Food L'amor by Melissa
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foodlamor · 8 years ago
Peach Freezer Jam {No refined sugar & No pectin)
Where I live there isn’t a whole lot of agriculture left. That isn’t just due to expansive population or the withdrawal from living off the land. It also has lot to do with the desert climate. However, what is left are small family owned peach and pecan orchards and a few other similar farms. So, at the end of every summer I have my eyes and ears peeled for any news of local, organic surplus produce from these local mini farms. Lucky for me, the last couple years the peaches have been plentiful.
I drove the 20 minutes to a small family orchard the other evening and picked peaches as a full moon rose over the mesas in the distance. Sound enchanting? It was. The smell of the sweet fresh air, as well as some good company and expert advice on how to pick the best peaches from the 18 year old daughter in charge of peach sales made it even more so. She asked what I planned to do with all these peaches? I was surprised that her family only dried or froze what they needed from their harvest. So, I told her all about peach pie filling sweetened with honey, fruit leather, and peach jam – and while I may not look it, I have an old soul that loves doing things the way my grandma and her grandma did (with maybe a few health-improved variations).
Peaches all by themselves could count as dessert to me, and these peaches I picked can only be eaten while standing over the sink as the juice drips down to your elbows. Mmmm! So good. Unfortunately, perfectly ripe peaches don’t last forever and while I agree with my new friend that freezing peach slices for smoothies are a must, and drying them for snacking is the best, there’s so many other yummy and healthy ways to enjoy them all year long (well…all year, unless you live at my house and it’s gone in a few months. I’m working on rationing the goodness, but even so, it’s still totally worth it.)
Let me just define real quick what makes this jam recipe better (as in better for you – healthier) than your typical peach preserves or homemade jams:
Refined Sugar vs. Honey
First, most jam recipes call for loads of refined sugar. Excessive sugar consumption is a major culprit for blood sugar handling issues, weight gain, and plays a role in the progression of a host of ailments and regulatory responses in the body. True, honey is a form of sugar too. However, it differs in some significant ways that your body can distinguish. Chemically, refined sugars are made of fructose and glucose. But in sugar they are bound to make sucrose, which must then be broken down (i.e. sugar high, insulin spike, addictive response in the brain, etc). Honey on the other hand, is also composed of mostly fructose and some glucose, but unlike sugar they are not bound. This means that honey is digested and absorbed differently and there is even some evidence which shows it could lower blood sugar levels. Because honey is mostly fructose it’s actually sweeter than sugar, so you don’t need to use as much to get the same amount of flavor – thus less calories.
Pectin vs. Grass-fed Gelatin
Pectin is made of soluble fruit fibers and in it’s true form is very healthy to eat – it’s true form being in fruits and other plants. The trouble comes due to the fact that almost all commercial pectin is made from genetically modified (GMO) fruits that have been heavily treated with chemicals. The pectin actually has nothing to do with the preservation of the jam/jelly and is simply a thickening agent. There is pectin already found in most fruits so you really don’t need it except as a thickening agent. That’s where grass-fed Beef Gelatin Natural Powder comes in. Gelatin is basically just dehydrated beef broth powder made from bones, cartilage, collagen, and all the vitamins and minerals found in them (don’t worry it is tasteless). Gelatin from organic, grass-fed beef doesn’t have any of the hormones, antibiotics, and harsh treatment that their non-grass-fed counter parts have. All that gelatin and collagen goodness can promote skin, hair, and nail health, liver and mental health thanks to amino-acids, and digestion as well.
Peach Freezer Jam {No refined sugar & No pectin}
Peach Freezer Jam {No Refined Sugar & No Pectin}
Recipe Type: Jam
Author: Melissa Cornwall
Prep time: 30 mins
Cook time: 2 mins
Total time: 32 mins
Serves: about 6 pints
Simple ingredients with no refined sugars or pectin. This recipe is clean eating, organic, paleo, and autoimmune friendly. Oh, and it’s so yummy!
8 cups fresh organic peaches, pureed (frozen and thawed works too)
3/4 cup raw, unfiltered honey (or 1 1/2 cups raw, organic sugar)
7 tsp. organic gelatin powder
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup filtered water
Peel, pit, and slice ripe peaches into a large measuring bowl
Use a potato masher or pulse in a blender until pureed (I prefer to leave some peach chunks in mine)
If using sugar, stir the sugar into the peaches now
In a small sauce pan on the stove heat the lemon juice, water, and honey if using.
Whisk the gelatin as you add it into the pan
Bring gelatin honey lemon water to a low simmering boil for 1 minute
Remove from heat and slowly pour into peaches stirring as you pour
Stir for another minute to be sure it’s all incorporated
Pour into glass jars or freezer containers
Place in the fridge to set for 24 hours
Store in fridge for 1 month or in the freezer for 1 year
  Peach Freezer Jam {No refined sugar & No pectin) was originally published on Gluten Free and Paleo Recipes | Food L'amor by Melissa
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foodlamor · 8 years ago
Frozen Yogurt Slushy
I couldn’t resist sharing this fun and yummy summertime treat. One hot afternoon, with the kids all clamoring for a cold treat, I decided to let them be creative and make their own (instead of packing everyone into the hot car to buy something full of sugar).
I definitely acted as director on this project as the kids starting grabbing random ingredients they thought would taste good. After some debate and reasoning on my part, we had the agreed upon ingredients lined up on the counter. Out came the blender and in it all went. You guys, it turned out so good!
We dubbed our creation a Frozen Yogurt Slushy
Our secret ingredients were simple, homemade yummies that I already had prepared or were just in the fridge. Orange Marmalade – sweetened with honey, fresh strawberries, homemade coconut yogurt, and ice. Doesn’t get much easier than that does it? I also sneaked in some chia seeds just for a boost of omega-3 and fiber to go along with all the probiotic goodness from the coconut yogurt, and vitamins from the orange marmalade and strawberries.
To Make Coconut Yogurt/Kefir You’ll Need:
Yogurt maker or a quart jar
2 cans full fat coconut milk (NO added ingredients like emulsifiers or thickening agents)
A Freeze Dried Yogurt Starter or a good RAW Probiotic (two capsules emptied)
Heat coconut milk in a medium sauce pan until it reaches a temperature between 107-112 F. Use a candy thermometer to check. Add in the yogurt starter or empty two capsules of probiotics in to the milk. Stir until it’s incorporated.
