fmdtheo-blog · 6 years
Taesung reckoned there was no needfor him to correct the younger man’s affirmation for there were definitely a lot of people that had beenvictims to Taesung’s sleaziness. Most of them he barely paid any mind any longer,were mindless one night stands whose faces had blended into blurry memories Taeoften threw to the back of his mind. The only person who mattered to him at thatmoment was the boy standing in front of him. He truly had a bad, bad past with relationships, alwaysmanaging to screw everything up in a way, and Tae had believed getting into anew one which shared similar issues as the first one he ruined would just sendhim into a never ending terrified state of mind. However, he had realized thatit was easy, being in a relationship withTheo. Sure, it wasn’t perfect and completely without issues, but it didn’tstrike him as something he had to struggle over. Fight for, yes completely. Butnot suffer because. The complimentsrolled out of his tongue with ease, tender words slipping away as if they werealways meant to be given to the younger male and Taesung found reassurance inknowing that Theo thrived because of it and wouldn’t hesitate to say them rightback to him. “ My baby boy would bebeautiful wearing anything, eventhose hideous Crocs, ” Taesungpointed out, mouth still brushing against every inch of Theo’s face. A mischievoussmile painted his face as he pressed lips against his boyfriend’s ear. “ I do prefer you without any clotheson, but you know – it’s always a pretty view with you, ” he punctuated the statement with a kiss to the other’s jaw,drawing back and running a hand through his hair. A laugh was pulled out of himat Theo’s words, Taesung shaking his head at the thought of the ridiculoussight of him wearing board shorts. “ I’mgoing to look terrible. I can’t believethey are doing this to me. I’d rather wear jeans than board shorts, but alas. ”  
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The day Theo had ever met Taesung in the BC practice room all those years ago when he was just a teenager, he would never have guessed that he would have such a wonderful relationship with the elder man let alone be someone who could catch his attention in the first place. He had thrown himself into work after the break down of his last relationship, not really wanting to focus on anything other than Charm’s career and success but seeing his hyung in front of him, he knew he made the right decision by getting back in the dating scene. Theo was the first to admit that their relationship wasn’t perfect because after all who can truly attain a relationship with no problems? There was always going to be things that Taesung did that annoyed him, and things that he did that annoyed Taesung, but their love for each other meant they could come to a compromise. It was comfortable, and he hoped that their relationship would continue for a long time to come. “You won’t even buy normal sneakers for me, I doubt you’d even let a pair of crocs cross the threshold of your apartment,” Theo teased, basking in the attention from his boyfriend that he had waited for so long. Despite the sigh of exasperation that left his lips at the other’s following comment, the fond expression on Theo’s face never faltered; this was an aspect of their relationship in which they differed, with Theo being more closed off and private in regards to the sexual part of their relationship, but he was always happy to hear a compliment regardless. “I take it back, you’re so sleazy,” He laughed, pressing a kiss to his boyfriend’s lips. “Always wanting me to take off my clothes for you, you’re insatiable.” Expression changing to one of faux shock, Theo let out a quiet gasp at the other’s words; it was too much fun teasing the older male. “You’d willingly wear jeans? I never thought I’d see the day where you’d find something you hate more than jeans.”
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fmdtheo-blog · 6 years
yelling out in surprise had proved to (unsurprisingly) be an understandable yet stupid idea, especially once reprimanded by the older. he felt like a deer in headlines, nodding as a promise that he’d stay quiet, all the while clinging to the startled animal.
he was holding his breath for the entirety of theo’s presence, but only when he hears the odd sort of approval does he try to relax. silently, as he nods in response, a small feeling of pride at the scenario slowly starts to form. he had to admit, he’d felt as if he was doing a good deed, putting aside the fact that his companion was adorable. 
