Life of Sav
4 posts
Just a little lost one sharing her view along the way.
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followthesavlife · 7 years ago
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followthesavlife · 7 years ago
Life Through a Blurry Lens
If you have ever had glasses you know what it is like when you get something on the lens and it seems to get a little blurry. 
Sometimes that happens. When you go through different things it seems to be so easy for the lens of life to get somewhat not so clear. 
Unfortunately, I don’t have the best vision. I remember being younger and having great vision and thinking my vision would never go bad and somewhat abusing that. I would just put my eyes to the test with anything thinking they would never begin to be damaged. Then things began to be a little blurry randomly. The classroom board wasn't as clear, words at a distance didn't look as crisp anymore, street signs you can forget my ability to read those. It frustrated me honestly, and still does. Which is why I often don’t wear my glasses. (I may be a tab bit stubborn) :-)
There is nothing like being able to see everything perfectly one moment and then not so clearly the next. I seem to be able to relate this to my life though. 
When we don't have the right lens on or a lens at all... things begin to be a bit blurry and confusing. We are built to see in front of us, to see what we are facing. We aren't built to see the future because we aren't built to worry about the future. Your two eyes are put at the front of your body with the capability to see what is right in front of you. What you have and what you are facing. You aren’t always looking behind you because that road has already been conquered. 
Just the structure of our very own body already teaches us so much about life! How exciting! 
Unfortunately but also fortunately, we are given the chance to turn around, to look back or to even back track at points. Reminiscing on parts of your life where you had something you no longer have wither that be a person, thing, a place you once were, or whatever it may be it is so easy to look back and want that again. You have already enjoyed that though, the memory will always be with you. Move on a little... (preaching at myself here, I like to hold on to any and everything I can)
I often test myself to try on other peoples lenses, well physically yes just because I like to see if they are more blind than me or not, but also mentally. How will my actions affect the ones around me? Will it benefit or not benefit me or them in the long run of things? Understanding the people around you and where they are coming from seems to help a lot when learning to go about this world. 
But honestly, how easy is it to get so caught up in your own world that you just become a wind storm of emotions casting out whatever is hitting you at the moment because your world isn't as neat and tidy as it once was. I am so guilty of this... and I can not stand how selfish this act is within me. I am easily overwhelmed and stressed when things just don’t seem to be falling in place as I had hoped. 
It is all about regaining focus though. 
As I pray more I begin to see little sings.. lately I have been seeing a ton of post about “storms that you are going through now are just temporary and better things are to come.” Quotes about dancing in storms and learning to keep going for there is always a rainbow at the end have been my forte for a while now I must admit. 
So as I am trying to dance in this storm and allowing the rain to take my tears away, I am reminded of the rainbow God always promises. Things get a little muddy and a little blurry, especially during a storm. 
But dance with me and remember that your lens can always be wiped off and the vision can become beautiful again. 
Pray about it.
With love, support, and hope of motivation to keep dancing,
Savannah TheLifeofSav
PS. I would love to hear from anyone. I know my blogs are still a mess, but Im starting and trying. So if you’ve read this and would like to talk or ask questions please feel free to do so! Also share or like or anything you feel you should. 
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A picture by yours truly, a picture of one of my old cameras in my collection. One of my favorite things to collect and enjoy learning about. 
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A picture of my raw eye taken by Nick Volino... a little gross to some I know but it is cool to me and goes along with the post.  
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followthesavlife · 7 years ago
Stress, Eat, Stress, Sleep, Stress Stress Stress.
Im back... after a few long LONG weeks. 
In these past few weeks my time has consisted of
-Traveling across the country by car, again.
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(This including a 20 hour consistent drive to Colorado from California but totally worth it due to the beauty.)
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This is the Great Salt Lakes. I was so amazed by them and the beautiful reflections they create of the surrounding mountains. Very tired at this point though. 
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And this is Nick and I at the last leg of the drive, exhausted and actually more ready than ever to see SC and our homes again. :-)
-Living with my boyfriend and his parents for a week. 
       This wasn't all that bad but crashing at someone elses home is always a different type of thing, especially when you haven't been in a comfortable place in a while anyways. This also included all of my clothes and everyday life stuff in my car still packed, so basically living out of my car and two backpacks.
Applying for Jobs. Which I thought would be a lot easier process... but we are always proven wrong somewhere, right?
Moving into an apartment and trying to get everything together. 
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Our living room once we actually got everything set up, both are very pleased with its simplicity.
Applying for jobs.
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Celebrating Nicks birthday!
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And also a nice get away to Columbia with Nick’s Father and family. The sunset was beautiful and so was the day on the lake. 
