fkehppys · 4 days
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STANDING IN THE MIDDLE of the field, the blonde's line of sight was focused on something other than the goal post for what appeared to be the 30th time in the span of twenty minutes, the urge from her teammates to ' kick the ball ' spurring her into action before she once again was lost in a very ' live ' day dream that had a particularly curly headed american starring in it. waving with one of her hands, she ignored the cries of her name as she ran over to where he stood. cheeks flushed a bright shade of pink and long blond hair put up in a messy pony tail, with loose framing hair pieces that clouded ocean colored eyes once in a while, coming to find her place between them a laugh slipped past her lips as she caught the last words her TRUSTY and BELOVED boydguard spoke. " lars, loves the dancing. " she stated with a playful tilt of her chin. " absolutely is the life of the party. " she mused with a roll of her shoulders, the informal way in which the princess treated the man who'd been protecting her from before she could form a coherent thought made way for notice of the obvious bond between. ' he is going, aren't you mr. wyatt? miss arianna is going too. ' and with a light shove, the man pushed the young girl towards the boy, an action that made the prominent activity provoked blush to turn into one induced by an OBVIOUS crush, and inexperience which perhaps was a testament to her lack of care for many of the willing who surrounded her most of her life. there was little to no attention spared for erik, who's scowl was so prominent one would think he was born that way. " he is making me " she gestured towards the burly man who shook his head. " very dedicated to having an AUTHENTIC uni experience. " another laugh slipped nude lips. " promise to save you a song if you come.... " her thought was lost as she distracted herself with the hand that had gone up to gently push the lanky boy's dark raven curls out of his eyes, in a silent attempt to see that dreamy hazel, she'd now spent countless nights dreaming about. " it will be fun yes? ⸺ and america has them no? for everything... i saw it on television once. "
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          blades of emerald green that ushered in the spring season sprawled across the football field like the sea, a perfectly manicured one, and wyatt, the boy with dark brown curls and white hightop converse sat by the edge. one such blade between index finger and thumb, picked apart as if here was playing a game. she likes me. she likes me not. she likes — suddenly, a thud! the black and white ball pushed against his leg and the tall blonde he'd expected to see was replaced by the nightmarish bully, tall, brunette and with a sneer so common place amongst his features it should have been etched in like a sculptor does with a chisel and marble.  “ well? ” erik snapped, large open palms waving as if he hadn't found mere eye contact alone as acceptable attention. legs uncrossed as he pushed the base of his heel against the ball to kick it back, a failed attempt that sent the ball only a few paces in front of him. “ i didn't know you played. ” he noted mildly, prompting another tall blond norwegian to jog over, the one who had squeezed him so tightly it left him to question how much american southern hospitality had to step up their game, but that also caused a split second thought of the new ' mom ' replacement back in new york. she was nice, hardly living up to a disney villainous step mother expectation. she was a good cook and made his father happy, but she had a son and his picture was plastered everywhere last wyatt visited that he almost felt required to dislike him by the simple fact that he got a fridge magnet photo from his twelfth birthday.  “ you're going to the dancing? ” lars asked as confusion visibly etched across wyatt's features. “ the one next two ... three weeks from today. ” lars added, wiping sweat from his brow with the back of his plam.  “ i did't know that was a college thing here. ” wyatt admitted and once again, erik had found fault with the novice american. truthfully he would have found fault with anything he did or would do.  “ does everyone go? ” wyatt's inquiriy was met with a unison ' yes ' and ' no ' from the oslo university soccer clad jersey boys.