“you knew?” the surprised boy asks, eyes wide with shock. he thought he’d been fairly stealthy, but it seemed he just couldn’t escape his older member. “and yes..actually.” the question of the dog’s name prompts a childish grin from the vocalist, slowly rising to his feet to bring the puppy closer to his fellow member. “coco. like…hot coco? this part’s the chocolate-” he points out, his fingers skimming the puppy’s fluffy brown fur. “-and this is the marshmallows. see?” visibly excited about his creativity, jinho shows the various white spots dotting her skin,  
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“can we please keep her, hyung? she’d make history as one of the first girls allowed in,” he begs, trying to keep his voice sweet and convincing. he knew he was stepping on thin ice by asking such a rule follower, but he took the risk. while bc would be less to enthusiastic to hear they’d smuggled a puppy, jinho’s mind could only imagine how happy coco would be with them.
“Of course I knew,” Theo replied, his tone amused as he realised that the younger boy really did seem to think he was successful at sneaking out undetected. “I don’t always go to sleep early and I can pretty much tell by know whose footprints are whose. I just didn’t know why you were sneaking out, of course. You’re lucky you didn’t get caught by one of the manager hyungs.” He knew that their company probably wouldn’t be too pleased to know that some of the members were trying to sneak out at night, and the last thing they needed was to have their already tight leash shortened even more. It was cute to see how enthusiastic Jinho was in regards to the puppy and he had to admit that it was hard not to fall for the puppy’s cute features, but there was a lingering anxiousness that made itself clear in the back of Theo’s mind. “Coco? That’s cute, it suits her well. Not only does she look like hot coco, it seems like she’s just as sweet too.”
However, this was the part that Theo had been dreading. It was clear that Jinho had already bonded with the small pup and he hated being the one to bring someone’s hopes crashing down, but he knew that there was probably no way that they would be able to take care of a puppy undetected. “Jinho...” Theo began as he tried to figure out what to say; his head was saying to follow the rules, but his heart knew that they had to do something. “You know it’s a difficult situation. What if the landlord finds out? Or the managers? They’re just going to tell us that she needs to go somewhere else.”
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fmdtheo-blog · 6 years
closed starter ➝ @fmdtheo
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donghae wouldn’t consider him and theo to be particularly close, but they were working on it. he knew that theo would be around a lot considering the fact that he and taesung were now an item, so he wanted to try his best to get to know the younger male. donghae wasn’t someone who radiated kindness and warmth, so he did struggle quite a bit with making new friends or coming across as approachable. it was difficult for him to even say more than a few words to theo at first, but he warmed up to him pretty well after a while. he figured that the best way for them to learn more about one another and to grow closer would be to spend more time together. the opportunity to do so arose quicker than he thought it would. 
when taesung’s birthday rolled around, donghae thought it would have been the best opportunity for him to spend time with theo, so he reached out to him and asked if he wanted to come shopping with him for tae’s birthday present. that was how they ended up in a shop, browsing through clothes and accessories with random people snapping pictures of them every few moments. “i’m sorry,” he apologized a few moments into their browsing. “i tend to forget that stuff like this happens when i try to go shopping.” he was referring to the lack of privacy. “i should have warned you. we can go somewhere else if you want?”
Out of all of the Decipher members, Theo felt like Donghae had definitely been the most difficult to get close to. Even before his relationship with Taesung, the cold image of the older man made the idea of approaching him in the first place slightly intimidating and scary but now that there was more of a reason to interact with his senior, Theo had been determined to make an effort. It had been difficult at first, quietly lamenting over how shy he was around his seniors, but eventually, he found himself somewhat comfortable in the other’s presence. They still had a long way to go, of course, but he knew that was something that would get better with time.
Focusing his attention on the clothes, Theo was vaguely aware of the people taking pictures of the two of them. It was to be expected when two idols came to a public place like this, but it was easier to just get on with what he was doing and let them take pictures. There was nothing to hide anyway - they were just a junior and senior going clothes shopping together, hardly something that would be punishable. “No, it’s okay, hyung,” Theo replied with a sympathetic smile; with Decipher being such a successful group, he could only imagine what it was like to have to deal with such a lack of privacy over the last ten years. He was lucky that Charm, whilst successful, was still able to have some privacy sometimes. “It doesn’t bother me, honestly. I’m sure we can find a present for Taesung hyung in here, I can’t afford Gucci so he’ll just have to settle.” 
