fleurthelivingdoll · 4 years
Banishing Nasty Spirits
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If you’ve been following this series of posts, you know why a witch might work with spirits, how to establish a relationship with a spirit, and how to communicate with spirits. What we haven’t yet discussed is how to get rid of spirits that are bothersome, annoying, or malevolent.
I was planning to talk about pathworking and astral travel before getting into banishing, but in light of some asks I recently received on Tumblr, I think it’s important that we take a moment to discuss how to get rid of spirits that, for whatever reason, you don’t want around.
There are lots of reasons you might not want a spirit in your space. Just like with people, some spirits just aren’t a good fit for you and your practice. Part of being a spirit worker is cultivating a “spirit team” of beings that you can have healthy and beneficial relationships with.
Some spirits are mischievous and like to cause trouble. If you find yourself on the receiving end of lots of spirit pranks, you may want to gently encourage them to move along. And there are some spirits out there who just genuinely hate humans and will go out of their way to cause mental, emotional, and even physical harm.
Don’t get me wrong — malevolent spirits aren’t common. In my experience, the vast majority of unwanted spirits are more annoying than dangerous. I’m not saying this to scare you or make you paranoid. But these things do exist, and it would be negligent of me not to mention them in a series on spirit work.
There’s a reason that one of the most common truisms in witchcraft is, “Never conjure something you can’t banish.” If you’re going to be working with spirits, it’s a good idea to know how to banish them just in case. With that being said, here’s how you can clear out any nasties that may be lingering in your space.
The first step is to kick those unwanted spirits out of your space. There are lots of ways to do this, so choose the one that is the best fit for you.
Cleansing with fire and smoke is a very old and very simple method. If this is the way you decide to go, there are several magical substances you can burn to banish spirits. Burning sulfur or asafetida will clear out just about anything, but they both smell awful and are potentially toxic, so you’ll want to get an okay from the other people living in your home, burn a little at a time, and make sure you have lots of windows open. (Some people say sulfur and asafetida will banish all spirits, not just the unfriendly ones, so you may have to invite your spirit team back in later.) For something that smells a little more pleasant, you can try a mix of frankincense and myrrh resin, or burn a mix of dried rosemary, sage (garden sage, not endangered white sage, please!), and bay leaves — but again, make sure you have windows open, because these get smoky. Plus, you want the windows and/or doors open so the spirits have somewhere to go when the smoke chases them out.
If smoking up your living space isn’t an option for you, you can manually clean your space with a wash or powder. If you have hardwoods, you can make a floor wash with water, salt, lemon juice, rosewater, lavender essential oil, and either bay laurel or rosemary essential oil. (This is adapted from an uncrossing bath in the book Utterly Wicked by Dorothy Morrison.) Use this mixture to mop your floors, as well as to wipe down your walls and furniture. If you have a humidifier or essential oil diffuser, diffusing some of this mix would also be a good idea.
If you have carpet, you can make a powder by combining salt, dried lemon peel, dried roses, lavender flowers, and bay leaves. You’ll need to ground this really fine, so I recommend using a coffee grinder or food processor. Sprinkle the powder on your carpet, let it sit for a few minutes, and then vacuum it up. I would supplement this by also diffusing a mix of saltwater with rosewater, lemon juice, and lavender and/or bay laurel essential oil. If you don’t have a diffuser, at least sprinkle some saltwater around the room and on your belongings.
No matter which form of cleansing you decide to use, it’s important to verbally state your intention to banish these unwanted spirits from your space. Tell them out loud that they are no longer welcome here and that they need to leave. Don’t be rude about it, but be firm and speak clearly and with confidence.
After you cleanse your space, it’s a good idea to cleanse yourself as well to remove any psychic ties to the spirits you’ve just banished. The easiest way to do this is with a ritual bath. The floor wash recipe mentioned earlier can also be used as a psychic cleansing bath. Other options include a bath with salt, frankincense, and myrrh or a bath with salt, rosemary, sage, and bay laurel. You can use essential oils for your bath, or add the resins and herbs to a cheesecloth bag and drop it into the tub for easy diffusing and cleanup.
If you don’t have a bathtub, you can cleanse yourself in the shower. Place two cups of salt in a bowl. Add lemon juice, rosewater, lavender essential oil, and either bay laurel or rosemary essential oil. If you don’t have essential oils, you can add dried lavender and crushed bay leaves. Add some of your favorite body wash to create a scrub (if you don’t have body wash, use olive oil). While in the shower, use this mixture to scrub your skin — visualize yourself scrubbing away any psychic gunk you might have picked up.