If culturing in a yogurt maker:
Pour coconut milk into yogurt maker. Turn it on and come back in 7-10 hours. Remove from yogurt maker and set in the fridge for 4-5 hours to set up and thicken. Since coconut milk is chemically very different from dairy milk you may not end up with a very thick yogurt consistency. Try putting the cans of coconut milk in the fridge before and only use the cream, leaving the watery liquid out. Prepare the coconut cream as directed above.
If culturing at room temperature (kefir):
Make sure the cans of coconut milk are room temperature. Pour into a quart jar and stir in the starter or probiotic. The lid should be just barely tightened to allow the gasses from the fermentation process room to move. Set the jar in a warm (68-78 degree F), dark pantry. In 7-9 hours move the jar from the pantry to the fridge and allow it to cool and set up for 4-5 hours.
Let’s ignore for a second the healthy factor and appreciate the fact that we had fun coming up with this recipe as a family.
I’m really not too much of a helicopter mom about what my kids eat and yes, there’s a time and place for that sugar-filled, artificially flavored, and multicolored Popsicle now and then. But, there’s really no other secret to getting kids to eat healthy except to lead by example and give them the opportunity to be creative with whole, real food ingredients.
Frozen Yogurt Slushy
Recipe Type: Dessert
Author: Melissa – Food L’amor
Prep time: 5 mins
Total time: 5 mins
Serves: 4 – 6 servings
Make your own simple and delicious summertime treat. It’s like frozen yogurt and a slushy got married, but best of all it’s made with whole, real food and no refined sugars.
1/2 cup Orange Marmalade – Sweetened with Honey
1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries
1 cup coconut yogurt or plain dairy yogurt
raw, organic honey to taste
1 tbsp. Chia seeds
2 tbsp. – 1/4 cup almond, coconut, or organic dairy milk if needed
8 ice cubes
Toss each ingredient into a blender
Blend for 2 – 3 minutes until smooth
Enjoy right away!
Serving size: 1/2 cup
  Frozen Yogurt Slushy was originally published on Gluten Free and Paleo Recipes | Food L'amor by Melissa
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foodlamor · 8 years ago
Roasted Artichoke with Tarragon Garlic Butter Sauce
A cool spring rain storm came through the other night and made everything outside perfectly fresh and clean. I’m pretty sure heaven smells like the desert when it rains. It seemed like just the right time for nibbling something savory and simple. I just so happened to have some fresh artichoke that were just waiting to be eaten. There was a time I didn’t use fresh artichoke because I wasn’t really sure how to prepare or eat them. If you’re like I was then here’s a link to a quick video on how to prepare an artichoke. You can either leave it whole like in the video or cut it in half like I did. Either way works. The point regardless is to get to the meat at the ends of each spiky leaf and the nutritious heart in the middle and stem.
Artichokes are one of the most underappreciated super foods. That’s right, super food. Fresh artichokes are high in natural phytonutrient antioxidants, fiber, and folate (folic acid). Artichokes are also high in vitamin K, which aid in brain health as well as bone health. These thorny green veggies also supports healthy liver function, blood pressure, the immune system, and metabolic function.
Now add all that natural artichoke goodness to this savory organic butter, tarragon, garlic, and lemony-hinted dip. I’ll admit, I was that kid who used to just eat straight butter. When it’s organic butter from free range cows with this kind of flavor…let’s just say I may revert back to my childhood tendencies. It’s so good! Remember, despite the fat-free craze that was pushed for so many years, new research supports a diet rich in healthy fats for weight loss and overall health. If you’d like to read about it here’s a great research article to learn more.
Roasted Artichoke with Tarragon Garlic Butter Sauce
Recipe Type: Appetizer
Author: Food L’amor by Melissa
Prep time: 15 mins
Cook time: 1 hour
Total time: 1 hour 15 mins
Serves: serves 6
A nutritious artichoke dunked in savory tarragon garlic butter with a lemony hint. A simply healthy and impressive appetizer for entertaining or just a night at home.
4 fresh artichokes, thorns trimmed and rinsed
olive oil for drizzling, about 1/4 cup
sea salt and black pepper
Tarragon Garlic Butter Sauce:
1/2 cup organic butter
4 cloves garlic
3-4 sprigs fresh tarragon or 1-2 tsp. dried
2 sprigs fresh parsley, or 1 tsp. dried
Juice from half a lemon (about 1/4 cup) + 1 tsp zest
Trim and prepare artichokes and set in a shallow baking dish.
Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
Bake at 425 for 1 hour. Add 15 minutes to cooking time for jumbo artichokes
While the artichokes bake add ingredients for butter sauce in a small sauce pan.
Simmer on low for 10 -15 minutes.
Remove artichokes from oven and allow to cool slightly
Eat by pulling out a pedal and dipping it in the sauce.
  Roasted Artichoke with Tarragon Garlic Butter Sauce was originally published on Gluten Free and Paleo Recipes | Food L'amor by Melissa
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foodlamor · 8 years ago
Beet & Carrot Coleslaw {No Mayo - Dairy Free Option}
“Breathe properly. Stay curious. And eat your beets” – Tom Robbins
Good advice right there my friends. Now that we’re back to the weeks of outdoor barbecues, picnics at the park, potlucks, and other such get-togethers, it’s time to really enjoy the colorful bounty that the garden can provide. This Beet and Carrot Coleslaw is a throw back to the all-American salad. However, instead of the typical mayonnaise-based dressing I made some simple and healthy switches and with the addition of the deep mauve of chopped beets it ends up not only more nutritious, but more colorful as well.
The Benefits of Beets
Beets are a root vegetable that boast some significant vitamins and nutrients. Beets have a high amount of folate (a member of the B vitamin family and adrenal supporting nutrient) and magnesium (necessary for energy production). They also have a unique phytonutrient that can help detox and reduce inflammation. Here’s another interesting tidbit regarding beets: if you experience a reddening of the urine after eating beets (beeturia), it may indicate an iron metabolizing issue. These issues may be an iron deficiency, iron excess, or the inability to metabolize iron. So, if your urine turns a little beet colored after eating a big helping of this salad, I would suggest consulting your healthcare practitioner to check your iron status.
Other healthy benefits of this colorful coleslaw:
Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar supports a healthy digestive system as well as being antibacterial.
Avocado Oil has healthy fats to support good cholesterol levels and the absorption of nutrients.
