folkloricrose · 9 years
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It’s never gonna be over. There’s gonna be others. There’s always gonna be something to hunt.
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folkloricrose · 9 years
WHAT DID YOU DO hahah i’m choking tbh most of the time it probably was tom (although tom is like “um I didn’t do anything -- why would I set fire to this place? I rather liked it ...” meanwhile he literally knocked over the candle w/o realizing b/c he was too busy eating someone smh) 
anyway distracted john makes the crawfords’ job easier so that’s nice for them ~thumbs up emoji~ also @ cora: thanks! but also: yeah we are still probs gonna kill you, too. #facepalm
honestly, I can see it going either way???? Idk which one would be better? thoughts????? 
OOC | John & Rose
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folkloricrose · 9 years
ljalskfjlasfj Okay so rose would be soooooo happy to find another hunter especially since this town is so overrun with the spn they really need all the help they can get haha. but omg when she finds out that he’s like sybil tho she’ll be like “.... okay but how long have you been doing this??? clearly not long ;DD” meanwhile jasper is like “only fifty years but okay” haha basically she’s like “my sweet summer child” @ him when he’s literally like 75 years old but anyway. 
OOC | Jasper & the Crawford Hunters
Ok, so Jasper is, like Shrek, an onion.  You just keep peeling away layers and eventually you start to cry ;DDDD  Ok, so ofc he first presents himself as a wealthy young gentleman and from there he kind of gauges what else to reveal.  Obv to the Crawfords, he’s going to be more hesitant in revealing his undead status, but he’ll probs be pr open about being a Hunters.  But at the same time, he’ll show himself to be a Hunter with a mindset not unlike Sybil’s.  Jasper truly believes that humans and the spn can peacefully coexist with enough effort and that everyone should work together to achieve this end.  Ofc, he also believes in protecting the innocent, so he will happily stamp out those creatures that endanger others, but that’s not his first line of action.  Sooooo, yeah.  I feel like there’s pelnty of room for possibilities in this mess <33333
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folkloricrose · 9 years
in another life I can see these two being bffs but in this one they are def mortal enemies haha ~fire/skull emojis~ 
anyway, um, other than rose eventually coming to kill emma (fun times) I’m not having any specific ideas about them at the moment???? What about you??? 
OOC | Emma & Rose
*kill bill sirens*
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folkloricrose · 9 years
!!!! a perfect description of their relationship !!!!!! 
so I can see rose/the crawfords finding out about elias pretty quickly since he’s new/has little help (except for his sister s/o to lavina) but at the same time, I can see where it would take them awhile b/c he hasn’t killed anyone (am I right thinking that?? I thought I saw that somewhere haha??) and he’s not exactly your stereotypical evil vampire, y’know???? Anyway thoughts???? 
I feel like Rose, if she found out about him/his situation, would feel awful b/c she can tell that he’s a good person but basically once he does start killing, he won’t be able to stop and he won’t be able to hold off forever and basically “sorry buddy but we still gotta kill you” 
OOC | Elias & Rose
I came out to have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked rn/I came out to attack people and I’m honestly having such a good time rn
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folkloricrose · 9 years
aslfkjaslfjaslfj omg i agree!!!!!! I feel like rose would love charlotte a lot and alsdkjflasjfalskjfdlsajf hahahah but omg if she’s constantly getting in the way (which it sounds like she will) tbh rose will probably be v frustrated with her tbh like “gdi charlotte why you gotta keep popping up?!?!?!!?” and that will probs put a damper on them becoming friends??? like if rose got to know charlotte she’d love her to death, but she’s probs too busy saving her life to get to know her hahaha and omg I feel like rose might be like irritated 24/7 when she’s around charlotte for this reason and charlotte is probs like “omg chill” and rose is like “i cANNNN’TT” 
OOC | Charlotte & Rose
So, if Hunting and the spn weren’t a factor, I feel like these two would def get on.  As it is, I feel like Charlotte probs accidentally makes the lives of Hunters difficult, since she’s got a v curious and exploratory mind and she’s constantly wandering in where she shouldn’t be and smdh
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folkloricrose · 9 years
hahah yeah I agree that the crawfords kinda have a disadvantage in this way b/c they are just kinda traveling around w/o a super strong cover story lol. (~*~crawfords pull out their fake fbi badges probs~*~) but I do think that ends up bringing the fight to them half the time hahah (altho this is not a fun time for that b/c they are ridiculously outnumbered even if they’ve got the steeles on their side haha) 
but omg yeahhhh I can totally see that whole ~but they don’t know that we know that they know~ thing going on at some point #facepalm what a mess ;DDD
OOC | Mary & Rose
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folkloricrose · 9 years
HAHAHAHAH ommggggg rose is like NOOOOOOOooooo and then “idk why i keep saving your miserable life” aka “he’s more trouble than he’s worth” omg tho I love this miscommunication so much ahahhaahhahaha and like I feel like if she ever gets especially annoyed she does ~leave~ but doesn’t go that far lol and richard’s probs like “that’s what i thought” and rose is like “no, no it isn’t.” anyway this is such a mess so obviously i love it a lot haha -- anyway, do you think we’re ready to start them atp?? 
