foeto-blog · 5 years
moveextras replied to your post: Gundam has appeared! What to do? Throw salt...
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“Unrefined words from the spiked demon shan’t have the slightest effect on this immortal form! If your resolve even forms, utilize your own strength, you cur!”
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foeto-blog · 5 years
ziodie replied to your post: Gundam has appeared! What to do? Throw salt...
> feed him and his hamsters…!!!!
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“Hoh, I see you follow the path of radiance, scarred skull bearer! I grant you the ability to view my glorious four Dark Devas of Destruction in their proper form!”
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foeto-blog · 5 years
vestraconfidant replied to your post: Gundam has appeared! What to do? Throw salt...
throw salt
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“One-eye fiend! I see your presence still curses this astral plane! You have breathed your last foul breath, cur! This Overlord of Ice shall send you to your final resting place!” 
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foeto-blog · 5 years
Gundam has appeared! What to do?
Throw salt Yell at Blow a kiss Feed them
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"Intriguing set of actions -- best you choose wisely!” 
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foeto-blog · 5 years
Meme // Not Accepting
🥨 Favorite snack food?
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“To approach for such a question, your foolhardy demeanor impresses me, warrior of unspoken darkness! Very well, I shall humor that very mortal curiosity of yours. There is nothing that this body of mine cannot consume, poison courses through these immortal veins and this poison renders all and any good consumable! If you are truly asking for a common good, the seeds of the sunflower are sufficient to satiate this being.” 
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Also the seeds will feed his hamsters too, so it’s a double whammy. 
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foeto-blog · 5 years
Meme // Not Accepting
🗄 - See my muse standing by an unsteady filing cabinet that could collapse on them
Although Gundam had chosen to remain in solitude for most of his time, it was a fact that he did enjoy the presence of people at times. His locations of choice however, never really remained places where a great deal of people would congregate and gather around. He preferred if there was a purpose for stepping out as well, as this would take away time from retraining his devas back to their former glory. For this reason, he set his sights upon Spirale University – more specifically the library so that he might be able to comb through the tomes there for more dark magic (more training tips and such, there wasn’t any shame in seeking out better answers for programs you already knew how to solve.) It was there where he encountered the other, looking around this place with a mixture of conclusion and amazement on his face. 
Such emotions were a weakness if you were to become unaware due to them and this fiend seemed to be one such case! Even if he were the source of pure evil in this realm, his curse would not prevent him from being a decent person if he could help it. Stepping up from his seat and pressing a hand to the side of the unsteady filing cabinet to stable it while still remaining at a safe distance, he set his gaze on the other. 
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“To lower your guard enough to draw my form out from hiding, such a formidable foe you are – yet still foolish! Do you intend on guarding your honor with your mortal body in tatters? Do not take me for a buffoon! This victory belongs to the Overlord of Ice on this very hour and time, have you any words to displace your shame?” The devas within his scarf chirped in agreement. 
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foeto-blog · 5 years
Food Related Asks
Send one to ask the muse…
🍎 Favorite fruit? 🥕 Favorite vegetable?  🍋 Do you like sour foods? 🍓 Do you like sweet foods? 🌶 Do you like spicy foods? 🍟 Favorite kind of junk food?  🥞 Favorite thing to have for breakfast? 🍔 Favorite thing to have for lunch? 🍲 Favorite thing to have for dinner? 🍰 Favorite thing to have for dessert?  🍗 Favorite kind of meat? 🥪 Favorite kind of sandwich? 🍕 Favorite kind of pizza?  🍦 Favorite flavor of icecream?  🥣Favorite kind of soup?  🥨 Favorite snack food?  🧀 Favorite kind of cheese?  🍬 Favorite type of candy?  🍪 Favorite type of cookie?  🥧 Favorite kind of pie?  ☕ How do you like your coffee?   🍳 Are you good at cooking? 💸 Do you prefer to eat out or stay home?  🥜 Are you allergic to any foods?  🤔 Any foods you’ve wanted to try but haven’t had the chance yet?  😍 All time favorite food?  🤢 All time least favorite food?  🚽 Are there any foods that tend to upset your stomach? 
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foeto-blog · 5 years
Mun talks about the Muse
Send one of the following to ask the mun…
✍ Favorite thing about writing the muse? 👀Favorite thing about the muse’s appearance? 🧥Favorite outfit for the muse? 🌌Favorite alternate version of the muse? 💕Favorite ship for the muse?  💔Least favorite ship for the muse? 💢Something about the muse that annoys you? 😈Worst thing you’ve ever done to your muse?  😂Funniest thing that’s ever happened to your muse?  💡 What inspires you to write the muse?  📷 Favorite picture/screencap of your muse? 📑 Favorite part of your muse’s backstory?  📝 Favorite headcanon for your muse?  😒 Is there anything canon about your muse that you ignore?  🔮 What do you see in your muse’s future?  🔥 Unpopular opinion about your muse?  💭 Favorite memory of the muse?  😩 Hardest thing about writing the muse?  ⌨ What’s a situation you’ve always wanted to RP with the muse?  🎭 How similar are you and the muse? 