Organic, Raw Honey is full of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and supports a healthy immune system.
Greek yogurt (plain) has double the protein of other dairy yogurts and plenty of probiotics to support a healthy digestive balance. For a non-dairy alternative you can buy commercial dairy free yogurt or make your own (using a starter like this one –Vegan Yogurt Starter Kit & Culture, Non-Dairy Organic Non-GMO Probiotic Blend) made using coconut, rice, or nut milks.
Beet & Carrot Coleslaw
Recipe Type: Salad
Author: Food L’amor by Melissa
Prep time: 20 mins
Total time: 20 mins
Serves: serves 8 – 10
A healthy twist on the classic picnic coleslaw staple.
1 large or 2 small beet roots, leaves trimmed, rinsed, scrubbed clean, and chopped
1 large or 2 small carrots, rinsed and chopped
1 head green cabbage or 1/2 each purple and green cabbages, shredded
1 green onion, chopped
5 fresh mint leaves, roughly chopped
1/4 cup raw, organic honey
1/4 cup avocado oil
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt or non-dairy yogurt
ground Himalayan pink salt or sea salt to taste
ground black pepper to taste
Rinse, chop, and toss all vegetables together in a large bowl.
In a separate small bowl whisk together dressing ingredients
Pour dressing over salad
Allow to marinate at least 20 minutes before serving for the best flavor
Beet & Carrot Coleslaw {No Mayo – Dairy Free Option} was originally published on Gluten Free and Paleo Recipes | Food L'amor by Melissa
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foodlamor · 8 years ago
Spring Cleaning Your Digestive System
We all love a good spring cleaning, right? I’ve been on a minimalist cleaning spree lately. Getting rid of things I don’t love or need is my new hobby. Letting go of junk and non-essentials, and overall doing a deep clean just lightens my load, helps me be more productive, and seriously reduces anxiety and stress.  And let me tell you, with four kids, a spring cleaning is necessary. Clutter just builds up. We accumulate things we don’t really need, want, or even know we have.
What about spring cleaning our bodies?
Spring is a great time to do some spring cleaning on your digestive system too.
The body experiences the same build up of junk. Toxins from the environment, diet, lifestyle, and the stress from modern living combines to cause a toxic build up. This can affect our bodies all the way down to a cellular level. Whatever we eat or expose our bodies to is all our body has to work with when building new cells. This is the reason, poor diet and exercise are linked to the development of diseases.
But, did you know that your cells turn over every 72 hours? So, every 3 days you are an entirely new person on a cellular level! That’s some amazing potential! Some more good news is that, while it will take longer than 3 days to reverse years of poor diet and lifestyle, it is possible to give your body and digestive system (as well as every other system in the body) a chance to reset, just like a spring cleaning. So to give your body the real cleansing it needs, lets go 21-days, shall we?
Springtime 21-day Cleanse
This cleanse is based on the Standard Process Purification program.
The Standard Process program consists of a purifying diet, as well as powerful whole food based supplements that can only be administered through a licensed doctor and certified Standard Process distributor, or a nutritionist working under doctor supervision. For those who may be in the Southern Utah area, schedule a nutrition appointment with me at Healthology Experts to take advantage of these powerful products. If this is not an option, you can still get great results by following the dietary detox below and some easily accessible supplements suggested.  
Consult your doctor before starting any nutrition program
Step 1: Start by eliminating all foods that can cause inflammation, possible food allergies, or intolerance.
Days 1 – 10
Eliminate all gluten, grains, refined sugar, nuts, soy, and animal products like meat, dairy, and eggs. (animal products that are okay during the first 10 days are some honey and organic butter.) This elimination should also include all genetically modified or highly processed foods, such as corn (almost all corn products are GMO and hard to digest). Also, completely eliminating all stimulants and suppressants such as caffeine, alcohol, and drugs.
So what do you eat?
  Focus on seeds like sunflower, pumpkin, flax, and sesame seeds, pseudo grains like quinoa, and high fiber complex carbohydrates like lentils, sweet potatoes, and vegetables to stay full.
Speaking of vegetables, they should be the main focus of every meal. A rainbow of colors at every meal is best: red beets, orange carrots, yellow bell peppers, leafy greens, blueberries, and purple plums.
Coconut milk is a great non-dairy, soy, and nut replacement for milk.
A good vegan protein (non-soy) is a great addition to the cleanse (one of my favorite, easy to come by protein powder is this Orgain Organic Plant Based Protein Powder)
Adding raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and lots of water throughout the day will help detox and support a healthy digestive system.
During the first 10 days of the cleanse your daily diet may look something like this:
Breakfast: A green smoothie and a glass of 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp. honey in warm water
Mid-morning Snack: carrots and a trail mix of seeds and raisins
Lunch: Cilantro Lime Quinoa and salad with a simple olive oil, citrus, salt and pepper dressing
Afternoon Snack: coconut water, snap peas, and an orange
Dinner: Lentil curry or Greens with Roasted Sweet Potato & Pears (omit the nuts and add extra pumpkin and sunflower seeds instead)
Step 2: Now you can add in fish and chicken back into your diet starting on day 11. Continue to stay away from all the other eliminated foods (gluten, grains, refined sugar, nuts, soy, dairy, and eggs.)
Days 11-21
Continue the same clean eating as you did during the first 10 days, but include fish and chicken meals like:
Jamaican Jerk Mahi Mahi and Coconut Quinoa
Chicken & Shrimp Lime Soup
Crock Pot Enchilada Chicken with Mango Guacamole
Citrus Basil Coconut Chicken
This portion of the cleanse is a great time to add in some added super foods and greens. This Orgain Organic Superfoods, Berry mix is my favorite). Make this a mid afternoon shake.
Step 3: Reintroduce your body to the eliminated foods one at a time.
Day 22->
The cleanse is over, but don’t go right out and eat a big hamburger and fries just yet. Now, take a few days to reintroduce your body to the eliminated foods.
Start with eggs on day 22. If no reaction or discomfort occurs by day 24 go ahead and have some nuts. Wait two days. Nothing feels off, great, keep going with adding things back in one at a time. Maybe try some cheese now, but be sure to give your body a couple days to process and take note of any discomforts or changes you feel. Grains like rice and oatmeal can come next, followed lastly by gluten containing foods.