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Once you’ve removed any unwanted spirits from your space, you want to lay down some protection to keep them from coming back. There are as many ways to ward off spirits as there are witches, but here are a few ideas to get you started.
One option is to create a ward. You can do this by anointing the door frames, door knobs, and window frames of your home with a protective oil blend and/or by creating lines of salt across your doorways and just inside your windows. You can use other protective substances if you prefer. As you lay down these protections, visualize a protective shield around your home, and speak aloud your intention to keep harmful spirits out.
Iron is said to repel spirits. Keep a railroad spike or other large piece of iron under your bed to prevent nightmares and to keep spirits from messing with you while you sleep. There’s an old superstition that says that hammering iron nails into the four corners of your home protects it from spirits — this may not be possible if you’re renting, but you can create a similar effect by displaying a piece of iron in each of the four corners of your home. Hematite is a crystal that is high in iron, so it can be used in a similar way to ward off spirits.
Aloe is said to protect from negative spirits, and to bring protection and good luck more generally. It’s also a common house plant that is easy to care for, so this method of protection is especially great for witches who need to keep their practice a secret. Keep several aloe plants in your home to protect those who live there.
For witches with a crafty side, making a witch bottle is another option for protection. There are lots of different recipes for witch bottles, but the basic method is to fill a bottle with sharp objects, add something from your body, and hide it somewhere outside your home (traditionally buried on the property, but leaving it in an outbuilding works just as well). The idea is that any nasty spirit that comes looking for you will be attracted to the bottle (because it contains part of your body), get caught by the sharp objects, and be trapped. To create a simple witch bottle, fill a mason jar about halfway with sewing pins, then add a bit of your hair and some of your fingernail clippings, and finally fill it with liquid (traditionally, this liquid is your own urine, but if that makes you uncomfortable vinegar will also work). If you want, you can also include some of your favorite banishing herbs, resins, or crystals.
Religious symbols can also keep nasty spirits away. If you identify strongly with a religion, display protective symbols from that faith in your living space. For example: a Christian witch might hang up a crucifix or set out a statue of Archangel Michael, a Norse pagan witch might hang up an image of Mjolnir, a Hindu witch might display a statue of Durga, etc. Sometimes the most effective way to keep nasty spirits away is to let them know that you’re under the protection of someone more powerful.
When dealing with unwanted spirits, the most important thing to remember is that you do not need to be afraid. You are a powerful witch, and you are more than capable of getting rid of them. Be confident in your abilities and know that whatever happens, you can handle it.
Southern Cunning: Folkloric Witchcraft in the American South by Aaron Oberon
A Green Witch’s Cupboard by Deborah J. Martin
Utterly Wicked by Dorothy Morrison
Where the Hawthorn Grows by Morgan Daimler
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fleurthelivingdoll · 4 years
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Moon Spell Cookies Ingredients: • 1 cup of finely grated almonds (optional) • 1 ¼ cups of flour • ¼ cup of confectioner’s sugar • ¼ cup of butter • 1 egg yolk Directions: 1. Combine almonds, flour, and sugar. 2. Work in butter and egg yolk until well blended. 3. Set it in the fridge until chilled. 4. Roll into crescent moon shapes or use a cookie cutter. 5. Place on greased cookie sheet and bake at 320 degrees Fahrenheit (160 degrees Celsius) for 20 minutes. Spells for: Love - Add a few pinches of rosemary, sweet basil, cinnamon, and honey. Prosperity - Add cinnamon, nutmeg, basil, and grated lemon peel. Protection - Add cloves, rosemary, anise, and cinnamon. Psychic Ability - Add star anise, nutmeg, orange, and thyme.
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fleurthelivingdoll · 4 years
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Moon Spell Cookies Ingredients: • 1 cup of finely grated almonds (optional) • 1 ¼ cups of flour • ¼ cup of confectioner’s sugar • ¼ cup of butter • 1 egg yolk Directions: 1. Combine almonds, flour, and sugar. 2. Work in butter and egg yolk until well blended. 3. Set it in the fridge until chilled. 4. Roll into crescent moon shapes or use a cookie cutter. 5. Place on greased cookie sheet and bake at 320 degrees Fahrenheit (160 degrees Celsius) for 20 minutes. Spells for: Love - Add a few pinches of rosemary, sweet basil, cinnamon, and honey. Prosperity - Add cinnamon, nutmeg, basil, and grated lemon peel. Protection - Add cloves, rosemary, anise, and cinnamon. Psychic Ability - Add star anise, nutmeg, orange, and thyme.