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location … olso university, norway , featuring … arianna nielsen  ( @fkehppys )
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fkehppys · 4 days
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location .... croatia , featuring .... mateo kovacic ( @justdarlings )
LIFE HAD GONE FROM FAIRY-TALE to normal quite easily, the fascination with the ' quiet book shop girl ' had faded just as quickly at it had come ⸺ the end of her relationship with mateo kovacic, had brought back a certain peace to leyla's life, that she hadn't realized she missed until she'd gotten it back. it did however come at a cost and that was the politician's absence whom despite her BEST efforts she still loved but it was because of that love that she'd done what she did. breaking his heart, had to be one of the top five most difficult things, if not the MOST difficult thing she had ever been faced with doing, but the consequences of not doing so were simply far higher than she was sure he could afford to pay and so she'd done what she did BEST, and that was run. she ran in the other direction as far as she could, with the knowledge that her dreamt of ' happily ever after ' only happened in the pages of the novels she'd read and the many realities that lived in her head. her un scheduled but very scheduled trip had come at the PERFECT time, a clean get away had been what she was after except that only a few weeks passed since her return to spain, that she'd begun to feel the consequences of what often happened in a relationship when two people were in love. the news shouldn't have been as much of a shock as it was, but it had CHANGED everything, strengthened, leyla novak was pregnant and she would fight for her child ⸺ tooth and nail if the need arose. three months in and the young woman wasn't showing much, if only the hint of a protruding belly was visible as she shook the key's to her tiny little book shop, which had remained closed for the time she was away, opening her cat carrier she allowed ' max ' her dingy orange tabby cat out before inserting to keys, and she closed her eyes momentarily regardless of where she ran to, this was HOME, and it was hers... well theirs and it was that small moment that allowed her to close her eyes if only briefly because the weight and sound of shoes against a cobbled floor did make her jump. her turn towards him was slow, but the scent of his cologne ( the one she had claimed as a favorite ) was irrefutable and it was that fact that kept her from looking up, even as she turned to face him, all that sadness she'd felt over leaving him had rushed back, the guilt of not trusting him with the REAL reason why did too, now added to the fault she felt in keeping what she knew was his child from him. " we're closed... " that was cynical of her, maybe even bold but what else was she meant to say, her shop was closed and so was the chapter written by her in his life ⸺ so what more could he want? and why must it be NOW that he decided to waltz back into her world, especially as she pushed herself to look up and meet the blue of his gaze, he was still dastardly handsome and that face brought a pain to her heart one that she wasn't sure she'd ever get over, not in a million lifetimes. " and i should like to think that your ADVISORS, would find a much better place for your reading needs. " catty? maybe, but her feelings towards his aunt and those who surrounded him were no secret, one she hadn't hidden during their relationship and one she wouldn't hide now, that it was over.
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fkehppys · 1 month
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧, 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭. skopelos, greece starter for: clara damgaard (@justdarlings)
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THE ILLUMINATING RAY OF SUNSHINE snuck through the small opening in ugly mustard yellow curtains, warming the sleeping american's face and letting him know that the time to get up had come. an irritated groan slipped the young man's lips, only to quickly turn into a smile as he realized that his right arm was caught underneath the gentle weight of a particular silvery blonde. things between them had escalated rather quickly ⸺ blame it on their ' romantic surroundings ' the beach, the sun, the simple fact that nobody knew either of them. this trip had been about running for theodore, except he hadn't realized that he had in fact been running to someone until he'd met her. it was a welcomed surprise, which despite their heated arguments and obvious difference something about them just worked. he pressed his lips against her forehead in a gentle kiss, the arm that was wrapped around her pushing her closer to him as he did his best to adjust to his ' assigned side ' of the bed they shared. eyes still closed, only fluttered open when they heard her stir beside him. " told ya... i'd wake up first. " he teased the obviously sleepy girl beside him. " so that will be one breakfast. " he added with a snort, the competitive nature of their relationship had been revealed fast, but it was in the man's opinion, exhilarating. " morning, gorgeous... " his voice trailed again, and a gentle kiss was placed at the tip of her nose.
