fluffcat13 · 2 years
Americans be like "oh yeah Starbucks is where it's at, they have the best coffee"
Starbucks sells warm milkshakes. There is less actual flavour in those things than in a cup of Indonesian river water. Why would you spend so much on a giant cup of sugar-flavored skim milk?
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fluffcat13 · 2 years
It's the 2nd of January over here. Come to Australia to time travel
How many weeks has it been 2023 already 
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fluffcat13 · 2 years
Sounds like someone's never played DRG
Have you ever played a video game that just made you so fucking angry?
Yeah all of them, every single one, even minecraft. Fuck minecraft.
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fluffcat13 · 2 years
Someone please send help I'm trapped in Bunnings with my family and THEY ARE ALL PLAYING KAZOOS
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fluffcat13 · 2 years
Weekly Random Stories: Week 3
This one is a fairly recent story.
A few weeks ago, I was just out with a friend. we stopped by the supermarket to get a bottle of red soft drink each, because that stuff is dirt cheap, and then we headed down to the beach to spend the afternoon.
once we were at the beach, he looked at his jacket and then at me, and he said
"This says it's waterproof. I wanna test that."
and then he waled to a tap. he then proceeded to fill his pockets with water, despite my warnings, and then drank out of them for the next few minutes. he did this about 5 or 6 times over the afternoon, by the end of which his pants were completely soaked. we then had to walk all the way home, with him having cold, wet pants.
the best/worst part was, they weren't even his pants. they were a pair of his sister's pants that he had borrowed for the day.
needless to say, I haven't let him forget about this
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fluffcat13 · 2 years
Random Weekly Stories: Week 2
A few years ago, I was with my family in Switzerland for Christmas. we spent a few days with our grandparents, before we headed off to the alps, where we spent a short time in Bergun, a small mountain town really high up.
now, a bit of a quick explanation. basically, in Bergun, there's a road that goes from the town to a train station at the top of the closest mountain. during the winter, this road is closed, as it completely freezes over. the town, however, embraced this, and every winter they set up a speed camera on the road and open it up as a giant sled track, and any sledders can take the train up to the top and ride down at breakneck speeds.
now, my family brought three sleds. one for my brother and father, one for my mother and sister, and my uncle and I took the fastest one. we went up and down the mountain all day at one point. but on the last day in the mountains, my father and I went out at midnight, with my uncle's sled, when the whole track was empty.
at the top, we sat on the sled and pushed off, and then from there it was a cold blur of snow, ice and bitchumen. just before we reached the speed camera, however, we bothe lay as far back as possible, and sped up even more.
and then, as we passed the sign showing our speed, I only had a second to see it before we sped past, but it showed 65km/h, plain and clear.
after that run, we got some hot drinks and celebrated being the fastest on the mountain that winter.
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fluffcat13 · 2 years
Weekly random stories from my life
Week 1
When I was in 4th grade, I took music lessons at a house at the top of a big hill. One day, I decided to ride my scooter home rather than take the car with my mother. I was sure that I would be fine, since I had been practising going really fast on hills around town, so I told my mother "Hey mum, watch this" and went full speed down the hill. And then I woke up at 9pm in the hospital and threw up on the x-ray room
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