fogeyedmarksman · 8 months
supernatural s1ep17 sentence starters
“ come on, man, is it much further? i’m cold.”
“ how did you find this place anyway?”
“ oh, i am so not going in there.”
“ we came all the way out here, might as well check it out.”
“ let’s just hurry this up and get back to the car, alright?”
“ want me to hold your hand?”
“ ew. shut up, you loser!”
“ ooh, look, it’s the evil root cellar. where satan cans all his vegetables.”
“ get your candy-ass down here and see for yourself.”
“ i don’t see anything scary. do you?”
“ what? what is it?”
“ ha-ha. very funny.”
“ not a lot of scenery here. kind of gotta make your own.”
“ we’re not kids anymore.”
“ we’re not gonna start that crap up again.”
“ that prank stuff. it’s stupid and it always escalates.”
“ what’s the matter? you afraid you’re gonna get a little nair in your shampoo again, huh?”
“ all right. just remember you started it.”
“ most of those websites wouldn’t know a ghost if it bit them in the persqueeter.”
“ there’s no harm checking this thing out.”
“ it was the scariest thing i saw in my whole life, i swear to god.”
“ i think it was blood.”
“ i had my eyes closed the whole time.”
“ rumor has it you might know about one.”
“ i didn’t think there was anything to the story.”
“ i don’t know what the hell to think, man…”
“ this was not a prank. i swear to god, i don’t wanna go anywhere near that house ever again.”
“ that’s exactly why you never get laid.”
“ hey, what about this one? you seen this one before?”
“ what are you doing here?”
“ what the hell are YOU doing here?”
“ i belong here. i’m a professional.”
“ oh, you gotta be kidding me.”
“ and i know who you are too… an amateur.”
“ so if you don’t mind. i’m trying to conduct a serious, scientific investigation here.”
“ huh. so, have you ever really seen a ghost before, or…?”
“ dude, come on, man. we did our digging. this one’s a bust.”
“ i say we find ourselves a bar and some beers and leave the legend to the locals.”
“ that’s all you got? it’s weak. that is bush league.”
“ why do i have to go in there?”
“ i’ll take the homicidal ghost, thanks.”
“ would you ever take that dare?”
“ hello? is anybody there?”
“ i think maybe we missed something.”
“ i don’t believe it.”
“ i got an idea.”
“ who you gonna call?”
“ come on, we don’t have much time.”
“ i dare you to take a swig of this.”
“ what the hell would i do that for?”
“ i double dare you.”
“ i hate rats.”
“ you rather it was a ghost?”
“ what the hell kind of spirit is immune to rock salt?”
“ maybe we should just go.”
“ sweet lord of the rings…”
“ it’s bugging the hell outta me.”
“ this whole damn job’s bugging me.”
“ that explains why it went after you, but why me?”
“ i thought it was funny at first, but… now that girl/guy is dead.”
“ it was just a joke. you know, i mean - none of it was real. we made the whole thing up. i swear.”
“ hey, where were you?”
“ hey, why don’t you get dressed? i wanna go grab something to eat.”
“ dude, what’s your problem?”
“ people believe in santa claus. how come i’m not getting hooked up every christmas?”
“ because you’re a bad person.”
“ how the hell are we supposed to kill an idea?”
“ man, i think i’m allergic to our soap or something.”
“ you did this? you’re a frigging jerk.”
“ no, no, no. NO, forget it. forget it! i’m not going back in there again.”
“ i know, but i’ve never actually seen a real ghost before. like, a real ghost! like, an apparition!”
“W.W.B.D. what would buffy do? huh?”
“ oh, look at that. action figures in their original packaging. what a shock.”
“ why should i trust you?”
“ well, i have an obligation to kick your little ass right now.”
“ slow your roll, buddy. they’re gonna know we’re excited.”
“ if you pull that string one more time, i’m gonna kill you.”
“ come on, man. you need more laughter in your life.”
“ you know, you’re way too tense.”
“ you didn’t.”
“ i barely have any skin left on my palm.”
“ what the hell are you trying to do? get yourself killed?”
“ so these - these guns don’t work?”
“ come and get it you ugly son of a bitch.”
“ that’s your solution? burn the whole damn place to the ground?”
“ it’s fast and dirty, but it works.”
“ little lingo for ya.”
“ anywho, excuse me. i’m off to la-la-land.”
“ well, congratulations, that sounds really great.”
“ oh, yeah, luck, it’s got nothing to do with it. it’s about talent. you know, sheer, unabashed talent.”
“ i’m the one who put a dead fish in their backseat.”
“ truce?”
“ yeah, truce. at least for the next hundred miles.”
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fogeyedmarksman · 2 years
(Grant) “ i want something in return for that.”
Boyd released his hold and furrowed his brows, assessing Grant’s expression to try and figure out what exactly he was going to ask for, or if he was just messing with him.
“Alright. What is it you want?”
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fogeyedmarksman · 2 years
(Starling) “ what do you like to do for fun?”
“Oh, you know, sing... dance... skinny dip,” he replied flatly, not bothering to look at Starling as he spoke. After letting his response really settle in, he cut a glance her way, a ghost of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
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fogeyedmarksman · 2 years
(Slim) “ you see it happen?”
Had it been anyone other than Slim, Boyd might have remarked that since the event had occurred on the left side of the market - Boyd’s blind side - Boyd had not, in fact, seen it happen.
But Slim wasn’t privy to Boyd’s specific, dry sense of humor and the marksman didn’t want to risk upsetting him if he could help it.