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fmdtheo-blog · 6 years
Photoshoot for Cosmopolitan Korea⏤  choice activity
location: busan summer festival date: friday, july 12th closed starter for @fmdtheo
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running on three hours of sleep, yunhee drinks her iced latte as if her life depended on it. the only thing keeping her from passing out in the makeup chair  was that she got to see charm’s theo. she’s only seen him briefly in real life and she thinks he’s the number one visual in the kpop industry right now. she’s lowkey freaking out about working with him. “unnie please make me extra pretty.” she jokes with the make up artists surrounding her, hoping it’s just her and them in the room at the moment. 
To say Theo was exhausted was an understatement, but knowing that he was going to be working with other idols it was necessary to keep up a professional image. Crappy convenience store coffee in hand, he was glad that they had organised for him to get changed first so he could take a well-deserved nap in the make up chair. He knew that he was going to be doing the photo shoot with idols he didn’t really know that well and that he was also the only guy, but that didn’t bother him too much - more chance to make new friends, right? Following his manager, he greeted the make up artists as warmly as he could at 5am, before sitting himself down in the chair and turning to the girl next to him. “You must be Yunhee-ssi, it’s nice to meet you.”
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fmdtheo-blog · 6 years
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       kino knew the festival was a good idea, giving idols the chance to show their best qualities was never a bad thing. it was also nice being able to hang out with his friends that were apart of other companies, something that only happened whenever they were on a show together. with the other members off having fun, kino did what he usually did whenever he was by himself. set off to search for theo, the member he was closest to apart from his fellow performance unit members. with all of the people there, he figured it was going to take a while, passing fans that were just giggling to each other. he’s not sure how much time had passed before he finally saw theo sitting at a table ahead of him, quickly closing the distance between them. pulling a chair out, kino pulled the chair closer to theo before laying his head down, a smile spreading. “hyung, i knew i’d find you eventually.” kino knows he’s older by a few months but can’t be bothered to not use the honorfic with theo. “everyone else left me all alone, can i sit with you?”
Cup full of sikhye placed in front of him, Theo was fully committed to making the most of out this rare moment of alone time. He felt like he hadn’t stopped since he had arrived in Busan, being carted to events or socialising with other people and as much as he loved his friends, he had always been the type to run out of steam pretty quickly when forced to interact with people all day. Sure, he wasn’t totally alone - Theo was well aware of the fans taking pictures of him, offering them a smile in hopes of making their day, but it was as alone as he could get in this sort of environment. Taking a sip of his drink, he was surprised to see someone placing themselves in the seat in front of him before he realised with a sigh of relief that it was only Kino. “You know I’m not your hyung” was the first thing that left his mouth, but the small smile on his face as he continued to sip on his drink suggested that he wasn’t really that bothered by it. “Of course you can, you don’t have to ask.” Placing the cup back down on the table, Theo turned his full attention to the other boy opposite him. “Did you do anything fun today? Or did you have an event?”
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fmdtheo-blog · 6 years
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          he did his best to just sit there paying attention to the game, as well as anytime theo would speak, just to ignore the heat that was radiating onto him. it was much better being sleeveless and showing as much skin as possible, making it seem less terrible. though, the sweat still made his tank stick to his back. every now and again, he would shift the fabric a tin bit, trying to help it as much as he possibly could. at least he was sure to  pack cologne to spray himself down a bit, if he felt like he was smelling from the sweat ⏤ sometimes he felt like he had some kind of fear involving body odor. he kind of wanted to be inside, in cool air, but he dealt with it. at least he wore spf on his face every single day he went out to protect himself from the rays, and he was sure to reapply on the days at the busan summer festival; especially on the other exposed skin. he looked back upon the other when he spoke, nodding his head. “what about boramae park or hangang park back in seoul? i think you’ll have luck there to play football!” he recommended. “i cant remember the last time i played… most of my childhood seemed to get over taken by my passion for dancing,” he chuckled a tiny bit. 
