floating-dagger · 10 years
Sentence Meme {Princess Bride}
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
"Drop. Your. Sword."
"Life is pain, _____. Anybody who says otherwise is selling something."
"I am not left handed."
"As you wish."
"I wasn’t worried. Maybe I was a little bit concerned, but that’s not the same thing."
"You mean you wish to surrender to me? Very well, I accept."
"Truly, you have a dizzying intellect."
"Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder today."
"Have fun storming the castle."
"There’s a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. It would be a pity to damage yours."
"Is very strange. I have been in the revenge business so long, now that it’s over, I don’t know what to do with the rest of my life."
"Have you ever considered piracy?"
"Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while."
"Good night, _____. Good work. Sleep well. I’ll most likely kill you in the morning."
"You’re trying to kidnap what I’ve rightfully stolen."
"You seem a decent fellow… I hate to kill you."
"You seem a decent fellow… I hate to die."
"You rush a miracle man, you get rotten miracles."
"Rodents Of Unusual Size? I don’t think they exist."
"You can die slowly, cut into a thousand pieces."
"You killed my love."
"It’s possible. I kill a lot of people."
"I’ve hired you to help me start a war. It’s an prestigious line of work, with a long and glorious tradition."
"No one would surrender to the Dread Pirate _____."
"I got married. I didn’t want to - it all happened so fast."
"Then you’re not married. You didn’t say it; you didn’t do it."
"Is this a kissing book?"
"A word, my lady/lord. We are but poor, lost circus performers. Is there a village nearby?"
"I’ve got my country’s 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife/husband to murder and _____ to frame for it; I’m swamped."
"There’s a big difference between mostly dead and all dead."
"Yes, you’re very smart. Shut up."
"Please consider me as an alternative to suicide."
"There will be blood tonight!"
"That is the sound of ultimate suffering."
"Look, I don’t mean to be rude but this is not as easy as it looks, so I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t distract me."
"I challenge you to a battle of wits."
"You mean, you’ll put down your rock and I’ll put down my sword, and we’ll try and kill each other like civilized people?"
"Thank you so much for bringing up such a painful subject. While you’re at it, why don’t you give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice on it?"
"She/He is alive, or was an hour ago. If she/he is otherwise when I find her/him I shall be very put out."
"You can die too for all I care!"
"So I’m here till I die?"
"I can cope with torture."
"I fight gangs for local charities and stuff."
"That was a warning, _____. Next time my hand flies on its own. Where I come from, there are penalties when a woman/man lies."
"I will never love again."
"You mocked me once, never do it again! I died that day!"
"To the Pain means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever."
"Never go in against a ____ when death is on the line!"
"We are men of action. Lies do not become us."
"They were both poisoned. I spent the last few years building up an immunity to iocane powder."
"I would as soon destroy a stained-glass window as an artist like yourself."
"I just work for ____ to pay the bills."
"It’s not my fault I’m the biggest and the strongest. I don’t even exercise."
"I believe everything to be a trap. It’s the reason I’m still alive."
"Stop saying that!"
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floating-dagger · 10 years
Send me ships. I can only respond with GIFS
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floating-dagger · 10 years
//This is how it went, right?
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floating-dagger · 10 years
     ((Sorry for the unannounced hiatus! I'm thinking I'll pull this blog back now, soooooo like for a starter? c: I'm deleting all drafts.))
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floating-dagger · 10 years
     Yeah, I can't manage two blogs at once apparently. This blog may come back later--we'll see.      If you'd like to keep in touch, Skype is onciedirk and my ooc blog is krazykrips. Bye for now!
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floating-dagger · 10 years
Me, me, me against them
                                  Me against enemies,                                     me against friends
<Somehow> they both seem to become ᴏɴᴇ
                A sea full of ƧӇƛƦƘƧ
                                                                                        and they all smell 
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floating-dagger · 10 years
     Shoving the topic of food out of his mind before being sick--The French was a surprise. But he was in France, after all, and was able to manage broken French. King's were required to speak the universal languages, and French was certified as the universal one for Europe--from what he could recall. Of course, being just crowned King, he hasn't been studying the language long. He got, 'the inspector of the first class, [something] order of [something] of [something] of police." So he was a cop, or along those lines. "He--Bonjour, Javert." he said with a bob to the head. "King Macbeth of Scotland. Thou belike knew I was King, though. Fancy title thou hast there. What does it mean?" Tilting his head, he was curious. Did they even have a ranking like that in Scotland? Also a long title--but everything in French was long, adding in a "du" between ever second word. 
