I'm a writer, traditional artist, and on the very rare occasion a digital artist with 0 talent. Still working on it! And, yes. I do requests.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
a concept: zuko waiting tables at the jasmine dragon as a well-deserved break from firelord duties, but he does not understand how he keeps getting recognized!!! he’s wearing green and everything!!! it’s inexplicable!!!
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Katara: I've done as much as I can for the lightning wound, but it's gonna leave a scar, sorry Zuko
Zuko: eh, what's another scar from a family member amirite lmao
Sokka: ...what?
Zuko: the scar on my eye? did I never tell you guys my father did that?
[Later in Ozai's cell]
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Im physically incapable of not drawing Lup or Kravitz
(Reblogs>likes, DM about Commissions)
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y'all will circlejerk yourself to the mysticisms of faeries and elves in european countries for centuries and take it as fact but the second native americans ask you to respect our spirituality and culture suddenly you're all aetheists
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I’m getting better at digital.
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Have fun with him. Have fun with the product of my tears.
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I decided in the cusp of the moment to draw an old character I used to run an ask blog for years ago. Last two pictures are from my really old sketchbook and maybe a third of the IC's in there? Forgot how annoying layering fluffy hair is lol.
IC is @writeformekitty 's child
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Me: *asks my followers to send me writing prompts*
My Followers: *send writing prompts to my inbox*
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Chris Perkins' NPC name list
So, trying to find names for the fantasy novel I’m writing for NaNoWriMo is a challenge in and of itself. A trick I’d taken from DnD is a handy resource I took from DM-to-the-stars Chris Perkins, who posted a list of NPC names he used in his 4e campaign at the WotC offices. Only problem was that it seems that Chris decided to go dark online some time back, including deleting his WotC forum profile, as well as the campaign wiki. Thankfully, I’m fairly resourceful, so here, for all of you out there (and largely for me) is a copy of that list.
No matter what the campaign, Dungeon Masters need a ready supply of names for NPCs created on the fly. The following lists were instrumental in naming NPCs for the Iomandra campaign, and DMs are urged to pillage these lists for their own games and even expand on them. If you’re a DM looking for even more names, try doing a Google search on “Czech names,” “Egyptian names,” or some other nationality. A lot of foreign names fit perfectly well in a D&D medieval fantasy milieu. First names are separated from last names, allowing DMs to “mix and match” as they see fit. Only the core Player’s Handbook races are represented, but at the end you’ll also find a list of names that can serve double duty as ship names and inn/tavern names.