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fleurthelivingdoll · 4 years
Ok yall this about to go homestead territory real fast since pandemic panic is going on and I want to give as many people access to a few recipes using basic staples so no one legitimately starves like I have in the past, or panics that they will. These are all pared down recipes of latin food based from my roots so if you hate Mexicans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, or Latin Americans in general, strap up and get humbled. Easily vegan/vegetarian, gluten free minus the sandwich bread recipe, and adjustable to taste.
Sofrito is a great base for any meal and it's as easy or as complicated as you want and varies by use. It is the backbone of your food but you could eat it as is with some rice. Make this with every recipe or divide it up as
*4-6 cloves of garlic (or 3-4 spoonfuls of minced)
*1 whole bell pepper
*1/2-1 sweet onion
*1/2 TBS oregano
*1/2 TBS thyme
*1 TBS Lemon juice
*1/4C-1/2C water or broth
*4-5 roma tomatoes or 1 can diced tomatoes (optional)
*pepper to taste
Roughly chop the peppers and onions, saute them in about 1-2TBS olive oil, add garlic until it's aromatic and browning. Add the herbs, tomatoes, and lemon juice and stir it all together to simmer for a few mins. Add the water or broth and stir again, simmer and reduce how u want it
Beans are your main protein source when you run out of meat. Respect them, slowly incorporate them into your diet so you aren't gassy or constipated if you don't eat well or don't eat them often. Salt your beans after they're done cooking and don't waste food/effort. This can be adjusted for less or more people and can be done in an instant pot or deep sauce pot on the stove. This is for black beans but just use what you have.
*3 cans of beans, keep the juice
*2 cloves of garlic depending on size (or 2 spoonfuls minced)
*1/2 bell pepper
*1/2 sweet onion
*1tsp oregano
*1tsp thyme
*1tsp pepper
*1TBS cumin
*1C broth or water (if using canned beans and juice)
Saute your bell pepper and onion together with the garlic and drop your sofrito in, drop your beans in with the juice and stir, add the broth and herbs, simmer and reduce how u want it. Mash some of it if you like and serve with rice lime wedge and saltines.
Substitute the meat for beans or lentils if vegan/vegetarian or stretching your meat.
*ground beef, turkey, or lentils to your preference, a little goes a long way.
*1/2 sweet onion
*1/2 bell pepper
*1TBS cumin
*1tsp paprika
*sliced olives w pimenton to taste
*salt and pepper to taste
*whole raisins or dried mango minced to taste (optional)
Brown your meat in olive oil and drain off the excess fat, add the onions garlic and peppers until aromatic and soft. Add your sofrito, broth, and fruit to simmer how u want it. Stir in olives at the end.
🍚Rice (plain & cilantro lime)
Rice is an essential side to most dishes, respect it and learn how to make it right. Perfect rice should be cooked through and not crunchy or too soggy, when you bite into it you will feel a soft and springy substance as you chew.
Adjust for more people or bulk as needed, 1/4C rice dry is 1 serving per person and most people will eat 1/2C+ cooked in one sitting. Rice will stretch your food and pair to complete proteins in your diet.
*1C rice dry
*2C water or broth
*salt to taste (optional)
*1 lime (optional)
* 1/4C fresh cilantro chopped or 1/2-2TBS dried (to taste, optional)
If you have a rice cooker, oil the bottom and sides. Rinse your rice in a separate bowl and drain it into your plants or save the water as a skin toner/hair rinse. Add 2 parts water or broth to 1 part rice (and optional cilantro) into your rice cooker and let it do its thing. Fluff with the spoon and stir in lime juice or serve with a wedge. Serve on the side or as the base of a soup.
🍞Sandwich Bread
Here is a YouTube video for sandwich bread to feed a large family, it makes 2 loaves.
( https://youtu.be/wH4CObyqHh4 )
🌯🌮 GF Tortillas and flat bread
2C masa (corn flour)
2/3tsp salt
1tsp olive oil
1&1/2C hot water
Mix salt and flour together and stir in the hot water to make the dough. Roll into small balls and press flat with a press. If you don't have a tortilla press roll out the dough onto a slightly floured surface and set aside. Heat your pan with 1-2TBS olive oil on medium, seal both sides of tortilla about 20 seconds and then cook about 1 minute both sides, or until it starts to puff up and brown.