“Hangang Park wouldn’t be the best place,” Theo sighed, wishing for a moment that he had brought an umbrella to offer some shade from the sun, but hindsight was always a great thing. “There’s no space, all of the grass is taken up by people in tents so the ball would probably end up flying into someone’s face. I don’t know about Boramae Park though, I don’t really ever go there.” Focusing his attention on the game, it was almost as if he could forget that he was an idol for a moment and that was the great thing about the festival; even though he was here for work, he was able to just hang out with his friends and enjoy his free time for once like any other normal person. Sure, he was having to make the long journey to and from Seoul every day, but it was worth it to build new friendships and make new memories with the people he held dear to his heart. Moving the handheld fan to focus on his neck, Theo laughed quietly in response to the rest of Hanbit’s statement. He was glad that his parents had supported his passions, as it was because of them that he became the person he was today and he was always grateful for them. “My childhood was spent playing football and being forced to take piano and gayageum lessons. Sadly, I can’t really dance that well, only when I’ve been practising over and over again.” 
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fmdtheo-blog · 6 years
** “** It’s not just because I have youthat I shouldn’t keep trying to woo you and all that – I mean, if I wanna keepthis relationship going I gotta make it interesting, don’t you think? ” Taesung was a whole believer incherishing what you have, nurturing the relationships in your life otherwiseyou’re bound to lose them. He planned on making sure Theo knew he was loved. “ And if my sleaziness is compelling toyou then I’ll try my best to keep showing it off. ” The embrace Taesung kept Theo in only tightened upon the youngerboy’s reply. He’d love to believe that some of the reaction his boyfriendoffered towards compliments came from_ bashfulness_,from the acknowledgement that he was indeed as amazing as Taesung’s words madehim out to be, but the older man knew that they came from a place of shyness.It was inevitable for someone with Theo’s past, someone who had been put downby other’s words, to not always be able to find the worth in himself. Taesungdidn’t believe in the possibility of someone being able to fix someone’s insecurities, neither did he find in himself the salvationto Theo’s problems, but he sure did want to hold his boyfriend’s hand throughthe process of finding more love for himself. He turned the boy in his arms, sothey could be pressed chest to chest, his hands running down Theo’s back. “ Sangmin-ah,” the name came out as a whine, Taesungpursing his lips into a pout. “ Youlook beautiful. You are beautiful. Mybeautiful baby boy, ” the now easieraccess to Theo’s face allows for it to be covered with Tae’s kisses – his cheeks,his forehead, the tip of his nose. “You looked so good on that stage, you truly belong there. ”
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“No, I agree. I think it’s really cute, hyung, don’t stop trying to woo me. Your sleaziness too, not everyone gets to say they experienced the sleazy side of Ahn Taesung.” A quiet laugh leaving Theo’s lips, it was times like this where he realised how lucky he actually was to be the receiver of Taesung’s love and affection. There were so many stories he had heard where people just stopped making an effort once they got into a relationship and thus the relationship grew stale and had no growth, but that was something that Theo definitely did not want to happen. Everyday with Taesung was exciting, and he hoped that his boyfriend felt the same way about spending time with him. It was when he was turned around in Taesung’s arms and was now facing the other man that he felt his heart flutter; no matter how many times they had seen each other, his boyfriend had always managed to have that effect on him and didn’t help that he looked extra handsome under the moonlight. Accepting compliments had always been difficult for him, even though he knew that the kind words were what other people genuinely·thought of him. No matter how sincere the compliments were, there was always something that he himself could find about himself that wasn’t satisfactory, that didn’t please him, and he knew that it was a habit that needed to change but it was a difficult journey to go on alone. Taesung was never going to be able to singlehandedly solve all of his problems or get rid of his insecurities, and he knew that he would never be able to do the same for the other, but just having a pair of arms to be able to fall back into when things became too much was enough for Theo to give learning to love himself more a try. Unable to suppress the grin that appeared on his face as his boyfriend used his birth name, he happily allowed his face to be covered with kisses, making the most of the attention because he didn’t know when he would be able to see Taesung next.·“Was your baby boy beautiful even when wearing those ugly board shorts?” He laughed, hands resting on the elder’s broad shoulders.·“I can’t wait to see you wear them, fashion enthusiast Ahn Taesung wearing board shorts? A once in a lifetime opportunity, I can’t miss it.”·
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fmdtheo-blog · 6 years
LOCATION: Busan festival, ice cream stand DATE: July 12th, 2018 FEATURING: @fmdtheo
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 JIN CAN BE A LITTLE PUSHY— not really in the sense that he’ll go force someone to go do something, but rather that when he discovers that his friend is going to be same time, same place at the festival, he’s dead-set on spending time with him. not only does being in two different companies mean a roadblock, but unity getting the brunt of the consequences of dimensions’ failures means little freetime for jin. the busan festival is a blessing; even though it’s work-related, he’s got a lot of leeway for his own activities whenever he manages to sneak away from his group. this means multitasking and meeting up with théo. he jumps on top of the opportunity to hang out with théo at the festival, mostly by way of ice cream— no one can resist ice cream, right?