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foeto-blog · 5 years
gaeabound replied to your post: ❝ I never smile if I can help it. ❞
// kurowli: ��. but im laughing kdjf, bless this
sdkgjdsk sorry for him LOL - i want them to get along... but also he is just Like This 
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foeto-blog · 5 years
❝ I don’t talk trash, I talk smack. They’re totally different. ❞
Office Meme from Last Week // Not Accepting
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“You assume that I have any interest in that drivel that spills forth from your mouth in a manner akin to sewage, monochrome harlequin.” Perhaps Gundam might be a little upset still from earlier, when Kokichi ‘complimented’ him on not having hamster pee and poop in his clothes. Rather than being insulted on his own behalf though, it was for the sake of his precious devas. His devas who he raised from birth and were far more intelligent than any mere mortal could consider giving credit for, it was for their sake! “You assume incorrectly, you cur! I have no interest in continuing this mindless conversation, begone!”
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foeto-blog · 5 years
❝ I never smile if I can help it. ❞
Office Meme from Last Week // Not Accepting
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“Gnngh – you divulge such trade secrets so readily, yet remain close lipped on your ultimate source of power, thorned whisper!” Actually, it was hard to see the other’s expressions for the most part behind that mask of his and Gundam respected his privacy just as he did for any other person. Living a life of solitude and somewhat self imposed distance meant that he was mindful of how others were about their own personal space as well. “Yet, at the end of time itself, you are foolish! I do not allow others to gaze upon my smile easily either – greater power lies within such a gesture! you may have accomplished much with your current level, however it is the space beyond that you are lacking!” 
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foeto-blog · 5 years
❝ I’m going to make this way harder than it needs to be. ❞
Office Meme from Last Week // Not Accepting
“So it is a challenge that you seek, armored maiden!” Even if that wasn’t the other person’s intention, Gundam’s mind is already made up! The path of an overlord would always be fraught with strife and challenge, this was the curse of his existence, after all! Already, his devas were springing forth from the folds of his clothing to perch themselves along his frame – even if they wouldn’t actually help much in a fight, it was the thought that counted, right? 
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“Come then! If it is strife that your blood shrieks for, I shall grant you that one wish!” 
0 notes
foeto-blog · 5 years
NSFW Starters
Send one as my muse does unsafe work practices to….
✂️ - Notice my muse holding scissors wrong 
🗑  - See my muse start a trash can fire
⚱️  - Catch my muse standing on a wobbly rolling office chair
🖇  - See my muse put their bowl of paperclips near their computer fan
📄  - Watch my muse get a paper cut when organizing papers
💻  - See my muse put a class of water on their laptop
🔐  - Watch my muse forget to lock up their work station
🖋  - Watch my muse chewing on the tip of a leaded pen
🗄 - See my muse standing by an unsteady filing cabinet that could collapse on them
📚 - Peek past a large stack of books that could tower on my muse if they shake their desk too much
💊 - See my muse chug 3 5-hour energy drinks at 4 pm
🔫 - Get held at gunpoint by my muse with all the other workers who finally snapped at the boss
💉 - Do crack cocaine with my muse behind the printing machine
🚬 - Smoke in a non-smoking zone and get caught by my muse
🗞 - Roll up the paper and smack my muse with it
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foeto-blog · 5 years
although, there is the slight notion of understanding in the babble of words that were spoken to him, he could not help but hook a brow with incredulity. a ‘ paralyzing gaze ’, from those brightly colored rodents ? dark devas of destruction, the boy had called them and while they were somewhat … captivating to the eyes, there were no direct signs of immobilization on his person. no prickling sparks of numbness in any of his limbs. 
kurowli scoffs and crosses his arms over his chest, proving his theories correctly.
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“do you seek a challenge, minister of rats ? ” his expression tightened into a frown, “you should already know that a spirit can never be soothed while chained to its holder, be it rage or passion. it is foolish to think i would divulge in secrets or titles to mere wanderers on the streets — not without something in return.” 
Gundam bristled at the other’s response -- no good, his devas must have lost their powers on top of all of their attacks (tricks) once they all arrived at this realm. He was woefully unprepared for this encounter, but he would persist! Gundam Tanaka was known for many things, however giving up and stepping down even at a disadvantage was not one of them! His hamsters devas even seem to puff up their chests all the same as he spoke to the other. 
“It would be unwise to plunge this world into chaos when our meeting has only begun! Consider your blessings, for am I am restraining my miasma from spreading further than my person.” Ever undeterred, he moved into another pose.
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“Very well, if it is equivalent exchange that you so desire, I shall humor you! You may now speak the name of Gundam Tanaka, the Supreme Overlord of Ice! The weight of my given title is greater than even the most precious of gold. Surely that tips your scale to immeasurable amounts!” 
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foeto-blog · 5 years
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“Wow, from which weird hole did you come from?” Kokichi was a very unique person himself, and he was self aware of that. However, how this guy approached him was weird even for his standards. That way of speech and weird nicknames he gave a complete stranger, was a little… confusing. But hey, at least it wasn’t boring huh?
