fitzandfoolbeloved · 6 years
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fitzchivalry, nighteyes, and the fool as destiny characters
my thought was: nighteyes would make an excellent ghost, right?
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fitzandfoolbeloved · 6 years
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Fitz and the Fool.
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fitzandfoolbeloved · 6 years
I never read that part in english... *sobbing*
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“All that night I cradled him in my arms, as closely as if he were my child or my lover. As closely as he were my self, wounded and alone. I held him while he wept, and I held him after his weeping was done. I let him take whatever comfort he could in the warmth and  strength of my body. I have never felt less of a man that I did so.“ 
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fitzandfoolbeloved · 6 years
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Beautiful! Thanks to owner!
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fitzandfoolbeloved · 6 years
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Bee Farseer and parents.
Keep reading
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fitzandfoolbeloved · 6 years
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Bee Farseer
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fitzandfoolbeloved · 6 years
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ROTE MOODBOARDS:   Fitz and the Fool 
I loved that man as I have loved no one else. I do not say I loved him more than I love your mother. But that the way I loved him was different. But if you have heard there was anything improper in our bond, there was not. That was not what we were to one another. What we had went beyond that.
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fitzandfoolbeloved · 6 years
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Fitz and Beloved. Sad sketch and sad story((. I didn’t want to draw sadness, but sometimes I just can’t keep it in my head.
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fitzandfoolbeloved · 6 years
“We approached the foot of the stairs. ‘I forget how to do these,’ I told her.”
Robin Hobb, Royal Assassin, page 307
(via bluejaywalker10)
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fitzandfoolbeloved · 6 years
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The photos are “meh” ;__; The original art is better, I promise you! Hope you like it! Robin Hobb © Lord Golden Cloak © Whitaker auction house
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fitzandfoolbeloved · 6 years
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If they’d been teenagers the world fucked with less? And if Fitz weren’t straight? Lots of ifs but lemme daydream please
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fitzandfoolbeloved · 6 years
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that’s love baby
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fitzandfoolbeloved · 6 years
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name swap
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fitzandfoolbeloved · 6 years
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I felt him give a slight twitch in my arms. “Be still,” I whispered. He prized his eyes open and looked up at me. His tongue sought to moisten his lips. “What are we doing?” he croaked. “We’re standing very still in the middle of an avalanche,” I whispered back. My throat was so dry it was hard to talk. “I think I could stand” he offered weakly. “Don’t move!” I ordered him. He took a slightly deeper breath. “Why are you always near me when I get into these sort of situations?” He wondered hoarsely. “I could ask you the same,” I retorted, unfairly. -Assassin’s Quest, Robin Hobb
I miss them SO MUCH
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fitzandfoolbeloved · 6 years
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Just finished Assassin’s Fate and of course a mood-board and drabble had to follow. Excuse the lack of mention of Nighteyes. He’s there too, of course, watching with a smile.
I laid there, somewhere between life and death, the fragile in-between trapping me with its eager claws.
I could hear him faintly, his voice melodic and sorrowful. Full of pain and love. I parted my cracked, dry lips and uttered his name: Beloved.
The fog lifted, dreary skies drifting away to reveal golden rays. His smile was as bright as the sun; his eyes were wet with apprehensive joy and unspoken apologies.
My forgiveness came in an embrace, tight and warm. We held each other so close it was impossible to tell her he ended and I began. Wasn’t that always true for us?
He rested our foreheads together, just as he had always done during our youth. A rush of memories surrounded around us, years and possibilities twirling and twisting about in a captivating dance.
This is how our story ends, his words echoed in my head.
No, Beloved, I answered. My lips met his in a tender kiss, sacred and full of promise. This is how our story begins.
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fitzandfoolbeloved · 6 years
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local man brutally roasted by his own dog
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fitzandfoolbeloved · 6 years
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if fitz & the fool cuddling doesn’t include nighteyes somehow then does it even count???
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