“i’m glad we managed to meet up,” jin says, happily licking away at a scoop on top of a cone. but his smile turns into a frown quickly. “our companies are so stupid!” he declares. “you’d think that two idols hanging out would be a good selling point, but nooooo, it’s all ‘do this schedule!! do that schedule!!’ … i hate it.”
Despite the constant travelling back and forth from Seoul to Busan - what was the point, wasn’t it easier to just get everyone into hotels? Theo’d never understand what went through the minds of people who organised these things - Theo was actually enjoying being a part of the festival. Of course, he got to take part in events and enjoy being by the sea, but the best part about it was being able to catch up with and see friends he hadn’t seen in a while. It was exhausting being busy from pretty much the moment he woke up to the moment he went to sleep, but he wasn’t going to say no to an opportunity to hang out with friends. Theo couldn’t really remember the last time he had seen Jin; the Unity boys had ended up being a big part of his life, and with their comebacks, it was no surprise that he hadn’t been able to see any of them in a while.
Glad that he asked for his ice cream in a tub rather than a cone, Theo shoved a small spoonful of half melted ice cream into his mouth before shrugging. “What do you expect, Jin?” Theo replied, looking down at his ice cream with a sigh. “The companies don’t care about anything other than money. We’re basically just cash cows to them.” Another spoonful of ice cream in his mouth, Theo paused for a moment as he thought, before speaking once again. “Anyway, how have you been? I can’t believe they made you guys promote for so long.”
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fmdtheo-blog · 6 years
starter for @fmdtheo !
✯—”shh, not so loud! here, coco-ah, take this.” quickly checking his surroundings, the boy can’t help but giggle as he begins to pour the dog food he’d managed to hide into a small bowl. beside him, a small puppy was already making himself at home, licking the side of his face.
in all honesty, it wasn’t too far-fetched to see something like this. dogs were definitely his soft spot, and when he’d spotted the cute ball of fluff he hadn’t thought twice before taking him in. of course, he couldn’t in the way he wanted - there was no way smuggling a puppy in charm’s dorms would go unnoticed, or unpunished. so instead, jinho had been sneaking out every night at 2 am, in hopes his new companion would be waiting for him.
so they sat, for what seemed like hours, the idol trying to keep the pet as quiet as possible. in the midst of snuggling the small animal, though, a shriek of surprise comes out as he notices a figure looming over him. in panic, both the puppy and male seem to recoil in horror.
“아, 씨발!” before he can stop himself, the swear has already left him. as the chocolate brown eyes adjust to the darkness, though, it becomes apparent the man is not a stranger, but in fact his older member. once identified, the younger’s face immediately turns from fearful to flushed.
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“i-i’m so sorry, théo-hyung. but this? it’s…not what it looks like.” trying to make up for his mistake, the boy immediately switches to more formal language. even after all these years, théo was in a way like a parent to him when he was away from his own, so jinho felt especially bad when he knew he was in trouble. and now? that guilty feeling had returned. his face takes on an expression similar to a child caught with a hand down the cookie jar, eyes wide and arms clutching the puppy. he’d been willing to risk getting in trouble with bc for the puppy, but to be caught in the act by his member had proved to be a lot more frightening. 