Even though you can now add the eliminated foods back into your diet, I hope you’ll notice how amazing you’ve felt for the last month. I hope for you that translates into a lifestyle of reduced refined sugars and refined carbohydrates that are simply not healthy for anyone.
Finally, stay clean! Keep your body healthy and spruced up by maintaining a healthy diet from here on out, not because you have to, but because you love the way you feel. Your body will thank you.
This is not meant to diagnose or cure any disease or condition. Consult a doctor before starting any nutrition program.
Spring Cleaning Your Digestive System was originally published on Gluten Free and Paleo Recipes | Food L'amor by Melissa
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foodlamor · 8 years ago
Double Chocolate Cake {Gluten Free, Dairy Free, No Refined Sugar}
Birthdays, graduations, weddings, anniversaries, Wednesdays… there are so many good reasons to eat chocolate cake. In fact, this recipe came to be this week as we were celebrating my birthday. Earlier this week I had hastily jotted down a recipe for chocolate cake to bring for me and my sister’s double birthday party happening later that evening, and my husband took it from there. He followed my recipe, making a few minor adjustments to add his own flair, and it turned out so great (what a sweetie). We just topped it with a simple whipped coconut cream sweetened with honey.
Here’s the one my hubby made 🙂
After a little more tweaking, I think we’ve got a recipe that is easily one of the yummiest and healthiest chocolate cakes. The yummiest because I doubled the chocolaty-ness (that’s totally a word) by adding a layer of silky chocolate drizzle on top. The healthiest because there is no refined sugar, gluten, dairy, grains, or artificial preservatives that you find in commercial mixes. Instead I used natural, organic, and unrefined ingredients to make something decadent – just what you’d expect from a chocolate cake.
Double Chocolate Cake {Gluten Free, Grain Free, Dairy Free}
Recipe Type: Dessert
Cuisine: Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Grain Free, Healthy
Author: Melissa Cornwall – Food L’amor
Prep time: 15 mins
Cook time: 40 mins
Total time: 55 mins
Serves: 12 servings
Decadent chocolate cake that tastes so good and is so good for you. For whenever you find a reason to celebrate
Chocolate Cake:
1 1/2 cup almond flour
1 cup garbanzo flour
1/2 cup tapioca flour
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 cup + 1 tbsp. organic cocoa (or cacoa) powder
3/4 cup almond and/or coconut milk
5 tbsp. organic butter or 4 tbsp. coconut oil, softened
1/3 cup raw, unfiltered honey
2/3 cup pure maple syrup
1 tsp. vanilla extract
4 eggs, slightly beaten
1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
Chocolate Drizzle:
4 tbsp. pure maple syrup
2 tbsp. coconut oil
3 tbsp. organic cocoa powder
Preheat the oven to 350
Combine all the dry ingredients with a mixer on low speed.
In a separate bowl whisk together eggs, and remaining wet ingredients
Pour wet ingredients into the dry and mix to incorporate.
Bake at 350 for 35- 40 minutes or until the top springs back when gently pressed and a toothpick comes out clean when inserted in the center.
Allow to cool completely
Prepare the chocolate drizzle by combing syrup and coconut oil in a small sauce pan over medium heat.
Bring to a hard boil and time for 1 minute, stirring constantly
Remove from heat and stir in cocoa powder until well incorporated.
The chocolate sauce will thicken as it cools.
Pour slightly cooled chocolate sauce over cake and spread to cover the top.
Cover and refrigerate.
  Double Chocolate Cake {Gluten Free, Dairy Free, No Refined Sugar} was originally published on Gluten Free and Paleo Recipes | Food L'amor by Melissa
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foodlamor · 8 years ago
Orange Marmalade - Sweetened with Honey
Remember the Paddington books? Well, orange marmalade may be all the vitamins and minerals a bear needs, but it happens to be pretty good for people too – that is, when you swap out all that sugar for some local, raw, unfiltered honey. We all know oranges are full of vitamin C, but they also boast other essential vitamins and flavonoids (antioxidants).
Most people love to eat oranges or drink the juice, but we’re missing some serious health benefits that are only found in the peels. I’m talking calcium, copper, magnesium, vitamin A, folate and other B vitamins. Not to mention a good source of dietary fiber. And guess what? Orange marmalade incorporates those beautiful orange peels.
All this healthy goodness is so lovely that we don’t want to mess it up by dumping mounds of refined sugar on it. Instead, I used some locally harvested raw, unfiltered honey. Using honey from local bees may help to reduce seasonal pollen allergies and boost your immune system.
So, now you can enjoy some very tasty, very powerful natural immune supporting vitamins on a sandwich and keep it in your hat if you like…in case of emergency. 😉 Although, my favorite is to add about a tablespoon of marmalade to my morning bowl of cooked rolled oats, and top it all with fresh blueberries, pecan halves, and almond milk.
Orange Marmalade – Sweetened with Honey
Recipe Type: Fruit
Author: Melissa Cornwall – Food L’amor
Prep time: 10 mins
Cook time: 1 hour
Total time: 1 hour 10 mins
Serves: about 1 quart
Bright and tangy Orange Marmalade doesn’t leave out any of the vitamins and minerals an orange can pack, gently simmered down and sweetened with honey and cinnamon. P.S. It will make your house smell amazing!
6-8 small navel oranges, washed
1 cup raw, unfiltered honey
3 cinnamon sticks or 1-2 tsp. ground cinnamon
splash of water, opt.
Slice 3 or 4 of the oranges with the peels on. Remove the peels from the rest and slice them up too.
Place all the sliced oranges in a large saucepan on medium heat.
Stir in the honey
Toss in the cinnamon sticks or stir in the ground cinnamon
Bring the oranges and honey to a low boil, then simmer for 1 hour.
You can add a splash of water if the oranges aren’t very juicy, or if you don’t want a thick marmalade.
Once it’s cooled, pour into a blender or use an immersion blender until it’s the consistency you prefer.
Store in a quart jar in the refrigerator.
Orange Marmalade – Sweetened with Honey was originally published on Gluten Free and Paleo Recipes | Food L'amor by Melissa
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foodlamor · 9 years ago
Spring Salad and Strawberry Vinaigrette
Thanks to some spring rain and mild temperatures my little garden is already starting to produce spinach and green onions. Yay! I’ve been working on finishing my bachelors degree in nutrition and with a busy family I’m so glad my garden has been able to handle some neglect – I mean just look at this beautiful salad it helped make! Thanks to some homemade strawberry jam with no refined sugar it made the Strawberry Vinaigrette so simple and healthy. Strawberries and spinach are both full of vitamin C and B6, folate, magnesium, fiber, and a handful of other vitamins and essential minerals.