“Uh, no. I missed it.”
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fogeyedmarksman · 2 years
“ you’re smart enough to know that i’m not gonna let this slide.”
“You’re smart enough to know how stubborn I can be,” he countered, leveling her with a firm look, though there was a glimmer of mischief in his eye. “Looks like we’ve found ourselves a standstill, Miss O’Rourke.”
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fogeyedmarksman · 2 years
“Boyd, do you wanna go lie down?”
“No, no, it’ll pass,” he murmured, closing his eyes and sitting as still as he could muster. But just as he thought he was set, he looked up at Holly and the slightly movement brought on a new wave of nausea and sharp pain behind his eyes. 
He hadn’t had one of these migraines since before he lost his family, and the realization that his mother wasn’t there to make him tea and soup to help his head and stomach settle was enough to take his breath away.
“Yeah, I’ll lay down,” he managed, although his voice cracked as he said it and that brought on a brief wave of shame. Squeezing his eyes shut again and clenching his fists, Boyd stood and then cracked his good eye open enough to make his way to the couch, where he lowered himself slowly and laid down, covering his face with his hat to block the light.
“I won’t stay long. Just need to let my head rest a minute.”
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fogeyedmarksman · 2 years
(Matthew) “It ain’t down there. I can tell you that.”
“Well, good thing I went and checked then,” Boyd said flatly, looking up at Matthew with a disapproving stare. “Couldn’t have spoke up before I dropped down here and got my boots dirty?”
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fogeyedmarksman · 2 years
“You said I could drop by anytime.”
“I did,” he agreed with a nod of his head and a slight roll of his eyes. “But I didn’t mean for you to come by and hover like a worried hen. I’ve eaten today, promise.”
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fogeyedmarksman · 2 years
(Starling) “Who are they?”
“Scavver, far as I can tell,” he replied with a small shrug of his shoulders, and though his tone sounded uninterested, he still kept his good eye trained on the newcomer. “Seem polite enough.”
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fogeyedmarksman · 3 years
“ don’t push yourself.”
“It’s just a cold, Holly,” Boyd replied with a sniffle, shuffling towards the sink with his dirty plate and empty coffee mug in his hands. “I can still walk around.”
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fogeyedmarksman · 3 years
(Grant) “ oh, you gotta be kidding me.”
“If only I was,” he replied with a shake of his head. “It was definitely Asher, definitely coming out of your cabin, and definitely stark naked. I wish I didn’t have a working eye to have witnessed that.”
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fogeyedmarksman · 3 years
Holly had gone out of her way to track down the rest of the people she’d found gifts for, but rather than try to find Boyd, she simply waited for him to show up at Sunshine Tidings. She figured he’d be by to visit Maybelle sooner or later, and it’d be easy enough to just grab him real quick. And she had been right.
“Hey there, hold up a second,” she called, boots crunching in the snow as she jogged up behind him, a newspaper-wrapped bundle tucked under one arm. Once she’d caught up with him, Holly offered a small smile, and held the package out to him. Inside he would find an old, and well worn leather tool bag, and rolled up inside, a set of woodcarving tools, “It ain’t much I guess, but Merry Christmas. Hope you ain’t got nothin’ like it already. But, I guess if you do you’ll just have spares.”
She paused, glancing towards Maybelle’s cabin, and then back at her own, “Ain’t sure if you got plans or anything for Christmas Day, but…you’re welcome to come over my place if you want. Won’t have nothin’ special goin’ on but I’d cook somethin’,” she paused again, this time to try and restrain a teasing smirk, “Unless you was plannin’ on visitin’ Maybelle. I wouldn’t wanna get in the way of that.”
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fogeyedmarksman · 4 years
Holly made her way down to the familiar camp just outside of the settlement, carrying a stack of boards in her arms. Scrap pieces, near identical in size, too short to build anything with, but still nice enough pieces of wood. Her pace slowed slightly as she neared the camp, and then when she spotted Boyd, called, "Hey. Mind if I keep you company for a while? Promise I won't hassle you 'bout comin' up to the settlement just yet."
Boyd was taking a brief break in his watch and was providing Lucky with some much-needed attention. The dog was on her back, tail waggling happily as she received belly rubs. At the sound of someone approaching, Lucky craned her neck to look at who was coming up, and Boyd turned to look as well.
“Sure, I don’t mind the company,” he said, motioning for Holly to sit where she pleased. Lucky rolled onto her feet and scurried over to the trader, sniffing and wagging excitedly.
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fogeyedmarksman · 5 years
“ i love you. “ ( from Maybelle )
He had heard her wrong. Had to have. Or she wasn’t talking to him. Must be talking to Lucky, or Sweet Pea, or Cherry Bomb. Or any one of her chickens. But not Boyd. That didn’t make sense.
Boyd managed to voice his confusion with an articulate: “Hu- what?”
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fogeyedmarksman · 5 years
❛ weather ain’t let up. you still headin’ out? ❜
“Figure I’d give you some time to rest up,” he said, standing but not moving towards the door. “Can’t be all that nice having to look at my mug while you ain’t feeling good.”
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fogeyedmarksman · 5 years
(Grant) ❛ you don’t look too friendly partner. ❜
“You’re observant,” Boyd commented without much emotion in his tone, leveling his eye on the man. 
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fogeyedmarksman · 5 years
“You were rude to my friend.”
“I’m rude to everyone,” he replied flatly, before flicking his one good eye between Holly’s friend and herself. “...but I’m sorry if I upset your friend. Happy?”
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