But soon, back to stressing and applying for jobs.
so you know.... it doesn't seem like much. But for the life of Sav it has been very very eventful. It seems though, that Im too quick to stress but I often notice this isn't just something I alone struggle with. We get so caught up in the plans that WE want, the things that WE expect, its all about OUR plans.. but as a follow of Christ, it doesn't really work that way does it.
Every time I even begin to mention to someone, no matter who it seems to be, that I am stressed due to the fact that I still haven't found a job and thought this process was going to be a lot shorter and easier.. they don't even let me get a full sentence out before they tell me “not to stress, it will come”. I just sit there and in my mind I'm freaking out screaming “ Do you not understand!!! My money is running low!! My boyfriend is working his butt off to support both of us and that isn't even his job!!! I need a JOB!!!! I HAVE TO STRESS!!!” but I can't help but look at them with honesty and say “you are absolutley right.” I often get the response to pray or to keep my eyes on Gods plan instead of mine. Each time I see that I’m starting to fall off of the track and that is exactly what I needed to hear, yet again. 
Ive heard so many times in peoples testimony that they go through a time period when they feel as if God has abandoned them and if I were to believe such a thing as Him abandoning me, I would have to say this would be my time.. and I’ve heard the story so many times that I know it isn't true that instead this is a test of my faith and instead of “abandoning” me he may instead be sitting back and allowing some test to come my way. 
So I keep trying to focus, trying to feel in the blanks and attempt to make sure that I don't get mad at God for me being stressed and things not going MY way.
(Instead I seem to be getting frustrated with either myself or worse.. Nick. Neither is fair, so my attempt to stay level headed and upright has been upholding.) 
It makes me wonder though and my brain begins to rack the idea of if I am on the right track in life. I like to think I am. I mean...
Im back at home, near my family. Im with the guy who was put in my path that I have no questions if he is the one or not. I’m moved into a safe place that seemed to have had many blessings come along with it. I feel as if I’ve followed all the right steps you know?
But the voice is still quite. I still hear silence when I pray. Or do I?
I see so many beautiful things come. Nick and I have yet to struggle with finding the things we truly wanted or needed for our apartment. We had an overwhelming and abundant amount of love and support from both sides when it came to moving into the apartment together. It was all provided so quickly and effortlessly that I think it left us both speechless.
Both of our families are so accepting and open to one another and the learning of two completely different households is an interesting process but it seems to be working. 
When life is like that, its so important to not forget the small blessings. Such as cleaning supplies, a couch, a Kuerig, or anything in between. Literally those things seem so unimportant but they are things that we became so grateful for.
Though I do spend my day times alone due to the lack of a job, and Nick working hard each day to provide a good income, I have a ton of time to stress and think of all the negatives as I apply for countless jobs. I can't allow this quite time for the enemy to sneak in. This is my time to be talking to God and asking him to guide my way. 
Currently I am waiting to hear back from a job, and Lord knows that if he blessed me with anything, he didn't bless me with much patience when it comes to things that are priorities to me. But I am testing it, and attempting to remain patient. The east coast is undergoing Hurricane Irma who has brought us tons of rain and wind. 
As I continue to wait I would love to hear from anyone. I know my blogs are still a mess, but Im starting and trying. So if you've read this and would like to talk or ask questions please feel free to do so! Also share or like or anything you feel you should. 
Thanks for reading! Ill try to get back soon.
Savannah, TheLifeOfSav
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followthesavlife · 7 years ago
The First.
The first. The beginning. 
I think this is the point in where I'm supposed to gain your interest so that you will continue to follow this blog. No pressure or anything, right? 
Well instead of going for that, Ill just start. 
Im 19. My current location is San Mateo, California long ways away from home where I was raised Duncan, South Carolina. Huge culture shock they say? Well yeah. Oh everything is so fast there isn't it? I suppose. All the questions that you may have in your head the answer is probably yes when it come to Cali and its beauty and life. The businesses and success out here is insane and something like I’ve never seen before to be completely honest with you. 
To have lived the story somedays I get confused as to how I even ended up here. You know 3,000 miles away from home. Came to a place with people that I had only met within the year and so forth, but that story will have to be for another day. 
The first, is just meant to see where this can go, if I even have the potential to gain your interest into the life of Sav. (Oddly, I refer to myself in third person)
But I am Sav. Savannah Lynn Robinson to be exact. A simple yet very complex girl who seems to be just as lost in this world as the next guy. 
This blog isn't necessarily for you but for me. For my road I need a few mile markers and what better way to do that then to post it for the whole world to see. Ya, smart. 
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