There are so many bread recipes online it's so easy I promise.
As always: be safe, practice common sense and peaceful public decency, don't enthrone fear as your king and fall into hoarded food and cleaning supplies. If you need it someone else does too. We are all interconnected.
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fleurthelivingdoll · 5 years
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Cinnamon roll in the microwave
90 grams of flour
A pinch of salt
A teaspoon of salt
How to do it:
Mix the flour with the yeast and the pinch of salt
Go adding tablespoons of milk and kneading until you make a dough that does not stick (if you spend pouring the milk add a little flour)
In a separate bowl, mix the butter (three tablespoons already melted) with the sugar and cinnamon
Roll out the dough and cut it into strips
Spread them with the sugar mixture, roll it
You just have to put it in a cup and heat it for 1 minute in the microwave (the rest I put in a taper to keep them in the freezer so I can defrost them whenever I want one)
I hope you like it❤️
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fleurthelivingdoll · 5 years
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fleurthelivingdoll · 5 years
Classic Books List
“Why read the classics? A classic is a book that has never finished saying what it has to say.” These are a few recommendations, books everyone should read. Don’t let yourself be convinced they are good: read and decide for yourself!
(no particular order intended)
Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes
The Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck
North and South - Elizabeth Gaskell
Hard Times - Charles Dickens
The Karamazov Brothers - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Wuthering Heights - Emily Brontë
The Waves - Virginia Woolf
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen
Hamlet - William Shakespeare
Richard II - William Shakespeare
Little Women - Louisa Alcott
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
Emma - Jane Austen
Anna Karenina - Liev Tolstói
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë
Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
The Age of Innocence - Edith Wharton 
Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
Lord of The Flies - William Golding
One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel García Márquez
Persuasion - Jane Austen
War and Peace - Liev Tolstói
Macbeth - William Shakespeare
The Tell-Tale Heart - Edgar Allan Poe
Dracula - Bram Stoker
The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar - Edgar Allan Poe
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka 
Moby Dick - Herman Melville
Mrs. Dalloway - Virginia Woolf
King Lear - William Shakespeare
The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand
Nineteen Eighty-Four - George Orwell
Jean Barois - Roger Martin du Gard
Wives and Daughters - Elizabeth Gaskell
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
The Catcher in the Rye - J. D. Salinger
Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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fleurthelivingdoll · 5 years
How to be a Good Friend
1. Be understanding and supportive when your friend is having a hard time.
2. Be interested and excited when something good has happened to your friend.
3. Don’t be a gossip. Think the best of people; not the worst.
4. Remember that a secret … is a secret … is a secret. Don’t pass on what’s been shared in confidence.
5. Be willing to help friends out.
6. Don’t criticise anything about your friend – his/ her clothes, choices, decisions, boyfriends, girl friends etc
7. Show up at events that you friend has invited you to – birthdays, celebratory meals etc.
8. Encourage your friend to dream and be the best person they can be (then affirm, encourage and believe in them as they seek to become that person.)
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fleurthelivingdoll · 5 years
✨💲 spell to manifest a new job/to improve your current job 💲✨
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This was the first “real” spell I ever did (i.e., the first one that involved more than just me focusing my intent alone in my bedroom) and I had a really positive experience with it, so I thought I’d share! It’s a little more complicated than some of my other spells, but I was still able to round up all the components easily and for not a lot of money.
Note: I am not a Wiccan, so my spells do not include a lot of Wiccan ritual steps like casting a circle, calling on the God and Goddess, etc. This is just my preference, and if you want to add those or any other steps that aren’t included here, please feel free! Your craft is your craft, so personalize it as you see fit!!
What You Will Need:
something to cleanse your work space before you begin – incense is perfect
a green candle (green represents money, abundance, and material success) (I know mine is more teal than green, but it’s the thought that counts. Work with what you have.)
one or two white candles (white represents purification and attracts positive energy) 
a small mason jar
several coins – they don’t have to all be the same, but you should use something that has real monetary value and not, say, Monopoly money (I used nine coins, because I like to work with the number nine in my magic. Use however many feels right to you, although I would recommend at least three.)
Optional Components:
a small citrine crystal (associated with wealth and abundance)
a small green aventurine crystal (associated with new opportunities, wealth, and good luck)
cinnamon essential oil or cinnamon powder (cinnamon is known to “boost” other magical energies and is also said to attract money)
anything else that feels appropriate to you!!
