flutter-collection · 4 years
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flutter-collection · 5 years
Bad behaviour is the consequence of hurt: the one who shouts did not feel heard, the one who mocks was once humiliated, the constant cynic had hope snatched from them.
This is not an alternative to responsibility, it is just a knowledge that acting badly must be a response to a wound, and never an initial ambition.
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flutter-collection · 5 years
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Ms. Anne Sullivan, the teacher of Helen Keller, was a great admirer of Maria Montessori.
In 1915, she gave a speech discussing her views on the then current educational system, which she thought was failing children. Crazily and sadly, 100 years later that system hasn’t changed much.
But luckily for us, women like Ms. Sullivan and Helen Keller — and Dr. Maria Montessori, “that wonderful woman” who “systematized these ideas of education” — left for us their wisdom and spirit, found in their great words and deeds.
Throughout her talk, Ms. Sullivan offered glimpses of just how radical and uplifting her (and Dr. Montessori’s) educational approach is, noting that “what [Helen Keller] has accomplished without sight and hearing suggests the forces that lie dormant in every human being.”
Let us awaken those forces — both in our children and in ourselves — and reap the rewards today.
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flutter-collection · 5 years
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Infant - Group Meal Time
We often eat snacks and lunch in small or whole group settings. Our older infants show mastery of drinking out of open cups while the younger infants are exploring the use of a cup and watching their peers as role models. The children are given plates, cups, and silverware at each meal. They are not forced to use the silverware, just given the opportunity to use these tools and associate them with eating. We recommend real foods for lunch like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and various sources of protein like eggs or meat. We also encourage baby led weaning where the child is introduced large soft foods like avocado slices, bananas, and cooked sweet potato that they can grasp and practice chewing and swallowing at a young age, beginning at 6 months. 
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flutter-collection · 5 years
“You cannot raise your children the way your parents raised you, because your parents raised you for a world that no longer exists.”
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flutter-collection · 5 years
can we like…. talk about what a healthy relationship with technology looks like? not just for us, but for future generations: its super easy for us to accept tech unquestioningly bc many millennials and gen-Zers grew up alongside the growth of tech, and had a naturally evolving level of exposure to it. but what about the 5 year olds with tablets? the 8 year olds with perfectly curated instagrams?? i’m as obsessed with my phone as the rest of us, but can we please stop simply bemoaning how none of us read as much as we were kids and start exploring how all these screens might be affecting the kids growing up right now?
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flutter-collection · 5 years
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flutter-collection · 5 years
““The first idea that the child must acquire, in order to be actively disciplined, is that of the difference between good and evil; and the task of the educator lies in seeing that the child does not confound good with immobility and evil with activity.””
— Maria Montessori
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flutter-collection · 5 years
“Let the children be free; encourage them; let them run outside when it is raining; let them remove their shoes when they find a puddle of water; and when the grass of the meadows is wet with dew, let them run on it and trample it with their bare feet; let them rest peacefully when a tree invites them to sleep beneath its shade; let them shout and laugh when the sun wakes them in the morning.”
— Maria Montessori
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flutter-collection · 5 years
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Frances Butler: Quilted Coat, 1969–1970; fabric, dye. (Hippie Modernism/BAMPFA)
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flutter-collection · 5 years
“The popular idea that a child forgets easily is not an accurate one. Many people go right through life in the grip of an idea which has been impressed on them in very tender years.”
Agatha Christie  (September 15, 1890 – January 12, 1976) was a crime writer of novels, short stories, and plays. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Christie is the best-selling novelist of all time. 
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flutter-collection · 5 years
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Valentino S/S 2019 Haute Couture ft Makeup by Pat McGrath 
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flutter-collection · 5 years
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Snail Scott (American, b. Edwardsville, IL, USA) - Ghost Construct from the Armature series, 2012  Sculptures: Wood, Ceramics
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flutter-collection · 5 years
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Magdalena Morey (Polish, b. 1974, Lublin, Poland, based Aranjuez, Madrid, Spain) - Serenity III, 2018 Paintings: Acrylics, Watercolor, Pastels, Gold Leaf on Canvas
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flutter-collection · 5 years
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flutter-collection · 5 years
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millenial dillemma 
dilemillenial, or a less bad portmanteau 
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flutter-collection · 5 years
“You will never be free until you free yourself from the prison of your own false thoughts.”
— Philip Arnold
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