OOC | Richard & Rose
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folkloricrose · 9 years
Time to Run / Rose x Henry
The Old Ivy House was a small little pub on a lonely London street. It didn’t have many patrons and the few unfortunates who wandered in, seldom wandered out again. The barkeep made his money luring in drifters, thieves, the poor and the lonely with cheap food and drink, only to hand them over to vampires who’d bleed them dry. 
Hours ago, when the Crawfords discovered this, they split up to gather supplies. They were to meet back there that evening, and wipe out the vampires who lurked there. 
The sun had long ago dropped below the horizon, covering London in shadows and fog. And Rose waited alone. Worry began to slowly set in when she saw no sign of her siblings. She turned, abruptly, at the sound of unfamiliar footsteps. 
It was a man and he was alone.
She didn’t think anything of it, until it was clear where he was headed. Either he was a vampire, himself, or he was likely going to be fed to them. If he was a vampire, then stopping him out here in the open could be dangerous, but she could handle herself. If he wasn’t ... then he had little chance of surviving. 
She wasn’t going to let him walk into a bloodbath. 
She turned, abruptly, and grabbed his arm before he reached the door and pretended to faint. 
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folkloricrose · 9 years
yes!!!! we should! okay, so I can see it going either way, tbh??? I guess we should back up and figure out which group of hunters knows about each other??? the only ones I remember for sure, is obviously will x james ... and I know the Crawfords/Henry don’t know about each other and Will (and therefore James) doesn’t know about the Crawfords. We also decided that Will and Henry know each other and so possibly know about/of each other haha. Um, so I think we’ve got: 
james/will/henry (possibly nathaniel and will hunted together so maybe ????????) 
jasper (i feel like he doesn’t know anyone b/c he’s been gone for awhile???) 
so maybe this can serve as a general reference and perhaps jasper doesn’t know about anyone and the crawfords/steeles know about each other and then james/will/henry/nate at least all know of each other????? idk if that makes sense but thoughts????? 
OOC | Marianne & the Crawfords
Ok, so I was basically trying to figure out if the Crawfords and the Steeles know one another, and go from there?
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folkloricrose · 9 years
OKAY but I love the idea that nate has helped the crawfords before w/ hunts since he’s an ACTUal WEReWOLF???? And yeah I feel ike the crawfords hate vampires a lot but werewolves are way worse to them b/c of the fact that one literally murdered their dad!!!!! and ommmggg can you even imagine if/when it comes out that nate is a werewolf and they’ve trusted him and he’s their friend and he’s helped them but he’s a werewolf!??!?!?! and must??? die??? right???????? 
anyway, i’m trash for rose being friends w/ a spn w/o knowing it b/c when she does find out it’ll be very interesting to see how it plays out heehee
but do you think that the crawfords/nate have hunted together before at this point oR do you think they they are just now meeting/teaming up??? 
OOC | Nathaniel & the Crawford (Hunter)s
“I will help you hunt any vampires you like.  Pls leave my werewolves alone,” ~Nathaniel probably ;DDDD  No, but not in so many words.  Besides, he wouldn’t actually wanna out himself and his friends to hunters that way hahahha but yeah, he’d waltz in and help them w any vamps you like hhahahah and then that awk moment when they’re all telling stories around the fire and it comes up that their dad was killed by a werewolf… ;DDDD
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folkloricrose · 9 years
landlord: well it certainly isn’t b/c of the three young ladies i’ve recently admitted!!!! 
rose and anna try not to laugh/smile probs 
I agree?? I can’t remember the timeline exactly either (idk if there is one w/ regards to their mom’s death tbh????) but yeah I feel like rose kinda looks to matthew and sybil as parents too and b/c of that I think she weirdly is a mix between an oldest child and a middle child ahaha but anyway I feel like rose is kinda the sam to her dean in a lot of ways (especially earlier seasons sam/dean) and she’s like “anna no” and anna’s like “anna yes” and it’s beautiful but at the same time, I can see them also kinda being the ~kids~ and getting themselves into trouble and basically doing things and looking at each other like “don’t tell matt/sybil” and smh haha basically, I think that most of the time rose is there to get anna out of trouble/keep her from it but sometimes rose is right there w/ her haha 
ooc: rose x anna
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folkloricrose · 9 years
HAHAHAH rose @ bolton: same, man, same 
I mean, a werewolf killed her dad, so she’s probs hates them a little more than vamps, but vamps are also pretty horrible and she’s never met a one she hasn’t hated (sybil: but you might!!!! rose: no i won’t) and yeah .... I feel like bolton is probably the least subtle about what/who he is and idk that the crawfords know right now, btu I don’t think that it’ll take them long????? And yeah, they are destined to hate each other hahaha
OOC | Laurence & the Crawfords
Bolton, here, is literally insane so that’s fun.  He represents everything that is bad about vampires and tbqh flies in the face of all the equality Sybil hopes to achieve for all species hahaha so that’s fun.  Also, Hunters are his least favorite, so if he learns the Crawfords are Hunters, he will probs come for them with fire and blood, so that promises to be a good time #facepalm
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folkloricrose · 9 years
I’M SO DOWN FOR THAT!!!!! and yeah I can def see where they would differ on a lot of things, tbh??? but yeah like at the end of the day, rose is like “hey i’m the only person who gets to fight w/ harriet” and vice versa probs???? 