Casting the Spell:
Do what you need to do to get in the mood. Maybe meditate for a few minutes, put on some instrumental music, burn your favorite incense, etc.
Take a moment to ground and center yourself.
Cleanse your work space. I’m trying to get away from smudging with sage because it’s part of a larger appropriation of Native American religious practice, but I used it for this spell because I’m trying to use up what I already have so that I don’t waste it.
Light your candles. (Optional: Add a drop of cinnamon essential oil to your candles’ wicks before you light them, or sprinkle a bit of cinnamon powder onto the flames immediately after lighting. Just be careful, as this may cause the flames to flare up for a couple of seconds.)
Focus on your financial and career goals, and on the obstacles that stand between you and those goals. Visualize yourself overcoming these obstacles and reaching your goals. (Note: It’s best to be reasonable with your goals here. No spell is going to make you a millionaire overnight.) 
Take one of your coins, and hold it tightly in both hands. Keep focusing on your financial/career goals. Recite this incantation: “I have a job that I love, a job that makes me happy, a job that pays well.” 
Drop the coin into the mason jar. 
Repeat this process of picking up a coin, focusing your intent, saying your incantation, and dropping it into the jar until all of your coins are in the jar. 
After you have added your last coin to the jar, sit and meditate on your intention for a few minutes. Watch the candles burn down and continue to focus on your goals.
Optional Step: If you choose to include the citirine and green aventurine, or any other stones, meditate with them now. Take one of the crystals in each hand and focus on the abundance and success that they will bring into your life. After a few moments, add them to the jar with the coins.
Once you feel ready to end the ritual, blow out your candles. If they’re small enough to fit inside your mason jar, place them inside. (Optional: If you included cinnamon oil/powder, add some of that to the jar as well.) Seal the jar up tightly. Keep it somewhere safe to attract abundance, and meditate with it before job interviews.
Ground and center yourself before you start cleaning up. I don’t personally cleanse the space after these kinds of spells, since the whole point is to draw positive energy to me, but if you want to smudge again by all means do. 
This probably goes without saying, but the way magic works is to enhance your mundane efforts – it’s not a substitute for them. You can’t expect this spell to land you a new job if you never fill out a single application. Ask around, see what businesses around you are hiring, and always stop by in person to introduce yourself to the person in charge. (Some businesses automatically dismiss your application if you never follow up in person.) 
Magic also works in unexpected ways. At the time you perform this spell, you may feel like there’s no way you can stay at your current job, and you may be hoping to find something new so you can move on. Instead of finding a new job, you may find that things start getting better at your current job – maybe there will be a change in management, maybe you’ll be able to switch to better hours, maybe that coworker who drives everyone crazy will finally quit.. you get the idea. Be open to what the universe has in store for you, and know that better things are on the horizon. 
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fleurthelivingdoll · 5 years
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Job Finding Sigil
To help you get a new mindset and find an amazing job. 😊
Requested by my cousin
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fleurthelivingdoll · 5 years
New Job Protection Pouch 🎑
a requested spell, a pouch to protect you while you start a new job
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🎑 gather: mint, two pennies, and coffee beans. 
🎑 rub the two pennies together three times
🎑 collect everything into a small sachet
🎑 leave out in the moonlight overnight
🎑 take it with you and keep in your pocket on your first few days
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fleurthelivingdoll · 5 years
i do not own this video, but i feel like it’s something you guys would find useful! all credit goes to tik tok user @/csellyyy!
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fleurthelivingdoll · 5 years
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The Greek Goddess of love, beauty, sex, war, fertility, pleasure, desire, procreation, and the Morning Star.
In order to get a better understanding of this goddess, I’ll be writing an analytical view on her myths and epithets. It may come as a surprise to many that Aphrodite is connected to war, but upon closer look at her nature and correspondences, we can see that she is not merely a pink goddess of softness, though she can indeed be gentle. 
In modern times, Aphrodite is commonly associated with all forms of love, but she is primarily romance and self-love. She adores connections of all kinds but true love is the heart of who she is- of romantic conversations, devotion, roses, and a lover’s embrace. She is the blesser of marriages in one aspect, as well as a very sexual goddess. It is she who knows that true love causes no pain, for all things that tear romance apart is the absence of complete love. Thus, she can help grant success in finding a perfect partner. 
