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fl3sh34t3r · 4 months ago
(Ooc: this blog isn't quite active now but im still gonna reblog this !!
enidan lore,,,)
"By Your Side."
Do you remember what you told me that day?
It was a very long time ago.
Yet...I remember it like it was yesterday.
You've always seemed so concerned over my well being.
More concerned than my own mother has ever been for me.
Or in fact, anyone.
It was something new to me, something unknown.
That I just couldn't understand...
What exactly did you want from me?
While I was talking to you, I ended up asking
"What do you want me to do?"
If I did what you wanted...
You wouldn't be so worried about me.
You would be happier instead.
That's what I thought when I made that question.
"I want you to be happy!"
That was your response.
I was confused. Surprised.
You then continued.
"I want you to do things that make you happy. Be the person you want to be. Wear the things you like, do the hobbies you enjoy, go to the places you want to go, be yourself!"
"I want you to live for yourself, just like the great one promised me!"
"Now go on, be happy!"
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I've never felt so shocked in my life until at that moment.
To hear those words.
I have never thought I would've heard someone else tell me that.
But, if that's what you desired from me...
I'll be staying at your side.
Because I'm at my happiest.
When I'm with you.
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Even if I'm shattered,
ripped into pieces,
have my face teared apart...
I won't be leaving your side.
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Saying this kind of stuff aren't usually my thing.
I'll do everything I can to assist you.
I'll be by your side
Till the end of time
That's a promise, okay dear?
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me when me and my bestie end up experiencing the horrors (we still fw with each other) :
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anyways um,,,
oc lore ! yipee :3
anyways um,,,this was indeed based off on some things posted on Catjammii's twitter ! including the cleave and other things !
like this one,,,
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also, the lil drawings in between were based off on this as well,,,
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there's also another post from catjammii's which was basically different versions of folly- catjammii said in a reply its how she thinks of herself so i kinda just referenced one of the versions in the last drawing- however i currently can't find the post uh oh,,,
I KNOW ITS THERE im just having trouble scrolling all the way down sobs
anyways uh, i hope you enjoyed reading this :3 yip yip !
(i currently have to do some school work quickly rn- so uh yeah ! ;D stressed out rn but it will be okay !!)
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fl3sh34t3r · 4 months ago
[Going to an orchard today but since it's early decided to give dis ~ Em]
Cole: "Hey Enidan, I heard it was your birthday so I made you this."
*Cole just casually gives Enidan a necklace made out of teeth*
~ @throughoutuniverseswego
". . ."
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*Enidan stared at the necklace for a bit, holding it in her hand and touching the necklace as if it was a delicate object. After a moment, it then responded*
"...it's...nice, thank you, hon."
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"...whose teeth did you rip out for this, hm?"
*Enidan teased as she hummed, looking down at Cole as she continued holding the necklace in their hand, chuckling*
uh yeah right now for me its not the 29th but idc !! its still Enidan's Birthday !!! 24 hours is NOT ENOUGH !!!
reason why im saying that is just to keep myself calm for not finishing what i was making for Enidan in time,,,
seriously i am SO MAD at my school for giving us so many tests- WE HAVE A TEST TODAY !!! ONE DAY BEFORE HALLOWEEN!! WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT IS THAT !!!! IM ANGRY!!!!!! >:(((( NOT EVEN AN EASY ONE MAN)
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fl3sh34t3r · 4 months ago
happy birthday enidan!!!!!
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*Enidan ended up quickly putting her mask on as she turned around to look at you, confused*
"...excuse me?"
"...hm. You're not supposed to know my birthday...how...strange."
"...there's no way you ended up sneaking around in my lair to find out about that information now, did you dear?"
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"ah ah ! it was me ! i found about ur birthday on a calendar u left there at ur desk!! :3 u didnt exactly try to hide it... :b"
"also happy birthday enidan!!! :D"
"...I...must've forgot to put it back then...hm."
"...how bothersome..."
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"oh!! since we talking about it, i wanna ask u about the photo you left at the desk as well!"
"...A photo?"
"mhm! there was a photo there! there were three people in it but one of their faces was covered andd there seemed to be something written on it in a different language and- ah the question!"
"um- i wanted to ask why do u even have that photo? :o"
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"...it's nothing."
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jokes aside- uh, you definitely noticed Enidan wearing different clothes! its not a redesign tho- i just wanted to make her wear different clothes for her birthday :b
but they're not actually random clothes i picked ! this was actually how Enidan was gonna supposed to look at first! This was one of the first clothes i picked out for her when i started to design her,,,in fact, i have some old doodles of her wearing this in my notebook! here u go !!
