flimsy-lies · 10 years
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Hisoka was getting a bit annoyed. "You see, that's the magic of spending time with someone; you become friends. And that is exactly what I'm proposing we do. I want to be around when you become ripe enough to devour~♥"
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“… You appear to be suffering some degree of memory loss too. I don’t recall a single solitary instance where I regarded you as a friend of mine.” The conjurer retorted insensitively. The young nen user wasn’t messing around- he wasn’t in a forgiving mood.
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flimsy-lies · 10 years
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"I would love to go and speak to the little one, but his older brother forbade me from going anywhere near him. . ." He leaned back against the wall and sighed. "And honestly, I'm a bit weary of he might do to me if I got to close to him. So I'd rather deal with your bad attitude than have him on my ass ♠" 
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   ”There no secret. But if you want to know, ask him yourself." In terms of compatibility, he would certainly classify the young Zoldyck sibling as better than this irritating clown. But when it really came down to it, he hadn’t really witnessed the youngsters power enough to wage it on their abilities. "I not a babysitter.”
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flimsy-lies · 10 years
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"Well that's not very nice. I was merely offering something fun for us to do together ♠" He was bored and he needed someone or something to entertain him. Everyone was busy and Kurapika was the only one around. He wasn't just going to walk away from a prime opportunity to have a little fun with the Kurta.
 "Is it so wrong for me to want to spend a little time with a friend ♦?" 
Kuapika’s frown remained. Clearly, he wasn’t amused by Hisoka’s invitation in the least bit, nor was his nickname for Gon appreciated. This man was extremely dangerous but the conjurer wasn’t the least bit intimidated and he felt no pressure what so ever to comply.
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"It’s almost as if you didn’t understand what I said what I just said." He retorted, crossing his arms over his chest. "Perhaps there’s some bungee gum clogging up your ears?”
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flimsy-lies · 10 years
night guys~
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flimsy-lies · 10 years
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- If I wasn’t this sick…
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flimsy-lies · 10 years
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"Hmph, I'm just looking for some simple companionship. It seems like my little fruit isn't available for today ♠." Hisoka was obviously referring to Gon. He missed watching that little boy grow and get stronger. 
"Why not take some time off from your. . .revenge quest? Come with me for a night on the town ♥?"
The Kurta frowned. Had this been a normal person he was dealing with, he would have vacated the room by now without another word. Alas, it was Hisoka, a force to be reckoned with. A move like that was asking for trouble.
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"It isn’t my responsibility to keep you entertained. As for what you asking me to set aside time for, I’ll have to decline. I’m a busy person and I don’t much care for small talk." He replied, unable to ignore the hostile aura mere meters from him.
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flimsy-lies · 10 years
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"Of course I'm still coming. How could I pass up the opportunity to see the great Illumi Zoldyck in action ♥?" Hisoka smiled. He stood up from his perch and put his hands on his hips. 
He listened to the rules carefully and sighed. Hm, there were quite a few. Looks like he would only be on the sidelines for most of this. That was really no problem. His blood lust could be contained for a little while, but if he didn't get the opportunity to step in and have a little fun soon, he would become rather. . .uncontrollable. 
"I understand. Now tell me more about this job we're going on. You were so vague over the phone."
||Closed RP|| the-eldest-zoldyck & flimsy-lies ||
        “Able to manage—I’m not dead. Work is to start soon; are you still coming?”
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        This either wasn’t up to par with Illumi’s standards of fun things to do. In fact, any other contact who dared interrupt the assassin’s metier at work—aside from assigned family members—would be annihilated on the spot. He chooses the advantage of having casualties in the middle of work, both to avoid potential witness and further public exploitation. Luckily today’s target would be far off from any sort of crowd; an easier and cheaper job than those of the past but at least the client was able to pay the fee.
        “It is vastly recommended that any attempts to kill steal are thrown out as well as lending a hand. Only if in an emergency are these bans lifted,” Illumi recites the basic guidelines from memory with one finger waving in the air. “The client determines your further participation; disguises if necessary.” 