Strawberry Jam
4 cups crushed strawberries
1.5 cups honey or 1 – 2 tsp. stevia powder or liquid
2/3 cup water
2 – 3 tbsp. chia seeds
1 package fruit pectin for “less or no sugar needed recipes”
Follow the directions on the pectin package for the freezer jam.
As I’ve studied the biology and chemistry of the body and elements that effect our cells, and consequently our lives, I keep thinking how easy it is to neglect the things that we need most for nourishment (I’m talking physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual). It made me think of this quote I read once…
When the stresses of life weigh too heavily on our minds and hearts (whether our consciousness is aware of it or not) it will manifest as not just an emotional or mental problem, but goes much deeper. The very cells of our bodies respond with a weakened ability to accomplish their purposes in maintaining homeostasis or balance. Unlike my garden whose ability to thrive is not solely dependent on my health, the very cells and activities that keep cell mutations or disease from developing can be compromised when neglected. Thankfully, the opposite is also true. The more positively mindful we are at nourishing ourselves in all areas the more we allow and encourage the cells throughout the entire body to respond to fulfill their proper function.
So even though the other night we enjoyed a variety of reheated leftovers, I took a minute to make this delicious immune boosting salad to go along with it and then laughed and talked while we ate it. It was the best medicine for this momma who is just as guilty as any for neglecting to clean out the build-up of weights on my mind and heart.
  Spring Salad and Strawberry Vinaigrette
Recipe Type: Salad
Author: Melissa Cornwall
Prep time: 10 mins
Total time: 10 mins
Serves: 4 – 6
Sweet and tangy strawberry vinaigrette is made from homemade no refined sugar strawberry jam and drizzled over an array of delicious and healthful veggies and fresh strawberries! A little feta cheese crumbled on top adds just the right amount of salty goodness, but can be substituted for a nut cheese for a vegan alternative.
Spring Salad
10 oz. spinach, kale, and red or green chard mix
1 large avocado, pitted and sliced
handful strawberries, stems trimmed and sliced
1 cucumber, peeled and sliced
2 green onions, chopped
2 tbsp. feta cheese, crumbled
Strawberry Vinaigrette
1/3 cup no refined sugar strawberry and chia seed jam
2 1/2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
3 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
4 tbsp. water
pinch of course sea salt
Place all the ingredients for the vinaigrette in a glass jar. Put the lid on a shake until everything is well blended.
Rinse, slice, and toss all the ingredients for the salad and put them in a bowl. Drizzle the dressing over the salad and toss to coat evenly. Sprinkle the feta cheese on top (or a yummy cashew cheese for a vegan alternative), or have the dressing on the side for everyone to drizzle as they like.
    Spring Salad and Strawberry Vinaigrette was originally published on Gluten Free and Paleo Recipes | Food L'amor by Melissa
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foodlamor · 9 years ago
Recycling Healthy Meals Throughout the Week
Ever wonder how to consistently eat real, healthy, gluten free, grain free, dairy free, clean eating food on a daily bases? Me too. I mean, I did when I first started. I tried meal prepping for hours one day a week (great for one person, but not as plausible for a family). I felt like I blew an entire day on shopping, washing, chopping, sorting, mixing…and then I had to do it all over again 6 days later! If that works for you then stick with it and more power to ya. I found that even though a frozen slow cooker meal comes in pretty handy on busy nights, what’s even better is a handful of quick (30 minutes or less) meals with enough for leftovers. Those leftovers are better than a day of meal prepping to me. I can take leftover meat, quinoa, veggies, sauce, what have you, and recycle it into other meals throughout the week.
If you’re thinking it sounds too complicated or you just aren’t imaginative enough find something new to do with leftovers, then have some simple ready to use items that will make it easier. My go-to’s are my favorite spaghetti sauce, curry sauce, and Seasoning blend. Also, one of my favorite places to shop for bulk health food is Costco. Here’s my gluten free, clean eating Costco shopping list.)
Here’s how I recycle healthy meals throughout the week for my family of six. Like most of us I usually start the week off with enough energy and enthusiasm to at least spent a little time cooking a meal, but by the end of the week all I can think is, “What? You want to eat again? I fed you yesterday!” My meal recycling method ensures everyone gets fed (everyday) and food doesn’t spoil quite so often in the back of the fridge.
Monday is usually a meatless meal. This time it was Tomato-Basil Soup with Gluten Free Bread which I had made over the weekend. (I used the garbanzo/fava bean blend instead of rice flour.) I also blended the soup up so it was nice and smooth and creamy. Simple one-pot- let-it-simmer soups are no brain-er’s. I had a bowl of chopped fruit salad and threw some carrot sticks and broccoli in a bowl on the table to round things out too.
Tomato-Basil Soup
Taco Tuesday was a quick cooking fish dish. It usually takes 20 minutes or less to cook fish and dumping a bag of slaw mix into a bowl isn’t too time consuming. As for the fish, I just kind of winged it and did a south of the border mash up of my Rosemary Citrus Salmon and Chili Lime Tilapia. In other words, I seasoned the fish with a Mexican flare and steamed grapefruit slices over top after pan searing them. Flake the fish, top it with Cole slaw, avocado, and cilantro. Put them in a corn tortilla and enjoy.(Miah had her fish  with some quinoa. Always make more base-food like quinoa than you think you’ll need. This is important because the quinoa comes in handy later in the week.)
Here’s my simple Cole Slaw recipe converted from the original KFC dressing recipe: 1/3 cup almond milk, 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar, 2 -3 tbsp. honey, 1/2 tsp. sea salt, 1/8 tsp. pepper, and 1/2 cup Just Mayo brand (gluten free, soy free, and egg free). Whisk together and pour over shredded cabbage, carrots, and green onions.
I’m losing steam by Wednesday. I’ve still got enough in me to bake some sweet potatoes/yams and dump some of the Maya Kaimal brand Coconut Curry or Vindaloo sauce over some veggies and chicken. Let it simmer away while the potatoes bake in a 350 degree oven for about 35 – 45 minutes. I like to add some extra coconut milk to the pan to make the sauce go a little further. It also makes it a little more mild in the spicy department, which is nice for the kids.
