as his “puppies” are released from their “foot prisons” - as he likes to refer to them. You give the socks a good sniff and stuff them into Connor’s sneakers.
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You watch as Connor diligently wiggles, flicks, and stretches his toes. Immediately, you dive in and lick from the heel to the ball of his foot. Soon, you’re sucking on each toe one by one, making sure to lick every crevice. You hear another burst of laughter as Connor’s friend also gets down to his knees. Connor unleashes his beautiful cock as the boy lets out a simple “wow”. He gets to work quickly, slobbering all over Connor’s cock and enjoying every moment of it. You look up at Connor to find a face of pure bliss. You’re happy to know that you’re contributing to his pleasure.
Several minutes go by, and Connor invites his friend to come into his room. He picks him up and carries him into the room, throwing him onto the bed upon entry. Connor slams the door shut, and you get to work cleaning the soles of his sneakers. You listen as they start to makeout again, and Connor’s friend compliments his domination over loser fags like yourself. You concentrate on his sneakers, enjoying their taste, appearance, and smell. Suddenly, you hear Connor call you to his room. Upon entry, he and his friend are naked, lying on top of one another. Connor stands up with a full boner as he says “watch this” and turns away from his new partner. He tips his hard cock down and rubs it up against your lips. You drop your jaw as he begins to piss down your throat. You vow not to make a mess as you taste the shots and beers he’s enjoyed over the past several hours. As his peeing slows, you feel it dribble down your face and chest. He jumps back on the bed, and you know to exit the room.
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Your return to Connor’s sneakers and socks. You immediately get back to work cleaning them. You hear Connor as he rubs lube on his bare cock and pulls the boy to the side of the bed. He lurches into his friend’s ass, and the moaning response is immediate. The bed creaks with every thrust. Connor and his friend pant with every thrust. They moan. The whole time, Connor continually tells the boy how hot he is. The boy is unable to do anything but pant and moan as Connor’s cock reaches deep within him and his tongue remains far down his throat. At many points, you hear Connor pull the boy closer to the edge of his bed, quickly switching back to a strong pounding motion each time. You dare not move as you sit in the living room - you don’t dare ruin your shot at listening to such glorious sounds.
You hear Connor tell his friend that he’s going to cum. The boy ensures he will too - no dick rubbing necessary. Connor tells him once again how hot he is, realizing the power he has over both you and his new friend. It doesn’t take long for either of them to cum, only about 10 minutes into sex. Connor reaches climax as his moans and pants grow louder, burlier, and sexier. With each moan and thrust, you shove your tongue harder and harder against each sneaker sole, licking up every possible morsel of dirt and grime.
You hear kissing begin once again and your name called loudly by Connor. You crawl to the room and enter. Connor’s member remains snug inside the boy; his arms are flexed as he hold his position above the boy. You crawl underneath the boy’s ass and Connor’s penis as he begins to pull out. Lube and sperm fill your mouth. You begin licking the boy's ass rapidly, cleaning up the mess Connor has left behind. You then quickly turn towards Connor, shoving his cock down your own throat. You clean up any leftover lube and cum on his penis and balls, preparing for piss number two of the night. He releases gloriously as you stare up at yet another grin on his face.
He looks to the boy and asks if he wants to spend the night. Connor warns him that he may wake up a few times and require quickies to fall back asleep. When the boy smiles and shakes his head excitedly, you know to make your way to the closet. As you crawl inwards, Connor dumps his laundry basket full of dirty clothes on top of you, which you will use as your pillow and blanket for the night. You hear him walk away as he fetches the pair of shoes and socks he had warn that night too. As he tosses them in, he closes the closet door. You hear the boy audibly giggle, and Connor gets in bed, pulling the boy into his body. “You know what? I actually might be ready for round 2 now. Shall we?” Before the boy even has time to answer, Connor is back on top of him, and the sound of kissing begins again.
By now, you knew you and Connor’s relationship would never be the same. You were destined to forever play the role of his diligent foot faggot. You’d be expected to pick up all costs of living, to conduct all chores, and to appreciate all of the new men in Connor’s life. That’s how you’d earn your keep of course! Those feet weren’t going to come for free, and Connor certainly had no use for you as his boyfriend any longer. Welcome to your new life, faggot.
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