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flimsy-lies · 10 years
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"Oh come on. I just wanted to know about the little Zoldyck that is now among your ranks. Is it really that big of a secret?" Hisoka crossed his arms and gave the smaller a little smile. "I'm just curious to know if the little one is any better than I am ♠." 
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    “If you ‘have question or two’ to ask, then ask me then." He was fairly certain these ‘questions’ where going to be pointless and a waste of his time as per usual. "Ryodan business has nothing to do with you any longer. You no longer a part of it." 
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flimsy-lies · 10 years
Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't been on for so long! I lost my muse and I finally just got it back. I'll respond to the threads I owe ASAP!
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flimsy-lies · 10 years
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"I'm annoying you? You're not being very nice Feitan. I've only come as an old acquaintance with a question or two." He smiled. "I'm curious how the little spider that took my place is doing."
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    Was there no extent to how much this individual could be so irritating, especially with his consistent sarcastic remarks. “Unless you have reason to be here, go annoy someone else.”
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flimsy-lies · 10 years
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"Well you're no fun. Can't we just have some time to chat? It's been so long since we've seen each other ♣." Hisoka smiled and crossed his arms. He noticed his unwillingness to be close to him. Not what he blamed him. 
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"I’m not really in the mood for games, Hisoka," He replied coldly, keeping the distance between himself and Hisoka apparent. "So,  if you do in fact have business with me, I suggest you get to it. Otherwise I’ll be on my way."
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flimsy-lies · 10 years
gah, sorry. I'm just too tired. I'll be more active this weekend. Night!
0 notes
flimsy-lies · 10 years
Quality M!A Masterlist
----- Physical M!As -----
Time Warp: Muse is suddenly a specified age.
Equipment Change: Muse is suddenly a specified gender.
Pinch And Drag: Muse is suddenly a specified size.
Odd Organism: Muse is turned into a specified animal.
Odder Organism: Muse is turned into a specified monster.
Beep Boop: Muse is turned into a robot. If muse is normally a robot, they are now a living being.
Spirit Door: Muse is turned into a ghost. If muse is normally a ghost, they are now alive.
Oh Hell No: Muse is split into good and evil versions of themself.
Assimilation: Muse now has specified robotic features or components.
Flutter: Muse now has wings of a specified size.
Name It: A specified physical feature of the muse's is now very different.
----- Personality M!As -----
Abloo Bloo: Muse can't stop crying.
Snuggle Bug: Muse is now exceptionally affectionate to everyone.
ESAD: Muse suddenly despises a specified person or thing.
Red Heart: Muse is now passionately in love with a specified person.
Hero Worship: Muse idolizes a specified person and thinks everything about them is amazing.
Obsession: Muse cannot stop thinking about a specified person or thing.
Constant Boners: Muse's libido has gone wild and they can't stop thinking about sex.
Rustled Jimmies: Muse is rebellious and easily angered.
Game Over Man: Muse is now terrified of a specified thing.
----- Abilities and Afflictions -----
3D Motion: Muse can now fly.
Lights Out: Muse cannot see.
Muted Speakers: Muse cannot hear.
Muted Mic: Muse has no voice and can't make a sound.
Heavy Chest: Muse suddenly has difficulty breathing.
Now Try Rapping: Muse now thpeakth with a lithp.
S.S. Stutter: Muse now speaks with a s-severe stu-stutt-t-ter.
Nerve Pain: Muse is struck by intense, constant pain which nothing can alleviate.
Sucky Symptoms: Muse becomes miserably ill with specified symptoms.
Woop Bang Crash: Muse has lost their depth perception and balance.
Bonk Smack Thump: Muse suddenly loses all feeling in their limbs.
Twitchy Skin: Muse is extremely sensitive to touch.
Whoa Mama: Muse orgasms every time their name is said.
Sweet n Spicy: Muse feels like their mouth is on fire and only kisses make it stop.
Let Me Up: Muse is tied down and at the mercy of others.