Human Male First Names: Anlow, Arando, Bram, Cale, Dalkon, Daylen, Dodd, Dungarth, Dyrk, Eandro, Falken, Feck, Fenton, Gryphero, Hagar, Jeras, Krynt, Lavant, Leyten, Madian, Malfier, Markus, Meklan, Namen, Navaren, Nerle, Nilus, Ningyan, Norris, Quentin, Semil, Sevenson, Steveren, Talfen, Tamond, Taran, Tavon, Tegan, Vanan, Vincent Human Female First Names: Azura, Brey, Hallan, Kasaki, Lorelei, Mirabel, Pharana, Remora, Rosalyn, Sachil, Saidi, Tanika, Tura, Tylsa, Vencia, Xandrilla Human Last Names: Arkalis, Armanci, Bilger, Blackstrand, Brightwater, Carnavon, Caskajaro, Coldshore, Coyle, Cresthill, Cuttlescar, Daargen, Dalicarlia, Danamark, Donoghan, Drumwind, Dunhall, Ereghast, Falck, Fallenbridge, Faringray, Fletcher, Fryft, Goldrudder, Grantham, Graylock, Gullscream, Hindergrass, Iscalon, Kreel, Kroft, Lamoth, Leerstrom, Lynchfield, Moonridge, Netheridge, Oakenheart, Pyncion, Ratley, Redraven, Revenmar, Roxley, Sell, Seratolva, Shanks, Shattermast, Shaulfer, Silvergraft, Stavenger, Stormchapel, Strong, Swiller, Talandro , Targana, Towerfall, Umbermoor, Van Devries, Van Gandt, Van Hyden, Varcona, Varzand, Voortham, Vrye, Webb, Welfer, Wilxes, Wintermere, Wygarthe, Zatchet, Zethergyll Dragonborn Male Names: Andujar, Armagan, Armek, Arzan, Axaran, Belaxarim, Brevarr, Djemidor, Draxan, Fayal, Grax, Iojad, Inzul, Khiraj, Kreytzen, Lejek, Mar, Nazir, Nedam, Nevek, Ravaran, Razaan, Sarax, Sarram, Savaxis, Siangar, Sirizan, Sunan, Szuran, Tajan, Tamajon, Tenahn, Toxal, Tzegyr, Vantajar, Vharkus, Xafiq, Zarkhil Dragonborn Female Names: Artana, Kalas, Khagra, Leytra, Myrka, Naya, Sarcha, Shirren, Sirivistra, Sufana, Tamara, Vrumadi, Zovra Dragonborn Last Names: I don’t have a list of dragonborn last names, since so few dragonborn in the Iomandra campaign have them. However, if you’re hunting for something, check out some of the made-up ship names at the end of this page. Dwarf Male First Names: Agaro, Arnan, Auxlan, Avamir, Baelnar, Balfam, Bariken, Borkûl, Darkûl, Dolmen, Dyrnar, Erag, Ezegan, Ferrek, Garmûl, Glint, Ghorvas, Grimmalk, Haeltar, Halagmar, Halzar, Hlant, Korlag, Krag, Krim, Kurman, Lurtrum, Malagar, Mardam, Maulnar, Melgar, Morak, Orobok, Rogath, Roken, Rozag, Sabakzar, Sharak, Smethykk, Swargar, Thorbalt, Thorin, Tredigar, Vabûl, Vistrum, Wolvar Dwarf Female First Names: Beyla, Fenryl, Grenenzel, Krystolari, Lokara, Lurka, Marnia, Praxana, Rokel, Roksana, Thurlfara, Vauldra, Veklani, Vronwe, Zebel Dwarf Last Names: Ambershard, Barrelhelm, Copperhearth, Deepmiddens, Drakantal, Evermead, Garkalan, Grimtor, Hackshield, Irongull, Markolak, Ramcrown, Rockharvest, Silvertarn, Skandalor, Zarkanan Eladrin Male First Names: Aialon, Elarahal, Jiardem, Laern, Lelyrian, Lephyrr, Loray, Sayadar, Talonien, Vaerlan, Xoneras, Zaquivir Eladrin Female First Names: Allyria, Ayrdra, Deneth, Elseone, Etherea, Istiria, Karanwyn, Lieryn, Ravel, Sinariel, Sydri, Taris, Turue, Vacquiel, Valendra Eladrin Last Names: Lantherval, Lorhalien, Maldranthe, Shalbarain, Sirothian, Starfeon, Zolerii Elf Male First Names: Alarcion, Alathar, Ariandar, Arromar, Borel, Bvachan, Carydion, Elgoth, Farlien, Ferel, Gaerlan, Iafalior, Kaelthorn, Laethan, Leliar, Leodor, Lorak, Lorifir, Morian, Oleran, Rylef, Savian, Seylas, Tevior, Veyas Elf Female First Names: Aryllan, Atalya, Ayrthwil, Irva, Lyfalia, Ronefel, Thirya, Velene, Venefiq, Zereni Elf Last Names: Autumnloft, Balefrost, Briarfell, Evenwind, Graytrails, Mooncairn, Riverwall, Stormwolf, Summergale, Sunshadow, Woodenhawk Halfling Male First Names: Arthan, Carvin, Corby, Cullen, Egen, Ernest, Gedi, Heron, Jeryl, Keffen, Kylem, Kynt, Leskyn, Neff, Orne, Quarrel, Rabbit, Rilkin, Snakebait, Tarfen, Titch, Tuck, Whim