flebile13 · 6 years
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flebile13 · 6 years
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww I'm dead ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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flebile13 · 6 years
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Sochi 2014                                                       PyeongChang 2018
Well … We just waited for that, right?
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flebile13 · 6 years
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“Never underestimate Mr. Hanyu, that’s for sure.” - Brian Orser (translation creds: 1, 2, 3)
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flebile13 · 6 years
The early makings of a 2022 6 man bobsled! Shoma at the end is so extra… From @ mishage8 on instagram. https://instagram.com/p/BfkmvErBss4/
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flebile13 · 6 years
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Yuzuru Hanyu | Scan/Edit | Costume Collection | Novice & Junior Years (2/6) | Sing, sing, sing 
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flebile13 · 6 years
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flebile13 · 6 years
Hanyu Yuzuru: Sendai Parade Press Con 22/4/2018
One of these days I will tell you all about how beautifully this boy uses the Japanese language. Today’s Yuzuru was a little tired, and he spoke a little slower than he usually does, with longer pauses in between. I hope he has a good time in Sendai even though I know he has a bunch of things scheduled over the next few days.
Host (Nakamura Kaori): And so Hanyu, thank you for your hard work at the parade. From here we will begin the press conference.
Yuzu: Please take care of me.
H: Then we will start off with the managing station first.
Reporter: From NHK, we would like to ask 2 questions. 
Y: Yes.
R: There were many people who waited for you. What sort of feelings did you have when you appeared today, and now that the parade is over, please also tell us what kind of feelings you have now.
Y: Yes. Umm…The ice show that I planned, that I produced myself had finished, and after that, umm…what has it been, one week? This parade was held a short time after (that show) but in that time, really, I couldn’t wait (for this parade to come). Um, after all many people…ah.. came to this parade. They kindly said that they wanted to see a glance (of me), so, in that sense, ah, I myself also spent these few days excited about coming. Once again, being able to finish the parade safely like this, um, , I myself, felt strongly the sense that “Ah i have returned to Sendai” after all and um, once again this, I felt the weight of the gold medal that I received this time.
R: And now the second question. I believe this is the first time you have returned to Sendai since the Pyeongchang Olympics. You just shared with us your feelings on returning but inclusive of the time at the Olympics, the cheers that you received then and in your hometown of Sendai and in Miyagi prefecture, with what sort of feelings did you receive those cheers?
Y: Um, during the Pyeongchang Olympics as well, um, be it the setting up of places where people could cheer together, and amongst all of that, the news that everyone was really cheering me on, I learnt of all that support through the news and articles. Every single one of those cheers really pushed me forward, and I strongly felt that once again with this event. Of course, this time, um…well there are still many many challenges in the recovery of Sendai and um, the prefecture (of Miyagi), and in the midst of that, um…how should I say this. To have such a large scale parade kindly set up for me…It is after all, something that I take very seriously. Additionally I myself feel that, not just within the prefecture and the city but also to the people around the world too, umm, I must keep in mind to act in such a way as to become a helping hand, to become the cause (of help) to the recovery efforts.
~Continues With Wings Under the Cut~ (I will upload a video if no one else does, but I’m sure someone will come through XD)
Keep reading
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flebile13 · 6 years
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Bashful Yuzu - CiONTU day 3
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flebile13 · 6 years
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Yuzuru Hanyu | Scan/Edit | (Yuzuru Method)
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flebile13 · 6 years
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Yuzuru Hanyu | Scan/Edit | White T-shirt Contest
And because I’m sure you just cannot get enough of Yuzu feat. White T-shirts, I now have a White T tag: enjoy.
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flebile13 · 6 years
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Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you Yuzuru ExtraTM Hanyu. This man is so extraordinarily awesome that he can fall on his butt and make it look like it’s part of his choreography. (And look hot doing it.) 😂 😂 😂
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flebile13 · 6 years
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Yuzuru Hanyu 羽生结弦 💕
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flebile13 · 6 years
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Yuzuru Hanyu skates to his previous programs (Mission Impossible, Etude no.8 op. 12, Parisienne Walkways) in his 2011-2012 SP costume (Continues with Wings, 04.14.18)
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flebile13 · 6 years
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Yuzuru Hanyu | Phone Wallpapers | Olympics 2018
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flebile13 · 6 years
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Continues~with Wings~
Both were blocked globally QAQ
Here’s the Mega link that you could download it to your devices for collection use. It’s 17GB, 1080p, MP4 file.
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flebile13 · 6 years
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Yuzuru Hanyu | Scan/Edit | (Request) | Random Compilation
I have no idea if this is what you had in mind, anon :) but I think I at least nailed the “random” part of the request
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