Alright, I’m spent. Today the 3 or so cups of leftover Tomato Basil Soup from Monday becomes the base for a Quinoa e Fagioli Goulash. I  browned up some organic ground beef with a 1/2 cup of chopped onion, then poured the soup over top. I had about 1 1/2 cups of the quinoa from Tuesday left which I added to the soup, along with about a cup of broth, and frozen veggies (such as green beans, carrots, and peas. I also drained and rinsed a can of white beans and dumped them in, as well as a can of drained diced tomatoes just to be sure. A quick salad and dinner is done. I only use 1/2 lb. of meat in the goulash (or less), but I still cook up the whole package and store in the fridge for another meal. 
Thank goodness it’s Friday! I’ve gone from motivated to moaning at dinner time. The best I can do is spaghetti. If you’re keeping it gluten free and grain free then cook a spaghetti squash (here’s the best way I’ve found to cook it). If you’re really done, just stab the squash a few times like a potato and cook in the microwave for around 8- 10 minutes. Cut in half and scoop out the seeds before scooping out the spaghetti-like squash noodles. While it’s cooking, heat the leftover ground beef (or if I wasn’t too frazzled on Thursday I might have thought to roll the ground beef into a meatball and cook it, but there’s no guarantees) along with a jar of your favorite spaghetti sauce. Pour the meat sauce over the spaghetti squash noodles. Got leftover salad? Set that on the table too.
If I still have leftovers by Saturday then I am going to do everything I can to use them! Saturday can be just as busy if you’ve got kids in sports or are just trying to catch up on all the things you didn’t accomplish during the week. So, I look at my leftover inventory and with the fish fillet, sweet potato, and 1 cup curry sauce left I think I’ve got enough for a revival of the Indian curry. Add another can of coconut milk to the leftover sauce, plus 2 -3 cups of vegetable or chicken broth. Make some more quinoa or if you’re good with rice then start steaming. Throw in the fish, cube the sweet potato, and season it with a little curry powder and lemon juice. Ta-da dinner.
Poached Salmon Indian Curry
We made it! Sunday is hopefully a restful day for you. A chance to take some deep breaths, spend quality time as a family, maybe have a get-together, and if you’re lucky have someone else do the cooking!
Recycling Healthy Meals Throughout the Week was originally published on Gluten Free and Paleo Recipes | Food L'amor by Melissa
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foodlamor · 9 years ago
Revamp Your Diet: A Healthy Eating Plan You Can Stick To
Butternut squash for Quinoa & Roasted Vegetable Salad
The problem with most New Years resolution is that there usually isn’t much planning involved to produce success. I should know…I’ve done the whole talk the talk, but never made a plan to walk the walk, and by January 14th had completely forgotten about what it was I had resolved to do better.
Then there were the times that I did make a plan – I mean a real, write it down, step by step, this is how I’m going to get there, kind of plan; joined with others who kept me accountable and pushed me; built up a great support system because everyone around me knew what it was I wanted to achieve. The funny thing is, during those times when I really resolved to accomplish something it became a habit, a life style, a part of who I was and hoped to be.
Now, that’s what a resolution is.
I hope we all make resolutions to improve in all aspects of our lives: Mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially, and physically. Since most of us have room to improve physically and want to eat better this year, I’ve done some of the writing-it-down for you. Vegan, refined sugar free, gluten free, paleo, these are all diets that really can be narrowed down to clean eating.  Making this way of eating a life-style – no matter which kind of nutrition plan you choose to implement – will definitely set you up to meet your physical goals for the new year.
I’ve come up with two different clean eating diet plans that spell out what you should be enjoying in your diet, what you should avoid, and what a typical day of eating like this would look like. Is this a list of rules or absolutes? No! This is a general guideline to get you thinking, cooking, and enjoying a healthy whole foods diet.
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Why two different diet plans? Because you and I are different. Because you’re body needs a unique balance of healthy foods that may be different from someone else. The key to success in any habit-changing endeavor is to feel good about it. In other words, listen to your body and enjoy the process!
Below you’ll find the down loadable guilds that follow either a Paleo diet or a Gluten Free & Vegan diet. No matter which plan you choose, know that all the foods you’ll be enjoying should be as clean (organic, non-GMO, grass-fed, locally grown, etc.) as possible for best results. 
Gluten Free Flax Seed Bread
Whether you have a gluten sensitivity or not, enjoying a diet that is rich and diversified in naturally gluten free plant-based goodness and leaves out all the refined carbohydrates, sugars, or artificial preservatives will leave you feeling great! This is a great plan if you want to loose weight, detox, or just feel better overall.
Gluten Free & Vegan Nutrition Plan
Eating like your ancient ancestors can be pretty tasty and healthy. Removing all grains and relying on fresh organic meats along with plant-based whole foods can help boost your fitness program’s potential and detox the body.
Paleo Nutrition Plan
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Revamp Your Diet: A Healthy Eating Plan You Can Stick To was originally published on Gluten Free and Paleo Recipes | Food L'amor by Melissa
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foodlamor · 9 years ago
Vegan White Bean Chili
Chili is a hit at almost any time of the year, but especially during the doldrums between Christmas and New Years. This vegan chili is especially good for the after-the-holiday-food-coma we sometimes succumb to once all the festivities and goodies have been consumed with reckless abandon.
Clean eating can be as simple as using nothing but plant-based ingredients to make a classic comfort food. And since we’re all still in and out of consciousness from the food coma, having it be a simple one-pot no brainer makes it taste even better somehow.
Vegan White Bean Chili
Recipe Type: Soup
Author: Melissa Cornwall – Food L’amor
Prep time: 15 mins
Cook time: 30 mins
Total time: 45 mins
Serves: 6 servings
Vegan and clean eating chili that’s simple and tasty.
2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 small yellow onion, chopped
1 cup diced bell peppers; red, orange, yellow, and green mix
2 celery stocks
2 cloves garlic, minces
1/2 tbsp. chili powder
1 tsp. coriander
1/2 tsp. paprika
1/4 – 1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes or coarsely ground black pepper
coarsely ground sea salt to taste
2 – 3 cups vegetable broth
2 15 oz. cans white beans, drained
2 tbsp. lime juice
small handful fresh cilantro, chopped
a few shakes of hot sauce to taste (such as Cholula or Tobasco)
Sliced avocado, olive, and extra cilantro reserved
In a large stock pot heat the olive oil.