“Are you just saying you’re interested in me? Aww, you must be pretty shy then, huh? Anyways, I’m honored you give me that much attention, so allow me to humor you! And yup, you’re right, I’m the rumored monochrome harlequin! It’s nice to meet ya! What’s your name?” He didn’t even really introduced himself properly yet, but hey, Kokichi loved messing with others. And in his opinion, the stranger was just begging for him to play along with his nonsense as well…
"Hoh, so you do not argue against your title... though it matters not, even if you were to spew poisonous lies, they would surely fall before my nefarious eye!” As if to back that up, Gundam would move a hand in front of his (fake) scar in order for his one crimson (contact lens) eye to really catch the light and shine a little even. It seemed like the two of them would really be here for a while at this rate... “What I hold for you is not mortal interest, monochrome harlequin! The Overlord of Ice has no space in his infernal core for these musings such as emotion! You are in my path, you cur. Yet you still continue to court this chaos, I see.” Amused, he laughed and chuckled until his devas came out to join him.
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“Humor me? How could a nameless fool ever hope to humor me? However, I will instead humor you! This being that stands before you bears the name of Gundam Tanaka! Remember it well, for the gates of Pandemonium cage those souls who lose sight of my words! Now speak, checkered soul! What name is attached to your pitiful mortal frame?” 
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foeto-blog · 5 years
   Whatever this man just said, it sounds important. Unfortunately that importance is partly lost to distraction, as Gonta’s eyes flit from the stranger’s face to his scarf. There are tiny inhabitants in there… The entomologist’s eyes appear to light up, softening an otherwise curious expression.
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“It’s… Gonta,” he says, looking back to the man he’s speaking to. What’s this about gods? He isn’t calling Gonta a god, is he…? “Are you, um, confusing Gonta for someone else?” Or something else. “Or are you the overlord? You can tell me your name if you’d like, and maybe your friends will too.” He glances again at the hamsters, smiling now.
"...!!” Even before he could so much as unveil his trump card, this other being had been able to sense the presence of his devas, even hidden in the veil of his scarf. Naturally, the auras that his devas gave off would leave an impression on even the faintest of hearts but only when they chose to make themselves known. It took a truly different spirit to sense them before their appearance. What else could he do aside from let out a uproarious laugh at such a revelation?! And so he would laugh! And laugh! Until he could draw out all of his dark devas in their full glory! 
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“Fuahahaha!! To think that the demons of pandemonium would shine so favorably upon this dark being in this strange of a land! You surprise me, colossus! To behold one of the gifted, you should have relinquished your alliances the very instance you approached! Very well, you may be cursed with the knowledge of the dark overlord! This form before you is the temporary vessel of Gundam Tanaka! Remember the name well, colossus! For it is the name of the being who will rule this world!” 
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foeto-blog · 5 years
The Office sentence meme
❝ I’m going to make this way harder than it needs to be. ❞
❝ Who says exactly what they’re thinking? What kind of game is that? ❞
❝ Speaking of funerals… why don’t you go ahead and die? ❞
❝ You took a life here today. You did. The life of the party. ❞
❝ Please don’t throw garbage at me. ❞
❝ Well, well, well… how the turn tables. ❞
❝ Just Do It. You were the “it” that I was just doing. ❞
❝ Decent people everywhere will get offended. ❞
❝ I am running away from my responsibilities. And it feels good. ❞
❝ Who am I? I’m [name], the business bitch. ❞
❝ Oh, speaking of time machines… I just got back from the future and I went to your funeral, and guess what? Nobody came. ❞
❝ I never smile if I can help it. ❞
❝ This is a dream I’ve been having since lunch, and I am not giving up on it now. ❞
❝ If you pray enough, you can change yourself into a cat person. ❞
❝ Occasionally, I will hit someone with my car. So sue me. ❞
❝ I really enjoy being judged. ❞
❝ Friends joke with one another. ‘Hey, you’re poor.’ ‘Hey, your momma’s dead.’ That’s what friends do. ❞
❝ I don’t talk trash, I talk smack. They’re totally different. ❞
❝ They’re trying to make me an escape goat. ❞
❝ If I don’t have some cake soon I might die. ❞
❝ Your mom, you gay nerd! ❞
❝ I don’t want to blame anyone in particular… I think everyone’s to blame. ❞
❝ Do I need to be liked? Absolutely not. I like to be liked. I enjoy being liked. I have to be liked. But it’s not like this compulsive need to be liked. Like my need to be praised. ❞
❝ Is this a video conference you’re having with… “Drake” featuring “Swizz Beatz”? ❞
❝ Should have burned this place down when I had the chance. ❞
❝ Nobody does anything for me anymore unless I threaten to kill myself. ❞
❝ So everyone here knows pirate code? ❞
❝ Your internet searches were so filthy we had to throw out your computer. ❞
❝ I have the worst attitude of anyone here. ❞
❝ And I knew exactly what to do, but in a much more real sense I had no idea what to do.  ❞
❝ What is so stupid about wanting to name a baby Usher? ❞
❝ I have a lot of questions. Number one: how dare you?! ❞
❝ You’re always saying there’s something wrong with society, but maybe it’s something wrong with you. ❞
❝ I talk a lot, so I’ve learned to just tune myself out. ❞
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