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made sum icons for the character! 
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@arireindeer come along with me 
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i want to kiss you by the sea
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i learned that some of snk characters’ designs aren’t really canonical, so i made a couple of edits to see how Eren and Armin would look like with their canon appearances xp also a bonus: Eren with amber eyes cuz why not sdfgjasfga probably someone already did the same thing, but have my version too, hope you like them ^^
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Dream will come true, because I have you.
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Griffix DTA/WTA [OPEN]
DEADLINE IS 1st OF APRIL all links lead to griffix amino
Species rules:
• You must know that if you win any of them you’ll have to agree with the Griffix terms of ownership.
• Respect the community guidelines.
• You should read the species information. If you win them you’ll have to read it anyway.
General rules:
• If you win them, you should a reference for them, using one of the official bases , you can't use other bases for their reference than these
• When you'll get the character, you can change anything you don't like, but please respect the rarity of traits and refrain from turning them into another species
• When you'll get them, i'll send you separated file of your griffix
DTA rules:
• You can enter only for one.
• To enter, tell me one random fact from griffix lore (The Village,The Tribe, Griffix in general). This will be your password, w/o one, i'll ignore you.
• Maximum are 2 entries, you can do both dta and wta.
• Your entry(ies) should relate to lore and the world of griffix, for example, you can't draw them in cyberpunk setting or walking among ponies in Ponyville
• If you can't finish your entry in time for some reason, i'll extend the deadline.
How will i judge? well, as is customary, i will judge by the uniqueness, you can draw/write anything within the griffix world rules. (reference sheet-like entries will not be counted) good luck everyone! owner of the species @say-burn-in-heaven
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heck yeah!
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A quickie? Yes please!
A collab with my dearest friend @flowers-in-the-lungs !~
We agreed to take each other’s ocs and make them Cybertronians. She took my pony oc Jade  (left) and I took her oc Hannah (right)!!!!!
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Platitudes for Plato - Submitted by SeesawSiya
#834f3a #d2c7a9 #e8e4d9 #eeab14 #4f5d6a
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comm for @say-burn-in-heaven
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Starry Snacks - Submitted by SeesawSiya
#100c2f #374077 #c1bbc5 #efeef3 #f1d0a7 #a68154
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Poisonous Plants Print by lvcernarivm
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An inkling of a fun idea. Don’t steal, yo! Lol
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I do find Forget-me-nots to be quite a poetic flower.
(Picture Credit Unknown)
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