Add the garlic and onions until beginning to caramelize.
Add sweet peppers and celery until they begin to soften.
Blend the dry spices together in a small bowl and add to the vegetables.
The spices and veggies will begin to make a paste. Allow to cook on medium heat until it is fragrant and darkens in color – about 5 minutes.
Add the broth, beans, lime juice, cilantro, and hot sauce to your liking.
Allow to simmer with the lid on for 10 – 30 minutes.
Serve with ripe avocado, olives, and extra cilantro on top.
Vegan White Bean Chili was originally published on Gluten Free and Paleo Recipes | Food L'amor by Melissa
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foodlamor · 9 years ago
Baked Pears With Orange Caramel Sauce
We all love baked apples, but have you ever tried baked pears? How about warm tender pears covered in a creamy homemade orange caramel sauce? They are soooo good and great for entertaining guests or just entertaining the kids. The sauce is made from coconut cream, pure maple syrup, and fresh orange juice. Combine that with the sweet baked pears and it’s a simply delicious and treat that’s actually good for you.
This is one of my favorites to make during the holidays when it’s so easy to overload on highly refined and high sugar treats. These pears will give you your sweet fix without overdoing it. They’re naturally gluten free, grain free, dairy free, and vegan.
P.S. Make a family night out of it by having little kids help scoop the cores out while older kids can stir the caramel sauce. You could even cut baked pears into bite-sized pieces and use toothpicks to dip in the warm caramel sauce.
P.P.S. After separating the coconut cream and using what you need for the caramel sauce, save the leftover coconut milk/cream for Poached Salmon Indian Coconut Curry for dinner.
Baked Pear With Orange Caramel Sauce
Baked Pears With Orange Caramel Sauce
Recipe Type: Dessert
Author: Melissa Cornwall – Food L’amor
Prep time: 15 mins
Cook time: 25 mins
Total time: 40 mins
Serves: 4 – 6
Naturally gluten free, grain free, dairy free, and refined sugar free baked pears in a homemade orange caramel sauce. They’re full of amazing flavor that’s fun to serve at your next dinner party for friends or just enjoy with family.
4 – 6 large pears, tops removed and cored
1/2 cup pure maple syrup
1/4 cup + 2 tbsp. orange juice, separated
1/4 cup coconut cream (1 can of full fat coconut milk, set in the fridge for 20 minutes until cream separates from water. Scoop out thick white cream. Reserve remaining coconut cream and water for another recipe.)
pinch sea salt or pink salt
unsweetened coconut flakes
1 tsp. fresh orange zest
preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Place cored pears in a shallow baking dish with 1/4 cup orange juice in the bottom of the pan.
Bake for 20 – 25 minutes or until tender when poked with a fork.
During the last 10 minutes of baking, heat the syrup, orange juice, coconut, cream and salt in a saucepan.
Bring caramel sauce to boil, stirring continually (about 10 – 15 minutes).
The sauce will begin to thicken and caramelize. You can use a candy thermometer to check to be sure it has reached about 250 degrees (hard ball stage)or until the sauce sticks to the back of the spoon when lifted out.
Remove pears from oven and allow to cool slightly.
Pour warm caramel sauce into and over the pears.
Sprinkle with orange zest and coconut flakes. Enjoy warm!
Baked Pears With Orange Caramel Sauce was originally published on Gluten Free and Paleo Recipes | Food L'amor by Melissa
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foodlamor · 9 years ago
Black Friday Deals 2015
Hope everyone had a wonderful and festive Thanksgiving with lots of food, family, and good times. Just to be clear up front, I am not a fan of standing in lines and fighting someone for the last “in” thing on Black Friday. However, I am a fan of shopping online in my jammies.
Now that the Christmas shopping frenzy is in full swing I wanted to share with you three of my favorite and most used kitchen appliances….and they’re all on sale for 30 – 50 % off for Black Friday!!! These would make great presents for the cook in your family. Or for yourself 😉
Food Dehydrator
Ninja Blender
Kitchen Aid Mixer
Black Friday Deals 2015 was originally published on Gluten Free and Paleo Recipes | Food L'amor by Melissa
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foodlamor · 9 years ago
Banana Oatmeal Muffins (gluten free)
A quick and simple breakfast muffin that’s perfect for any busy morning. This Thursday, however, I’ll be serving them as a light breakfast before Thanksgiving appetizers and dinner (gotta save room for pie!) They’re simple to make the night before and ready to eat by morning. I have to tweak the recipe for Miah who has to be grain free, but otherwise these muffins get devoured quick. It’s fun how you can make memories last with food.
Even though we can’t stop the seasons from changing…
Or keep the kids  little forever…We can make memories last longer with traditions and food. Those two things together make for some good holiday memories and all the days in between.
These muffins are made gluten free by using certified gluten free oats. If you’re curious about why some oats are gluten free and some aren’t it really just comes down to manufacturing. Oats themselves don’t naturally contain any gluten, however most are grown along with wheat and then manufactured on equipment that also processes wheat. Be sure to use oats that are certified gluten free.
To make oat flour:
Take 2 cups gluten free rolled oats and pulse in a blender or food processor until they resemble a flour consistency. That’s it! Measure out 1 & 1/2 cups. You can also sift it to be sure no larger pieces were missed.
Banana Oatmeal Muffins (gluten free)
Recipe Type: Breakfast
Author: Melissa Cornwall – Food L’amor
Prep time: 5 mins
Cook time: 18 mins
Total time: 23 mins
Serves: 12 – 18 muffins
Simple gluten free, vegan, and healthy breakfast muffins for any busy morning.
1.5 cups gluten free oat flour
1 cup gluten free rolled oats
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tbsp. ground flaxseed
2 bananas, mashed
1/2 – 3/4 cup almond milk
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/3 cup honey or pure maple syrup
chopped nuts (opt.)
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees
Prepare oat flour using a blender or food processor.
Combine all dry ingredients, followed by wet ingredients in a mixing bowl
Mix until combined into a thick, but still pourable dough
Pour into lined muffin tin
Top with chopped nuts if you like
Bake for 15 – 18 minutes
Serve warm with organic grass-fed butter
Banana Oatmeal Muffins (gluten free) was originally published on Gluten Free and Paleo Recipes | Food L'amor by Melissa
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foodlamor · 9 years ago
  It was a happy day when we got to take Miah’s feeding tube out! It’s like she was never even sick. She looks and acts healthy and happy again. Although I’m rejoicing a big part of me is still on high alert. Watching as the immune suppressant medication takes effect to calm her immune system and keep her body from attacking itself.