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this is a more old doodle- just when i was trying to figure out her design still :3
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this is after when i settled with the design she has now ! more of like,,,a small redesign of one of the firsts designs i had of enidan lol
also also OOOO LORE??? LORE AT END??
yeah i can't have this woman happy in her own birthday guys im sorry
btw, i did actually write something there on the photo !! like creamy puff already mentioned- its in a different language, so you'll have to translate it !!
anyways, happy birthday Enidan !!! yip yip !)
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fl3sh34t3r · 5 months ago
(Ooc : reblogging this bcs why not,,,
this is the only time im drawing enidan with a ":3" face iM NOT DOING IT AGAIN !!!!)
look at the cat guys isn't it wonderful
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fl3sh34t3r · 5 months ago
(Ooc: sorry for not posting here !! I've been more tired lately so i kinda just stopped posting here for a bit :b
anyways um,,,have an Enidan fact !!
so if u saw my last post- u likely noticed how different Enidan was in the past ! like a completely different person ! so here's something about her in the past,,
Enidan has curly hair and- in the past, they used to straighten it, resulting in the look shown in the last post and here as well !
Currently, Enidan does indeed have damaged curly hair ! [it's probably not obvious ik im not sure how to show it exactly through her design,,,] however, now she doesn't straighten it, and it's very unlikely she ever will :3
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also !! i do have some things planned rn !! For Enidan's birthday AND spoopy month !! Very likely soon i'll be showing the halloween costumes for Enidan and my other three regretevator ocs soo,,,look out for that ! :b
also psst,,,to the person that sent the rp ask- not saying ur name just in case but if u see this, iM SORRY FOR NOT RESPONDING FOR LIKE A WEEK- AS SOON AS I SHOW ENIDAN'S COSTUME HERE OR ON MY MAIN I'LL RESPOND- SORRY AGAIN- 😞😞 i'll respond soon !! you're currently the only ask i have in my inbox rn so i'll likely respond right after i make the halloween costumes post thingy :3)
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fl3sh34t3r · 5 months ago
(Ooc : soo,,,i've seen the Dreamer [aka Folly,,,Catjammi ended up confirming in one of the replies that they're not different people sjdbf-] and,,,i did in fact notice how shorter Dreamer was besides Folly ! And- I'm pretty sure Dreamer is a bit shorter than Enidan from the past,,,so, I ended up making this during classes ! :3
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sorry Enidan lol, sometimes u have to be the shorter bestie !
also, yes, in the first image, that is indeed Enidan from the past ! And what is scribbled out besides her is her actual name- which im not revealing yet ! :b btw its face is like that bECAUSE IM NOT REVEALING IT !!! you'll only get to see its eye for now ! :3
[psst, i may actually end up revealing her face soon in this month,,,:D so yay !!! its either im revealing it on my main account,,, or here ! if i do reveal it on my main account tho, i will reblog that post here ! :b]
[ACK long info thing here under cut,,,its kinda important info but feel free to ignore !]
also, im just gonna say this here- Enidan's lore with Folly can end up changing ! Now of course- they'll still remain as its assistant but how they met, how they interacted before, etc,,,can end up changing ! the reason why is because- i am also trying to figure out Folly's lore ! since Folly isn't my character- i am usually analyzing a ton of stuff with Folly to figure out her lore and stuff :b because of that, it's likely i'll be changing parts of Enidan's lore the more i find out of Folly's lore to have it at least more accurate :3 remember !!! I made Enidan during JUNE and the first time i posted about her was in JULY i believe!!!! so stuff will end up changing !! i want to keep things accurate and improve on parts of her story, so expect some changes !! if anything, it's likely i'll change stuff that has Folly involved, so,,,if there's any lore-related ask with Folly- there's not going to be a definitive answer,,,of course, i'll be responding to the ask still but the answer to that ask may end up changing in the future,,,so pls, remember that !!!
that's all i wanted to say :3)
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fl3sh34t3r · 5 months ago
(Ooc : soo,,,i ended up deciding to cosplay Enidan on roblox ! its for october, spoopy month :3 i changed my avatar just yesterday actually and then decided to play regretevator after ! here's some drawings to show what happened -
[Minor Blood Warning On Second Image]
It's not too bad tho dw!! It isnt really detailed- but i put the warning just in case !! ;D
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[v Below Cut Has The Second Image !!]
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yeah so,,,i kinda just accidentally killed like 5 people in Regretevator,,,?? I SWEAR I DIDNT DO IT ON PURPOSE PLEASE !!! IT JUST HAPPENED 😞😞😞😞
i got too much in character, idk,,,i do feel bad genuinely-
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Also YES!!! i know the cosplay is not exactly accurate to Enidan's design but that's because there isn't many accurate stuff that i could find for Enidan- and i can't do much about that,,,i just gotta use the items that are closely accurate to Enidan's design- which, btw, was pretty hard to find ! :b Catalog Avatar Creator is basically my saviour on making outfits on roblox- :D)
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fl3sh34t3r · 5 months ago
Ooc question:
Theoretically, if Enidan let someone pet it, would they purr??
