floconfessions · 5 months
Lungs! With an orchestra! WHAT
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floconfessions · 2 years
Does anyone else find it extremely whack that we never got a Dream Girl Evil music video? I was thinking about it yesterday, they even performed it on late night shows and stuff but? 
Granted if they wanted to keep it in continuity with the other ones that would require filming in Ukraine which is probably off the table right now. 
Idk, it just surprised me. That, Daffodil, or Choreomania really would have kicked ass with a music video.
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floconfessions · 2 years
Made this super cutesy little Southern Gothic print, if anyone wants to check it out. 
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floconfessions · 2 years
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floconfessions · 2 years
Okay, Florence in Nashville notes:
-King Princess opened and they were really good! I think they joined the tour in Nashville.
-Merch is too expensive, but that’s been a constant for a while.
-The set for this tour is so fucking gorgeous, the whole banquet table that takes color from the lights, the chandeliers, the twinkle lights during Cosmic Love.
-Florence has never sounded better. Like ever. Holy shit. Another level. She optioned up a riff in Cassandra and I just-damn.
-Also Cassandra and Morning Elvis hit totally different live, in the best way possible.
-Really nice to hear June, surprised there isn’t more High As Hope stuff just based off of it being the next to newest album. 
-I didn’t expect to get so sentimental and emotional during Dog Days but wow, the opening harp hit and I was crying, getting to see Florence live has been a long time coming and wow. It really hit then.
-Florence also interacts with the crowd so well, she’s finally hit the balance between charismatic ethereal performer and a really gracious concert host.
-Band is in great shape, the violin in particular fucking rules as part of the band.
-Ending the main set with Restraint rules.
-Never Let Me Go. Goddamn. Really never thought I was ever going to hear that live. I’m glad Florence has vocally and emotionally found a way to perform it again. 
-Absolutely buck wild that Kiss With a Fist is on a setlist in 2022 and moreso that it WORKS
-Crazy how well Rabbit Heart works as the show closer, and how well it slots in with the Dance Fever era. 
-If I could have added a few songs, I would have loved to see What the Water Gave Me, Big God, and maybe St Jude or Drumming Song. Those would fit well with what we have but the evening flowed really nicely and even surprising placements (we’ve finally reached a moment in time where Dog Days is in the upper half of a set, wow) felt very organic and good in the moment.
-Choreomania is my favorite track off of Dance Fever, and I was sitting way in the back at the show, on the GA lawn, and Florence came out into the audience, and I got to make direct eye contact with her, maybe fifty feet away, and sing my favorite lines of my favorite song of hers directly with her. Will never forget it, ever. Like. Out of body experience. (Everything from ‘you say rock n roll is dead’ to the end) just. wow.
-I got a hug during Dog Days from the lady next to me hahaha. The power of Florence telling people to tell others you love them.
When can we do it again?
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floconfessions · 2 years
Hi! I was hoping you could help me track down a mug for a friend. He had a mug from the High as Hope tour and broke it in a move, and I haven't been able to find a reference for what it looks like. Do you have any idea what the mug looks like? I'm hoping to re-buy it as a gift :)
Oh wow, I looked in the Wayback Machine and couldn't find anything, and I personally don't remember a mug ever being in the Flo shop. If you're looking for an inexact replacement, maybe try Redbubble?
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floconfessions · 2 years
This is a new entry in my Auditory series, which are paintings inspirede by the visualization I get from synesthesia, and it’s for Girls Against God by Florence and the Machine. And it’s waiting for you to cherish it in your home on a variety of things! Wow! Check it out if you want. 
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floconfessions · 2 years
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So tell me where to put my love Do I wait for time to do what it does
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floconfessions · 2 years
So far I think Girls Against God, Dream Girl Evil, and Daffodil are the ones I’ve come back to the most.
I will say that Back in Town and Morning Elvis are so fucking beautiful, but I gotta  be emotionally ready to vibe with them, they really make me very introspective. But total masterpieces. Morning Elvis live is going to kill me, if they play it.
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floconfessions · 2 years
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Is this how it is? Is this how it’s always been? To exist in the face of suffering and death and somehow still keep singing?
Pastoral Dance, Gaetano Previati (1908)
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floconfessions · 2 years
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floconfessions · 2 years
Dance Fever Thoughts
I’m writin this as I listen to the album for the first time, so bear with me if it seems a bit scattered, but I wanted to write through the moment.
King - this song really grew on me. The lyrics were instantly revelatory but the instrumental becomes more lush and beautiful with each listen. Also, just a great vocal performance. I also feel like it may be the ultimate successor to the experiemnt that Breaking Down started, they seem a bit linked musically. Others have noted that this being the first new Florence album track since No Choir is a fascinating juxtaposition, and  yeah, lots to discuss there. I’m very interested if the rest of the tracks on Dance Fever are going to feel super pandemic inspired like both of the main singles (Heaven Is Here excepted). I love the harp outro on this so much.