When Uranus, god of the heavens, was defeated, his phallus was cast into the sea. Suddenly, a bubbling of blood and sea foam emerged at the surface. From this arose a giant scallop shell (representing the vulva), which bestowed upon the world a goddess who outshone all other things in creation. She stepped upon the shore, resplendent in her nakedness and smiling sweetly at the enraptured deities. Wherever she stepped, flowers grew and the birds came to sing to her. The Horai (the hours) clothed the goddess born of the heavens and sea and brought her to Olympus. The Horai clothing Aphrodite likely symbolize that Aphrodite is of all times of day, for she is beauty and beauty does not end.
As a goddess of fertility and procreation, Aphrodite adores children and nature. She is very cheerful, motherly, and sweet when in a good mood and is so wise and compassionate. In mythology, the Greeks assigned Aphrodite with the following children: Deimos, Phobos, Harmonia, Adrestia and the four Erotes (Eros, Anteros, Pothos and Himeros). From these children, we can see the attributes that were associated with Aphrodite from the Ancient Greeks. We have Deimos “dread”, Phobos “fear”, Harmonia “harmony”, Adrestia “revenge”, and the Erotes who represent sex and desire. These express Aphrodite’s dual nature of compassion and rage, of the calm and raging sea. She was likely assigned with Ares by the Greeks in order to portray Aphrodite’s more warlike and passionate side, and is shown as being a lover in order to portray her sexual nature (it does not mean she actually has that many sexual partners, it’s more of a metaphor).
Although she is usually gentle, compassionate, and joyful, Aphrodite is very complex and can even be more “dark” in nature. She is the femme fatale of the gods, the thorned red rose, and the black swan. She is called by many epithets such as “heavenly”, “unholy”, “laughter-loving”, “friend of flowers”, “killer of men”, “ally in romance”, “ally in war”, “grave-digger”, “she upon the graves”, “night-loving”, and “the far-shining”. She represents emotion in all its forms, from love to hate. Wherever romance or beauty can be seen, Aphrodite is there. Wherever confidence or comfort is seen, she is there. As a war goddess, Aphrodtie was known to have command over the fates and could bend humans to her will, allowing victory. No one could stand a chance against this goddess in battle. 
My personal experiences with Aphrodite have been very complex, almost as much as she is. She tends to appear to me as a “femme fatale” sort of woman who has a sensual yet powerful aura. Other times, she appears naked or in an elegant revealing dress. In this form, Aphrodite is more soft, joyful, and friendly. Though she always has very long wavy hair (either strawberry blonde or black) has blue eyes, a tall and slender body, and red lips. She always smells of perfume and her voice is like honey. I’ve noticed that some of her favourite things to do are go on walks through gardens, watch romantic or horror movies, read (she loves Shakespeare most), write poetry, or sing gentle songs. She is fiercely protective as well and cares for her devotees like they’re her children. Aphrodite doesn’t seem to accept her Greek myths and has encouraged me to question how she is portrayed, saying that she is far more devoted and compassionate than the Greeks believed her to be. She states that she is married to a god from a different pantheon but declines to share and also states that she is not as vain and vindictive as many would assume.
So overall, Aphrodite is absolutely wonderful and generous. She has been deeply understanding of me during my path and loves to help in any way she can. She loves pampering her followers and helping them to love who they are and gain healthy relationships. She isn’t always bubbly and can be calm and serene as well, and doesn’t always like to speak excitedly. Though she does adore meeting and befriending others and is friends with many deities and other entities. She accepts all people (unless they’re oppressive) so she hates terfs and their ignorant thinking as well as anyone else who threatens the well-being or freedom of others. So if you need a goddess to lift you off your knees, comfort you, and show you how to fight, Aphrodite is definitely the one to go to.
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fleurthelivingdoll · 5 years
why does anyone in Gotham even bother doing crime like you KNOW the second you leave the bank with the money you just stole Bruce Wayne is gonna be chilling on a bench on the other side of the street in his bat fursuit like “hey bitch u better not be breaking the law”
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fleurthelivingdoll · 5 years
Tarot Card Info for Beginners
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fleurthelivingdoll · 5 years
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⟬𖦹 𝗌𝗈𝖿𝗍 𝗅𝗈𝖼𝗄𝗌𝖼𝗋𝖾𝖾𝗇 ˀ [𝖻𝖾𝖾𝗉 𝖻𝖾𝖾𝗉] ✍🏻⁴ᵅ 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗈𝗋 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀 𝗂𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝖺𝗏𝖾 ᵎᵎ ↷ ⋯ ♡ ©️ 𝗇𝖼𝗍𝖻𝗈𝗍𝗍
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fleurthelivingdoll · 5 years
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a gift from me 2 u ♡
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