flamingconfections · 5 years
Hey! What's the crew's opinion on space, or space related things? (You can add any minor characters you want as well!)
Before anyone else can answer, Rocket’s eyes turn to stars, and she grins widely, immediately spouting her opinion.
“ Space is amazin’! Full of unexplored things ‘n’ celestial objects that could both stretch us like spaghetti ‘n’ squash us int’ a dense ball of nothin’! Things that burn! Things that make cool shapes that us Cookies see ‘n’ think, ‘wow, that kinda looks like a jelly’!!!
There’s so much more to the sky than stars and void...Space Doughnut must’ve come from a really far away place, now that I think ‘bout it... ”
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flamingconfections · 5 years
Step on me harder, my snek noodle kiiiing~!!!!
“ Disgusting. ”
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flamingconfections · 5 years
“ Oh, do not worry about it, jewel. I promise I have it under control.
Now, for you, Anonymous... ”
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“ Such impoliteness...it’s unbecoming. ”
*Bites le snek noodle boyfriend coogie* >:33333
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“…You are really going to regret that.“
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“Do you want me to leave this cretin to you, my love? Or would you require my assistance?“
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flamingconfections · 5 years
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“ ...Is someone bothering you in an unpleasant manner? ”
Call yo snek boi. Call up yo noodle waifu. >:3
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“Cobra, my dear… I know you are busy, but I have a bit of a situation back at the shop and I need help… any chance you can send help to my aid?“
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flamingconfections · 5 years
hey sometimes you just got to cuddle your cute spider love's butt anon
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“ He is like the finest cashmere pillow known to cookiekind. ”
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flamingconfections · 5 years
...Is cobra cuddling... velvet's butt...
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“ What about it? ”
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flamingconfections · 5 years
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“ Comfy... ”
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Despite how much he dislikes his half-spider body, Velvet still takes care of it by brushing his fur regurlarly. This is his most vulnerable moment, so if anyone walks in when he’s busy… he gets quite nervous~
I no care longer about accurate spider legs poses, let me be please.
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flamingconfections · 5 years
I read flamingconfections as flamingo.......... on accident. XD
(( New blog url now flamingoconfections ))
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flamingconfections · 5 years
you know what? rocket, cobra n lobster are so intertwined with each other- like the way their dynamic works- makes it feel like if there were an au where those 3 enver met, that universe would probably blow up
(( You know what anon you’re right
(( In some way, shape, or form, they must always have something to do with each other in any universe ))
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flamingconfections · 5 years
underground lobster I go no idea if this works but if it doesn't maybe you'll be happy. *tall anon pets the antennas on the angry lobster*
“ Try that again and I’ll cut one of your fingers off for each attempt. ”
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flamingconfections · 5 years
[ Unlike Milk’s sadly-sparkling eyes, Helipilot’s gaze held nothing but blankness. Of course, it was hard to tell at all what the nurse was feeling, since the surgical mask covered up his nose and mouth. ]
“ If I may ask, how were you stabbed? It may prove useful to the medical records in the future. ”
It was late at night and Milk was injured. He immediately got to the nearest hospital alone, clutching his side from the stab wound, black blood staining his hoodie... "N-Need hospital...." It was a shame his healing was limited for today. (Up to you which Helipilot to go for.) (white-clothed-demon)
« @white-clothed-demon »
“ Sir! What happened? Are you alright? ”
[ A voice called after Milk, followed shortly by the swift footsteps of several cookies at once. A few nurses had surrounded the wounded cookie, including one with a blue surgical mask over his nose and mouth, as they all attempted to help him to one of the rooms. ]
[ The regular cookies sitting in the waiting room all looked on in shock — some staring, others whispering to each other. Nobody missed the odd sight of pitch-black jam leaking from Milk’s side. ]
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flamingconfections · 5 years
“ Of course. ”
[ Helipilot pulls up a chair from the corner of the room, placing it by the bedside and sitting in it. ]
“ I’ll keep you company for a while. ”
It was late at night and Milk was injured. He immediately got to the nearest hospital alone, clutching his side from the stab wound, black blood staining his hoodie... "N-Need hospital...." It was a shame his healing was limited for today. (Up to you which Helipilot to go for.) (white-clothed-demon)
« @white-clothed-demon »
“ Sir! What happened? Are you alright? ”
[ A voice called after Milk, followed shortly by the swift footsteps of several cookies at once. A few nurses had surrounded the wounded cookie, including one with a blue surgical mask over his nose and mouth, as they all attempted to help him to one of the rooms. ]
[ The regular cookies sitting in the waiting room all looked on in shock — some staring, others whispering to each other. Nobody missed the odd sight of pitch-black jam leaking from Milk’s side. ]
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flamingconfections · 5 years
“ No worries. I’m here to make you feel better and comfortable. There’s really nothing to be afraid of. ”
[ He comes up to the side of the bed. ]
“ What’s your request? ”