Being one of the older members of Charm, it hadn’t been surprising that he had become somewhat of a figure of authority within the group; not that he particularly had set out to become that kind of person, but over the years the role had somehow found its way to him and it was something he was now stuck with. It was amusing in some ways of course, especially when the younger boys felt they were successful at sneaking around with anyone noticing, and Jinho was no exception to that. Theo had noticed that the younger boy had been disappearing off in the middle of the night a lot lately, and whilst he normally wouldn’t particularly care where the boys went most of the time, the constant sneaking out made Theo worry about whether or not maybe Jinho was going out to meet someone. He hated prying into other people’s business, but the last thing Charm needed was a scandal. 
The early morning snack cravings were too strong to deny, and Theo found himself quietly throwing on a sweater and grabbing his wallet before slinking out of his room to head to the convenience store. What he hadn’t expected once he left the building, however, was to see Jinho with what looked like a puppy. Maybe this is where he had been going during the night, Theo thought for a moment, before jumping slightly himself at the other’s surprised reaction. A quiet yet firm shhh left his lips as he was very cautious that people were trying to sleep, but he couldn’t help but be slightly amused at the whole situation. “I think it’s exactly what it looks like,” Theo replied, hands on his hips as he looked down at the small pup. “You’ve been sneaking out to play with a puppy? I can’t say I blame you honestly, it’s cute. Did you give it a name?”
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fmdtheo-blog · 6 years
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           he was a winter child, through and through. he liked the snow, the colder temperatures that make you freeze down to your pinkie toes. but, he also didn’t really mind the summer air. there was some days where he just wanted to get out into the sun, even though it was beating down like the hells of gates had just been opened; with a sprinkling of humidity to make it a bit worst. today was one of those days, like days prior, where he didn’t really mind the summer air. he had skin out, sunscreen upon his exposed skin, ready to embrace the summer in it’s entirety. he decided to watch the volleyball tournament, one of the sports that he could easily get behind. sure theo had dragged him to the volleyball tournament, but once he figured out where exactly the younger was taking him, he had no problem what so ever. he sat next to him, watching, and cheering for both sides, since he didn’t really have a preference. he looked upon the other as he spoke, a small nod coming from him. “i’ve played with some other trainees during my trainee years, but it wasn’t anything serious. but, we also didn’t do it on a beach, so it wasn’t as fun.” he chuckled a bit. 
Another sigh escaping his lips as he realised that he probably wasn’t going to be able to shower until he got back to Seoul, Theo simply accepted that he was probably going to melt in the summer heat. Of course, growing up in Paris he had also experienced hot summers, but it was the humidity that really got to him. People would laugh at how he would always apply sunscreen and how he managed to always end up being just as pale at the end of summer as he was at the beginning, but Theo was the type who much rather preferred being inside or in the shade. A part of him slightly regretted coming out but he was here now, and thankfully as the sun went down the temperature would too. Humming in response to his hyung’s words, he wondered when was the last time he was able to simply gather up his friends and play some sports that was simply just for fun and not for promotion or as a part of a schedule. “I miss playing football,” Theo replied, fan never leaving his face as he spoke. “I used to be on my school’s team back in France but since coming to Korea I haven’t been able to. There’s no park big enough that I don’t have to travel ages to get to, which is a shame because Charm has enough members to play an actual five a side football game. Opportunity wasted, in my opinion.” 
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fmdtheo-blog · 6 years
( outgoing imessage 💌 theosaurus.  ) —— okay whatever we will agree to disagree  ( outgoing imessage 💌 theosaurus.  ) —— i can always pick for you … it would only be f a i r ( outgoing imessage 💌 theosaurus.  ) —— i mean, the artist has a lot of his designs online you can find for inspiration. maybe you’ll see something you would like. 