(Ooc : well,,,i never thought about it honestly but here's ur answer !
technically no because Enidan can't purr since,,,it ain't an actual cat- however, she can in fact make a sound similar to purring! It just,,,maybe sounds a bit more scary,,,than comforting like a cat- :3
Its very unlikely tho they would "purr" tho,,,its likely she would just refuse to do that- :b if anything, its more likely she would just stare at you intensely while u pet it, and look at you while obviously slightly annoyed at u,,,because she isn't really a big fan of touch and stuff- :b its most likely it ain't even letting anyone pet her,,,u gotta be someone she's close with and get along with very well- even then, they may still get slightly annoyed at u for wanting to do that even after allowing it,,,
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however with Folly- she's the one that Enidan trusts the most and its very unlikely for it to get upset at Folly ! It's more likely she'll be confused if Folly pets her but- in rare moments, it may "purr",,,depending on how it feels at that moment !
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In a more short response : it depends on who u are and how she feels at the moment ! :3)
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fl3sh34t3r · 5 months ago
(Ooc : here's a more funny fact um
Cat Enidan
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why this car so angry bruh
so one time, when i was making a drawing to respond to an ask here, i was trying to draw like,,,the expression on her face, and in one of my attempts at drawing the expressions,,,it was this ! v
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for me, she looked like an angry cat and i thought it was funny,,,i mean look at it !! they look goofy with that face !! :3
of course i did re-did the expression because it wasn't what i was going for but i still thought it was funny,,,
have that funny fact and Cat Enidan for now :3)
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fl3sh34t3r · 5 months ago
(Ooc: here's a fun fact for u guys :3
Enidan was kind of based on a song,,,kind of though- the song im talking about is "Eat you" by Caravan Of Thieves ! Now- she isN'T COMPLETELY BASED OFF THE SONG,,,i already had a concept of her character drawn and other things before i started to like repeatedly listen to that song lol- :b the song did help me develop her character more better tho ! :3 if u listened to the song, you can probably see how much it fits her :D
now, are there other songs that fits her? YESS !!!! in fact I'm gonna put some songs here that do fit her ! not all of them tho cause some are very lore related- like very,,,technically these are also lore related tho-
"Psycho Killer" by Talking Heads
"Villain" by Stella Jang
"Fight for Me" by AlicebanD
"I Can't Decide" by Scissor Sisters
"ビノミ(Binomi)" by MARETU
that's all the ones im gonna say for now :3 there are others but i don't wanna make this too long & some are very lore-related,,,
anyways, have this sketch i made of Enidan !!! I was listening to Psycho Killer while drawing this :D
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that's all !! :3)
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fl3sh34t3r · 5 months ago
(Ooc : little random fact,,,
Enidan can get a lot more aggressive depending on how hungry she is,,,the more hungry she is, the more aggressive she gets
however if they are STARVING, like STARVING A LOT,,,at that point, it is fully aggressive,,,any person she sees at that point, they are seen as food to it. Doesn't matter if maybe it knows the person, when it is in this state,,,they just don't really recognize absolutely anyone and would just see them as a piece of meat to eat
Now it is,,,almost impossible to have her starve- Enidan indeed already has a lot of food to eat, and even if for some reason they couldn't get any victims for days- it would just instead just go for animals and/or bugs to eat,,,she doesn't only just eat people y'know-? :b
however, still, have a drawing of her if she was in fact, in this aggressive state,,,i would've drawn it with another pose but i kinda gave up and just drew this more simple one- :3
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there are other ways to get them to be very aggressive btw,,,them starving is just one of them- :D
its better for her to never be in this state actually,,,or she would go on a murder spree if it does happen- which uh,,,btw, Enidan could probably murder 20 people in less than 15 minutes,,,so yeah, that ain't good)
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fl3sh34t3r · 5 months ago
[Ooc but I thought this would be funny]:
Cole 🤝 Enidan
(Ooc : traumatized gang less gooo 💯💯🔥🔥
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Creamy Puff is literally the only oc i have posted about that has no trauma and has a pretty good life, GIRLY IS LUCKY !!! SHE GETS TO BE SILLY AND HAPPY FOR LIKE MOST OF HER LIFE !!!)
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fl3sh34t3r · 5 months ago
(Ooc : here's a lore fact for u guys,,,
Enidan doesn't have a very "good" relationship with her family, in fact, it's likely she'll mostly avoid talking about them if the topic is brought up, no matter who u are !
here's a little comic i did about it in my notebook in fact ! It's mostly just a sketch so,,,expect some mistakes in it, i did it during classes so that's why- :b im gonna put what they're saying here so it can be more understandable btw !! i am gonna change some tho so the ones shown in the image may not be accurate to what I'm writing here- :b)
Creamy Puff : "hey enidan !!"