lakjsdflkajsfljLAJFLAJKDF okay so I love that that’s how they met??? B/c rose def is a horrible patient and like that scene from monty python comes to mind: 
“it’s just a flesh wound.” 
“your arm’s off!!!!” 
I mean not quite that bad, obviously, but basically??? Like if she can walk, she can hunt, and if she can hunt, she’s going to hunt. But yeah maybe she had a particularly bad injury and maybe she was even left w/ just sybil and anna and matt were off hunting alone and she’d be soooo incredibly antsy and wanting to do something, anything and honestly she probs gets really fed up with stupid small talk for days on end when there are so many more important things going on that she’s currently powerless to help but then along comes harriet who isn’t like everyone else and is basically that breathe of fresh air rose needed??? i mean, I can see them getting off to a rocky start maybe but even if they did, rose would at least be distracted haha so there’s that 
but yesssss this is awesome and I love it!!!!!! and I’m on board w/ everything you said!!!! do you think we’re ready to start them, atp???? 
ooc. harriet + rose
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folkloricrose · 9 years
HAHAHH I feel like this is literally how rose makes like 90% of her friends it’s just a “i’m gonna stand close to you so you won’t die” kinda thing ;DDD but no I agree????? I feel like rose needs someone like beth in her life ???? although I feel like idk that beth’s outlook will necessarily rub off on rose b/c rose has seen a lot of shit haha but I think that she’ll be like YES GOOD b/c these are the kind of people that rose and her siblings are risking their lives everyday to protect, y’know?? and she’ll def wanna shield beth from this world and like idk how long that’s gonna last, all things considered but anyway. 
and yeah, I was imagining that they’d just now be meeting, but honestly I’m cool either way since the crawfords get around?? 
OOC | Elizabeth & Rose
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folkloricrose · 9 years
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I’ll prove that I’m strong.
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folkloricrose · 9 years
ME TOO HARRIET, ME TOO ~all the fire emojis~
Okay, honestly I’m down with doing any of those options just give me a harriet x rose relationship of some kind!!! :DDD 
okay close friends/allies I could even see, even tho rose doesn’t really get the chance to do the ~friends~ thing b/c she’s a hunter and travels around a lot and doesn’t really get to put down roots. bUT since harriet is wealthy and her family may have other houses/estates across england + i’m sure she has a lot of extensive acquaintances which means that she’s probably been around, too/I can potentially see rose having met her before and liked her. like she sees truly evil things all the time and tbh harriet doesn’t even hold a candle to that like ++ no one is perfect like rose is willing to forgive harriet her flaws, if she’ll forgive her her’s and idk I can kinda see them hitting it off especially if they met in the country or something where the company is less varied and they may have seen a lot of each other in the little amount of time that rose was around. but also i don’t think that rose really buys into the gender roles of the day b/c she’s literally been doing a ~man’s job~ and I think she thinks it’s stupid that women basically exist to please men/be wives + mothers and are seen as inferior and idk if she knows about henrietta manipulating guys for fun or not but i’m not sure that it would bother her that much especially if she thought the guys were assholes haha 
rivals: this I could also easily see!!! i feel like rose isn’t super competitive but she def can be and idk what they’d be rivals over ??? or perhaps idk they’ve known each other for a long time and idk they are basically rivals over everything???? 
frenemies: i can also see where there would be a love/hate relationship going on b/c I can see where rose may be easily frustrated by some of the things that harriet does and I can see where they’d fight a lot but also forgive each other just as quickly ?? 
all of this is to say, I’m super down for any of these options idk which one you wanna go with/thoughts???? idk these are also just my initial thoughts haha and i’m not sold on any of them if you had something different in mind :) 
ooc. harriet + rose
harriet @ rose: hot damn
harriet @ rose in action: hOT DAMN
internally, of course, because Harriet’s a civilised upper class lady, don’t you know
for real tho, I can see these two being either close friends and/or allies OR rivals, frenemies even. what dya think?
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