So far, so good!
The irony that my nerve-wracking worry for her health has finally subsided, and the fact that it’s almost thanksgiving isn’t lost on me. I have so many things to be grateful for. It’s so easy to complain about how much the holiday’s are commercialized, busy schedules, and social, political, and everyday problems…
This year, I just feel grateful to be able to focus on all the little things – important things – that make up my life. God, family, health, a place to call home, and enough food to eat. Thanksgiving is like a comfy chair tucked away in the corner of the holiday season where you can sit quietly with those you love most…and eat a 5 course meal.
  Thankful was originally published on Gluten Free and Paleo Recipes | Food L'amor by Melissa
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foodlamor · 9 years ago
Honey Caramel Hard Candy
Honey caramel hard candies remind me of simpler days: horse drawn carriages, petticoats, and books that were only read on paper – never on a screen. You may decide to go a little Down Town Abby with your Halloween costume after making a batch. Whatever they remind you of they’ll take care of your sweet tooth without any refined sugars, preservatives, fool coloring, or other complicated, unpronounceable ingredients.
Speaking of sweets, the holidays are always adorned, sprinkled, and caked in sugar aren’t they? It can certainly make it hard to stay true to any kind of healthy, clean diet. This old-school candy is made of good old honey, or for a vegan version you could use pure maple syrup.
“Well, it’s still technically sugar isn’t it?” you may be thinking.
Yes, chemically honey and cane sugar are both glucose, but honey is also fructose. Fructose is the form of sugar found in fruit and honey in a natural unprocessed state. Besides, you won’t find vitamins and minerals in table sugar like you will in the former. The same is true for pure maple syrup as well (not the corn syrup imitation stuff). I figure, if I’m going to have some “sugar” I’d rather have it be as natural as possible.
I used a mummy mold I had and made some suckers that remind me of those old Sugar Daddy candies. Since I still had plenty left after filling my molds I just poured the rest on a wax paper lined cookie sheet and sprinkled some unsweetened coconut flakes and chopped nuts on top like a peanut brittle.
I think the Switch Witch may be trading some of my kid’s Halloween candy for these yummy treats instead. 😉
Honey Caramel Hard Candy
Recipe Type: Dessert
Author: Melissa Cornwall – Food L’amor
Prep time: 5 mins
Cook time: 10 mins
Total time: 15 mins
Serves: 12+ servings
A simple old-fashioned sweet treat without any refined sugars.
1 cup raw, unfiltered honey or pure maple syrup
1 tbsp. coconut butter
2 tsp. apple cider vinegar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/8 tsp. baking soda
pinch roughly ground sea salt or Himalayan pink salt
Heat a medium saucepan with the honey, coconut butter, and vinegar stirred together.
Bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
Boil until a candy thermometer inserted reaches “hard crack” temperature (300 – 310 F/ 149 – 154 C) or until a small amount hardens when dropped into cold water.
Remove from heat.
Stir in the vanilla, baking soda, and salt. (the baking soda will cause it to bubble up a little)
Pour immediately into molds or onto a wax paper lined dish. You can add chopped nuts and unsweetened coconut flakes at this point as well.
When cooled completely the candy will be hard, but will soften some in warmer temps.
Store in a sealable baggie or container in a cool place.
Honey Caramel Hard Candy was originally published on Gluten Free and Paleo Recipes | Food L'amor by Melissa
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foodlamor · 9 years ago
Italian Lentil Soup With Meatballs
With a single day of cool breezes summer was blown away and autumn took it’s place. Alex has laughed at me since we were dating about my love and over-anticipation that comes with each change of season. But in all honesty, fall is my favorite….or spring…no, it’s fall for sure. Oh, but the first snow of winter is magical…or sunny days of summer…okay I love them all!
I made some yummy Italian Lentil Soup one night when the cool evening breeze was blowy through the open windows. It was one of our meat free/vegan meals and it was so yummy and filling. Luckily, I made plenty and we had extras. So a couple night later as a cold rain fell I made meatballs and added to the left over soup for a hearty meal. I love stretching meals and giving leftovers double duty. It’s so economical and time saving, but even better than that, the flavors have all marinated and it seems to taste better on round two! Bonus!
Italian Lentil Soup With Meatballs
Recipe Type: Main
Cuisine: Italian
Author: Melissa Cornwall – Food L’amor
Prep time: 30 mins
Cook time: 30 mins
Total time: 1 hour
Serves: 8 servings
This dinner can work double duty – one night it’s a vegan stew and another it’s full of hearty meatballs. Either way it’s gluten free, grain free, dairy free, and so delicious!
Italian Lentil Soup
1 cup green lentils, rinsed and boiled in 3 cups water for 20 minutes or until softened
2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 onion, minced
3 large carrots, peeled and chopped
2 celery stalks, chopped
1.5 cup fresh or frozen green beans
2 – 15 oz. cans diced tomatoes
6 cups vegetable stock
3-4 sprigs fresh thyme, stems removed or 2 tsp. dried
4 sprigs fresh parsley, chopped or 2 tsp. dried
Sea salt and black pepper to taste
pinch red pepper flakes (opt.)
1.5 lbs. organic ground beef
1/3 cup nut flour (almond flour or ground sunflower seeds)
1 large egg, beaten
1/2 tsp. garlic salt
1/8 tsp. black pepper
5 basil leaves, roughly chopped or 2 tsp. dried
1 tbsp. stock
In a sauce pan add water and lentils, bring to a boil, reduce to medium heat, cover and allow to bubble until lentils are softened. (A small rice cooker works really well too.)
In a large pot heat olive oil, add garlic and onions. Saute until the onions begin to soften and become translucent. Add the carrots, celery, and a little salt and pepper. Once the vegetables are softened pour in the tomatoes, stock, green beans, and herbs. Simmer on low. Add the softened lentils. Salt and pepper to taste.
Combine all the ingredients for the meatballs one at a time, stirring and working together as you go. Roll into balls and place in a muffin tin. Aluminum muffin cups work best to line it with. Bake at 400 for about 20 minutes.
  Italian Lentil Soup With Meatballs was originally published on Gluten Free and Paleo Recipes | Food L'amor by Melissa
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