[text → blue skadoo] remember,  i picked out a tattoo for you because you were an idiot [text → blue skadoo] i, on the other hand, haven’t done anything wrong to warrant you choosing a tattoo for me  [text → blue skadoo] i think a flower would be nice, i wouldn’t really want anything that’s too in your face though
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fmdtheo-blog · 6 years
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being the final group performing had both its pros and cons. the biggest pro being that it gave solbi more time to get herself together and eradicate as much of her nerves and insecurities as she could in that short amount of time. the biggest con was the fact that they were stuck there until the very end of the concert, which just so happened to be eleven at night. she was mentally drained and exhausted, but the hype from being on stage in front of screaming fans had given her a boost of physical energy, leaving her high strung and wired. it was pushing midnight and the crew were still cleaning up the venue when she spotted theo a few yards away. the sight of one of her nearest and dearest friends brought a smile to her face, a smile that stuck around even as she plastered herself against his back, her arms wrapping around him from behind. “theo-ssi!” she greeted, giving him a squeeze, before pulling back. “you haven’t left yet? i figured your manager would have thrown you guys back on the bus and forced you back to seoul by now.”
* | @fmdtheo
Charm performing at the beginning of a show was always the best case scenario - start early, finish early, then you can just relax for the rest of the evening if there are no other schedules. Normally Theo would have wanted to go home as soon as possible, but the atmosphere at the festival was too fun and exciting to leave early. Finding himself a space where the could watch the rest of the concert in peace, he couldn’t help but be a little proud of the performances his friends were putting on; he knew there were more people like him than people realised, people who were somewhat lacking in confidence to believe that they could do a good job but were trying their best regardless of their insecurities. As the show finally came to a close, Theo made his way back to the backstage area only to find himself being hugged by an unknown person. Tensing for a moment, it was only when the person began to speak that he realised it was only Solbi, and he allowed himself to relax as he turned around to look at her. “No, not yet, some of the boys wanted to watch the rest of the concert so we decided to stay,” Besides, it’s not like they were going to get much sleep anyway. “You did really well today, though.”
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fmdtheo-blog · 6 years
status: closed with @fmdtheo location: busan festival
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          the hand he’s holding is warm and evenwith the high temperature taesung doesn’t even consider dropping it. it’s notoften that they get to do this, walkhand in hand at an open place, without the risk of anyone catching them and ascandal breaking that will end both their careers, so taesung is more thanhappy to keep the grip tight even if it might become uncomfortable eventually.he’s dragging theo even further away from the crowd, barely anyone left in thisside of this beach since the concert is happening the other way. his boyfriendhas already performed with his group, should probably be on his way back toseoul by now, but tae had promised – after quite a bit of convincing – theo’smanager that he’d drive the boy back as soon as possible. and so they areallowed to have an hour or so together, without having to think about how busythe two of them are going to be once more. he only stops once he deems himselfsatisfied with the distance and the privacy the two of them will have, only tospin theo around so the boy is facing the ocean and to step behind him,wrapping his arms around the younger boy’s waist and resting his chin on hisshoulder. “ it looks lovely doesn’tit, ” he turns his head to presslips against theo’s cheek. “ almost as lovely as you is what i’d sayif i was a sleazy bastard, which i’m not might i add, at least not anymore, butyou do look even prettier under the moonlight, baby boy. ”
No matter how much his body ached, no matter how much the heat had drained him of his energy, Theo could never say no to time with Taesung. His relationship with Taesung himself was easy; the older man understood Theo’s wants and needs as he did with Taesung’s, but the main issue was the lack of opportunities to actually meet up and act like a couple. It was hard having to be away from his boyfriend so much, but he now understood what people meant by distance makes the heart grow fonder as the time apart only made their time together that much more special. Being able to walk hand in hand like this down the beach was something that Theo had never imagined they would be able to do and he wished that this moment would never end - it was rare enough have time to meet, let alone do something that felt like a date. Unable to help the quiet laugh that leaves his mouth as he’s spun around to look at the water, Theo’s hands immediately find their way to rest on top of the older man’s before interlacing his own fingers with Taesung’s once again. Sometimes he couldn’t believe that they had only been dating for around three months, as the way being in Taesung’s arms made him feel so safe it was almost like the other had been his forever and he felt like he could do anything as long as he had his boyfriend by his side. Maybe that was what love truly was, he thought as he felt lips against his cheeks. “It does, I wish I could come to the beach more often,” He replied before laughing disbelievingly. “You still are a sleazy bastard sometimes, hyung, but I like it, it’s cute seeing you try to sweep me off my feet.” Thank goodness for the darkness, Theo thought, for his cheeks instantly began blushing at the nickname. “You're too nice to me, it was too hot today and I look terrible.”