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fkehppys · 1 month
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OCEAN COLORED EYES LOOKED down to meet the reflective and knowing nature of the croatian's own. how the italian LOATHED that, the ability that this one particular girl had to unravel him in seconds, be it by a look, a sharp word or simply standing next to him. massimo battista was not made for such inconveniences and that idea of ' ever lasting love ' the kind of love he'd seen drive his very best friend into the grips of addiction ⸺ that made him fearful. not knowing what it could all mean, but feeling it just the same, that unpredictable variable that madlena kovacic brought into his life, and the way he so readily invited her brand of STRUCTURED chaos into her life, the very same he couldn't control, he'd never been able to. not that it would stop him from trying, no in fact it was that sense of exposure that brought out the NEED to have the upper hand, to always have the bigger card to play. " careful now bella, do not push for things, you do not mean. " and he knew she didn't mean it. if there was one thing he still understood it was her need to play to appearances. " you never know, i may feel charitable enough to SHARE that little notebook of yours. i'm sure that arianna would LOVE to get to know you better. " because that was a side of the ballerina that the norwegian had not seen, that he knew and he could play with that.. even if he'd never actually go through with it. " but by all means, if you truly do feel like initiating a truth circle let's start there.. at least my BEST FRIEND knows all my dirty laundry. "
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" I KNOW... " the blonde mumbled, ivory cheeks flushed red a reminder of their previous entertaining activity. the reality of thing setting in, the same reality that the norwegian crown had been working so hard to push away, to forget. because she needed to, she wanted to and yet even getting lost in the embrace of the ONE person who knew it all did nothing to silence the very loud thoughts in her head, no she needed something else. still she remained close to him, arms wrapping around his neck for a second as the familiar feeling of stinging eyes came back, the hug that came was both a need to feel him close and the need to hide ⸺ if only momentarily. she allowed silence to engulf them for a bit, the only sound to be heard was the one of them breathing and that was comforting. sadness did linger in her silence, but she mustered a smile as she pulled back, her blue eyes finding the hazel of his and her hand came to tangle itself in between his skinny fingers. " i think... " her voice trailed. " i think we need a DRINK. " or thirty but that wasn't going to be discussed. " we'll see them later. " and by they, she meant their best friends and their room situation, one which was about to get a whole lot more complicated, as that pesky hall camera tape, the one the princess had already forgotten made it's way into the public sphere. " and maybe something a little bit STRONGER... " the mumbled sentence came in a whisper, and without explanation although... she was sure that she didn't need to explain, not really. " maybe. "
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          this game always had a double edged sword in what made it so thrilling as if to walk the ledge of a building with ballet satin shoes and steps so precise and perfect that a single gust of wind could end it all — they knew each other. it was not some shallowed version either, but as madlena came to admit one night tucked away under the down comforter one cold evening in a bolshoi academy dorm room,  massimo battista  was the only one allotted to see the sins she committed, because she had with him. a dangerous game that caused her heart to beat a little faster as she met the taunting gaze. “ how very convenient for you, changing your mind as much as you change girlfriends. ” at least, such assumption had been insinuated by the societe's tabloid post a few months back. “ shall i dare you? ” she paused with expectance in her wait. “ to tell them . . . but you won't. ” a smile soon possessed her features, pulling at the corners to expose her pearl white teeth, “ maybe i will. ” suddenly, it was madlena who had turned to pry the door open and slipped through the ajar opening to the hall where she stood with chocolate brown curls moving in tandem with each turn of head left and right. in theory, her defiance seemed far more of a grand plan when she assumed she held the knowledge of which direction they were in. left it was.
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          to hide crimson flushed cheeks or to laugh, it was a mixed emotion stirring in his belly and whichever came first surely the other would follow, but relief had been what fell over the american the moment the french bellhop made an exit stage left with profanity leaving his lips and hand gestures that more than made up for anything he needed to convey that wyatt wouldn't have understood.  a universal language.  and laughter. the sort that came from moments not to be repeated but seared into a memory as unforgettable. but sobriety was a harsh reality, it fell only after laughter that caused tears in the eyes had gone quiet, and as if he'd smacked onto the ground below, the realization had come with an overwhelming urge to remove them from the camera's sight. he fumbled, pale hands with prominent bones revealed at even the slightest movement of fingers attempted to tuck and zip and hide from the security camera view — but to ignore what had gone unfinished was something done out of sacrifice for any further embarrassment, at least in the hall. “ i'm, ” his lips pressed to hers. where words failed and desire still remained like the flicker of a candle's wick that had never truly extinguished. if only the two who still remained there in the hall knew the french bellhop had pulled the security footage, now in the white gloved hands of a man willing to trade to the highest bidder, likely fisk corp.