Minor Inconvenience: Muse's clothes have all gone missing.
Strip Party: One item of muse's clothing disappears every time a specified thing occurs.
Mee Yow: Muse is suddenly some kind of sex kitten.
Pshhh Naw: Muse is now completely drunk.
Pick Your Poison: Muse has to do a specified thing every time their name is said.
Truth Obsession: Muse either cannot lie, or they cannot stop lying.
Dancing On The Ceiling: Muse is somehow unaffected by gravity.
That's Creepy: Muse now looks exactly like a specified person.
No Survivors: Muse is suddenly on a murderous rampage.
Spicy Meatball: Muse breathes fire whenever they open their mouth.
Seadweller: Muse is now aquatic and cannot survive out of water.
400 Blankets: Muse is now freezing cold and can't seem to get warm.
Shouldn't Have Said That: Muse has lost their verbal filter and now blurts whatever comes to mind.
Thirsty: Muse is now a blood-drinker. They don't get fangs or special abilities, but they must now find blood to drink or they will starve. Other food and drink makes them vomit.
Just Not Your Day: A tiny storm cloud follows muse around and rains on them at specified times.
He Has A Point: Muse now has an angel and a demon, which only they can see and hear, perched on their shoulders and offering advice.
----- Interactive M!As -----
Kiss Me Whole: Muse is slowly fading away and will only return to normal when kissed.
Song And A Kiss: Muse loses their voice and will only regain it when kissed.
Don't Make It Creepy: Muse falls asleep and can only be awoken with a kiss.
I'll Owe You: Muse turns into a frog and will only return to normal when kissed.
Gimme Sugar: Muse suddenly wants to kiss anyone who says their name.
C'mere Babe: Muse is suddenly compelled to kiss anyone who sends them an ask.
Very Well: Muse is owned by a specified person and must obey their commands.
Yes Mistress: Muse must submit to any commands given to them.
Come Fairy: Specified person has the ability to bring muse to orgasm by pointing at them.
Stuck On You: Muse is chained to a specified person for a certain length of time. Include chain leeway/length.
I Feel Strange: Muse swaps personalities with a specified person.
I Look Strange: Muse swaps bodies with a specified person.
Bad Sexy Idea: Muse is now on a quest to make out with the one person they know they shouldn't.
B-Baka: Muse now acts like a bashful, blushing klutz around a specified person.
Ooh Kinky: Muse is suddenly into BDSM and on a mission to get it on with a specified person.
Hey Whatcha Doin: Muse is compelled to follow a specified person around and can't leave them alone.
TMI Warning: Muse is compelled to confess an opinion or feeling they have about anyone they speak to.
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flimsy-lies · 10 years
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"Well that's good to hear. Keep up the good work, my delicious little fruit~♥." He said with a forced smile. He wanted to devour Gon where he stood. But he had to wait. If the fruit wasn't ripe yet, it would be sour and bitter. He had to wait till it was sweet and juicy.
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"… Mm, yeah." Never mind that he didn’t have his nen anymore, but he’d train to get stronger, anyways. "I’ve trained a lot!" Though, as it was now, he’d definitely be no match for Hisoka. Hisoka might not be interested in fighting him anymore, but he’d still take him on, nen or not!
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flimsy-lies · 10 years
later guys!
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flimsy-lies · 10 years
hey guys, sorry to admit this but I haven't finished HxH yet. I'm on the final season so I'll try my best. I would appreciate if no spoilers were in the threads I do with people. Once I'm caught up, I'll tell you :)
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flimsy-lies · 10 years
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Hisoka went quiet. His attention focused on the movie. He relaxed back in the chair. He didn't need to have his guard up. He had no reason for it. His aura relaxed immensely. 
|| Closed RP || geneinomachi & flimsy-lies ||
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”…” she hears him without tell nothing.
The film has started and she’s more interested to watch. Hisoka seems so relaxed that she can down her guard. Moving her shoulders and straightening up in the chair, the pink haired girl just concentrates on film.
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