Food Fantasy Fandom
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foodfantasyfandom · 3 days ago
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it was about time my design for chocolate souffle (how i personally call souffle's mirror alter) was slightly updated! oughgg i hate him
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foodfantasyfandom · 7 days ago
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I like how the lack of spacing here implies that the helpline is there for those addicted to eating raw flour, dough, or batter, like a gambling helpline or something
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foodfantasyfandom · 7 days ago
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please look at the name of this drink i saw at a boba place the other day
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foodfantasyfandom · 10 days ago
accidentally baked a cheesecake without sugar in the batter (now in the fridge) and went on reddit to check if was okay and saw this thread
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foodfantasyfandom · 12 days ago
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foodfantasyfandom · 13 days ago
🍷Steak n Shake went full mask off nazi we see
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foodfantasyfandom · 15 days ago
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My ides tiramisu, if you even care
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foodfantasyfandom · 17 days ago
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this is an anime confession yall
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foodfantasyfandom · 17 days ago
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sorry if the gay h*nd h*lding is too explicit for yall
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foodfantasyfandom · 18 days ago
Foods I have fucked up that I have had no right to fuck up
This one's for you @returnsnull7404
Ground beef; I did not know you had to dethaw it and was confused on why my ground beef was hard and tasted bad; this happened several times and I had to literally film the cooking process and send it to someone to figure out what was going wrong
Noodles; I somehow burnt them while also not cooking them at all; yes I cooked them in water, no I don't know how I ended up with burnt raw noodles regardless
Buttercream frosting; I still don't know how I fucked this one up, tasted fine, but the texture was wrong
Box brownie mix; I forgot the oil
Sunny side up eggs; The whites were cooked fine but the yellow bits hardened up and tasted God awful. This happened three times. I am the only person who has ever needed to look up a youtube video on cooking eggs
Chicken broth; used two month old chicken (It was in the freezer for like, 75% of that time but I left it to dethaw in the fridge for like two weeks and yeah I'm not sure how I didn't get sick cause I ate it anyway. Didn't taste great)
Bread, literally too many times to count; I am very talented when it comes to killing yeast
Rice; I still have no goddamn idea on how to cook rice. I can not get rice right, ever. Literally have never managed to cook rice correctly a single time in my life.
Chicken drumsticks; I actually managed to make this one taste good (With step by step instructions given to me by a friend) but I also managed to splatter myself with oil several times during the process and give myself some minor burns
Tofu; I did not know you had to cook it and thought you could eat it raw. And in fairness to me you can, but you probably shouldn't, it is bad
Peanut butter; I didn't know that the foil on the container had metal and put it in the microwave. The container itself was plastic. Which also can't go in the microwave
Boiling water in a kettle; I didn't realize the lid was hot and also managed to burn myself, again
In conclusion I'm not entirely sure how I'm alive sometimes
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foodfantasyfandom · 18 days ago
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gooseneck you will always be a he/him butch in my heart
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foodfantasyfandom · 19 days ago
Food Fantasy Doodles (Have at thee!!)
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Idk if I said this before but Food Fantasy is the first Gatcha game I’ve ever played and was probably the first game to ever get me into character design. Love it sm <3
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foodfantasyfandom · 19 days ago
Please look forward 🥹🫶🏻🫶🏻 and should i pull him???
Goose Barnacle from Food Fantasy? You can draw him in his other skin if you like! ❤ — Sorry for late renspond (i didn’t get any notification shshsh) and thank you for request 🥺🙌🙌 pleasee look forward to it on my tumblr 🥺🙌🙌
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foodfantasyfandom · 20 days ago
I firmly believe that my (Chinese) mom is more Italian than my (Italian) dad. She earned multiple advanced degree in Italian history and studied abroad to learn how to speak the language fluently. She fought for it. The hell did he ever do? He grew up eating slightly more pasta than other kids in the United States. He was born into it. Fucking nepo Italian
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foodfantasyfandom · 1 month ago
found goat milk and wheat ale at the store. theres no way im NOT making a white gilgamesh tonite
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foodfantasyfandom · 1 month ago
hey so like kamen rider au
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i got too lazy to draw the bridge jumping scene so have the emoji vers
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foodfantasyfandom · 1 month ago
Utilizing Ingredients You Have On-Hand: 
When choosing what to cook next, prioritize perishables. The stuff that’s going to go bad quickly. Berries are at the top of the list, followed by Meats, Fleshy Fruit & Vegetables (tomatoes, mango, peppers) and Milk, and then Eggs & Hard Vegetables (potatoes, squash, radish, etc.)
If it's in the fridge, it's on a timer. If it's in the freezer, you've got a lot more time.
But FR! What if I don’t know any recipes that use what I have? 
Go hunting, you beautiful bastard~
Supercook allows you to list off all the ingredients you have on-hand, and it will find recipes which use ONLY those ingredients.
If you make an account, it should save your ‘Pantry’ list, so you can come back to it again later. 
There’s a bunch of ‘Use what I have to make recipes!’ guides on the internet, but I love how granular ‘Supercook’ gets, and how it doesn’t ask you to pay to use its database. 
You can enter a ‘Key Ingredient’ to focus on using up something (Like if you’ve got too much celery and need to use a lot, quickly) - AND you can select what type of dish you want to make (Main dish, side dish, dessert, etc.) so you can quickly filter out the billion cookie or sweetbread recipes. 
It also tells you WHAT you’re missing, so you can tell at a glance if it’s something you actually don’t have, or if it’s something you just forgot to add to the list. 
Write Down the recipes you love so you can always find it - even if the site ever goes down or that recipe gets removed. 
If I’ve learned anything from watching the Internet evolve, it’s that you can NEVER trust a website to continue hosting your shit into eternity. They always die eventually. Save your important shit as a physical object that you can hold in your hand.
- If you have a LOT of perishable vegetables that are reaching the limit of their lifespan, that’s when you make soup or stir-fry.
Prioritize Perishables
Use Supercook to find recipes to use up stuff that might go bad soon, or ingredients you have a lot of.
Write down the recipes you like to save them foreverrrr
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