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fkehppys · 1 month
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IT HAD BEEN AWKWARD LIKE something out of someone else's story that grace wasn't meant to see ⸺ nothing short of how she felt about her life on an ordinary day. but this was a silent hurt one, that she had been WARNED about countless times, but that she had just been too blind to see, just not anymore. she'd caught those ' longing glances ' the silent exchange between who was supposed to be the FAMED cold-stoned bach heiress and the geeky boy who the rising star had once likened to her own version of ' prince charming. ' ignoring the wise words of her croatian best friend and the norwegian blonde who seemed to know her boyfriend better than well.. anyone else alive really. the thought made her stomach sink, and thus left her unable to render a coherent word, the mellow yellow lighting of the hotel bach tower, was haunting in a heavy sense that the brunette wasn't quite sure how to describe, however it hadn't been until a line of ' rushing bell boys and hostesses ' had greeted her, that she realized.... she was imposing, she was the PAUPER in this scenario, not the princess and as the constant ' miss bach's ' slipped past worried lips, the idea hadn't sunk in. all she could do was shake her head, only looking back at the danish prince when he spoke directly to her. " no... " she paused. " she said... " another pause, a huff slipping past her lips as she did her best to find her footing. " sure, let's eat something. "
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          it was with a brow so furrowed that his eyes were nearly covered by the bushy unkept hairs. there was a literal and metaphorical tug in two directions and only when he felt gracie's hand pull did vidar finally turn to the girl. “ you're hungry? yeah, we should . . . ” he gulped down that feeling that sat in his throat like a lump, the one that wanted to push his feet forward and take off running, but reality had halted him here. stuck like quicksand and left to another ' what if ' vidar just gave a thin tightlipped smile as he turned, his back to them. a bandaid torn, ripping off what remained between dane and her. the walk was one that had turned so quiet that only an occasional hum could be heard from vidar. off key and simply out of thought, not contentment, but the hotel felt even worse. it loomed with a ghost the moment ' bach hotel ' came into view. a beacon of the warm yellow glowing tower in the overcast haze that had stolen the sun's light.  what a perfect ambiance. “ good day, ” the doorman said with a paid-for-smile and tilt of his hat as vidar stepped over the threshold with grace, a gesture that felt almost like a betrayal, one he'd done when he'd turned his back on them.  on her.  but this, this was the new normal with blond american president's sons and headline worthy pap photos. this was what had become of the occasional photo at a gala or outing. and it was getting worse. “ i'm sorry you had to see that. ” vidar finally spoke up with a crack in his voice that indicated he'd found comfort in the silence or maybe just not here on marble flooring with guests, most dressed in smart suits or tourist uniforms, passing every few moments to check in or walk past the double doors they had just entered.
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fkehppys · 1 month
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THE FLUTTER AND SHUTTER OF flashing cameras were left behind as the brunette and blonde walked hand in hand. silence filling the space between them for a moment ⸺ the fear of being overheard, their vulnerabilities exposed to unwanted ears and emma had felt exposed more than ONCE tonight. a darkened hazel gaze did glance back, watching the danish prince walk away, hand in hand with the personification of the choice she had forced him to make. but it was the silvery blonde's questioned that pulled her back, understanding filling her features as she realized just how little she herself knew of the BOY she had decided was worth spending time with. " no. " she paused, fingers tightly laced in the princess grasp. " you could never, EVER do anything wrong. " another pause, as she stopped to look at her best friend. " you're clara damgaard and you're perfect. " she mused with a gentle tone, the sort that was reserved for the girl who against all odds had become her TRUE SOULMATE, the one person she'd do anything for. " okay? " silence filled the space between them. " the rest of? it's just noise.. we'll figure it out. " the words were meant to be encouraging and a promise, because it had now become the brunette's mission to figure out exactly what the theatrics that transpired meant. " i promise. "
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          it was only when clara began to walk away with emma, distancing themselves from the scene that her frosty disposition numbing her to any reactionary response had began to melt, like an ice sculpture, slow at first but one drip of water after the next fell from the chiseled ice. her grasp on emma's hand tightened. a squeeze to acknowledge she was there too, but not even so much as a glance was offered until they were both past the flash of cameras and familiar faces that distorted like funhouse mirrors the moment they revealed a character flaw. something that was always there bubbling below the superficial surface, but only now had clara begun to allow dangerous questions to erode the picture perfect image of the man she met in greece.  who was he?  yes, the pearly white smile and baby blue eyes that squinted when he smile or laughed too much which all added to his captain america persona were charming, but who was he? it sucked the very breath from her at the thought, two children with a man she hardly could claim even fifty precent if given a test on this now illusive theodore white. but to have a panic attack in the middle of the street hardly warranted any future queen - like behavior and so clara's icy eyes for once held a weighted fear to them in silence of her own mental prison all while her cousin, vidar stood from a distance, watching the two disappear from around the corner with satisfaction far from any sort of feeling that could justify his departure. “ i think i did something very, very wrong, ” clara noted mildly, a whisper-like tone to accompany what strength had been lacked with eyes that never lifted from the cracks in the sidewalk studied so meticulously it was as if she were to draw them from memory later.
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fkehppys · 2 months
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𝑭𝑲𝑬𝑯𝑷𝑷𝒀𝑺, a private and independent writing blog associated with  𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆 established in twenty - eighteen . 
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