It was late at night and Milk was injured. He immediately got to the nearest hospital alone, clutching his side from the stab wound, black blood staining his hoodie... "N-Need hospital...." It was a shame his healing was limited for today. (Up to you which Helipilot to go for.) (white-clothed-demon)
« @white-clothed-demon »
“ Sir! What happened? Are you alright? ”
[ A voice called after Milk, followed shortly by the swift footsteps of several cookies at once. A few nurses had surrounded the wounded cookie, including one with a blue surgical mask over his nose and mouth, as they all attempted to help him to one of the rooms. ]
[ The regular cookies sitting in the waiting room all looked on in shock — some staring, others whispering to each other. Nobody missed the odd sight of pitch-black jam leaking from Milk’s side. ]
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flamingconfections · 5 years
“ Just doing my job. ”
[ Helipilot responds nonchalantly, taking one more note of Milk’s vitals before looking over to Milk himself. ]
“ I didn’t expect a supernatural cookie to come stumbling through those doors today, but here we are...I will ask again — do you need anything else? ”
It was late at night and Milk was injured. He immediately got to the nearest hospital alone, clutching his side from the stab wound, black blood staining his hoodie... "N-Need hospital...." It was a shame his healing was limited for today. (Up to you which Helipilot to go for.) (white-clothed-demon)
« @white-clothed-demon »
“ Sir! What happened? Are you alright? ”
[ A voice called after Milk, followed shortly by the swift footsteps of several cookies at once. A few nurses had surrounded the wounded cookie, including one with a blue surgical mask over his nose and mouth, as they all attempted to help him to one of the rooms. ]
[ The regular cookies sitting in the waiting room all looked on in shock — some staring, others whispering to each other. Nobody missed the odd sight of pitch-black jam leaking from Milk’s side. ]
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flamingconfections · 5 years
“ Oh, dear. ”
[ Rather than sounding worried, those words came out in a way that made it sound like Milk’s dying heart was more of an inconvenience than anything else. Still, he had a job to do, so Helipilot did what he could to keep Milk’s heart going — and that included resuscitation. ]
[ Actually, he kind of wondered how a stab wound to the side could affect the heart. Maybe it was poisoned, or just the general shock of it...Oh well. Either way, Helipilot did several rounds of chest compressions just so he wouldn’t lose his job from not trying. ]
“ Come on, now. Make an effort to live here. ”
It was late at night and Milk was injured. He immediately got to the nearest hospital alone, clutching his side from the stab wound, black blood staining his hoodie... "N-Need hospital...." It was a shame his healing was limited for today. (Up to you which Helipilot to go for.) (white-clothed-demon)
« @white-clothed-demon »
“ Sir! What happened? Are you alright? ”
[ A voice called after Milk, followed shortly by the swift footsteps of several cookies at once. A few nurses had surrounded the wounded cookie, including one with a blue surgical mask over his nose and mouth, as they all attempted to help him to one of the rooms. ]
[ The regular cookies sitting in the waiting room all looked on in shock — some staring, others whispering to each other. Nobody missed the odd sight of pitch-black jam leaking from Milk’s side. ]
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flamingconfections · 5 years
[ He sighed. After adjusting the IV, he nurse took a pen light and spread one of Milk’s eyelids open, shining the light directly into it to gauge a reaction from his pupils. ]
“ If you can hear me, try to curl your left hand into a fist. ”
It was late at night and Milk was injured. He immediately got to the nearest hospital alone, clutching his side from the stab wound, black blood staining his hoodie... "N-Need hospital...." It was a shame his healing was limited for today. (Up to you which Helipilot to go for.) (white-clothed-demon)
« @white-clothed-demon »
“ Sir! What happened? Are you alright? ”
[ A voice called after Milk, followed shortly by the swift footsteps of several cookies at once. A few nurses had surrounded the wounded cookie, including one with a blue surgical mask over his nose and mouth, as they all attempted to help him to one of the rooms. ]
[ The regular cookies sitting in the waiting room all looked on in shock — some staring, others whispering to each other. Nobody missed the odd sight of pitch-black jam leaking from Milk’s side. ]
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flamingconfections · 5 years
[ The routine of treating a seriously-injured patient was run through — lay him down, check the injury for anything concerning (other than the jam color of course), stop the bleeding, wrap him up — it all went by in a blur. When Milk was declared safely stable, they left him alone in the room. ]
[ Well, not completely alone...The nurse with the blue surgical mask stayed behind to watch over him in case of any further complications. ]
“ Do you need anything else, sir? ”
[ He asked while adjusting the IV drip of painkillers that the other nurses had jammed into Milk’s arm a while earlier. His voice was slightly muffled by the mask. But it was calm and reassuring. ]
It was late at night and Milk was injured. He immediately got to the nearest hospital alone, clutching his side from the stab wound, black blood staining his hoodie... "N-Need hospital...." It was a shame his healing was limited for today. (Up to you which Helipilot to go for.) (white-clothed-demon)
« @white-clothed-demon »
“ Sir! What happened? Are you alright? ”
[ A voice called after Milk, followed shortly by the swift footsteps of several cookies at once. A few nurses had surrounded the wounded cookie, including one with a blue surgical mask over his nose and mouth, as they all attempted to help him to one of the rooms. ]
[ The regular cookies sitting in the waiting room all looked on in shock — some staring, others whispering to each other. Nobody missed the odd sight of pitch-black jam leaking from Milk’s side. ]
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