flautistacacia · 1 day
Honestly? Fuck this culture of shaming people for learning about things late and liking them. who gives a shit if you discovered a song from years ago and youre in love with the band? Catch up with series you just discovered and talk about them to your friends, fall in love with movies others have known way before you even heard of them, read books youd heard of long ago but never got interested in until now and become a huge fan!! This idea that people are “fake fans” for not knowing about or being interested in things before and loving them now is garbage and we need to get rid of it. Just let people enjoy things jfc!!
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flautistacacia · 2 months
btw selfship is cool asf
KFF too
some shit is just simply ot necessary for a debate over and maybe some things are lighthearted.
thats my opinion, maybe lets think about things like that, idk?
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flautistacacia · 2 months
there’s absolutely something to be said about ‘booktok’ books being largely wattpad quality written erotica i’m certainly not reading them however having seen a guy on tiktok make a video like ‘all the women in your life are READING PORN’ about a book he picked up and read in his FEMALE FRIEND’S HOUSE in a tone of scandalised horror and disgust i actually don’t think men should be making those criticisms. he said he picked it up expecting a romance and was horrified it was GOONER SHIT he said specifically like ‘who are you getting your pussy wet FOR??’ in a tone of revulsion. idk man im not sure shes the weird one. i kind of wish you were dead
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flautistacacia · 2 months
I started using Head and Shoulders ten years ago for itchy scalp and dandruff, and then for ten years I have not had itchy scalp and dandruff, so I thought “why do I still buy shampoo to combat itchy scalp and dandruff when I do not have itchy scalp and dandruff,” so I stopped buying the shampoo for itchy scalp and dandruff and can you guess I have now? Can you predict what currently afflicts me? It’s alright if you can’t because apparently I fuckin couldn’t either
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flautistacacia · 4 months
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☽ Rapunzel
✧ moodboard with summer themes and personal growth ; requested by anonymous!
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flautistacacia · 4 months
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You shouldn’t have to be trans to get any sex characteristic-related surgery. It’s not a limited resource. Plenty of cis men get implants and cis women get breast reductions. From Colby Gordon today and Leslie Feinberg in Transgender Warriors (1996).
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flautistacacia · 4 months
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Vent comic from last year that probably won’t ever be finished but I put enough work into it that I might as well show it?? eh
Basically I love Dimitri Fire Emblem a lot and idk his whole struggle was pretty compelling as a character yknow
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flautistacacia · 5 months
say it with me, folks:
"otherkinity/"kinning" isn't something you do for fun"
"you can't have fun with being otherkin or you're not valid"
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flautistacacia · 5 months
alterhuman vs Kin for fun discourse is so annoying like you will not die because someone said they kin princess bubblegum or some shit. I've been in the therian community for 10 years and genuinely have never been threatened by a kff person. Yall just like to make up problems and attack children for having fun.
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flautistacacia · 5 months
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flautistacacia · 5 months
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Magician's discussion
*What I wanted to see for so long
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flautistacacia · 5 months
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Professor...and Dimiboi 😃💙
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flautistacacia · 5 months
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them, your honor
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flautistacacia · 5 months
Just a reminder that Dimitri is the best, because he is the only one who says this. That's the best in general, not just fire emblem btw
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flautistacacia · 5 months
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flautistacacia · 5 months
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this is how I feel when I play azure moon
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flautistacacia · 6 months
Why Skyward Sword sucks:
 it doesn’t
wtf is wrong with people
this game is amazing
four for you NIntendo
you go Nintendo
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