    Not hungry? That was hard to believe. There was never a time when Javert himself wasn’t hungry— he just managed to put it out of his mind most of the time. The only instances where he would say that he was not hungry would be when the food was so terrible that it was practically inedible. Did the King dislike the food that much? He decided to put it out of his mind— if the man didn’t ask for the food to be sent back, there was no need to.
    Suddenly, he stiffened his posture, bowing deeply. “My apologies, monsieur. I failed to introduce myself. I am Javert, l’Inspecteur de la Première Classe, sous l’ordre du Préfet du Préfecture de Police.” The French rolled easily off of his tongue. It was nothing special; he merely announced his title, yet he said it so often, that it was to him its own language, which was universal. Of course, that wasn’t the case.
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floating-dagger · 10 years
     Why? …Why what? Dodger couldn’t possible know enough about the King to ask why he did his actions. The killing of his family was all the boy cared about anyway, but something told Macbeth that wasn’t all he was asking why about. Quite possibly, it was about everything. Why he did what he did and why he thought it was needed to be done. Blaming his wife couldn’t win him out of this one. So, why did he do it?     “Fate,” the answer was, coming out after a rather long and thick moment. “Wherefore did fate chose me? Wherefore did the hags betoken me of the fate in which to endue of mine own downfall? This, dear sirrah, are ones we will nev’r know the answer to. But wherefore did I kill the King, Banquo, and the Macduffs—thy family?” A smile leaked out, his eyes staying on the boy. “I was stupid enough to listen.” No matter who you pointed at—the witches, his wife, the prophecy even—you could still point out it was the King’s fault for listening to everyone. And that’s what the answer was.      Maybe the smile on his face was a bit too chippy, or the fact that he wasn’t worried about telling of his murders, that put the conversation on edge. Whatever it was, he was not afraid to admit, “I shouldst not hast listened. And argal, ‘tis all mine fault.” Finally, he admits to it.
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floating-dagger · 10 years
     The legs kicking out didn’t even touch King Macbeth as he jumped in the air, his eyes only moving down to see where the legs landed. In the spare time of royal eyes looking down, Dodger had gotten up. In defense, his arm flew back so the sword was fully in control. Upright and across the torso, ready to block and fight. Every time his right arm moved, he felt a tug of the cut opening ever more. This caused only discomfort, barely even any pain, but still enough to effect his fighting.      Luckily, due to his previous stance, the King had no need to panic at the other’s weapon attacking his hilt and wrist. It was his daggered hand, and pulled up in a reflex move. Turning his torso, he used the pommel of his sword’s hilt to hit the boy’s back, hard. Again, he wasn’t going to just stab his back with the sword, no—too easy. This fight was all about status to him, rather than actually trying to save his life, as it was for Dodger.
✺ ((Be glad it ain't with a knife, Dodgie))
Jack smirked, wiping the side of his mouth that the king just punched, a wild right hook that connected solidly with his jaw. “And the proud king is reduced to throwing punches with his naked hand,” he taunted unashamedly, a predatory flash in his eyes as he regarded the man coolly. “Thos hast fallen far, King Macbeth—though perhaps, not so far at all.”
And Jack lunged forward, intending to do much more than throw punches at the man.
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floating-dagger · 10 years
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floating-dagger · 10 years
"You'll be fine."
"I'm afraid it's very fatal."
"These test results..don't make any sense."
"How far can your arm go before it breaks?"
"I'll carve your eyes out with a spoon."
"What does he have that I don't"
"Why did he choose her instead of me?"
"Make as many stab wounds as you want."
"I am destined as your tool."
"The girl must die."
"The boy must die."
"I want to taste your blood on my lips."
"Where do we go from here?"
"These voices..cease to let me be."
"I..can't stop crying."
"Use me as you will."
"None of it matters now."
"Shadows fallow my every step."
"You've gone..completely mad."
"I'm barking mad."
"Winter is coming."
"I could kill you right now."
"You..You're dead!"
"May the lord have mercy on your soul."
"The mental ward let me out early this year."
"Oh how i miss the voices."
"Everyone is equal when they're dead."
"Cancel Christmas."
"Bring me more war."
"I love war."
"I piss on your traditions."
"I hate your heart."
"I hate your soul."
"I promise, you won't feel a thing."
"Bring her to me."
"Bring him to me."