Halfling Female First Names: Caliope, Emily, Piper, Rixi, Sabretha, Teg, Tilly, Toira, Vexia, Vil, Vzani, Zanthe, Ziza Halfling Last Names: Angler, Battlestone, Blackwater, Daggersharp, Deepstrider, Hollowpot, Puddle, Raftmite, Skiprock, Silverfin, Tanglestrand, Tricker, Willowrush, Yellowcrane Tiefling Male First Names: Ankhus, Arkadi, Armarius, Armillius, Archidius, Balmoloch, Calderax, Cavian, Cenereth, Chorum, Corynax, Dacian, Daelius, Damaceus, Decimeth, Demedor, Demerian, Dynachus, Grassus, Halius, Heleph, Incirion, Kalaradian, Kamien, Kazimir, Kzandro, Machem, Maetheus, Malfias, Marchion, Menerus, Namazeus, Nensis, Prismeus, Pyranikus, Razortail, Sejanus, Severian, Suffer, Syken, Tarkus, Vaius, Xerek, Zeth, Zevon Tiefling Female First Names: Affyria, Cataclysmia, Domitia, Dorethau, Excellence, Hacari, Iritra, Lachira, Levatra, Mecretia, Milvia, Nericia, Precious, Rain, Samantia, Sunshine, Tenerife, Traya, Velavia, Zaidi, Zethaya Tiefling Last Names: Amarzian, Carnago, Domarien, Iscitan, Meluzan, Menetrian, Paradas, Romazi, Sarzan, Serechor, Shadowhorn, Szereban, Torzalan, Trelenus, Trevethor, Tryphon, Vadu, Vrago.
SHIP NAMES (some suitable for inn/tavern names)
Lantheon, Starchaser, Dryad’s Fury, Black Trident, Corellon’s Arrow, Morkoth, Koalinthas, Sehanine’s Fool, Stormcrow, Vaazrus, Shield of Khahar, Stingray, Sanaj-Rakal, Zhal-Vazir, Griffonwing, Blademark, Golden Libram, Hareth’s Barrel, Kasha’s Wake, Shining Flute, White Feather, Riventide, Moonriser, Gem of Malfier, Dragon’s Glory, Menacer, Scarlet Dagger, Kral-Tajir, Ravager, Kerle’s Drum, Heart of Avandra, Goldraker, Sea Haunt, Storm Maven, Grimbol’s Cutlass, Scimitar, Black Gauntlet, Iron Maiden, Wavecrusher, Hammer of Kavath, Waterblade, Arkhor’s Secret, Dire Gar, Prallmar’s Shadow, Piranha, Devil’s Fork, Tuersyl’s Fist, Daraj-Vzan, Silver Chalice, Demonrudder, Turathi Flame, Storm’s Eye, Tanishar’s Fate, Shard of Night, Triton, Jarak’s Grasp, Nightmare, Harpy’s Lure, Devious, Arazandro’s Bluff, Nbod’s Haul, Astaryntha, Expeditious, Curse of Thuban, Siren’s Kiss, Lonely Witch, Rat’s Nest, Evader, Mistreaver, Ven’r, Vicious, Dream of Melora, Shensari, Damilor, Krimilvin’s Charm, Bloodmonger, Lucky Scrag, Windstriker, Grim Gale, Djinni’s Wish, Flying Eel, Jewel of Irthos, Broken Keel, Javelin, Myrska’s Revenge, Fearsome, Archon’s Hammer, Vendetta, Thunderchaser, Heartless, Shrike, Morak’s Boat, Mar-Turang, Will-o’-wisp, Asha-Naga, Dominant, Shoal Courser, Crescent Moon, Crystal Tear, Kara-Vaji, Shalastar, Roc’s Talon, Wavecarver, Graethan, Rotten Apple, Bharzim’s Victory, Avarice, Farak-Changal, Falling Star, Crimson Knife, Yisek’s Ride, Shara-Vaja, Varalan’s Dweomer, Rangoth, Vostarika, Mirasandra, Second Chance, Redfeather, Maal-Destir, Scorpion, Ghorzaar’s Bane, Moonwatcher, Dragon’s Crown, Dragonhawk, Dancing Sword, Kaveth’s Whisper, Tirah, Phantom Shark, Hjeltia, Satyr, Breyten’s Thrill, Golden Coin, Pearl of Fire, Bhez-Rizma, Fireball, Color Spray, Sea Bear, Prosperous, Summer Rain, Sundowner, Skulldark’s Ire, Skandalor, Zarkanan, Sana-Losi, Wolfshark, Song of Elyndri, Coral Rose, Rune of Halendros, Maelstrom, Shadow Mask, Deep Heathen, Aurora, Rusted Cutlass, Thog’s Maul, Wooden Stake, Hellstrike, Scepter Queen, Prince of Lies, Fang of Tezmyr, White Hart, Floating Cask, Sea Howler, Frostwind, Moonshadow, Melora’s Favor, Dark Queen’s Voice, Chethel’s Ghost, Mad Hag, Tamarion’s Grudge, Raven’s Gamble, Reckoner, Wraithwind, Kalisa