Enidan : "...?"
Creamy Puff : "my mom gave me a basket full of berries and i wanted to ask if u would like any?? :D they're pretty fresh !!"
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Enidan : Ah...no thanks hon.
Enidan : ...you sure do visit your mom a lot, dear.
Creamy Puff : of course !! I love my mom, shes so caring and kind and helped me out so much !! :D
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Creamy Puff : what about you enidan ? :3
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Creamy Puff : what about your mom? do u ever visit her...? i dont think you ever mentioned her before :o
Enidan : ...
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Enidan : "ah...well...about that..."
Enidan : "She's...dead."
Creamy puff : "...oh"
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Creamy Puff : "...im...so sorry about that :("
Enidan : "...you don't need to apologize. There's no need for it."
Enidan : "...it's best for it to be this way anyways..."
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Creamy Puff : "what do you mean by that ?? :s"
Enidan : "..."
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Enidan : "..."
Enidan : "...nevermind."
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(Ooc : there's likely gonna be more posts about her family in the future,,,they are quite an important part of its lore- :b so maybe expect some more posts related to them,,,
also !! u can always send asks btw !! i don't have any currently in my inbox rn ;D that's all !! :3)
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fl3sh34t3r · 5 months ago
(Ooc : might as well reblog this !! :3 also, pls do choose!! I will really appreciate it !! ^^)
have a silly wholesome drawing of Enidan and,,,a bunch of follys :3
no, this is not intended to be ship art btw !! however if u want, u can take it as that :D
(i am aware there's at least one person out there who ships my oc with folly,,,yes i am looking at u, that one anon that sent me that ask of Folly and Enidan being girlfriends on my enidan rp blog,,,u know who u are :3)
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also,,,just gonna put a poll here,,,pls choose one, it will determine my next art post,,,
putting it on a week just in case !! but if i feel like it had enough votes, i'll likely make the art post under a week !! just letting u know !!
ahem, anyways!! here's the original image that i used for the drawing !! :3
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also, a few different versions of the drawing under the cut, mainly just less effects and stuff- :b
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that's all !! :3
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fl3sh34t3r · 5 months ago
(Ooc : I have another Enidan fact for u guys today !
She's always watching.)
I had to make this after seeing the folly trailer s.2,,,
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guys i swear my oc Enidan was there,,,look !! right there at the distance !! she's real !!/j
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this is a joke btw (enidan isn't actually real in regretevator,,,wa) however this is a direct screenshot to the vid- idk if anyone else can see it but u can kinda see actual light dots on the vid,,,now they were indeed just there on the screen for like most of the vid- pretty sure it may be just smth with the filter but i decided to use it to just make the stupid joke i did :b djdnfbf,,,,
this was basically just some quick drawings i decided to make after seeing the teaser- :3 it was pretty simple but i am pretty happy with the results ^-^ yip yipee !
also, here's the link to the video ! :D
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fl3sh34t3r · 5 months ago
(Ooc : hey ! did u know,,,Enidan's birthday is kind of getting closer? :3
a month away !! Its birthday is on October 29th! now,,,how old she is stays unknown though,,,just know that they're old- probably old enough to be your mom, maybe even grandma if you're a very young kid !!- [i hope there aren't any actual young kids here um,,,]
i do plan to do something for her birthday !! just to let u know :3
anyways, have this silly drawing sketch of Enidan and a bunch of Follys !! btw no this isn't a ship !! :b i just wanted to make something wholesome cuz i do plan to post some Enidan angst and also Folly angst soon,,,i am not gonna say much more but expect some angst posted of one of these two after i finish this drawing and post it on my main account !! :3
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also, here's the original image!! :D
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sjsnbdf that's all :3)
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fl3sh34t3r · 5 months ago
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evil person EATER!!!!!!!!!
(I think shes awesome :3 )
"...well, that's one way to describe me, hehe...but...hm?
"...huh...a drawing of me?"
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"Tch...such a mocking piece. The way you drew my head...my face...arms...grngh... It's...pretty unpleasant to look at."
"...I wonder what kind of idiotic bravery you had to show me...this. Hm."
"...perhaps the rats would enjoy eating this, after i throw this in the garbage...where it belongs."
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[Several minutes later]
*It is now an art piece nailed to the wall*
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btw, enidan does actually love drawings of herself- there's probably some types she wouldn't like but goofy drawings are something she likes :3 reminds her of some past memories !! however, she'll still end up acting rude,,,she's just a meanie pls don't actually listen to her jsjdndnrn :((
anyways um,,,if u guys could it would be so cool if u make art of enidan and show them to me plspls i really love it when people draw my silly ocs :3
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