Free - i was a bit surprised initially at how electronic the beat was for a Florence song (i’m an industrial listener, that’s not something that normally scares me but it was definitely not what I was expecting from FATM). But I adore how tongue in cheek this one is, while retaining that honest heart. The manic energy that relaxes just a touch in the chorus fits so well. Also those high little vocal runs in the chorus background vocals are so beautiful, as are the fantastic string highlights. I hope the strings are a part of the rest of this album, they sound SO good. Also this bridge fucking slaps. Looking forward to this one live too!
Choreomania - okay, a new new one. Huge Lungs vibes.The production on this song is really well done. OH this slaps. The rock n roll resurrected in your image section hit me like a two ton truck, I mean, shit. The way this builds feels so classic Flo but still in keeping with a new and evolved sound. And the little shouty bits in the chorus! Loved it.
Back in Town - the intro feels like a tiny church in the back of your headphones, so that’s already a win.I think I’m crying. As someone who was forced to move back to their hometown due to the pandmic, this one is hitting very close. Some of the most grounded atmospheric lyrics Flo has written, romanticizing a very real life and not a completely fabricated world (both are great, this is just the former). Feels like South London’s post-pandmic cousin. The muted vocals feel like listening to someone singing in the night a floor above you or a building over. Very haunting. The moon is already hanging over this album in an interesting way (especially with the lyrics in My Love coupled with this one). 
Girls Against God - I already know I’m gonna vibe with this one. The guitar work on this is so beautiful. Is the Tom in this song Tom Moth? I love the sort of joyful rage that this song encapsulates. There’s a decided fury but in the way that we were all furiously staring at walls for a while. That fuzzy noisy guitar is so correct for this song. oh the outro is the same song?!?!?! 
Dream Girl Evil - oh shit this is gonna be good. Strong start. Is this our unhinged anthem after the restraint? Oh she’s stompy!!! Great groove. Feels self aware in a way that the rest of the album hasn’t, like yeah it’s self aware of Florence’s public image, but it leans into the heightened emotions of that without being tongue in cheek. Maaaaybe my favorite so far.
Prayer Factory - this one seems to be an interlude. But the vibes are quite good.
Cassandra - The organ groove on that second verse entry is so fucking tasty. This builds into something I never would have thought from its first little introduction on TikTok a few days ago. Probably the most despairing of the album’s tracks yet, but it’s that accessible melancholy. This is also like, the fourth entry of brief spoken word on this album, which is neat. If I run fast enough could I break apart? 
Heaven is Here - this one also really grew on me. I wish the claps and some of the percussive elements were a little louder in the mix, but that’s just me. Some really strong little lyrical moments here, more Catholic taste than the devil is such a banger line. There’s an abandon in Heaven is Here (and I would say Dream Girl Evil and Cassandra from this initial listen) that has felt missing from High As Hope in particular, it’s interesting to explore it again at this stage in Florence’s career. It also further reinforces the idea of Florence physically wrestling with music and song. 
Daffodil - that opening gasp after Heaven is Here is extremely kick ass. Oh, the vocal range on this is wild! Feels very psychadelic! It feels like HIH has transported us somewhere entirely different than where we have been elsewhere on the album, we’re in a different playing space now. Damn, very different. I love it though.
My Love - oh this is the come down, isn’t it? Probably a good choice to release this as a single, but it definitely fits into the latter part of this album. This is the strongest instance of the fantastical and poetic juxtaposed with the literal and mundane that has been put into so much of the lyrics here. “Do I wait for time to do what it does” has only become a stronger sentiment the more I’ve thought about it. There’s a little bit more of an outro on this one on the album too.
Restraint - Florence’s grudge voice!!! ahh!!! Wait, this was in the teasers right?
The Bomb - I feel like this one is gonna make me cry based purely on the first twenty seconds. Love the brushed drums, very jazzy. I like that the song retains its quiet energy while still feeling impactful with the sudden cuts in instrumentation. I don’t love you , I just love the bomb. Wow.  Sometimes you get the girl, sometimes you get the song.
Morning Elvis - title alone has got me wondering about this one. And my proclivity towards the last track of a Florence album tells me I’ll love it. A song about the road and the  music kills you and saves you over and over. I found a hint of that monkey’s paw irony that so many people have felt over the last few years, that ‘well i wanted a break from the hectic life of touring and music but Not Like This’. Definitely not what I was expecting as a closer but I do like the song.
Overall, there are so many fantastic songs, hard to pick a fave right off the bat. My Kate Bush vibes were definitely spot on. And this album is going absolutely SHINE live, I can see why they saved a lot of the songs for post-album release shows, singing these with everybody will be very cathartic. It’s hard to escape the pandemic in all of this, I’m very curious as to how it will feel in a few years when  hopefully this is more thoroughly behind us. Musically a good bridge back into more lush orchestrations while keeping a lot of the organic instruments that made up High As Hope. I already can’t wait to listen to it again.
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floconfessions · 2 years
Less than 12 hours til Dance Fever, how we feelin?
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floconfessions · 2 years
Florence in black for the first time in forever got me feelin some kind of way.
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floconfessions · 2 years
Adding Free to the “best Florence and the Machine bridges that rip my heart out” list that we made a while ago.
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floconfessions · 2 years
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Draw me a circle and I'll protect ✨🔮
Drury Lane Theater
📸: @stevecarter_
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floconfessions · 2 years
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I'm on fire but I'm trying not to show it~
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