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fmdtheo-blog · 6 years
━━ [ 💌 the one man i’d marry ] : hey i’m smart!!!! i just show it very…very… very rarely… ━━ [ 💌 the one man i’d marry ] : we could leash some zombies to the entrance of the warehouse and force the humans to get through them before they got in. ━━ [ 💌 the one man i’d marry ] : i spend my brainpower thinking about things like this. ━━ [ 💌 the one man i’d marry ] : it could happen!  ━━ [ 💌 the one man i’d marry ] : that guy in america is about to wage war.. i’d be surprised if he wasn’t experimenting with some dubious shit ━━ [ 💌 the one man i’d marry ] : every country’s probably involved in some dubious shit, actually. ━━ [ 💌 the one man i’d marry ] : i’m just being smart!!! and planning for the what ifs!!!
[text →  one small child] very very very rarely  [text →  one small child] are you taking that idea from michonne from the walking dead?  [text →  one small child] you’re honestly like two steps away from becoming a conspiracy theorist [text →  one small child] zombies are only popular because of night of the living dead, i’m p sure we won’t be dealing with a zombie apocalypse in our lifetime [text →  one small child] but if you want to plan then u do u 
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fmdtheo-blog · 6 years
@hanbitfmd Location: idol beach volleyball tournament
Coming from France, Theo just couldn’t deal with Korean summers. No matter how many years he had lived in Korea, he would always feel like he was going to melt into a puddle and tried to keep inside as much as possible. He hated how humid it was, hated how his clothes would stick to his body no matter how hard he tried to keep cool, hated how gross he’d feel after a day of sweating. Not to mention he had to constantly make sure to top up his sunscreen because he burned too easily for his liking, and the last thing he wanted was to have to perform with a sunburn. Safe to say, Theo hated leaving the comfort of his air-conditioned room during the summer season, but he decided that coming to support his friend who was taking part in the tournament was more important just this once. It was also the perfect excuse to strengthen other relationships, which is why Theo had dragged Hanbit along with him regardless of whether the older man actually wanted to watch the volleyball or not. He always tried his best to interact with his seniors, and Hanbit was no exception to the matter. Besides, it was a little refreshing to hang out with someone he normally never got to see much, and he hoped that watching the volleyball match together could bring the two a little closer.  Turning up the intensity of the handheld fan currently directed at his face, Theo turned to look at his hyung as he spoke. “Have you ever played volleyball before? My family used to play it when we went on holiday but we never played it by the proper rules.”
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fmdtheo-blog · 6 years
━━ [ 💌 the one man i’d marry ] : i think i would do great ━━ [ 💌 the one man i’d marry ] : zombies eat brains so i’m safe..hehe ━━ [ 💌 the one man i’d marry ] : but really. i think i would barricade myself in a supermarket warehouse. ━━ [ 💌 the one man i’d marry ] : i’d drag some people w me so that we could take turns keeping watch for any zombies that would get in :D ━━ [ 💌 the one man i’d marry ] : what do you think? would u be willing to join me if the zombies took over the world?
[text →  one small child] true sometimes i wonder if there’s anything in that head of yours [text →  one small child] a supermarket warehouse could work [text →  one small child] but we all know there’d be ppl who aren’t v nice trying to get in  [text →  one small child] so it wouldn’t be just protecting from zombies, it’d protecting against humans too [text →  one small child] let’s just hope that never happens in the first place 
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fmdtheo-blog · 6 years
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théo kwon aesthetics (6/?) | fifteen years later 
from seoul to paris; the stage lights replaced by the lights of the runway. married to the love of his life and doting father to his children (though the charm boys will always be his babies no matter how old they are.)
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