Tano, Beholder, Slippery Trickster, Retribution, Whirling Glyph, Lady Rose, Karthang’s Plunder, Good Fortune, Axe of Thard, Black Bow, Quickstrike, Thelandira, Hammergust, Barracuda, Sahandrian’s Quarrel, Feral Knave, Wildwyrm, Shevaya’s Honor, Blackhelm’s Legacy, Wyvern’s Sting, Dragonroar, Kegstaff, Oaken Ranger, Timber Serpent, DesperateSorceress, Screaming Gull, Greedy Drake, Light of Pelor, Fate’s Blessing, Stardancer, Leering Skull, Ebon Moon, Werewolf, Redemption, Zaetchan’s Privilege, Sea Skulk, Savage Swan, Bane’s Breath, Ghorok’s Grail, Emerald Eye, Remorseless, Skiprock, Zaetra, Silverfin, Risen Ghost, Listless, Vortex, Advantage, Autumn Song, Trystan’s Delight, Soaring Manta, Calomaar’s Edge, Saerthzal, Iron Trumpet, Locathah, Demonskull, Arrowhead, Frastain’s Bottle.
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Aasimar features
If you’re like me, one of the many things you love about D&D is the customization and the many fantastic races you get to play… But something I’ve noticed is with the Aasimar, the celestial touched being, a lot of people imagine it the same way.
The Aasimar is a man or woman with impecable beauty, almost seeming otherworldly. Yet when I see Aasimar in my campaigns or in art, a lot of people just take that to mean normal humans with alabaster or pale white skin. Now there’s nothing wrong with wanting that idea, but we don’t have to tie the idea of “otherworldly beauty” and “white skinned human” so naturally. You could have darker skin, metal skin, marble skin, etc.
I’m going to offer you interesting ways to make your Aasimar look and even bonus features they have.
1. Aasimar, not Human
Aasimar are not human, they are a seperate race entirely. Now, while it does say humans are the ones who typically give birth to Aasimar the most, that doesn’t mean only humans can. If you want your Aasimar to have elf ears, or be a dwarf, a Dragonborn, whatever race, that’s fine! They don’t take the other race stats anyways, unless you make your Aasimar a gnome, in which you make their size small instead of medium.
An Aasimar I’ve had for a few months now is the child of a tiefling family. She has light purple skin, and for her horns, she has a singular unicorn like horn that is pearlescent, alongside her nails that are almost like talons.
2. “Celestial” does not mean “Angel”
Another common misconception is that an Aasimar has to be created by an angel. Any Celestial being may create an Aasimar. Examples: Kirin, Deva, Archons, Unicorn, Pegasus, even gods.
3. Unique features
The Pathfinder book “Blood of Angels” has charts of bonus features that an Aasimar may have. You can use these in any other game as they are just flavorful descriptions of your character.
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No u!
Thank you so much for making my day! 💛💛💛
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The Addams Family renting out rooms in their huge mansion cheaply to broke college students.
The students digging it because the craziness and the bugs are pretty much the same as any other dorm house. Also, Morticia and Gomez treat them all like visiting cousins, not like tenants to abuse and exploit.
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“i wish i could go on platonic dates with people”
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when people ask where you see yourself in 10 years
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