my names beth/pibgeon/floridcorvid! my pronouns are she/her. ngl this has turned into a jolyon till fan page! do with that what u will. hey you! add me on everything (discord, twitter, etc): floridcorvid
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(finds a Tumblr screenshot and gently posits it back into its original habitat, unharmed though slightly changed)
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the title “the rachis” must haunt the hell out of jolyon
basically just a constant reminder of his previous loyalty to Uldren
imagine ur whole ass title being “backbone” and the person ur supposed to be the backbone of/ got the title from is literally dead (air quotes with the word dead)
anyway crow and jolyon in game when?
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no body has mentioned that crow and jolyon helping the eliskni last season must’ve been pretty painful for mara
cuz… sjur eido
the three other OG distributary awoken made it, except for Sjur eido, the fourth. the one who caused the eliskni to be so familiar with the awoken. then u got crow literally working directly with them now because of that.
that would be a painful reminder
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I dislike mara sov a lot, and these are two interactions that weird me out greatly
we know mara’s pretty controlling, I mean, duh
this interaction with jolyon till after he follows Uldren into the black garden and returns just weirds me out
“Mara Sov slowly descended from her dais, looming over her childhood friend. Her subject. ‘You say you understand, yet you directly disobeyed my command to avoid that place.’
She bent forward at the waist, until her lips were nearly brushing his ear. Her voice dropped to a whisper. ‘Is this treason?’”
does anyone else reading this just get the most icky like ugh like feeling from mara??????? like why are you exerting your power so aggressively over your CHILDHOOD FRIEND, your brothers BEST FRIEND, HER MOST TRUUUUSTED CROW- treating him more like a lowly subject than a genuine friend you knew before you were even royalty!!!!
to me, it’s very obviously mara “trying to exert power/her position”. him kneeling to her isn’t enough, she has to go over and BEND DOWN and nearly whisper in this man’s ear. just. icky to me. it’s indicative of her hunger for control and power over the people close to her. AGAIN, this is someone she’s known for thousands of years
After the Heart, Part II
“‘I told you never to go there,’ Mara says. Her eyes burn. She draws her cloak tight. ‘Are you not devoted to me?’
‘Sister,’ he says, ‘of course I am.’
‘Yet you defy me.’
Yes, Uldren thinks. Yes, aren't those the same thing? How could you care at all for something that never surprises you?
He feels suddenly, utterly alone.”
This one, aswell, utterly weirds me out. Instead of “uldren, i told you not to, you betrayed my trust.” It’s “Are you not devoted to me?”
mara is just so utterly obsessed with everyone being so utterly devoted and obsessed with her. no wonder uldren literally went crazy after she died
I wrote this at 2:22 am I am sorry for any misspellings
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oh this is beautiful wtf
telic ii - the awoken of the reef
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an eye for an eye, you see
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what the fuck did I just play.
Heresy why.
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Something something doomed siblings. something something I love you most and you will be the thing that kills me. Something something you were the first thing I knew of this world and you will be the last. Something something the memory of me will fade from the world except where the knife with which Cain killed Able found his own soul and branded it.
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honestly. I’m vibing with it. my name starts with a b (beth) and im lowkey loud but do be stuttering sometimes
spin this wheel for a prefix, and then spin this wheel for a suffix
as a bonus you can spin this wheel to find ur role in the clan (note: spin twice if you get apprentice)
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No but honestly something was really very wrong with Uldren Sov.
Bro is about to be shot and he hits a swimsuit model pose.
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chat should I draw cunty thigh high heeled boot crow
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quick hapihks bc i love my subjugator
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can’t have uldren without “cunt”. whether it’s him being a little cunt, or being cunty
uldren’s thigh high right boot. they should’ve let crow keep that bc it was so cunty
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Crow found a use for those red trousers for the Festival of the Lost. 👀💜
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