"A few holes in the head give the madness more space."
"I hate everything about you."
"I will abandon you."
"What is that girl up to?"
"I am stretched on your grave."
"Kill me now.."
"If I fall from the grace of God where no murdered ghost can haunt me.."
"You are one in from the plank, don't make me push you."
"I don't care."
"Leave me behind."
"Everything you've told me was a lie!"
"Everything I've told yo was a lie!"
"How could you ever think to leave them behind?"
"Someone should nail your feet to the floor."
"My last breath will be your curse."
"He will KILL you."
"She will KILL you."
"I did noting."
"It was an accident!"
"You've killed your own brother!"
"I want nothing to do with him!"
"How can I possibly trust you?"
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floating-dagger · 10 years
     Every time I make a new blog, I lose the old muse. But I know Macbeth is in there. Replying to longer drafts later.
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floating-dagger · 10 years
     "Then that shall be our son's name. Batair." Smiling, he then looked back up at his wife. Giving birth must make one tired. But he didn't want to leave, not now.
A Son
"Batair means strong warrior." She suggested giving a small yawn.
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floating-dagger · 10 years
     Well, what was this man if he didn't help a pour soul in need? Or threaten a murder at some point. "I hear poison is a lovely treat this time of year." A smile cracked along his face.
"Are you threatening me?"
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     ”Threatening you?! My God! You people are all so…over-sensitive!”
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floating-dagger · 10 years
     Ah, yes, that he figured. This thing didn't have a human mother--and to no surprise either. Ripping his hand from the grasp it held on it, he stepped back with a lopsided-face. "If thou art not human, than what art thou? Beast? Hag? Answer me that, daw." Luckily, Macbeth didn't feel the slightest bit dizzy or sick. Might as well use that to his advantage; talking fast and hoping to recover his sword in a moment, edging towards it carefully and slowly.
"I don't learn. One of my issues."
     “Well, thou better learn how to learn,” the slightly annoyed King remarked. What kind of excuse was that? ‘I don’t learn.' Go to school and tell your teacher that, see how they like it. Okay, Macbeth dropped out of school because he had trouble learning, but that’s not the point here. “I understand if ‘tis one of thy issues, but doth not make it one of mine, too.”
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floating-dagger · 10 years
     He's totally making haggis. "I see," and tied on was a nod. So both were here, except for some reason, only Crutchie was staying with the Macbeth's. Odd. Perhaps his wife set this up...
Crutchie (atoughlittleguy :) ))
MemeMacbeth cooking lunch for Crutchie.atoughlittleguy / ig0tfriends
     “Nay, nay, I shall cook.” Cooking, seen as a feminine activity, was something Macbeth never got to do. It was always the women who cooked, and the Thane wanted to try this ‘sport’ out at least once. Grabbing a pan, he put it on the stove and gather some ingredients. “Take a seat.” The cheery mood was a bit unnerving—Sure, Macbeth could be happy and all, but this was a little too happy.      Also, his cooking was more like making death potions than food.
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floating-dagger · 10 years
Matilda The Musical Starters
My mummy says I'm a miracle.
One day when I'm older, I can be a soldier and shoot you in the face!
Why do bad things always happen to good people?
My mummy says I'm a lousy little worm.
I wonder why they didn't just change their story?
Just because you find that life's not fair, it doesn't mean that you just have to grin and bear it.
Even if you're little you can do a lot.
Nobody but me is gonna change my story.
Don't be pathetic.
Look at you trying to hide, silly.
Its a place you are sent when you haven't been good.
It's very quaint. It's very sweet. But wrong.
You've got to learn to stand out and stick out from the crowd!
No one's gonna listen if you don't shout.
The more that you try, the more you'll just look like a fool.
Whatever you do, just don't give in.
When I grow up, I will be brave enough to fight the creatures that you have to fight beneath the bed each night to be a grown up.
Just because I find myself in this story, it doesn't mean that everything is written for me.
Nothing can hurt you, you've nothing to fear.
I didn't want to upset you.
I am here.
But I'm trying to say... I'm not sure...
The noise in my head is incredibly loud.
I just wish they'd stop.
I'm sorry - I'm not quite explaining it right.
It is quiet...and I am warm...
It isn't much, but it is enough for me.
There is nowhere I would rather be.
Never again will they take away my freedom.
Never again will we live behind bars!
You didn't think you could push us too far, but there's no going back now.
Sometimes, you have to be a little bit naughty.
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